r J - - -~. .-~ - 1 i "I y; I N W Yor, 'Feb. 7. ~ Côilins steamer A41cînsic reacbed. ai J~0 a.m t -b ininingLi- Crîaoi - - MAR XES. lisé impt ~msn n ft-annnnounncd hy 1e-C a«d . tafully maiintninied. The i3 l.,beaditu1y's bai, bel'a ses-y ,jnet, aisIs a 'd cline'on il articlea. bet s squoted lapIaguid densani. Indian corn 6da la iowes-. Iusines smubeen en'ssîl 4Mkùens". eltal reports tise business fuît>' equialtoe- thié rts, sitais aisupaard ltmndeiie' ina b<*f, lard and, t-lesse.- ,*Trite Iasnc seaterfirin, adpi ir ora bfgoîszuail ynrns. -. - stearsp4s4,'which ws detaiaaed r 'n*~Lirerpoci Just before the .4l4uati'- Tiser. l' s 'basa psesicn tâis ecaater tbe.re'aaseasblits înnlian t, Lord Pal- 'rtin yul.- - lowýdà «otion for tise ! ~riase of the an ùi r fOiad .r T 1:ismdath f~tise 'nr fOfr,-Er Dheaasctamp, n044' of r. 1Percivalt tesn- aunced « -- A~init4e u.i* metcltng vas bela ut ]Bis-- aaaigbassit-e& beisai' f.tise-F lorentice pri-, . sontm. À, ,ÃŽliîoaa.i tbteQueea s v ot' tj, __ Soliiîieg \bee' 1 M montrtte wilh Fortg ýsowcs, u bpnt tspes-secation fos- relivinusa opinaions. > smilai' largçe medipg waaisalan M ore.fivôns'blew*eatscs"appehss t km-e -si('inasn a Eusgiand, and t- e aiat t>'hie -- frme#rs about ,tbrci -res as been se- ettes-s fsomu ConstantinOt'lc'6f tise Stis of .ûuay. lit isttise atairs cf the - - Baik cf o atnInlebave acotet becs l'h. .*ià rtic brouglsý 960 tQ* ghlst. edIut $-1,5*>,O." J 1 On Sattirda>' tise' t'asufunetsonasieý.of I to receire t¶Incthe tis Eperovtbe accourste- met of lis inthntied marnrelis addresa - sL <onU setk-, b se,:adaih6o tise i lui-fl" 'rsudlsuyi.'ii.eocxa recovurel-' T'b* Enapesor.'statel -bti %ibaalliance wvss in . accordane ilS ald tlraditina, â -p'wùtjot lpts'ble lhi self- to co Royal , - -- ~ bntiag, -lat 'royal llaceseraI *ýS sunfortunats, aul al*ways -ubsitute1 tà mily 0aîe ests--or tîsoeof- the nation at, a lat.lie tapislis as t'olevs cf bis wîife. Stbe who is -te bot-oms tIse objerî of my1 predbyneiio hg birtb,1French in beart, shed bber faîiaer inm 15eçause cf tlae-Ea- pire, and l ise bas tis4 alvantage of' lavin-, *.norehatim4là suFêsce, I<ý vion it aigîibç i necessas-tl e bonoua's. Endo's-d -itia pâtme qÙ altes-oe, usé i cthe ý,ýwnamfiL ise soe, as ihe wiil be tis - ho WC& isbaif Iecasetof ils cousasig .,su1a orteras., AÇ devout Catisolie, %lievilii adsiîaena eleaiven tise saine pray-ens as mi'-1 self for tise selfae cf Vrsance. -G oal 'a-il g'racions, se avilI rev'ive., t have ýthe frint 'ompe, -hse rirtuses of ise Empreas Jci tephii;e. j cere ien. \'es,,qeuns .0 tan>' 1France1 t1uat 1 aî'e 1refrred aa ensajs visînai ia c , ai r spect. ltu asv nytiknoasaslais' avis.t a ian t J ,dI -0rss148tadr.ântb,ea bas abtari jai arieaîIeCV&a, nil qaitîc e taineju1li'aialtie aii a li tIaies i tien, I miaIt Cetb i eustrag beof-atas Ia j)a -ree5 I asa .peentl o spf-~ ott fpeoplèa&Bd tctbe à -sY" - t I i . e cnfidence iat> bave in ýme assures' - meo f their sympaîimy;towarils ber 1 Itae -choIerasAnd eî gntlemen isi le'arnintr r~t k owlaer bettexAîwil béeuiviasked of liais 1&a W t 1 baié. bén disettd b>' Prçuvi- i - - dente;" - ; Tbs, Mas-iage svaÀto be- c-eeratcsl on -' I 3SOth Jaîsuar>'. Tise Emps-css's Mlother's ntm4e, 1 irk~î-patniTt ,atdabcasecame frein The~ Patrie aniiounces that Lise /rclabi- ;bep' fPariu bas béeenildesired te éelebraite ~ I tihe vicramesnt cilf' aarmmny lttNotre tÀ I 1Dame. - -~~~ Fs-o Ui giuua vo legrcas htisaal Fort*g "Ificr *isa beéti dismisselfrein the Anînt '1 ~ ~ tb b> h' verona.-- -"Tecor-espcùdnlt01,ci'- ittîloO Ga"o gi.ves cur4asçy .là a ntiioour tsat tise Pojr aa"dpgerusi IIIfron sasattacli cf ape- -Aocnm> f Genoasse mes-chanta bj bi e -' b asdrsed cr the establishmeno a li e, and ýew-iork. SAntiser Madaii case bad oeccrre. at Gelsoâ. D. Xlaggingmii haing been sen- teaseeli ta three -.yean ,iuujrisonnent'. fer Omrs Pacha tolcta Gracors b>' atorna, but in aiterapting ho surprilte tihe Capital of M%'oaiunegro, in thIeMessastasiss, he ivas repuisedl.