- f -~ hIiOT EL 1 A IoiuTEýL! Sîîr ta~ emhstm. illemilui /wrjf set cilitora w*iclm rppcarsi i the colimîmua 9of tu l ;obrý4' the Fitli rmremt, and coni,.. fo iii 11. .111le t ris; tr W î i i' is><t 'or-iy gt.v(,I. h iviiru las~ im'n ~ivn oinith rnifi lieligs le ll l"ur imîiiiu i mIîIg he is !~Yl~II~p'4on~are l'or gtmmtntbriu'dI initouIr %[m ." Vmttceh Iiii,-'--I.oth the eti wî! oyscw orlobstr 1'cI li101-t hjttývl' nto thé{ e î I t~g'y'et, andi that '>1 î bc m'e re Miîcklc Ie lIS 'à othelitie aru 'd, tb anroVùr *r '7 Six wotuQuilusao and' a bit cAulil hiv u' ia.i, 41)(1inay'lie a 1tiraju -nil wairm- 'i]ia', i , wttlta? scrs'eihit fu' ustfour-- titlmxi utl o m tu i y ii'ge'utleiian u iti ttiti miUli hi îit tut-ai sy i proiitlanuîtdaint y as \Vc iîcatiiy 1ity (lie lui oh our unfortu-' in&te blother'! lîatne. upion lte 1Beurds', iî1litand Iilorsvoots' antd olma' tou' Smmîhs' amdiClAma', mmd lte olluer 1 uusger-uncherst ofAi LlmdyIittle NYoik, iîot ketpn, estlablîstnioenl3 where a .wmW$yr~wd:oer4~tid 4ti eianr nmsy gel a 'iop1 oz a cimlet worthy of' is dug,(estion!. I3kit il 05 Alil owîiud 10 lite c.confoumdcdl î CtcrgyRcrvs! Derôte titese fonds to thie constr'uction oh MIODEL EÀTING llus£s, awl uthe cooker>' oh Canada will . -.cimen rld's svîde pissorb! i î 'n44are isigwch Ma mitM pntrive, tu &et on iýei eottgl iiti.out Citarches, but an en- dtwvet i asôulely inecessary 10 keep- the spirits And fryiýneI7.rut aof ibe Province r'F à ;FaZciî iEmiîag.-Before 1w'> yrsgo by Uthe Lmmpire of Louis Napoleon - wiIt býeat au end. lsud wîll besuddeniT; ~l~u ,warning. Three days in J'uly f , seaed thut reîgn oh Bourboxi5in, drove Charles Xmb e iad calied to the Ilarone Louis Phliipp.-In 1848 France çvated à ' change sein andlweny-four clïy andi burry 'lme, ciixiens king from lte Tfêilries 'io.lthe prüfti of a tiying «crito'ur rkn-en ite sîrait's belwecn Ca- So it vii be wlieri thL lime for lte pre- sent Emmqperor arrives., France now lie.% utidor r he Sliadovr,,of aliuîudmed tlisand bajoncts andisaen repose.- Umîder lte pro- toclion ohftitese boyoacts sitte Empeir,- f lte petjured bieroêmIiantoh despoihis in ti s êNuetiry., He muay'; doublue the bayonets if he likes-3o tid.1f te'lasl of hli ourbon- but bis uour wil, burry (m.Ile ma>' slran-le. ltse pres-o dut Louis Philippebtbi dooai tr*ois. fowaed. none lte les" speedi. ly. Alilof Frencb patriotiffm thitlbas sWquviftd lte repuitiic is n exile, but allier p.tiol,-ttu Laarlnesohcoming -yeam's .....wii ise, w#to.eli huild upon lte rin.> oh Ibis e ztetinporaneoiis empire oh Louis! Napo- Içon a govarnitent titt ilidraw tts.sustaining _pow.t, frpm tise wîl1 ohfltte French,. people. 'J1'e liberty of Fmance is not amitilùaled, il- Ã"niy bides its ülim.- Wetern NewD Yorker.i t - îYO@LU AT TuKE BA Nt 0F' k1NG AND.-The MMu zia mrew stea.>sip, amved wilh . h~ambefreight la l Jlaswaitbelsiffen sm#mt.ýnd wasimnmediately boarded b>'u'Mr. "I -Sn~ziDET.r01Saîurd4y, .an-in- 'quest was lield mi tise- Lunati'c Asylum on. the bodiy -of an aged inmale Who had -de muddhmlyý Tite verlict was tat sie died \.FLW kDYRTISEMENTS9 Windso>r, cst-eIe Tn. OO~K rüek& Main Street! WHITBY -- CLARK & WILCOKSON. Mi1tby, 1est 1gueh, 1853. 46-tf. SA'LE,,/ IL JiCute andý4t inj te Towm nt ~ 'Àply tlq . PRnt Whhtby "chMtiruml, 18U, 4&2Wn X-M0TUE T1HE R11EPORZTERZ. :<~tîSAluo(Ãf lue MReag.5, vad. 1ntion witit îtieaure sse -8ntmoînce thlit« t 4niuof lihe Port \Vfrtby ant ?sk Scmg 'dl poad Cd'mti-ztiy,to cuiteml, ui d ant i- pro-e lte Road. fuomo Mantchestemr thitouog (nme 'i>îunslips oh Ittuacitandi Brock. 