Ontario Reporter, 15 Jan 1853, p. 4

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Laug .7t to ila ifoiii uts îugnote-.-- yO e nès ka trill-Whntmay tmurf,(p. 1be WeRtbercock, alter ail, lpoint>% ta the highest inirni truth, for it shows inan i.bat it A Pnrciou, i;.À - - -The man wbo ru- turnied bis neigîhbor's borrowed umbre1là, wu, sept,&deyor two agô walking iin coin- panj witb the' Young ladywbo passed a -looklig.glas.s witbaut :aklng a peep. k t-s ýý,,dAbjr1cre ngagod-they ought ta A ypQÉtg lady says the reason she ciuries à parawis, titat the iiun is cf the masculine gender, and she cauont witbstand bis ardent gIlaness, Aa, i4ýý4Wy bad au u naccoueable avec-, sion 1-0 ryeè nd neyer >could eat t In any forai. "diil f late, bey bave peot," She suid,"64to Makigit into( hiskey, and -I'find l'Cao, tiow and 1hen1 4worry down a lit- AMNor SENîe.--A mnan beng asIc- ed wea7he Ltnlk-ed te bimftlf, be'caudidiy aswer.d ; déBecause i like ta converse with à man of sensé. LAUrOITER.--Â eliearty laugh nca.ion- ally is en set of wisdom ; it shakes tbe rob- webs oufteofa man&a brains, and the bypo- chondria froin bis ribs fer more effectuaiiy thn either -champagne or blue, pilîs. fone ofthie Emperei-,ofiJapa. il sai totehave killed hilnseîf by iminmdirately laîîgbingr on be4a toit that the Americaus~ were gavern- ed wthaout a -king. T ~oîjr oi Li".The man who marries buppiiy. "di -iink our cbUrch will last a g'oed ma- Dyyear4yet,1" sad a wangh deacon ta IlàPagOr. "Isese hepesareyery Man W1stes"bhis mernings in anticipafing hi"§ afteruoon,,and lie vwastcs hi% nftelnoona11 iu rt-groing lits mo. nings. An incident .accurrcd nathfle Key Bis- Wlïi 5periaps wot'ti rgecoidin,-. The lli-GI,ure -as kr'pt by a mi)~ naincî Th~orpmou. IL3oniy &oîlplirgOii '-îvas an ahi ne-ro man ; t119-Y bo*lm live<l iu a miali abut near -tflic1igim-,uC. fOne eseninK aboît erkthr dîcoed a party of 4010e fliten o Iw'i~t Jnîiaî e leiîug upon thern, upon wih ey îliuirucdiately ri.ir.faî- ed into the o ' im'té Ortii itl Ilcin keg of gaira lîcuver, witli (le guns andîid n- munition. lFrein lime winddof hef li t- hous*; Thonupsota firid upen them scci cral Mimes, but the mnniet lie t*oUld show iîn. self at a wÀ.low, the gianees would bein- easntly riddled l'y rifle balls, aundlue ladt1c alternative but te Ilio clwïe. 'Jb'e Indiaut méatiwiile gettinfg out of patience aitrntic - iiig able ta farce ili., door siuici lmo ,o bati secîred, cletced pil"- cf weud, whic> being plaret aKain:st the door anti set ireP to, i us p osaf tine net Only burma t h'ouà the 4ooqrbut alto-seaCu ire (ta the clair- cate' coaducting fo bhe 1mnterma irto -thoicb I hemj'- ; son and flic negro were r.ompellcad t e trt From (bis, tee, tbey were ànlay> deen by the encî'eacbing dawmes, an-'i were tercedoti uide on 'the parapcf ival, whiil:h %5v ' imot imre luImt îlîtcc feet bins -dw il to a <>isend as froin efueod s.xo iîe two p opt lmAThe- Thse înniiihoxpsîn rs kaile, wiiplempon r ee bv- nil bialbla n i fenwhche iatii, r roae:ed 10 d the, nit-risn a f hc ()fic the b ay w ail pered, tekep an'm-lirot thilce hm>r, tbre ilint il.gl Iibbn hs e, oingte ndbi Srn atihe stryth at c.l yrong te b. shukitendmin afiteo- îok place ,i,,d