> Is 'te Lii' t~ St g. ahie ce- - -I if ts~ ~ 1*14: s p 7est- ~ I Cuit- C i - - - I noth- i 's-en. - îndt, 99 rse n-nen reis - parts, Ir Cm, I'jtzr' ail top lffî' Y -, y S.W. Alma is to 011, 0%. re ac'd Ciar'per m Catrtoim. - tom cil 7ur ~iit - i *iitarîo p ' BLISLTJED EVERY SÂTURDAY MORNENG . "oT*LV $Ltfr8 T&KSHIILLINqGS PZR ÂNM-NAD-VÂNCt. Â H1I~O VO0L. 8, WITBY,CA A A W S, AR I 12 183 b5 le eonttt.d 444 ltor an>' diseuse affetîng the ITEETIIoit GI S, - tlftal TuuhkIrissertei on SflltPlait or Pivot, - lProm one to an entire Sett.- - OverrMa. LtNos Stoa., corner e lICiNO atndi sutcor Str-ets. - Osa&", Nov, let, 1851. 30-1 t. ÈWTAeIY PUBLIC, t#euW er o e .Cour out<lucente encb, M SER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES ND ACCOUNTANT.- - (Meatar tie Court lions., Village co! MANxCurESTrR, Township o! L1EActi, L. C. THOMAS, Commiioner o Qucen's Be Velhklag AfIdayîhe. BROOKLTN. Nrooklin, Sept. 13, 1850. 622 rnlch ,LAW OPWiCE. IL je MACDGNELL. Att«vend v ma!Ometls-at.oaw. SOLICI TOR-is-CHtlçCte1t1 C. . &C&. -il - - - I I - in thets Il FOR SALE OR î O LEASIZ .o ,would be Exchalnged- for a Farm,a very desirable Mercharà i sor# 37 by 30, with --ood Sittinz lon, Kitchen and two Beti- roomu; a goot Cellar 20 by 30, Store Houat sd the lotlot grouid.. The Property îs a corner Loa' and well sittoateti for buairein the village- ni Conlumnbus. Possession can 'ejivefl on the 20th of Msay next. ALSO-An adjoining Farm for Sale. N. B-MON EY to Loan. Joint Notes or 'Mortâages bought. Terme easy. caumu, %o.THOMAS CLARK. Coubs o.13, 1852. 31 -tf Wzld té &Lesse ing Towushipe, Reac. Uxbridge, North Qwillim- bury. Brock, Tohor/i Mata, OriWias, Tiny, Tay, Nultamcasago, Collingscud,Maipusa, Eldun, Fene- Ion, asid Ops. The moat cf these landis are of the bet quality. and wili bu leaseti for a terra of fscm lire toseven ypars4lepending tipoit tht situation, in lots ol tram 20Oto 100 acres cach, 10 any nt who will chcp,elear.aid fence.in a food and work. maùnlike mînner, withirrthe sta .e I ime, aquantity tint lps.; than 20 aeres on caeli lot. Ail letters. post-paid. detirinfoîmaition con- cornine any ai tht uiartic.ularlosin cither cf the abovetiowndhiîps, witl bcanswered ithout delay. J. T. Bt!SH. Whîîiby, JuIy, 1850. 16 WIIITB'Y AGENCY Urt>ft1 Western" j.çsurance Company. H-OM E OFFICE .. . .TORONTO. Capital- 100,000, -lWH! TBIY. I RSAES 0F T EN PVD .C I~Mc n saîave tt heuîre Sor 7 T S COMPANYT haviiig liteit dtîily Q orgauizeJ, Pccording Iote iterme of its 5, -** isud ttory utLas Chai t-r, is prepared int issue POLICI ES agaiut BROCK.STREET, WlIITBI'. . SorDAAGE hy FIRE, upon REAL o _______________PERSONAL PI1OPERTY of aIl kinda. oi as - uic N Cfavorable terme as other iesponsible Compi nies. I ilO tiiii E 0 FI E.The (otlowing gentlemneq compose the Boarud of JAMdES W"ALLACE begs 10 intimat