Ontario Reporter, 26 Mar 1853, p. 2

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Ol r raders mil retomber that a Shit iùusà"owe called, thoir attentdeittoab k- tractr&w a speech aoit tf.lion. niember for Kent, at une df iii Upper Canada dinners i whith h expressed' tht hope that the dir was sot far distant wben-Biitons would Mllet t wresk, tht fine provinice ai Lawer Canada fron tise fell domnion andI degrad- iag itiltiaiteef popery. Thse hon. getîtle- m&4,hbutiheedy set-about efeectîng this tî- on o .1 IlBritoust 1 but whetber for sucis a p% 'ôe- r for.thse*mer. abject ofi deitut. mng tise Ministry, we shah pracetd preseîitly te show.î Ulr. Drummaitd's bill for the incorpora- taon ar Charitable Institutions came up for -iti second readiag on Tuesday ast, andI Mr. Brown ceînuence4 bis promi4sed dissertation on &We f1.4. ai sncb institutions in athier -eouties. The uaddress in a&l oeeupied three beers, Mr. Brewa e'tsuai tiène,,aod wu ma". îqa principchly 'ai attacks upon- tht Cu*boiio-reliýioa andI the lvstihtto of ea- on abilldsgned1 te incerpor.ste Pretettant as wol s Cathlic-amseiatians, it wil est. ïMtyb. pemeved, wes rather prableniatîcal. Bt, as Mr. LaTerriere remiarked, 61the bon--gntlemcn anly -wanted an opportunity teGienft buipleen on'al cathotie insýtitutions." its-waàausvertd by Mr. Cauchon, the ro- ioutable champion ai cathalici6m, Wisa, in his tura, strained every nerve ta show tisai >the cathahe religion asutise one best cali. e'aated teo a dvance thse temporal and spirit- Wa interests or the caîamunity. Mr.BWown iâtroditced ào amendinent iviag thse bill a t* " itbr » Uwhaistad os tie divisiot be. *ng takqs on tise cmendmeàt,- tise vote. ap- ýemrd 33 te 39, e eing. amajority ta min- Isters Of six votest., Tâù is b'sicoùd reguler organtzed and preconcerted àtteîlnpt te defeat thse ministry «sie theHliuse bas met.. ise former one --au a motion af Mr. i3adgley ferciertain ieorrespenefe tîiog lte I oepetihîl Cus- toms teartmt î in this eouutry, aviicis the reràmn dutniont deem it espedient ta lay feoe h louse ; and althotg.ï tiser. was not-& igls.prLucîple involved, nuL t een the *hadiàw -fa a principle, NIr. Browira se (cubaI veting wth thse opposition. Thim timeh.e appears as tise leader of tise orga- nztd phalanx, compased ai a few French menibers, theaisle Conservative party, and baving as JUS *rgbt-1hisnd ma,c gentleman tiseVer7 antipodes oa i iiion every re'ioinum gr pol'.,ical apiin-.Nr. Cauchon. ic 40 thuasl attempts ta. defeat the gorernmeni by çciescing aiti tise Tories, accord utl àk. Brn's' professions af-a desire toa'sèr ti. great questions pendiog belore the country settiled.1 What avonîd be the cf- -feat el-achange af go verament et te pre- seùL jutioture 1 Would iL tend ta tisead- vUncemetiofait4ss.priacipflea ai civil and religieus iibeay fer whîch Mer. Browvn pro. émi e t aib. struggling I Would it bs-n clbout a setlement ai tise gmat Questions el r ;e-o ow -oou ed!y cstled for by thse pcc. pIO of tis country. Most a-Nstredly not Ou lte contrary, a change ai gaverfimeni at Çbe present momentiste acçussion tc koweri ftise present opposition, stould bh nof Ibho greatest calamities that could bc frat ref073s nS'tereastut any rate. -We pal>lisead in Our ast issue tise debate tw the Lords andi Ceaunons ai Englend tapon the 'C(lergy Reserves. If cîty douubt could'hae existed in tthe mînds ai. tisa peopte of tii couutry,- au te thte probable action'oai us IBitishi Parliement upan that question, thi ,,dolqbt must, new hedispelled. lit nay bc that te very neat n mal li ring out the ittelhîgence that. tise 'Tmip-riai. Parliameri bavre passod su net gîving ta tise Province theriglut ta dispose ai tiese Reserires.