- Que dey last aeek, a awsaioasa aceide4t toc- sarsel ithîe -fmnl cf 009 -cf eus-citisens, frorn -the bursmhig âiuil aithina amup "îakbig fire, *ç heit l*iigbted -lIatth- tÛ-edtise vieL. TIe ýtcip of tho lsnap vast<igil>' afflwed oued uIl mt rop'ir p liaîticna tfakos rb~t' t b*um 1t bit tise ,-l a tùw t'-o ,s,,aM Wîbe tubu. Similias>11 43as 01195 dea cToale, hqt attenstions bas 0jt î oýffèleà tIy -hoso £wved to thicuse 4ip9tier eýse w -notie mat week ifiserç the ttack- -, I - - Thbe engina-er vas crasised bieaeati tise engine, and iîad net bt-en reaiovard ait(tise liane- ot- nformant'iiil't. 'lhg! frensan vas iliroava unçier lise tics and kiliel. lias linaIs' ussa sianekingi>' bnîiisedt. A nesseotcr waai imînedi-atel>' ent tu Crottin Point te s;top.tise up.,Ilrni.a. A train of cars anriresi aitisatenaetf'digater m a-n bous- ater itli- -us-c il-nt ocurîed. - Siaortly btfore the aIccident, tishe cars acere riîaamiiag'at ise rate of 40nmiles per bnsar. '-i biespceel sas t Sa.ccd viseasthe trains aî'nrocisetthliet-is. lise pa.e agent escapel itliapat serions in- j-s'y, ans-i arrivrd insu. ovma ,t -misnigis.-1 A FLOATING MIET'AI 1%s-. James Ný'\armytb. cf Patri crofi, ne an Manrelistaer, Engluasd is.'as fi a n-4 aa o-11 ishet tise nttîves." Sisoul d iî4seame je a pîa-ttieableeýone, ainsi eaer be paît into ae- quisitiosi, -,titi more, anId.avçrse, wiIl lae as- tensis tise'Voseigaaenas. lut !praracses n plais of' sublime. siumliciiy, rensindingais ol' tIhe Titanic iengines avilis' iii I Mitten's bernes aage tht-w supatraattaral avars. Ms-. Nas- mytis offers ta daes a lolé in a sissp'i %ide, as avide us a cisurcis bar, b>' a sitagle isba,. Remembering bis prodigions steain-hammer ait lise Great Exhiibit.ion, ave iasstaautly con- cînded thnat Nasinytis" plIsn for dris'ang day- ligIsi tirougis (oreio-mon of var lconisteai Of anime adlaptation of tisaI Cyclopean in- strument. 'l bis. bovever, is uet tise case.,- Tise plan la, te ccnstruct a 10oitiný mortar lop&weiglîit about 6W0 tons-- as-d b>' means of a hie-pýres.,ure steai ngine, te ps-opei a mon-star tkimle," veilit net atated, ugainuat tht enesy*s bull. Tise hiSe stll iwoialîVtitn explole, -a& Iole as big as' n t-burt-b dmon eing'- instan tly 'maIe ib the sisip's %ale, tIse consequacice cf- wih, says Ms-. Nýasmytis, ie 'lleà iies teiaagination t t- onteve.." Xs-.'Nsisqytis, unlîke Cap. tain Warnnr, nakes iso secret cf Isis inven. lion., andi tiera is tîhearefcs-e ne roason avis> Fs-enrs-b iinibles" aismulal 9etrap Englisis linut-kîes as easiîy as thi.rev erse. Certain- 1>' Mr-. Nasnjylhis la apractjý*l Mata; and deoaà uais, ivitish ul ~pimigool fiaits, an appertunit>' ef testursg bits -invention. Sîtondîlilsucreel on 'oaa m"c. f lie Chan.- nel, osf Curse il aviitstIÃŽ6er onà Lise ottie; anmI ivsn al tisimblÃe4: rèekxs - ' sxble," Ihen in deed vWitc 31ne tM uj È of vas-. We îuset that iais'mv ' oet f tiible- a-mg dp aant1 acupulsai cul ta varlike .aa%1ttalfoeýMff onsIbis gicuas thbe atter awi-ta -sobeu the Soci- iL>' for Pro t)ï_ vs3; -UnO REAL MTE't. ~-erlvaîssabie inpa'oved pcsperties were moiati uctioô ,tetii65.'- i 'b tith ver-W5anis ýf -the Cii. --The store Noýj $2, Cedar-stUég,5 21- by--Sê fetî bromght $20AWO; &I42e uirt V by 78,$",00.,, e'%a-ld Aumeieu -i«i -- x.-, à e.,uM.ua.t 6Y' théir respEctive amtbassadons. Abost ten o'cloek a general movemesit.ais ou- serveil in tise salooas leailintr 1 thse tiarènei rocan, andi soon the Iimpes-or appeà red, ivtibl Lady Cowley' leassing on bis anan, and foiloveilb>' tise M inistesrs,-tise menabers ni tise Dmplomnatic Cos-ps. thse ciicers cf tice Fituse bolJ, 'Use grent functkoanies ai' Siate.j 2ts1 thse là dies nnd gentîanen twiolsad jpa beets presenteil. Louis« Napoleon -avai dres-sed inthbe uniform of a general ooeicer,I witi tise ribanai and ' star cf tise Legioolni lenour. lHe 'vone ises ýiai i aîaîl d:!a- mnons* buckles, candawhite sik stockirt,, -Wib diamond knee btacklea. 