4 ~~0~4 '/l ~: ~i. PUl3L!SIED PVI'RY S.TUftD)Ay iUOR'NINI in&»TWlLESHLLIt S IMLLING8S P&R ÂNNUM-IN ADVANCE.- VO Li 3. WHITBY CNADA WEST, MARCII5,- 18U.~ atly bt cqftsqltl%ý- uaity for any diteae afrccti ng the TESTII oit'GUMS,' A~ItIm Tsth oislcdon GoId Pl ait or Pivot, * iFoonê cone to an entire sètt. Orne. éovirMir. 'Lsîxo'u STros, corner of KING and SIi.com Struets. Oshtwa,NO V. let, 1 s51. 3-l NOT.ARY PTIBLIC, .. Cernmissifmer et the tour et Qutén's Beach, CoecyaitéerDrautghtsrnan,ý 1UER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES AýND ACCOUNTrANT.- 0ci- aur thé Court Ilouse, Village of MANCKVSTER, Trownslip of lIEACIR, C. W.tf L.-C. THOMAS9, CO-NVEY ANC Kit <Jomnstirner o 'Queen's I3chc Fer Iuklng Affidavils. B lrookl iîn. Sepit.13, 1850. 212 1f LAWCODOIE.11L SOIL4TOW.IN-C HANC ERY, &C.. &C. IVWHiTlY. c A r4 lryAW E 3T ,J0I.upu sta iaver tise VCisqereît Store. BROCK.SeREE.T, WHITBY. tN:SURANCE OFFICE. W1 ~ALLACE bcga la intiat ~'tsih. ha been appoir.ted Agent for tise l'IVlCI&L, MNUFMIL-&à iIEER%L 1NSURENCE "dl t1iahle is rparedto astaka riltkt ai lise nnthutfl ranehes of laidl Compansy. Whitiby, ti September, 1831. 21 -tf. IYO08KM BROTlERS &Cc' 1ôo. 36, ing Stteet, Torente, ,L. I. SCLOFILD &Co., IMPORTERS OF '1 D~TIS'HMANUFACWURES WOOILESILE AND RETAIL. Witby Village, Jtane, 1850. j5,ÇJjLET0,N LYN-DE, WHOLESALE AND RETAII 1' i I i ÂUrCTUtRER 0F SOLE. UI'PER, ANI " IIARNESS LEATIIEII, &c. Ca8A paid for J-ides and Sking, 1V/mat O.ati, Poli and Pearl ,As WbilbyViltage, 7îis Junte. 1950. -R d'rances on Lonsigntls of ises Il Tpfqn Subseriber is preparéd tn mnat AtbVANCES IN CASH on POT ANI FIKAIL ASHÊS conignCtiCî taMont real1. RIOBERT i. LAWDER. port whitby, lot Auquat, 1850.1 500o BARRIE LS IoTDtvER \VIis JOHfo ýlev (AURT 1N & CO. Pari Wl1tty, May 31, 1851. DONALD MeIVNNI-, Propriclo. SCÀRBORO . lAIszkIDeu TIiOIIPSON, Proprielor. -uu*l#a.t ac cOtbs'iiiilalionis (or iravellers. Go( tia1-lific for Hamaes. I ALý E X. 1 1N G LE. WUI TB Y $JJJ Allordere in his une prculptly exectite TbA atet F,ong always- onhAune Whity, April 19, 1850.- . ~-4, Cüi> Bui&ling, Klsg Street, Sttte~8buril)et hue now on hand, T 41ati ï tértdEXTR..C2 Wfuty, Jan. 25, 1851. 41 FOR 21852. WwtrvVILLA E rnT.'25, 1851- tom , CLA Il AN- M11 ri bt tnUa1y onbandi êt be-b M elctaap' ROBER~ 0IT G,ýIT 10 II4 FOR SALE OR 'lT'O LEAfXEXCI peech of 1the lion. joHNUlq pu oS wLeII the habit bus heeuonce acquired. It il FOR SAL OR t O ~ l\J i~lV 1 11 ii rs taking 1the -Chair at the Sorie4te t te Ca.- is just oiie of those deelivities down wbîcb ùc N E WLJ G O k.O L-D S./det. Of 'reimeaceon Thursdl .Tening a mian eâsiIy descends5 But W'bicbhle re. es O R ould lie I7xhneIfraFrn last ascenda witb great, perhaps breatheiess dif- w; very desirable Merrhaut %;tore 37 hy 30, with In addition to former extensive importa- ficulty. ,Caýlti bmind the remedies which w( tt oo Sui~ oo, ithe ad woBed- tions the -Subseriber bas just received' LmSAPGNLMN- have been contrived ta retiaim the drunk- b& IDm;s o 'ca 0b <, tr os. FIILES1L TEA.S-, 1 bave nothinga-1taSay t10 1110e