- lhd Mr. Brout privtd successiollatehil atiîempîte odefestthe .Gaverament, th&t in c.-l rit a! _- pou1 - _-e , nd tie .t.e . au utl Ie o tab. opposed to- seculcar re ether measures before te h must hc defeeted by tiseice- Ywer of *4t Conservativei, antI ember for Kitt professes to:ýbe- or Lise intaresta or tise country., Reprýsentathon bult, thse Frtan- aid in $bon, a hMst- ef aties,2ah ultId uel-e ad- s lo be geL ini reLura- fortisis, &ie eccleshastical incarpertions unerous1 On thier ceutrary, lias- Maceîab's speech>)lthe p e- esn are preparerd tiq guant char- awy Coapertiend - choose te 01% LiFréeh'atiadiaasisBa,- âs pandered te? No nier iL h ii iLuence -thel c'sult oidpow-. ato iu tise iaifeof comtpon ie :av icv rer- ~of bas beeafetpishd by t6e NrtUaof hursaIy veînlg IafrtW. segr tt th i*tsun«,thl. e '~*iii téised hasotieonpivy, nd-e sincere- ly trust that- it Mauy unt takéemaszY more suchixbibitîoas of politicat bcak abidlg ta Iconvincttîemofthe madniesl'qf allaweirg Itheinuelvtes to b. led by'a an sewh*t app e ia, ta have- in view only thse defeat o' tise pet- stiJt goveroment, and bis own persoae ag- grandisement. NEiW ADYERTISEMETNTSr ~NOTICE* J ereby forbid a1y7 persanor ersans tram Purchasin% a NO6TE forÊ£83 I 9.aanut fme, drwn in favor af William Roberton.,dated 9tb day of March, 1853, two maudis m ter date, au 1 bave net received value fur the sains, Ind'will 'not be accoubtable toi it. G£0- YULE.' Whibe23rd Marcb, 1853. 49-tf AI 1S-TIAÀU 1A!1 POINEER UNE OFMONTIILY PACKETSI The Nesriy New and beautifuli lippcr Bavk rEleven Hundred~ Totis Burtheîh, THRIS Splendid V'esseI wil .xtceeed the OOaa- J oow, a; the Ninth Shi p of tiis wel-tstablislt- ed Li, ari sait tiomp Nevr Yerfz fur MLebourne, Port Philipe On the 2Oth of .Iprul, Putictually. The Ships cf this line are fitd up witli Em- rnmlus Patent Ventitatura, and eailry Francis' lueaiciLife Bat.- Tht Pioncer Line iraslte frsi. andI bas been the ont>' reguar Line. The abject of the Pi-o- prietors îsi rueteblishit ilon a permanient bai; and tht>' deem it nertuary ta tate that noi.e of their vessels have lStan obitied to stop at any i part for supplies, nov bas titirt becit a wvoidot complaiat againsi thern. -Dy application to mny af the Agents, a list af tht provisions nia>'tec seen, ample qtuantifesomiet h sart prov&de.l for tise passent i. This veasel bas matit suprror accommodation,j ber saot is 55 teet in Icîtetit. A portiont ai the second cshia is fitted ul> in a superinr manner for famulies andI others, prie. $140 ,acb; childiena under 14 years hait prît.. Agl experienced Sur- geoncompanies escit vessei, andI ererv attend. ane-îjiuisite for the comfort ot passeagerse pro. vided Irce aifcisarge. Fiftefia cuie cleet ai iug. Cage ts.ailowed toetach adulti. .As tht Vessels oi ibis Line are lîmited in tht nuinber tbat they wstll rereive, there îîeed lie no dresîl ai sickieso asud inortalitv sueit as batvt trevaileil on boaud sarne 0f tbe veaselà tram Biriiîan sd other Portst. Rottes o] ýPassage: Saloon, $225; Finit Cabin, $200; Second Cabin, Double Birthm, $125;, -SinCJe Birtbs. $140. tverythieg pî-avided b t ihe atip, excepiWMIies, Liquors, Saap and Toasts. A remnittalîci t omre- Ithird stili secutre a pmsag for whicb t ari>' aip. plicciien îs rerommended. For Freight or Passage, npply tri I. W. C-AM'EULON, 116, WVaWStreet, Newc York AndI IUTCUSON a CO.,- Toronto. garch 22tI, 1853. 