Ontario Reporter, 15 Jan 1853, p. 2

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BYE.LAW Nu'. 79. 7h protide fer tep oe f Goisin crtain ca.sc , i n carrym, ing oui thre Bye-Laws of thre Tvwshtp-of Wki*byj, ue.rs no Pn>pcrty cgçn be fcund te cover said-oet ansd for çm se. it-en*cted ly tbe Mminicipality of tbe Townu1s,îIi i1f Whthby, Tla.un al cotes wlucre a Constable utor acetfÃŽ cer lias uieted tîder lte warrant, pree P, or stmumouu-of anu. Jiussicê tof the Peace, iiavitsg j4risdfiction in carryiàog mb iffeot anyI of tise (i-sw f the MMuu;uiciality of tise 'Town.hiip of Whilby, auuti wiiccvolus isiui thave beau in- c ir reti, -.111dà Vlite stii Cosîs by reoson or ipo'voriy or other- witiè catint h eq recoverodati l-alj,&tsuds Cases t shalh bit aw- fal-t')r tle Treasiurer of tise maad -Tuwnsliiîs, uuinder ccrti-1 c-ýtaeor tlic actng NlagisiTate, to pay the cutustaiblo hie legal charges. 2usd. Amst lie il fmrtîser enacteti, Thintal al cases thse -Magistrate's certiîeiïute, statil laaccomlisîuied illsaniaffi- duit fruinssîl cotiýtkitile tir petice officer, thal tise saune is a just tutti triso accuil, untd thsat tise defendarul was convieI- ed o teenr. eef li vssaceusoclamti tisai tise tird of tIsea ilice %vas fiilhy aisd cuinjilelely carnued toto sifecl. puused, Ouit>u-xr 18, 1832. (Sinei)JAM»VES ROWE, E. T. IA~lSN Tuwu CKrk. To rmdt fo tse13YE-LANV No. TSO.îhu prordefü thes.drics and alouronice. of -rtain o-ip 1sit. c il eutut';d lv t' 1CM tii rîi1n>ii v 14 IlleTun-nalsjî Iiarin f or Sale, îLe Gtit Côn. of UjXBl1<1DG*E, 30 Acres of whiclt are cleared. and undtr- gpod cultivation. 'V*htte are on the Piemises, a %ood Lo Hou"e and Barn. For Pâriicuiart app)ly to Proprîitor. Wbitby, Jan. 15tb, 1853. 39-tf. N EW. GROCERY STORE. TUE Subseriber begs to acquaint tb. people of Wbîby anti ne-ighborhood.ý liat b. haq op:ned a Select Stock of Groceries in the West end of J. Ht. Gerrie's Drug Stor ul'ild- ing. wbert he wîll b. hiippy tu wlul uon Dit îhode Who may tavor Lim %vîb heir custom. Farnîlies wit! t>. aupplîed wsîb a *up.u jeu Ar- ticle Chespet ibau clstewhere. (1lAIIS.. MANSON. N . -OYS'lERS Fresh alnd good, by the Can or Plate. 14ai-in to [et. g (11 No 4, lOth Con. Reacit, 50 A~cres 14iniproyeti. Lot No. 58, ist Con. Vaughtan, 70Acres do, ocar Bichmond iih1, VneStreet. For furtber particulars ap- PI' b eC. Ml. KrLLER, Esq, Richmoud li, oi to F. KE LLER. Whithby. Wbi tby, Jan. iStIt, 1853. 39-tf. Fui;liv 81_e ase grief. A very appru, riate atidrets was Oi- Que i ;t tie, Vil:,c a 4u-m.arnis, drie;lic n -t. AnIre-vis Chsrcit. bLo-e wt imn a lI lU l , ,n1iluts t e PsLtîlof Ileelarial b> te Ber. Joiin coil, te a jtplul l'tutî0, i --..s'.soî ta-i-i Cunpielrrowded- aiuoiy, andthte meanctoly event r count>. IS.vutUckvy ersrî'ctd firei tits-ir usai- huis laens sîiuitiy referredtia10fron tte ,ul- ter. tui allr su..hîutUvîiht oruv, Pits cf usl tse other ciurcbes in tovn. A remuciied tIsis civ on tlise thsir 1 day aàftt-r Ith-y i of Godi1a passedto teais rost anti re- 1dm luhome. I li !m( day tit-y lodgcd ini t1w iWrd. Il dncgod asti fuibful uer- Woods, tud tIsluLu 0ritght camine ltyivtia vaut. entertou îmb tise joy cf