Ontario Reporter, 19 Mar 1853, p. 4

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À Tuflixa çGTowN F~3.CitwPN.- A .orraapoqdsnî sentis Us the stntistics of the. bêomaking busiess in tihe Iown of A bingttma, Maus., which, he thlnks, li3f ully eqwaitl btht of Milford, in the sasme State 11uteIy ftferred tO, He iS tmmle Ici Sttte, boweyer, thaaî bis toin ta free, from daudies- sud toaferi, whlcb la Mttford'b -cardinal re.- coiimndat.iou. Two years ago the autount efCcapital ùtvosted iïntht boot biminessain Ablington tisa *964000l; the, nimber of m os f hoot% and ti s1i anufactured inl o 0 ia 2,277,712k; vaue, $1,627,519. lu Addition to boots and shees, tbere are annuully . mmnsfmctt-ed .about $60,000 wwtof et-h and i uddler'a tacks. The susuber of mien cmployed is 3-25, each at $26, peî- manthi women, 130, aI $8 per inonth. There was no batin luthe town in 1850. TIW eBauk cfOltAbinglton Nweut imb oàperatlo. in October, 1851 ant ilaprosper- oui. Thsmlis àpeasant picture, proving tbat 'eaity there lu nothing like leather. TIm firut sigu ever uwut 0e icbreeze in the. eity of Mexico was Ihiat of a Yankee vailore about tweaty' years mgo, ad st qiite aston" the i.Merit-ane, tisedon't use upguor èZéqm goq«lsor chattles in tb*7wiîJQri r t eefrdors. Orer fis'. M1ud4m.t±tant ot live matido busi- ssin that -tl 'AiUme ayto obtain lighaî bread--buy L yow loaves of a ciieating baker. À Loeo TiEAU-Ther>e pasaed doto *s01idon ftiver Railroad on Salurday e vmsiug, train of 77loaded cars drawn by twe englués. 06MY brethred,>, saiti utifî, iii a sermon, -ârethrée srti of pri& : 0'f birh,of rhlu&oItalets, shall"mot speat of tb later, "snefyffl berusmg lhabe to tisut Henry the. Fourtlh, in the fourtis year of bis r il C id Ot te followiug commis. 4en, ;wt4ýù ofa at to destroy ver- AM it is eusctd tht no, maxter ritmeur »Oeustsra, ort-ber vagabond, be i ay tise anstuietiin the. land of Wales bo malte eCxavolth, ougatheriîîg upon the people Tii. love of thse beaut.lful andi the truc, Ore the. dcidrop in thse heart of thse crystal, romains foroe- alear sud limpid in tihe ini-j Most arie, oftii. besrt. Geamta&e 'Raid one day ett Indiana- pinl bis speech after dinnrtit h was «gon ui q tC«anoe." $o diti the à.bb' for IKeniL stthe. glemmorrim (ced. Wban eu-try te &et, more good thani cernes rom el doîag, t m aways e Wsa. Cameo, an Engllismk by birth, bei roceuty becs- travelling tbrougb the Western part ef WisconsinY preac hiug ne- v p6tmse te the iugodl y, and âtenting old Tnsthfulnèss l3 a corper âtone la cltarac- z er, antifIlit la n t- firm I>' laid- in >u h, Iere willl cicr eter he 6 weak spot in lte "*Fither mimt yotia opposedté ttmonopl>l" eéiuted alttIe follet, as -is aParent ot uP tihe brandy bottie. 'Yu, my boy." - Ts'min, give me a drink'1 The. father-broke tise bottle on tise floor, sol aice th" iusmot eyeu taîed 1ùioir. >.aorator holding forth in aNyor cf <' te- mi dear, divine u'oean," cquct'.ded tisîs; Ohbi myisearor, depeuti upon it notbing bobe ts agood wiCe 1" I"I beg yqur pardon," epied one cf bis auditers, iia bati huabanel A traveller ivent into anionn ;fter a show- - r, mand. sked the landiord tu îBhosu bln a pied fire; fer" said 6e, 44'ni ver>' set ; and then a-tming to bbe taiter, lie saiti 99Br u e a tankard, of aie izmmdately, (rma plaguey dry-" ( Pitclsdarkness lbasbeen so imprôved ia' te read. i bituininous.obscurty." a k 'Wiat maltes the iawsyer's position so perilous Becmuse e bias other men's ieds-t teanster for as wei3là s losn. THE VANITY 0F IUXUAN WISIIES' Sir, Wmltar Scott wau nera-eti for iss gimteliteray'laborq b>' one 4eadrycher-, isietimmiljloo Hls day-drean