Y Y r tlw 17 an ~ a~l0l1 irtamn f tt~e abcti- post-mcqrýem exaaiinatton tbok placé!, re tur- ýîl ïvei- et of 'death by theadminisî rationj a d016 ocf arsenic by a party or partie"ý unkn p te jry The buband wha wýas ici é stoal vaareltauaad. -lritc, 1AIL IýoAD-Iit cùntequense of a coMmunicatin receî:-ed froin J. A, Donald- I1l'TE. 1.iM ITD. NY~ iaii Lnii f.riîTeani lor Saile * nia t <>liiii a 'tn baser l'y ieii iii ie * 5t.î itz anit ar price', .'Iîss,.dci Y. Z. itsjIaitd l5'i*hl't. os t fice. Fi-!,. iSîh, ISAî. 41 3an ExTEI:SlxVil sion Esq. of l\Vesten, -e tuudci<taniI ihat A C IN S L a ineeting of the provisiotial Directiocf 0 t1l *h P. W. e&i-S.1B. IlldRoad and cîlacra, DRY (0()9)ý. :î1-0'î-:îwEst. IIAED- wiil take, place ut Scripiore's, on Moîadav 4 - VA vP%, * il . a rt bc"U2iCÉni»Dîî' neit about 4' o'cick SreitE 'it til. .auns 'ItLLAGL. WIII$Y ARICLTURýL .JPIING AIni1111lE il . a IeOfl.ia'l tIr Sale ailPULî.îu ai ilTY AIlîULTBALSPiING Ahi jAucTios aîmC'OLU'MBUS VlLLA&GE, via -We agiai cl attention to-tlae Sîîrtny Farfo r the saie of Crain, Fut Cattie and FitD -V lIter dU u F-IlilV Fuir ~~Amiidll jdalv. utitl ilac nîhl,'8(1 is - ricultural, Impleinents, te be licld nt.1îspnaid (Il,. j laro~e .1i g ieri a,sii.t utiA Brookin, on the 9th Mrdon nalittt .î &Y nî'.nrp sii iîotS ait.. As i îl scl ,fiî s de ivi it i 1ciilt we hope te see that. atiendîin"e wvliclt v 1îIltatBrila raOf (Il% iîîl i l ceilai .lis iîay austaunthe credit anal. honor of te 'l'enva 1-Ciel 'i lie i'tiý.'rîi îj'îtlîr itl Llîî oc ta ttio iNel-l i -Otili10 rî- lîi p14 ltiilliii slip ~~~~~~~iiiiiari aîH-l sii- is iit ra rnimt,(l n il - -t aiditie't'îatiliî ' %%al Ili lit il 10 lîieii' ii R~CI PîsG 'ARt ti' f sshow i)ii -r. st 10 tiral rhrivsî-lvP ut itais raire cliaînee ofit il S ~ ~...sc. piri a agai i heiar ilii iiii us. ;yriIl be hel a t Prince Albert, on Tuvsilav Sih March. 'Te pretinriî offcrr'di 'arGtn,&c., ure, itotlà liherai and credi-1 TE R JIS : £7 I10à ., tni aoit îit by Iîîi iîî ýîî ;Il. *- - pr-n i.. \ tîr-, -7-- - - -Qz-e~- Coz n heIjSttuesmakes * T uc7 .zÈ . 0 bbq&aid bv Publie Aticiion on Loi NO. 6 ce vrbiage from lawforais. A 'fibCiif~hîy u.1NIA l îic Ww ihipaper givisa.ut a s ecimen of the A(H i 1 ara ticeasaia '11 r l s, atî«e, Skep >g.As I m]ractlce, elôre 4-1book larning"' , Farming, kffpencueiju 1luseliojd Furnituwe &e., oeldlîi ,whieci for hrevity equalS _aoy for9i kTE prur-yAil1Isuai Juhat N oelen. C eîà the- n rtdw qerMS -Al ut u der o oan rd. C'a. ~4 b ew code,-example dwqe ta ur 1,4mmnh c.,îwl ~ Nar.w shot,1sogvenb lerishing upproved joint iuottâ on Peter Snooks'owes aie ten dollars. - , . tRiUnCe, sie*ý TIm Tw'EEKs. Brooklin, Feb. l8th, 183. 