tb ord." take tmp thehr lisse of mirehi.. On tht.ir vay -1'rtot3Qe.L titey 1artoockof but orie tîseual. consisting Ilt îaw- tacon, wkic It îhy took fins an oui- UT~î.f1ÀRll'. lieuse illcy fluui loced _ TteAmericans are sot aslecp about a lb wa% Ihvir d'i.wlen tisevygot blie-e sip canal round thue Saisît, entiour Gv te gel on boa rdti f iutcrais, anti g o srtis- erniuient sbculd look eut or te>yul be su- ward, but ttc>' Ici nisk-ed in regardt tt te percedet iniuthe great ébjecl wticthas beten time the cars titasteml, anti niufktise caris se repeatetil> urgeti upon titei. We tbiai caime in at i ngîl for tlisoe gviru- oui. take te folloin; rn hveat a Oit Wcduesday iht (one week ago ycs- per: terda>') tut'>'emergedti en tieir lisîngr- 4,-*Te important aiip canai witich is ta place, ainti uent tae tcr:iroat depol., unite Lake M .ichitîan, will soen be commen- wisere titer mas!cr iti tmlur frienîd awitvd ced. Tise sureis for ils location Lave~ themus anti asied vihi,-lui mnss tise trein gohsg it.en comipheteti.'lTe canal vili be a frac- .put. Thse tmme cars lind jui!t cmuse it ion h ian a mile in lcngt. Tte lais- vihîýi lte ruiavrutys str;r&p0 l Wvïtri, î~leaive. of (*nuigsts r o. i--tsaithuhe kiisitahlie Onse of Jute Çisnd, l' Ile- wrsts-r, 'up n ai leastQOt 2- led ctng anti 60 feeti indr- testrîn- tlie qu-ttutei 0,1, tt-st tie ue- .l.tmhe Mcsia Le-i slatlis-ù iaslirover lu wîtii bin, i tir- ,wOili ihtllin Isle car., etiluuge tite duniewusors. Vslueut euirletesh thati eaot te ti lt dmify fololume ' îltis ci aul iili enubhe-steansers of iti- iargetl h2u. - j ris a is n fron t uffulu o ele tc %%ai tie-, lie to,)k îsiaji t avcftisc dmpit,-auî ou tlite la!te itout an>'tauhisnst--t tilîru"tit uts-ni mb a siinali nro&Ch0wîîctor mpcs-tuthal it i I cwudsule ite trad!- grtr-ik-tti i>a t erltnus, Wýr ii-rt ut*tiisisînicus.- ýlia. in il-.>ia * twe vsars. -~ ~ ~ ~~Erl meilii îstt:.Rlt ~~ îttti, id.IJake lSu1têrior is tise larreht-and isi t in-. anti a short tinte ie ïs i u- iesv ere s4-rsr- uiceul t boyi* ofresis ater un tise moi-Id. rd b>' tieir caijîtors le im e rivera e ege neuur IL i a sea bu> itseif, tvitbs iî14nds largtr tisan thesatoer îserl;s,r' iiere a .kif wrss wtsuting 0t-r Grniaispi in-ipaties. In ttc ira>' of min- ,earsr theu a-er te Keutucky. le j4îce tluem cmrl vicalih, iàarlénowiedgrs no equal atsy- once smort- iuniondigre. wiere ;,iteto(ere ail titis weatt lias been Tise pirty lutiti uarly reacliteth ie skiff- land-iocksud. OwinX ta tihel'ails of tSi. il ia iusnhattve oloek ut, ni,sl-vlscn Mary, al hue producti of Lake Suiteriur IL.>' vere sud.Ienly atnecked ity a couple of htave Lenea sindereti andt axued, in order pcrffns vitht clubs, %Vite sicý.-eded ini kuiek- te reacethtie seapert, tuit il vas, alunioat ins- ung tiie hrce captios dovn and rr-acuing petaubue te unake tient pay expenses;'5Ttc lIte laves.'Thue neui day tise friendîs who contemrpliteti canal wiii obliate ail these ie tue iem ta i litmntonvt!ycd acrets Ilue ditcuIies, anti. enale thte copper diggcrus jý?,w liXforeu-s nfierwaAti f" Jý.I. royal" -te recit Nov York viti United 'States. -l.he tr> cf tc ae stise people i of tro . The canaTwie se andi the reoqoss lite>'g-il'o 1r leurisgtg ieir atit greaîly Ie our suppîy of fiais, Lake Su. uaSulr, vas, tisai vilsen Iheir old i tater perier iteing muore abundanlly sup;slict vils diei, tus matie. a claiisc in Isiis vii whiclu mthe finit> triteitan any- oîter partof lte liberatedti lb 'r .tvyen -tr, ivitàictit lie Re1ublic. tboey omrtayeti »done yc-ar lasfore tisey -ès- capeti. :Periapb il wcas s.