Directors, wvbtae names are a sufficient cuasautree lk tu ha bas been appoirted Agent for tht that the buiiness tiaiasactions of the Comp-any tIVICAL HfIA &UNEALIt ANEwil be conducieti ou. the meut lhonorabsle pîînci COIPNI.saac C. Gilator, llugh Miller, adtia bt . j preparedt t take riski rat the odIînary Thomnas Hawortha, iNM. P. Baya j ears, îii the MUTOA&L, PmPRmIETAau& umrs Georcre Midhieu, W m. Hendeisor., raitehasofet aitCompanty. james Beatv, Rice Lewià , andi Whithy, lot Septemhcr, 1851. - l .tf.I Johsî l-ow cuit, Esquiies. _________________ - laac C. Gîlmer,-------Preideit. iThiomas lawmniIlia.------------ WORK-MAN BROTHERS & Co! Robi. Staiitoti-.-Esq.------Sec. andi Treas. No- ~, Kng 8reot Tprnto Tht uridetitned haviug heen appointeti Agent W H 't'E ~' C.w . ut thteaihave Cotmpanîy, vill g<sec ;ersnal allu. liait ta parties deairous e ieinciitInsurance. L. Il. SÇ1OIFiLD Cu., - JAS., WALLACE, 1M.0R~RSori ire. Lift, anti Gea'l-inaunatîce Aeent.1 -14TISH IR&N F OtR ~ F.cbruary 5.1852. 43tif. D.I~? ~ ~ ALUAJ3LE FASMS F01R.:SALE WHOLESLEL AND RETAIL. - 350 C fS thtie front part of lot Ne. 57 Whitby Y llaCeý lune, 1850. - - li1 t coc. VAUGHAN, 20 acres impioveti uti-q der etoti en"e. and in a higIt stai.- of cultivatioui,1 1)Lt.IJ. _Xi ', wîth s .'nrnfort.îble Frame"Dwvelling fHousean 1 ilb ia- oodiwell ofwatti. Atneyer failing sîenm i ! cro',,-e thelInt.. WHOLESALE AND RE'rAIL - Atm 8 0 acres, the fronit o! lot No. 58, luits-au. SÂLE ANgA% TOLACIIS ICEPAPR VAUGHAN, 65 acres improvect with a Dmwellin« Hanse r'ut hui ldiiza, yeung crchard in ful5l beat- uA.s,î.u~î ~'igiir. tzood well of water &c., I AeaThlese Fantins are iîw'-ted on YoGtca r Rr, IU(UFCTUER F SLEIJPERANt> 17 miset (rnm Tao-onto, un the %-icuiity of RICII' -g1ARt*eSS LEATHER, &c. MN IL Ais-o, 100 scres the south bal ai lot Nu. 4, 1Oth -Ca#hA pnd for . ides anmd SkLias, WIVeat, con, ni Rtach-- in the new Cotînt>' o! Ontat-io, 50 OaCi, Pots auîd Peaul Ahe - acres under cul vatuaut, with a log )welling buse % andi barn,- youiig Orchard, a uîcvcr faauîng Spring Whiiby Village, 7tîlunie, 1850>. 8jCieek. édv'almecs on Consigaments- of Ashes le Alan 100 acres the west haliof lot No. 7. l2th can. MuIca~Iof t.heasaid Tawnship cf BEACH, 15 acres un. 1~ proveti, a permanen streamnof vater crosses tht 'iii!. ubscrîoer s prepared co mace, iADVANCES EN CASH on POT ANDi q1iYARL ASH ES consignedt t Montreal. ROBJERT Hl. LAWDER. IMort Whitby,'lst Auguist, 1850. i keyOfo Salevery Whis-b JOHN MARTIN & CO). Port Whitby, MaY 31, 1851. ~TREORAH. WNALD IcINNIS, Proprici.. f I 6ui. -71-I 'Id. 1E~d. 44. 1.1~. î~ed- t. rtg Ly r~'lr- t-il e,,' li~ f~4 il- I - iLIlloR I ?IPSON<, Froprictor. mittent accontbid;tioni fer'travellers. Gooti ALEX.PITINGLE,. I7fSYJj/1 i in rdrshibs lino'promptly exectted1 Wtwbj, April 19. 