Ontario Reporter, 5 Feb 1853, p. 2

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- ago3$' poinit, there cian ire scen by1 nigit, which site readjly accepted, of course, t rmuirmope, thousanda of perléect insec ts. and went hontenezt Éorxing ta apend the- lauè ery portion of tire vast void that 've tkre. yellow shillings of the diuappoimted look upôn ût niglit, eut, west, nertliand igwynn~eepr.detsr sout,a6ée . md 6caeath tire eutb,-tbe tel- * esoediscioses myriada, yea thousabds of .WORý -L1gh--ke IRao' Law.> ilos of- perfect worids. ThIýv4 d * we look upon se desolate, sWiiot h vsi, tiBlôotir and IrW .folowens 'var staîn, teemeb with idu*en pInets. Ddbb 1 dI gia& t+ 7 have not -assumed 11'acliae le lscmigjrswIbrn 0iga uéattire Èfortle", Junpie gmtficton of tatte. bers. of worlds large andl snialî, s et, ui A' déptîation -heade I byr fiat lady appearcdý * seen .Ielonginn'baur piiîneaf ssterJ l4taI wekant thre Capit6l nt New'ork State ýAn4 iansteaf'a0 bot'ifîet vd ad(hi ith a peuirico sîgrned by 28,000 ladies in satellites, wlici anc norv thougit to con fat-on cf the Mairie Law! MIrs. Bloomer pose Coripéeoiar systeîn, lit ii ic round and ber frierids, very wiselt considering tiret (battLer ncabe lemucgree~r. IMa~y their decluratiota coulalmol ibe truste&l-to thc befound that sil ice is full of floating mat- effleminate hands of tic leoislators resolveal tCr Of orne ,kind-6~.f tire mos' subtleîy ný. 10 préent il in person- and 'vitb this in. tuirc., Ligbtaing uts malter, yet itl4s ubtiety tention presenteal tieraseives at the bar cf' Il incompiehensiblde.IL mores ut tie rate ithe lloaîe-few cf tie Seitors seeming cf .120.003 mileï iii tic twinkling of an oye, te dispute ticir rigit. Befere permis5iora - --wile'v ~nvctir finger, "lie sun ns wa.s fortnerly gnanîed, however, Mn. apparnUy staior globe of lighl, tunn O'Kecfe cf Nev 'YXork made tie followinc ing Ont>. on i owff axis,-yet it mu>. movc k ennmrks: - *«ti à 8uppoed te ? moveing, withitis'pro. "Tire pé;misision appeara ta me tu be a fore- Ray of ànls aroiaad suine vat andii - gane- conctîtaien, andt wouid suetagat ieu 1ui distant.cent-rlalun 'f wbhi bisbut a aatirdi*tte andsponiion as gracefuity anti etc çatrrly as pasable. Sar, as this id5af1081 extra- sftlIie.-iîeanjGens. -I iina'ry gpérica'tion, le* t i e a moar exlraeadin- far-y tcptian. Wiren ladies are setacilcus ai lie 82cipiiia & râlai ip0zalaton. lai~the iruly aphere i vrcrntr ntn- ture's . d iras beneflcentry piacedti irm, and Oua vii reollet rc~n alusins hen tiey are deairaus of eniutinqthre daer tgreuat.cr pclto. n ri hog nthe worlas lawyers,statesmen, and <enrai;, ouErm p rie sad h x heytould ibe <ently taken by the hand andi en- plarrtio . c .in, atere tab gte ourageti in thirarmaniy and ail msy b. untemyin- pl*icp of 'tTh wbcl aRi emiraenow Corne e ihnt e meuairaaioîa, Let tires. bigirminded, higix. atrtirig, andi apiriteti wottetr, turcdiacard as '1'reey simple maneer. At crie -lime il 'vas wortlrteaa, tire antiqu-e dieus af ire Elizabetiran rumoled tiret t6ry iad bien undert.aketa b> age, anti <tory-in the modern habitimrnilntajack- aisie ai the ciramber, anut-witir a triasculiife atride tprtbsiàg thre wheat raket aIticheliane of wbicb so admirably becomê.tsaucir lerninine deii the et'ections, sa as to incr'aase tire dislike 'cacy 4& t.hçirs prescri thlir petiir. .--'f ieagriculturaiir3s 0 fo Iae:bt From theoe b -o f bis gcnflekhasn's e- titis met wrth litte credence,.and anotier marktî-ii)teiadod no dofibt ta l - ictée&4 eî,ually unlikel.1 surmise wesofforeti, ta the ingly pIIquqt aud witîy-we aioulal be sup.- Se t tiât lie7 badheten coçducbtied t tire posed to,regard iet s-an oppon'entof tic* - épense. -or hl rencir governmeet, to les- Maine Lw venecteta and tierefere mncli- n i ni glisb emn for Frenrch flour, i eed to brrrtire' curretof- ridicule againxt aud thbrs to kee prpies inettic-country dewn tié ladies tb rseeitcpttol ~ 'oia~ Iat'volalmeue opuer'on--1preference to atbempting an gttack on tire tentmct itîng 'ibe arrangement fer brin,- ar-gumnent for Temperanice, cf twonby e;igit iiNg about-à deriaralion of tic empire. 