veterans ina rd. W.aCIbmgeinlscptèt the lt of ground. The l'rolierty as a corner Ln*.I h Cgn i sdt igei iscpLët sund well sittraaed foi business in the village nt COFFEES, the cause of Temperance, .h av oenauseatinoe drug, a drîîg %o nauîseating that inj Columbus. Possession cran 1e given on;tise ýtb TOBACCOS, t hroîîgh a fult proban~ 1eeiODft~i sie igs tegrta i rd-t of May next. CODFISII & IIERRINGS, the tuxur>' of good cold water f1W531 iction for tii.. favYorite drink.a ALSO-An ajoining F-arm foi Sale.ë . N. ~ l -MNYt on on oe rJLSO address m>sf ta thosc wlsO tnaiUtan an But renierber how oflen titis proved un- fi. Mot as bouglit. l'erms easy. L0( I 'I[ AWL, undue allegYiance ta the bottte-0T ait1mrcb availing. WMen the couater association- 'I*HOMAIS CLAR~K. iu.-l'IN DEL IN , I shall turn over ta the impressive »Md UoY* badwr wy,1ertr~dbbsdae CillumbusNv1 S2 31 -tf FIGURED i.CS'1'1ES, ing example of tiie Cadeti§before usebut iiias te dog tu bis vomi, ly hsw ole 2_-- _ PRENTS, 1 shalt address thc Cadets then lvet;; and walîowing inthse mire..'1 'W l a dt c s . &C. althoîîgh 1 have oot the lhonor Of be'imgcOne The remeywapoefbutied- VfltlEsîbariherba A I~ THUSNDALSO. of tîcru, 1arn admitted Ibis nigbt ta4bueecaue wuttiimore go. s ACIIU'Sot Witld Land (o Icase in the follow- ANEFýW LOT 0(F CAP,.PEVN- with thens. Moral remedies also are oftenunavailing- ing Towiîtihipe. Retich. Uxbridge.NoriA Guilli-m- TER1 '1*0TOOL$, &c., Wâe are ail, 1 hope, thle friends cf Tem- with tise haituai drunkad, mmdyet -moraldi bîîri, Bruci.. Tlorahil Mra. Urilia, Tiny. Tùy. ,rHo,),AS DOW~. perance ; and 1nnma hlîre ns weii 1t1ll7011 remedies are of ailthet mnost tegitimate; ta NVutWwaitaga, Colligwu(d ,Ma.ripomn, Eldun. Fene- wtîhtbv 18(hi Nov. 1852. 32-tf tietI1Ibelotoo a eoî s InOl the tbey arc tmplantéld in our nature,.we are w Ion, anad Ops. Thle mosi of theïe lmais arc of thse _____- bei quhiy. odwh brleredfo at'rr n froiCANDAearli<çt'cranraïour cau-se, our «ireerIsflwere endowcd with themn from above. The> are w tive tsevenyearsdepeuaîîg uon th tu~i, iiidirected, aâ %we used ta sa>', againtKtgag ce"hi h 1 à egsitüre danugive, and lots of trom 20 telu 10<icrseach,to eny fnue who Weitern Assurance' Company, Atchbil, wtîho exercised >na-most depotus vhich, ,bak G, tic tna.egiuiature ceu take-tl will chop,clear,.aiiid feuce.in a gond suld wolk- CItA ITERFt) Dy ACT OF PARtAA'N1ENT, sway over a inuttittîde of Most dévoted sUb. ata. enheeensrefenuucb manlike martiner, v.ithin the sta v une, quatat tat es than 20 acres on e#cadi lot. eaual. Capitat £100.000; io shares of £10 ecd. jerts-I ouglît ta say slaves. The vra r w cess'ful in a melanctioty degrce. 