1950. J. F- 0 8TE R, si) IU ' d'GETLICEE's ame M b- 4,. it oeyil<lu, is Sru bpsribex Ibâts sow on 1,usd, a in. 25, 1851. 41 Wb Swacr J1lI Al&5 the %eeâi bal of lot No. 7. 2d. con. L'X- BRIDGE. 30 acres improvedi, "11h Dtvellinte Hause andi barn on tht premises. There is a gond S.w-miLL in peiect workine orderwuith a suifi- cient s-îpply of watei, tibundance of Pitit in the immediate neiuchhoihood, and withiiî )A miles [rom a Stîipýin« Port en Lake Ontarjo, bto hich there is reuly acçess by gooti rod. ai al, Seasons Altso, 15 acres en the adjoining lot, ail impîoveil snd well tenced., Alec', a small DwellUng' jBouit anti lot lil>th VILLAGE ot BROOKLIN, iu the Towabp of WIHITBY. Aloa Building Lo* in the VILLAGE rd 051- AWA, ini the sait! lTowiahsp cf WH-ITBY. AlIlthepr" "'n; op"tM foi, quelity and lo- cation is cf th:t tutdestrbleCha"Sater atil will lie dispost of. Tzamasto suit purebasère, which ca b. ascettaineti on applWation te C. X,. KRL- Lxx Fsq., RICH.MtINDHULL,ortathe Subscti- ber in the VILLAGE ot OSlI.iWÂ. Ait appli cati. -es, if by letier, poat-paiti. F EL Oshawa, eth Aufuit, 1552. 18-11. -Norfolk Measenger Io copy. SDRY GOODS. Ursteso, Hardware 4-1kCecksr to lie hai -at th* -ciltpeît rie, Ãt <LI Emerald les Eset Windor, tw. 1$th,1852-, 8-m FOR SALE. Wioby.Ail lthe 0. 1 11OUSE AND LOT TO4LE q itodmmâlau te ér7 , .s 1ail eâvaatqttoi ermg, T.Iwhmêe by tg,.ýFritr1e 4M4 4 ! -*M Maié. pMtO med mit Osee truer Fr turtiier aittiuliniapply ote lpropie. toSn. y fi-hie NEW GOODS Ini addition to former extensivç importa- tions the Subscriber lias just received FRESU TEAS, COFFEES, TOBACCOS. CODFISH- & HERRINGS, ALSO. LONG RICII SHAWLS, MUSLIN DE LAINES, FIGURED LUSTRES, PRIN'rS, ALSO. A NEW LOT 0F CARPEN- TER'S TOOLS;* &c., .THOMAS DOW. Wbiiby I8tb Nov. 1852. 22-tf CANADA Western Assurance Comnpany, CEA RTI£RLD ET ACT 0F PARLIAMENT, Capital £100,000; in sharcs of £10 each. HOME OFFICE, TCiRONTO, On Wedlington Street, oppsite tatr (Com- meriai Ban&. Prestient, . J. C. GILMOti, ESQ. Vice-Presidkent, TifomlAs HAWORTH, EsQ. DI RECT OIS. George NMîchie, %\Viliiain Itenderson, James Beaty', Rice Lewiis, lutghâMiller, ÀAND M. P. Hayes,. John Ilowuutt. Esqs. Sc&*y and Treas'r, RoB'T bSTA-iTon., Esq. Sdýi71tor, ANGus nts o ,Etq. CH ESTER DRAPE R, Agent, Brooklynî. Dec. 4, 1852.34 NOTICE* IN consequence of Mr. Martiu havîng; matie arrangements le retire (roin business In Ilis part of tto countîy, tht Subseoibfe have determiîied nn closini their business ai W'hitby Vil1akge and Port Perry. And would inlorm the Public that h uta theîr intention to dispoïe of the following ptopierties, riz: TUE STOCK OF CGODOS AT POUL PERRI WiLh the IDAeeos la the Eusinew. Tlseir suies have been ab;out £33') curreney, per moith sînce cuinaiencmne,t. Aise, cosnetel wýtîh it is the lorwardinq business of the Boat on Lalie Scueô-. t uriiishes wo,,J, &c. The Stock ofi