AARITAL Or TUÉE PA1CIFIe. sanda'.virtue, ganits, rank, and wealth, AUSTRALIANPON . LINE,» ing the privilege to Canada to legislate on Thô yma en rqusef" aate saueo odtc he btee n se, T h~~~ave long been taxed and over-taied in this subjectI, we are onfly obtainig tho3e .o n i osbe The pPaega arrived-at Newv York ye Apudes-for the promotion of- these inter- 'NOBLE A 1 PAJKET SHI IP. constitutional principles recognized in -1791thcartwsmoebyR .R..tunr adwhkyod oga 1rd 19oMngwth 3 Passenger S tests, the amelioration of tas menes, adbuahchwrnwhrwnb heAt'o'Tortn scnedb . ionEq; ufie la.òr rw dnralz dvnae ft ier -Liverppoo on the 7th inst. Cotton the remoral of thms ills '%Vonen without 18 4Reormers havq, now gainied at point Thttetaks ofthlis meeting be given no oeo:hi ffcŠhnamr le etote duèsmneethe. Arabia's news. Bread- number, of thre bigher a ddle classes,'frwihte meln encnedn..-t T fmte p ni StQuslightly advanced,-1d. on wheat, 6d;. ve exerte d teslis t tr most, -and if this 'GýOfernment do nothin ie oEr is s o i becautsatgsaoilrele o. rs b 'bn hour. Busiess generally inoderate'. -* é en to" QdIùotis, in Îhee sacred auses,>uigtermane ftertemo c nThe Coba i n ~Caad ielugun arte em er foahs ec r d Pork aetite. Beef in good demand. Bq- to the sacri6ce of their health, and éerhaps EU P H _R A S I A but finally settle this vexed question in ne' TeCnninte roe u ll ap-1 Ken vnteltl ode htwr esn ih toni wanted. Lard quiet. even to the negiéct ,of ùheir families. The cordance with the well understood wishes rearing ,rratified with its proceedings.araldeivdbthGobinonop wheafata London papiers- advertise a prospectus very documensrff1,t yth mr- 200 Tons, coppered and éopper fastened of the pe, 6tmeadmne ipze•a: h o the AtIsgic, and.-Pacific tShip Canial, vi can ladies prove the old these subjects T ILL, succeed the Baltimore, ne seventh weil t.AMs éBREverear, p(gtoete ogaiysm et e. ai ien av aredyacuiedupn san te rtP citsUnand saitfor ,%elbourht Mr Morin's bill to provide for the es PoRCnEss OF THE UNITED COUNTIES. tionlsleormpltclbaaeNatepessek LD*test' dvices tate that Prussia! and D Bepiswhaeonbentkgtoeta- EUPHRASIA is admirably adapted fr pusen. taiblishiment of a Lanatie Asylutm in Lower -In the course of Dr. Ryerson's remarks gin:gtgvehmhecdsfudr.Btcmite'rp -um were forming an alliaceesrgt emypras aemd gers, and it is sufficient to add, that she wi l be Canada wsra eodtm Sir C. W rnt a haniquet, had thirownvery great blunders. We may have thrown pvsion ted a ittae utitese lr nibral Attorney-Gnra rmmn avvoiont ce pr orstis of dancementhe r-Gog iloiobtauhda.I fc onyB oa ahit h it ws heitetin f h aayou0 lburbygiin n1 won i¡ne.Four ofrthe Sps o the Pteneer n havoe einra Tnr Bl;t0b1rugtvneadcotatg tSdaneet ihh hshpe eehalh uaaeen falnhiroett bcw mimistry to extend the franchise. rection. Wre may have agrgravated the. arriverd in Australia before ihis date, and it is up on thle 25th, whben a motion will probably that mode mn the United States, all orf which theRsre ilntb uelylf otewta hi i ariament wans to reume business the evils we undertook to, quahif- or remnove. now well established thiat ninne of the shipi de- be mnade to hear counsel at.the Bar of the must ha.ye been very gratirving to the friends CadanPrimtndstedoth ofhecut day iafter the Paciin left. Bilt,-at all events, we have inade searching spthdb1h usrbrswl aet u noHouise, on behalf of those interested. Do- It was said that the Earl~of Clartndon inquiries. WVe have had commissions innu- an ort or uples, ais i ey ae amrpprov c1umients have been received from n c of Education lianda e read extracts stsato ftepolwtotasrg eeto h wa t reiýp the