-Cincinnsalit A PftSO~LAP~ AÂcz 0rT 'àt . A .rn.qiï'iersV y 0Uti.-e have sesunl man versions, by In~qurer ________Jewibt anti Roman auttor*, descriptive of Tise Labo3Mr. Frserof London. tise persoual appeti.suce of our- Blessed ti i. Wc se ntiosit i in a iste niimbrer lte su'- deemer. 'Jbse tolowin. Iportrait was dravin tien detituof Johnu ras-, Esq., cf London, l' Puiul Lentulus, tLe Remous Proconsul b> 'teev ortureinug of- bms carniage on tise of Judea ait te pcriod-of Our Saviour's -Goi'rict rend. Tîhtfolewsý itrief sketch cii-lU> pilgriuuage. We thave freqtsenîl>' cf tLe liFe of ttc dercaied vifI Le interest. befor. scen tLeý description-, but ilt iiters Ing te Lbis numercus flnds.:- soewevitsi rota te presenu, ratitcr in Ian- liras braitem atIn-eruses, in lthe sortisaguang.e veven, titan in substance. W. of %'cotIan4, 29t of Jtnuary, 1795, anti coji>' (rom "a, Lecture on Christian Art ves mierehre, attisle îsoiiod et hic lameeti andi appropriale Decos-ations of ite (Routais) tienisGft-seeusyeuua 4ag. Dseended Cathiso h C rch, according to the boit 1nu- (rom an olti and ti sifu>'sspectait1îc fâusulr, ilsoritiers, delivered t ibeLtAltos Librin> ýMr. Frabenreceiv et l Un adat age cf a Insititute, k.>'1. F. A. Lynch;" g' vitl weý liberai ediscatist lsssj I eqrnssaRoyal (0usd iitercstin'g, in 50 Ian as l presented Acat1,iY >, tin l- ' eutly at lise Visier- soeteinstrucion upon tthetlister>' cf Art ait>' cf hn' olsgA xrdcen, vivr e lie uiong tise lgypiiamts, thse Asy th-uîe -graiduatet i n 181. 'e rentarkaithe roli- ancient Greeks andthue Romans. gican i fis h% Tuinjdvýasti-i et, in ver> IlAt titis ime appeareti a mas, anti wio cearly litle , Qfeue t i iii icitofe iis ma- is stilIliving asti endewed-vitmingituy lern-âh granari lioler, Iivîui vtoun, in PRnss- poiler. Iii saune is Jesus christ. -lits sbire, it s t, - vea-% wvero eui nisubse - illsciples Cal i::im tise ses of God ; otitcrs qîsentyius. isired si(île: -thsue eamuple antii. regard tin s pa. poverfiui propbet. lUs lut-uce ni liti fa.ter, a uwnsof ti,i prohit>' riaes filue ceadta t lire, anti Ieals tise sick et asa a mur'isînt, anu1 rréreexcellence nsa3 -a er>' descripition -of infirisi> sa diseas., ClritislTtiotu ,!t o iini! .iitentietifer 1 tut mas is cf tofi>'stature, anid Wei pro. a Pl uetss,M ttcLbi",cl nf o)urlsketch de- portiiosset; bis enuntenance ila evere and' Voîcd it taii-ft cusuiperciali ,uruiuims--usnâ virtius, su thusi be inspires bbeltiers iotT -witb tihis Vý,ew, iass a fé ea.râanut Lons- wth fear anti love. Tise -bair of bis hetuî! dlon, antiabeues 'ttayrlliieus tisle con- is cf te celer ef vine, andi fouitetop o, tîneit o Eurpe; e Usyeîr 1818, liss Lis beatito bis eau-m atraigbt anti wioui - uzcecded YuIs l'aiiesrrIli b.