46-tf Stateme>t sha'wing flie rectiptis end exa- i padstures of thse Muaieipality of thse Amaunt peid Cousîciliors for etira sitit ton 1851 , 1 5 ô A-nount paid Timoîhy Graig, 3 10 0 d idAetI t-. Evers, 3 10 0 4 ocPeter Stoughtenaoetgh-3 10 0 i o[ homes Iltartono - 3 0 0 41 *4 sochooi setio, N. 1,23 0oO i fi tehert Wells, for Roads 3 15 0 f-doJohn Truax, do. 2 10 o i idSelim Snyder, do.3 O00 s 44Tbom-as JartieGn, do. O t2 è id ti A. MrAther, do. 2 10oo 44 84for Prituhîtg. ý6 12 0 d diHut;h -cobie, Statioutary 4 O 2 41 d"9Carriege of do. 0 4 1 1-2 9 4Books, Manoels, 1' 2 6 - 4t ciPiper le Postage, t0 15 0 de diH. Daniel@ balanre - an Tovn Hall, £109-14s In.1 7 173, 17 1 à Amnount pahd for Fuiniture, 3 5 4 94 % for 1nsqurince, 3 5 0 di 41 Ditchini, t 6 a i di Stave Pipes, 2 19 0 di i i Fines Meeting days, 0 ô A 44Wm.Powon ttidry - seece,17 10 0 Amount paid CouaC>' Trcaadmer 176 9 o 4 4.Provusian2i de. 52 2 8 1-2 i fiConstable& Wiîtnesae, 2 13 10 si diMagstrates Fe«s, 2 -2 8 44 ilConstabte, " 1 O O d diPOUi Cieu-Iî, 0 O10 O 6 Auctitore, 1 I0O0 i ilCailector, 17 7 8 " "Assessers, 18 0o Treeurers Cctnmmaion 4 1 0 go "Toivu Coir&Tre#urt 0 0 uaance ln Trga'. hânu Dec.31 18&52,21 6 1.1-2 To *adeiroued ta be dus, e thlie l Mîdit of'8M14 -6410 41-2 To Ceî,h received -on acromntof, beck Thxeaîrtfuit o! ait de- -< diaecttd by lite council-,- 4 16 10 taxe cappîda 9I<O --urb7 l-2 conts, - -- - 54 13 S9- To Cash fronCoit rm - on acrouant ofbsck Tax*es-t . -, 2 -- Io Cash for Tnbeirfrlhiwra - Syd r de ,' 10' 5«-0O Io ea, fr- o i o- i-bh ToCaussîi#us o scie2--Hot0, Peter Laesint . -215 7 Te Fitte, tram Robert, Motiva, - 010 O 's tiberffrom Thos. Townsl3 15O u.-Statut. Labor. A. Eryà a', 0-12 6 filtat Laisr, . 2 15 '5 T. CasiiîrTmbr, fromIti'Narks, I le Ã" '~do. taterestoen M5, » 2 15 0 TUEH E IPORT'ERd' WIIITBY, SATtTILUY,,M4RCII* 26..1853. PASSAGE <op TilE RRIES UABIO LL II By a tete&ràphice report recqivet.i t this OfficeanTFtidey, Wht ha anocaceiLlbat thse ao. h11 bas passed tise flouse on a vote of 61 -ta 16. ' Sa thia mo3t importent niecaure Whi becaime c law. Âccordîng ta tise mntdmeîits b>' Mr. 1linrks thse iolhowing electorel divisions iffiect tisese parts Tise Country ai York mitait he divided into uireeRidings, ta be cailetI respectiveiy thse i Northt Riding, thse BEat ]iding, antI theWst Iltdin Tise NorthIs idhng %hall eonaist ai tise Townshiips oi Kinz, WIhsitchurcis, Georagîna, EasL Gwîilimbury.' Tise First Riding sisal consiast ai the Touni5hips ofai arkisem, Scarboraugis, and tisat portion ai tise T1ownsip ai York lyiag eat aifX'onge Street. Tise West Riding ibScIi consiat ai thé Townaship ai Etahicoka, Vengisen, andI that portion of tise Township ai York lying avesi ai Yonge Street. Tise Cotînty Ontaria shtaît Se divided inte tua Ridîngs, ta be calletI respecthaeiy, tise Northt Ridingnd tise Souths Ritiîng: Tise Nor-thIi iding shah cansist ai thea Townslîipe ai Beach, lxbridge, Brock prme, wthdeM nt "Ã"cW m. As ta the data frein vbich MrR. arrves lit this amount he teaxviw !C P lke dÃŽtagic 'Sare eqnally t : 1» te huiowhqw mny gentleman ceni jump at bis coiclusions *bo ihà et ait acquaintedýwitb the. çost of KRoads on tht other side-' aI lise laWk0 T.ebMfi River and Lake Erie ROad 134~ miles was built fer £3,000 per mile cnd sa was the- Detrait and Pontiac ina Michign . Again wt fintI the Oswcgo andI Syracuse Road 35 mités, buhît for £2,500 per mile and the Watertatvn Cape Vincent andI Rame, 75 miles, £2,500 per mile, andth iis on eacis ai tise Roada încides Rolling stock andI ciery tininh complete working tirder. Parties tvho have travelled these roads know the difficulties ai tise euatry flbraugb wbîch tbey are constructed ; and we cannot i Yet set wisy c simler work tisreugh an 4ibsolute- ly les-et country andtI tiout bridges of aay note, sisould cost mare tisatise roadbala- Ioded tot. Pet-hapa whist Mr. Robinson laya beinre tise publice a îrî-ey and ebti- mates ite aili be Induced ta change aur OpinîCas as ta tise difference ai captait ia Rail RoatI construction hetwenn tise Laa counitries. juosssin oai t fort morne menths since. Lise demand usa complîed witis. - ýWÂAcxooGTON ,Mt~h 9. By dates ta Mc)Krch-ttb frein Veta Cruz, ahaemi I eportïs îtvere iii ciacumnIatiôa, 'It ha Ndd WatSi.nr Lombardinia, Preiidînt adl ùzteé'jm, been sent to prLcrnad, Glen'ma at i urderéd.,. Duéàuko and" Aqueseltes haj voted for Sànte Ant ikl- ing Pleven states ha bis favaur. Signar Vîlamea had arrived et Tehuhantepte La detîver up tise privileges aif tise sthums. Tactsanfid Seraps. Garanid Aasonte Ceremony. . - f At the last regsi1lI'c6àrrainitation of the Composite Lodge af Freemasons at Wbîtby, it was Resolved, nt dte request of the Contractar', James Wallace E sq., that the proper authority b. obtained frain the provincial -Grand Lodge af Canada, for laying the C9R.NEB. STONEoaIthie Public Buildings af the COUNTY 0F ONTARJO0 wth 'lue Ifajonic honors and wilt t4 Anceat Cerciaon ics of the Or- der. The day is nat yet fixed upan, but it is understood ta be early ia May next. In' the mean tin. evcry arrangement wviil be mrde ta gere due ettect ta this ancient and Scott, ThoraS, 'Mare, Rama, and Scugag-.M~,i"'tî~"~crîîîyauc viD The Sauths îdhtg salconsiL aiftise ARRIVAL lOFTUEannuunced hy us ha tue proper ime. Tounsiis-a aiWitby,. Pickering andI thte'CiTT 0F GLASGOW," AqD ",ATLÀNTIC." ieAT 1BtLLtVILLE.-Tlhe 'relegrajis Village ai Oshawa. FI- lizw v oun, tttrch 22. announces a frîte tlBelleville whisiti broke' TIIE RAILIOAD. Tise Propeller"IlCity a of s-at"frrnîîai, u tble , . 'IreIakepr Liverpool bas arrived. :ebrings 360 ralikep, A n ea ai prosperity is juiL dawnin, on passengers anti a ful rargý. extendîîîgte Jordan and Earis Founilry tise netrior ttoirtahips ai thiha County, bert-- îc Atjtie rilabout 6, P- in-'rl'lied %ittistores, pattera%, ant i nachînerv, having left Liverpîool, liion thteSuis. euieSs- tofore îoeked ap ns if b>' an rîpassable bar- ieiZ>gs 2p 1nes."s"N e nra-' Iiihüe toraH>' destroyed. Tise great - Silertions si42 e lîreinen sahe Itiseastoe rie tIuriîig certain sentions ai the yenr, isat. arriied out on Isle Stit. tetoso h iennsvdtesoe in aur most magnificeat fancies e fetv ya' 'iensgnrîy u1iaOtat. tu3e es o rs G'eiy andI Mardeville. gone b>', te could isardly tdare ta anticipate. hçtrht sfotteciclr I usî iek-tiretatise wakaia \Vh avuldbav tiaîîht t tse oînieuce frost tise senîher lias becr:)ne mild, and the' ncudarv . ment aif t. agitation for tise fortîtaîiau of lan.d wilI ln ail 1robab lit' soon Le tn1 a lt rolnBu vl î- ocr this fine county that ere long its avioli- itate to ecei-e îd. At mneetingt n s TheisBtooklnBnwvligv ocr Y menîng a ul attende-ici-, ise ocalde-n on iuesdty next. l'roimtise hi-agis stoulil furnish a pitli way for tIhe alers aînd iniliers, anîd a fe-v uthers,. it nt reputatian ai Lht9senmusiciens tise peopl- commerce c>i tvo Lîrkes, ý and at ottet nt intîding holders aifsisait otlî.rîag uit fer m"Y ezpect a trca.