Ontario Reporter, 5 Feb 1853, p. 1

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- - e ~#*. -*'n.rv*.-- -r~ *- - 4 s NF Sf OuNrîs LiUBLISIED EVERY SATURDAY -MORtNING. * TZN SHILLINGS PERa NNUM-IN ÀDVANUE. am a oe a u ad thhak iothing I85 Ite"-UIT. erC. TEV8ILlG V-O L. 3, IITB, ANADA-WEST, FEB1JAIR'Y. 5I88 _____________ I 1 , Q 4 1 W Q £1 LLJuzI t' 1 FOR ALE OR TO1(1LEASE. 1 111ï-i ii -s i£U~r-%e Imlfkt OR %would.ire Exciranges! fer a Ferai, a ver>' desirable Mercitant t,ý-ore 37 by 30, witi *a ctood Sttnz Rroon, Kiicit~n ana Io Bed.. rooms ra gooe. Cîllar 20 b>' 3Ù, Store flouse anud the lot of ground. Titi Property is a corner La. *and weIl sitiiited for buainu .s in lte village ot Columbus. Posaession ca ie given on te 20tlt oi May next.1 A1SO-An sdjainiag Farus for Sale. N. 8.-MONEY le Loan. Joint Notea or Nloîtàagea bougitt. Terma easy. -THOMAS CLARK. Coumitus, Nov. 13, 1852. 31-tf Wild Land to Leas.. FINWE Sîthacriber' bas A FEW THOUSAND A-CçREs ai Wi 1,1Land tl ase i irti teflos- ing Towîîshipc, Reach, Uzbtrdçe, Noflk hG4villm- be ry Bruck, 77oroit, Mara, Oritlus, Tiny,- Thy, IV, awasraga, Colingwrood, Mîi'ipusa, Eldon,Fee- Ionp and 0ps. 'lTe moulaof ihese lands are of lte besaI qualilY, and will bc leased for a ternu of frora live to seven ypars .depending upon titîsituation, in lots oft11 om 20Oto 100 acres each,toayone wha will chtop, clear, and fence. in a good and vork- mdrili ke manner, %% ititIhe st ac 1time, aquanîity nutleq Irshan 201 acres on escli loi. AI I letteris. post-paid .desitian informition con- cpriing ntay of te part icular lots in eititer efthtc aboretownsitips, will beans-,wercd witoutdelay. J. T. BUSH. Whithy. Jîly, 1850. 16 WilITBY AGENCY or TISE i-e 'i -I '.4 i. .1 pi. * 1.4 INL1;VV ~U UIfl5 lu addition la former uxtensvm importa- tim, th. Subsecber ias justl receiveil FPRESII TEASY COFFRES, TOBAVrcosi CODFISII & HERRINGS, ALSO.* LONG RICIX SHÂWLS, MUSLIN DE L41NES, FIGURED LUSTRES, PUINTS, ALSO. A -NEW LOT 0F CARPEN- TE-IVS TOOLS, &c., . TrHOMAS DO Wlstby iSth-Nov. 15. - 32- tf CANADA Western Assurance Comapany, CHA.RT<iRED ]BY ACT 0F PAItLIAMENT,, Capital £1,00,000; in shares oi £10 eacit, HIOME OFFICE, TORONTO, On Wvcllk2gkm Street.-opposùu die Coot- me-rc,ùuiBank-., President, . J. C. GîLcOR, 1E8Q. Vice-Presideat, TtorilAs HAWORTH, E341. DIR ECTOIES. C7eorge MNiciie, W ilIenler-son, Jamies Beal>' Rice Levis, Hugir Miller, A ND M. P. Hayes, John Howcutt, Esqs. Sec'y and Treas'r, RoB'T STANTON, Ea:q. Sdicitor, A NG us MsRiOEbq CHESTE R DRA PERt, Agent, Brooklyn. Dec. 4., 1852.34 NOTICE. miy bse on..tidduy o cac..se îfl'ecting the TEWII o.R GTJMS, *Artfifiai Tecth inscried on GoId Plaie or Pliot, jFroin one to an entire Sett. OMCt over Ma. L.VIN<o'uS voRE, cornerof KiNGi and Simca E Sîrtets. Osh%,.wi, No v. 1lat, 185 1. 30-ti. dta M b0oail NVOTA Bf Y PUBLIC, Commiuiiseir oft ite- Colir of tioeen's Beach, Convegancer-, Dr-aug-htsmane ÎSSUER OF, MARRIAGE LICENSES AND ACCOUNTANT. Offce near the Court IIoue Vfiage of MANCHESTER, Tu*ns-hip of REcii, C. W. Qt b. C. THOMAS,1 CON VEYANCEa iANDI -Connissioncr o Qtcci's Benceh For aking fit;,ia BROOK Li N. Brnriklin, Sept. 13. 