Ontario Reporter, 5 Mar 1853, p. 2

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- f -~ hIiOT EL 1 A IoiuTEýL! Sîîr ta~ emhstm. illemilui /wrjf set cilitora w*iclm rppcarsi i the colimîmua 9of tu l ;obrý4' the Fitli rmremt, and coni,.. fo iii 11. .111le t ris; tr W î i i' is><t 'or-iy gt.v(,I. h iviiru las~ im'n ~ivn oinith rnifi lieligs le ll l"ur imîiiiu i mIîIg he is !~Yl~II~p'4on~are l'or gtmmtntbriu'dI initouIr %[m ." Vmttceh Iiii,-'--I.oth the eti wî! oyscw orlobstr 1'cI li101-t hjttývl' nto thé{ e î I t~g'y'et, andi that '>1 î bc m'e re Miîcklc Ie lIS 'àothelitie aru 'd, tb anroVùr *r '7 Six wotuQuilusao and' a bit cAulil hiv u' ia.i, 41)(1inay'lie a 1tiraju -nil wairm- 'i]ia', i , wttlta? scrs'eihit fu' ustfour-- titlmxi utl o m tu i y ii'ge'utleiian u iti ttiti miUli hi îit tut-ai sy i proiitlanuîtdaint y as \Vc iîcatiiy 1ity (lie lui oh our unfortu-' in&te blother'! lîatne. upion lte 1Beurds', iî1litand Iilorsvoots' antd olma' tou' Smmîhs' amdiClAma', mmd lte olluer 1 uusger-uncherst ofAi LlmdyIittle NYoik, iîot ketpn, estlablîstnioenl3 where a .wmW$yr~wd:oer4~tid 4ti eianr nmsy gel a 'iop1 oz a cimlet worthy of' is dug,(estion!. I3kit il 05 Alil owîiud 10 lite c.confoumdcdl î CtcrgyRcrvs! Derôte titese fonds to thie constr'uction oh MIODEL EÀTING llus£s, awl uthe cooker>' oh Canada will . -.cimen rld's svîde pissorb! i î 'n44are isigwch Ma mitM pntrive, tu &et on iýei eottgl iiti.out Citarches, but an en- dtwvet i asôulely inecessary 10 keep- the spirits And fryiýneI7.rut aof ibe Province r'F à;FaZciî iEmiîag.-Before 1w'> yrsgo by Uthe Lmmpire of Louis Napoleon - wiIt býeat au end. lsud wîll besuddeniT; ~l~u ,warning. Three days in J'uly f , seaed thut reîgn oh Bourboxi5in, drove Charles Xmb e iad calied to the Ilarone Louis Phliipp.-In 1848 France çvated à' change sein andlweny-four clïy andi burry 'lme, ciixiens king from lte Tfêilries 'io.lthe prüfti of a tiying «crito'ur rkn-en ite sîrait's belwecn Ca- So it vii be wlieri thL lime for lte pre- sent Emmqperor arrives., France now lie.% utidor r he Sliadovr,,of aliuîudmed tlisand bajoncts andisaen repose.- Umîder lte pro- toclion ohftitese boyoacts sitte Empeir,- f lte petjured bieroêmIiantoh despoihis in ti s êNuetiry., He muay'; doublue the bayonets if he likes-3o tid.1f te'lasl of hli ourbon- but bis uour wil, burry (m.Ile ma>' slran-le. ltse pres-o dut Louis Philippebtbi dooai tr*ois. fowaed. none lte les" speedi. ly. Alilof Frencb patriotiffm thitlbas sWquviftd lte repuitiic is n exile, but allier p.tiol,-ttu Laarlnesohcoming -yeam's .....wii ise, w#to.eli huild upon lte rin.> oh Ibis e ztetinporaneoiis empire oh Louis! Napo- Içon a govarnitent titt ilidraw tts.sustaining _pow.t, frpm tise wîl1 ohfltte French,. people. 'J1'e liberty of Fmance is not amitilùaled, il- Ã"niy bides its ülim.- Wetern NewD Yorker.i t - îYO@LU AT TuKE BA Nt 0F' k1NG AND.-The MMu zia mrew stea.>sip, amved wilh . h~ambefreight la l Jlaswaitbelsiffen sm#mt.ýnd wasimnmediately boarded b>'u'Mr. "I -Sn~ziDET.r01Saîurd4y, .an-in- 'quest was lield mi tise- Lunati'c Asylum on. the bodiy -of an aged inmale Who had -de muddhmlyý Tite verlict was tat sie died \.FLW kDYRTISEMENTS9 Windso>r, cst-eIe Tn. OO~K rüek& Main Street! WHITBY -- CLARK & WILCOKSON. Mi1tby, 1est 1gueh, 1853. 46-tf. SA'LE,,/ IL JiCute andý4t inj te Towm nt ~ 'Àply tlq . PRnt Whhtby "chMtiruml, 18U, 4&2Wn X-M0TUE T1HE R11EPORZTERZ. :<~tîSAluo(Ïf lue MReag.5, vad. 1ntion witit îtieaure sse -8ntmoînce thlit« t 4niuof lihe Port \Vfrtby ant ?sk Scmg 'dl poad Cd'mti-ztiy,to cuiteml, ui d ant i- pro-e lte Road. fuomo Mantchestemr thitouog (nme 'i>îunslips oh Ittuacitandi Brock. 