1-r Ail letters, 11st.paid.detsiriog informastion con-. - -4 noe of extcrînination an botli sides ; we de-, You usa> present to the drunkard the de- a cerniug alv of thep;articîîtar lots in rcuber ot the 1IIM E FFICE, 'TORONTO, stroyed bis boultes as ufc0fiiomplHSlflt t nucciati',)nscf Scripture, the ruin of beatb, t( above townships %%tII tic ans%î eretl withont dielay. o etoe ussbet.Lis tYSfiYW 1edsrctnaImrsnitlbger p J. T. B13SI1. I, e oe issb»c - =u a thdercioofmasndhébgeyP Vh a y, J tiy, SO.1 1lcISà o. C)rcd e lpuie e Con- tmt îy lte nî'ýt dietcrrincd ant.'adicat OP- of foritunes. lilu nia ' bring untierlits ver> s; ;nc< <i jan~..poit on ;li entire abistinence frà m ar entee ibie mg, 1the fltt, anod the 'ignorance of'si ~1R iS~ANC Pesden .. '. .IMOlsp'rits. 1 rejoice in thîe share t to*k I tulis neolected clildren, 'and the sorrowvs of hi \ice-I'e~ J. C., 't' N IslOttTh. I(i. tiaI cortest, n'id 1Ilook blck ti(OR t itht<allilicted another,-_untess sbh b-smleen 1)1 R EC T OBS taunt-, lte sucers anal the deriiOn castup- imbnappil drasin sithin th1e same'vartex. lu WIIITBY tA(.LNCX Yo ihe Vxiax îîdr oan us in that t1ay with thse saise pleasure as -You mu> point btiim ta liii heath, svhere t] ni, TuE î a soldfi.r feels ib showing bhis ,wouuds or re- tîîe embers of domestic pleastire have ceasd F IVclcr" .SSUUICC ÀOlit)U.fly. ~Iny It "'e > cotiiunogbis bates. 1 can beartesttiunc- ta 1ow. You May point him ta the gloot r j Ilug- li dller. AsND 0rufinsr hOME OFFICE . ORONTO. M .hae. Jin lwct.Eq. o btiteincalculable nînount of f0dehich of111 amil>' circle, tatet>' tightud up withtl INI. . 11 'es, 1oh'Tn oett<iN . ias bc'n heretofnre arcomptishie however SozialJo>'.; you -May'brinig ta bear upon£ &c~~ and Tais ~ "'TA sq. different' that amaut na sit dbylii the atmoît averpasveringr impcrtuniîics n capital-- £100,000, S iitorA\t NZI1fitlso. ]'-q. différent 'observers. Thiecontrastis eqtîal. of frjend:ý, and tihe imploring urgenc>' of thse ti Dec. 4. 11352~. ' of îiug<s before and since th1e 'remperatice reck of liùs famil>', arnd bis own fast .sp- tl y l.uN ' iavî1s 1c'mî li mavement. Last y-par 1I witne&%ed your proachîbLr eterat destin>'. t - rT's id r'sdn ýtlhCe l '%I n tspendid îriuimptîs through those parts cf; Btho ewhb tudrnlushaew chartes, Ès prepared -ati t POLIOKI-S ceainsi Western Canadà îvhich I vi'ited ssiih Pe knawn reclainsed b hsveiztetae LO.ýSSor DA«.\A(E k' FIRE, îîqill llAL or b>'-aitd n ei t n) ée h yo teroncetitîs oven te t-t PERSONAI.PR<SPF'-R1Y <of ci laiindç, no es I N conscî1ueîce of Ntr. Nlartin Iiaving îcigaiueaddlgtad' etlt yc'tei w ryin aew a favorable term. as oiher recjamnuile Loaaî e.~ arrauruetlts Io0rtire from btt>uiain compliment Wlîich ias pnid ta me tbrough. found Ibeuusgroam more desperate a.% tieir t Th'ie folnwin nln eiicî'rnpnee the Iloauîid ita paîlt of tîn îcountry, the Subscitheishave out Nolfolk. at Brantford, and at Bandas, case grew more isapelesa, ansd atiser tiil eIDîrectorb, asto; naines tiree Suffi'cirait gualate îeterrnuncd onn îirosing their toucness et bv basishising ait întoxrrattul# liquors at in npifl elcindo tise> fot that tise business ti.saactions ni the Comperîv- gly anu efetes e %ill be conducied 011 the touaI honoriable plinr.à I'Vitby llaJuge and Port pcrry. their puîblic festivities. . Nevertlielcss, fes- rush down theni in the intezpperatecucp of F eIst, vu -An d %vould nicrm *clIe Public that i s tit-r tis'ties tiaey wcre indeed. Our huart. were forgetfulnes%. You bave therefore cisosen r sacI C. (.iltor Iîiýh Miler, 'intention te displose of tise folowaoig propertiei, aatndanl1y warm and Our enthuisiians abund- thse wise rate of total abstinence. Ilence t 'rio~t t1,wot M'. 