à theg fght-hoi hh ht -had beenl fre rom te r leets' oabcn cu stron hess te t.In 50.an to [o produce a subsidteexof sh, JtlpTapo wma pe 6 rtn't iaîn eempt (oi» thi iuflui Iayc ofthe conIndinwf i t, tiw n. baing mJeft als e was otpellt so a- tht o rjo e sbsnce wof umraineep soditnei e n.. prô te-ed e bspotte anr ,nabid accurrelo, waco ey (oed théis bodyt tonth eepr on tope îutrieuî sompditancw hicham-edt m dàrn ; and i naily s kte vas niiied wiîb stroug tw'tue, and so id am to bring the Ue vithin hi& W)ieic a rope 4 good ase . as at- d haute(tJup by!' 'rhomptu a bieck', thîch being fastenesJ to __Lnkri s o m coand Càlt,4~0lNçFOî K(IN G& CIfUBCH STREET8, JOININO TuE COURT --YESuliecriber 'wdcitl oC a tli om Xparitjy, hins. i was ReclvtJ, tT ~ T > of1hisecuatorners and the publiceah ~ihmussee4th of anwr d ill Mon- O PT Ivaried Stock of day the. 7îh ai March, 1853, the T2oils on the he<d1wRtaso Rolad et i be torti flt6y =d6akesSo, sii. llaivc nud t&Large8t, t&Cheap)estn teBstasr Ilulf of the present Ratos. i lUT.. ' MR JS RV1?i0KMTEL, AL#O--Resoired, Thot the Harbor T6ila on mi 'iU U Cun$ini ato Lumber b. reducd tbOn. Shilling Per Thouaand m t AN»; L T " " WhiteC-na &,Exhibition Shawls lÎi4g<tu the igpetis t fNavigationAN ]Braige de Laines, J. RAm FERRY, Z e sln aines, &eetory Mustiwt Dresses, Whitby, Oct. le, 1858, 27? Sm Silkk -satin Parasols, %*ESTEJhJFIRI IMSRMI ONPANYO' IN CANADA'WEST. Not, 'WHOLESÂLIE AND RE'rýA1L. Zebra Tweeds, - Sumimer Cloths, PT E Subujrber d"msrssmsespetfully E av <w ecived oui' complete assortment of Nm Spitiia& Sumut t6 anti e to tbe lahabavet.otxuan,, American mtost ad the surmoundint Townahlpa, tha: h. bas been which,tion infspction, our ctltomer 'wiil id to be ompoaed of the Newest and, &o. &c. dulyàpploitdAONTby lb.Watern Asscurance onabie mateilaiadi8 mtVrl. liaving beco aelected wîth çreit care, and itop Prices a ,bade Iower thon say Wbolcsle <Company lt rg.*ulI. in Toronito, to take ro Iwe ba Bigù, iUkîFtah, anid American Markets, by ourse'es,,we <èan confidently at Str 'ih~the limits of the County Town. RIaÎka gaot MFeteM ost reaaonable terme. to the intioQOfo«utei5t andu1the publie, ae being thé mmsîtaahi4nabie, durable,' TEMA OW Ac, parties wlshlnq a uat' and remuneiatlve in. and choapaufi ' 11etRoady Mades Cicdiing and4Dry Gouds idCanada Weat. ?ilay 28th, 1852. 7t.amn fm7hv an amount not exleding Ont liunrdSharLo1 Tani,,4n itUs ra gee ee ted -With 2 - ------ - TenPo~~~~~unidsper Sharie, white oniy Five per cent OR NG J& IH9O TUSH 'ET ITG, TO UI DERo r Teniing e Saeare requre1to be Tp.a id~.~ IFSbscribcr respectfuuly inlortaspar- Tie BuiId ing, ibat h. is prepared to suppiy any quaatity cf soi WEDLdlH s Bndis Meflc uual Length. jàese Lath witi l-e found eheaper,can b. moe idIy' laid on,- and wil give better satisfaction An th. common Split Boaril Lath heretofore ln de. > AOBERT WIGMORE, No. 14. 5th Con. Pickering, 1mile Eastof Thomp6mn'sHotel. ÀAppiy te R. H. LAwIza, Whitby. Pickering, lune 16,1852.