'lit tii> ine ofh Rad, bas rcmthd. tnimproved 100 long none wîll dei>-hltat ;t seffi openi up a large riection oh country', isreîofrnre slimul ottl from a mtarket bvo ltiris of lite year, aIl will i tiim,-lat mit iý îreciam'i>' &h Roati ,r2quired ho gis'e ltaI dentîlml>oh itmtresh ho lte frouit andîl iitr, !,o essettial- 1>' necessmy bthe îsrospermt>' oh ýnharmo, is obius boes-er> tait lu lte counnr-Y.- Il is proposeti-fteinake lte wlolc route from Ibis northtern boîndary- linotooh I3rork- f0 Maauclesber, a fxee road =vu anti for- evci- aftcr. To accotpliab titis tise Com-. pan>' wiIl conîribule liberal>', and amclin concert ivithtbe Ititabilamulis' oh hiose Towno- shtips. Oh course opposition is capecledti o titis improvetnenl on te sambe rounolds, huaI duiutirested wortkries have acled on te pasl dozen years. Timose seio cal) Ibein. selveà public mnen, will sceur tise Towntbips fromma North tu o oubt, prayin- and beseert-. in- lte r"idents b oppose lite Roat h rejert t las dangerous to!progress & advance- aDnt; and i f rrivate properî>' sioulti be re- quireti, oùr nortitera frietdi wbil h advised b>' ~il means 10 part wilt aisuflicient quami- lily for a ,road on no accmts aned for nro prca. Thes were precisel>' lie objections raiseil by -our Eastern frientis aI lthe lime oh tise location ohflite Government 1Road from Port Witby to Lake Scugog-anti liting wi tee can sîilli be bromaghtî for. ward wso hada>Ver,' influence to work on Ibeai, nol ho ai,' W tie G-overnment Road to pans tirougis Iheir farmus for an>' courm- deraion.-Because %aid road wonid 80t» creasùe the value oh the landi,lte tâxes womld proportionircbinrrcase. 'This ar- gument ii oh smch a splendid nature, and originaled ' in -sncba mI splendihorous" brain, Ibere let il remnain. '7leresoiution e- specting titis projeel passeti aI a late aecî- ing ohfmihe Directurs, i3aas 1hollOWS: Rezohed-Tit îlte President andi Se- crular>'. be aultormac t 1proceed bu fLeacs- anti Brock, for lte purpose oh making ar- rangements wiltfthe people ohftitose ToW-- sbmps to exlend lte ioati on suck Icrins as the>' mat>'dcem amisisable for ltme nerest oh te back Country' mnd titis Company,. PA RIÀAMENTARY SUMMARY. February 1-3.- Mir.i lartman intro&kccd at BiHt bsepe- rate'lite Township oh G;eorgiana fronulte Counî>' of Ontario, anti annez it- toflhe Count>' oh York, second reading 28tn Feit- ruaI>'. 1 -Thte'Sýergeant £1 Ari msinformedth ie lieuse th~îsit adtaken John Langton in- to caisoul, for non-attendance aI an Eleet- ion (iommiîîce, ss-bereipon Mn. Siniîb oh Froniçnal, acquainlcd ltebItos, ohflite cause 3h ýrw Langlon's absence wben il .svas rdered i t atI ho (Mn. L.) be discharg- et ou-I oh .usteti'. raisce i; - ieisuion aàoa-insl-tise prn- ciples oh J lm 31.'Tory', Radacai, Upper 11»d -Lower Casadians al, ycoiided andm agreed tiugl it was lm réf*rm requbret b>' tise counir>', mnd Outise ey were wifIng 10o 'goacede. 25 Fe'-ie Bihle extendth le juris- ni aof thé Division Court Act in U&et' ada was resd i seeond iuue. 'N The.Bihlot ýamendt ti. lJiveu.sityAd of Canada Westý was -broutigmfurwar-h by te 909m. Mn.* Ilusekm. Tih. Bill contemplaés the ýettsbbuxmmîoh une Colege in 'roron- te where tte! Tesehing wmutd b. e h s~fa<c~u'ag The. surplus funds, afer WàjF %ý prVovi -fo1r thse colliete, dw.utofw'tlLeglbý. And as fiý ~ ~ were'coiueer e le1 werT prepartwêto uuist Cojléges ltaI wottid trg %à- elams à getber on cmmo uoibde. Thé Bl mMad. îýlt1u amif .mu niatmu< umpitiu. t îastded usver tus. a t ~toe- besa-tise RN MATIN- 00- in dueti '63. 46, 3 svhether ai-sent or p.rvsct( nt., n'ucr ritir, or Ille bilfudi> b the tgroîltL, 'l'O rmoe Ahemî s>stem and inciat 4 e ! h îer of te - Rpreentîivs.or" te ic postlar lraneit or tiiê LegiMIat4#e, k is i forrt that libe Pro- gesv e, )F f' n1eiidei'or , £nulont. whic i 1.4 unmtitake ibl i>'t-maindu'tiby bhe coutm'y. ']'le present hill) k frautîcîl to unot flue vieîs's oh boll siect ions of thue Pro- viauep ai monl cfferlurilly chiecks tIhe il,- fluence ' r-Ful"n boroughsi. "'Tlite ood nid-' day's of Ministers seeking a refuge mni-on- .