'Thle Minis- ttert, aind ..evi-ral other publie fuaictionà ries vsere. !,iîaitainly, habitel. T he Enaperon loolc eil e, and appearedin iiecellent -spir- itçt'at be passeai along betaveen the.roava of gorgeou% uniforms andl cotiy dresses ol' laies, bowaing te the ritrht and le-ft. lie raoceetleil at the bt-ad of bis bnil!aat\ cor- tt ge lu thse Salles des '%ereclsaux, sihere dancing coinanenceui. Tise Emperor bad for hia s aiiner tihe lady cf tise Enliab Amn- bassador. Arrivai% continuei l amo-st sitis- out intermission titi i1 o'clock, and'soon tise maÃŽnificent saloons of' the Palace were filel ,vet not iasconveniently sa. DiigADFuL AccîiNT AND DSÂ'rsts 14E AR Si'tÀRTFORD.-I'ia'Sasat>' of Daniel MNabany, Lot 25, con. 8, E-ilace-was basned te tise grond an Saasday alternoon lasti and said to oas-rate, tîvo of bii ciildren,.a pirl about 2& years onid, and a cîsiî1 t[bey] il tiiontha cld, bus-nel te deatb-\lahany isad lefI home las lhe fereneon le sce some neig-Isbôr, and l lct bis %ville amnd cliidern an tIhe bouse- lais avife is the c 'us-se of thse aftea'non, visitel a near neigsios-, leavin-, ber 3 ciluren a boy 4 yeasa d, aitis tht-I wboie èn tise bouse. A piece of hush intervAmed,,betaveen tise ase clearance andl tise neîlbos's, aviicispreelulea tise tire being sec n la her absence tise sisant>' wu hurasei, an- cul> tise littie boy saved, wvis telis tbat bo triedti t gel lais sister andl brother out. but an- ci near tise der frio bt- ene'tiem nd isy ramiiuder tise bed-and the fit-e itcreasing rapidî>' soon ceassuaneil tisa-p and everyîhink.before5 aasy person eb- servred t.Ailthtie poor mnan's ciôtising, prosaîsisns, flous-, &cwith 5Q buMSsis wbeatînd "oe mïyw 1easo consîsraed. The roof vas in, anil as>ny- pisle, o l'reý tisa agosizid inotiser as'sived.ý Dr. J. Hycà e, t henew Coroner - proceeded tM boid ait inqUest-tbe4 ict at *hi t e etc kasoav. Itisi -strt b it no vwarumngs whateves- wilt doter parepts.frein so care-ý k-syIavmssg"Ier homes' witlhont>' littlei -h esw Ya ý TY&M Âli-Ât * of our city batela, a merehjattdis bsi- eas dovin town i bas a'ecom-foi 'wbscb b. ýpayO , uaakadred <44 .igh*ydoUas'a iieuk1.Ils famil o#us of e vpeffluss. btmctu otel at 1slI.a-srqmbrëkr-.-. Mr. Goyld, or Liai ie bad net Ionp his dots', but on tise contras-s'tisse vise faveur- -i <haenttieon deslared theraseves satilsed wjth bous ; but tise>'mes-el>' aantel a change of provisioal at'asltns, mes-ely wae .sippase for thet sake c change. The mode cf pro-cadusrc va-,vota b>' ballot, vîsicis la aas Saised w 'oulil loali the acta of saine of thse- members fs-cmthie eytes of ibeir con- rtitsents, anad N4. 'È~.. N. Gibbs waas et-- ail. Ms-. Gibisa isnmeaiateI - vît,sk the- chair and villa ai irumpîsant air tistnkled the- Cotnt-il l'es-tise henoats done biai. and ai nl . that bc consiîered this ýas a tribaîle net ta iiseif but ta tise prsasiplaa ibc advocated anal tht- cou-se ha pussuaI tise last year-in far-t he- uppeared to bhave arisel at tise acmor f lis gliry. Napoleon 111 avien ise fotînd i iself IEntyserar, asalil aot have ex- presse1 on bis ccasntenance more livcly sait isl'actiac. Hl'a-êlt fisr-sias iis sont, andmaia onceý proceetied ta foreslaadoa tise cous-se bc avouli pus-sue in succcs5fsslly intrrutinz tise Ccîsnty- pro-gress. But 'alas for thee mta- bilit>' cf all public tarours. IIiý; gior>' of yestenda>' mas but cf .*nrt 'lus-atloa. 