44-2in. Plee in short, O I E You fr i s r,e.N T G O> ý PET&XS oK. H Mmesof IheMehni a Initillits, aie1 ¶threon a jury à a empanmelled, aud Ibrb rqîeelton.î iieFIE CHURUJI, on mONDAI } Eveiiîîag next. ui 7 sworn ju1ry the issue betivoen said Parties. och- br lte purpose o1« r g liç' lite Tkeiùpr6ner's jury on the case -of Mrs1.. Y W*il. TiEENiAWNE, ~ec~Iornthîbwas adjourned untiI ,a i Vib . îxjFe. îc193. *iIî a riat lho .1i di on nv cconnt i ri îtiâ ai t aeas I bave n torth,, rlealîîans '"oh uani. NIl(J(L.XIS IICIOWN. Wiarv, Feb. &hlîI"S53. 4-' N ()r rît . ais i i v l t i atapptlic-ation i iitîî I- il.) blIm! li iii i the adjoulia Ss. Sim Onf lhe plu-elit .oî bliîC e ri Leki ii? Qi,-Ipt ri Ia i t n prcsr.ît tarîth 0ni Fe)lîî ata i . lata Ac-n t 1!ýlPi-i>i.il ' srîlî"zîruz Iai l'raavas --l! MmTrî-î ii-i1 ni ilîtl ai,? j y cl 01 i.a volh-< 1r 'I Pie i t .C"c 'Il' i-l. ii 1' 1h-q1. 1%)su! 4 in nutht- iUNiii lh day ai lJt- ic.and iu 'rit-- AtIve--Law 1<1 aà Sî-tI tire I i! , et-n h. o - v cl Ofitita-î fi Cmjuî'?lý i'r O1 4I lih- ito i It- Ct i;!mir-iil o ! < 4 v', ri o i !: 1 IY-, l>.i:C", or iY-t au; 'i uî.ary, l1953. î'î--ktI'th Pt.-îoî 1M-asci \'.-r A N 1 k Il-ii, Ibl'e ýo that Toewnh;p, ait no doubt wîlI ai- Fei ti Iv 1l21h, 1'n53- 41 il.ab;t- 1o <n 1 a i hi' Ii-t<l Sile -Io coi1rjia.tceraij1aine îï-c:oct. 1,a, ).t î . ii î î ' trcta large nimîber..J Lit. 'i-..lai.. ' .î:.Hl. PICKERING SPBiNG Ai.tdln A '__ aboîlnd teo be knowiî. Thi-z re-îalar Fat i______ - 'Catile uni Grain Vaîr, nnailbr lt-Id ai 'itt?" t z;.~af i3X t Al' tt i PEI' ' T- IFoai ' HlhJl 4:*reren'wood, on \\'u'ine>-ty Iitl- ii IMarct. S-A LE (i"To K LI't, rtij taýli 'P'ar s usOnly ueceesay te v il itiu ' A" 'i.tio . u ' 'ir Ii.<t K' YU.WH 1D\V ;i-e rin g sFaut." 9k' '" - 2t i ii r.1<'c -oI-r]i-1 A to u'- V'. c-i 01 -s21~ ;lS ttn .' ? :1 '-t .-1-'ý O .-Iîîa FATAL AcciDïriT.-'Z-' f Jrn Ji < i h. - . iI- in- - 4- li'i.a-'ni' i.1 9i 1 iifi wlitte eiîoai'ed o tLalit -n cultît laa i-itt, "1i ~t -r4-n a 'ai 't .n.î1î-tîSir -a'i%% ti? rthe 1' c ýr I i i' in 1 - rîi- r--o' -o r-t i r'1- . q i u-i'v r. ('j r nhi Miii, Iw'tsîstintly killeï by a cenolulmonini - - w1:xi l tî'v .w~ :A' '"~ - ' v trn atO 't5 ' thewhrletl, nhielà w% n ot prnpr h Aytcu ,.d -i aîzit5-Ld i4.rpcri 'Llt ut - iiitla< t .îîîîl iii t--, i ii' ilin ai a 1ei!ii ri t t. aîj .