>lit en-ii's, cotitaiiîig nul 10 Inhlaitaritîs to 100 in Itle ÇCounuuihicai'llbce fctfetuail> Aboutl16,00)0 ,%fiete cavl-age nîmm belr e)ntaiied ilto tacli coi%,stitu-mî'>, andtihie nmftrof rp-anaius(2)eqiutil>' divided bt-gwee'n 1i!ppî'r ati Lowrr Caniad.. Upomi lte %wiiute lte rojsised sasure gls'cA geterai sa1isL-iction, aid titoagit ail htave titeir îeculiar vw*îvs asib;toe dc tai/s, ittîli as tim mearis'of obitaining lime principles oh relrsctation baseti cou population, a umitedl edort of Itte reforîn part>' viii, ive believe, inakie t Ilite law ohflite lanmd. The ditcus- Sioun ou>' lte 'sl ims., andl finial vofe will bc lookei for illi greal imterest by t'plier Camaukliamî-iitucii we hope to bc able tai lay Miuure our readers ini ou- mita issue. TOWNSLIIP OF RItEACIL. Thle Municipal Council oh Reacli lias taim up the question of tbe Warden, andi te subject resulteti in an [Address bo thé' PFoisiouml Counctlilte ubjec.-Tbhi% egfetulmly stIles tise q<stion oh Proui- siomut Wardiîn, and kowiever înucb Mr- Guibis may desire 10- give hit itwenty s'otes" agmint tliseprogreas of lite Cotnl>', b. 1> doomed 'nol 1t'uitave ftit eposrer. Alas, boss lte migh-il>- have fallen-Wbat wîim Injunc- lions, Quo WVarranlos, Niai Prius, Oshawa Subscriptiots, andi adlumlerahcd Whiskey, our feelings au-e urnet iniito pi>'_ foi bis mis- fortune. rTo the Pros'isional Misnicipal Coûncil df lte Counî>' ot Ontario. Thme petiton of lte Municipal ÇýOuîuciI oh the United Towynsbi;î,s ohf'eta'ci anti Scîigog, in tbie Count>' of Ontario. Rr.pcctfv/-r,'Slewct7tî, that y our Mm, rialisîtâ as representat-ives oetlite Unitedi Towntships oh ileacit and Scugog, have- througbout been in fas'or of a Disvision of the Cont>'ohf\'ork, andti haItishe formation oh the Cotant>' oh Ontario as a seperate andi Independent Coîmnl>' as in unison iilthbb expressionv of opinion as laken aI lIhe poils lu Jantmar>' 1852, and at te polihng tii- present year, the votersitaving hiat a pledge from each Candidate for the u progression of te Cont>' Buildings, and your iNemnorisl-. ists regret tat jou shouiti have alloivet as indirect vole oh censure 10 be passeti on ydur laIe wortby Wanlien, Mr-. I old, af- ter "ha bati io huiitful>' rre.emitud the back Country ; yet as te present Warti'n bas ail along suppontedth ie saine >iesss, lie tliterehore conimands and bias lte confidcmace oh Ibis Municipalil>., 'viereas on lte other liard fli predéeeor in office bias supporteti anti sill approves- oh views reverse ohfbiose su-hiclu have n 't àfmncs been expressetib>' luis Council as a boçlýyIbtere fore joua-Me- moriali-sls, as friend.s to the prog-ress and cari>' establishament of hei Coumit> of Ota- rio as au n dîpendant Cotint>- ; rtal yen wii ,Mr. 1 biîn r 1i'i I4me I m hiti lc etill mu il Geiorge Suailu aniud m~ uh it-st No. t:03:uïxiiedd Mvr,.1iimts ReondeI,.b>' M1m-. l't>ack "led the Courcil resoisets>i, rt cominittee eh the vlmoioe on the petit (1mi oh (I mii nd çifhers. Carried. - D)r. Ailion in tIme Chtair. Coummituce rose anti reîuorled a -i-:w Rleport recriveu.l,. Mr'. elack-usecOndti b>' Mr. Mrigimî, '[ballite fly-iais' *b e xenpt triveltr-rs fromi i te prov'lsion'î ohfiy-iaw No. 3i Ili~ fatr as relates 1()ltme aclling of~ i i-i- qturs oit -'tinday, b ite;îopîu'd. ý'EÀAs.-3lack anti Wrigrht. NAys-Alison andi lîuîns. Cauri à <I.)Y île su t tc" t luit 1ný-<- i i Council %vent imb ,Cominittee of mie uViiole tuailte bill to ausproîtriale Ihe mail - f £300, for moadsandi ibridges ilromigîmiout tlte Mr. iBurns Iii litaChair. Conîmimlle rose anti repàrle thIe bull as aunendeti, and askci learfe tl bit aim. Dr. Altison secoaaded b>' -Mr. %Vrigilit, mos-es. 