1P. IlaNS. via: antI>' displayed upoît gtoco4wer'.I ibeme th mredsrb trco- y- l'ireosHamucti, Wr.leaîderfflît, ocldwtrTe James Beaty, Race Lewis, snd THIE \TOCK <OP' 1001S AT PORT FERI d tomntions nf [tis Alecahol Majesty, tike 111e meisd entire abstinence, becauseý compara- .toisn -c ut, Esqires. With the Inte est in the Business- dominiotns of Malionet, exhibiteti that -poli- tavel> few of those Who are altured inito el- TIsoa imasaoulis,--sale----------vibce-311)e', Ii rtion andm deca>' wîicb. tbo ug bîOt COmplete, cess are recltaxmldfrom iti. It is mucb [loît.Statot, L<3.........'c. nd ree. onîth ith ce (~coioti.uaeoeiti. -Aso, connected ,ivere so man tsplendid trophies iwan b>' is ese aprud a e acmec her portdAetwiilit s the inrwardiIhaîibuiness of the Boat on1 utronproîîîising enenties, th1e friends of ts s filxctn iurta bst The untîettiiiriid liav ig heia oaie gttLate Sctucoc. ftrntises " 15r IeSokof"up'ru.Snc Ia iriioee th ersae ofin to laetiengiq of', wen 111et oi the above Conipaily, %A il&ai elsetonaî alteil.Godsait l'iitily Villaze satb tise zgrînil avtesudhu t0eaethmofwe' h taete artie" debiroes ni î'ff,-ctirie luv.uuane the htîities, sales bave been about £400o curren- the I enperance caus e, another step bas use of them bas, become hs.shtt. It is as- thoS. WALLACE,' . îîer tasotii .Sisoxld tise abolie neot be datif been taken, a progressive step in tise right suredl>' more rneritorious ta divert a man Fire, Lîfe, anîd Genr'tiInsuramîre Agent. posed <of Iy piuvae e atît iefore tise First day n- direction. Haviun' nade marked inroada fmtise r6ad ta e mprn than ta Fcbruary 5, 1852. 43-tf. DL'fmerthe lny mIl tlhen lie diepesed of byfoniteprc, V'KLVABL. FAR ~ -îJE SALE Aucioa. Alto milIl be soîd st th'çs imaaitist alcoiolic întemperance. new ar JToi5raisieteesl fcnetn u t V'Â UAUà ._ 'At tuiniaeot Harses, 1l'ag-Otis, sietgb, Horne"'s, have arisen ta euoeaoee in a newi ar against sobriet>'; to prevent an ev il is btti esse IOxeai Und CO%$s. &C. a neir tyrant, Mte 'Roman Bacchus-. In and i rier than to bazard tise correction of - ESotefotpatoltN.5 Tise itterest ihoIlIe lt of Landt, 2(m acres-, thus latter campaigus, Tbave had les siture, IL. In pestitentiat seasoî,pr ooften A5 E fte ruk1nro u o.~~uonas Lot No. 27 i tise tisurîtConcession sd ttsogî,duinpiersansr ttbe latcoui.VAU(;HANWacrs rnpoa'd1) Ill e t sui e of scu,ýn-uRoud gO' carry about t msanedrscpedob -der zaod feut"e, iriad ho a higsii se'olcultivaticii. itwo nilîestorutise Poil. The ctfee imple ai au years, I have religions1>' abstuiued froni the a corrective of the epidemie poison,jîsty barn, a.'omfîrtl 'aht r.oic t)etrfi itosnu, ceLt vtseuse of ardent spirits, I bave flot eztended deerning it better to uvert infection, tian te hro. ao i t el o tc. ie'e 0 hin ttearn COTTAGE & STABLES tise saine rule in 111e' saine ttncomsprenuising haxardrecover>' frontiti. And