%inî J Cii:7")q ' !" q i s'Decean.ad Ivus a îualuvc o0' VockîîtIirc lArZ- land!, antd a steatiy young lian. Iii' liai no * reaiiae n tiliis cuntrY. -AT wu lew- lias :anf1 iou?:;c linOnopojy' of lisgraat ivntion, biat lVa) r6lirow lte dacov'ry cpi-n t-aiio vr. - -- iluapreve-a noble andut.i iaý-i)tallnllloulIlsa- ai 1h ' ei t i e- - - ain-i lirlruniIl-_, s--a' lt î lîcîî - 4a i ?rlr l-t' u lii-on 1w a si1 11Iwi.i- t'-i .iii I i I- M -r- r . m iLhe ttiii I nî.tl i.,i, -i iîoa Ihr Il','II I fNV T, î - tn f~i ;11 l hlO ' I l ins -irýýa . c Ia (iri'n i'n. nn5t. poition ou the pal-t orUlite i..îeat chdi cir-i<iiî~ n'.tmitliVl,:iat t-~Ii sorfthe poverna of Calts-rc. lier-iofa IVe are unda'r obligations I a' lIon. tîiti -it ana in ii nn-Itpo-i .j.ohn Ro)iîla, .1.lrtman a unI A. Wrilt, i.îriîîst- u lit ca4atîi, u ii i t it. iîa aaî ni titltii L i i l l hae i i î . thak i n ,- 1 Ii-rit ilit'iiui io Ie t ai ah i.ri-.i, Tu LA-ST Mi"its 'I. -Di.- B3iichan, 0raIll sctnti ays that tise uaovinof~o table%.,l.i nta îî itr itrxttIaaataia.rl!rti *cdtîaicaand licanierItodirs, iii the reom. by îti a1,t. airneri' -n-I ee-ile aIr--ci n ii h1taptihvy .uaseea hanls. atteliaiashe bas witncnaid, cuit -'di atice iriilttout tliiieînuce net bc accetînteal for uiîoaruiny k1iitilpit in- *Til !ýM A1N III, NK LIN E, éiaple of science of tise presentday. îîhic-h %iI tue -i.ntii'et cuiitnha te prine, N V'IITBY IMARKEI'S. , u hrçtasabdaiieiant fan eru t. Fcruav ~ ~ Poa-'non ~-vein on tI' if t f 1ril nex- 5 1,5 . Taîle îainietiea-1îl etriflacea-y. A illilv in R. d d a al Ii. Latidt'r. E'q.. Cstuaîty '-tnni; it "it- o eila, F~I1 Vheat, î~ O ta -4 o > Laiud A-,ent. t'rOnno,uor le l'he Saihuri ber, Spi~Wheat, ' 3 9 te 3. o10tiJnar 6l1 S3 -O O to 1 6 Racer -- -O te20 Pcrk,- - - -27 Ci tver Seed, -.30 rptateels, - ' -0 le 12 6 40 33 te 11 0 to 31 3 tui 1 6 .T£ORLoYrO M\ARKÇETS- 'rûmnte, ['h.,2t1s.1853.. Fi brpr Ici.196 ibs._226 Otmeal. per blili 59c1bs21 Whest, per' busk. 60lhs 4E BIarley ' pie bush. 481bs, 21 Rye, per biel, S6ils, 2E 0atx. pet' buaah. 3iI4hs, I Ve p er busia. 601i, Potatees, pert buâà hel 2 Leef per' lb, l~fper 100IIs, 2 pYrk, pet' 'lOOls, ' 27 ]Ãs.eon, per' 1001h.9,42 ]Latdïhpor qurter, '1 flrk per lb, O Frcesh Butter, per lb, -- FirktaJ3>tttlr,Ëer lbp - - ÇJe. Pei'lb, -- 0 Lrperlb, Apples, pet, bushel, Irsitkèys, catI, G««., etch, * lol, do Etggp per dus'eî Ht- 5 er ton, 2 liaCGo. Ié«.1 6 tu 3. toe 6 te 3 te 6 te 8 tes 6tw 0 40o 4 te 0 te 6ý te 6 te 21 te o te 2Çte id te 9, te 5 te s te 0 tu. 6 te 6 -te 0 te 6 t Oý te O te 0- te, 9 - te 2 :te 23 d23 4 ÃŽ' 33 3 ,-o 1,7 A6 O-ý n j J.' Sibsiri iber i'eiing latbt etur oCt -ali- oriia. offeus foin Sale-the tralowitiaT operly, - Isituaae lii ahe Vttlaare 0ol Wiiitby, inu-the ic totyo Ontario, one 1IOUSE aind LOI',nlîhia, foi cnimicul and con vcietrr annoltue xsus passe..