GocivIs ai Wbitby Village with thie qgod wili of the business, sales have been about £400 curren- ry Pei moîiih. Shauld tl b 8 l ibc dief iiuse.l*f Iy -pi" té ..Io Isercre the Firsi day o- Dccember, th.'y wîll then bc dispuseil of by Aictioun. AlI" will Le &Cid &-t the saine lime, a tiumber of l Hues, Waï,goois, Sleighs, Htanes., Oxen aint cows, &c. The iîiterest in the lot of Landi, 200> acres, knowni as Lot No. 27 in the third Concession of Whithy, on lhe wei aide of Scugog Roud two miles fram the Port. The fée simple of an acte Lot with a COTTAGE & STABLES in the Villair of Whitby. Also, a1%î nIer Lot with agcooti dweltinq House thereon. Ail %vll bcsoidi oci liberai Terras, which wili bc madle known ai lime of sale. Any information th.i t may be requisite in the meautime, can b. obtaiuec! ai the suhacribcr's storestither ai Whitby or Port Peiry, or ai the Office of James Cotion, T'- muito, either of whom 'are preparedti t trei.. 'Vittt parties. :' fRT, o Whitby, 2Oth Octohel, I1852.2-f rv'O Ti CE. TIe .lbove Sale, Advertised te take place on lut Duc. Ia outponed tîli fuïither notice. Nov. 26 1 é2., - LIGIIT! J. MARTIN& Go-1 LIGHII! JUST step into, my LA MP ST0Reý (adjoining tilt Drag store,') -and %et 1h. vanS. ty ol FLUIDLAIMPS!1 COnsstia; o! I îpenited, Brittanala maetai and Glass Lampe; Having, p*rlorta, andltedrooat Lampe! -and if You ptirehaaaandi artemotsatîitfitit wuîtht estrîfort *andi ecoiiny of tii. laMpe au trial, you bave the libevty of returninq them. JAMES IE GERRIE. Candlu arte-dear andI dirty, Dit Lampe are a fecular put, Mly fluiti s Êetan andi pre«tly. Trylil, youll findîit ht bet. Buy the Patent burnattg luld, whieh for briIlîl &Dey, ci ipase andicomtort.t.anno-eq>esilèi JA'MES IL GERIJE. Wilby. 25th Nv 15 3-tf. »e4mlnBrmadutithe ý d dTo Ape accasltable for sme. ,$ANUl4ùxto ?4 *GROERY SO I rw¶IK R.1, h eur~s a .*.Aà Mtaif$, Or. RoPhS,*P*OM, U M aa.- Mit. RoTiti saldab ba.)d terneard ne. Marks trot lie hon. a*tmber for Kent e difficult te answer aM liose hicb Lad jueý talfén front Liai. Tht sefItitIstrangely, desultory, anti devoi o f amsY logleal a4r- rangement. Jî sece ai f the speech- had lost its, peniapsa. Iow Pe rdenY com- .poition by soine udetptctw -*50nm wiiich tisconcrtta îLe rnoi*emas andi producetia rhetonlcml Chaos. er anti there scattenei theongilthtnagmenl viole, teh eisetani: WIU ae mmd then soundeti witîau oan e dsanote;. a vîlh ilthse hon. member always mianifesteti bis ire anti vaketi up te a- riliperatare striu. Ant Iet, finding te Lie diupemfit. ure no sectarian elerneent ln thé, bll te bbe proposeti, Le voult relapse imb a diseoncer- ted ratiocination lrrtgslanly dissatiageti with everything anti pleaset i t notbing. He (M.R.' conîti, therefore, onlt notice came et the more protainent points, wlticb ap- pearedti t be te pillarsictended by thtelion. member for Kent mainly te enua the olli- e di.jointed materîala. Tie ion. raciber for Kent mainly te sustain thteatiier dis- joinLeti materials. 