18-50. 212tif- *LAW OFiCiiE. J . .MACO00NE l.LI Attornev and Couzsolor-at-]Law, SOLICITOR1-IN-CHANCERY, &C.,&-,C. &C. If 1TJB Y. CA N 'AD A W IE1T , etrOlfce up st tirs river the Chequered Stcrre. Yaz'i 1yired Attorey at Law BROCK.STP-EET, WIIITBY. INSURANCE OFFICE. 'J ÂMNES WVALLACE beg tàl inîinate that hi haue hc.n appomrted Agent for the nd ihat he is pr--pazred tri talke risks at thp ordial, ranches of aid Companty. Whîtby, ltSeptemher, 1851. 21 -tf. WORKMANBROTHEIRS & Co No. 36, Ring Street, Toronto-, WUIVrBY, C. W. LIl. SCROFIELD) & Co., IMPORITRS 0F BERITISK IlINtJFAUfURES, ANr) DALERO IN WIIOLESILE AND aETAIL. Whithy Vllage,June, 1850. C A RL E-TO0N L YNDE,- WHOLESALE AND RIiTAIL DILER IN T84S, 'I('t'U', RICE, PlPER MAtNUF.ACTUTRER'0F SOLr, UPPER, AND HARNE-S LI'ATàER,&. Cîxih paieifor Ilides and ,kns hq t Oats, -Pots and -Pearl ,qsltes. Wiitby Village, 7th lune, 1850. 8 14vaneezcil nÇoninmenuof etAsbes Io Y~HSuhcrieri. Prepared ta make 'J-AOA NESJNCASH on POT A N D PEA'LASEScosined to Montreai: ROBERIT H. LAA'DER. Port M"ýhitby, lI August, 1850. I W-edSKEY ! WdIKEY! SBARRIE LS PUW-T Du VER %VWl is- ""key for Sale. very low, by- JOHN lMARTIN & (10.1 4 reti Whitby, May 31, 1851.- J. MAaRTIN- &.Go- LIGIIT! .LIGIIT.19 JU$T elep ileto >' LAM? STORE (adjotaiag rie Ding Store,) ail aee tic varie. ly o1 Glass Lamýpau; Higparor #tatad,and bdroeip Lampé -an&M if leu purlt'e ans! ire notlwatiéfe wft ithUe ceuifert ans!eeiow th l e gumon ltih, yen Mhave iihei:>'ttuîn'îajther Cailes are dear *nd-dtry, 011, Lampe aure'à regular pt, 'Ystiiëa' isîthebut., -ntbemFstï- bérnng rwi«ê, whicb-fot r nsIii- qcyebaapneaa dpann ui tbueqae. JA&MES H. GERUI fat! >'preorpe Aprooe abalgmol fr Oaelatre, drvn a vor 40 B eun ryudM bl u I. of'Aù!, x ià2-1852,. 1- " JVesi ern" ./ssuraace 'omtpainy. llO.NI' OFFICE .. ..TORONTO. Capital-£ 100,000, 1 N, H ARES tOF T RINPOUN~DS LA CH. - rfI's COMIPANY having heen duly orginizcd, scrordinz a Inte terms of ils 'Charter, us prepare.d to'isste POLICIES agataît 1.055 or DASýIAGE liv FISE, upon RlEAL or PERISONAI. l'J«)PERTY of ail kind,lso nasA favorable termas as other responsible Companirs. The foi Io ý i r - gent li'mrn compoçe lte Board nt Directori, ' î>enain's are a suifficient guatane thal te luîîsîne". tîaîîasacrtin of the Company wiîll be conduc;ed on the mosat honorable princi elbi, viz:- e 'ac C. Gîlmor. JHîtgh Miller, Thomas Hlaworth, NI. P. Ha ys. G.eorge Mîriiie, M'm. Henderson, James Beaîv, Rire Iewis, and' john Hlowcutt, Esquiîres. I-aac C. Giltuor,............. -Piesident. Thomas H aworth - ,...........-Vire-President. Robi. btanton, Eq. -- -- ---Sec. and Triaà. Tite undleriined havi,îig hein appoînted Agent of te above Company, m illI rive personal atten- tion ta parties desirous, of effr-ctine Insurance. JAS. WALLACE, Pire, Liue, and Ger'l Inaurance Agent. Fehruary 5, 1852f8tf VALUABLIE FARMNS FOR SALE .50 ACRIES of thre front partl of lot No. 57 Iât cor.. VAUG HAN, 20 acres improved un- der gond fen'.e, and iKoa i8h state of cultrvation, wîit a 'otfortable Frame> Dwelling Bouaie and lîarn. ajroodwellofwater. *A acier lailin; cîreara