-1-m HOUSE & LOT FOIR SALE IN WIIITI3Y. TU Subscriber oflers for Sale a Lot, on whicbh is erected a NýrW PWBZLLInG Hors£, with every neessary arrangement loi eomfort and convenîe,îre. For pariculars as te t.erms, &c., anipiy tu, %Iithy, lune 19,182TA. TS10-3m. PURE LvEDICIiNFES,: Paints 4-' ii/s. Perfur-nris, Dye Çtu§-, .J-Hrse-4. (2att/e .Medicines, fiSchoot Books, Statioîîery, &c. ui' Saleut Low Pnrc£s, WIIOLESALE& RETAIL . "91 -hJu!y, 1,;2,of3tit. 1n1i&t AAy 20i sOt'IEH iJA Ni S11 sa.GERIE. Whafl ýy Q91h Jli, 1852.1-t NEW 9 ATSJ,4 k*.EW NATS!1 TJIc- Inhabitanc tk f Wbitby and nei#h- bourhuoj are irfurmt'dflat tho. Suhscrber haî uew îo0ibandî b isn.Ww UpyaUtesk. Con- andu-ERIm.aCAN H A - S. Also, the eebrated-Kosslnti Hate' rinw in such greatdiemsand. Gentlemsen isibing mg flai Em'poiiuin, wili see bhe greaf est asaert- ment inwCaumda. JOHN SALT, 'gr'tlnwo, April lt185i. 1 mli. GidOB111" I1IOTE4-L »Y E-E. WIle!Irys Guet acccmmedticn for TRAVELLRS 1 PUBLIC PARTIES, BALLS, Excollent Statiing. good Bay sud'Oa, sud atten- lare Hostlersi. Titi ~ .4ýG Nem-aeSàxCaaculsc ati evety lieveuing sutand oiniig. * STORE TO RENT. P¶I0 Rent in tbe Town of WAbitby for one, -or a terin cf ears, 11e- Building lalel,' accu- ý e b .E. ferry, ai used asr a generul lsotse b r îtees bein le tlnrough repair, location. favourable, and W lthy. e miiCufy 'Towen ortheb \ew Couîty,.offera, superior inducemeats tothese Wýbitby Etb April 1 A185ZRY Ne w Book Store BIO2KfLE, TjIONER, P"e Seriptur.'s ilotel T. B. ýriýfy e tien ai t < b ,t o i Stocke oj fn cvery deparlîni.nt ai là ýwiCatkl SCHOOL E payof *b3 :e g-eater parit orthe. ntock uubscribe, uniu Ïe Fc &y aboutit extend their opera- tiens te Lite'and Marine Inaurance. But shouid il b. tound ateceary ta eaati n a fuither per cent- age ot thé Stock stibscribeîxty days' notice wilî b. given previeus tu the date of payment. Mfl whkch la respecrfiuiy subïc rîbed, THOMAS BOUSTER. IJxbridge!, April 22, 1852. 3t SAW MILL, &C,; UESubscriber ciTer, for sale bis pro- per ty itad in PICKERING, six mili, tam Frenchman'a Bay endt twenty-1jve tram 'To. ronta consisting ar ONE HUNDRED ACRESOF LAND, on whîcb je a Firat-rote Saw Miil, 74 leet long, ne uprigbt and s gang of Circulai Saws for cut- eeg Lath, &c!.,driven by an overthot wbeel witb metsai Shaftus mndgearing, alil ftted up in the loess manner with abundance of water t.he year round. 'rhere ianà Coudi .cO1"I'AGE HOÛiS, Sawyer'is Hansses, Stables &c., on t he premigsa. AIl the building are Framne, aubstanuial, ard have been erecteit sithin the lait two yeara. Tbcre la 4i laige quantity eofinle on the land, aund auy quîanlty ta be oinained in the neighburhood <ni casq terme. 'TIME 11& TERMS if paymnent mont lîberai, ts the Subocriber bhs& nt her mattera requîrinq aIl bis liméeandt attention. Apoly on the preises te ROBT. WlV.G MORE, ;rcenw'<nxl, Pickering, or te the lellowing geui- tlemen, i: il. fi. LAWDER, Whitby, andi W. Il. FLL-, LO Wfr,;W Welington IStreet,Torniato - ;i Pickerinç July24, 1852. 1-f ADVERTISEMENT. W ILBE SOLD by Private Bar- gain that part of Lot 17, in the 2nd cones- %ion of Whitby, the Propesty ofthe late iarneb T.