i tutebe-' cern.the biei or a bouse, andtimnmit bis a= cupiitt>'tbougb a long lino of aucàdutsrather thau by the glorieus, Croatiois or* bis ma' illcenfrbniù. Aies! tis a a~ogeal structure of the Wo- asl L.t' ar ba areati>' crubmhed tte "Lika tise bmeliés Imbribeof a Vision, Leaulak atot a weck bheindtI" Ga theo 1OI et Jamtury theretipurod vumarrieti, at tbe oui>' ago cf'27, Walter -Scott Lockhaad Scott of Ahotsfoad, th. ýoui> son of John Gisson- Loclnhart mand --gmasutif tbe ~eatSfr WalterI Te sur mppreInson thon. h soimetlngý pr.fo4.PY t.shusg its avent. Wbl . u illustrions Pot as strettiueà IPROICIAL 14»LDAMD BENEAL IM81VIEAlWECOUPA"T. .M.CLAiE, Pressett. J. S.Hoyau>ný, Vce Pretdent, J. G. Bowzs* 1 J. J. HArzs, bM. Do -W. L. PZAaîn J . LKirN RosKms. JO . WOavS, J. C. Molaaîox. GGE 0iCatroas>. rTHIS COMPANY cflecta Insuimnce.at the NHoice Olfice, Clssreb Street, Toronto, and at ts oeseral Agencies. The Mutuel Depnrtmneit dota fnot exceeti £500 on aisy me >. rand tuti cg conftxed te detacheti buidlnga, it is therclsy resaderedth Ie most aate andi deairabie for Farmera. Te Proprietary Depvrtmenta hucitade Gonerai Riska la Fare, Lie, MariWis, InIanti andi Ocean, and its opcrations beinq also eonfincd witbia pru- dent lmîts, the attention of lte Public la cenfi. deiitiy calleti therete. By dr E DWARD G. O'BRIEN, Toronto, Oct. 14 1851. The unde-rsiigned itaving been appointei Agent of te abouse compuny, wilI glo-e personal atlen- tion, to parties desiroas of eflecting lusurance. - JAMES WALLACE. 1 lVhitby, Pcb. 14, 1821. 44 &torcy uat Law- onvcyaucer kt., IIITBY VILLAGE. Office in tise roota formerly occupieti as a Law Offie., by H. J MecDonatil, Fmq. BLACKSMITH'S COAL. j IJSP receiveti, per Steamer Onttario, 50 al caldronul besm Nêwcastle Nul Coals, for sale itynnn -iI w Whtby,- Sept- Chéqvscred Store . 1 st, 1852. 21 ti. FRESH OYSTERS. T'E Subscriber teeps always on band TFres Oysters ai the National Ho.et, Pott Whithy, eerved up to nrder., 'raverdkeepersa and offiers caa 6e supjtiied Dy the Canor eg HUGH MeBRIAN. Port Whitby, Dec. 23id, 1852- 37-3rn. rHIE Subscriber wvould call tie attention iof his custorners'and the public to hic, varied Stock of .i4ew Goods JUST A!IJIVED FR051 MONTIIEÂL, Goss in li rt of WhiteCrape & Exhibition Shawls Braigre de Laines, Mouslin de Laines. M.,usin Dresses, Silk & Satin Parasols. Prints, ZeliraTiveeda, Stammer Cloths, American Cottons. &C.- &C. &C. Prices a shade lower than auv Whokesale Store within the limits of the County Tow. THOMAS DOW. MNay 2Sth, 1s52.ý 7-tf. NEW BATS!, %.NEW RATS!1 T HE Julabitants of Wbitby anti neigh., Tboui-lxotifare infored lat theSubscriber has nons 10 Lan iaNew p n tck. 'on- lassir.,- ail thse New eSt l5a5 EGS.18, Faaaaci and.>.tAwrcce H A TS. Aluo, the e Iebrated Kô.sith Iat, nose in suchit geat dc'vnanti. Gentlemen visiîiuîg ibuis Hat Empoi iuni, taili see tue greatesi assai- nient in Canada. JOHN SALT, GOLIN U HA?. Toronto, tprii 1 st1852. 5.Im. GILOBE HÃ"TEL ;3y P. -E - flen ry. Gooel accommodation for TRAVELLM S 1PUBIJC PARI BALI&S - &C. &C. Excellent Stabliaxg, gooti Bay anti Oats, anti atten- tise HostIers. Tasa NomvTÉERS STAGi ÇoACH£à aa caev.ry es'eninganti tnrning. Brookîit, Nov. 1832. New Book Store THOMAS BEALL1 BOKnELLEr, TATONER, Pie- Scrapiuen's Hotel T. B. respes-fully begi leave to catI the atten- taon cl th< Plublur, le hua extensive M~ock of Books Iti-esery tiepartment o1 lilerature ituçliing OI.etp ,tsblcaiiuas, ScOHooL BOORS &c. &iC., Stationary lu- alf its varionis branches. Pictures, Steel Engratings, (Plain& eolourata,) Mezzotists. Où 4 Wcter colored Printst, (a net style,) Lithographa vaions siles, of cvery desriplion.