- The weil known BREIVERY and PiENISES, formerly aivie y Chai 1Ici ClarLe, iviti a -coin- fnrtable DI.VELLING; HOUSI3 attaciîed. Ttcï Brewmry is ini 'tira-rate îepair,uuaut wiIi1le aold ont aucta lîrm a a wililbrang it withiniuhe rcach of aiay pertuon desirons eft goinqi mb sucti business. l'wa BUILDING LOTS, cine qua rterýol an acre eacit, stsale on the East ide of Ceétre-sl reet, aud only 12t) Iel fîom tte Guet anal Cuurt House . yard. Alo-lili ACRES of Lauma, baiiiglite East halE ot Lot No. 18, iii te 2nd Contcession of thne 'Ionn'nship of Breck. nniihlnuiis miles cf a 000(i miarket, (Princre Albert) nih abouit 18 acresI c leared, and a LOtI HOUSE thercon. Thete is s lat-ge qiautiiy of Ilioe op mte place, andthree Saw M-%iis t ite ngieau -'thtin hall a mîlel#5 dis- tance, which'itshh e prospect cf a Raiinaaat le psns close by il, makes it a dlesiralale otjeci to thée seter. Fbr atil i wbieh PasperyunquesiicnalWe hies cari he had, aînd posaeisiett giveit eiuhe fluai N.B.-Tbeabove BEWEWRYif-notlterwiae diaoea f befuie tihe Aret cf Jiuty .iextwill bli leielfor 'two or inWceyeariiton iaduabie lerinna. For fuAhèr ar -ticuler. appbyto tise£ebseniber on ýthe pfemlsea.- s -T. SHFRIDPAN. Wbitby Brewery, Jan..29, 1$53. 41 -f EXPRESSL UN E OF Toronto 4,è Kèlig*tson. r 1 rA s e i i -ii 'nul Iî. firi JOhIN M:TI'N &CO. -001D. 01)Contas FiEECil uni '1AL. 2) j)1 il) Cii-ta -na ui lWcaeal. For l'aI'l' y JOHN MARTIN. PoYrt 'Vhibv'ttai 13. 152.5- EXIENSIV \E LOTTERY. To ha Dravn nt the TO IUY II-,ALL Ou FeJwua",ty tile l1Ot Il 11'. a'rpq-yainaaiatin<' to 80) POtIN' DS. (J'CY! Ail cf wbicil ilal be gaarantated ewq'aIl descripiouaa a ed LIS"T' 0FPRJZE;S!! 1lst Peîze,, A FA RM Tof 100 -icres.. East Hall, Lot No. 16, îlttCo.,MA RIPOSA, 61 Acres cleareal, anal in a good state et cîttivation,, wth a geo0J['masti ilôie., i good WIas large nnrober of Fruit 'Irees on bbc Premises. ail cf _whjch wiii be îneludeal in one GRAND PRIZE!ý T Tlraâlnng machine wiîh separe 4010 PldasureSieiab' . s10 ilu N14rl.ttîamnlUÊOhi .