- Sommervillie, Esq, beaîtafutly ail uaid nu thp Kingston Road, netarly midway th. thriving couty Town otf Whiiby, and,O#hawa. anit comn. prixing a convenient Prame flouae, Oitbuildings. Barn, 13 Acres of g'ood Landt. andi a tatrate Orchard. Offers for purchase wiIi lie received util the lot of January, 1853. by R. W. CLARK, M. D. Whithy Village, Acting Truse. for the E.stasse Wiiby,-Nov, 13, 1832. ai-il Oshawa Freuman, to copy until fat Jan. 1853 GARD@ J-. W. C ALIJWSLL BRIOWN, CON1VBYANCEýR ACVU1VNTANT, Ocntrai 29cnt. Webl:m roILcttb. OlUec ati. reaidence South end of Chur'h Street, near Mr. less. Gouifil'aGrist Miii. U x 1dg , l th A tig us t, 18 2.I0 NOICE À&LL those hviug claimna agains the Esa- bate et the laie" sa et, Et., are requessed te bring ferwanm the-saie bythe rfJrmuay ermsuing forlilquidation.' Andt al Ihoïe indebtetý bo bbc catate, ate alto requeaîed te maire payints ai fie saine b, the aforenjentianed, ture, seaauto mîeet the denanisagauîmstthe estate, eîhcrw iseail o4titîandingdebtiatter thesaid irst cf aumur, noxt' 'Iw 0 fi befthe us~ro y amisor colletibon. CAItLEToN UlYND, SAMUEL COCLLRAS, JOHN TOOLr, £xecntors' PiekerÎin;, Nov.. 27 1852 33-t f - 1-OTI E. A Lpro iptiebtetto1 to caimut seul. thésainsbtso o.sguayott«icle ilolv oraccorassites Iluat date ofer tlb Olc ;rkotlb.l*Courtf WhbitbY Dec. 4,1.,. R.G, "UZ-W W w -te Subscriber, mtnt art requsameti tt i. »T naost Pusb- corted direct aubiqit tliem aoriïcesble ~ tAA READYIWADE CLOTHIIVC M Ea'aBîwn Heilawnito, De Check'd do Do lsck AlPara de Do Russelcord do De Princeaido do Do canada Tweede do Do Bread Cl9th do Do Casimeri do Bo % atBinRolland do Do Matoeakiii de Deo'Tweede tic De Broad Clotb dJo De Russeil 0.ord do men'à a ic lctluVets, Do -Black Satin do Do -Fancy Satin de D1*oliand -do Do Fancy do Do Velvet do D3o Maaeîltr de Do Barathei da MWen*'- Oioth tcaps, BO"'s du - Mn'sParis item id '4 'i il d4 id 4' 4' 4 1-2 0 - 3 4 1-2 2i 6 S tn101-2 ltderiBirhriut Dm ndrs, ' 4 BYsafiy Veste, D l do De Satin do Do Cillu do Do Tweede do- Do Casuîmere Jo Mofn'. Meleakîn Trausers, Du L-nen Dri do De iCheck'd- do De C'rdurey <te De Satinet de0 J)o Cassimeres do De Buckskin do De Docakin do& Beyle Drill do ,Do C'eck'dI do 13e MoleUkili de Doe CanadaITweed. do Doc assimero de Do Tweeile de White Shits, Linon Fronts, Stripcd <do BciderSit laund Shiîts tram 4 1-2 41-2 'a 4 4 id 2 6 Nelw Style fluslnesx Coats, fil il al steriais. DR« 'duîs'jr' DP.ie,s'u yard widle, frein t l'riuîs. 15sf cteors do do lé 0 icavy<;ingliais, tcdo eu é O Splouiiit Bornnet Ritlns, if Straw Bonnets, 'if I G loves, llosiery. Ribeons, Laces,, Edinrgs, Artii Flowers, $hot, Check'd , undt Plain Alpacas, Table Lrcs iit.Coîinterpames, Bed Tick. nut Teweis, Ci-pspd tMtraafrMunig tintanto' Robes, Caps suad Frock Bodties, vol.3-1 .3 Y GOODS. 10 1-2 Factory Cotton$ item 7 1-2 Wite' do # 7 1-2 SttîpoeitShirting, id 7 1-2 1Cofion WVarp, id 3 Lsstie , Sisys, d 8hawlas, Handjkf»chielisa sd,&Veclc-tics, Cap Frontsm, f'lslins; Nets Collars, Silk, Satins, &c., J i ->r Cmoctiures, i3eLaineg, Frini',. Glimps, Trinîminga,_ -~ Barezr. Dresses, STo econd Preice. BUR-GE SS & LEISI-IMAN,ý Corer of King 4- Chturei tiîcets,jai»nn tte Gfe~ lu,.. 41-2 41-2 2 1-2 31-2 41-2 4 1-2 6 MRe HAM, Attorney andi Barrister at Law, ÀYX) StoU IN PCiIAN-cERy, NoiTAitiY PUBLIC, & COvrBYAitCER,' AT TUF, OFFICE-ai J. HAkM PELbRY, E5Q, Nrlson %tretl, a few Dors ¶eriheoflng Street, ncarly appotîte PtATTYS HoTrîLp and within bali a mîinutel# walls of STbouD'S. Toronto, Apri.110, 1852. 