the ruIe of -ri 81) erreçî, tise front of lot No 58 1a i nhebiVillageoel tN'huîby. AidenaWatcr Lot wi-h hdegree teea t aîuIts o teta . enlr btnnebcmsteeoets V.AUGH.AN, 6:)tacres îiiproved witb a Dlweluee a gond dwelllng HIote-e Itieen. Ail mil be solrt offen passng years tagether iitiboot tak'ung meaie rmls osdrtota R flouse'oihiiltîsyîigorchiari in ftà it bear- on lIutv'at '[roîs, wisicis wilbe rue koomu i or meaivtanth osdraint utt.r grioi weI <if atcr c.. ,~, YîN<iETREET aI tnie o sal. Auuehuîfrtnato;i tsu t1îdoyb.' mne aIa Il yet 'la asi acaa'il>' pprov drtîanennss i an amast ncurale maady' 'lThve Varms are on.îrîtrted trTreqtitsîte irath i ts eantirne. cao tue obtamneil ai<if your cule of entire abstinen ce fuans tn. Andt iat cf iliase rbo becotnes affected, 17 traites iront Tortto, tintise chinhlty of '<IICH- tise s%à hacrtheu 'S Sit teruiser et Wil'yli or Port toxacatin-litquors of ait kintis. X1Ili'fi vrrcoe.Vnlietirfr 'D HIS1)IILL. Pelly, or ahtîtel'ie fcni1 Jamais, Cotton, T-yo' frieuds, are Cuterin- tOpolicioetheewies ul a otl btiene Aise, 100acici'tise souti half'ot lot No. 4, lotis soe i >'o'uon i rpae e rL n a cos htise worloftoalabtiene con, cf Rearty, in tise ,ew Cotinty of OIntario, 50(4i ties.brO ior i cardt r as 1 arn about te teave il. You arc enter- Adlsere tiseu, n>'y yung .friends, te Ibis acet. trcl'u.n îtsclgLclhgibs JOHN MAirri' & co. ing tuipan a critical period of buman life, andi rate. When yen are nt my table, your rule ani bain, youuag Orchard, a never failing Spring Whitby, 2tlî Octolier, 1852. 29tf a critical sud progressive ers of tise world, of entiu'e abstinence wil ever meet wîhtssy J.OTJC. and, 11e sstred, entire abstittence is themoIreptftarbtin Ad bn AlEcol00acres the %est balfof lot No. 7, 121h con. sfs iefr, usu oa Iadyu moarttfapproatisenbs nce Nienot1 to o ftle sai4 Township of RÉACH, 125 acres am. V IC .sfs uefro n o Eal ndyu mn-oralteasneatebtl 1roved, a permanent Streami of ivater crosses tise law<s example lis a wortby and philanthîropie 'on- wmli 611 uine with grenter eheerfulitesuanad te eti- 7@i..E.UUve S a~le tribution te an intemperate srrld.-Thse pleusre tisan cotetd be affordedby tihe choie- 1) Also tise west lIaîf orflot No. 7, 2d. con. .U- Advertised ta tek.' place on t 1D ec. ha postpoue ai is ltle datnger of your carrying Ibis rule est viands frosi Europe or front an>' part of BRII)GE, 30 actes hmrpeaed, 'aa weln tt rhrntice.too far. Not anc cf'tis assenibiy ever tise ioriti. flause and barn oistire premises. Theeisea' a J. 'MARTIN & Go- knew of an indiridual rcined in là s healtis. 1. -tMLL in pesfeci workiig eioder ilhsufsi-. Nov. 26 1852. bis maraIs, or bis fortune, il> too mach ab- Parliamient of Oanadaq -cheuit s'upply of mater, abtindance oit Pne usrlte iromeuiate neiglîtsorhOad, anîd miisin* 18 mites stemiocsness, wisile tise memor>' 15 Crowffl,= frm Shilpug 1,or, LICTHT! OLI G, I-1Thicinaà rnoments refleetiais, wih-the melen- TilE fl&UD. T RRiIL 801l A -lo, 1 acces u tiseajinal oi a lSattponed 1 J CTb>' excas. lus nhava h, iea WDEST e 6 83 B~CIDAR POSTS