'rie bon. member for Kent Lad giren a sort of Lister>' o! tht Univensity andth îe ueasures coîmettml. witti h. Througb ibis h:story lie [Mr. R.] ihould ual fallow Iin't, oaugh 2it might be amusmtg with a viole mfe tht Globe, te trace tise varieus opinions ai tue lbon. ment- ber himstif. Tlmey h*J.tiow 10 demI witb ,,ng as tliey now existei nor ehl n m evis reinain unireinedieti, merely Lecanse tic>' arase <rama alléged legilatîte versatili- ty andi errer. Thteuisiing sacasure, Le says, lias Dot been tnieti cnugb. Tht qtuestion 6, hor long 1 The astrer o! course, il, as longe as teilI catis!> Ieds satisfied member fer Kent. Propositions4 for thse reforiu of abuseî are alîvay a thus met ; yeu arc tue sen, -ays onetat-day ; yen art to late saje anothe.r to-merroir: yon are toe slow basya a progressive; yen are tbe fast says a stay-still. Opponentâ. neyer admit tic arrivai of thedt ngltlime or tht night occasion. The country waîted andi wsied tînder ibis sort [if sncb a phrase mit ha e sedbefore. this muguet asseil>ly] - e Paîlimmentaiy slng, titi the laie commis- biara issiieti, onl>' to reveal tht tran3cers'dent abuses aInd the mslute vaste anti disap. pearance of a- very large portion o! tLe wiole endoewment. »C ewe lu irait foç anoîher career of îrmstSfftis and abusesç? To pret-ent growing *vit la hetten tIt t rit>'. - £rçw jîibraitinge votîlti finish tihe .iîdownicnt. Bat sa>4 uith mm. Item- ber for Keile, tiere is neo proof o! any abuses tb demand tLe measure. ILe it no abure iliat tbe inistitutiuut lamefailedtu tean- sirer tht great purpose for wirbcli it vas erected ? or cren that sucli is public opin- ion 1 Ie il ne ibuse upontihie cauntry' that under a heavy ULtivmrity'ezpenditure, tia youth insteati of ltroûiug 4iLI, go, au tLe hon. member for Kent lias lestitied, te Brit- ihor foreiga colle-e% i[Mrn. ?Brown in- terrnpted; le saidti IaIt they titi go, net Ibat tIse> now go.] And what evîdence à s there that the>' do net nô%r go 1 Are ire te as.utume that the feivw vi wnarb.iculate anti graduà tc are ailt<lhe yontb o! Canada siLo cati9 or Jete avait ihemaselves cf 'the Uuirersity I1 By coniparing the aumUbr of pupils vith tise expenditttre, tiecocst tle the country for cacb graduatevomti le inan>'- hnndred pounds.-:und as it le ne abuse tîsat the people ef Canada are aI ihis rate ta pa>' for hearnbition et a fte adtio their naines mn A.M., or ant L.L.D., Or an A.:S.S. [Aoliuai Societas- Socius.] 