1-lis boasteil triasmpk oves-fr oliani<fts succescf bis epposlusos voitl otigotôbvas 'vitls meas avis- came tIses-e te tranatthlie business cf -t'îe côuntr, andI on motion of Ns-. Belates- of Brodk. seconde b>' Ms- Lamsden of Pick5ering, ona nida>' mos-ning. Ms-. loeaof Wbit4Y vasproposes]a varden insteal c f Mas,.Gbbbs. Gibbs le- jmurred te petirg tbê, metialsins tise shape il titbei ba. it *-sattered, te sit bina -or at lcasl thî Cofidil. Mr. G.ý Iooked Ilatik, quibilel.laiboitt -tles cf orbes-tonra visile, but seeimg bovýItbnp w entsiupsg effrel -ais - esignntiofsi--Tisbe molutien vas es-entùalyput by lise elerhc nia cars-led., There iscase circunîsitblé lstrqlreSe- plaistion *toucishg ,tsèteeaeaa'f Gibiss tise prevaeua l>ay vhicls vas-bot fatr)>' elearél Usnyi t poý"pw va 44,is tise bandaof thle propct'ithorittes i Tes-- ente-at the tisi.m et oei&%;'Ç-ibbs, ssIdim-. 5tI5liCOU5aN6#btmHibIiid a hii m lmaî MORNING -SESÊSIO ýN. - Frida>', liais Feis. 1853. Cliunil met aI .1l o'ciock. tiseNais-den sntbe Chair. 'T'e Wate laui on tise t able an letter froan Ms-. ;arnett, resigning bis seat usi Rteeecef Mais-a nI Ranma.- Mosed by MnI. Boîster, secended by Mr. -Luma-ders, amd Reso-cr,-'Uh nt tise Ceuni-il do -nov ps-oc-t-aIota altcianPs-oaissonal ,Wairden, anI tSait James Reae, Reeve cfl Wbitby, be appôissiel. NIr. BoItstes-, in .-oving,-tise resolîtien, mut- isdiaI nu pensonal feeling influeut-ed lasina tisaproceeiling, bis ont>' object 'vas eo test tisaI opinion before tise Couaseil, as-ts4clatise 'arIeh (Ns-. Gibbs) expressed yeait-riln> on teksang bis seat. An opinionî whviicis be (à lr..13.) believeil aais fot aup- punt-I b>'the- aajorit>' -efth ie Ceuiscil. St-CoNta SISIGZ ATION Os- TalaiWÂADEL 'l'o the. nPonisisqnai Couracil efthlIe Comana> ufOl ntario.- Gentlemen- As tisere appears to be a lesire tu t-lec a Prnvisiaiial .- Warden J- titny stsal, 1 beg te tender aisy'resigiation cf tisat oifice. Tise Clerk la tise Chisr. A ion& discussions arosa.. on time eletton ot a Suceesse os t 'issChiais- cf Was-aen, in wviicis most cf tise members toct pirt, Thbe Couisl> question was tisercugisî> discu"edax, as ast-l as tise 1varions.posîteus, ar iaestise opposition voluntaï-liy plat-el itsîf *b>' its oasi acts, dunragtise paint year, an m aii- brouât fos-th some t-ur-t -act t iait de net redond greatly te tise eredit cf lisat' imsrqil5fat-titan ifiicia bas tascu aand still is deteranined 10 leave aso-ïtosseutnnsai ed to p.revent tise Count>' geing ias OPes-:. lion. 'Prcosiiest U>'ycf <te Centrme- <or fort2,000. Iuncticas asnd quee',& Be 1nt-isSuits. Tus-nlùg 9's lite 6%s intise cau e at the-,Osbwa Asesaienf-and tmk- iasg tise lastcciv fs-eu -the -farmets eof Brocta tavenl>' yeairs benace 10 paf fortise B-oiltd- np, - viye paced - a in tese ps'per positiets, -andti tie respoSibilbty et tisase abud anail gave cuIUeiS tfï a vbicis bave bées lindl b e last W tae e osnit ýWbitby, vu fIts Ãpu Wbs c ',s- 0% s feliciva duIy made out and traaisferred b, b iy CUlYShO OVnO~ muthoritics. - Tf lsrefort- tbelbarpan nd 're(u-Ss.riutt3ndenf utId«t*a iubscription as far situCiily w CQ I w!lhlca Coauvr.hulCnvuiO d îâ closed. nre Deberitur.!s tlýeîbeiue * 1i iits o~r.;tO5lCuc a lb. Property oaf lhe contrac tort, ail tLeC % lntby Villaffe ors Wednesday thse 23rd Cirry bail no furtber eintrlorer tisose te-1 iint., preci3el .y ai l af paiet onc-o'rlock P curities, a.that cni-spleted the transactioii. i .- - inwlicîs ail Couancilor', Local Super- 'Phose sime securities the Contractors immenents Trubitex", 'eachers, and oehers diiposed -of îit îougbt at a -hae f 20 wbo take an intereait ias E ducation à éw per ceut, onlv realizing £W0000 fer tha iîc uatn.'i oje f<.Cn £50,000. A fter thlis the Delit of the City vent. ion is -inchsding dais £50,000ývras consolida- j si. To answer any quertion& sud, i&Dyn ted by net of Parliampnt at thel'esor, expination de.