'lit tii> ine ofh Rad, bas rcmthd. tnimproved 100 long none wîll dei>-hltat ;t seffi openi up a large riection oh country', isreîofrnre slimul ottl from a mtarket bvo ltiris of lite year, aIl will i tiim,-lat mit iý îreciam'i>' &h Roati ,r2quired ho gis'e ltaI dentîlml>oh itmtresh ho lte frouit andîl iitr, !,o essettial- 1>' necessmy bthe îsrospermt>' oh ýnharmo, is obius boes-er> tait lu lte counnr-Y.- Il is proposeti-fteinake lte wlolc route from Ibis northtern boîndary- linotooh I3rork- f0 Maauclesber, a fxee road =vu anti for- evci- aftcr. To accotpliab titis tise Com-. pan>' wiIl conîribule liberal>', and amclin concert ivithtbe Ititabilamulis' oh hiose Towno- shtips. Oh course opposition is capecledti o titis improvetnenl on te sambe rounolds, huaI duiutirested wortkries have acled on te pasl dozen years. Timose seio cal) Ibein. selveà public mnen, will sceur tise Towntbips fromma North tu o oubt, prayin- and beseert-. in- lte r"idents b oppose lite Roat h rejert t las dangerous to!progress & advance- aDnt; and i f rrivate properî>' sioulti be re- quireti, oùr nortitera frietdi wbil h advised b>' ~il means 10 part wilt aisuflicient quami- lily for a ,road on no accmts aned for nro prca. Thes were precisel>' lie objections raiseil by -our Eastern frientis aI lthe lime oh tise location ohflite Government 1Road from Port Witby to Lake Scugog-anti liting wi tee can sîilli be bromaghtî for. ward wso hada>Ver,' influence to work on Ibeai, nol ho ai,' W tie G-overnment Road to pans tirougis Iheir farmus for an>' courm- deraion.-Because %aid road wonid 80t» creasùe the value oh the landi,lte tâxes womld proportionircbinrrcase. 'This ar- gument ii oh smch a splendid nature, and originaled ' in -sncba mI splendihorous" brain, Ibere let il remnain. '7leresoiution e- specting titis projeel passeti aI a late aecî- ing ohfmihe Directurs, i3aas 1hollOWS: Rezohed-Tit îlte President andi Se- crular>'. be aultormac t 1proceed bu fLeacs- anti Brock, for lte purpose oh making ar- rangements wiltfthe people ohftitose ToW-- sbmps to exlend lte ioati on suck Icrins as the>' mat>'dcem amisisable for ltme nerest oh te back Country' mnd titis Company,. PA RIÀAMENTARY SUMMARY. February 1-3.- Mir.i lartman intro&kccd at BiHt bsepe- rate'lite Township oh G;eorgiana fronulte Counî>' of Ontario, anti annez it- toflhe Count>' oh York, second reading 28tn Feit- ruaI>'. 1 -Thte'Sýergeant £1 Ari msinformedth ie lieuse th~îsit adtaken John Langton in- to caisoul, for non-attendance aI an Eleet- ion (iommiîîce, ss-bereipon Mn. Siniîb oh Froniçnal, acquainlcd ltebItos, ohflite cause 3h ýrw Langlon's absence wben il .svas rdered i t atI ho (Mn. L.) be discharg- et ou-I oh .usteti'. raisce i; - ieisuion aà oa-insl-tise prn- ciples oh J lm 31.'Tory', Radacai, Upper 11»d -Lower Casadians al, ycoiided andm agreed tiugl it was lm réf*rm requbret b>' tise counir>', mnd Outise ey were wifIng 10o 'goacede. 25 Fe'-ie Bihle extendth le juris- ni aof thé Division Court Act in U&et' ada was resd i seeond iuue. 'N The.Bihlot ýamendt ti. lJiveu.sityAd of Canada Westý was -broutigmfurwar-h by te 909m. Mn.* Ilusekm. Tih. Bill contemplaés the ýettsbbuxmmîoh une Colege in 'roron- te where tte! Tesehing wmutd b. e h s~fa<c~u'ag The. surplus funds, afer Wà jF %ý prVovi -fo1r thse colliete, dw.utofw'tlLeglbý. And as fiý ~ ~ were'coiueer e le1 werT prepartwêto uuist Cojléges ltaI wottid trg %à - elams à getber on cmmo uoibde. Thé Bl mMad. îýlt1u amif .mu niatmu< umpitiu. t îastded usver tus. a t ~toe- besa-tise RN MATIN- 00- in dueti '63. 46, 3 svhether ai-sent or p.rvsct( nt., n'ucr ritir, or Ille bilfudi> b the tgroîltL, 'l'O rmoe Ahemî s>stem and inciat 4 e ! h îer of te - Rpreentîivs.or" te ic postlar lraneit or tiiê LegiMIat4#e, k is i forrt that libe Pro- gesv e, )F f' n1eiidei'or , £nulont. whic i 1.4 unmtitake ibl i>'t-maindu'tiby bhe coutm'y. ']'le present hill) k frautîcîl to unot flue vieîs's oh boll siect ions of thue Pro- viauep ai monl cfferlurilly chiecks tIhe il,- fluence ' r-Ful"n boroughsi. "'Tlite ood nid-' day's of Ministers seeking a refuge mni-on- .