52-1 Y. !ai'mcr'. f-latl 4r Stoc k inourance 'J' 11E Subscrîher baving been appentet a 4GQIWT foi 1h. s heve tCemfpany, yul, et bi tnes, ho mmmcii *happy ta receive appîctonts OrInisurauce. Coiurtibus, A prîl 29, 18.52 4-1, 'THi 8111Sberibc-rs desi rcaa tio learin@ DRY <G00DS, C LOT N1N G 1 GRCERIES BoOTs & SiffES, M. To lue remity tor Iheir Suai xoIhwivyae bave detemmnin.d to eldiai priées ve7r 'mchu re- dgaced. 'feërsans hsvluç a tew &parc' D4,114r0, viii finit a sotenifid inteatent blaudani it at Iboî Qiitfi Late Red . HOMPS they a,.8 aieK z BnIDKS BRICKS By the beinnidJ or1iJ1 fJuqN ell xt, .%ata the WHITUy & ()NTAI R YARDSinuWfRT]iy VILLAOS 200,000 [o 3)0,000) Socà il 9Or1 mon Bricks, , of First rate QîîAliîy, and at a Low Price. * Par- lies about m iî ing lu fle Villagre, where lhe Bricks iare to e i rawn ýoni,' s short istance, wil tivm'dlt fuly as chtp te build wlth Brick as Tuber., Frfurther itarîicuiats a ppty te Wiî4,GAIGJF o 10CaanS .Dny Hzu.ecx CORD WOOD, Wmnted t the .Bauca 'Ln. oryh Cash yli b. pad. -£o o hc .Whltby, M a, 8,1882 4-tf. AUSTURA AUNE 0F AiPACKETAN . 1ULPPER SHIPS. K N The attention et the Canada Publia is respect- fîaliy invited tlth.feîiewlyg LcuLerý, Irc DAN(- EL U()Sd,, Ejq,, cf QutJbec, as Rn assurance that bbc N<ew Lin. uti Fackets anti Cippers frein New York te) Ausîralia, a4vertited by Mzissasg. CBOCKER & WARREN, oft28 BatoLOiwàY N. Y., are equai ta th. ststenients made by ilueir ed nîstier b y exptcioration, i Change in the breathimg and rthe very best madiesi mmen ýf klàd sud perrowing frienda ld to-giv. theismalleât roee ,fferer' re s i itnf fbloud, Cough pt it i n eh." Edand About 1 000 efaiunuttairaculous cures perfotrn- cd by tais mnémein, tram morne fthsrat Doe.tors, Clergymen-sand Merchants, have been sent us for this moein, but the publication cf thern tecks ton much litre Quackery. twill show them Ie ani persn calling at outroffice. j This medcne wi Il speak foritze!fand enough in itsowntavour wher.- ever it In toied. Caution.-This medmeine is put nu in s large botte, aud yen must flnd the name et Cornai ck 4r Droitier, Prprieors, New Yorlc1 en the splendid î% rpper aound the bie., AUl rdera mut b. adiresci te Caurt ck Àj Brother, N. 9, John St., NO WYork. Remembernd neyver buy it, unes. yen fircd the naine on the wrapper.1 CAUT ION. Beware et a danirerous Counerfeit oftheb CHERRY 4 LUNO~WORT, and -he JUNVO CORDLL. and CARL TON' 8 FUNDER OINTJiENTad, RING BONE CURE, offe- ed for Sae at the Drg Store, andt remember anit neer buy these artile, in Wàitby, ony of Wu. LAIN, at bis Dry Go xlsore,and avoudthei coun- - the P To Ownrs of aW d Dealers in re. m CARLTO NS FOUINDEB OI-NýT- Crt *MENT, lest 1 Fr the cure et gouner, Split Iool, oof-bound the f4 Horus, and contracted and Feverih eet, Wounde PO BruiseinthelFlesh, Galied Backs, Cracked fleels., al on Scritches, Cuts, Kicks,Ikc, on Hese. su Cauiou.