-See bil1s. ail Limles for the prndtice and industrv aofte Fites of Irida>', but ca mail business %vas donc. MAPLU SLAR-vuae quseted to fertile Totwnsis of stiicti iLta3coinpascd lour uvas i h t:i :nt sîug'îst %tâte tisat tetiaatta atin WiiySig andI byisîic i iLis boundcd ? Yet suci s is se haie ai lâte reportei in ttis brandli oai0 i tise fact,-the bill iîcorporatiîî; a campany the trade, and wlbere ailEs were effected tithe oto ieQtsArictpttr o ii for~~~~~~ tiecntuto inRî-odl-r l'unir bail te nàrL-et ir lis fai-or- Indian pr-iniomît oon te Lest Maîple sýugar, rMust 1corn sloiwfor batothiteanI e 1 tbring forîvard ntl , hn2i Part Wishitby tLa Sturgeon n Bay, ias ere tltis j32s for Americaii. Large arrii-.hî I oîfo I1a_ _ n_ 2lbs been rend a second tiiae in tlise Ilouse, andI. Breadastuifs have slackeied tise denîand. T'ie t is stortis :aentioring that be- acorin t e e dvîce rectiu-ed, ihinot a Robert -Macon & Sens%, h "isaciu!ar titien the- tS, anui QUis of March, 180 cccrdagta re'tise 8th, quote Va Seat id. I tuer, audJ zf lie seriousI>' opposed at an>' stage. Yl.For6 a oe ia nFia. nocy letters wcre inaîled at the \'tiitby lIartman froîn tise cammittet on pris-att London Moaey Market quieti, Coniisols Pst iatCIice. Tbis luoks like pros§peraui 3ilis bas reported favourebhy, andth ie mea- cîosed 99a a 9941»imes. EN GL A." sure 1 isrc 0igtlespota ts edn aInthte I-buse ai Lords on Monda>', Lord REACIL SPIUtNtJ FAIR. members ai tise Governmeo't. That tht mea- Aberdeen, ha reply ta enfliigs said,' tiat sure ailI pass i beyond a question-tise ce- Gotraînnent Lad no inloieation -aifte ta- Tise flrst Spring l' air ai the Agricultu mainder ai the work depetds upon te ea- terpeibe ai tise pooaple andI tie eaergy ailîtj wbîcis it ivilI bce -cgd iorward. Expi-rience bas proves tisai railroeds have increased tise -valuteaiftise ceuntries trai-ersed b>' tisen mare then fa-ar-foIs! theisetith ieir con- structiaon ; so that. landed Proprietors, b>'1 taking stock, net.onîy secure a good inveat- ment for capital, but, ha an equal ratio, en- iscece tise valuè ai their property. Tise importance tIWreiore, Late aur Nortisorâ farinera aiacting 'viLS liberali.t>' hathis mat- ter is trident ta thse ma-st ordiaary intelli- gence. 1-Vith-out entering furtiser et pet- sent , howaver, on tliis part ofi tie subject, ste ay befare aur renders tise Report ai A J. Bobinsoa, Esq., alluedtoinata ue ast. -Mr. Robiasion isa e resident ai thse caur- L> ' otSancoe, âtastI a oeougbly ae-quainted by practical experience aviitiste cos.atvy- tiseaugbis riicsthis lunemil pesa, fHe is ahia Engîineer an- tise Toronto and Guelphs RoatI, antI c practicat survey antI report b>' Lia megt welt bc, retardl on. Tise present, Itow-- cvr, ha b.ssed net upon actuah salive>', but rether upon a cursery view -ofi e section aif tise routeleadiaig theatligis Reacis; oteisrvse, no tIoubt, iL avould be more explicit atI se- tiafac tory t SIR. RtEPORT. ECIGiNEEBis Oriuc£, ' WVeston, Marcis 