'Ihat wstien tii Counc;i adjonrmos, ilataliki adjoutimncît until lte first Wednesyin-luAili, nt ss'hicb biume an apîpropriation oh £30()IIN i) bts malle for lime irnpros-enacmtt of roadsansd bridges thmmomgioultte Tosvttalmp). ('arrmcd. Dr. Allsomi moves secrinded b>' Mr. B31ac k. That lIme Treasurer bc instritucti bt cali on Mlr. IL. T1. han ilsm, latc Toss-n Cicrk, tutti a view ho obtatru ail the nione>' belonn, in"gi thue 'Muncipalitlyah present lu bbc banda ofthtie aaid M'vr. Harrison. Caried. JOLIN GORDON. Town Clci-k. In te'alteratioi oh B>-.law £No. 36, Il 50 fan as relates tolthe se liing of spiritOUs lm- quors on Sunda>', il appears a prosvincial Act bas beemu os'îrlook-ed, viz : Sth ie a. Chtap. 43, entitieti an Act b pres-enlit e profanation ohflite Lerd's Day, commoniy caiied:Suntia>,in U. Canada." A portiout of lte hrsb clause neats Il That froin anti ahîer lte passing -of Ibis act il shah net bis Iawfuîl for an>' mercitaut, tratfitunan, artificermae- chante, labore m-olter pet-on ss'iasoes'er JO SOI, orto p tcly îhew forth>, or ofler for sale or te purcitase, an>' saresi, mer- cluandises, grootis, citattcîs or personal pro- pert>', on an>' reai estate svhatsoýs-er on tihat day, fioi- l do or exercise any worldiy la- bor or wvork oh their nespecti ve ordinar>' callings upon the Lord's Day, tor situil il bu lawftul for an>' pens>ons tb tipple, or lu atlowv or permit f îpphing, In an>'Mon, las-cm, grrocer>', or btouse oh public entertainiment," &t. &c. Accoruimng lu Ibis law, ih a las- ertakeeper b, a"Il radesnman," lue is prescrit- cd frocm buying, ueling, &c. on thme-aÉbttl anti it is of 11111e consequence wshether thei lewiîsltip cornceil lakes action bru tie imalter or nol. If liquo.rs arc 61merchandise" the buyirr anti selling is prohibileti, %iîboul the sanction of h ie townshim1municipaii:y. Anolter qnesmoms arises-s-hat is Il hp- pling," 7, Tise jurovincial laits says tbere sali be uso 14lippling" un Sundut>. If one glass is" i~ln, prorision for ils proiibi- îiomt is amade b> te Act. 1 Is-to glasses Is tpth<, ie ft:sýt can!îot bc "bet or bolti,' andtihis second coulti nol be dramtk as àt svouîd be lias ht case Il tipplingr," andth ie saute supposing î'. ivouidti ake Ilîrce, four er fis-e glaa-s bu tri Passcd28îitFeb. 183.he qucestuin r MnI. WeTlls, sec0nded by Mr. Irs'in, _Keepers are 14'i mos-es, Thaut Our Reeve, Mi-. Frencitoh " iNenrcbaoisesý,." thte Untied Towivuhipa oh Reacis aiti d tierehore uit/ess gog bc requstedtu l preseut lise Memorual oh the Unitedi Towvnshtips oh Iteacit anti Scu'- provincial Act 8 gg holte eProvisionai Couneil at lte Open- tions hor Inrus ing oh i4 hrst rmeetinug, and titat the saiii~o prtoi Reeve, antiNNMn. Ilurd lte Depul Rces-e, C. of tote Unsited Towashbps be niost re- mi h ai h speelfuil> reqtuesled to use their influence fore.- in sup4rl ohflite prayer oh the sait i Memo- rial. raclaa i Carmicte maaimosi' - 1 hivAsIotor O froua New Yorkc Towsnsip Hlfl, 19t Feli., 1853. ltat an. invadîng, Council met Punsutant 10 uidjourumen. cder a iin1msgaria Meisibers pr-esent,-Bumms, Black, Ahli- . New Oeans, and son andi Wrightl. Deputy' Ileeelanhie Char. - umuisitug staenm Dr. Allison preserubet a pebition fron lte Brookln Division.-of hçsSous oh Temper-, Tise eeiebraled arce, Pnnying lie Couincil te addrcss lte ta -bas been amus Legisiaîure to, pais a law smmiar tultt i itla setrod thue Stale ofhMine.) ii alar Mr. Black presented bise petituon oh John FinIe and olier ù e.jkçy ad'otiters, 10 rescindth l ast elatisewbich are -brui>' il oh-law. 74. ed us avit.aàPar M? k kseondeti b>'Dr. Alîbson, at isoyhii Tisa lis Co go cito bComite'of ýitc whc4e, on lie. petitiomuof John Dickey Cboeaes 0orlt4 ýnd tuumÈ-'- hffl.