%;red, respecting îbepro- thereby raisng the value or thaï. portion of n!,I135of the Comm'n ScbooJ Law. The aboie choit-e extraitI ae clip fs-am) tise Daim>' 4, Pals-lto f tise' Stuist., bu ailait-a citicol aotiiiqe> iade ot tiselate ts-mperasrce IemonstratiAsn ait* Stesifforville. Tise -6Pas-bol",smae lithae snce anadltise grantaI iscever>'d "1tisathtIe ergarausaltien cf- rte* Sons aas a Ieep ) laid s-adical sciseane,"1 and tise dinaes- given te Méana. Uarttn -&wsigiut. fuît>' confirs-ansans-coateaaspe'myls ps-osions 1aievs. Tlsefýbsùrdity cf thse à 'dîseever>"'à issiý as 10 scarcel>' requis-e achte ;atîl even.auppcsmasg tises-e vre as> growsads t4 fesar tLe <ai appltg" nmatitig. alîsidelt4, lthsesource (rom vbîcb the, an- notacemet- vs msad,iasuflEcieast te tissow -mistiMit qon tise auasiur. At tbe Publie -Diuner at Stoufftïrvilé aIl« poîlfcal parties were s-prsentod-aud fwdli-repsesçnted-- antiah te susse ilas Aba t idseovery asdi atie una'tia- iasetWatsirasdi a m aé -Intttin-li -n aïir ýrthg-e -th- h ojet 6 9 r sth coruer of uloN0î%ý M r .&treet sud , 'N T C .Geor1in Boyâ, ý4*.ve. tbtýçùeaéo -r4atïI the san of let, BrOdw4,. foi' $14A030 4 "ýr he . 'Ih>ab...neo, -e, tO b. oviatd b getinga, Ismpprorean.ent l iraaue wê *rk, iïdW*01 have mvi a4p*b P EBfiv i tes ehprrbn. iia& . amarngt witUa d ouble tube, on" tdn am ~t-tto l'vs place et oflýe 10 e*a!.buildings, d et the CRXDIT SALFE Pi the &hcs.r ~a~T .Gibbs,ï et " là the othea', wieh.glvies te iiey~j best coin- whit.h sthali be ~equatl in. capà iy and sir- n n t rço. 25, 3rd Conscession of WJma aty, lhat theinotes wiil <edlIte OffthelGtis mns., snd;folèsl Pdý ad.tIse i tan4l d ' iawa, ith thse 1rng.rent te the rentai required te sustaîn on my place, on shMLt ,atsunilibe 20ltiingi ;ai- os.p b e(aion Prwîn as Wade, ed. necestity ô[fà - *cttslnguislicr- danglint Abd tbe 4"gh )éasée. :A& t-bebuildingïs riavert tote lewhjrh time abey.,Wi sbebaad.d to rny Sici. oelb .A.Hr eoddb jingling at tîîe endzf.a chain that la always the féeSimple owners et the énd of 21 tor P.or CotléctiOfl.d' b ias the way.Trget thée wsck that is pre- years, and- wifl cost probably $30),000, JAMES HIGHAT. Mr. Bcyd, That liais Council do now pro- lae'or the purpoee, andl uf the proper size. (,besides the lost of nearly or quite à ar. î'a _ F 4ay P a ~ a* ed eele ts Wsd nd n4thaï, tht: pavr rei an oy leto ae n ime)itiscacl ted at' the eli a r. i .saine be doue by balot.-Carriýd. hydoabiing p eandie.wick by guess.- stand the lease hlder las nearlf $20,000 aTeCuelte rcee lc h Fosrt 1), let Il be -. até leoft he loisse, on no year, interest being taken into accout- A TO N T A LAW; PosinlXaden uen tIbe Clerk -I accouri whtater ohlalapalr ak 'wYr er. ofýWoIcir In tltnn'rr nounced the election of T. N. Gibbs. Ir vou catch a iervnat it, discbarge ber CO3IVEVANCLit &C, &Co* Mtr. Boyd moved, ýeode y r as ;oon as if aise bad been cauglit tbrowiiag *F1C.at( TSS II.CmroFrtt rdcondof al pIpr. * lghtd mtties b tse ld ape bo 'nWhithy, Fcb. 9th, 18b3. 43-v. andI documpnts in cniection ilIs the thegaarret. If yourson does it. read Solo- Thse firt Imperial bail took place oùs the ______________________________ Co mm.n on the gave,-aient oll.cWiaen unles% l2th tilt. Thse invitations were limitet at LEFT SERVICE. nyBidnaCrid . 'on- bave got a biernaicf Soloman nd don't weuîy ibousail, cf whicb two bondred and Moveai by James Roave, seconded by beliere las corpra-apuoitîbînent. ,:.If you do fort>' 'vere. set aside for .Engli3sb. n-is 1LLLAM T. Lyride <mi aegamy- empmny. . Taylor.. it ysumrelf, gçtyur bous* and your life in- Majesty and Court camne ot in the glorses XM ment, ,and i1laea'by inr,d R] r-i'ni' e- Tha thie Conal do now proeeed o sured, and then eee i.or conience by re- of tbort breerbes andl ilk stockings, baving ,ntr hm m edîilen my arconta <lon ;i mId ÉI ea,: elfrt bYlballt à 5Committee cfie to namne solin nyert idoltagain.isaole eîhr o ts casion laid aside their long pansaa- 1h en Nibrsi.tic iOlh aS RON tendin'g commit tee on Finance and As-j bent on ttuicide.