-siess in -luter.. radiasce, but Iil descends fron theb. cra Le intssl, anti aise nssuussd tie îgency of telte stioulder* in sbnitsg caris. Fronsthe Perthtliaukune - aus fy. le enjoyeti for aboultiWers týe Itair tioss down lIhe itmck di- of Wisitby, and itiI. hereby eti&ced, TItat thereo shahi b aliuweti andtipaid- le tho e vçrel_ fficers alypoitited by lite Towshibp Contil',th ie thllowiug YearlV salaries and alluw- onces out t def bb ide and reve-1bss oef the Towusbiri cf Whiîby, fer the due. and faitbftil perfomanceand fîmfiÏuent of their respective dutili*as soch i e ru respetv.ly,,ihat tso Say#, To thé Treaniov'tise suin of £110 0O To te Township Clark thse auraof 25 0 0 Te Tthe Assessor te suintof 2 0 O0 To tise Collecter te surm cf 20 0 O TO the ÀAud ibers ise'su M eo f etch¶ 110 To lise Inspectors of Licences1[,eachi 3 0 '0 2nd. Andi b. il (rher enacted hy te àshorily atoreiaid, Titatit mitaI! aud nsay ho iawfîui forIlh. Treusur'cf tise Townsbip,.sud lie ij e eby autborized for bis own use to retain out of tb. gesenîmi.revenues cf ils.Townsb il> wbicli sali cone jute bis bande, thse anotiuties lary iteréus befuîronient iosed,, sud ltu pay ansusalîy lu theseotier ofilceru the nevcral andti piiecive salories or allewance alto hereiu, befoe resloneul.culet IIe like fuside, andt haottis Bye- Law,, uhlnl lac a suflcient. warraut, and authoril.y to tise Treasmîrer lu rotniu anti p;ny tb. midsajarieanti alîuwances, sncb salaries andi nlowatices tu be comptmted (fro bte firsi day of Jaîîusry 1852, andtalttis Byc-Law sitaR ho in turc* furthetisenet year only. Passeil, Nuvemlser 15, 1852. (Sigucîl) JAMES ROWE, Town Reeva. Tu7(w-ss Clcrk.- wuit lma difElut obs tacles ta encuu ter, if vie oni> eetabnace it. S&nce January lai 1852, lter. bave beea epeneti for operation in fle Unitedi State 2,2 miles of rail- ia>', makung tte viole number of miles nov un active serrice, 13,SI7. Tise art nev iun course of constructi-in 10,418 miles, vihicit wiul b. c9mpletd perhaps wiibin teueit four or fi'.. years. VTe wealtb titat tese hunes producos te lte country' by îwiicl t tey are îraversed is incalculable ; and mak, s us feci taI indeei we are itoiinti Jonathsan in enterprise. One linejuatoenei, theT'oie- de anti C levelaist Railviay, paiti $5,000 ior tise fiuîtsix tinys, andth<e contractera, Bas- ter, Redfic-W & Ceo,,ticclineti an offer cf par for tîseir stock, $ 150,000, whici thtit<- recciveà idi part paymint,-rpmarking tat the cas-h part of, Ëite contracu was tIse viersi part cf thsir pay ! Suci th ie ré- warti cf enterprise onlte otiter side of te fine; andi muciî will surel b e our-s the uno- unent ire eisbark -tu t iitit spirit. 'l7Le Il rtour et -Port Whitity is opens at al scssons auJ ;cý.rfectly safe, andi now thai thc rail-eni :J octeaer ti> i moutis of tise (;7encsco River ik completeti, a mo-.-i luctrative tuatie mighi ibc carrieti on Letwecn tise ivie ports during mosi ofthue vinler musntits, on the cumpîciiosu of the Port \Vliby anti Siurgeon lBay Rond. Dy TELEGRAPHI Boston, Jais. 11. Thse steasiip Anuerica arriveti about midtigh isi H lalifua. Newi York, Jan. 11.74 Theîte zîean'hip Bu/tic artiveti last crois- in;g about 10 o'cloek, tritti four days aler neye frens Europe. Breatistuifs quiet- prices neusinaîl> tiese mse. The Enicca sîteamsitip vient on ber se. coud trial trip te-day anti reluuetiaiout"2 ss~1c-iemati. 