'l'ire Jtioaîsand s6ters, 'vives,,pnd motiens, asking général calculations were It tihesum nlost -fer..faLi treStaeeto.suppre.es drunken. - - b>.thtopealirta'va eu ba tI~e 100. Ine ss. lb is therefore ta be regrettedti ta 000. - tint' indascretian shouid detract, fr-om thtic It no'v transpires lirat e grain merchant p ~ower andi influence cf suchi a potitien. namct P-roi Iradbèer engriged inlefargeries r'Ihe 1looemer ladies no doubî iîmagitscd tiat - - art lecredibie citent, anal il is especied -they 'vere perfarminc a great.public service that tire investigation into bi affaira 'vil!liJn making their appearance ita propriû'pe- show 'thitt tiese cargues 'verù p-trciused b>.,sra a ntir. Senate of Ne-uv York, and inaa hirlad oredmbti, ureîutae s-certa-insesoie îbey 'vene ;-but tirere are as- c rifico, le lacet bis forged i caga genpro as S- socialiona 'vîicîr it la impossible 10 fôrin -tbý ire> fu dr. fein - duscouereat last,be 'vrihout enrbraèin- tieridiculous, anid ai- Bced, but *,ias reteken anti is netsin~ custo thorai wo mu> net exacti>. like ic tarie of dy. 13y.. Preis', forgere%, the respectable tlire speech front 'vii e bave quoleti 'v bouse of Cattman a end'Stottenfait, of catnnaItien>. liai lhe feeling 'vieli would'1 Liverpool, -have been obligeti to deciere bo uppermoat ini sceing sevenal Woineri t - (hmselves bagkrupt,wjitliliabiltiesa iîrun t' - alking"44 witi a masculinit smide,"t encae .1cg lu £30Ù,000. Two chier rotîses ouf- in paîttalcora alomig tie floor cf a Punlia- feredt atire ctent respectivel>. of £9,00.9 mentar>. Assml o ,wudbene f and£ 1,00., 4 lssr. oilann& èSto - c-rie'ne, if not. of ridicule, ani insteati cf - t' lrfoit tradsùictc-d a lange eoin mission -bîî. cantm1iaing tic importance cf lie abject nera vitrGrmsy ntili Uitoi tatswîr'- i e>.hati in vietvg 'se 'oult inietantly arr-f it le It eartid tlieir'fail mi>. pr-Ovr euions for-m cence,'îieas of a 'vomen altending le toa paut ta d-y are connected w'vi, boî' in tahti domestie dties-suci as pentain to tic - 'ondke ard lLiverpool, ire 'velli asabroati. -nursery' and lbie kitchen-in suci masculine bWlîments. IVe tri-lit perciance ltlour 111(11 \~Ai BERY îIrtagttste a stilî furthen refiectave ex- TuS iTEE BITEN. ursiola an9 final bar- crriesty forning pic- turcs of thre dometiis eiî> vihwul Tice efoiowi ng particulers of a lighiray rbb>.rir e Ieri ç-n v :robbenr-, 'iti a remsakable îerminaon. ftncftht t 1sIbn- eeris onoanile ai as ta 'viiîci eccurreti near Iis -totue, wmafur-fae.lt eer eeflisefrpu- ' Omie u lai veebyantiropista 'vo lard fotinda couniterpart fqr iibed s lst eckbya correspondentl:_ Mns. Jelliby. And i n ailt tpse cases thre A fôtnîit goon ire atrrda-evjr-elutl.produccd ÃŽwiuid b>. opmneens proveei lotg,t1tpoor widow wom;in, residurvg et Asi- gain to i te iîprt*mat cause co oteznpiated -Itont, but folUpwva ,muta.employrnenî le o4ec >ôfur'rWedieeon.. '.Uhere- tOit iniwr ; aqd 'vhen p le ngtose. lireladies i Yokcetn posesson rocediagtîemae le ineçcausxe cf Temperaire., - Brion u'ston, site,,was pteapota by eppl ti ~'rec iokig elluv poutre ie> iibest sérve tliensd tire>. ilve 'l, i'tuîed t re eled loiner ws enr.,n> ora.ofteeeliobi; lut begedtieer net -ta take it frontnbr. M -leuifan, iO'vever, insisîtd uponlirer-tie iseigit -up, lbreatenng injuar> or dent] ipcase c« ber. refusai. L'ire tistmessed vi. dow>attemlpted te eçason i t irent, 'op. pëa1ing crn belatîfoflsr fomr puer- ciiltiren, fo-oîe santth ie moue>. ias inteoded to b bappIiýd, and w'viemust sauir linangea andi PrgîvatIon if tiese wui. 