- Sc#chPloii, Se ainelefRurne-as, brasa mosinteal, '50 A Horse , ouar yearfSip * 20 0 Bt 4any neariy new, 16 1 B' rean. tïse 1 6- :Six Chailr»,'<7 2 5 H1untinq Wateb.dcoubie case, 5 0O 1Lar<-e Énglish gatu'h, Brasis - -ô-k- 'TTI 1L1GRAPH STRE Kùtg DUCAL.HALL! -EStyreet,iVhfiibyp Lately ocuid -by IL E .y. ?.qE Stibserbe.rs e, announce te the -Itihabitants of' Whitby and sur- rcuading &oîsis ht lhey bave opened te alsrve Store, where may b. had the foltowing I?)y1V OD&, GROCER*IES, MèFts Se f xr Io Rodilester. *6ldmr ai CAPTAxi It ItEaT Kxasay MX TILL leave W£LLINGTON SQUAi rrTo-~ P.OINTO and RocmIEsT ER,' callinq at the- North Shore Porté; (weaiiier perttantg) every Wedraesday and Saturdey Moirrinta hall-puai 8 o'clock, comirençingo Wedneslay, 20d March. 1W.ll leave TORXONTO a un.'%Ol %viîîl we IIOCIIESTEII landing, every Mon- day atid Thtù'sday Nigh. ai 1l o'clock. Royal MN'ail Pqeet Office,- 44 Tomiiln. Fei) 12, 1S-"3 W. H. BILLINGS, 1 AT iUW~EY AI LAW; 0 ON YL YA N C L il& c.-&C. 13ROCK rIZF.FtWIIITBY WI.itly, Fcb. 9th, 18A. 1*-lY. LEI'T SERVICE. &.c.- &cl- A large -citd %veIJ assorted Stock of Dî'ugs, Me.- dicjies, laîtOk c c c In Ille I);y G;ooda Departmerit will lie foutîtd n variely cf Staple anit Fancy Goa o f the laiest a1 ips e wl mrnit ahionable materials for the present Seiansn, viz j Cobolitra and Orleans cf va- tious Collors, Gal, PlIa and Cloaitz. 4-4 Brawîn t Lilac Prits, Gittgiî.ama. Striped Slirtanc:s Bad ick, 1Blue uniit. D4rryq . Uenîns,Whtan B110AI) D OIIC FlnY )Oesktn!s, Tweeds, Cânadjan cloths, Satinetts, lieal liedt planmis. i'hîite Cotton. Ficin'y do. Whît.'llna.ýk *Tble Ceveis. l5moird Danlîsa do., To-eclintr, Baggines, Brî,nnn Hofl~aod. laCal) nid Bonnet Ri'abins arid a laîge siock of aaiwrs I NI ~III WAR Ewill he lways oil bnala varicly cf rseful Articles such as are corn- itlolîdv iîgd v trapicaalnilt Lxmpa et <ifictîmut kinda, <afew Viohns very che.sp.) (liR 'l~(Kof, nI 'ç'111 S tllbc found to corlsLst ci reas, coffees, Sugars, Alil ni nnluch %we uii il 'airant fra'sliandl nhîîea ed. cwculd invite a triai of olr yuulng Hyson fn laai2!1. 641. p-r 0111 aso ii tealî groiiîd Ctffre ut la. per ib. IN NF n i:nlu; dapartînctit liill bc foiînçi Elîidisli, Frenr-it and Ainerican Drugs .î'îît Ciieîîîîiite. Pc f incFny GoodS, IJy Staffâ, Paiiai, Oiua, Brushes, Varuashes, Trusse!i, N. 1~ I n îh ah v ;,, i! le ltaidRt'l TrORtONTO -A r lid a PIIICE S, (?fup (af at iqf ihoh'nah3 itouse j» Toronio. p un1s .za7ls' Proscriptions¶ and Ieu ilt1 recipcs carefùdly. filcd. 1Il.t and Cuttlie :a1eaic incs of ail kinfis. DOEL &DICKEY. ~" Make a L ai i te I'atIe-rapîh Saeand Medical I Ill. ERîîîg Street, WIIIrBY'. v- .-ii- r-KIa.vktlimng. tl datteri dCiwiaa-. It coi- ribe lsa amir-Cilil, te luittatare' a nto( ulcers "ý-1t a j. - 1i ' 4C~01or chatiucftoiil h'.ta loi-Oid i -, ý ' a[ýi- ii tiitllca, and In 1a1 icw days et in erti.0- ' a' it, i nî ahi dilofhaety Contaami- i ,r. > O lot a ualir d c"Nilt i hatntor lin-g o-l %V.iei w 'nI'c.