-. We*m CoMaitteroseà amI reperleti a bilj, a s-e> n*e Mr. Black 1>1 scodm t'Dr. Ahli- Thatllm. <lbi bereada tiW d ime, Wn fiat is. 13epmmÏty'eeresip itise sans,. BukofUpè Carried. -. flsatmcha&e T. 'r &lsaaop;oudt > r tyWTowns IWrtaj BIaktoria., Isleca For leaet r'g k a3y- t-appro- y eetd prite: a. certain <suof i Imoyri-roai-and"eoual"'elcttl bridgà, tlreug out thueTownshsip. --allie çeavenast Cai-m'~4. sctaojl h ofCun t)r. Miisumwoves secondemI ity Mr. ake a Il tipple."1 t in. a nul abol. Tavern rradesminen." Liîjuol-s are One-lasiis Il ipplbng"' the council repeals lthe Vie. chap. 45, lthe regula-ý au far as regards diink- iqîmors on Sunday;, sii! re- he present yçars as luereho- and Scraps. P CuBA.-13y.Telegrapi oh Ma-ch it a s rumore-d force of 1,500 men un- i getierai is organiseti it Ài t1bat a ftuo ns. Ë eston is ers o -carY tbem. Okas Tuibee frowtToron- sing lte peo"pie ofWitLby diary perfor mances onth le instrameats,' some. parts oh iimitable. LRe bas presen- mnpilel contaiahag16ilsif., Ï& tribe--the once powerfùl amth, t e semintl's andi fveut ent@bllu ta fcY AT LxztusAy.-Tb. OamLnda has establisited a- *Wut of IiUdSV.tie COR-. ic Ii-ittuiii M t;k tu-e anxd ci>' 00W fiui ttueniîcuiscà deceiveti, aild mie art! minilaketu il tlists %sîl,>nlie îuîiis d"îuded lis' tus SO- phins-ry aitd bis unfotmaidud caltuinulles l:1t'i doubus anti s>pIiOn%, if nul opeil O;iositlioi 10 lteir long-trieti frienit.> non- 10 powev, do iol brini lîmmuitrlu seyere rer-k-oning. As' l'or lte G/cb' pulitie'uly, iLs Influence i!ý noss' %gone-it ntVI IIienrcforth ieb ooec upon a, a cipiser -a ammatul pîatiel isithotît a spbîre- ai bag ohfivinti. It Isto1 be regret ted Ibat George Browsn siorald have titits sarrificeti i bs taienttS, andtibte position ant i*rspect> ijims-hid is lirecloos exerlions in lte Reforun cause gsi-e 1Itnt, aI liiesituine oh personal piqe, nd nrtle gratification oh persounil Th-il.'la*t le uîasilay«ed bi% ghme hoiti- 1v' n-e ivill miot derîv ; but lie buts stai.-ed ail upon the is!iue, and'id e lias /ost. Nothling mi mtoiv lefI itint but 10 witbdrmw frein î,oliîics,- and b>' careftil attentîion le his business, and h>' a ti:sereet use of hbIe talents ss'th ii 'h wiîic e ites enîtowsed, lite unay be abltiel ac- quire for tise Glob5e the position oh a gooti famril>' nesispaper. Am a politicai oneil is noms- dammîcti for erer ssitli alparti.>." Io con5equence oh a brutal assauît onîlte Slieriffanrut lits posse muth ie neig-ibouritooti of 5 lier broucke, oi11 lt ine of Raliroai, lte Chov*-rnor lias placeti ail ltit setion of flue work-s umîder te aulimorits' oh Sth ie m. Cap. 6, for lte lreservation oh the pence, by a proclamation it an extra ohftise Canada Guzcttc. Central tirtlbtroji andi Mr. Colutn. Mr. Colbtten presenîs bis coiutrlimenîs tb te Editor of the Evenuîng lMail, andi wiii be oblig:reti y-"ttis insenîimtg bie foilowirg corresponlemtce ss'iticli bas passeti behss'een Ltim anti Lieuberianb-Generai i3rolberton. Manchester, Feit. 2. "Lieu tenan't-Gener-al l3rotberton presents bis compltiments ta Mn. Cobdien. - di"le sends lîtîm a duplîcate 'ph a ietlcr lie addrebîsed to itn yeàt erday, LatIlislois-wn resitience, 103, Westbo4re-errace; bt, finding lie s nol M tlowvn, antti lltlitkei>' bo retunuimmdiately, and as te letten mgtnul lie forwandedto bhinjqe btink iti betler, in order Lu averl tise etiaxaçe of de- iay, 10 send littiis duplicate. - Jan. 30, - -'Travelles Club, Pai l Mai, iaàn. 29. Sir-4 perceire b>'. lb. report of yur speech it ate meeting of lte Peace Con- fen'ence aI Manebiester, on Tistrýdq e'ven- n) l1t jotu ae Made ho tua>' tkat,s tu rder to tesItte .acerityof titose wbio differ fnu>n you l opinion'as te thé probabiliy of ilïmu si0o1, you dvii nler inbo a tega,bond to pa>' doia 10,9001/., wisem invasion l takes place, bu hlm irio wiluumadrtake to put>'13. 