>lit en-ii's, cotitaiiîig nul 10 Inhlaitaritîs to 100 in Itle ÇCounuuihicai'llbce fctfetuail> Aboutl16,00)0 ,%fiete cavl-age nîmm belr e)ntaiied ilto tacli coi%,stitu-mî'>, andtihie nmftrof rp-anaius(2)eqiutil>' divided bt-gwee'n 1i!ppî'r ati Lowrr Caniad.. Upomi lte %wiiute lte rojsised sasure gls'cA geterai sa1isL-iction, aid titoagit ail htave titeir îeculiar vw*îvs asib;toe dc tai/s, ittîli as tim mearis'of obitaining lime principles oh relrsctation baseti cou population, a umitedl edort of Itte reforîn part>' viii, ive believe, inakie t Ilite law ohflite lanmd. The ditcus- Sioun ou>' lte 'sl ims., andl finial vofe will bc lookei for illi greal imterest by t'plier Camaukliamî-iitucii we hope to bc able tai lay Miuure our readers ini ou- mita issue. TOWNSLIIP OF RItEACIL. Thle Municipal Council oh Reacli lias taim up the question of tbe Warden, andi te subject resulteti in an [Address bo thé' PFoisiouml Counctlilte ubjec.-Tbhi% egfetulmly stIles tise q<stion oh Proui- siomut Wardiîn, and kowiever înucb Mr- Guibis may desire 10- give hit itwenty s'otes" agmint tliseprogreas of lite Cotnl>', b. 1> doomed 'nol 1t'uitave ftit eposrer. Alas, boss lte migh-il>- have fallen-Wbat wîim Injunc- lions, Quo WVarranlos, Niai Prius, Oshawa Subscriptiots, andi adlumlerahcd Whiskey, our feelings au-e urnet iniito pi>'_ foi bis mis- fortune. rTo the Pros'isional Misnicipal Coûncil df lte Counî>' ot Ontario. Thme petiton of lte Municipal ÇýOuîuciI oh the United Towynsbi;î,s ohf'eta'ci anti Scîigog, in tbie Count>' of Ontario. Rr.pcctfv/-r,'Slewct7tî, that y our Mm, rialisîtâ as representat-ives oetlite Unitedi Towntships oh ileacit and Scugog, have- througbout been in fas'or of a Disvision of the Cont>'ohf\'ork, andti haItishe formation oh the Cotant>' oh Ontario as a seperate andi Independent Coîmnl>' as in unison iilthbb expressionv of opinion as laken aI lIhe poils lu Jantmar>' 1852, and at te polihng tii- present year, the votersitaving hiat a pledge from each Candidate for the u progression of te Cont>' Buildings, and your iNemnorisl-. ists regret tat jou shouiti have alloivet as indirect vole oh censure 10 be passeti on ydur laIe wortby Wanlien, Mr-. I old, af- ter "ha bati io huiitful>' rre.emitud the back Country ; yet as te present Warti'n bas ail along suppontedth ie saine >iesss, lie tliterehore conimands and bias lte confidcmace oh Ibis Municipalil>., 'viereas on lte other liard fli predéeeor in office bias supporteti anti sill approves- oh views reverse ohfbiose su-hiclu have n 't à fmncs been expressetib>' luis Council as a boçlýyIbtere fore joua-Me- moriali-sls, as friend.s to the prog-ress and cari>' establishament of hei Coumit> of Ota- rio as au n dîpendant Cotint>- ; rtal yen wii ,Mr. 1 biîn r 1i'i I4me I m hiti lc etill mu il Geiorge Suailu aniud m~ uh it-st No. t:03:uïxiiedd Mvr,.1iimts ReondeI,.b>' M1m-. l't>ack "led the Courcil resoisets>i, rt cominittee eh the vlmoioe on the petit (1mi oh (I mii nd çifhers. Carried. - D)r. Ailion in tIme Chtair. Coummituce rose anti reîuorled a -i-:w Rleport recriveu.l,. Mr'. elack-usecOndti b>' Mr. Mrigimî, '[ballite fly-iais' *b e xenpt triveltr-rs fromi i te prov'lsion'î ohfiy-iaw No. 3i Ili~ fatr as relates 1()ltme aclling of~ i i-i- qturs oit -'tinday, b ite;îopîu'd. ý'EÀAs.-3lack anti Wrigrht. NAys-Alison andi lîuîns. Cauri à <I.)Y île su t tc" t luit 1ný-<- i i Council %vent imb ,Cominittee of mie uViiole tuailte bill to ausproîtriale Ihe mail - f £300, for moadsandi ibridges ilromigîmiout tlte Mr. iBurns Iii litaChair. Conîmimlle rose anti repà rle thIe bull as aunendeti, and askci learfe tl bit aim. Dr. Altison secoaaded b>' -Mr. %Vrigilit, mos-es. 