16, 1833. I beg heave te report tisat isaving matIe a partial examintiat aiftise contempated'; route of tise railmra>' eadîig froua WhiLby -ia tise Georgiso Bay, and ha-ring bcd saint. experience ofithe generel features ai Lie jandI by actuel survey-mede neder Sy direciions for a Cbaniaifrein Darlangten to 'la;ke SeUEgL, I have no hesitatiaýn in stating that I thisinthe ro)ute.propoed perfecthy-,pract4c- chié, antI ironi the aunait enusbeurof streaxns wichb tiserad-woulid cross, andti theeh.ut oliIhtte niagesuIià cetÏais fopinion twsaIthe roada wattS! b. o nt é isîcis might be-Ltae MI a lowr averoïie estianate. ' Tise fBrigglone cetie Terointoauti f#,O1ýfr'tise irat 25 niule,-thie1ridci~ hng alqng tise- ubole ai Yonr lne avilistise - xeton f eressing itait*be of Lake. Sinicoe, 1aio aut, tisî*woultI anouut ie morthLan-£ ieO)9aadluet due atetian ta* ecgnorny. -i!gqis1densima.-tlispcoiiapîetioe -oi therosd for,MQOO per anhe< . If tihe Comit.çeo ým*- vishi ta. po- ;Ccute tbe -crroya, upen p plicatio, tome,. Ia tat etny ig e.et r more iisUr.irtto,tb cape aiu Mazzini tram îeoun taec sus- lis fi iate 1littributhon.' Lor d Malmesbsury' sAit1 if iL uvas true iL iras -au ac f aimait iii- judged humanit>'. Thse sutjeet ai Education ha Ireland had been under debate in tiseflousie ai Lords. Ia tise Iluuse ai Cam= s somte remarks sprung u1î betweea MNr. ineandILord John Býuseil, as ta ise proposed Canai thi-ougis the latlmus ai Dar1ien, wiich the latter* declared tise Gâverement to be in fci-o ai tise jrqject, .,If practîcable, andI d&s1rons ai tise co-opeatiçt ai tise UnitedI Stiti a. i'arliament wsas ta adjoura on the iStis, tai 4ùh oi April, for Easter isaidays. The WesLt InuIts Mail Steamers, 1 heme%' anîd 4 riauco,' had arriveil et Soutiseinp- ton vit a large antount ai specie. '[he Board ai' Trade retuirus for Feb- ruiry showai inerease of 30 per cent, ai -the value ai caporti over tise same monts lest yeer. [is.re Directors ai tise Atltatie andI Paci- fie Jonction Camipait>'had an interview wiît tise Americen M muniter. Thse result lias not iranspired. 'Th. posta;e butiveen England atI al ite Driti-,s Colonies ta be rceuued ta 6d Iper ý az. Fît &'lCt A bateis ai testsenatars have been cretd, andI several meinhers added ta tise Couneit ai State.-161. moretheie jotiti- cal offenders -have been emnestied. Lacordiere SatI be-ta ordered ta leave Paris, tise Archbîatîop acting un concert wîiLi 'tise Goverumeet, for allusions toa tise course ai tht Emperor in a sermon et tise Cisurcis oi St. Roche. Prince Camereta cominittei sùilcide in Paru. lRe ae a grandian ai Eliza Boa- parte. A nionunient ha ta b. erected -ta Lise meauory eto e>,on tiseajît here ie mas executed. Thse elections ta tise:Second Chanibers aeresuhtiàtg iii la-roui aitite, pponents ai tise Gacraipnntt. 5 WITZ!ZBÂNDv.1 Lettees frbon Berne saithaïisthLei Feder-_ eh Consul tics aetermnd.Ioa4 addres a note te ail ibn- Furqeau poavers, sboha'g -that tbe accusations braughit against it by -Au- tria areuLfounded.- Trhe ËEýpero bisUèàrI eaind lis uiuel bcë1b. /Iý 'rýeepq4ýeaf cns taaz in tht Fortres of Camera is cqafirmed., -Mazzini has pubtishe& tvio6Jettera miicb have roduiced Ldiu ion lïedeniecraticý camp. . .