- Picture Framtes, GiZt, Plain anid Orna- mental, fion la. 3M. upwsrds. Wood, Plain anu& Ornamenlai frent St.'te $25 mnd psuardt. ec' assuredt iaI ne perso an ca li ¶nd exa ine c a choice s'ari tly e it e .fiâl anti ieattiful", selîhout feelir.; gChLy gratidoe , once m«orli- cils acal *Whitby, Dec. l4tls,1852, 6-f AENoticýatMW 0Peri TberS hae a&UV , oiQuotp â T ax 6v ti %HE busis bretofore oas'siI- ouat- B R Xo I1 1M N lihe BQW *AN&I6LUPOTBY b> CRNEOF IN & CHURCH STREET.S, JOIIiINQ THE, COURT HOUSE, the TOROJT "AMESï, -ïAltEyy7 WILLIAM BROWN. The Su icbn iiraturlling tbaiiks to' the puWlc for pu attrs, wosld ta ke this op~,r tunity toîiaotm thent that baviqglneres e ie buiness, andi employeti a numbet of competent wtlrkmen, they ititend to manufacture the Bowomanzvilic YelkoEarthenware, and the common Rai> WAitt, sand they flatter themnselves that they will b. able to give entire Patiàfaction tn thuse wbon ay faver them with orders; ýandt tey hope, hy puanctutlity and strict attention 10 business, to mneFit a gc@ntinuafce of publie patrorage. EiLIY & BROWN.- Bow vt anville,June 4, 1852. 1- NO0TI1C E., H-EI{EBY notify ail those wbo purchas- rdi at the CRED1Tr SALE of the Suhacriber, nn Lnt No. 25, 3rd Concession of Whithy, that the Notes will e due on the 161h imat., ant fosant on my place, on sait Lot, until the 2tb mast.; af- ter wvhich timP- they will be banded te my Souiî- tor for Collection. JAMES HIGHAT. Whitby. 2nd Feîruary, 1853. 43-tf. LAND riOR SALE. T H lA Uderigned- offers for 'Sale, the AEat haif of Lot No. 3, in the 6th Con. 0F UXBRIDGE,. atud 143 Actes of Lot No. 18 in the first Con., of GEORGIANA. AMOS WAV. P. S.-Any rierson found Trespassing oid the above Lands, wil 6e prosecuted with the utrmnât vigor of the iaw. IA. Uibridoee, Lot No. 3, 7t1h3-l Cou., l)ec. 3Oîb, 1852. NOTICE. 1 N con"euenee of the Subscri.ber having de- termined to close their business an the lat of DE- CEMBER nexi, they are dezironst that ail ac- vount.s shotalti e paid by that date, and hertehy Cive notice that ail iluch as rentain uniettied eith- et by xN'oe or Cash On that day, wiii 6e put in srgit fur collection. JOHN MARTIN &Co. Pot Whitby, Nov 81, 1852. 31 -tf. TOLUS REOUCED. ATa -nceang oÃŽ .'t-cPrt Whithy and Lak-es Scugog Sinicoe and HUit. Road Company heid on the 4th iti., it was Resohvet, Thai from Tuesday the 4;h of January, tllii on- day the 716 of Slarcb. 18à3, the Toils on the Roati of the Porit Whitby andLakes .cugog, Siùz- eue oitd Huron )<oad Company, be rtducedto ou Half of the pregeft Ratos., AL&o-Resoved, That tihe Harbtor Toits on Lumber be rediwemi tcOne Shilling per Thousand (cet front and @titi the opening of Navigation iii 1853. i. [tAM iPEBRY, W hitbv, Oct. 16,1853. 27 2nm ADVERTISEMENT. W IL E SOLD by Private Bar- gain that part of Lot 17, in 1the2ad conces- sion of Whitby, the Propetty of the laie James Tr. Sommervil le, ENq., heautifuily situatitil on the~ Kin.riton Road, n-eauiy nidway the thriving county Town ofWhiîsy,'and Oshawta, and corn. ý riiiing a coni enient Frame House, Outbuildingu, arn, 13 Acres ot gooti Landi. and a first rate Orchard. Offet. for purchaise will 1,. reccived until the I of January, 1853. bl IL W. CLARK, M.. D. Whithy Village, Acting Trustee for theE-Fstate. lfhitby, Nov. 13, 1552. 