'atkmrsfioa - ber, huviene orelathr vre hcoulti assigi ble, repeaîltiteit dcmaqdst la awtul termi% Coutpelle, aî lengtir, tesurender, cee c tire pin pektteti tireo'vman't cra it-Le- solveti, if _possible, to subdue-tbe heardclss- pes <î tre reîlas, ntirurecuver- au lerstpporion pÇFIierurone>., mi e m .bioi>. pleaded hrpvry'and imapiorel tien> le ýsave*, ~ef u criurnfroma lbl qotc' lIre inca sucultinot assent tô 4t ts her-liirvm ing, yieldeai to-lber - entres. fieâp tbret mcoile sere presentedti te i 'o. lRaaWbotier>lisuti itwards 'home.- carccly1.lid ire proceedeal- a: iruadred yards1,- ere ;-site ,heurt! Loolatepe rapidi> .p ,preachmng ritelamnal ler aad, feering-f it thre roirbers id rpenteal cf restoriag tire - .ncy, anti sure.purslrang, é1 1.uiitieritn- iei cuer t k -l ro<ab or ta .j u e -t tkes aItin te -a> for 'e) erneu ira4 t hr-L o e1 c ~ouI- 3r a istan e a dt, tire ceqs t èd i aý4ëî 'v ÃŽraBilp" n Mrtliasaposition au- sfor 4 1oie tuneag ar', thtei w atf -on-a ibpea c, Coapdudben rtlat. m ber tlba 1 die çýt&rxaaeyesup&gtbe tteif "rd.iike , gas'ma îp tc& mne sttta e d troe 'Di ay é ye thenrifrgiîie sen tumçd frotter qt rpul,,ani'brn aionstandI istgpu ic~pj~*the kopët tint tic&1o tIierphimpy, tir.retire of.a Porir Prom thte TOrOgýO Leader. DISNIo LO1CIG TO 'NE W - COMBINATIONS. - ~ft{e tiisanti ends cf ail parties ired entceri tac on spirue>. te rendtrail go- vernrent irnipcs.ibio they cousid scarcet>.1 JtUrsue -tint abject 'vitir greater ceageraes titan inbol:tei coterieb arediqai t bis Mo- maet. 'The formation cf ra combiQnedi Le..' for-m Goverisment l in'e lof 1851 was a ievere blosu te fuctice. 'Wben tire princi-. pies-cf tiae libéril part>. 'vre about le lie îveg-edim irebaancecf a popuIarelecuion it vtùid bave -be'eti matinesluiave car- coutflrteeordeal' witi a diçideti part>., 'l'ire tinte bacoe'îia ptrotasn requur- e<l that any liie 'lièkerîaor- ascmnlary. cificaties suhici uigit bave-crepit tire, 'slmouid hé -for tlî'éejp 'tire face >cf ti - comeson ereurj 'v1vâjprejreimug for tLe encourité.r. Nr wer re e qé ualittes requis- ie Wor th irs i t'vtiag. Irere 'vas foéttat geiierosib>-erough ta eflect lire reqtxi- red union cf htiré scalîcret foi-ces of tic par- t>.' na curgeanti'consisiency' tp man"ul l-T '-su> a i tihemý.eurésndiidural dia u;entieaiî e ir b16 atýt IdU n'e à£tË*t,, à6.' tef thée e'Ieeiea 1 coneatsith4 cým: mon froc. r xOer.Cue pemwoui- in t ireromuranks, wîllOa4tutP us lýa î . 611 aGlâz, ie, suie, uader vroop-t ptgve uds'ice wilt#t~sllpp of aiits vrbiq, ainouatti La out. 6blonftr nbU&tcMi&&a. Éo"mm t 4îqêtàývc l iro:eueé -a usiý began ho amsume towards bis n'v al>-; 1disiénioard é"macpoper>." a patreizrng -ete ; te cop>. approving>.- autches ofl Iris contemporery'sà articles att.aeking tire - rcrmmènt..We 'rîtic ona thei Can Wtll sec rthe necesst>. Of 'ef gil positîin, and not affect te speek on bhhef Of'aýIgoverument it lese anltâiôus te dameg., and, 4pparety, te ove4tro w.- CtY£R otA CàcCrIM,-TIje FTramîkio Tenpn4 Rvim es saa tira, *. 'GeOrge self of ~ ieercr outire ose, vla'iii i U d S Q I$,Fe e in te se >. f4 g yo m s> h> l tef4' 1 u a i ri, r p i e y pmro c e s m liC" 'proure ao ek<i.c>,e îde suàd' ptt m~ ee b o u t ilo -e u tr ~ 'v a l l o e t î n n ageinovo al tte 'plU'tc u;-q iràk- -i c ç c a ( 'I s h 1t c: s' a 51 t' 'r geous coalition." A wviole lifetime Pussel ini tire service of refarur 'vas helt ta bi 'vert6i noîlring; te uffor4 ne guarantee o principleo, and tooJrt ne ope c" f progresi Reforin contitâinnis Were appealed to téi rcjeft eforïnts, whiro eservices cîteni cd oves equaiýrtsof4ac#otury. Norw'er tire icralidiof disumion eitirel>. unsucceseful Againat irÙ e iuborsof tic goverdmn-n ndvd allnI 4peals -werè fritiesi. Et, et>.y ccstituency- ta-' 'virc ib ie>. appéelei itood flrm. No possible exentiori coui sweu ve themn froni tic linecf duby. Bt lte liberul part y Lad a irair's breadth escepý from-defeet. Sa fer as Upper CanadaL'vu cancerned, lic der.isign vus 'vitin an ueri cf givin% patter t'O antagonislic prnriples Tia diunioni£ts disruppaintrsd, and chagrn cd, trots set nirem"pives ltuwork la plan fut tien ant%ciief.. Tic game cf poli tical fictîoi 'vas taket uap. Imtentions the Moset hostili and i slws d'imelricauly opposed. 