A lso 80 acres, te front of lot Na- 58, 1 st con. VAUGHAN.65 acres improved with a Deln flouse out buildinîgs, young orchard in full bear. imt. good s-eil of water &c., Titese Fàrms are iîm'uted on YoNGaa-avar.avT, 17 mîtesi frnm Toronto., ta the vicinity ai RICH- MOND [HILL. AlIso, 100 acres titi outbal folot No. 4, lOtis con. of Reacit. in te new Cnunty ef Ontario, 50 aères unitet -rulvation, with a log Dwelîing Hanse and bain, youttg Orchard, a neyer fniling Spring Creek. Also 1O0acres lte west halfof loi Na. 7, 121h con- of the said Township af REACH, lb acres im. proved, a permanent strveara of water crasses said lot- AIea tite west baif of lot No. 7, 2d. con, UX- BRIDGE, 30 acres improved, wit Dwelling Houai and tara-on te premises. There i. a god SAW-MILL in pesfecî wor-king arder vitir a sufi- cient a'îpply of water, abundanca cf Pine in lte immediate neizhborituoaand withia 18 miles frora a Sipping Port en Ladre Ontario, te tvhich ihere ia realy accesa by cood rondsai ait Siasona. Also, 15 acres on the adIjoining lot, aifl improved and weli feaced. Alao, a smiali Dwelliaoe Roua. and lot in ttie VILLAGE .o! BROOKLI!ç in te Teowaship ef WHITBY. Also a Building Lol in lte VILLAGE of OSH- AWA, inilte said Townsilip .1 14îIITBY. A Li tepreceding property, forqtiatity and lo- cation j i' tfte muai desiraitie ciraracter and vill hei dspaaed of. Tramis tomniipurichasr, viicit can hi ascertained on application laýC. M. KELci- x.cit Fsq., RICHMNLOND HILL,tor tt ie S-ibberi- ber ià the VILLAGE bi OSHXWÂ. 1Ail appli. ca.. ina, if by lettei,- postpmid. F ELE Oshawa, 9th Auut, 1952.** 18-tf. * Noîrfolk eeug r tdcMpv DRY -GOODS..;' liroceries, Bar dWire à Crotkery, to b. hsdl aI the cheapeat raie, il the- Emerald flousel Ewa Wîndaorx, Nv.isth, 1852, 32.3m. afor saé ee'ap" Whitby. Apiil Ibtha, 1852. - - iL 1~I~Sî'orber l8 nwon. haud, ti GILBERT B. W1-EK$s rb1tb~J~n3.. 181.Al c". or ico 1a~4tl~, Tel]ime net ùtit heaa* Mr558 Titat bic dritca jineo*î!týBd baie; Tell me not bis bia-b là Mible, .Tbal hie pariutagelàiv lb i. bonest in bisà tOs l'iis is &a 1 vat tO W. la ia verdIte b lie ipal. 1 Ras bit ebiracter s»> bliens. Titen 1ctrs nt ilhal e-boa- Titen I1suk noltena hi.nau». Would hi fer au an umjuat"o Tura away lits 41ueosi* yi «*ould ho, Ibmu. 466fu nbi Sooner on titi saÉ1s-te Would hei cpead bis itard-paid eamaings On a brolter in distresa 1 Would he auccor te affiactedt And lte weak one'& wrongs redrîsa '1 Then is he a man deserving Of my love amy esrnin And 1tarenot hat is birth place ln the eye of man may seita. Let it ?se a low t1îatcbed hovvt: Let it be a clay-hauit cot ; Let itbe aparisb workhouse- In My eye it matt.erafDot. And if otit. wiIl disan 4ra As iiiferior ta their caste, Let t hem do it-I'll bel riend bt. As a brother to the tast. From rte Hamnilton Canadian. A Talc of the Trait and Lon Comipany. Il a ipeor nian, and net given te writ- îngr. Bu, 1have a st4Mr to tell of thei Canada Trust and -Loan Companiy, which 1 think it my duty toi tell, ail whicb 1 vill tell, boping the matter wiii excuse tii. ma- ner. 1 ga ve a rnertgage, soe years age, for £300, on property nov vertn £800. The mortgage fell due, and front elcumstances, ,which the public will net care to know, 1 ovasunable toipay. I trie4o brev itoeu the. security of my farin, but those «vho had not meney Ie lend, of course couldnt-and those who had, would -net, uuless they got mort thau legal interest, amUis tbey were afraid te9 taire more on a nortgage, lie7y weuld'nt lend aL. al-theyuadticy coud get ten per cent. by buyiogmàoufges, ad Paturally refuse4 te tike as vieu tltey could.get more. ÇNote,-wlp-gets hemefit fro; te UuryLAW4 1If they had not &ta-ed ma> neighbors in the face, uad frighî- *nei tireu, I ceuld hatvo« S"t ~ at and savea !yelozma --.s. hour, and my family froni inuch aftrety.) Then, I .enquired àbout the Building S&ci- eties, but vas toid, tiat bough commesn money lenders weuid s/use 'me, they Would cia M'y tbroat, and se I kept out of their. way. (Note-My> neigihor James Dutten, 'vas in one, and uaid I <id ite rnght.), My creditor vas -a bard Mun-he knew I was spending aleepiess niets in trying te bit on smie plan'of payingýbio, and drag- ging eut mnserable daysq trying te carry eut the ideas of the-Ëight, but be prèssed me close. .First qame a lawyer's lette., teliing, me thai.t 'te mertgage was ta be 4"fore- closed" immediatel>' in the Court of Chau- cer>', unieàsI paid it. MY poor vif. mmvw it, sd-butI1 o't sa>' aaythimg -of the dread Ibis tireat pvt me is.' ý]Prbsps -we wierewcak, and letlMrsuc.hr iaw sheuld-but the idea of logiaig the. bomors Pi my famil>' vas ver>' tryin1. I. reîteved my ererions, bat eaeb day eniy, added anotherttei.long bstof disap- çcînturents. I w&% soori pot ipto Chancer>'. tried barder Ilian befereî, but sIli n00l ceuld b. foturd to adit 0i. oe' vas soon in thre midat of> 8ubpouSm, Bis, 'Warrants, Notices, Interogaions, De. Crees, Deferqýuces, andi utier ima cbisery to ofas et reeedigi, a. insgel d a s tare pie-lias the. web an whieh the s*dcr-imbpda hli-itim0 and my prospeels bce.aiu-i. oo e~y,-»my spirits vere fastjvtpg ýma __'Ilims dpboest.*ênt' wanttoi pay,1,1 aboutdd!lbavefft1 eubit v's'nt disbest, and I did ver aziýW vwant' to' pày. 1 béeaim unfit for4ork- tm' Seig *f adpnee s'iè- iagas~ #y veInfe wutmif*mpeuL Mc amij end thé ter Moç to vu ai~ w A ppraiser's fée, -1 S- O Postage,G26 Depals;£327 ô5 Ameunt of Draft on the coin. 1 mercial Bank, £334 155 8tX t~Éf~t TUAi. i0., 42, te ba marriage, FitzgeMadsusfaindla qned- chanels,butbas! asocilt9àles! bitatô tit' drimsbop, ands" item, itreat d¶tsto- Yb"a been lb. pnneipoi agent briogittg Mis lu lb. avfoi situation n nv ccpisThe. de- ceasedl ias left-no cirldern l tO M 6ev U.# Witi Ibis I1reeiies! tir.Solicit0e orslilg ot wIt aJsgpr, n or, a~r sud ber. it is To the eiuLto. Examlnatios of Abstract s"d Registsr'a certificate ofetile am aidvertiing hhereou £2 10 0 Bond, 0 5 <0 Meortgmge, seath P4ver o et ïl ;o ,&,- ; - 11--- 1 10 - A~davtifor *ati.n, O Transmnission rMýortzage for Zxecen ad Registraion, O5O Three Reports tathe Cemuy, O1e O -Atteadacesle e6esp - mee (O10 0 Pais! Regltr. -M ri leale, *and 8earèbew,056 Paid de. for teiiMion of Morlgmges, 011l'0 Paui do. fer final certafleate sU te Juilgient ans! 01>1er in. Piid Shériff tor cerlifleat. as te exscutlqtagainst lande 0 a e Postages,O * £8 ô 4l Weast 'te Toron t>a&ina vith iis, saW. tic agent, vie paid, me ltse balance after paying-.my credilor. 