Seals of the Fore:gu Of'- merable, mouintains of bl-.je-books. crowas EUPHIRASIA w iill sail,<brect for-Pot- tPhilip), br.Dumodlwihseitles this fo-h olwn taitcwihh ind- l.Iehsytasrn ata ea-tesii fh ceiê from Lord John Ressell on thre 14th -of witnesses, millions of interrogatories, is expected thant she wvill make the voyage in a questona far as related to rente, and 17 futrnisbod the Secretary ait the close of past a -erydsrta h ra ib aaan Jnstant• Acts upon Acts, rates upon rates, confisca- ls im hnan hpadetse neit p hich exactly 'cofncided iwith the vie' h h-•••suc fcneto hthsaiae n essr. Cletan &Stoteroht f Ln -tions upon confiscations. We have philan-B LcTIORForsaewisreflcome neasthefhadl always-,entertainied on ihis subject eictn.' aesaitc mld h ocryhspi don wll ayabot 0s inth .DonthIr thropic societics for every conceivable pur-. reight and passenrtema nexactly twentine On" the 1.5th, NMr. Leblanc iwas ordered 'ty o ootad nte0eseth eaddte rseiyoIhiLonr o fae yhso liabilities. ~~~~pose, and benlevolence now , sks wrhat is days ater the departutre of her predecessors. into custody for neglecting to attend the progress made sinee 181.7 in these Coun-ti-tyer, elngbfewehdhe arnowre tion Govei4nnient to use influence towards the midst o)f this accumuilated à acrifice, andJON GD , Mes. Cartier, White, langaton n ekp n and thions aet ýutting an e4d to the occupation of Ital.v ln the thick of this strenulous exertion, it Or R. WV. CANMERON. Smnith for tim:lari neglect to the Toronto ln 18S1% when the former tour wasî made, îi ek lo by Austrian and French troops&.-- seems ahinost a farce that'a set of Amierican 116, asre, New Y"orkl. Election Commitee the nuimber of scrhoilsin the United Count- bedars ytesed deto n-tewiswud Elihu Burritt will Visit Cork in a fe %r ladies, by the light: of our own inquiries, by And Hl 1UTCHIISO'N & Co. in reply to Mr. Roblinson, the IIon. Mr.1 ties, of Ylork. Ontario, and Peel was 300;thrtymisryahoe HessteofOaahdt Alil quet m France. Thre ballh of 'Paris! warmth of ouir own phbilanthropy, by thre January 0281h, 185. fine of screwv steamers carrysing mails wvas decrease of 11., l'here was the same numn- thehaegtotftewod. Te.. wer t besupededduingLet. conitagion ofour owin social.-sympathies, and before the Imperia]l Governmnent, but lhe hroi sho m'oot a httie ur.toi tePo The steamier Parisienne had expIlodedi by the operation of our own i practical mea-TH 11FPR I ". IL) do°""th" r°riety'('f's" ""'-'°'ti°°e """°""""°fpeope o Candan enhe, ha,, tosay Mar & Rma, en the ßbipe, -and several persons wvere sr soldsdelritroean ialo Penny Postage by thle Cunard steamlers, arzumnent as to rthe advancemnent of eduica- arentytlkeyl'erstrdt ec drowned. e~~s to maitigate the evils our own honesty for in that cas Canlada wrould ha-ve to bear ti t-omtie happen thant s-h1o0 an ar moy;"fr"w ut h pc-acun fan Austrian and Rus&sian troops were con- and our own zeal have disclosed. lThat i HIBSTRAFB G 93 a.portion of thle loss which must resulit for diivong airn-tile and thuq inci ide no more ilaisofteatGob weerthyrestoeagnbo c entrated on the Turkish f rotitier, but what these American ladies are doing ; but the first two or three years, ppdis than mlighe cont.un'ed in a lesser anohrQen as yet had committed no acts of boâtility. they are doing it- after the~example s;et them LTEST r1 il PARLIA31i T . . numtbeýr of schoolis. on ithe contrairy, thredomdtbeispind.TeAerenTberced TheTurks are gaining advantage at..)101- %v the ladies at Stafford-house. CNT 0CO' COOL noinber of cildern at tendinz the schonols Rtsl Misr ilhl u lgt? tenegro - ' Thn, are e to cat this ÂeumentBY TELEGRAPA. CO0N VE N TIORN . and1 the money reported ton paid for the sal- itenrofoiceniftyaodthbosaedsgcfu, jrmthe Augsburg Gazette aofte th qon re u ucntctehwheyasdei y o eas.WewionmrcFe. 