4-week as a,.subseription ltteMancimeter Infirmia- ry tli t!aI eventdue!i oceur. in '<el one of tiosewlodferrm 's L otal)>'in- opinion jupon ths ~subject, 1 ac-' cept-yosur proposql, and am npreparemi 10 per- foras-rn>'part oftheit-en' ~eedî-it ,len 1fl'ýe- ivaer mà not hecoinimg the otari. 'Ve ex- thuan horne jockey Xik-e, fo chitne tise -oldt a bet un lite probable cimance's of a Frenchli uvuà, a nul ubove ail tise citalcîyIgor to be a peacc mn, nes-en the hea> anudiérepre - senta-Live of the peace associatIon. ELOPEMET-A Dr. Gordon fr s'ome- huiie residcuîî ofh inrotito, a i:tuky, d[iscon: anlt look-ing ersoîî, mov'îd up 10 Sincoe, iviitîcce ià apticars b>' a local paper lie ai>- !sconItted isitit a ?mirs. lIawk-e. 'J'ie nm co e A dmyjeute sais: S<<. ln-keWas deuitietl>lyte preZttîest si-muau in,) our tisvi saut bibttie eyes liglut i i ht'ir fite fi;ure andt aristo)cratic n-ine rs, grac.:ng th(! ircie lit wbciisite movet.- M îr. flan-kv-e,liter lmtîbant i nolt Qnly la gritee s of ohbis wiife hit ïe-raf---Iund-o reti dollars in nione>', iviiclu site toný with ber. Ti1e t)ucer k a a il six-fooIce sulitr a large pruajuctinui forehîcati, boas'> eye- browb, ais-fn!lt,%aktrs maid goumîe, he calied; liîîefDr. A. B. Gordlon, EelectÈbe y- siciami, andt Cancer Srtolue lehi ss'iîtoutj rayînt, ap>- of his b net 10even bus priter: 1 gut si,,tlt ofhbiâ nuuy XA~sS ai ArtOUZÃŽD, Stol) 1dm! Sas'Ive. SEaIU~mS CAS.>-A you-ngm man-, svlmoe naine-wc blotve itot yetlicarciieinas lotige- inb gaui yestertlay (Monda>', 2Stb ult.-) af- hemuoon, cru a chiarg~e ofh havimsgr assaulteti a tem'ate oii te piblic streels in Dundas, svilli tise intention oftlkîîtg improper iibertiqà ss-iîb lier person. lt aplicars ltaIlite villain - as preveuleti front tuarr>ing out itis diabo- licai intention, b>'lte inlerference of a cis- ilian. Thse scottdmei quickly decampeti towarda thiitiscm, but lte police werc plac- et] imnutdiateiy on te siert, anti aIrer a smnart clase succedet inlacaptuming bina on tise reati leading te Dundas.-llarnzi/on Journal 4- ýEzlcùs. A correspontient sentis vs an account oh a large wviite- oak iog latly ul ou lie farua of Xt.Douatt i .cLean, ohf ite, townaship oh, Somnbra. After.haaviingbeen ,witat la îeciînically îerm-Lti "tiresseti,» ili was founti b>' admeasurement 10 onü«ta 552 cubie feel. It is censitiered the Iargest piec e.of ltaIkinti oh liniber- esdr 'go 9i0la nebithbouritod. Togive somne idea 'oh ,-ýhe iteCI Our- correspondent an>' ltaI tsyo umy- oxen.wre requiredte remnore il asitort dis," tance 1ta lte uortis braicit of-tise 'sser $y'- dembiam- Globe. -- EX TMeRNA-L -ADOR.NMEN,,T. Thte BuffaloC, xprosu gives. gemtte admoniim tiste citmze ivitic i a>' appi>' eqriu i vè lie Citimeuus , f Toremt«k(& - -wili not 'tise pe6ple of .Bufl( attenstion to jr m*kb4,swith. lte, Spring. Panta tree i hoster a isftb--.4tpoômiLa'flo 50 isouls- periaied.- Dates froun armis are te the 13mb. Tise Le('ýisIîi-ve Am-enîbi>' opetiet on that day. l'ie limpemor, wbo openiet it tn person, in bis, !pet-ch decitie t reduce bis atm>', If> keelu upa good umdesandingr-svitit loreiga poss-ers,.and to i.rn-se 1tiste moit ircredulous- tbat sa-ben _France expresses ti-intenioni to rematain at pence sheinte imabe- beliéie'r -'Sleis st ron- enougi t ta-i10 lueaiit.,TÉW arme>' 15 10 btsreduiceti 20,000Wé'fu q-,cechti sas received wsiit grtal enlisusmasm,, anti protinceti a favourable feeling on lte A icîter froin London as b lite 'MNilan tnstrrcîiomîsumys mime'nuiriber oh lires- bit cannol hbave -buen muci -s. th"lsasone 10'> anti k~hmeproltbilmty la il ms mucit gfren.. Tiie iostýrcents sve-re anued svtti - otltîng bt stitiellos, biltie'tsenbi swc- extraordinary courage. 