îtti relei to thie aJtelti -I-ta c]t aihe 01 1'si-lr- i l- p.-a i il - ia hg-'laî.it tirucî oh ('11a--itO 1 -i n- .%tort i liais satuti 'ebec certà iticire tIir tliaimawii d i-a-r. oft( .î- I'letiii,' )%a,-t' iîauni"l aricle$ are- Ç,1t j iailîv h Va a.îc k %\ inîiti Jaihel . NU-c Yorik ),Titaitf rî" nirci a ta VERY IMPORTANT. EN AL\LD± 13)C OCCKS M.DURQYS' FRENCH RAT EXTEà IMNATOR. 1,4~f ISHIALL BIJRST'AGNR 'J~lIS 'reprtainiitaWarrarîed in Exterminute I lttsand it e',%%ihenrver iîsed as dir ciaid. and in 1-ave - nI-nte arh ou thi- premniaca c lai-d olihi'se anînyiiine. Min. 1Jisuuse n per- fccîCv salin iiian place a.nd nt ail limes, nnhich i.î ait tht e i iih oraticiary temnedicifor ibis cvii. - Brwva,'c ofConterfeits. Tti' e xilram ditnr it îr'stif M. aby'fa x 'tliitihas ,'xcî'r-d Oit- cit l' nu t fî soin.- dît,.iest and aiSii il iersoî a t coaaîierfatît if. Iiiquire- lie'MiDîthova If-tetit iRat: ..Ext- -îîtr.aid lake n o thr'c-Large hoxe'a al 2- cu-îîts.LYSNDE& (ISBUIJN, ocalr.N. Y., solt Aitericarî Agyents 1!1-Ai1 orîtem a sill-ssetI post 1aid tu JAMES JIfi-INSTON. Rnchesiey. N. Y.. Geuacrat Agent ti il,,.'Utjaied 0tPs aanalBriti'attNorthi Aretlcu. nni f-ieert Milh Plnmhii aiteition. VV~.5~ WJIOLESALE AND RE'lAIL BY - Fi Hie Cuit' f Cotiugs. Cià h. AsILii,ltta, it-- JAIMES'. H. GERRTE. chaits. tctîaîiay(olisaîiitilotlauatMail ffé- Drvggegt lFIitby. tiuaits ofithe IJicagt iaI L-itag.'1 Matistaturd.iy JMIŽJlL\'UO Rnch- Ais;l'y R. Uarlinuton, anal Mark Robinson, t-rtaoi. N.dy. sole plîuiarlot foit Un ated sta'es lirooklil, .J. Martin. & C.,'. port perry, G. Begg, aî. Li itsiaNoiia inehua -Greenii%, tA. isepper. Duffin's Crrelcî J, Par-, ki'r, Pickeiing- R. i'layter, Rouge, Laipley, - - - I- laud Cieek, W. Sutlou. Oshawa. T. Suttion, PFtRCIIA.SlE LOCOCK'S auJ R. Danidson, Bcwmanv'ile, S. Mc Cbj, anal 'Dr. Kear, Ncwcastle, and.Noble Smsith, Newton-. Fý,E.I L E WAF E RS. 'ville. - THE BRITISII SPECIFIC. Wiiy uy6îi15.l-y A certain cure for Mensiuma Sup'ressieir ýiup- CHU M-I , hurns,CEu RNSlI ~preased Nfenst's; Heai-icarrIaaga Di-tic,*Iis, or - Importanlt toparuners ,Wifri'. l'aisiîlutl eiisiuatioaî ; Anirtiiîîrrhoa -or IPartial ttbsirtiriiort nf Menses: lihiorosia, or Green Sick' - iess ; Leitaurrhoeuu,-FIwr AI bus, Wiiies, analail, jNESiubscrîber b ste iuformn the Puab- Weanese. 'iTHu EncaaalFr.r0 vn-ssratca Fcrnaie - ~las, tha t ta'aiagparlcted -bis i hninls! 