9t. ris o taers, op.a the en:th of ie thewt hc hywl etretndah oeijr n the affairs of Turkey, in %which it states that our social state., There is that amount of'!swver to Nlr. Robinson, M. l. HncLs stated vention for the new County of Ontario as- 'sothprresrdclnofduai. tetfterme bny.TeCbne Ag.strà alhas not taken any aggressive atti- mathematical truth about it. It gives the. thatt the Govrnrment hiad made an ct- toIn 181·7 the number of shcools in the City is fre fhtrgngsmtraso O The, rest of LEutrope is'quiet. AIl Ro- orsclcniin ieal te ar ao ocry abb h e ieo \hithy, the 23rd instant. lThe attend- a total in' the Unitei Comties of 316 in .1nor eot mani Catholic-countries were celebrating the uerreotypes, it, is by no mneans flattering : sýcrew sýteamers. at an omn'ial rate, t o accom- nce was b1 rge and respectablle, and clearly I1 7. aril 305 in 1851. The number ofctso e fprsnl bto hchPoioa o Cargival. it is iven revOlting,. It disguists us, we molnate thle poorer classes, %i-th whom tlime indicated the interest which i s felt in tii Frcee co repolrfted for the P'nited'('oun- cUse hmt u adaantoeao w eouin, hardly know whyli ; but «ve feel wçe are l1- was no object, but hie doubted if thie P-ov- tiec gan m 1807. 21:- mn11%51. it was :,q the.A inemalaigthmdso-. LIVERPOOL MARRETS. -treated, thoui w ie cannot explain how, incial (Governmnit couldakfrienlecino outyi teeuato for bikanices o 7 o 80 hethe ndtkn hsflowr ihhi etthPdig kun &. Son,daed 9th Fehi-uary :the generaldprso, the lightless ee, te heavy lobss whichi mu:t re-it fromt that. Ezqu Aý-.Ns. Esq., being called t h ubrofqaiwiecernntehates peltosa this1.Brw at1er h " Thre as eena cntiuene o stad-the smiileless lips, thre sodden rskin, the l.Rbsneprse inefdissatislfied niied Coimtwndwas, meluding the city. t;thedcinenSe5of his country's peace, ex week, but no active transactions. The ar,- which the suri oýly can give. But, uin!css the matter before thle House in ant"other a ci au Secretary. Ilhe Ibusiness of the Con-.j of 1. In ISith inmber afschool child , ujetisdscs Tivas offorign heatandßourare ver e are prepakred to quarrel with Ilhe sun, formi. vention p)roceeded wvith unanimity and couir- ren renorted for thle 1 nited roaies was toth»sfae . hecurymywl Ar.oser -arge. The market this nmorning vwas with- iand dispute ilhe laws of nature. we must On motion of SMr. Richards, the bill to teiiv, and to the general sai sfact*in of those ~ 4:m13.9:-biga nraerjie si o os httewso oe hti e tout much animation, but improved lanIthe admit rthe lik nto true. W dare cot. amend the Cpper Canada J uror's AtwsJ h Ca f22141. In 18.1.7.rthe mniner reportedanfoeibtfthlickadRlpa- Thtaom course of the day. Fair demiand for Wu heat rebel, thougeh iwe would if wre durst. Such1 read a second time.coee..a avnra for Ilhe city wais 5.286 ; and in 1831 it was frth d lit Id. o 2d. advancè £)nithe depreNssed ratesI is the conthect of feelingzs excited by :hle After whlich the IIouse adjournied. printed circular- statingc the objjectsb of the 773bm i increaze of ý,AS17-making mitriohapaedheqstnofhe voadr of this day week. Itnproved safIe of 1-'tour sombre sunt-portrait of England before 1us meetingx, accompanied with a few remarksatalnth nteCotesf3.59mRerebyndh eahftefngof -godnd ai an iMnpoveent of 6d. per sack and har- 1-this provokinlinlithifulrecord of our QUEnte, 21st February, 1853. cle nteRv r esnfrhr117 n 81e 720a ees.suchpltclavnuesa e.Ion neo h r -el. Little enquiry for Indian