1 if the institution does net 'liai pupile te it, it i la sont way tiefeclive. - Ifthel'tbene- fite are net .psrportionede le the esapons., evoryvbere, thb u * ~t bc oug I poiitiemll>' verra» ,.asç7l gevprp 4hetWl I gât fan moýev,w !t& 4gsed roS1e lion nielfe tup Zanet itu bis 82i SIx PENCig NO.0 471 'l I - 2. - - -- iii- - ibi lwy!w-90 NU, -s '-j' ~ ~4&À .1 '4 "6a. It it tile'1.rreance, cf.ssuned tii-_ periorttt. It is the . tirary prernaaiption drà vwn Ioiie trà là -gaùmd wtaltb g* , ay &legis#- I =, iedOr-the tlndstenta- edpe., N~thcsepuou ,zptms~n di~ecedby ~m(Mr. B. aimeut otie ehp p thotigh perbaps net ls.m nertoua ocQT eg, i.y" hof t1à euWry wooft, 41 -amy: kittduscihoI cf r'larnlng; soulthe mueeed in starvimg aIl othe- for the ag grandizement of bis Own mainmoth; should Le maintainý undivided the large endowmient 1tut ne rivales hould- draw front its funds, or be rompetitons for its us-aful appropria- tion; h. [Mr. B1.]would destroy mIl ceint petition ia learniag ad ail hopç. etrearng Atnohg us learnedmen; - Taj iun agumen- tem ad hominem.. We wiI paus a law r.- cÃŽtiag the rail importance t fsound politi- cal philosophy- the ceutry, tbet vils of tht petty, paltry presses, la thet rural pants, and enacting tbnt the GWoe eathroned ini To- ronto, chaH uader mss abuant eà dowaîoat b.te l e$uepkd orpemWid utain head *-%Mits philosophy and consistency, nlchil eiA fbr niversally duffslag its pria. ciples and papers, through the agency of steani, mnd pe*vaetd aient te take appren- taces as pressmea, compostors ar- devila. 'rhert as some thiog giganfie ia the opera- tion, and sublimé lant> teposition. The couZtrypu" ï se adie off as the free Gloe preatis fron tue metiepolis iith t sanction of authority5and the right of a nieL and glanons t'y pgrapLical incorpora- tien! Ibo rat bus cue, the ulice'have rua awayè- !gom«, s uppj*the b.whole country inandated wilti tth. frte Globe ; tht cîhers rMaylitre if tii4j eau, becota. cztiact if tbey mui. -Ietifl politieul pbilosOPhy be thu% long salle 1 Would ot the Globe be trîhout thse stimulas of, a rival, »a amiti bis weilth independence sud -au, pause mb a letharglc indifférence 1 With the like claies of evils should we be vîsited la his [Mr. 13"s.] sole exaisllugî vwel eèndowed inammotil uni versilyl Otuer institutions would go duwa under the unequal conttst; tht profesors ivoulti gote. sleep, anti the, pupils tee. WitbQui cOmPetition 1bere isý nu safety, ne energy, .no.puriîy., Thtis tee sonngasstran0_ e tO Lim Vif._ Ë.}'bc Viow about thtesatuéilof a College ;- Which h e [ Mr. B.] seeined b thnk ws cor-- os" ef b-rcksrnd mortar arebitieé,ture, anlf en- dewment, -and perbaps tht perapharnalia ef .gowns aad wigs. Mammotn University 1 Sncb eleaients art oct, now necessary for -a seat et learning. Sir John Coîborne (now Lord Seaton) once relnted t i i at ta Ley-. den: bce was ahowa wiýh politenesi-al "tht Iions"j'and wben the rounds wçrç ý,,îaâedý he expressed a washi to. se. thet" grte.ît. 1Uni- versity of Leydtn." ýYou have seen it, was the antwer. Wbeire 1 vas-lht reply. It ffas the large lecture noom aLown yeu, was tht answer. 