nect ugiot28 1852, 19-if.cisihI f bbc -iui cf e ucetbave .comtroler of New York Sta%te, ORSL--tb6ns froni mmet'tate est sgtrocp1u.lip- itl lefio~î~~a i FV R .bAs L,0 E. 4 Po us N EW G RO G ERY ST O R E. ind threm' esoftei- iortfédi b«M ~ h - dents î -S a Whitby. April 151h, 1852. i-f. TIESabscriber bega te acquaint the p:seat nortificatiosis deadea tçir;beu l w8lir -9 r fpeople cf Whitbyana ne*iglsberho4 by ,nd ripen (heur moral îem#rauwIt Of, he a à lhied oa'uinstti ITOSE NDLOT FOR SALE. htisihe haçop &4 SlctSOCk fGoeisi~ubudd~ideez:~ a tise West end of J. i3. Gruws Drugtore biti- msbtieuoc tdr1s'.t~Jiif@~d~4~I~~ sit"antIse corner of Cîon sestisase mis ia'tavar Lins sats llseirçcustoni. te siuféone of totl bstine7nee, éâ4 't6e #ince conatmtÃŽdlftO4 n'titi à itfl-u ]L iTE etid og i oStor e&n1Ise, ng, avies iilied ituap bmil peon ar--a Ilrrae hnwstékeve 1 e. ilfsthe Town of Whilby. ià ofleredfor Sale cs aoù. mi b nptedmti sprir Ar. oe ocf d4ing* tbep _ r;eûýtuesa t Wh, e ae itsw. e reasonabie and aiIvantttgeous ternis. Tihe isouse ticte chmef4er liIembere. altbough,i- urthey tr nte, soste s; îs 3Q b>' 22, wih a Cooti brick clietîtan eai x- - CHAS. MASON, - unit Muetover th,,.e . îu'à iig of sat e-éf cetllent weiI- andt pump. There is aise a gouti - ~ ~ ~ ~ e bmdùttiulxeabailftutsilr.; N B.. Y T R e bservation tspothersi.8 ai' t - - eaeli ItréIW - " ""à a - or urher particulara apply te lise proprie- Fresh sund gqod, by the. orn o _ a ta c for>v Ws.e SIIuneAWo eà u1>1stere w.eg vlo.- C Whiib5 Fus. 11h, 853.Mt -lfBy Wbithy, Jan. 1tb, 1%53-. -~srseuvg~as~ the Fa 'Yr~J s t for NO 4.g.TICOh~1 ~ -i ~ U &*niMeeting oftheStock Ws- î'Of' 1 m Amr of.~ J thà , Windsnur Bsati flassv_à sanl it requiredth ie mark mcli dox1e, tit iet ite ilaneces aur>' te hve îbubaerbridà g- *, andtitrous bridges, -anti-se forth. Tlier. vas plnt>' of - ooti in ta ceunïr>, wilicit voti inst otîr lime, ifr proper>' proteteet;- at tise Tuspector C-euiarà l always .svanted ogel every.ting from-'England, anti no-'- g fromta iis country ;'tisat mas bit poliz>':ý ae people of Canada tô6kedoss'tIe oud, as'ý job. île thauglît ah an>' rate bit t e bllesb inforthionaugist h be igiven; Mur. Robinson declared tsatihi* eonstitù- ste mere, atlicf opinion, net, that -bbch' roati 'as4 a job, but that it mas a peetiburgani.' le tisoagist subise f ; but 'vièul'Id bolt ikie overament responsihie for euig'b iperior kiati cf road, misich isuproià ed. 4r. Prince expressatia a sinfitar . opinion, ]rawusg a mà agnificent piettire ' of tise adn's- uges to Ife obtained f'rom tise railreat, rîsich ie esaid coalti sot-bhave bees. actreti without Mr. Jackson. Mr. Brown understood tisaI la addition te se ternis, niels ad beén"'conismunieated à mb sessioin, tisere-wmas in the éontraet1#n ar- rangeinent tisaIbthe, contractos should,,gçt kitigler price, if iron rose. hien meferring eo teé -miiprescnhation wbicW 'badeîa n is autudto teiim b> tise Inspector Geuseral, 11e îaid iL tras truc tisat there mem-e no commis-ý siners apposnted, ait somne 'eople ,might have miindcrsteod ftramihe à lcùssion rbicis had halcen place ; but iias iltoiôt eli anderittoo t tth bpersonssacerporatedtsy the bill1 af' lestsessi.on, mere unerely ,incer- porated ta carry ont tise bsrgsîn preyiossiy nade for ttben.