31-ti Oshawa Freeman, to copý until lst Jan. 1853 AUCTIONEER!! CXEORGE lýIeGI L icensedAuc' now preparetito undertakê ail business in h line, hn doors or out, on the most reasonable tes sus. "pl t h ýReporter Office," where ordevb GEORGE McGILL, Whitbiy June 20th 1852. J i -ly. NO0TIC&Kf ýE. LL those havine daims a.rainst the Es- taIe of 16eliate Asa Post1 Erq., are requested ta brin; forward the sanie bythe first of Jrnuaty ,eosuing for liquidation. And ail Ihuise indebteti 10 the estate, are aise requesteti te malte paymentsà of the aie by the- aforementioned tume, s0ate Meet the demande againsî 16e estate, otherwise ail outstandlngdebteafler the smid first of Januarynext will bcjtttin the proper handifor collection. HRMPOST,-1 CARLETON LYNDF., SAMUEL COCUIRAN, JOHN TOOLE, Exenîors. Pickering, Nov. 27 1850. 33-t r NOTICE A L .Persans indebted to the Subseriber, b3 nol ai te obokambeon r r .1 e ated nt Janumpay otheriwise ail outstandlng notes or attontis aller thal date, wili be handeti over - tebtheGlerk of the Court for collection. R. GÂRTSHORE; Whitby Dec. 4. 1852. 34-tf. NOTWE 18bereby given, that, application will be nmade at the nexi mneetng of Parliamnentt for an~ Act, for th. incorporation et a Coumsy te ron- strct a Rail Rodfrom Port WhlUy ou .4k.te s- flO,tO omepensf tortuar GeorgiaaBagvomLake Whitby, 4!h December 185,i 234-mn T SE Subscribev belg abnut te retur te Cl- forn*a, ofera f«r Sale the following llPr<ty,' aituitt la th. Vili1sr of Whib, in the Coualy «, Ontario, one hOUSE andi LOT,wbich heme, for cotai on and convenience', casut ea . u I-pma The wdl.knowti RREW7ERY md PR MISF8 LoZruserIoudby Charte* Clarke, withagoni- Tht St aucli mn>' Tto 'saisi gSý LattUée outl ite were 5 so do to folletr hi fro kc uos baume. H :ave on hand the Lcu-gest, the Citeapesi, aiid the Best assortment ofÏ AflfI lTIllN' 1 IN CANADA WEST. WHOLESALE AND;R1t"JAIL. 17E ]lave nos" reeiVeti our Com1plete assortinent Of NEW SPRING & SuMM ER GooDs, which, uponituspeetion, otir ustoiners adIl fi nd tnlie coniposeti of the Newest and most Fash- Onaile mate], ialiu, anti in great s'ariei v. Hlaving bren seiected w-ith great care, and iniporteti direct frrni the besi Britisht, French, andi Arerican Markets., hy Oursel ves, %%,e can confidenlly suhinit thern te te inspection of our cuetomets and the puM sec as being 1ite raost lashionabie, durable, aervîceable anti cheai, assortnacnt o1 Ready-Nl\,ade Clothing andi Iry Gooti n Canada West. Tailo in ait its Branches) .Lcutd wtaTasi e U RIfGS PlYft&ISHED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. READY-IVADE %CLOTHIneC COUG S .ViD CONSU P).'.lsedîrsotm . >UitNh- lit opeAt1ion lamiliii yet emcacious; it toosans 1)DR. LARPZETTE'S JINU ,OgDltsL O 4 I the phlegm mwhich creates so much diflicuity, ;e. Ilva ea-,te lixii ,lprecfitid us fi . trat I nt lieves the cnugh and assiten'ature t e.xpeýl liprn 1tiye it rasesof'Debility~, 1 p0teà7 i aTIC5W the sytteen ait diâeasfed natter by expectorations, muvd ail i;alttdfs)aftue Ifi sUitl Ibtit prod" cing a deiightlul change in 1hé breiîthisag andi profeseà te le, Viuz -48tties Grasi eÀot ehet, anà titis, after 1he very bdtI tedical enen {&e dyothos<e isAtbmrridtae wsîJoit and the inventions of kind andi snrrowittg frinids i :im a ceu tain cure foi semicfl çmlgôWI andi nurses, have failed bi give the iemallest reliefI Genefal Débiliy, Glectl'eknto teOëi to the L'oasuenptire siifférer.- Oigans, Nervott Aifectiols, Le"CTieèibOS TMOUSANDS OF CONSUSIPTIVE Wbites. As -an- svigmîatg di ÃŽ if fi persons ave been ieceived i epeated y in b uy ng qualîct.- Jsot, a 4cçta ln rçe d -fol Isae é1ýai medicines which were asd 10 to Lwifettible cur,. 9 otlîumpJonIOdigEul ,oso(mWU85 buît ivhich have proved i y pali inîaves but ibhis, gy. Physical Lassauie,Ferale Wecse'b5'm medirine ieý is no, oniy a palliative but cttrcfor ut Y.