-Ifew. Y&Zrk Timt. j-oons and bottes a l',-cuyaere. And apre- Whithy, Feb. 6tla 1853. 43 -16. sPgMaeaat, Conlîngenciesé, and Priasing.- I;m 4c bottes tht." ilorning CIponicte's* Carried. kAfcl1eaflprditlon ta Japail. correspondent say3, tIbat court etiquette, 'in *IO S AND LOT FOR SALE. 'Committee eleited: TIseAmeica' EKcdilof to apaa ~the malter oniuforms andl silk stockîngi.(llwvl as eil as in more important attmîrs, is to be rT HP rnamdioufis wo Sicav Dwr!iing ttnusp, alr vGbs unai likell' te meet Wîîh A muets 'anrff rece.P- staictl>' litpt up under tise new Disperal re- Isitiatede teGte tics os a-ri'im asitsditinatin thanis gime. Ih apiacars the 'court is In comme- et. ù inte'rTownorWib.kcfrd rSa,î jondte7occP.M crorimiaors à ntitipnted for it. 'The Bocston tion respecling tise strictneas of thse ebser- eaoabeandi aadvatuen<tjlert-T hie h""mee____ Pose. publitbqs.tisa folovring exts-actfrein avanceia of state. T'risorderl>' offiers muid >22Aihaockr tiasnaa .- ~~ce;1eaýt w-l andi rlrlp. Theae 35 *tio aettl rvening Session. -etter receiveds frein a.- gentleman 'vis bas oirers a"..aides-de-camp especiailly are cardrai <sial vittiseserai beatingfhuit trees aec adni the Chsar jn~~t rtret sic6strfrm tptedspie.. Those of tisem -wbo were allowed ian.IT0 O'NlýITZ Gh -,reIatvs e tsli i-sc he.aa.t ppocb se P'resident of thse flepublic For filtaler pa ticulaits sply 10 Ibe proprie. iisoai0FCM.ST. ifte*e tôtadiUtePiriope'. "I alt in- ivitis thse famnilisarit>' cf equals, now finiltd ~*a.SUIA-W. To tise Protm'ionilCeuncil of tise County Co-meil b>'a gentleman- a "native écf Japan, *bmus.;rat-batik iito thse anti-chain- Cab he: jVaker WIT,'i B Y Of'Ontario. that tise Emperor i% read>' for- the Amens- ber of the Ensperor Napolcon ]ILI The v %Wlsiby, FeA. 12h, 18 43-af. TeCmiteapiti anmnt can elpegMioau wile-çxhjW~&ed a letter 10 are inoet alonwed*tut tater-he SalleS *- the Siandiný' Cni-anitîeea ons Filiance andl moe, which ýê~~drreiaad fromn one of desr>lwrëehiaw sslskbin Loui Pbilli-ppe's Aýhs R.%a< ,tpcsment, Contingencie' and Printinça coîsstrvmen, tht-ason*'the slanil cf Jedilo.. ime, was-1hfeir -smual lotinge. To add to I ji... 1 Il 0 1Il TbE R leai'e to report as iollow.s: tisat tise peoaple k-ept a, strict lonknst a il titi,, great fetnd bas ari.%en betiveen the i---*~-----~- ---- -- oror iseê coa4;.snd4!r swaearad ieiecjp nltansvyapad WHITIY SATURPAY,_FEB. 12 1953. F1NA.'ýCE AND ASSESSMINENT. bnssn o is aosa*in a igt i rde, chanberlains, and tise affair lasaai to bave t G(ibbs. Taylor. te be prepaire41 la case these quadron shoî:ld becom o se embars-assiag <bat Napolen Bord. Burns. apperat nigst.' Oné'milîsois cf soldes-s ai-e fsandshiis isou-ebcld gis-e 'him- nacre trouble eo eg'ets iue te Gonl. &i aaîîd .1lianil. The coaat is ail set to govern tban tise re.-t of tise empire. ~'iib O TN ECES withgu0'4% bie.în tbe:ibay of Jeddo, where iscaifrtIeblwsblaifrm proceedias in liis body.*I l b thefleis e epteid,.tbçre as- ocuntless seen by aur a'caders tbit man>' of tihe mcm- Cameroas. Boyd. 'w&rjuastnd tu *Iclé bey is aurr.uaded I-er erdre de L'Empereur le Grand er a-e rarstoe acis otiser in thi' Luinsaien. Rowe. with innunerable forti' Tise presents bad Cýbambedà n a lImoneur de prevenir M. brsaeseare anet better bave becas l.ft ibouse. A trade - qu'il est invite a passr la sosnree au capacit>' cf Provasienal Cotinciliors, and as PTTI< aili net scon ho openùed ilis that couslrv, Palais des Tuilleries, îlé Mercredi, 1Qeme such it iwas Det te be expected tisat tisat GahlMOava>. Bolster. ejÉceptiby force." yttviee; a 9 lice-res, barmoaicus feeling w!ould ps-evsnil lant dià - Brabazea. bave. sânîi - RAl Z -OAIY-CUéLDEÈNT. U EIASN. tinguisbéd tbat beri eansd indefatigable Fecs . . . - . Ou est priee de rensetts-e cette carieena TWOLSES .OT.entrant. fevrwbois bravcd tise anet disreput:Iýle fac- Al of iviicb is rcapectfully snbamitted. - Tisugistiseheurnsentnedav-sn1netiens oppositiGttevevctt'cred te an>' public i [Sig-sed.J A E B R S As ai zpean:êe. thse Hudson oclock, yet long before carnagesbet be l>ffaanen4 n their aberims e River Raslroad, - i etterda'y alfoo arre tse' o t f telase.c arosre erIions by tise assi!tasce of tise minorit>', Cornmiitee t-oom, Feb. 10. wbithe olcb lèseIrlbnday i hall'-arere atisets«ourticfethte lace. rsee addi laigtisctny nn. peaite te e o'loce.swcceain aà paquartbiscorntof a11'arMort-ilb>' J. Burn.s, secoadeil by Mr. reahel tsecure vihi saqatro olo iprcred an entrance by thse p'asaf- as far itlvà nced a position as soec Il~ Callowvay,1'iat terpr o edb mite ettCroten Point. thé~ engineywa,; ibrosin lion tond averesipsr otIem -Iaseeotaow eilbt fron tIse truckb>' a piec e cfrock, whiich Ils becs cf tIse Corps' Diplomatique and tise utesetofa.tdaielm. fer:dîtl.Cre.- .upposed to bave faikin f frina lecige. The higher foctinnanies cf state, andl whiite the Cotincil was orgaizeai a motion wasj Moved b>' JamsnaGalloaa, seconded cnine avas thrown laes4ard tapon tise rocks, ticket-s*fer theo clsr pes-sons avio bad ac- - - breisght forivard, 10 dlcc a new Provatsional b>' Jameî Boave. vab.le the tender tnok 'ise cuber direction, ceas b>' acetier entrince on thse sarne sile. Wardeas, avIen iNr. Could félu himseîf cal- rba't Meuars. Gibbs, Rowe, Taylor, andi 'vasdash iscil bthie rves-. Foi tunately 1-h'eEmperor entereai Use state spai.tinaasnt n is s-uw., Goasla, -Ihaird, and tise noves-be tise couplingir .etaveen thse tender 'andtise precisel>' at nine o'clock., and proceedeil to led upon te tender' bis ressisýation.Ti appoiated tise building comosssioner.- other calsa paitedi, -1ô thut tise passen.er itise ibronas rooin, ahere- be receiveil sncb motions aas ilecasllar a It nolt t be urged Cari ied. sra wne noct upset, akhougrh îhrovn offj persons as avere sýpeciaui> presenîed tor imb*n ; supposeil unfituesi% on the part cf 1 Adjous-nedIo.l Frisiay 10 o*clock, A. M. best 21 2 best 2 'i Bals>'. d- Oats. di - 66 d' Peau. fi a '015 0 5 0 15 a' 10-0 5 0 bsbh ClaCover Sced. "Timots>'Seeti. AGRICULTURAL For tise bestPleîigis. 5MPL bes4 }Iarrcav. 2a 44 a 3t id< besî Cultîvatos-. 3s 3 di di bcst Turaip Drill. ,4 -2 ' t . 64 3 a6 M = i i /~ 4 150 100O 5 0 10 0 5 0 0 00 100O 15 0 10 0 510 5 0 15 O 10 0 The Preminin Grain wsi ho moud- b>' Aucti on tb tise bigisabiddes-. W . Bai-lt-y, Otsas nIPeau bis Lots cF ' ve busbels, an-I sth'l'imotisy anad Clevereped in ane lot eut-b. AI lis e ine 'saev understanî t liait tise aecessas-y arrano"se avili be rasade for tise sale cf Fat eatle? &c., abi iià i ad peat>'<te titereat of regulaur grain fais-s. Towmhjlp Gounoil- Inl coas-equease-cf tise reaignatîce eof R.' Tr. Hiarrison Clerk and - Whsite Assesso- cf Wiiby, tise Council at 'tiseir setias; oas 8tts mat., aas obliged te make pcv ap.. poinlast-ait. Tise Toavnsbl>oMlCersfer tse prssent yens- nov stand tisus: John Gos-don, Clerk, Robes-t Campbeli, 'rreasurer. -- '.aitje, Collecter. Tise Council fs. .,t<51 a large ainct tof basines,, sud a t OftUèLode- - secs-s, tisemonnsseo f wbom WewW4.jy0e t aveeta. Cep>' ofj'tss requisï--elb>'thle Binse Bod4 Departint. Quebeto, frein the Tien. auner cf îisé;'r6vaisip cr Whitbr, for Num4ssr eof acres% cul1 xNusiier ofacre& of 1 Value (or yet-iy ialiv ?Numlnsb-cfHerses" Value of t ho-saine, NetI CatIle,- value of tise Mme$" di lAid, te pas-, or perimaps above pwr, eneqnently tise pas tie.i wbo boughtî lie Railroad De- bentures matde saine £10,000 b>'tise trans- action. But at lise saine t.nte that those stock speculators made mont->'b>' tbe ope- ration tise Cit>' lost notisin'. 