9 milesuns Leur agruisst tihe tide-tite wu*.. f( tcetes-prise is, considereti comptp. ARRIVÂL OP THE EALTIO. 'hisc6 Baîtic'> lefI ILiverpool at suon on Wetinesday, mise 29mb uit. >ite experionc- cd tliek veatiser in tise Chsassnel, anti a ver>' severe soitt-viee gale. Severai severe gales hadti recentl> oecetirreti on tiîc Englishs loaît. Many sLips tati starteti out. but weic retumnsng. -Lon-'o -, Dec. 28, 18M2. The Cabinet bas iteco tefistbsi formeti, andi, vu it te exception ual theis.lousle of Communs vili mccl m-nigbt lu Inaeci souacformai business, Panliaunent àbas ail- jeurnedti tli tise OIM of February neaI. 'fhe folowing, iist fumishs ~au accouai of te individiual memiters of lte new cent- Lord Aberdeeu.-Vrrçtieu-, - Lord Granuu4rtk-Lord 'Chancellor. Mr. Gladstoe-C banc ellor of lb. Ex- -ieqer. Lord Pilmersmrn-S.ecrctary of State for tise Home Departmuent. . Ird John Ruusdf-Secrtu-y of State for Foreiga Altalis. I Puk New VIatt-Secret rycf State fer tise Colonies. Sir J. G.raams, Bart.-Firs-t Lord of the Âulniraty. Ead i ranillt-Petident of lbe Cosma- cil. Dulceo tIrgyet-Lord 1'tvy Seal. Mr. Sydney llerbrt-*crctary -of. Sir C/sau. Wosqd-Presiient of the Boardi A brief telegrapbie despatcb from. Paris, atei te 27tb Decembar, ânnounces that LWniteur of that day promluloates bte - uaLus con.sultum~ modifying te conetitution 'hat document passed the Senale on lthe 23rd of Decemnier, and was presentedte 1 th Emperor aI Conipeigne on bte 25îth lq aCommuission. Thte folluw%,ing deeree n. publislied officially in lte Montitezr: IlNitpoleen, by thte graàce of Goti, and bhe national wlll, Empcror of thte Fi cnch, to alI present and to come, greîing! Leook- iig te article four of the Senattus Co.nsul-m uin of November 7, ratified ity the-îk-bis. cite of thse 2Isi anti 2nd of the same mnuîb according ,to wiicu it -appertains te us tW egulate by an organie decee addrès,4ed to lhec Senate, the order of succession 0tehI Ulîrone of the Bonaparte famul>, in- case we dionîti not leave any direct lueir, legitimale or adopteti. Wnile laoping- iliat we shall bc permitteti to realizc the wislies of the country and 4.o conlract under Divine Pro- vidence an alliance iviiih mili, show 15 tu, Icave direct heirs --- bein;. ithowever, unwil- ling tisaitlIhe Tîtirone conferreti on us by'tIse grace of Goil andth ie national wili, tonld bc left vacant through defauhi cf a succes- -.ion designateti by us. we decrec at folio W'.ï Article- 1 t. in ce"of our. Ica vino- no direct hieir, legititnate or adopteil1, our Well-beiovedl uticle .tceroine Napoieoisi3Bonaparte .n1 lhi frenaIdirect and le,,itirnate, Ilie 1n.ssue of his nsri4ewith the t'rinctss (tliariue of \Vurtemburr, Iron manle tu mnale, by oi. der of primogeniture, te - te perpi-tusi ex- clusions of the femnales. are appointed Iot suc- ceed %us. Article 2udà. VThe presenit decree, investcd-%witb hie scal of state, shail b. car- rie 1 tiste sonate by our minister of state, to be depositeti in its