0W manuf.ictursng au hubisCocp«e,oq lugt Naï TttE GXRFAT VEGETABLE 3 1, brokeaal'tnt WHII'ýBY, us MdAGlC PAIN DESTROYERt Monnfactîtred hy JA'ýMES JOHNSTrONi Rochej*s- nVhiath for cheapnese, dtaabi i ty ad saving cf ter, N. Y. Soie Pi opi ietair. Foi tlle cure of Agae lime anald be exea n pler lËtanu now in iii telace antd Brgat, Abt-asietns ai the Skid, use, andl reqîiiresoatal oba knQi&n-n be à dily ap- Bllisters of every Jsind, Burn, Broken Breasis, peiacl Suilbes. oinys. Salielans, n. os , tarî.'y. UPcWu Piles, &C. PILES, PLS >L$ DR. U P1IU~V EG1-TAIBLEI ELU1ThARYe Or Iieriat Retnedy far tihe Piles; prepare4by Ai U pfiIAM M . 17)-., 19à oney Ne-w VoîkUeg- uisxiy educateat Physia'ian, wso devotes lîî atten- Riectutaiy ÃŽla s ertain céure, whelnar Bleediug or Blinud Pi es, [oiereaisr Externla,and aise o-. o' d qr diseases whiveh are 'freqtaentiy found ini conl' joinction iuillPiles. T he Eteetnlsis1 pefectly.-aafe for Pregav-s LadiS', antI i )",st atefojl <Çà hartic Ibat catI pes-Àjbly lieda, as ifwiltî noiny rxs<hivc' 4 p>ies ' and al Inftaiumatry'Diaea.-*ifletin or lrritatiasn, btt wM eènsura e asy fitsê4È ,det1ier>', andi a sottasi cook-LiiiltinW thuisplne Tisis hl e cer tily IL, anal !lave fotand it 1 lièe.tç Ciparain geand a iist rate Iagree %viiîhe isem1Dvs. tJayveusi,1 the' lhir and 1 1 have~sici~ FI.resW-4 rrivais ofWýintèr',ds W: L: MAONIE OU LD regpectfülly in fmthte the be abitints of W)dtIbya vcntthat be bed Vcoenes Bisiness in MU.>-,UA W*S NEW STOE rock Sre bty wbere he hms lýr Sale a carefuJly Se ecicof '- D-RY GOODS'l FALL GOOPSI '18~2 IDCRAWFORID. ~ Gsto cuitbheatten'lien ef his aumereus. custmers-,anal the publie generaly t&LIs '~»Extensive A4sIýriment if' ibasi rsr'ei%'ed direct frvm Ie Bîltisanaîd merictunI-Market% conszsting !n part oe t -emeh CloIii!i (;plu Plaide, L'abusClolibC«js* m.usoa ag, e dIIb ) >msslkSspuîi uue, tîntSuls,$lk YoInctu'~tuhes Riib a,t Lace, Rloiaery, flOveu, r.,&ei A'SPLENDLD ASSORTMENT-OF Lon g anïdquaire Sha4%ise Ulottkoi AiIafwhich witli hosoid cheup, as D, C i. determineal te allre to tfi euasnyafeen, SiiI su d' uuiek aturns 'n111lie bis imotte, se that!those -customeus Wijt not b.dpebaPOI et u î'clila the - .QIEIT BJII&#INS Ilis Stock of Ctotlas, asimscrç!, Satinetti, Canada Clotbs, Witiey, Berecs,_striped Shirti"Factôry Cotten, Cottnaandal ote roXuisplrg deterurinsal not toe *isndersold lsjafty Air en i tlîtade. Pu a~s,- al»u alarge Assortmensaof1FuT r)k Pistil, CClt aps ofthei *'st and mutf D: C. keýps -ilwî aneyand .eIt mand idit-o teirowi irratenl pa anal suet lut Rer.