-à meme in facthete ls of ha govemtiment 1 Wisen tiy met for hfie firut Lime,;ivere tIse>' nul. told tt âtbehyhsa îotliing Co do mils bise commea~t 1 Woul is# Inspectar Generai den> tii'?1Tise pec-f ttc-aof tise country' 'did take ai interest ii tse cash of titis road, andti ie meras,à îtej eook mare interest sus il 'ithan jus ethers w lhi., tisaI bc théiser, ronds were buuit by bona jide sharebisoders, and titis merel>' b> the bools or the goverument an i the con- tractors. Thée cosî aoftthe road mas nosti n. lifferenîte 111he countr>', os otiser grunis. If tise cotinhmy did sot pa>' capita? il musi pay interest in the s!iape cf tolts,Ànud tisaI people perfect>' wll understood. 1'iseon a to tise eztravagance ai ttia cosî, it mat wett knomn tisaI Nova Scobia mas about fi buitt i ts moadu for nitcis less mone>' tsas otsr were te cosh. Mr. lincks. Ilcar! isear! A-t tbeil, aira expena. Mr. lBrown'. iWell, I have tbe ajthori t>' of tise InspecLor Geserat is tisis 'Bous for saying tiat t~t is bbc best me>' ai mak ing rnilroads.' j Mm. I*iocks..2LNc0 Mr. Browns. Wls>rthse bon. uuéiube di, nal dçny tlkat, irlieus J qot.e4bis « ora thé comusescemenà of tise session. Z,'Tsav not the auth'ùnit' -by me ; but 1 4a slite I3oi tht415e quohedti 1e' eumple, c n crim add othor countries in sipport ç titat viem.'- HoI!ever, (sait Mr. B.) iî m asufficieà Éasmewr te i. motion, Ibat bi Gaverninieit bati net ticéecobtrauc in té possession.-lHe diti not tisink Mr. .Iaekso avas ivanteti to bcild tise roats, u be lia not been wantet t buitti other mouds, forý ir stance, the greal Western, tise Jortlani Mr. Cameren - heliereti bbc' road 'acal1 .a hure -I-een- - - -4m1-h-u- Ih r- Jackson- ND SIX I~ZI~Ok ~ TEAI. NO. 46~ b. beliered, eusttemded tint I(Iin1'JIP~IBO~ was thon'rm b te aie-at a te- s'ai, W«nle rt. ni Esg tud, bise . aronc e of~s iote usk seuti Elabd tioinmtce b bt * ing i te pive nspai OtCs:t blieads cfg inbemprael1 as ma ia it e rtO ma ofteresti >'wbite 'Lès. meSuth r 'ieoad -but cugbt taeoensr*t ia roWdtMib.ft - This mas -ont>', bowtei , dCCèt*nt etrtthe idea - tiat té mon.>' wcutd lie Obtaitned et a iow rate cf in tereet. Mr lin.Is bte, et- flrmed that b. a t us-clkesgves vweutd b. ashsmed te edeciaraisuiidn hse hMru. Ibm. concicded iustteent (hab ie wmottt leave th. decision of thie'lan.to b-tehé ýo. sud't Ihat lie hai atlcmpted te create <a -c oa- lition hsnnsrymwilstisethéablest menuberu cf te ionervahire pà mty. lie -usderstood bise tueNovaScotia 1or" 6 eteib" Mesura. Sykesimwere't .1 ýWVer>' infrfrmc1W those, tei ha bistt in ,C anada, andti lat tbe# mas:t te i ,apartnerghip bebwe te Pro- vitteaof Nova Sotia, an&tÉ ie costrecters Mr. Bromn eptiedti taMr. inctes' et- teck oni'Mr.,- Howe,, fer th!-omang bi pIe befare- lte Bouse mîtlioutassunung an>res- posisibitit>', b>'askitgwhetbertitis mas Dnet justî miat, was--dos.