archives. Gitren at the Palace of thse Tuille> les, in îisi IStit day of Decembcr, 1852. (Signeti) NAPOLEON, (Countorstg,,ned) Achmille Fould,, Mînister r>! State. Thle Eîrspn;rr vas expec-teil te return te Parisby thse 27h or, Q8th ofkiDec., wittn it was supposedti hait the Prtussian, Austrinn and ti1ussîan ambassador. would present tbeir credeistials respectivel>'. A lelter to the Tirnes ays :--.Tbe pre- sentation and tbe reegnition of lthe Emper. or of te French will, itl is statoti, b. ne- Companictil witis certain reseteatîouî, m'Osl probably wtith reference tu tIhe nomeral attached te the tiLle of the- Emperor, aud the heditary power. M. de Kisseleiffbac audience of tbeiMinister for Foreign affaira %oon after bis returs t0 Paris. lie intima, ted a tiesire tisaI bte question aboutitflottlad istooteti aiaIl, antititat tererognitiot Sboulti ho sinpl>' of "Napolcan, Emperoi of te French.," 1 believe no object oi was matie, and' probably will net ha mgLde. It 1s officîally announe t IaI lthe Ntncic bas received i bs 'citera; and il is consider. eti that iii.> will be presenteti without. muci fariber dela>'. 'lte adviots froua Madiridi are tote21s1 of Decentber. The Quteen h md ceuipletely necovereti fromlber imii4osuîion. - M. *Joaquin FIsiro Del Villas- bas been appointed Under ýSeeuetary of tb. Pepart' ment of inace, andi JM. Landalace Di- rector of lte 'measur>'. The Madridi Gazette oet be 1Ib o f Decentber pubishes a cireular fromeintieuew Miaistr>'o e Itelterios to ltse previsienat Go-ers-r. their outafl; andi by Putti1g l.theshares a contemploted Sat Five Poundi eacb, th.e are foeif &DY$ , Wh would' b.unabfr, or woulduiot b. twoud tb coàtrWute te the1 enterprise. If thé AaUtanm of LAwer Canada cao biiild tàft&wdn aud uduastry raitroati for £740 per mile, (eleven miles 0f wbich is urougb a dffilcuit swamp,) what may Sot b. czpect.d, front tlb. weàky7 ajq& inteligent people 'along tbis route, more tIau equally as favourdubl-:u (suat frei the level nature of ts surface, inviting the Iaying dowrn of the rail. The Unitedi States haV'e more tItan 4-éb d - tkeir resourcet andi wealtb within te lastwtsiiy years by their systela of rairotds, any ofte. neessa. uily of the.moit ep"eniveCOns ion, from theý difficult ÃŽectiéns tkrouagh iwhiclî tbey hadt 1 pasa, but no obâtructions couulti impede the determîned mil of au ;nterprit- ~ing people. The aepabt ealb developîng o r mcunrei pete ssw ati ai Oshtaviafor'teat yean unteunts te £66,84-3 53. NWo rejeice me sec titat con- siderable cfrithe experts cf ttis i-ch seclien continues yet te leam'cltat port. We stali soon bave ours ready for publication accor- dingI le ,,the desure of tiie Freemdn, anti ire shiah give 'Port. WLiîiy scparalely as we dlvays bave doue. The Roug, -anti Frsusctsmaps' Bay (Pickerine Hanbor) Illc- pirts viii of course appeor ves ite>' are lorvarded ta, us. VTe Unitedti States Vce,-P"resitdent Coi. KCing is beonti recovery;.<Te Pisysir-aans tiave seuudeti bis lus i ut tise'stetisesseope anti pronounecone entirel>' goeia-rd the otiter neairly inse.hac basdnte bis \tillý fle irans bOr-u in 17q6 ; uvus 5000 acres% of landi in one. block in Dallas ce.