î R. 1H. Tii 'ru 18b2r- H-ardware, & -. -ALSO- leir li -but ty, Is bill. ont the -'dfor- er -than Couniy rabazon niA 0- ie' i Cotn 1 d tGalo 1 bya Burît3 wili bel a pjor bas ita te the il -I - y 7 7,fan - r FIT#FOR THE SEA.SONe CONSITING Dî PAR.'r OF CLO'rýH-S Caaadian Cloths, Saîînneîtes, -Fi nits, Spicet of afl' linds. Pot Barey, was5 Red and White Flannêls, Striped Shirtiong aliineStaUefed8rhTbc0 ri Oi prices and qitalities. Vkîegei, ale â l i i ii hhatBotb &i.k; Cobourg&,. Mualin de Lans, ie bi nlSriigBuhs Lister prints Irom 5d upwnrds, Shawiç' ettebraied 'Axes.. Buck-aoWit ('ala Plaids from 9d. IVollen Shawls f rom 4 9a1. 'Lodkini Glanes, Windoi GIas~Pull>,whiw, BleacbdShirting,<ýrey do. frornt2i-2d. Lead. A large assorirnent or Fur, SiIlhPlusb and Cod PisA anti Merring atenl4M.ýPifi âgd COsM clohCaps from lea3M. Babies Silk anld bit Haie, BTooms &éi. Fur Boae Viiojrinea Ciafs, and Gnufttletta, oCE Yivae 1xtse Buckgkin CROC eitis,ý Bonne'. Ribbon ail siik from T7 2-îd, contâin'îIqg iiirny ilesV pet«IrS. ArtificialFlca#ee, lbyes, ?iigFN uitn 1Pru Small1 Wareu. &c., %Voilan Polknal aisss and et~>>~ quali'es, mery Dieusud lSuie Combs, #Yoiehfl, Ceiue 'utton Batting, Iemp %ng t % îilled and plain, -lan and Ç;cld Rings. Spectacles, <Jôtion SheetinZr, Horeg ilankete, &c. Purse -Tritainga, Violins traim 3 1-2. A large Stock acf ready thade'clin*g.. -Clocks, sleig-h Belle, Oh Clotho, 'Toble Cièl- EN GrPOCEB.IES wili lie found a large&C Stock cf choie Teas, Coffpe, Loaf cruulî.d and Perfofrated Carde andl Beulin WooI,. Muscavado Sugar. 'l'bis Stock having been purchaged<,undêr fav6rable ciretimatances the Subs&riber s et- ablrd to, seil at Prices wliich ab ,nlft fail to prove satisfactorytY th e pIiMbstýer. W; L. MALOIN1. Whifby, December 1Ith, 1852. No. ,Commerceial Buildn, BROOK STREET-ý ILLIANI BOON!E CLARK, 14. Co., take flua înetbod 'of iziforitig the eou- îuunîty of Wbitby and surrounhlîng couîntry that tbey'hare.-opened a «<1«4 STOCK. 0F % CLOTHINiCýI AND DRY- G0OD,-S,ý ~Cosistincg of Boots and Sliors; W!cîrrens Clotl andl Prunelia Forked Boovts, t0g*tber wth eyCy article forlte eginfori ofithe body miade up ini the mcal fasbao>nalAv stYle. W. B. C. & C. wouid invitle families te corne and.try their Stock of Tees, Cofie, Cborolate, Sugar. &r. Alaot-Faatcy Pipes Cigais by the box oU istai;bFurs, Caps. CioekaT, Toi and Frame Looking Glasaca, &c.-At Toiorito pricté loi &£!shor Proditce. Whiitiy, Nov. 4, 1832. -t 1 Per. ý22i)J. 1 i il " ' JOHN IL VVAY. lu-alt.â a-te frogà ,picke;il,- 1852. il 1 ý have usýà U)t oi John