've rli bubete aduflirnti nembers of tie cabinet Pmopiecy wa3 caliet itet the nid -of disuni ou. 'rie cornmenceinentof the session 'vu ta witnëss. a break up. Tic geverument, i 'vas balais' declareti, coulti agreai upopn n polcy.Thee ipostiosstrenge tese, tiroir victime, In a certain canfineti cirel tiey pas-sedas current as King Ja&mes%' brasa mioncy. Butt, aIes!. for the reputaliai of aur po!iticul pna1uiets, penliameat meý anti no symptoxas cf aninisterial dissolutioi appear. Tire sess~ion "'cars -on week after wveeu andti aeuânre alLer rrasuneT, onrgnaliri 'iti lie goveranrent, is lard before -tie luse Tiere is àcaccel>. a question of public in. terebt on 'vhici tire elvideace-of ministeria agacement lied no4,been placeti befère lbq country. priûr ta 1'adjourrîment. We se4 matunedia gigmantie system of provisiona railwua; broati andl campreicasive mca. sures of iuw- reforir, bearng upon alImca ever>. breancir of licsubjeet ; tic reprit setatvistaproposedta b b. rdjusted, ex tcnkded anti refortueti; cf tic eleetive franý cirise tic titost liberal extension is doter mincd upob ; in Lower Canada, tie para mount qqaestion of tic -seignoial tenure k grappleti 'iti, anti ticlinite lernas of adjuat. ment setîleti r tic clergy reserves, tie mari agoerit of luanalic asylunis, tie -quesutici cf university. aducation. cf public lands currency, anti ulimber, ail utcst - tiinistéfilt unaniumty.. Vc bave giveri proof cf minis. te'riul agreen. ont tbmnuo'lout ,an extensive anti reigity programme, cmbraciiag nearly ail tic pnominenb tapics cf intereal lan'vhiel tie public feel a deep coacera-. Yet ar not tire diriproveti fiction cf"1 disunion," tii stereotyrred or>. cf hostile 'jartie ,.th.e 64CombWrratice ;" tic vulgar ;aoticnof per pebtal antagonism inin te Cabinet, ulloge- tirer iruashed !ï1tao silence. Tic public, liovs- ever, 6s beginning ta understuantheti impos. bîrire ; mcn are inclining te re-cail fuels 'vie, fictions are cffcred 1to eir credulity ; 'vieu tic>. hear tic aid or>. et cabinet disûnion, tre> disaaiss bhc imposture b>. a quiet refer- euce la the long programme cf mimistenial utea'ures aow liefore paa'iiamenl. 1Ticeabject of tic Globe anid the membai for Kent in attcmpting ta bring abajit a tis- solution et lie Beform part>. is ne lonoer cencealeti. Avowetily liere ix a désitre, i tiat quarter, ta cifeet new politîcal ceuthi- nations bettucen tic tarie pnd "4sucli- re format era as anc opposedtai«the"icpresent ad. - minisratien." Before. .thts consuimmatiori 'cuir be reulizeti, existing- parties miat be brakair tp. Thre story'r but Cabinet dis- unaion, as Mr.- Diaraci seiti cf-'tire [Iouse taz, ter a plausible stor>., anti thene scouts t< ire a determination -to. se it, althrcugiar thousa f acts attest that il is net e a tti In Ilite of the acetouulateal factas ebae add uced ruin &proof. ir. NortJi Amen.- cati slicwêestreng disposition ta embark i- I-hot maucir loýnger ire tire people cf ibis counstry. toe hogullei, " as Jonatimn terni il, by preomises. Year affor ycar andl ad- ministration effet admieiîaînia ast asue>.on thre Anerlean aide, anti sif 'vo are as fai, fa-aiatire attimameut cf tbia object Sanver - Jt usnti tr produice tr tieri mat4ret et a 20 'per-. cent taxt iti>. ytiri manttactue tbeealsai hu orne mWrl a 2 per, cent tai on tLe commodit>. pur. chasedi-andiostal crpatiece çenes acl> exhauisteti, arc agelu catietýi l(ô ezorcise hy stase hait tkWosa -ot ýby an, individuel la thé HoýUrse or#eepeeséntati 's or eut of il; andfgredil. agippeti -qptit lte "gee "pied fiee" Th on,b ped. as'ut cssb, w.' mnuit use te, mdvantae l ue orun bedi et bp'y ibm O-edopdica of a Casa-'" i'tui eystesa, andl . 