'Returnes!b iome.-er- penses tha sbillwgs. - But, ltaI Solicita9s ii ! My application en the. ceareslt ille has! ceaI me isteen pounds fouribiUings ans! lireepeuce,, (anang uotiing eof tire41ij inonthe- nterest puis! nadrance, ans! Iveul> i five days' inîcrislpais! tefore I gel a pen- 1 D'a,) ans!iras! taken just tire. 'morts ans! fit-e <aya. If tire titI. badl hen defectt, as moit titles are in sorne parlicular or otirer,i il veulil bave c-oSulàm atmore -sud censwM-. "<f antyi."ame ver>' iigenioUc.ý Tbok back tire receipt loe ireIver, wiro enclosed il vili lihe application, ea F. -A. Harper, Esq-, Commissioner, Kingston. Taak tire iettéj le the pes--oice, and paid postage nine- Pence. B>' Ibis lime it 'vas nigit, sud 1 vent homne veanie and dejected. But alili I feIt more cibeeri than before, beca4a. Mr- hruper vouid lbac ne lime in attending lu MY vanta. Paid ten shillings Wo expen;ý xes On tb. road, and returned borne. Wife dappeinîed, of course. 1 vaited ver>' palientl>' te iear et il, but da>' after day paased, and ne lidings cama. S5h11 lie chancer>' miii Irept grinding eout lthe -apers bcmded, "In Chancer>'." Day sacceded da>', butl aotbing £tom Kingston. At lest, juat tventy-foitr days aller I nihiled lie. letter, au officer called titi4&"app-miser,ý" came vitt MY application, viricir i-d be;n enderses! tiss Il neerred te John Smith, app-aimeri and valuer for the Companiei the-divi.tà fIe exmmined tire farj,, bad hiis dinner je my bouse, t'ed biis herse in m>' stable, (tre vas a good im aci osa the read) and! vent avîy. Did net ask or-an>' mone>'. Tiank- fuI for tuis. Sais! be voul! send the "iap- plication" lîjci ho Kingston rvithir bsreport. Hie did se, isud vien it gelt tirte Compa- !iy's office,; it vas sept ta another pffice, eaid .olý icter', vitr anotirer endorse- merttts - Rteferred te thre lon. John A. Miacdo- na L, theCobmpan>", Solteitor, for bis t-e- por vuh alidit>' of tire npplicants title te lthe pro!pert>' descrsbed in tire' scie- duhe.", S-Tire Solicitgr, after soieadelaf<delays seem a part of the business- of tire Gompa- nY). vraie te me sa>rîcg tbat I1 vas te gel su *"abstract oai ns>' hue" prepares!. ,Pais! 1postage tiree-peace. Got Ibis letter juil thirly-titrec days miter sending tireil"appli- cation." Went again te'oreslo vitir ta> dee4sgeL alistract prepared as direclcd, pais! one pota insrie shillings, (I was grnntee of the crevn, abstract, therefot-. net long.) I vas tien dirécies! te go te titi Itcgistrar's office and gel the "il egistrar's teritlcate" of my titîe. Weat, sud' Register gave me a certificat. Ibat e"noîiing appeares! in bis i .ok relaling te nMY farta , exceptnti unortgage I vfflted te pay-; pad im iî~tve sWi ina as! six-pence.