'Was that ail?1 Ye, ail. Lt vras, indeeti, t3 tht amuseient, peirbape, of the member fer Kent, a iammoi Uni- Tersity, almoat witbout; bricks andi mortar, or peéunmary eado wmeat, or à ad aa pharnalia. It wai built ucp vi, - tii. bl- est entier of niidei eil7 ýeÃŽdowed- -ith Iearaing, andi vitu a parpbarwItm o! pdmi-ý ring anqtI .nqumnlng istudeats, attnaicted fia.Om% rival uaivtriîiesi ovel the world. Such Lt the eharactar and nature cf a genuint uni- veritity. là e ,ieumxmbo'r en iét williag' te be cotislsteat'? WiII'1ho -gir. up 'tbe bricks and Mà îor*r, und _enaovwment, andi paahaala,aad ltli afaitbequai to bis profssei olwlaj PIflJ. 'plef trsd et~ cnderein o aCaade hoett~ a'" tg- la* Drafroe . ttietbe tca"ef, and <«6 they r.termid pu-ýblicd l, an4«t. 4 y t6he ewua uS1 p:>iof e.peti.a oitbe (ow, idaz i ~l theheouow' ion. -Thé.efaitIiSton .xtendâ opert (vu e4ta M 1Tbe pis t Ires Profssd iE md ttpolice oine *sas erowééd meal, du at i6theMaoth Umiiets dswlg tuht "ter çart of the trWal-Thse 17 ould siblt- tht-'pooe t> viitt. Maia odsc d îbat tihe n-asu s'es o! these b ghpuA iMort qpes a Ubvâitted, spd d . than tra. Itvouwhetmrî4 oe,#-Tbetaotier' ofthe .ye= ~ m -luit tlt 1pivie I r psvaupro., sud declairedbes' bblef that tkt*$..in fessohléu.aî popr; ant -a t mlawrvy &"ithey bmdt lboom , s e liee7e tetethe poor ceulwr vad tuedode. vn w~wt l uît.1pQ ~s veï cf the pelvilege i stn 'b i4eur omý owç BtMtyot FALa NEW YOMK.x.- te u;da~p m -B) appealed -- t xorald niveniyr a éfTolav. A Tht New York Tintl teku siagulir ippeal'trom tLe ltadiai, voltntary Tinc n tk cf Canada!1Ofrp es 1,4i hleviuj Lossud col wth lb. Ive Aldermen of that City, emys j-i It is esmebnetu. Lvrythpg rom hic Legenerally-understoopt tat aseo a s Certain dissent&silwrong, because itîïs go laiOford '&acosln winesses can b. brwogot evenytiaCht appro-eis niglit, fi l a tÇstify,ýi6nieîhiug like a dozen more! tua se or meommctded te bs1ao"'LIa Oxford awill b. fu7 yindictid, .ituter for But1m lw net -tiught astxfordat theO~eyc creibd a publi "Pue. TeVitWrin, Chir à ai- ausùithiad a suld be çon'victedof publicn thse.t0Ch'.-tht <memes for whicb tlay are mdlcted, ford ~ ~ W anittD-in hi eCmbîg iepnîsent v adrtaudwl b ii miteti are privât.*adwmnts Aygo -alemen o im w d those ai.; mmovilea e<(Mr.tht imprisonnêent in-the, pl'éoe- ed simnilar chairs eut of Lt? privaâtp# e I Mu-$,OOLt.t bisMaamoL U~vesiy, i 1 pepfl Ma u otier article in the p¶am h.s a mth Uivrit, h pèInigltt 1nade*t dtîlastud iu tiber -,,mg b eà eilit ding 4-.Ont C*ayiam wm_.- délighted tU S rrong 5 Was tlii.qbis T he e.Wcm y7 bis b nevef u e t otti. -pub ic t em ur t f u kth e o ritI on -e insteatiofilir -privai. Çrume. h vas in uption anti shameles ra ' à r eo urlire. ment Commn Co. mi,le. i rel vain for him (Mr. B.)' 1, exp*îct in Lis at iin Sctudayinit 7eie the zra4 Ju counîry toe mfibe knowiedie or th biiIp5Jr' beforo the Recorder sud a brac*etfAldet- ganiseti on en~iowed. Trth vas a stran-me I brcWdaadio' wsr ger t. suchiartilclal boundarits. 