'viii tereby b 'tbe- Cos'uniffaof t4,re Mouse - of i-4eset.' tivat li i gti lagt *eek ?n "a iti M gretin, çcýfliy o Can%dgt.- Mac- Say*=.- a NOTICE àe hers$y giyeri that appliraîjon j, J. iteaded to, b. ýde at the adjourneti S&. sgica ittêpeet al ament ta bc alil at Municll t1 Coeit of the Cotant7 of oi>iato to fcotia-et the 1alince <a certain 1Bye-Law pase< by.thefli4 fei oii 1 ient$ Pifth day cf 3~se aUat %title "A Bye-law t10a USse "1h.i~t*Ats Of. e oubiy cf Ontario for "Côuntý, tet 'lIoProvide for the Contirîrpgnt- "expenses ni the Prevîsinnai l Mnicipal Counctt ocf the sait ( 'ouatY Of gOtatio."t, Dated hÈrt y of February,18. WILLIAM POWSON. e ta the Provig.ionai Municipal C n io the County ofOUir.o. A VALUAJ3LE PROPER'ry Fo SALE OR TO LETi1 rpH-Irwel-knwntarininthe Township cf L'\Wmii3l ot o.25.inthethrdConcession frutti týe Bey,. contaîning 200 ACRES, 140 ai whiieh *ree" am doter 100 wthout a stuup mh~ iid~rliIi, watered, anti in a bigh state cof cultivatiotr, with two' Gooti Frame Hious m, a amuiti Orchard of fuit grown trres of th t ý iceittr1rit. About TW ENTY ACRES 0F FALL WIEAT n ti.e-grandn, andi fiuleen laid down in Meddow. Thsjýone ai the handaomeli Sites in the country, andti th ibe hasco ne ai the hest iarminq sec- tions ini the Township, beine bouaded aoi the eaat by the mo4el fanm of .Mr. Dow, no tihe toutirhliv Mr. ~oesm, ntioàu the wetby thre property formeatT'et on<iutôtathe tata '%Ir. Farquhaimon~ WINDSOR IJARBOUR, withb x dartyâl1emert ram Toronto anti Rochester caing,t itbis Port ; one mile anti a hait trom Perry'a LCorfirs. lw thre County Town, mwith a maerket ,eqlat ta Toronto for ail kinds ts ai nduce tbrougbou&ttheyear. There are aise immnense mxprovements lin«g forwani, with every pies. -IIA14ROAD.,TO STURGEON BAYT ý (trtathit poit: ýTii. so n ftire few irproveti faails ta be-oblatired on thre front, andi a parry wiairing to purchasle will require te make immnt- diate application as prodisce af every deec ri ption commanda mach remuneralive prices. WVith tire present fiàtering 'Prospecte ni the îr.mediaie outtay of firrjnense, capital in tire construction of RaitroadusIa th ie influx ôi Emieranta andi British. capital, pr9ger y f every description witt rapidly .,dvai'es hrobghout thre Provinic . TruE MAIN TRUNK UNE, whiçh will bic nmenced eParly in tiré Sprin&g. Wi il -ài1a rufila short adistance north of the rear et this tarin. 1 Posftn eiven an thet' of aiAprit nex- Titie indisputible andi termes easy. ApplytleR. qlLwdr.-t Cointy. Tow n; Thoin;. et Lind Xg7etrt, >Tbrnte, ur te lie Suiacriber, JOHN A. 1t>ONALDSON. W.1 N T E D. O]3Y about 14 Yearsaof se, tc make hirnacif geeiyuseful about a flouse. R. E. -PEhRY. Whitby Lai. 3, 1853. 2t THE. REPORTER. WHITBY, SATURDAY, FEB. 5, l8à3. it i3 never c o-ed b >. ice , '- e t r ow n ini tir. ua > of its p s r~ dur i n- do uv. O nce Ia t is-p as sd-tle c nstruction - - - -th e p r -se n t se ssio n . 'ie. s p k o l v o nt- ' te ro n dt i 'iii sp e e ily b eh o ma n e c e t. Trh o M» em b er fo r O n ta rio . hi>. of tie'r ed 'and is prdspects. -P ovilAL au c t 0F q T A I . T ie Oshawa Freem an l p ae î> x o i > l l b .- A meetin g, of fhe Provision l Counc-li of On- oser readto a nrfest a subile hostility Io - taria 'viii hbe hld-in le Witby Village, on Amas Wrigiaî, E ,mmerfntstIt is pleasiarg la vitnesb lie ra.piti growtiaf'î~a i Oimt CeuI>, atleug fr trehif o ustv en.of tire experts of titis section l)cr amîîtry.f no l se ce t prese rt %vherein flIat gentlem an F or 18.5-2 'vo findt h îr expo.-ts of thInsport O it E E I G - e ' out e m t amoutieo ~ irosa- intt'restéd in the improrcînent of tire has failiedtitedo là s tira>taii conýtiîent~o tie largo aura of £S_ C - f h m ein0e6e be1 Ii fuli>. andi conscictiousy ; buft ta tîose n- s. 3d.; t Obava 'e frad £dl-3fi.3FronîRond qtrainîed iviti lie animus of a certain clilu'rtai, £149,119 6.