- b>' ste minîière 1i Diti ne the c Jspeetor Generai corne hèe and allege bisaha hai made ne bargais miit Mm.' jacksont - But titinet tisedocumeft mitAcasluew t- btiha m bouud te 1t Jactson? ýýAsni dit h. net afbarmtntstel? the: leus. ithat. the rniuisbrq mait be i bands-'cf -au iesponsibflity I Was Bot te rneasure pen firstbbo.Mm. Cartier, nenttId tise bouse, tho carsy., tttrougis 1 it**, dui Liie hon.- meniber- forget tisa L egisiedre Council bill 1 - that tising cfu seet i as 1Patchea laid bafere tise Bousa te manglees ut picasd. isehlin. ieniber ag aaenr- -eti timt Mr. Hinetes, .d dectared hinsolf to be in laver cf ouds builttW btestats au&ý not necessar>' ii tbuscosuntry. As te fluaý mord falsahoot, so frequentl>' repeted 1» Mr. Camiseron, ha thauglitbiuscfit mord- mas a good pmaof tuat he ws"s elogmh.r cm tee fansiliar -wibli te ,tiùg. Be tisai jaxtifieti bis iltetion as- tetise coaet iter mei, anti saet mli> wus<evemytlsiag p# bn1< sterling nlonty us pepulat -represe"ïa oB f te «est 1 Wby ms tha asmoiset cf the guaratbe uétabedt ut £300m ites iL ires Hâ,iput it te tise Inspecter Giterel,-whw nom apokemaat gvcnesibtudr""nlèb- cm Le titi noh, et Halifukx,acbualty refuse as offer fî re m. Arçhitsald, expreasi>'on lte grount ittut eveneat mouldItieep the 1roada tis' ýo= 27e d ot elet it 9b tà ý a rivaI.- cuesyl if il mere truc, touç 1 it t.eoui>' peopm te <ocid «&r !4ýtlâ, rora'i being toc experusive, mere fIÉ ateké f helte'rs,'ta Englad, gt te cesdit otfli rcountry' nust suBtis' il tise .xpetatioes iteM in etrere-notfiuifi lat. As etobt po bilit>' of Iliiting ic Ãeprofits of raifroMdsi l i ms notoriot lut tise State oîýNew Yusk ra itdut do*n l te'rate oferaon ail tbt d roads, aRd bad now-fie 4preutprce. -Coaltttat h. dcsi.t Lere, if-t.e coit ser aitowedt te rus te an expeinse enor.o»slI i machiion"'ve Ite s.-busopin tsatuta people eoftCanada 'di net wt I Mm. Hineki tesweat itbe a stitemtues *cf, te nature of the .conbreet? imade ferlI bratlroat frets Hà tsultcs, teToroîtotet$Of t h ti therust roackmas not cestrate Iw-ý a t teegreat aprice.YçthesaM-titiiibéi S(Tronto andi llasittn>lid bac e ke dan hast by - Eanisk eapitalsts ue,'eo bte untermtanding' biset.frou-e £SlGb 4 £g00& pot mite sisoltib. sépù&ý aanti titsupon.luevgriat itbit-dm. -tics bad ben led te beleia. tthlieQut" e s tb~erap9equci*m4_s~t e ,m4 qto e'h us, of- t ave irsasla bunt teîot ib, mîtiso ur luiS capita . laueset os . tto e eabea Itish aitl plat bisent mas cf greatéet hantge -tan ofetenr>'. That f rn-d ul intag iet Stai'. e s b> l. g htýiovattuen inemte UioIý stteus, isthti gvprmet grnmt jabbius, hnst ad tbat ressa pIes ate nllow1ugtiscpbal$son pW oati i blic h ir m mna' ltaeir cm, riTa.I wib,>'buit w' iias ma n uhisi ros, f bie wre is-gbit wgootasEerlysb boau. ut £3000 ersuile ret oséiprince 19lnbc sto eroumie [romathesproincebit proIuuie £iQorfl.aoutpei, r a stthe falsoisoods4, wbich fir4st ecitedd igaà tks eaulntbise 'governpi» a d, s lea itfwen tbbçy wer' discoyrds, auitait thn» m wh pread thenu. - A.fter psouwodï tC Msr.ots, W ~iît *utarîo AND t, T k -i t 11 - .1 h 1 dd Aè-