'Ihat wstien tii Counc;i adjonrmos, ilataliki adjoutimncît until lte first Wednesyin-luAili, nt ss'hicb biume an apîpropriation oh £30()IIN i) bts malle for lime irnpros-enacmtt of roadsansd bridges thmmomgioultte Tosvttalmp). ('arrmcd. Dr. Allsomi moves secrinded b>' Mr. B31ac k. That lIme Treasurer bc instritucti bt cali on Mlr. IL. T1. han ilsm, latc Toss-n Cicrk, tutti a view ho obtatru ail the nione>' belonn, in"gi thue 'Muncipalitlyah present lu bbc banda ofthtie aaid M'vr. Harrison. Caried. JOLIN GORDON. Town Clci-k. In te'alteratioi oh B>-.law £No. 36, Il 50 fan as relates tolthe se liing of spiritOUs lm- quors on Sunda>', il appears a prosvincial Act bas beemu os'îrlook-ed, viz : Sth ie a. Chtap. 43, entitieti an Act b pres-enlit e profanation ohflite Lerd's Day, commoniy caiied:Suntia>,in U. Canada." A portiout of lte hrsb clause neats Il That froin anti ahîer lte passing -of Ibis act il shah net bis Iawfuîl for an>' mercitaut, tratfitunan, artificermae- chante, labore m-olter pet-on ss'iasoes'er JO SOI, orto p tcly îhew forth>, or ofler for sale or te purcitase, an>' saresi, mer- cluandises, grootis, citattcîs or personal pro- pert>', on an>' reai estate svhatsoýs-er on tihat day, fioi- l do or exercise any worldiy la- bor or wvork oh their nespecti ve ordinar>' callings upon the Lord's Day, tor situil il bu lawftul for an>' pens>ons tb tipple, or lu atlowv or permit f îpphing, In an>'Mon, las-cm, grrocer>', or btouse oh public entertainiment," &t. &c. Accoruimng lu Ibis law, ih a las- ertakeeper b, a"Il radesnman," lue is prescrit- cd frocm buying, ueling, &c. on thme-aÉbttl anti it is of 11111e consequence wshether thei lewiîsltip cornceil lakes action bru tie imalter or nol. If liquo.rs arc 61merchandise" the buyirr anti selling is prohibileti, %iîboul the sanction of h ie townshim1municipaii:y. Anolter qnesmoms arises-s-hat is Il hp- pling," 7, Tise jurovincial laits says tbere sali be uso 14lippling" un Sundut>. If one glass is" i~ln, prorision for ils proiibi- îiomt is amade b> te Act. 1 Is-to glasses Is tpth<, ie ft:sýt can!îot bc "bet or bolti,' andtihis second coulti nol be dramtk as à t svouîd be lias ht case Il tipplingr," andth ie saute supposing î'. ivouidti ake Ilîrce, four er fis-e glaa-s bu tri Passcd28îitFeb. 183.he qucestuin r MnI. WeTlls, sec0nded by Mr. Irs'in, _Keepers are 14'i mos-es, Thaut Our Reeve, Mi-. Frencitoh " iNenrcbaoisesý,." thte Untied Towivuhipa oh Reacis aiti d tierehore uit/ess gog bc requstedtu l preseut lise Memorual oh the Unitedi Towvnshtips oh Iteacit anti Scu'- provincial Act 8 gg holte eProvisionai Couneil at lte Open- tions hor Inrus ing oh i4 hrst rmeetinug, and titat the saiii~o prtoi Reeve, antiNNMn. Ilurd lte Depul Rces-e, C. of tote Unsited Towashbps be niost re- mi h ai h speelfuil> reqtuesled to use their influence fore.- in sup4rl ohflite prayer oh the sait i Memo- rial. raclaa i Carmicte maaimosi' - 1 hivAsIotor O froua New Yorkc Towsnsip Hlfl, 19t Feli., 1853. ltat an. invadîng, Council met Punsutant 10 uidjourumen. cder a iin1msgaria Meisibers pr-esent,-Bumms, Black, Ahli- . New Oeans, and son andi Wrightl. Deputy' Ileeelanhie Char. - umuisitug staenm Dr. Allison preserubet a pebition fron lte Brookln Division.-of hçsSous oh Temper-, Tise eeiebraled arce, Pnnying lie Couincil te addrcss lte ta -bas been amus Legisiaîure to, pais a law smmiar tultt i itla setrod thue Stale ofhMine.) ii alar Mr. Black presented bise petituon oh John FinIe and olier ù e.jkçy ad'otiters, 10 rescindth l ast elatisewbich are -brui>' il oh-law. 74. ed us avit.aà Par M? k kseondeti b>'Dr. Alîbson, at isoyhii Tisa lis Co go cito bComite'of ýitc whc4e, on lie. petitiomuof John Dickey Cboeaes 0orlt4 ýnd tuumÈ-'- hffl.