- I wu tien;diriet cd te -tire Slrcrifl'aoffile for IfSetffseer- lifiate; " ent, andgel ene, cerîfying- lia tir vas ne ýrtsoýf FieriPais aSZainmy lmndins office; jsaid himtîve te gIo ta -tia Regitrraanfoaobe 1«r's agent, vire vrwrte- a Jter, enaiesing tiez ail l1ut bu» i ,,Kingston. ;Teoo tire1 letter te liee post-office, puli! postage two shillings, (îook, ýilta lirhe pel-office nsyseti lest ýil migit beforgollen--sueb linge, MY> ýneighlora on>', somehiarea happen.) Went berne, pais! expeuses _ten shillings Ran, iîsund anotelimner> paper, ready ferme. 1 nas getting vure out of patience aud pocket. hasxendays (rire> vere more lire veel titan days) gotwaletter frot"o- citor's, Agent," -Tert-el, requirmg me te zel sud record. 4".a1 teaea ofA<le Mort cudIm getl a relewe aittltire uoney'wa4M te7 seeniedua hlgto.do al Ipais!. tiemrgage-vwbich. vas-aimposibility. tbroug4 he rbéat wayveuüldhýe lego ta To-_i ruog ia,4 see, liw, titi ttec couls! le, ar-ýi raaged-vent ut syt- tha uit g', vire propes"d t4um, rédt«r, bo1de;ex-ý, cuta elps. re4tiilIy..an ltaI çhuldv ilpmpaye odrtp~ .&,correspMedentî of,(lie ;iestqi ,.News [Vte ilovia-g acýoUt n0;mdsprt ~gir belveen Mr. Absle. WIfaM s ib il aoutsev~ty eari of age, bis if, ,esand! an eom ous l'iger, wirilà occuz.ed about twi 14r "of; Deceabr #t Mr.' .I ei T16,"T 12 4 as-" & 1 >t live in tie norh tpotion OtaiJeffermC6. wher& il enlerhd bls enclse.; ta"à"bi berme, kîilcd Pesbesidea vWo uadipg tv otite,.Wle l tge. vas coîii émpnla ils depredations, i t vga dikco edby. Drakre, son 'c'f the proprïielof t'the prMM- ses, vh irefrd -a miot'gI'zati t, eudlgil la tire ide, but net dngrosl, - ý .il mnade its escape. Tire seul dde , witul. Mr. and Mrs. Williums >vèet sitting im bouse. (lie rest of tirta mil>'befrlg sIs"àt tire>' er, twrleïd Ji sange now ipl b gonsg out4 disceeres! i deg eifggd lige., wben ire -uei*eui Ira hu-oke and aimes! a- bev at tre «am "but, tMisiag it, stuer -bis dog.- -Thre à ti4ejtv («mtetieradretea:. ianiaslum tirs tige srug on -Mr. Wilhais, and!, hW ng biny>'lte baud ên t heaioa tvýent1 teet. Tirs aid gientlemn finding Umefin lthe tvepoverfut ra li vils animal, -coura .geousloy délermine tté gîeit lb. bestat rog-Ê' n id'um ble 6#n9<> tirspower, and!, hirvtg'se eapoas withr.r in ranch, lie seizes! tire tiger byl thest' vit, bis, otbm.bauid, sud., throvin his viril. strengliafervard, erushes! tth. tiger. t lit. ground, both iling sid b> ' aide. Attii lime Mrs. Williamns carnmetirte resce, vaIr a gun, viitisire siinpped aI tbe figer,. but £bhe. eing -no prizning in 'tire pas, il did netgo- off 1r. "W. tien, viti orne am on = thé- iger's-bo 1 su0g4"n ils tirent-with iris ehirer band,. b>' an-elort., disengages! irsef'.Tierdi ve' a-new adrersar>'in tic Ipersesi of Mm. W., juaipjd .at Irer,-aùd atiéuem t go e huas! vi"hn t jaws, vile itàttkek and la- -erates! ber breust wilb bis fiorepg. $1, trled* te aivois! tirs meunter bit ai,.