&c. u us wérranted to!peie es sers iam. ccrafed luiig,. if coutains no deicteriotas Dnigg of the aboye.comfpl@it*5sadd is of pricelems valu. antd ode trial will Proivets astonidhing eticacy lie- tb read and ra-f.îyiug ter than any assertions or9erificate.s uin uring con,- caution go b carefully e& sumption andi ait diseares af the 1ings, suchits, memWeed.1 1 Sptin f bloud, Crn ihs, pain in the aide and ,A counefi fhsclbaeI Jnn oda i cheat, nighit-gsweats, 4.c. 4re. heen issizet, hav sg thé naine 01i EVI JVD$SÃŽO Abhou t 1000 of ai mort mi reculvns eu res perforrn- on wropper. etiby tais meiiine, Irotaîne ofihliiist Dortora, Remembez tha t ihe cowwiefeil bas 1h.; me of Cit-rgymen andi Mereltanis, have been sent us for Lei J*dson on the wr5ppwr, ait8tise g59SNt Ibis m,?dicine,, but the pulilication of theni look&a wrappcr, COUSsvcçttK & BaolrsfEjq, ton rnnch like Qtiackery. [lvili show 16cm 10o any ' No. 9 John it., N. York, person calling nt otar office.] This medicine wiii Osy4etsEnlmrc-Fssbibdl 14 ,nwak tor i-IspIlanti.nouehin Is own favotaiwhere-. "er itlas ti d. e(tution.-ThIis medineis put up in a large liottîle, anti you imusI lidihe naine of' Conastock 4r Bruther, lroprietors, New Yorkc, on the spiendid .% rapper aromni the botule. AUl orders mua!tIte adtdresset bCainstock 4' Birother, No. 9, John St., New York. Remember andtinever buy il unIcass you fird the naine on the wrapper. CAU15T ION- RHE UMJIS. Comstock'sNere and Bmeùfo1svsi cd te cure any case ot Rbeumaùftis G lC. tructeti Corda and àMuîcleti,or 8h11 Joinastsrtbli ens Weak Limnbs, andi enables tiioce t-%hoeure euip- pied ta walk aMun. Comaiock f&-ie rter, Pre-_ prietors, New York, andi none genuie taie their naine on lhe wrapper. TOOT0F.MHdCIIE. DIR. (ITNE'S DROPS., for the cure ot Totà-, ribers are epaili nnfbsr oif &pples tilcdelr at sthisna hawa. ýAlsoiihejr.crMl1u Factor> Wiiby, J- C. BOWEILMAN & Co. pt 1îS 23-tf. U -FO R BUTTER. >wçcribce aillmmv&Y ms fo a. 1i~, Cou o' - -Brus 4 - h rur -adtll a5sr 0. D1ofleware of a danigerous Gounterfeil of tlw e , fit.ha swith confidente tisat %as. Caoreroi Men's Biown liollanti CotIs, froiti 4 4 1- Boy'> Fancy Vse front 3 9 1 CHERRY ?s LUNGW'IORT, anad the JUNOmnt s ninàl-lcrIllesses, WlIh<fI Do CheckId do 5dO5 Do Silk do tg 5 0 CORDIL andi CJRLTON'S FOUNDER y injury to htieeih orgsiMU. Prke 2beJte. Do Black Alpara do di 10 0 Do Satan do 49 5 o OINThIF[NT aiia RING' BONYE CURE-, fer-un Do Raissell Cord do "4 12 6 l)o <lob do"(Io i î0 eti for Sale at the Dlvg Store, anti remember aind Do Pranvesdo do di 12 6 lio u re d tvr L eeardes ra1litycilyaiW1. CAILTON'S LINIMENT FOR TUE Do~~~~~~~~ C0îta'ed i 7G D asrmrd LAiîxeatlais Dry Goodîstore,and avoid thecotn- .PILES, b&c. Do Biread Cloth do 49 30 0 in ilsknIOieS 7 6 terleil as yon, would POISON. -li o adi h riia dptiadi Do Cassmere do fi 25 O l)o Lnen Diill do dii5the_____i a nt e ticu e pincipl hourir yibnsia.mens Boy's Btoariniont I aO 4 41-2 DIt-î d do " 5 0 T ,nr /Dacsi lre. telrvt mcIce u oni ya mnis 4. iek' o d 5 0 Do Uoidliroy 7do irn7 6 ojanAD(desizIlre nuni-er of andi idtuals andi famuilies. fi:sadIsuiduot Dlo Maiekin du do " 6(1o0aîntt d 7 OUD6 IN-certaiîly for the curê.of thiePILES, and aiseex Do Twvete do " 10 t)0 Do C('inieres doe 13 9 1 1 ' NIl',at fe~q1 sbbfl rdlt Do Breadi Cioti o " 176 D 3vcv do Fo4te4etFod-,Sitlin.ln-on les vitere lis effetl are wutnesedEiterpaslyia 176 DI 3i ki oFo hcru oneSli io.101-oplthe fotllrawing complaints:- Don' Rlaskeilothoresdo 7 6 B9 Do Drill Ldoin asanicontraetetil andlFeveriala Ferl, Woutid, For Drôpsy-Creating extraôrtiinary absorption Me'aBlcI loisVet, 76 30' di, < 4 4 1-2 gBnises iiithe Flesli, Galted iaks. Cracketi liels, nt once. Do Blackt Satin do0 8 9 Do Cloickiv, do 4 0 Scratches, ('rats, Kirkas, om Illoises. Saelligs-Ileducinq thcmli i a lew bou»a. Do Fancy Satin do 8( oMiqi o f ailtion.