-. We*m CoMaitteroseà amI reperleti a bilj, a s-e> n*e Mr. Black 1>1 scodm t'Dr. Ahli- Thatllm. <lbi bereada tiW d ime, Wn fiat is. 13epmmÃty'eeresip itise sans,. BukofUpè Carried. -. flsatmcha&e T. 'r &lsaaop;oudt > r tyWTowns IWrtaj BIaktoria., Isleca For leaet r'g k a3y- t-appro- y eetd prite: a. certain <suof i Imoyri-roai-and"eoual"'elcttl bridgà , tlreug out thueTownshsip. --allie çeavenast Cai-m'~4. sctaojl h ofCun t)r. Miisumwoves secondemI ity Mr. ake a Il tipple."1 t in. a nul abol. Tavern rradesminen." Liîjuol-s are One-lasiis Il ipplbng"' the council repeals lthe Vie. chap. 45, lthe regula-ý au far as regards diink- iqîmors on Sunday;, sii! re- he present yçars as luereho- and Scraps. P CuBA.-13y.Telegrapi oh Ma-ch it a s rumore-d force of 1,500 men un- i getierai is organiseti it Ài t1bat a ftuo ns. Ë eston is ers o -carY tbem. Okas Tuibee frowtToron- sing lte peo"pie ofWitLby diary perfor mances onth le instrameats,' some. parts oh iimitable. LRe bas presen- mnpilel contaiahag16ilsif., Ã& tribe--the once powerfùl amth, t e semintl's andi fveut ent@bllu ta fcY AT LxztusAy.-Tb. OamLnda has establisited a- *Wut of IiUdSV.tie COR-. ic Ii-ittuiii M t;k tu-e anxd ci>' 00W fiui ttueniîcuiscà deceiveti, aild mie art! minilaketu il tlists %sîl,>nlie îuîiis d"îuded lis' tus SO- phins-ry aitd bis unfotmaidud caltuinulles l:1t'i doubus anti s>pIiOn%, if nul opeil O;iositlioi 10 lteir long-trieti frienit.> non- 10 powev, do iol brini lîmmuitrlu seyere rer-k-oning. As' l'or lte G/cb' pulitie'uly, iLs Influence i!ý noss' %gone-it ntVI IIienrcforth ieb ooec upon a, a cipiser -a ammatul pîatiel isithotît a spbîre- ai bag ohfivinti. It Isto1 be regret ted Ibat George Browsn siorald have titits sarrificeti i bs taienttS, andtibte position ant i*rspect> ijims-hid is lirecloos exerlions in lte Reforun cause gsi-e 1Itnt, aI liiesituine oh personal piqe, nd nrtle gratification oh persounil Th-il.'la*t le uîasilay«ed bi% ghme hoiti- 1v' n-e ivill miot derîv ; but lie buts stai.-ed ail upon the is!iue, and'id e lias /ost. Nothling mi mtoiv lefI itint but 10 witbdrmw frein î,oliîics,- and b>' careftil attentîion le his business, and h>' a ti:sereet use of hbIe talents ss'th ii 'h wiîic e ites enîtowsed, lite unay be abltiel ac- quire for tise Glob5e the position oh a gooti famril>' nesispaper. Am a politicai oneil is noms- dammîcti for erer ssitli alparti.>." Io con5equence oh a brutal assauît onîlte Slieriffanrut lits posse muth ie neig-ibouritooti of 5 lier broucke, oi11 lt ine of Raliroai, lte Chov*-rnor lias placeti ail ltit setion of flue work-s umîder te aulimorits' oh Sth ie m. Cap. 6, for lte lreservation oh the pence, by a proclamation it an extra ohftise Canada Guzcttc. Central tirtlbtroji andi Mr. Colutn. Mr. Colbtten presenîs bis coiutrlimenîs tb te Editor of the Evenuîng lMail, andi wiii be oblig:reti y-"ttis insenîimtg bie foilowirg corresponlemtce ss'iticli bas passeti behss'een Ltim anti Lieuberianb-Generai i3rolberton. Manchester, Feit. 2. "Lieu tenan't-Gener-al l3rotberton presents bis compltiments ta Mn. Cobdien. - di"le sends lîtîm a duplîcate 'ph a ietlcr lie addrebîsed to itn yeà t erday, LatIlislois-wn resitience, 103, Westbo4re-errace; bt, finding lie s nol M tlowvn, antti lltlitkei>' bo retunuimmdiately, and as te letten mgtnul lie forwandedto bhinjqe btink iti betler, in order Lu averl tise etiaxaçe of de- iay, 10 send littiis duplicate. - Jan. 30, - -'Travelles Club, Pai l Mai, iaà n. 29. Sir-4 perceire b>'. lb. report of yur speech it ate meeting of lte Peace Con- fen'ence aI Manebiester, on Tistrýdq e'ven- n) l1t jotu ae Made ho tua>' tkat,s tu rder to tesItte .acerityof titose wbio differ fnu>n you l opinion'as te thé probabiliy of ilïmu si0o1, you dvii nler inbo a tega,bond to pa>' doia 10,9001/., wisem invasion l takes place, bu hlm irio wiluumadrtake to put>'13. 