Corn. F loirt- nationial deformities. We wVill settle the Mr. B3ROWVNprescuted ai petition, from p 2ntewoeo .71 -h rsn ~ 7 - --- ~~~ ulig.ae Mg cargks sold at 1s. per quarter reduc- question as it has been settled.4n the quarrel 41 Catholic inha'attants of Three ,l'hvers to explain those objcts, whose statements time the Sehool Grant is pportionedt T h E oro /lOtrilenrir.eus h7sm tion, gestern-Canal Flouir very quiet trbetween taste and t4y sun. A Da.guerreo- aantteCtoe ahda c flstpeae h a frwa olwd ach Mumincipality a-ohgto population 3) 5,.Cini on 2.9'd. to 2fi. 6d.'; Canidian 26s.- to 6 type is a bad portrait, but a good found-ssin evrlqetosweete psd and ruled acrcordmna to the censuii taken by e v naiag fteTwsi fmte ftew §d.; Ohio 27%. to 28s., Wheat 611. 9d. to tion for on.Le ste. cep hi nmoin f31.CAPI.\, Cmnment. io tit te nnber of puli echad cgo ma t ay1 otaP.Bods .7a. Id. for red and mixed : 7%. to 7s. 6d. 1tra n1eatdeieainofBiis O mittwsordre ooonierthMr. LPIM one- verbally or intringhy the Rev.AleI%ýrs. attendmg schorol in 147. in the 1 ie f2.wudnthubenmr upie nvsa mn for white. Cori, 32s. to 33s. for yellow ; ciety as the basiso esdsgeabet n etmas of maiganana lee-dia Thorntont and Ormiston, Thomias No, Counties was 14.062 : an-1 mn 1851. 17ý8'2.8 i ehdhudtebroyrpig hn Ta nte $5s t 3s.fobwite. portrait. We are accustomedl to see our- 'ridge at Quebec. E sq., and several others, of a local and-biga nrseo 76 nteCity w eewe ehadta ohorwudtn o selves by a certain mnner lighit of hopes-and (-r nmotion of Mir. WIlT E, a bill to : nd 18 ,47. the number wxas 1600 ; in 1851. ev-n'euyReehdsuotdta neet fte -LONDG N MONEKy MA Àr',E .: ,. aspirationsi. We sceenot ?o nmuch our- enable imarried %womeio in Canada W tuognrlntrrltv oteSho aw39 en nices f19-aigeeyo orrgtib.Nw iw om h ony selIves as7ýthat %which iwe should be, the mo- conivey retal estate. was read a lurst time1,: linoperation in IWertern Canada, to each a total nusmberpfppsmteTntdCn-cnuevtn yblo o dn o cinb ae Consb sta# a 99 o 99. de we hn a, th idelweadmie.- We lsoon motion of aMr. E-IULIARD., a and all of mwhich Dr. R% erson gave ready. te f~ 7.o nices f622 ewn oko arorReea e vBi÷igb see our own theory, but our neighbour's bill to amiend the lawv respecting re Fal pro- ,lain, and satisfactory replies in the miost The Mfume pal Asseqwqnent at that time a yRee votsésc ipr tquscieo h ne 1 From týhe Lonidoni Eveniing Mtail. facts ; they see ouir facts and their owvnpry as muceh varied. In 1847, the açssessmnenitt ion n naqetos res hti ad ormi .The S -r.hus ddrvss, to the ladies ter.-oea1cnal8n.w5xlam Te1eunigocro Mnmreccoreusmner icute wr tae n h m e onti res s ,51 ndmthfse t intsofte2onc0hen 1.f ok i)f thie l Gitl.:d i as provolà ed al, iei ee-at on1ce that it is a thousand years old ;-ti cue y ;.C CINws hnfel eaie oipsntaehbaig15,£55-ene eraeof£0.etott uf bch iutsg h n -es tiv rpr mth ameetan- th ontea atteýr of race. a geographiicail condition, allowed t adc nec ndfne colsts no fho etiosd Tri f)- v heMncipal ss .metwas Cuclw ug fmrftest ev a.- and chIlaN t*n Addr of mal'ny sou l, nerecasuaIl-lty, an ei,.in spite Of us. 17n- %which /continued till the llouse adjourn- i 8m .£7. a:d n 15 . e£ 7m cmm yasa9i-te dcéeusNni-ra- di th Woenof hel~itei tats .