'Slip vas prise. Tiat Our Aldermen . ere cerruta not te b. oircumribed 6y-, ollege vals or vas met &dbbtdbut thp stataet oftacts ttteed'by mets o! Panlam -Aud<o isclosed shows thein se careluas Ofaper Lie Bxr .) thought Lhe-L'ad monepolised r s Obéjgweqmu I be prsene ati er bessspah frc the geof'ttaeon to'thir $uM!ty, indsgnant aIt t chiOait. constimaat, clan tt eveth ardoned uin iqeiua b= ber v ad A tk. ber 1lit, *aneti el t lîtiteinot nos it i' ~pool ber.mml uereaid Tar>nie, a1 erery te tIse. et unre-venled; jet they beau «ch congenial spot. Truth "d ots1 o e ueh umsaalîre fb y a il oit a-poa a tirn..ai ý pmeriml animale udaife'icsoflesyctt bk tbýkdm.The on. iember fer eyîL 'beloâg-tbey are seiindisputally ppu»t sceed o iiuprehndtue use sud Dpro nmd pareel of the generai -amgageaitof of a college teacbiag the- geaum iceites, rlmns-hat mc nýt enrend by ere hu ant .f elg eoeit teelluc- sud mot bi. morlly certain tIsai tl4ý rativo ~ ~ ~ o proesion. Thbunerl olke bled at erery pore-#ia& a usçful ta s&Ii; il cetprtb.ndstiÃhMs tïdits *hih pparLte m»i.4 f jigO gfu jcrst'rgwatans &ad csl pardi- p Lttl put ailts,; it tiaisand,4dsplws A i . lie refiecting p'overs sn ud e ýmûtale=U grappe iî-a M*te tos alhfnins- asaIh truts hi, ichb liheiu4-Aq u ."~ 4»gte im m infewGa.-ty e d ~ ~thareclicot ocfAldenmen Smnith&"B"d lo1i for rer da L eaUa estien of ilie. Lsth(e- soud feaadati.m ut "TWn,.taetitau otbÀ d boç"eh irhieh evl> poesislor><$d0 tipf- etruesun e ie raisei. -'ùt_à s jwà lttdllars ieo.nsnc,-v-ou foundgti, the want of iiehi [Mn BJ fa as thse priceof bise ~ bas 'i bis ova case 10- i'fetelg-y lamente, 'C<'cean. Tht rcsemtmit dteht.uvuh. with so titte neaees.-.It, wva ety pyo. t bat Cooper, Manti tif t rs e« M»iFîà ôùe ereen onuild r_11wgp ments, et thein jproteslei mdbsitatesto - - uemn o.ml« pu the vonîi; aid coi tltey mmvle asted -SWiIO STth atwul.d h ae trial 1h.7 oÃŽ eie à be dyit w CTedulous, *as npeidedut bot omea- Lt, ~ ~ ~ è mo rtslslopruiiSbut' a col- ee fttotnaIssc~q~5~ e ant * thse Gr4id jur a, legiale prelunà iary etition. -Tbtfi t- ten, u> 4Ii pril dovmeeî of m *,t elge-mrcs abstru'se mmad perbps elegant. science etuta !ledfernd,$ aCs~onu. -'A (thhoul y nomeaseo!nmquestienablt 1111 iani -'V ry.w , .1 pedimcy) m~ L toermid a aprovtiwve"agtiosby- tht direýt të ,;à lo pedily Uit paessis ated or' lia appoe mse, acroldgrt oni epraci AiAmim b.~~o.> e cele batrcsnedese avnpromes t taugt dsIon, lWyer, Aaise oredio dclare cont a è( tue h ond r . i uet aesrepuq i ree, uL'.tfre T ei ,ur 0- or. bas pessebt versý ion ph bi La - (n "tLe *db. Th ~oie w, re cI& is.. ..à . -ex 11, za.... -... Est 1 'a p