4-week as a,.subseription ltteMancimeter Infirmia- ry tli t!aI eventdue!i oceur. in '<el one of tiosewlodferrm 's L otal)>'in- opinion jupon ths ~subject, 1 ac-' cept-yosur proposql, and am npreparemi 10 per- foras-rn>'part oftheit-en' ~eedî-it ,len 1fl'ýe- ivaer mà not hecoinimg the otari. 'Ve ex- thuan horne jockey Xik-e, fo chitne tise -oldt a bet un lite probable cimance's of a Frenchli uvuà , a nul ubove ail tise citalcîyIgor to be a peacc mn, nes-en the hea> anudiérepre - senta-Live of the peace associatIon. ELOPEMET-A Dr. Gordon fr s'ome- huiie residcuîî ofh inrotito, a i:tuky, d[iscon: anlt look-ing ersoîî, mov'îd up 10 Sincoe, iviitîcce ià apticars b>' a local paper lie ai>- !sconItted isitit a ?mirs. lIawk-e. 'J'ie nm co e A dmyjeute sais: S<<. ln-keWas deuitietl>lyte preZttîest si-muau in,) our tisvi saut bibttie eyes liglut i i ht'ir fite fi;ure andt aristo)cratic n-ine rs, grac.:ng th(! ircie lit wbciisite movet.- M îr. flan-kv-e,liter lmtîbant i nolt Qnly la gritee s of ohbis wiife hit ïe-raf---Iund-o reti dollars in nione>', iviiclu site toný with ber. Ti1e t)ucer k a a il six-fooIce sulitr a large pruajuctinui forehîcati, boas'> eye- browb, ais-fn!lt,%aktrs maid goumîe, he calied; liîîefDr. A. B. Gordlon, EelectÈbe y- siciami, andt Cancer Srtolue lehi ss'iîtoutj rayînt, ap>- of his b net 10even bus priter: 1 gut si,,tlt ofhbiâ nuuy XA~sS ai ArtOUZÃŽD, Stol) 1dm! Sas'Ive. SEaIU~mS CAS.>-A you-ngm man-, svlmoe naine-wc blotve itot yetlicarciieinas lotige- inb gaui yestertlay (Monda>', 2Stb ult.-) af- hemuoon, cru a chiarg~e ofh havimsgr assaulteti a tem'ate oii te piblic streels in Dundas, svilli tise intention oftlkîîtg improper iibertiqà ss-iîb lier person. lt aplicars ltaIlite villain - as preveuleti front tuarr>ing out itis diabo- licai intention, b>'lte inlerference of a cis- ilian. Thse scottdmei quickly decampeti towarda thiitiscm, but lte police werc plac- et] imnutdiateiy on te siert, anti aIrer a smnart clase succedet inlacaptuming bina on tise reati leading te Dundas.-llarnzi/on Journal 4- ýEzlcùs. A correspontient sentis vs an account oh a large wviite- oak iog latly ul ou lie farua of Xt.Douatt i .cLean, ohf ite, townaship oh, Somnbra. After.haaviingbeen ,witat la îeciînically îerm-Lti "tiresseti,» ili was founti b>' admeasurement 10 onü«ta 552 cubie feel. It is censitiered the Iargest piec e.of ltaIkinti oh liniber- esdr 'go 9i0la nebithbouritod. Togive somne idea 'oh ,-ýhe iteCI Our- correspondent an>' ltaI tsyo umy- oxen.wre requiredte remnore il asitort dis," tance 1ta lte uortis braicit of-tise 'sser $y'- dembiam- Globe. -- EX TMeRNA-L -ADOR.NMEN,,T. Thte BuffaloC, xprosu gives. gemtte admoniim tiste citmze ivitic i a>' appi>' eqriu i vè lie Citimeuus , f Toremt«k(& - -wili not 'tise pe6ple of .Bufl( attenstion to jr m*kb4,swith. lte, Spring. Panta tree i hoster a isftb--.4tpoômiLa'flo 50 isouls- periaied.- Dates froun armis are te the 13mb. Tise Le('ýisIîi-ve Am-enîbi>' opetiet on that day. l'ie limpemor, wbo openiet it tn person, in bis, !pet-ch decitie t reduce bis atm>', If> keelu upa good umdesandingr-svitit loreiga poss-ers,.and to i.rn-se 1tiste moit ircredulous- tbat sa-ben _France expresses ti-intenioni to rematain at pence sheinte imabe- beliéie'r -'Sleis st ron- enougi t ta-i10 lueaiit.,TÉW arme>' 15 10 btsreduiceti 20,000Wé'fu q-,cechti sas received wsiit grtal enlisusmasm,, anti protinceti a favourable feeling on lte A icîter froin London as b lite 'MNilan tnstrrcîiomîsumys mime'nuiriber oh lires- bit cannol hbave -buen muci -s. th"lsasone 10'> anti k~hmeproltbilmty la il ms mucit gfren.. Tiie iostýrcents sve-re anued svtti - otltîng bt stitiellos, biltie'tsenbi swc- extraordinary courage. 