-Futi thear ie of J. Carlton lconi- Rh-umneisa-Acute or CIhloî,ic, gîViria nuclé- Do Itollanti do 3 4 D)o Canada T%, ede do 4 41-2: seron 6e araji-peror never l<riy Carton'sHIoise diate rose». Do Faaicy do 4 4 1-2 Do)(1v 'lle- ie la Niedicilles. I-'toer hrot-By Cancer, Virerai, or (toIs. Do Velvet d ) id d _ ICrupand fl mi.Cug-x 'lyaid Do Siarseilles do Whitf Shjvît lin.'n Frontsi idRT4ON'S1 oC BON theE.h'?opitL'otI-tt.tl Do Barathea do I'Strifiril'O t 2 6 jFor lte cure of RlUne-B3oneBlootI Spavin. Foine, 111 Brnises, Çprarinuasid Buras-G(uricn l Men*s Ciotit Caps,' 2i Red Flannel Siâ;,. .1 4 1 ,Sîpa-iaa ii, IatSpLiit-ui certinireruedy. Ikw hourt.. Buv's do Id 1- Under 'Shirts andtiDam,s r, CARTNS CNDITIOýN POW- Sores'and 1,leer-WIhether'fieah co f long Meîs1>isStiiHts lak1în ) 'b. ~FOR .R01tES AND 1laopestainti, auitsoranti t-sidrit , in relax- ( A [IL tue a heramalie a .velfines, anti iooseniag congb andst 'c tl i ('mt- i ~I lie of %nea l ther ati ea'l, s-hflci- yrazi' othpru Nelse .., ' Ba Âaîeî-îaîs. ', ' '-'-'taehtnessonf theet eaxfôo ts as rhatigeoi aiseand feri, hase a very -[rat effect i~besapiigeoa~neto he. - -il- joi,the' blond unciitlsîmnxx i uifhorses. If i mons rensiai lti o is o n epstioi n . Theros 1F lV G( ) ai lites,' chuagesthey reqiive arasasistaant 1inliattire i<1< î atikch rt." t crated te Musin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t ie ns adaie rn 01- tcnyCtnfet~1 hro wnof1 ari vdisorder oftlte liaiddnifte bod y please any person îiaaî sill try if. Prints, fait colors do (in '< 0O7 1-2 %Whîle (".) LP2 t mv have wilae;> tibi tedaiid vwhiat-r Cmuio-INever boy il unles you fiadth be te trIl v. aiiiaeiil b 6e ehlw utenilido' inile sigratuare of Garrislor,-k & Brother, Proprio- HeayGigitmna < do " 0 71- StiîdShvvi.0 o4 1-2 Wîrntits, &c.,- ail of a'iich it wtI e prevraîveti tors, cri the wrapper of tite ges4uine aitcie. Splendid Botînet Ribhons, " in 7 1-2 tabnWnp ' 4 i i ' il ig one of itiese vowders, ant illil ta (stin-AIoft1 to- amdrtds r Srmràt Boànuelr, 131 as'tsy.26 limea,' ca, 'iin ny sympiums of dierse appeais, Catoàdik&Bebr,2s.]Pe, Giot-ljlsery, Pit'bonq. Lares, Shu sl, hIiv'l-evl-1.f ad Nin-ici me. pTley pliify itheblond, temove sl nl1yC 10 k rter t.Ptr Etigigi'~.ai~tficia FlowraCap Fîn,01 M'iýjslaas etalivlanntoîntfxrlnnsen file sinmi canbe.ae , tiî'-tyi ear cf the Astor Bouse,be Slsotheck>d antiPlain lîvars, ~ laltîtsSiik..S~,vj, ~the %alvvr,and i-aiate thewithole bodly., -ilin- taren arclayn eytsedoIrmBs Table Lînena, Qlàilîs. Couiterpanetreîî.Ulous )Lessven '<Torhok ii httne e Claynantione BlockfonBodraNa.ok lhemto (o moe wok :%ith he ere ée. -ri tuadmyringS B.d i ick, asnd lowets. i range' (Girip>,Ii!tig, « 1 tevîuia of'ltes. pnw<eis is direcItapon ail the se'- t hom ail orders mubt be dut-c-ted. Crpean 'atril lorýlljnidif Iarz(- i sc art as e glandls, andt lvreivvre hase !lie came effect 1'or Sale alsn by JohnMa-n&C,.et Infant:, Robes, cap&s anti Frock Bodtes. i "1k Watt)Alpacad. aapon Oiîefliorsevîxie 0x.the Assavitiail Ilea-laiver- Wiiby anti l'ot Peny,ant M'mr. Nîchole,]Brook. .7I'o ecoîid Pè'ji oa,a> Ili ina-.il iessaii~froin or prodtactng i in. Mo Se on P eseabid tale ni tIie llonulare tspeedIilycîaiedby therri odnh ntyb m asgm i 13 [J R(~FSs x- Renvu nd xilask tir CrtnuConadition Pou: B RC E S & ,E IS11MIN' DRY GooDs S'a-r...Remeimuer, antibu-'y oia t Co--'-.f-Kn.-j- hurh, ti-elsItheake1 unIlilot7oonrs. 1lias Store, if ynu 'liis the Genuinêt.Ili-DU&$& rol3-.] 