*a- ele!tti.grnas!.T4 tigu.'mda -& tegraop alaer bcdý -ipej eti je Javamrmue ip. a seurua ît tolffe -MiS. Whv the,: hou.. ans! -got indi dômoua'vaimediatdel" l steseurc Mr1W. w.' w bloos! lwed in streams; 1 lui, attemphte otake->r irouse, re eimoei! ù sas, »Uoîitelaadiog 'thé w ouals, itou' dieu.alirnSt ]Mr e", as! d o-rredI llýb=rtel obtej.a k 7. IN coasequence -of Mr. IMartits baving mode arrangements Jo retire frora biuiness in thia pai!tho' %1e'cotanty, lte Suitacibers have determinid on closiîîg their 'business ai Wlaitby Vdllage and Pori Perry. And wouîd inlorra the Public that it is their intention to di»pose of te foîlowing propertýes, viz: THE STOCK OF COUDS AT PORT PEIIRY- WIth the Interest in thé Business- 1Their salIes have bien about £300 currene>', per mentit mince commencement. Aise, connected withit i latiti orwarria; business aiflte Boat on Lake Scui.oç. furniahes ,tsoe, &c. Tte Stock of Gords ata Whitby Village with te ;ood wti t j1 thei busineslnes have been about £404) curren- cy per mentit. Should te aboie net b. diaf coed of b>' priv-tle sala befere lte First day e-- Deember, lte> will titea hi dis posed e by Auction. Aiea WuIJ e eima ar i te marne ime, a itumri Hrses, 14'a4;gons, Sleigts, ilarnesa, Oxea andS cowa, &c. The taterest in te lot of Land, 20M acre, è.nawn as Lot No. 27 in lte third Concessioa of Witithy. on telit-est' s ide ai Scugpg Raad two miles iror lte PoruT.hlie fie ci ipi. of an acre Lot wiîit a COTTAGE & STABLES in the Vilage ai Wbilhy. Aldo, a Water Lot witit a gond dwillng Hoste t tiereon. Al il li i coLiS on ihirai Terras, which will 1,, made kaowa at tirai of sale. Any information th<t ma>' te requiiti in lte meantiras, can bhi aianes! at te autscriber'c aiorpeietber ai Wlsitiy or Port Perry, or aIttie Office of James Cotton, T,- sente, ilier of vite. ire prepares! te treut wiîh paris , JOHN - MARTIJN & Ce. Whiiby, 2OtOer, 1852. 29-tf 'Vo TiJCE. The eabzove Sale Asiverliueil te taIre place on lst Dec. à pperîpoaed titI further notice. j I i a 'I I s i y. 1" I Yf XoV. 26-1852. are prear and thl 1ev *àrtcQtethe,~ Ontario. iOntario Whitby, Noý ed a great demi moretlmel1 Wlat 1 bas! toe tel!I-bave tels. I vili now eoaclude vithii ms>'neigirbour, James Dutton, vire is considetîéd ver>' sensible. James sais! to me "&John, if lhe lavi eft iis country' vere rigit, yen couls! bave bort-ov- es! Ibis mone> frire a migirbor, pais! tin thre eigbl pet- cent., (for wii>'siould'ul lie be -ailoved to e t al s veilsls tti pa- a>') paid tve or, tht-e pôunds for lie con- ve>'apnig t your moeu> in a fev dn>s, .savi tiré ceats of Chance, ansd a mentis- ai vretciredness.. My opi<e is tire sme. Furtber-.in James t1) yLIr*.-"lithle viowe gang et licensi s ur sirops ' ust be done avnay vilil udtiat the poople inuit ire ai- lowves! te -b#4y eooey vieïte .'cas et it AWpiF sHOT, EV BER HIAI-I lizgT 0W TRICMUXDETIJ..-* - A siocking muïdrs!, took, place aI 0e dèck yesterdaiy'met-sang aI lti9mvhg on tire soulthirest corner et' Tiird-av,- and! *Titirt's&tfti-st.-n anammed Patriek Fils-> gerals! lravie bot h bi ifs Margaet tirrougir lie beadwstia pite! t pi lhira rredtatel' fàrlsdwàff r tlw pitl vos' lîcada uames! Dolas iIving in tire&anme is, dlhe&te tirerom e e Fitge'ad nn eriaoua teltme iyn uo tirefler ans!blee" g pro(usdÀy fron, ýa vouns!overI tir1 é'rgbt oye. Tie POO' weouanafter if«.w ëonyu6sve gssjr. rçahes b.eia t tng lde t th*tie wu standhrgià lt. çrom,si»sprIat iaz' ales! mdd pparent!>' uu ocerus.U vas Unmediatel>' arrcsld y ad îâtai-ý

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