-, Alahaina ant i Ias upwards el onieituntireti Slaves- R-e is. sai t te a bturnane master ati neves soîti but one Slave in lis lif. NstW PÀru.--Our sistes- Ceunty of fier, ptstil susts.eniMbesthe Mrus.IL i" elegîî>ge tanihy conducleti.,lbsauls along un lte greal tidc of Refoni, n, sd- ierust ils pont vili b. an auspicieus one.. 10Io ok upon titis as s preparaten>'abcte tise sepanattea cf Peel ,Tii etu-ra--AIt thepresent tinte (Fruda>' aiterneon) a beautitil (al cf anus" is grauiI ceveuing tise %roundi. Feu- tis hast weeic th. wbieiing bas beesi excellent, andi lau-ge quanutiies cf preduce have corne mb tithis umarket. .5OHooL TRU5TEsE.-A bte nnual elcîious ef tshool T1rustles in titis Townr ciu Vetineatiay 1 'at, Mr. Lewis Ilousck vas electet i 'acclamation. -AwnULLSspe±s.-Prior te lb.elutre- tiuction of steaintpower, cousis ene dravin News bas arrsived frnmn Australis, tglite &lluh of October, beîng 31.dayutlaber ilian te ativices previousi> ftciv ed. -:Alil ati- ciautions reganduuug itheabondtance adin- exitaustible cisaracter ofthelicgàlcl eposils continue- le be more tban confin5e4 ; ansd there can ho 11111e 4oulst bisai thekestimate~ ef a weeIcIy ~rtdiltion t t ibe rats of neari> $2,000,000, vill b. mainitaineti. New diïceveries are reportei in various directions, anulin eue spot, about ei,,htecn nileâ frons Melbourne, aud between titaf place anti Sydnoy, a locality is saiti&,o bave bas been yel dscovereti.- rIhe operations ai tihe place are stitedti t be like tiigging in a gartien, large peckets Of enDrMOUS value beiusg turneti up ýat a tiepth of about four féeet. IlThec arrivais of emi.grans frein Europe anti elsewlsere vibere were itecousmi; very large-about ý.5,000 p er.%ens- baving juhi lantieti t Melbourne in one wef-k. Great auxieb>rwas eousequenil'y (cIl witb regard ta lise future supplies of breadiuff, 'and- glour baaiareaiy. reacbsd, £40, per ton. PRANCE.i1 thse Pairot wniting maux cule of ithe towuebîp Coui eti frein tise Collcecter $6 te thse Ceuni> Cierk~ lte vii ST. of tast Clairk 'j vitation ,t-ssssb La1 un c1fbis-a in sl reformsinug1 Ts*a, 1837 C ti SUICID.-On Tueday hst, as J. Lumn- fen, Esq., Couneillos for Ward ,N1o- 2, Pickering, went ouit oun bis (aras tu gel a ntad of wood, he fouss4 Iiui Iireil wan-*hoie naine We coulti net lesa, susjende frein te brancit of a trcc, deai. UHe wai founti in a kneeling peiion,' (orward of a le; dà riticit b.steoti apparently while puttin; îthe rope round bis neck. fIe tati receiveti a osderable suinor mon'eyÃŽor wàrk pre- riou,.ly, n:ud-getting on a tiriuukinv 6tspree,," is s-aid m t ave baoit stelen ;,Ibis, and bthe lepressieon of spirits following an excess of drinking, is âuppoecd te be titecause of lthe eéarful -.act.-Since writing the abore we earn taI bbe ufertundte rnan's name was TORUQ<To 'SCIlJOL £LECTIoIIS.-M 'Lessio of thse Examiner, lthe tnosbt efficient man un bte wtole Torontbo $ebool board, vie art informect was defeabeti for setool Trustee in St. James Ward, by on. wbo is .iaid te 4-e hardI> able- to write bis own name.