'oner c Jzwg>5 ChurlmSUe/sj(enrr /u Cor Josc~7'rwan.<LCAR [ C'il N EIV E AND ]ONF 1Gek, by Comsok&Broher's Agen4- Bu oly - - -- - NEN FU 1OSL a ai WâLAazc'S.Dry Gondi Store. â&id iuh NZEW LAW OFIIC î BRICKS !! BicKS BHICK S aii for the cure i ail davsesol man or beasttitat' W..H. Giais, Columbus, C. W M R H A Ms veuijaire criernt upfflicalion,-anti for contrecfed I CAUTION. Attorney andi Barrister at Law, * (%Veatiter Ivrrralilva) theve aaltcvnd n1 o ia'ed for, îvrainî.bruites. seufdlegalls,ýsWellcd aeSh ul r saab an;Lîg nPr AND SOLICITOR vN CHANCERY, .Sale at fle ~~f~& (<IN\TARIO BRICK, a .1 rslal id nboss lope Moliriris liay ;if omsWtl . Y IRDS ini' Iun> ILLuaECa (',an*s aviliesfoar liioasesatiralie are pire- Hrioi, o;iNwcslby 1MCNaisia NOTAIRY PUBIutC, &COrrVEYANCEt, parei romilte recipe of a cary aceiatetilEndih 11>6 so G.i AT~~~~~~~~~ Z, FIE0 J 15 ER, S O~ ~Huanier ;,ao, b> osir Ageri nt b rs y oti ia bt AT TE OFICE F J.IMM ERRY ESQ 200000 0,iG00di Stock" & Oom- i.'rriet, arna! ill cure, ninety-nine lînes ottof da. Etq#aiire for Gomstoci & Brttr' A- ~ . mont Bricks, nue heiadrediny of te altove complainta. Titey nac for 1852. whhch will beit ie» gutiqo ail. oC F'rtrt i i'aa o hase bee,î useti by farm r4, livei y-men, stage pro- Remember anti serer'b4y Uarltdn'slios-4da _____ - . . ris rae ui. ad.ila owPrice. parietors antiotiters,.%vththeixmo'!tiseti att de- rilsnislseulninetlePopeoru . - - tc'>about fatidarg ng alituVillage, wherc te tlaîcks citiedS (le-,s.1wraer, J. CAheRfllTome f he aiero -,ae to be drawn onlya-shot digtancewifllfini (U ON-nectîeenienesyonerbynsyofnibaaeî,ea- Foril tr rlarticîlars appîy Io fiitit lie naoe of J.Carl-Itn ,tttnck on i-be %vru-as tieyiha t'si ebesie5,pf, air- lirrIGEs oriper ofî-acbIlartctee. a anada. Theysigulhecouatcrfriij.CsÃŽMêe Xrson %rrcet,a Icw lorslorillîof KilIrgitrcel, JAMIES WALLACE. -iTeydrnet-pb1 bfalloefro, neary oposit PLsr's oTELttti ~itiai ait 00 CIID~COMSOC I'tS EII1 Itig.iug.ent to State Prisont. ltes..4o nealyOpil PAT'sHOELan wthn'al 10 on)qDRyitIti.cr-( T>- iTisis thtemostetýitrdinaryremetis'.fo r V[urns ;ard. and llntithe 5111 vsme. a minue's walk of Stioun's. l _________________W______ Toronto, A pri! 10, 1852. 52-1 Y. %Wa>o0 Wanted aItte Baicic Y,%ns, fo)r ulaifcIl Cer useti; it effeetusîl>' eradtientes Wormsa from Cahwk viIi lie Isaiti. 1 vbotadullîandcbildren.itsnohamtemt - tiataa he.f î'Iilby, !Nfay Riîasýi 2ldel ica te ia'lain 1or stronalt àaitait, anti neyer failts FOR SALE, . .ar c lr Llluta, 1l"'est oni Id TRAUA y lent ot A a nitKETtiAnyia 1k indtifWom ONE-FOURTU oftbe vety FautSa ALISTRUA UNE--0 1 ACKET The cosI, 25 cts. per botîto, puis utilitia reacit of i-co .frmt* Iluna & 5or 35uaictal.and ail pareti itoa.re wiîhoaii it dre )santoniy ig conetiOOZANnow piyin bei*wesu CLPPRSHIPS& expoâing 1the lis-es aofihseiW chiltiren bttose feil I - hipIay anti Osa-ego. Ravung - - m~~~iestrovera of votitlsdi" Wurms.' Look for lte ioveraa-lal s u ecelet rie LI uacîo bvn' enapoxteifThe ititei oit ofoitheCnadaLetiberrspect-nam of Coinçucl- If Brothcr, proprietors, on t hatmayýbereqired. llHer$ailadstu4gLI0 Tii'.at'rrtioxvof thbCaîxda Pibije s * ImOstiy Ne. 'Persona cf Euaitcapiîa s T GC11 fixr 0 I,>0 L RSS, oll Qaanebe f aisuanc titra rplerofeach hotil. cltprhsauteîepnc.kQ ail Inies, l'e ivost haytho tve orpia lte 'e ieo akl niCipr m New -jcoostantîly eMPIeykl. tapy1 rctvvajpicîins ie fPahit aî Cipeslrm Nw TO-THLe OLD AND YOUNG! 1 An>' Person parcbasbrg, iutdeolandtsg-ahe hi. Ystiuacs ork tiAustratiaa, atlserti.,qpxl b>' MESSRS. 1 ineojwudhÏ -h al fbr J. BILACK. CROCKER & WARREN, ofzq 4Bft,ro ryLHo e e HasadGrey..îneolhvte.lnu o.