43n tlime6 instant,.in lteflouse 'ohtordse, thse iîstp -ofhExbrtu df6r paperqin rra.- latimu thle- Clergy Resérreut f.-aumâb. 'lhe tustion was. agyeed to - 'Auhemeasune was. l tnod=ad itito the Loisen flouie on lte sarne evenintý Thse objecl of hie billiras noltii àaller îw imnter- fere saR-bitte present ýcondition ofCanada, ixtis .-esliet tlu Itîir Rsrs-s but Io en>- puiver thue Canîadiar -Legisatmne te ianke sncb ateriahions as ltey ixigit lluink best. Thetellcrnine - Hereld,àÏs, ltaItues- sures isili bt takien iii- tise pnmng, to place te western coast o h Euei nt b a- ufC) en stale oh defence. BY T ELESR.A PH, A lelten froua IBerltin>iVtistate5,UtJ t Brio-' Champion, oh' Maine, irent asluore oms Ciicoteauuge _Shoals, isltheStorsm oa Salurda>' . nighitb,-mmmd allbanda iost..'rie raTn-ten~ N. C., for.; 3oalon, is a ûashgre on tise sate placé. Two ohftise crew pet- isiseti; lte resi ireré s4veti ly tWcf wreck- ers. - Tise ,'rescentÇity" ,arnred t' Ier dock Ibis -mnornmngS, i ue days ýele-e> mours fui Panama, vit t lity-sixpassengers. *tise 18th,rmjsN*y# sim-ad sailedi fi nueitday frt ew«OrlIîn% - Capt. Schaulfeldt gives a d-ciaUd'accouat of the fiiug QPoAthe I, 1ck W th. sPuuuish Çrig~, anad aLso a lteffr Cor tise ef hieesme rmO Lo usià iea. Wh é èeýPmn~~& it0 Pl ,'am( t he C lihe fotlosving Ing.> Il te aa- ahOfh wicit Svr A i t'R An \îuî L.-TI~ faoit t wrtly b;.t'i~Ci m t ii~ îîvduuw p0itWl t ~ II i ~<r~ î. ~. < P~v..4igoumin tif )m ni, t'Ii- C 4:11cI Toi oitoaanli iocheté~er ller a.-'vcck b i 'iaflCt'tr Irnîri» IV i h a*ij id 1h Lc d.îyuf'iii-vry, nor nt i l ii4agàIi a t1 - efVî 'iii îpîe ul eta:ciy, r ingforîhelesnt îre, Ieving- fýo rito von' t Oe atuc1),, o muieytVI i Iticli eu ta <Ar nî t elsrs d e - c*V * 0 Y \ r d > as y n îd " . S a t i r J i y 1 0 V '.io l ii ( fi l ' 1 ) L J J f C . J tIc to s e l F is th e u i i r u c k O if , ; n î if u n o t c e jt s e r e d . a a it 1:.l i;t èlc ite eOfi lîr ra'lI f 'aid o î it s t th~n if 1 _'ulapiis nding Iat lie On ýII)iifthav inrn Iî'w , y ulitl i Ir o lt e gii ility of the citizens fot be- <i'iuCk. api hon<îR i~,"t l rt;ii3 irr~<i' a ic: s'îtî ie an I ia e hig ms o geta S, he sipposed, îQok it imb lhi flic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~t t iii7n fte' Xii i' niOth t dlstarl ivithotit îaying lihe printer'o fin ~ ~ ~ ~ i mttr.I V> ail r rt Itinaiy Pirir \ r. >ii ;, o.mir crarfti5 too Oftýn impm tdpomn ;~ 'd , 1 linf i e t îq tra ve I Ilî c iiiiii1iia 'il 1 t 1 A R ) - B.> y , ' uç li itin e ra n t o a fe rs , w e h a v e d e tte rm in - t> a i 'iaail'~~ iy~ 'uîr < . ' t~ ii - < 'a[-n.d îi > 1 il eco tn l upubliblh the iînpostes, IY ii i -itcite *.,c. -y sh<îH, , oririii il .] 1; rivr '.- 1 tiai ve mlly ut iuat prevent Iliem fromn lii ~iî~îlîs!i Jti::i:ry ii l ~îl~icrp r îciu.1icif o:ir i e~ry oit our brètlîern of - -- ' t1i <ua ~ t.hi t ibe ry> - ie Il <noftter places. vo, iiîg < tu Pro îsiimi \uîîî~1il Crn-nal. wiici e rpy for the benefiitofoh e M ; v l i i l ci i-n n tii i ii c iic li ;î vt c ii it aiii fj f vi . cd ~.t >t.itt.d nilit itce (.hîr< hîîî ~ S~l t Iisi staîd<~" <<f ~ and4 aie i niroveinent of te DIa. habits.. WC 'rnay iàdd taI aruotiter e(y a litt iUlitt "li ah v r rî~ <nîccî a 'iu t:orî a il> tan centii> vi-itud (uieph, *amd for- jt tfi <ay Io.-lits adscrtibeiiit. W e trust AUDi.'.(idî, sy.,lie by <î~i s: s.îU', QR CL<îîait È laty ha t _ ma cc bs je nd induce-hlm' Àd>xocate, rua attay wvith a pretuy and i)ei.îicu'ciîfcrcnicc lti i toaîcîser -1 re mil lite anmount due us, or we slail.-prie- fawiionable Lady of that town af: a>lv. 'r odi i n fIîi'mh sent him wvit a gratuitotas advertisetneat of sîc-M-t.lawke. Mr. ilawkc, lier huit- beliesu: the Frenclh ivîli iiever atcm14 nthe rid-aepld rts> bant, drpt deporc th loi ohsecera insasïuî f lii luitsi EA DLY AFiY.