43n tlime6 instant,.in lteflouse 'ohtordse, thse iîstp -ofhExbrtu df6r paperqin rra.- latimu thle- Clergy Resérreut f.-aumâb. 'lhe tustion was. agyeed to - 'Auhemeasune was. l tnod=ad itito the Loisen flouie on lte sarne evenintý Thse objecl of hie billiras noltii à aller îw imnter- fere saR-bitte present ýcondition ofCanada, ixtis .-esliet tlu Itîir Rsrs-s but Io en>- puiver thue Canîadiar -Legisatmne te ianke sncb ateriahions as ltey ixigit lluink best. Thetellcrnine - Hereld,à Ãs, ltaItues- sures isili bt takien iii- tise pnmng, to place te western coast o h Euei nt b a- ufC) en stale oh defence. BY T ELESR.A PH, A lelten froua IBerltin>iVtistate5,UtJ t Brio-' Champion, oh' Maine, irent asluore oms Ciicoteauuge _Shoals, isltheStorsm oa Salurda>' . nighitb,-mmmd allbanda iost..'rie raTn-ten~ N. C., for.; 3oalon, is a ûashgre on tise sate placé. Two ohftise crew pet- isiseti; lte resi ireré s4veti ly tWcf wreck- ers. - Tise ,'rescentÇity" ,arnred t' Ier dock Ibis -mnornmngS, i ue days ýele-e> mours fui Panama, vit t lity-sixpassengers. *tise 18th,rmjsN*y# sim-ad sailedi fi nueitday frt ew«OrlIîn% - Capt. Schaulfeldt gives a d-ciaUd'accouat of the fiiug QPoAthe I, 1ck W th. sPuuuish Çrig~, anad aLso a lteffr Cor tise ef hieesme rmO Lo usià iea. Wh é èeýPmn~~& it0 Pl ,'am( t he C lihe fotlosving Ing.> Il te aa- ahOfh wicit Svr A i t'R An \îuî L.-TI~ faoit t wrtly b;.t'i~Ci m t ii~ îîvduuw p0itWl t ~ II i ~<r~ î. ~. < P~v..4igoumin tif )m ni, t'Ii- C 4:11cI Toi oitoaanli iocheté~er ller a.-'vcck b i 'iaflCt'tr Irnîri» IV i h a*ij id 1h Lc d.îyuf'iii-vry, nor nt i l ii4agà Ii a t1 - efVî 'iii îpîe ul eta:ciy, r ingforîhelesnt îre, Ieving- fýo rito von' t Oe atuc1),, o muieytVI i Iticli eu ta <Ar nî t elsrs d e - c*V * 0 Y \ r d > as y n îd " . S a t i r J i y 1 0 V '.io l ii ( fi l ' 1 ) L J J f C . J tIc to s e l F is th e u i i r u c k O if , ; n î if u n o t c e jt s e r e d . a a it 1:.l i;t èlc ite eOfi lîr ra'lI f 'aid o î it s t th~n if 1 _'ulapiis nding Iat lie On ýII)iifthav inrn Iî'w , y ulitl i Ir o lt e gii ility of the citizens fot be- <i'iuCk. api hon<îR i~,"t l rt;ii3 irr~<i' a ic: s'îtî ie an I ia e hig ms o geta S, he sipposed, îQok it imb lhi flic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~t t iii7n fte' Xii i' niOth t dlstarl ivithotit îaying lihe printer'o fin ~ ~ ~ ~ i mttr.I V> ail r rt Itinaiy Pirir \ r. >ii ;, o.mir crarfti5 too Oftýn impm tdpomn ;~ 'd , 1 linf i e t îq tra ve I Ilî c iiiiii1iia 'il 1 t 1 A R ) - B.> y , ' uç li itin e ra n t o a fe rs , w e h a v e d e tte rm in - t> a i 'iaail'~~ iy~ 'uîr < . ' t~ ii - < 'a[-n.d îi > 1 il eco tn l upubliblh the iînpostes, IY ii i -itcite *.,c. -y sh<îH, , oririii il .] 1; rivr '.- 1 tiai ve mlly ut iuat prevent Iliem fromn lii ~iî~îlîs!i Jti::i:ry ii l ~îl~icrp r îciu.1icif o:ir i e~ry oit our brètlîern of - -- ' t1i <ua ~ t.hi t ibe ry> - ie Il <noftter places. vo, iiîg < tu Pro îsiimi \uîîî~1il Crn-nal. wiici e rpy for the benefiitofoh e M ; v l i i l ci i-n n tii i ii c iic li ;î vt c ii it aiii fj f vi . cd ~.t >t.itt.d nilit itce (.hîr< hîîî ~ S~l t Iisi staîd<~" <<f ~ and4 aie i niroveinent of te DIa. habits.. WC 'rnay ià dd taI aruotiter e(y a litt iUlitt "li ah v r rî~ <nîccî a 'iu t:orî a il> tan centii> vi-itud (uieph, *amd for- jt tfi <ay Io.-lits adscrtibeiiit. W e trust AUDi.'.(idî, sy.,lie by <î~i s: s.îU', QR CL<îîait È laty ha t _ ma cc bs je nd induce-hlm' Àd>xocate, rua attay wvith a pretuy and i)ei.îicu'ciîfcrcnicc lti i toaîcîser -1 re mil lite anmount due us, or we slail.-prie- fawiionable Lady of that town af: a>lv. 