- - - ,rirO._ -A. rai Society of tise United Touvaships ai Reach and Scuggvas IteltI et Prince Ah- bert on tise 8ti th ie runatisj and, con5id- erîng Liset tisis wcu the first ataempt aofan> - iiagoaitis iknd hantisose *Town'Is ipassed aff ver>' satiîafattr'. Thse show oi grrain and .seed mas ver>' good, andth ie et- tendance adintterest exhibited in thse mat- ter avas bihigii creditable. Belosv ha a list af premiutas awarded. Ti Spring W/seat. £ a lit. Tisas. Orcisard, V 2. - Sauni. Nettieiton. 3. John Janson, 1 st. Robah ifodbon, I 2. Jaules Johnason, - QuIËs. SanIl. Netherton, tacaniopetition. lst. Nnth.uicl Lisorn, 1 2. John Jackson, 3. N. 'Thora, lat. John llodgsboa, 2. John MeMihlen 3. Julhn Hodg-sea, Beets. 'os. lHergeave. no cotapetition. Clave-r Seed. li5t. samI. Ntetn 2. Nasâe. 1 Grass Se.d. Int. John Coates, , Jas. Chaugiston, s. , 10 7 5 10 7 O. 6. 0. 6. 0. 9. 6. O. 10 O. 5 -O. 'Ile sachet>' bas only Seen. organized short ime antI ver>' little preparattea cau be matIe'for- tise ehibiion;but beLl, thing a are expectedie future., Azuothair aie fouthe ecaibition, of stei vil ie ielta e-tise sanie place:on -tise fiy WeestIn te ayf. Tht .weether in Whhtby i beettifýliai Sýpring like, hui.tLb. negts continue froi 'This is geQd sugar vaathçr, and if i,çootae e.:-favorabhê for 9cnPenth OtiejcA>r, amount of niaple suare ailI be ron'fàcctur in tbese parts. Eyttiîglo4uhc eveaite ever" melcanie ittle- robà vd-ë alv.cady, on te trec, galn aits i ai cli avlto liter bina 'tice the héî, ment ai ssrhng. -- - Tim *go ist reaio wmi such ternis as may be paid for t 1 e tiin. question bieingprepased that t se1 re eb. guiutimetit of the Indian title tlterita. -naw .eceived. -~ Of William 1-1. Merritn, Esqiire, und Mr Meacis sneved isa-amessiet- Iba a thers, ai the ta wn ai $t. -C-atherin.es, prdy- the* bd)lbe rec inttdtmaa$.h a ing for an Act ai Incdèrporaion under the by attaching Glouieran cd Ospèeêdto ib. Id nan i"rs eîn Canal Gai -andI Couity oairlton. ;Loo4-38, 8. M4r Scymour aiaed ~ wer~4m Or W -T4ornan Simaéd and athers, l'ilots tise butl b.recotmmîUted fos é-Pu eo for tht, River St. Lawresnce in and betow, andig~~êsat~-4r ck thse lËrbaut af Quebee, pjr4ing that the' &ddiù.gtoo -nto tw iý igee'tav 4 rât e4l 1ta ýregulate thé Pilotage for and be' Lost, 38, 2.7V-- low fthe lr.îrbeur of Qt;eb,#cl maY »t Pass Mr Wriobt moveimnameat h iota Iaw, t>., andthe bsil be reeGummîit. ifa.j' Of tht Beyv. John Co?s,, 1>, ndsion faîe-thi -l m others, of lb. ity Of Qîgbec, prayi»g the mnbes - SI t,25I~ adoptioutef aea'ures o, tevet Public Mr, wuÇmw Ci , iuý- Saes i (omutitgg p iae rtieate- s hl g.p t7e j' ' *i the auyhoi sta w-~ Jehn Watkjes, Pftsidunttoq ehahf Ã"ai-tht el adoe-qý- ta' Board -of rmde it' pf:t $ 0,to1ce- iui ku was reierred t6ithe Seléet Co*ai .o the, priu4 - ' dva Cantal Company jeara xud~4 . BELLPrVI LL.-Th. ifritish Whig - iirtic cnsde !01e .etthe Queàxo" Belleville is a great Town-not only 'great dIr.kadbth& in itseff, but great in the eyes oai ts peaopl*e. iltd il t4 itTWwecsh a ta the tlm'at order ofttit day WhihWSa There is no tovri in Canad.ofi h1îs in- ta upon 'a divisionl habitants bave sa immense an idea of its Sir NOTICUov MOTt*N, fiaoranc a ths île,'elevfleý - Enqirv aof llinistry-, whether it l ir s 1-:,ted-tionta proceed during the present stse ToRaNTo AND HAMILTON BAILWY.- siowt h iI(o 1) aeuiea On Friday last i thIe aleo the stock of titis the Law witli respect taq the ot- Company, reserved for di4pasalinii Caanada, itizatian and, egi3trVtlqý. w.is taUcn up ini Toronto and Ilamil o.