î.31. M "ire Cubtons 1-2ay tload Iid DffnsCrck u in a n ti a b o u t O rir e u a , 'v i o s e m o u lî- p ie c e e s i p r a a a t W a b o i e y a a n t i~~~~~ 1 8oe p o e b h t t w p n j - r l - I i 5 2 - a n u a rr i t t e £ 1 ,4 7 5 9 s . S t . , t i 5 , ý_ ( F i a v il a C o i r e tp o t i - e r r e s i o M a r k e n z i e e a W e ek l y penn afainisant 'vric î>tîe>.,la owve-'r includes t'itheaf t shiva, esg. pen -far %adhf b-h-bi e-KIîerS--e, T.-a23.-As un aidifjAend,ý dam reeti outaide tiat iltié corporation, the Wvilch fer re-renne purpaes, ar aiid ta j let tae ativise you fa. do somcthiieg- (o'ards cause of tese frequent anti unnants' insin- Iiî p rt. stira ing p ur péope ta the polies' rtf a-. uations, ma>., be cguessed at-in fac t, tic estt affshees ot Mm. Wright, it la supposeti, 'voulti fit lie foot of a certain gentleman in tint netgibounrood ol tt cautforîabi . Tic final ablempt, suici 'vas stifled in tie bmd,' bati fan ils abject nobbing more or lesa than thue resignation cf Mr. W. That fr.iling, tire nedt aitu'pt la ta greduall>. and asiti- uousiy' lessemahie pcuiarîty-in lie estamattan of bis corstitueuits, -Ia reutakini onua de- baielentire 'Counîjes' CunciJ aI i-s lest. session ten'-oremta, in tuhicir tieCconduet of' Mosins. Wri-it anti I-arttan 'vas irougit la questin, tire Freeman tiakes Mr. J. Gould tédecini.e f Iat tie course punriec b>. Mr. Wright 'vs siîh, tiraIlire coulti no - Now we'vo enture t10 a>.laIt tiislaa abeer fabrication levemtet in Osiawa for lie puirposes nllUtedti t, anti noefe utterefil, tirose ternme.ir>' Mr. Gould;i et leasi sue ie ail *our ccmmuelcotions ivitir tiat gentleman have nover herihm express sucb un opi. .Dsion-. Mr. 'Wa-git, if. is truc, la remuoved fan fnom lie.i mditeobservattiie cof bis coristituonts, but tue are assuretia. oc-tess aý thç à -l î-titf M 7 '~mz ', in ti fira puimber cf hiesVel Msa --ani Ibat assurance 'v:ll curry 'veit- tiret Ai. rn.Sbaigi a usefu-mnti efficient4 mrriner ; anti. until 'vo have hîgicerproof 10 tire -'¶oqrtat'rrythbtiret' ir4oh -- cutaaes frOnv Oshas4,ý 'wé muet laClre ub-lr reî 01f Mrv. Wright'm eotituenirts-îe *aî On oie Ifret page ralli-le folà à ti-.x in PIe cf tLsPeo Ç"ne,"ydagir4 mipr 'viose ed ari'4aim 111t'irrd ,of theý eranproses,, nniy vey 'vtsdfrofthe, naatiVe is but one ir uridretu of alinilar baedabîip wsurcir __bsÏrla 'ted of tir eo. inn,ôf hw-iàârë "-, - ,- Nîie yers agu, ive are assuroti, tire col- lection of reveraue at tiîs pur-t iid net ameunt la £100. 'Till 1835, ane- trip per annuns of ýa vessel of a second rate c1naýs suffie td-o carry offthtie expanla of titis sec-- tion of ceuntry.,ihicir i.ow amountý taoser inîf a tmillion of toitars. Tis evirenco of prog(ressive praspenity i rla nn. tifyiîg Our magsiicent larliur, anti roai tadieg tihraugi a rici back country of grent extent- 'vili in a- few yers ancrease our exporta ta an extoal inferior'(o nfeinlathre province. 0f lie Port Wiatiy, anti L,t-c Scugog,f Siane anal Huron Rond Conmpany, coutzearcing ISth Januan>', 18.52, -andi endin-r i5th Janu-r>, 1853. ItECEPTS. 'ro Cash on huid iSîla af Jan-, 185'2, £987 19' 8 "Tola Port Wi'itby, 1263 4. 6 Il " frie Ro dm, 7.12 12 :2~ I>noceedâ cf Draft ai Batnk, 261 18 7 "Sale of Tait Hanse, 16 5 0 Imteerest op Depesit - t lBank, 13 6 3 -,For Gravel, 3 8 _6 " lent. -3 -0 O0 OltiPlaixk, > 0 17 6 - £3392 -12 '2& B>. Palal 2 nstrinents cf " lit bins lj ent on - Purciase .N1oney, 10 " Z- .pair3-imfZ1ur>ti,5uf, m e r d i I 2 u I c ,2 5 0 Salit8haries, of Gâale Kepeso " 12- Inoidental; xpeý'asee, '3 S$tock ret'p'><m£100 6 Cas .0 hii~~siw'tc -10 0 0'2, w O - O 2-8-. de7. 