-fort4nately, we 40 not judge our neighbors ed. 7 and trials of 'lrustees, seplarate schools, a ces f£32 1. «1 in1R47. the a veri ee n erw ms0 oru bte et-Gib.Gud b.America to their Sisters the \Women o o hrdby.I ter ae edont Last night- about nine o'clock, a Cire broke 1c,&. hc er sfel xl in alryo te acht er ws i£31 10% ; acod-ind onutllsi r oou esn ro oteae aglnd. Ifit s nt gitesu!ciet at i ncrpl o set down their enys teor ftheipeouin ValliereStre, cnugpato adobitd.Tos ain poi en e ofhe last4r. Turns it ao S £18-avn orCicl;w aelsutdaBhe.mjrt f6 eans rerimiatins nvercan else rto fthi oiialsseoro"hi Iet's foundry, causmng consbider-able loss part in Education appeared muchgratified tcase n oF-613. T avriesrarv10 i S ,in tutesupethywIdobtrinf- Tergna- tanseincnive ious er aosns acro social prejudices. If we would be fairer to the proprietors.tectyn wa;in 8 .ittrnd ehoehewledavro -Y s-B the 4tjaontie ' irectedOu rauin ms culiet u .ihbus n oe mrvn owith the imformiation the Doctor igave, not 1was £93-a dec-rease nof $7. The a-vernrekepter ah 1e.t n tyt1d..recGib, h eyobtaiîned frfi wfhole 'city Press takes the luates that the Corporaton 1of the money that certain' pwr are ecognizant of th Lt so mething almost daboli- Dow, in ancordance ihW ort nuesal e. ons, of the peoplee ,f çsha- pposition to the 0'rgnizaltions had ceased with their last 6,000 By-law In eianceéry, stility is as strong as e-ver, proceeded teophyscicaforce tL, and hbasbeen again de- rn blundering. %W1rits of uo last week 'served onMer. Bolster of Brock, but- he cd lhy lain had expired, d nt stick, so tlhe .emiss»aries ofoot anotheŸ- lawyer's bill! o wh' te'ndered hi& resigna- Cina ouned as Reeve of and*whtich w sa£cepted, on n election in thoseTownships ught forward-by Gibbsand 's Bench suitLa!tempted.- )son the part of Oshawa and calculate-d to mflict that village,-',than on -the ncil. ýNTY COUNCIL- of the proceedings of the Incil o; Ontario we omitted which were graposed t. ess Of the Couned à to for- y Buildings. The majority ýrationý is much larger than h shows that the Countý d -supporters the more the. ed and underitood:- seconded by Mr. Brabazon resolved. ittee do proceed immediate- urnmlent of this Council, te eceive-from Mlr. Asae sufficient deed of avey ýperty on which the County aw)v beingr erectedl, and to, o be recorded.and thgat thie v resqlve itstll tnto a1com- oleheen 1condýd, Ny 11i.Ca erow openingy of this Couna ll it e.to the ad1vancemnent & ' ýeveral Towrasco r"- of Ontario, chat no fisrther, in the construction of Cous- it tlat it would becondik sts of the Townships -fere- n connection With,the Coun- rs. Boyd, Cameron, Gallo- zon kolster. Borne, French urd, Lumsden, Taylor. 9 dmnent. was naegativï4- by a motion was, the put. if it-were cot wholly addadtusm esl ata fe nurinthe imost in- na person shall vote wvho are indebted to M Nr. Ormiston. Rents Repairs, &c., of School-housesý Ap- eldatter ply because it is desirable that we should tense agony she fell' from "ýer chair and the Crowq for the lands on which they vote, Thiat this meeting recog-nizes the princi- parattas, Books, &c., and for Colleges, .Teseilcmnte owo a e somtimes sec ourselves as others see us- died. Tie verdict of the Coroner's Juryv it was requested of the hion. Inspector pie that the wealthi of a country should be Gramrmar Schiools, and private Schoolý, in ferrdteptto ftectzn fTrn nta ftew But hereis aconiderble moun ofabso run: - General tospostpone the clause, to which he charg-eable wvith tlie eduication i'f the youth the United Counties, of York Ontar*6n aoudcalevr lute truth in the statements ofour fair'cen- e Thte Jutry aforesaid, on their oaths, say consented, explaining that the object of the Of that couintry, and looks forward w:th -sa. Peel-includiiii the City of Toronto, was tu ta gfr frainast h o sorsand our countrywvomen would do well that Bethel Bennett came by her death by clause was topreventprosfo oigtsato otetm hnsc rnil 81£405 the£00,"rptdtoheCyÇu- 'CES to bo.w to the rod for a wle, and stuJdy the administration of somne medicine, or the who might be under the control of the gov- shall obtain generally in Canada, and be in.