'Toronsto bad only te ps-ovule for tise payment of thse £50 000, an imada those Debentus-e.qsosdI fer 50 per cent-premitai, tise Cit>"' liabil- it>' aoulil have bat-n no more. Noav vies-e is tise gisevoui injur>' Toronto subseribea £50>000 ta a certaan road, to be pal4 in Debentureg-iici bargain is flfiled-so l'ar so goil. Tise Contractersarase aiîing te atcet-tf those Debentus'es, int-enq'ider- aticas cf tise subseri'jition, and l ake- their chance oftise market. Tise Debentures us-e, solil-o matter te avioin, or for avbat amouat, 1cr tise Contrat- torsas-s satssfsed ailistise operaition-it 18 net ihein avio kick up the hubhîsb, andsie5 pleased a-re tise>'ailis their part cf lise train- sacieon, that LiougistIse City' Presba taunteil ibei over and over agn ia te naine persans, place, and date,~ stili the> as-e mum- we cuqitaut asnde.rstanad, tisaI as long as tise coats-actors are satisfiel-as long as tise>' do not assmur-as long a" tise>'w-ras vil- ling te 'lake alcubtful Deisentures an u ia tbeir nxýc an tise market-isee thse net-es- %it>' irisýs for Ailtise virtucusas nI moral bunkuin, tisat bas been given lia tise pubiir gratis. Count y Agrlcnltsarai Society. A"Public Meeting teo osganize a CeunI>' A-1gricuttural Societ>' for Ontario, aais ell las imas Village onlise 91ih inà t., andI resuised in l'ormiiýg an Association, avilisexireanel> i ttenas nosméts. 1'iere aili be ait leasa i',e brame h Scrieties prepareil to work ast-hi tise Couplav tbe present season, anda attse Annuai Meeting this tiaene atit year, ave have strong graundIs te believe tisait crery Towaanship. in lime Count>' avilI be reps-t-ent- ed. 'l'lie Oticers efecleil for 1853-ase- -E. Birreli, Pre5ident. John Ltit*on, 1a5t'sice-PreNideist. S iuduifield, 2asd de. - J. 1f. Pers-y, Set-rtian'. Johsn (,orbctt, Treasîtres-. Dil'r.ttrs-JTosepis lierso,John Clark John Shier, J. C. :Sterling, A-. Fareswell, Adlasm SPeis, unI Vx. Bcynion. A, meetingof miseL)rco-w -b-ttd ai Whib>'Village, on lon.day, 28tIsinst., ai one- o'cloc-k, p..m.- Gresat Dlscovery. "Tisefat-t il asow patenitle tise avli- tisa 1- Scissof 'Icns>erane " bave nov Ilarowvasoff tise nask-îisey stand cpemly aivoweui as 16 Raidit-ail Body -assd if a suli- tasy Conservaitive s'iill, afier tiseis- ewn bouetice'ufesb'lon, remain longer las con-, rsexiiai vus <hein, lac ailI de se writlahi, tescs Pen.! Teta Weare indebte pRen, fOr Bu ffal ( New Yorkliap r- We aîe Some teepapjEiý, by 1 LWVERPPOOL Brown, iW3pley ket bas be->&-er Ibs continuenr.e ef orRlour axad wheat 4111Corn aîkdM -viz :-'s. or w and 3.s MrI per 70 lbs. We Ratmore, Phi 6à .; Canadi-n 12~ pet bbl., Beef eoutinurs av en.ra é'. Wain% the idvsan, for a furtherrie er.ý Lard decliât 46S. IG a l alo jas déaand at full Thse Tuscasi diets ie dit The desals of of interest t tise- ire11A>' psblisced. Great romplail lvity of Gem Gi aîascaptured b>' wviile ire montki 'thseplace, adav< * tFtt1ns persitt SThe intention- beklieve' _- ta be .competeut attise èivace oq A. * jCCEs' cOFTHE - thse mpersal trois ?editrictsaOF'Pl Tise oves-ia 'te Oct. 15, JMel 'aoiaîiaased lar-ge- -Tie news fi, *M war er>'satc * tils dncly V -10 -iefroin PqstPhduip N viens alvîces- Rer, Dr. I -FilSIand Islam'-t loves- Pasees.lm -d, iatponve f eatIl - tieaosti cf bs'bagla I . h t i n:sa ina>' be tasadut l'or ils iwuproirement. 3rd. 'ro consider time best regulatsoas in regard la Public ýScimol Libresei elhes- as respecta Cotant>', Tewnsbip, or St-b.d Municipalities, saîsi tiseanodecf coasati- tutinsg and i aanagitsg 'eacris' Institutes. A Public addreà s avilI ise'delivýed eath<e close cf the Convention, avhiei wili proba. bly be bctweeh four andl file o'clock lis tke afternoon. oprlng Fair. .- T1he fisst Spriasg Fais-o0f the' Wbitb> Brancb Agricullurai Societ' viflbe IseId lin Brooluin on WVednesdy tise 9tis Marh.l Tl,- foîlowing ià tilisI c f 'Premiuss Wiseat a' 2 'a 3 ~' best best 'a 3 61 2 6 IÀ si r il fi t É d Lm 1 ai