-Fiud -the naie f.T Crlton Cer- Rh eckon the wrapper,r nver by Cariton'a Hrse diate Medicines. S CARLTON'S RNG-EONE CUR*E. C For the cure et' ing-Bon.. Blod Spavin, Boe 0ve Spaviri, Wind-galls, andi Splint-a certain remedy. Ahw C.ARLTON'S- COINDITION PCW- &o DER$- FOR ýIIORSES AND lr .CATTLE. t The changes of wather and seasn, with the zr change of use and feuèd, ave a very gieat effecti hati upon the blond ana sinuets fluidesof hres. Il is monb ai these chanes theyrequiro an assistant ta nature te throw ofF an y dis rder cof ti i uts et' ithe body l a tlat may ave beenmbibed, and wich, if not a- tended t, wJii esulfit he Yellow water, Heaves, ii Worm, Batts,&c..all of mhich wili be pteveried tor, by givng one f ih ede powd ers, ardui wli al auy rs 1Ime cure, wenan y symnptes of itiaase appear, Cit if usd in iime. They îurify theb blue remove sold ail inflammation andI fever, loosen the 1 8 1lu, leanne Plact the. watr,,sd invigoratc the whoe body, ealig tweec thein to do mre.work wittheIbosane feait. The dtay. action of these powdera is direct uoin ail the e- te wk cretive glands, andt therefore have the' anme effect Fu upn the Hore,îhbe Oi, tbé A sand ahil'eriuver- whit eus animal-sl[dseasrs srisiug frein or Producing -lin. a ait tate of th- bood,are sepeeiily ctreit by thernu Remnember aud aok fer Carftjuls Condition J>uw- Day tiers, snd take no otkeis. hi. s CARLTONS ERVE AND BONE vre LNIMEINT FOR HO0RSES, at Wi and fer lie cuentfail disesuesol mas orbeasîthat W.-1H req'iro exterruul appicsinî, suit for contractPd cordesund muce, si renchens teak irb, and ii E Isa uied forstirai, ruiss, addl. gali siLtllod ar e t res e ail k ind sie h rxes. i Cariton 'î articles f r ho res andt raffle are t C' loae pareil tuI thetcecipe of a very celebi aed Enlitb HuIntO Farrier, suit will cure', niutey-rmne times ont ofel da one h,înired, an yf etti atiove cempiaint s. They nec have heen'used by fermer$. li Very -men, stagepfo- Reint prietero andt othere, wîîh the most marked add de- cie.., cideitaucces. -w rapj CJUTION.-Nnne an b. genuin. uniesa yn neer uidth nu a mne of J. Carln Coisto< aon fle w rai.- as Uicý peet f -pu b attle. i n ai ýDR. IILNE'S DB aèche. It is with roi mend it as an infali mnsy injuxy ta flue tee CA RLTON'S L. is now uied ii private practir ber ofi ndividi ,inly fer the et dveiy and e&c' wbere itssecube oallowinc cornî or Drop;y--Gz Ice. weuinIs--Rei leurnw,is-A iar n'rut-E 'rotsp aind WA the chesi. 111 Bruites,. Sp bauts. 'res aned bce- iing, anit leve, x opcratian Ulie bheurnatie s0.gel tues& nf the ch beinsurptiaing rem arli ef tboi 1 me ats like a COMXSTOCÇ'S VIE Tiuiîs th. Mostextraotdinii ever iîaed; it effeetulî, cri bathatuîtiand chiltiren, Itc delicate iriantorstranges: ad' cnnIpletely rooîoutand destroe1 The cost, 25 cli. per bottle, Pi ali, and mil parentsawh are w exposing theives of their C J#traeri f aiyub, là Wea n9f». f Coumtock 4 Brother wrspper of eadi batile. ou e erapper af iioa.-Al of the only hy CemSteel :e, dirctly lu test en Blarclayqn 'e ,.uad one Bloc k Ire hein' ail erdera mui 'or Sale aise b,' J Ïby aud Fartf erry, 014unhij, in W7îiWpb Geen, STrci. Re Store, if yeu wisb ýk,bY Comsftok & B MLA ING'S Dry G .GlitB3, Calumbt CAU XTRAi.-Aieof i ;oid an! iin Oshawa eby Moi<rs B~ay, lN munouut tare wantc children te thone rm."1 Look for r, propriebors, o PIlEI a-atten- ouple er mne afey lande S COAL. suie 1 ý Ili ý larbrr- & 1 - il.

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