-Joilmî,GOsSiti, the bîiadlreu îtolts o'ît ahe loisof wih ler. lus nva&liienofitheç<1tj' l ibes, andti o iack cCiLtbrated clown, wvhq lefI here upon thé 'Hl-ýeie idollariswnto -Iil ,ef ivith h etr. ,So1 aoilr, biîî<t Il'oeifWt pay Vloating Palace iiliSpnlding & Rogers' îayîîîg tue oluit utoi£t Iiay:)lît hicSci4, otnt mba-$iIt aI Biton Rougme, on th iii (l £1 wle atetttennjî-)ta . 'n JC inte.> it.mati, itiwClî-iriîai day, Nvith onie of the cithzelîs of i w' 1aîy5 Outl[IJ < lIl h<t place. The parties cut euch oter li:Th'. 0lc'wa paf>er is iii' a trcinrt.iioui Ili il a- v. C C 11t',,ti itarlCtIe.>ter i<tr!af lterribty, antilnnthie couse of lime conflict, rî:it tn Ii»ca-thelid aCcîîSC5it Out tasaune tfati:. The o %Vr as acceptid ùy G biî ucéteded -iii itilicting a mortai att iWiscf - faltîv,îl< auJ. .. ~ 't a omun ohit i ;antagOnisl, olto died in a few inlI iiii<,r<ftic- r- iu Ioursýaftcr. (;oîsin at once delivered him- atuî»btducs not es 'a prove a stJ1(-III tuit cf*ç<i'icci Na î'îg peîîdii., unt Ce c cf Up tban olfurer, and. a partial investiga- ry insteincc <-f suc/t. Pour iai ! ),Viat ca il uftPa. 'le u jti jsîands.-as uui- huwi3e o had, disciosed the faet-that nilth tli eoplc of Brocksay to bIli a.st c a- i f tçl îo StÀltins a year during7,I fe1 olje had acted etrl ntedfmsv. otc attempt ho aîbvert Iheir locailedcc - be-equal to fifîy pounds,-about 200 to i1U Ja 2 lions, by previenîing their just representa- agaIna a Frencit intvasion. Throwing MAr. ABRI VAL O.F THE IIUMBOLDI. lion in lte Proyisional Council ili quo Cubdcn'ts iews of universai peace out of lthe -11YoK ardi l1. trarrnto loriîs, andi ai] ltat ?question alogullicr 1s this a pruudent w aigert. TeIu Nboldt a rriedIbi origa Beforc indui. falt i iîb Itue proccedinrs is IL ai equal one ? Wouid not 20 to10 es owî iep dates1 b of lihe 1BIlding Coxamaijîle of the la.st ycar yca t l) lu I liave been nearer the marik t î6îhand London dates 10 lte l5th Febru- let lm nfîrst rr'pair th flirmury and deray- lice'Thie Frenîcth coide na-excltuibte, and con- ary- and lus cliq.c lia-c ebro-uýht upon Ilîir own houi nuvetty is ieccssïryfjor Uic sc'1'hty - lere, bas bes'xu no qîotable ýrg i V' a-e tillrou u!bî,tales and c onseq'.uent of Suapolcont/ it11. The erumtcu' bpe 1ff.Cîona e~rm411 decrease of»1Jii.SLiW.e .l,)vronce slîpping froin lm, 1and olien Ib nidI eln.Poiin nsad tassrlecount-s romu *Milan representl the late T'l'li Bitiih l'ig thun !'PCaks of ( 'o.-ge dite-ah could jitaceliin in to worse a post- outbrcak as a sinati affair. Theb4 laders Brwnan ts ic-v at resspcua Lu iunas a /ust r;csort wouitiil& inivasion -be have .been humîg. antig aàL-tom eaiî le iin.tr tii wi igtu sseoftict The Quccn Victor-ia stcamer, iwhiie on À 1 - ber' passag-,e froua Lis'erjol DuThblin, The wand of the Gloilc, oihvrhictî he an ci ent, lti- vw'uilasî rctail piv' for strnck on a roirk off. low-th iii a scowr storm, expectd mu priustratc Hie iresen tiiî y, t'le bC:ýn wtucu tIiroumju iiihefortune of and sumk in 1.5 faîboins of mater. bite had le 110%V brukin-ait tii!iiro-iiost.caLîons hte var, suimetitu, elseiiiiit urn up. Tu100 pasý,enger.s bSieth r.Abu The"i, aulir".. Menh of(' -but uI f0t4) Noin *.r.ïV the -Creit n'a: Saa<î ýu'ý1nt fi s un, maur.to from lite cou, VTe circi 'ib>'t' grest * frigste of 22 dent I'lro appo n* vda timattIlle 3t several davi dieti in cose> Pets 14>t w $4 -î5. Pea on thse 2 1st, g et ave the inarl -and lte kow îowards the c ladsance of 1, e 1 c Gntt -UW4 n-Indanfr, -a$541.; Inadian Ma durinm the W_ 'bably to .repnrled du te 21th, ),j ý'1. Ued L Ohijo $1 20 "ckhtn-e, abu 62 fà rnad.ae

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