-. cilnMna ihafe nuseesu *îth patience the lesson they have brought use of mnechianical mneans, administrated by ernment. troduced into our School Law. TH E CLERGY RESERVE DE-S- atmto w ek oipiaeM r Fo eun on _themselves. The imterchanige of vera- somne party yet unknown, which has brought The House was about to pass to another 3 PATCH. erththec cities so far, perhaps, sug4gests the idea of premature labor and death." clause wrhen the repprter left.oeye..risoecneoes teraato.Thrprt. ti ld ladies onldmg e nothr a wo "e atoabE"unat, slaery ARLIMENTA Y SMMAR b inRv. R H Tof rtn; he espthofte dukiedofanse a.statsh hc a dpe yteCuclnCnd mu el ldesolycn cod; u, vn njournal, publishedlat -!%ashington, tdoubled Ta i4ie ffutern heojettei ase t hedgife adstts ta tecntatosae efetysai e.CnsaComs ito tea few hintWfrom te abuse tthe cirbc io lst efr-t owhs2,0 nte1 t nthe Parliamnent reas. "1istCetdin tof op o hntlatteé own akeads fteCnidaPalanen ht2 e etdson a h ulv-C tiear of themselves, for self-correction, not sembled after an adjourniment of three ,to determine whetherithe Schools i any touching . the Clergy Reserves, has taken, luefteDbnue,ñd" httemyr nd at reply' ~~~~N E W A D VE'R T ISEM E N T . months, thirty-seven members being r-County or Towenship should be Free, might the stare': out of George Brown. Hie never or oieso h óprto a ohn oCni n xà dress as a ektver retaliationI, wlutsy A M R, G N LM Nauthorities of 'such County or Town.ship, Postagefi that it is opensto the sae objections as th.•ttheseat of Govrernmient ;Messrs.BrownutlaPoncaeatetbepsdt' was unprep.,ted for so suddéfta ebeckt e rv ve ft usi -Pitn tt tat #ress oitô eplie o I tîs'obios to. HESerbrhstehno oanuc oCmrniCutoCaoCava/tà ta Provect. als emaogim."TheadvntbfcPkintond thee ter, t44 dhywèn the omene(unglth the tentGentemie o yadvi tei ae abeHrmaHnes, oi, aote habweaalaeBlli mpsdupC"bhnr'icsqectipnee be beà âdseeI ptd.ntedn JhnLa lokin it he wà e ?"It wa onl the ear ty eand Frme( and entlmen oGha0nghLrTerrereLauri, LeieuxMacdnaldpupda:n ay Scho. Sction suc Rat- aganst he Ho, DrnR.lpo maerupoftUpergenádage e di t r/ o..OE Tipv wome l of nthedUnStdtesaeau-is renving r afsn, ilfrai t hera- orsoMun heads idn o-Tre eeeprmot.al anse- nothnai ta e trks iyrwiijempe agano reay depenogh n gittin, ndifany va tag eioml o rthe u ndersigd;-whsose 7 btii Mr w D aoved by I dv. Mrv.R. . Thrnt onsnd --- tu - Dl eaM 4 riy No ia he et i nt eastheynareii eGenteritain, aes is of rv n eGrdeissir aos ieWie-.3.b hsades gitle h i ftetect;weh s b beca4in they e alre %ad y eae t E.dencememad et Mr. Ao. viaeper A esagefo heGvroGneal t opial food o i S essnctipovidh ate adire ea o pre n rnaaa thb thery of he ant-aboliionist, Mrs.son, Pstmaste.x. .ahe liuhn. Dr.couldy b b 2 er ee, o th f -3. . measres shuld iorthwth be alopd ta 49Â b tors, as her tory is e crature o agitaycommumcatogthree despatces fromnehehiillint, ath 'etb ndoutt the n G, n'te 8 tes'rs• ETR AS CECuAY. Hm ovrmntn h fe a e h po olare whchaleay pevil ter gans tÎ e uaeibrd igbpeen poind- subect of )Mal t, o teaii ferin"'oInn'éthe severadowas Mm.gniqiGlalitia T11eminaitmas of satrhTee twoar oe a- G¢atne ira A gt ler ti ony ,,, i e ¢ggdi tewro 82ieTshree entepr-molt. a vnhraria say/50ai l t è t rk n Ailifwhenhaitiea an dindeedridferinus n preared oMoreeieop.liMuins forin 44hrrs ,rRpetouhe, Ru- ot of such a stade oftk iter falbag inwýi it.u thing by its right name. laibefre à natwe su of takir ulate ted-t:, ioner, C Dse E. P. 01jo5 1O00 nary' 91: ý l Men, posti eda ! r .. .·. - ofr