'r odi i n fIîi'mh sent him wvit a gratuitotas advertisetneat of sîc-M-t.lawke. Mr. ilawkc, lier huit- beliesu: the Frenclh ivîli iiever atcm14 nthe rid-aepld rts> bant, drpt deporc th loi ohsecera insasïuî f lii luitsi EA DLY AFiY.-Joilmî,GOsSiti, the bîiadlreu îtolts o'ît ahe loisof wih ler. lus nva&liienofitheç<1tj' l ibes, andti o iack cCiLtbrated clown, wvhq lefI here upon thé 'Hl-ýeie idollariswnto -Iil ,ef ivith h etr. ,So1 aoilr, biîî<t Il'oeifWt pay Vloating Palace iiliSpnlding & Rogers' îayîîîg tue oluit utoi£t Iiay:)lît hicSci4, otnt mba-$iIt aI Biton Rougme, on th iii (l £1 wle atetttennjî-)ta . 'n JC inte.> it.mati, itiwClî-iriîai day, Nvith onie of the cithzelîs of i w' 1aîy5 Outl[IJ < lIl h<t place. The parties cut euch oter li:Th'. 0lc'wa paf>er is iii' a trcinrt.iioui Ili il a- v. C C 11t',,ti itarlCtIe.>ter i<tr!af lterribty, antilnnthie couse of lime conflict, rî:it tn Ii»ca-thelid aCcîîSC5it Out tasaune tfati:. The o %Vr as acceptid ùy G biî ucéteded -iii itilicting a mortai att iWiscf - faltîv,îl< auJ. .. ~ 't a omun ohit i ;antagOnisl, olto died in a few inlI iiii<,r<ftic- r- iu Ioursýaftcr. (;oîsin at once delivered him- atuî»btducs not es 'a prove a stJ1(-III tuit cf*ç<i'icci Na î'îg peîîdii., unt Ce c cf Up tban olfurer, and. a partial investiga- ry insteincc <-f suc/t. Pour iai ! ),Viat ca il uftPa. 'le u jti jsîands.-as uui- huwi3e o had, disciosed the faet-that nilth tli eoplc of Brocksay to bIli a.st c a- i f tçl îo StÀltins a year during7,I fe1 olje had acted etrl ntedfmsv. otc attempt ho aîbvert Iheir locailedcc - be-equal to fifîy pounds,-about 200 to i1U Ja 2 lions, by previenîing their just representa- agaIna a Frencit intvasion. Throwing MAr. ABRI VAL O.F THE IIUMBOLDI. lion in lte Proyisional Council ili quo Cubdcn'ts iews of universai peace out of lthe -11YoK ardi l1. trarrnto loriîs, andi ai] ltat ?question alogullicr 1s this a pruudent w aigert. TeIu Nboldt a rriedIbi origa Beforc indui. falt i iîb Itue proccedinrs is IL ai equal one ? Wouid not 20 to10 es owî iep dates1 b of lihe 1BIlding Coxamaijîle of the la.st ycar yca t l) lu I liave been nearer the marik t î6îhand London dates 10 lte l5th Febru- let lm nfîrst rr'pair th flirmury and deray- lice'Thie Frenîcth coide na-excltuibte, and con- ary- and lus cliq.c lia-c ebro-uýht upon Ilîir own houi nuvetty is ieccssïryfjor Uic sc'1'hty - lere, bas bes'xu no qîotable ýrg i V' a-e tillrou u!bî,tales and c onseq'.uent of Suapolcont/ it11. The erumtcu' bpe 1ff.Cîona e~rm411 decrease of»1Jii.SLiW.e .l,)vronce slîpping froin lm, 1and olien Ib nidI eln.Poiin nsad tassrlecount-s romu *Milan representl the late T'l'li Bitiih l'ig thun !'PCaks of ( 'o.-ge dite-ah could jitaceliin in to worse a post- outbrcak as a sinati affair. Theb4 laders Brwnan ts ic-v at resspcua Lu iunas a /ust r;csort wouitiil& inivasion -be have .been humîg. antig aà L-tom eaiî le iin.tr tii wi igtu sseoftict The Quccn Victor-ia stcamer, iwhiie on À 1 - ber' passag-,e froua Lis'erjol DuThblin, The wand of the Gloilc, oihvrhictî he an ci ent, lti- vw'uilasî rctail piv' for strnck on a roirk off. low-th iii a scowr storm, expectd mu priustratc Hie iresen tiiî y, t'le bC:ýn wtucu tIiroumju iiihefortune of and sumk in 1.5 faîboins of mater. bite had le 110%V brukin-ait tii!iiro-iiost.caLîons hte var, suimetitu, elseiiiiit urn up. Tu100 pasý,enger.s bSieth r.Abu The"i, aulir".. Menh of(' -but uI f0t4) Noin *.r.ïV the -Creit n'a: Saa<î ýu'ý1nt fi s un, maur.to from lite cou, VTe circi 'ib>'t' grest * frigste of 22 dent I'lro appo n* vda timattIlle 3t several davi dieti in cose> Pets 14>t w $4 -î5. Pea on thse 2 1st, g et ave the inarl -and lte kow îowards the c ladsance of 1, e 1 c Gntt -UW4 n-Indanfr, -a$541.; Inadian Ma durinm the W_ 'bably to .repnrled du te 21th, ),j ý'1. Ued L Ohijo $1 20 "ckhtn-e, abu 62 fà rnad.ae