2~ 6 's -£339212 21 ~ r-m racating for tientacves. .Canauda iras *wooi, flax, laid'es,. furs, mine- jrail!, &c., anti onglt colle -' uyiobersuirtan- IItiai clatis, bats, siraca, eitcer frout France; Engirint, or lie 'nTited States. - W'iti more capper tra m~ail Europe trt- le- otan tirts, vo, Cauadab bave act.even tire fin-st brasakette cOf hautesmanufacture. It m*5 but ialle botter 'uirhir ion- but il: i not q*ate se bai, - Na-w, 'vowe wiii always be- relativcly p.ogr anti tiipendent, so long as wê'mreî-ely lq grara anti cut tmber ta excan-e wiîir-1ll- tant. triîes- for- m ore costi ab'c l ad ai polie, tado so, end: nover' cuit ire I do rapt know liat*use a"de ans' thine bybnrilW, anti even reciprocit., vicsed in ône hagit, Ira>.increnseoôur depeiticce nt Do <t-y tq st ir -up -ouapPo re éeer and'Inke prido iin Candlsa maanclcs! 0f ceirise, we 'vii - ontiue 'tel cr - sutt.steei, &c., bujt 'v!!eo oght tla:dl- -mritheti relative proportion cf eue hi.- p. abs Ioo tin borne'productrerer>.y -ee, Ouaraiîu1aaYsviil i citrîb ite mm. se> to tis ed b>. fcilitatang transportatiion, anti enargingmrkets;-'Ad >.ost-eau ietp tiiem, tirnugîirîtý MssAGic, b>. dcscnib- in& anti eammending'every 'v. idrected el'- fort, te manufacture for ctfrsejre:sa t-l6a If yonu atari aitthis spirit-, il 'uilI st> round yo-ia- clasa of actiie anideiteri- ig frients, frôa -a no eg ,tirose tuho delàgh ln lie propriîy,,cf -Çanadian agricultur anti manufac'ttrea. G. l I N, 'c~CLrrn.A- ciii4 '4rNeyw Yqrk iras jus5tiial*pamiphlntetla.t . listi'of tire .îitk tradin a otbnaý appp#lling.«, i it diseo s ar tr c g serions attentiisn'- We recil;eci, a----r recoiti>.publishredin Londo, o -tir-. jeclof ipuremlfl, W of tire di*êa distillie- q4>'s a i latuer e-la t'. J i~*I>~' U 1, y t I k f - I - I - il a - I - I j" -as, I-I N 0 T I ~ti are]l - i a' '-r- - r N N For the Reporter. ein to la in g drinks, w ich i5 now rapidly T e o COIEspo NýDe NlýTs..-S. W ., lj- T ie A n n u l M e e tin gf o f t h e X b i t y r v i i g 4 , o g c t l e e v h e , w r d b r id e . - A C o u n ty A o r ic u l t u r l t ýo c i e ty . Tot4&bstinence SocietrYîýb* ld on Fr1- How much more noble in, ils object was for Ontarig Nwîli be or ganixeti on the 9th day eyening, tire 28th 04., ia1be Con ge. hl simle bW tfirn manifestation in support ( mt., ta tihe Secretary of wici the reportsa gatioDt tTJams 1Hodgso, Esq.,. the Ptsien , in e Chair. ftev ye of the pro sective reform of one of the of the Branch Societ es must b e forwa r-ded byI tlRev ,. ' Byrue, the Reprî was, ackowled,,ed uost destrdictive usges of1 durin,7»the motth of Febrdary, and the read i n t e fpll wi- grý s l ti n c rie : cie y, by the co istituents of both these am ount -of subsràription m otiey deposited Th t Ihe t w now read 'rve ived, o and hat t icý folilwinr getlemen be the gent eineu . t an tiee ollo r, intriguing wkh the Trpasurer efor le he 1st of M ay, ofce-bearers Of this Society for the ensu- fensts t'O a desigçnng deinaoue, which have .thn héy -wil bc entited te a s1are 01, the îng y en. 4 for thir object no e>riger mottive than the Govorn:ý,'rt Grant. The 13 ILI, ection of' Prsdn-e .r . Byrne. attainfient of pursé .'nd powe'r, .1nd whicb..1tIhe Act expressly sabtes fliat tIhe Annual Vite-Presidents.....Messrs. Jabez LHail & bv enrrnt rrie truiu Ie etn fUt onhpSceis o h Lewis lnck. a vnspenn rtcfe'i'.eetingefteo nsh cipnua hotild mfortie ecretaTy- V. IH. Tremnaye, Esq. Provincea.5ces e--it ltl hfil lciietOier,&,mstbhldnte Cor asurer 1M'r. Gerrie. - of ininistrs and pcoi)le, but i . reality, mat- i monnt/o of'Janiiayy.io encli y ar. 