- The Orangrenen antd Catbohics huentietirespectively 1 b> Ogie i'. Gown, Aiez. Dizon andiotiters on lthe. e sîse, anti INlessrs. Elinse> Denier and Dr. Tramner on the otiser, unitet l tefeat, r. Lessie, Who a is ab-sent, àttendig lbe fu- nemI obsequm soflsageli motter. Strauge combinaton's take place sonmetimes. Tise contextiniu bis Ward was very wrarm., ant incorrigul deatit, we c ittdisc-rimia late residenc ià, iti us tte ty wise mol* quantiiy ans b. matie, quence. 10 arnest tl lav givsti te thieck il but carry or will nul, it anti a mure Accînsul as Mr. eu -out tivo W~ George strt inunablete Ou oto-nim u round the. cerner of G strceeLs, towards tise City au'alint an eupy ood vi a hrt distance ire.n breaking Ibis carniagei front il. -Thte mans vas il pirentir serieusl> liant,i minutes sîmsned and isi lîtihe wtile lue wsable. about. %W. understenti1 dues was Mrus. Cuasieri wasý, hsppilyv, ualsunt. i lady vinzsosmevibat sajut in Die 13w's Rýemiet Japaus %viîls lite United ' lier portaI, sl ho wôtl nui:tty. Titis ii% morte tt cf te annual exports ni leG ;ret brimain. Ttc 50O,00,00. The LEsut 1ln, off clIrsecoautt of Ch abouùt equal to tbit. (ift l'rss'sa1 and ifusria, or - of tise <_tato of -Ne vr y S .zei 1ý en tIdoa Tburid, Lean p)rsiclingy. ThLt tIse e- being cl>' 10 eri Morî%us,£s~,appears 1.YDt7sTYIAL EXunsuI rChiran,ýie le rnss us il evx1Ititiin tt it A prIl. Prizes are te b arctiiles are te b. foryw: r Ead7-y in Aprdistdie Our ctempurary. Ra vie stioîst tik. W.e )f a itux. - ýuomn 1 'filE REPORTER. WHIU.Y, SATLJRDAY, JAN. 15, 1853. Poirt Whttby m " St argo B ay, In te ever onward progreas of social anti commercial advance.ent,îbe consummatiou of iô object s bared7 attained art the cou- , ideration of another, no. less important té the interests of coIDIuaitT, or magnilicent ini its tiesign, becomes necesaary to keep pace Vwitb the. wats cof a country develop- ing its resources itbet'.rapid ratio of CanaI - Ida, la Wbi section particularly, -extending centrally from th.e shores of Lake Ontario to those or Lake Huron, favored with a soit celebrated for il* ricb productive -nes,& uabrokea surface tbroughout citer by meuntain or moras detritiental th ie l'a- bora of the huabandmaanansd peopled by a ewealtysad rapidly in=raWog population, it is o%'ftnwondered AItb intellugent nuinda ibat many years ag,à Raslroad Was -not contructedtlwougb ibis tract of ceuntry' 10 uoite te comter»ei cf ltes. two great lakes. , But fer Muy years tbe iacresaing snecesst>' tor a new count>' put of the ovcr, epepulous count>' cf York,iformed ouit cf Ibis Section, occupied tb. attent4on of our moat able publicenmen, sud left tbis other mnore fi uiportmnt considératiconfor a lime in obe>'- LnCe. The unIr object beiaug now bappil>' abtaincdti hé wbole vwuigbt and .DeTgyof 1b 1tepublie nsind eau, bp freell centered ,on Itis Miost importanit sud most necessary epublic acbîerement--tbe 'onstriîction cf a ,r ftailroad froni rort Whitb,ï t turgeon d B3ay ;,apd wa1bc lêpeoplewills uno haman h;qeney eaa readily prevent. Tiesetie btownships bordering tItie route are populous, îe iateliget, ad th. people iiidsti<ous, besdes lb.ingbessed wit1i a clmate as bealthy as tbiir aÃ"il Ii b; but -thiy are copartive 0. 1, in 1

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