- Coluambus, A rril 21, 1852 4-1 y Y., are equa Intoh1e àlateaients made 6> their PIIENOMENON IN CUE -%ISTPYlli Ternis easy-ýmade kitoen by applysngfr e'vlsatICsNelarx. E A I N D I A~ H AI1 R DIT E cmmercal Htl Port Ltr Epicrprie ilthlie Foonudtion of Sil(fCst. R Y.O îî ~~N ov- ~ ~ licÎîi l ii jie ~ Jn ,15.-' Lt i)ttASra --aigvstesArlSi Titis Dye tnay lie aiaplied toteisair oser nig4a> îîaa ~~ ~~asi liesort f ewaVorIt so,sntteî Aataha ,"îthefit t nit îuritin-, ttilie1sest REu or Gazy VILLfiAE LOTS FOR SALi CTW II jj1~j~jI\tj- s eilas fe ohen, aici hve sailet for H.ta tua DaÙrI Browor",ind q' repealing a second thaI aîferfI C6 e . uo isiai ' s tatednon. of ai- iihî, to a Briglît Jet Black-. An>' persot May, Twyo Mlis Nortirof-.! con that, 4 f. ut- _ _ _ _t e s i n " C r c e t . p " e a i s a tat et i t n i ' t i e r e f o i e l w i i lh t h e l e a t p o s s i b e t r o u b l e , k e e p b i s pop, the benefit of tise luhabitantg of lathentiSon more bisais te snoble. sld i LERIT." t9 ey tr1 ssdeoref.î1ick1w apei S>e i le se cspecimen of Navel Arriîecture ti'e assuirance thantlthe Dye,ifappliealtthIe sin, ALF antiquarter acre LOts »B8u ýd Baci Tnruistips, te proptietors o f tise lta 1 have àeen lai iis port ;--l do niot manyi.tar wî nocsôa plcto, 51sf ie IVitby Wooln Faetoîy fine Clipper Shups wbich are oa cllte o i persot rurit. Be>' , - b'kntînt ew «ndBav fâct uailio'Z thln aayît-ing else. --prontra;gr> vl nyrhbkosnt aWt 0nd 11vrîa. ;a1 bavemad arrngeý-nt %vth CS. e-w4ttýié rey'hair. Direet i-ompiete with tise article. Applyto Mr. Thompason, Solicaloi, inCiimeqp ha. nate rragenatsiit'iS JliterThe"LETs naoredaua ettenlie itrei n> olîtin-irtijailaemtrea o. cn pe1ea e b potpati W.TanaStaqe Pro rieters, te forwvard Clou a.4-CLPPER» andi49 PA CEET," sandi Is tithostÃŽthsiatmat an olt bi itbli ePti Wls cLo asil>' test. Canian,&si 0hSp. ayt ootoherctisnetltlatyLtan>' a.tcpfîin, the best fastered, finisb.d anti fur- Tteseftact& are wirranedlbythe-#etlemnian*ho %l.otBOk1t8e. No. 18, 6ih. Con., whcre ta'>', seittte ati-anta- .nised vtessel I have eves-seen. 16heefnth ofhler nînfcue l vt slt celebraîtdchenlt « JU ges of a seveci failisa; Waîer Power, a Drýint iop deck and caiha, andth i t eigla beteet-aua-.ctues'ocah, autsthoe ksGesnltr FIote,- goo I Workmnen, &r.,, &c., svili despalci. dccks, aiit ber general, flWaa;à-uut, are s'ery Dr.hiloophyO, ati ni ouati ooGleisook, business on lise Shorteet Notice. -ptiotranti onthtie moat approvetiplanm for cnifort Itke'nai iasLI"I I esnaetstiint their Clots. or Wooi 10 lb. anti tentilaîn. ceerm carte of tise difi'eient 4îgents of 1h. Subscribersa e"b AEI s itn> siainami PZE A -aNE S S. - ook We lte mne\'ihoîat dela>', at te sane Supealor vessel for the c nsveyance of Passeogers U e D .L r ' e îa to 4i o ie C eap f place,teie otReostf«Atala"at soii cure of Deafiiteà. AIse' il ithose disaagaeeabIe rirràr. ô cmt," reommed aàyfou' CandàÏrin-dso ex nnises, ike the buzzing of insecte, falling oj-wa '14' PR~D CF CUAE~I~. rec"smniud anyofour Cnwrdalriesxdto e£iausinewhich befred *"n-eftatmefisusjn They have appoinleti James Clai-ke, cf Coluat- isi vezaet .iselorcîhey engage pasag'e eîae wisere Wtzagofaert aestpocf apa ; busa, Whilby, anti Heni-y ClifI, of fib Concession Yotais tory trtsly, -, roci;déaf4ieqsa. Ma»>v persxwisohave beocs £avrming,-m 0d Wlitby, lnnkeepeil, as titeir dtpositing AAgents, DANIEL RQSSof Quebe, c tE: lafotefite trii-tyytaa'nt s-rsu-:,oI . ""ýý*% di- lectte ue er trlrhntiv te wis nt Ceth or Wordnia>' . seu da1- ' evn For--1saK71-ti ri ".O .ER&jtttss si nîpl.aaalrli» i.r <ciui<f n du

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