'fhere- Cemitee-es. J. Hodgson, W. 1Mi hc h reftepo oe. fI'biebsntcmlè wt C a l d w e l l , l u g h F r a s e r , J . I L P e . , .y , , J o h n I c s n v i c t i t r c , r t r s o t I e j t , f r , . f E b i d e a o t c m i t i b Newbury, 11 rami Timmerman, and iiiichai pie are te eaNt cared fo r. i hat clause, ve de net sec ow a brancir Marshall, witb ail ministers or tie Gos el in c %- the vicin ly favorable to the S ociety. p - iTis dem on!4 ra ion, coin îris rrg large i) bé law fu l y orga rized in a tit T ow nship T h e H o n o ra b le J u dtig e a rs iali, frto ld st a n m s rfl ie ti re - th e p re se n t y a r. Nova S otia, was (ienointroduced Io te 1sd nts of tIhe country, e larn, for wtc3ad i1 CoNGRECATIONA L MSSIOA tty S ejCIS ým eeting9, aind rddressed the audience for two ;net in Our pow er ta bc present,w ast e ftr Y - n T u s a v n a , tr 7 hii. Ionsl a mariner ut once convincing and s'- gst er got Up in LliaI part of iliesoe ana ~etaec h frsi ait instruct je. th a nstrm etngnfghe ftes id oc et At the close orthis lecture, the foliwin g, counties, and donc n ui c i edit 10 toseit.was hed-in the Congregatînai Ch pel, res lution w as oeved and seconded, and -W bho a:d tie arrangem ent of it. briee W i b ,. w e i t r s in ad e se er ent husi'astcaliY carried: biat the tanks tables were sîccssivly croývded sit!l tie deivered by the Rev. Afssrs. j-ay,-fro m fof tihmeigb gvt Tde Mar'b ul ttitude wiho asseirbled te lopresent lhe 1 Markham ; Climie,frora Bowmanriiic ; L. fo ieinterestiang and able teetura 'viel ho bs nOw delivered ; %vih the sincee nd sentimfents oflthef respective neigîrIbothoods, Krib, . Misi&nary te ihé1 Ibdians,: Colpoy's 1 arnest wibb tat his benevolent and gra- and uai rater lite heur in tie day, tie Bay, and J. Rof, front Toronto. The e tausevctruit iccnry wloe adjournedte tahIe- Congrregationai addresses 'vere 4reil calctlated te awalié witi muci suce3."- Caplte hear lthe views ef their represen- and mairtain a missianary -spirit, and te ad- A fter btaining several signatures, t ic tatives in P arla nentband t iers on i s er Ta c tre n e c la f v t l go i es ii $ e meigeParated, mutci gratified with tie importdnt subject. Bolth ,MessrS.-Wright commuinty. exercises cf the cvening.andi a n a r t mn a n a c q r it t e d t h i e l v e s w i th M E I i 0 > 4 l I S E T - n t C FaCisand Sca is. credit, abt expresase a destre la carry ut i taint.th 4derned Seion thre-* tic 'iew!$ of tbzlr c nsti!uents. 1 O P E ¶flG Ã"V IG 7 ýq ! S iï r i1 M en t w I e. r eu ir e . a ry m ea su re s o f v e s e i , l a i d U p tt n vt e c o s e o i t h S e r alp - D u r i t i r t i c a f t r n o i r , t h e C l a r t a n i m c r t al otnv a io s . t e p s f p og s pin- season o h o ta d S u g o a e e J f i rù -h d i h in W lbtby irrbor, are ow 1 w r i f t f is e n t r p ah î e t r crttin ,, ready for service. T re f hem R tr ut omInitte id a conversation txodust at took p aceý du ne iDg e -presail- ' i ii % a il o n Ni o n ti- - ? e d a e t w î s itî Me s s rn % . r ' a n J H i lt 't a n a n c e o f c h o e r a in Q ute b e c , a n d ; w l i. a eo w b . flil freifrts for the Gènesee. Tii îar or ocerrtng t ho Charter, and lie was assuredJ completed. Our Rail load tarter mi ilI 'Pt Dy TELEGR-APH. CommeZ&W Treaty with .due U. S. Wu'uiirctots, Foi.. I. bespehes. ere recei-veti froas Mn..Len- gersoit le London, la 'vilci il 'vus:uatien stooetiniamrucic ars bieair sont to &ônclude an àsrrungeireirt of tic points more. recent- 1. niétrr î ffl s er r ms iteretofore agreedti l viti -Mr. Heétett.' Lt les udjt e hopropos- ed that- ajôîant-eoxmniue shallireÈ,ppoinîed ,or. tihe eert of such daims cf Ameni- eari Citizes and rtintshrSuijectq s u mua> ire ag' cduoit':b>.-thase.Govdýrnmnirts ne- spef 5't dliaf n stsCice 1815.: Il as augýese4tbàt a -Conimorucul Coiutetion 6e .èomvelu' o, -arrangre tie suijecta cf Reeipr'oeVrte naivigation of thic St. Law- rence, andtiL Joins, lo-etier %wVthtiho par- tiepi tirawiaiý pén cf tire Auerican toast- mng trade, te l3nitisb Veswîs. 1 ' tle design-* Ac aise, tliabtiis convention saai setule lie Fisicry Qtoesian. 'Thie negoteatîon 'ilI aiseL incltmde lihe"rifairs cf'Central Ainerica. - lid 1

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