-~ r oipD athuirsda Dr Thu construction of the road wili be corn - _1illta v5r, InObarles .ÇewelI . Sinal,' menced îmmediateiy. Esquîre, certain- Road .AiiowaltcP-sin the SILLTRUMOIRS.A lam attmpt to tanhip .oi Pickering in tht Caunty Of On- joke îvas perpetratcd in Queb:.c on Mon- Mr %Vright (East 'Yor '«)-U ede- day ani teiegraphed West the samý. dynetThtth etsbeenpneds iugas omeltii~ areseraus vî , hatfar as thcy relate ta the incorporation -ef a inga3 omehin moe srtos -viz, tatCampaniy ta construet a Railway fromýPart the Cavernnient had resigned, and that Sir Wltîtby an Lake Otario te Gxeorgian Bay Allan NMcNab hiad bree.niý caiied te forma on Lake Iuroa« new înitry The ater o~ Ilon. 2Mýr M erritt-VJien the bill tO new initry Th materi-ialmnost tuîncrcase the éapital Stock af the Great cantemnptible ta b. naticed. Western Railriad Company fi referrd t& __________a Coramittée afthe WViîle, will di6ve' .at The Coloirist aof the 23rd is full af gym- the said Comnpany be -aiIt5!td ta coastC patlby for art unfortmînate tavern. keeper iniabac rmIoi Di~ri aS.Ct armnes, and thencet ta main 'file teadint Gait, named Thomai MiNilian, wbase fram 1-amltôa bt he Su>.pensian Bridge. cliatties bcad been seized by-virtue ai a war- non. Mr Richards--On Wednesdal raiitai heReee a stiy tîvo j udgcntets aext-Bili, supplementary- ta the ComnIOpa against bita for an infraction of a By-Lav eolAt ortpe aaa ai the Township, against the profanation BT TELEGRAPli ai the Lord's Day by selling ardent spir- pfLAETa aCfIG its. The Golonis2tîtiks this attempt etJ ertforcing a 'Maine Law4,in :1he case af Mc- QasMrhlIi Millan's " labour af lavé," îâ a Xankee in- Mr. Leblanc ntoved for ani address te hàu va6în aiaurrÂghs, ad, s li say, EceltencY for canies of certain dacumeutý C ~relative ta the éCmmission aPpainted,, 7kaoving, the charact <r- of the people of 1845 ta enquire -into the -1ebetalasse Cantada, be is fuiiy persuaded tbey aili niot iiLatter-Canada, and cao the several or- endure It." XVe coiigratu.iletlite Devii on igînal journal% of te CumUisi 'atriî Sp- b~vt~ 5 abe anadecat in orota. poîîîted îtnder tho Act 12 Vic. cap- 8 havm, saabl an dvoate n Tro,,o. Motion bast oa division.- MEUIÂNtC IN~rITTE.-ihe oii.v- NIr. Leblanc enquired ai thse goveratit MYCHNIC INTITTE.-he ollv ithetiter tbey zdmitted that thse Rebellioti in; Gentlemen bav-e been elected 0ilice Lasses Act.had in view the indemnifitatfsu 2rs for the years 185aio every persoi who bs in uered la' sses, if j i'esîent-G.sucb persan bcd net been conri'cted or Hodgon.banisbed as specified in the porvisiia'tur the 1:t. do.-. Shcr.preamble ai the act : Whether, adsnituing, Qu ...Il. Perry. such intention, the government dots jaiit re- Ser r: w z ~gard as absolutely illegal,,auU,,aiad a violation- T reaurcr,-i). ru w/rd. avested rihts, exclusions% frani thse bei r e . e r , o f in d c rm n ity , c a n tr a r y ta th e a fo r e ma d d Librarian.-11. Frastr. ?inipe:And ehether the gdverünent had* COMMITTEZ. the intention of doing titything,,- foi persens illegally deprived of their rigbts by the Re- 11v. J.-VT.I3yrrne, M"1s.srs. G. Wad;ace, bellioni Lossîes Cimmîssioners 1 W. Il. D)cil, G. -Nu.,rria:, Win. WV. Ca!d- Mr. Marin replied-it was notuual-for % veill T. I)oi and .1 . Greenivool. a governînent ta interpret acts of Paý -liment.: Mrv. Jobitson introduced*a bill-tec.ztend D 1V l1 iU.2i C(0.R, 11,'r zithe pi crisins oai-theacet for the ferîaies Pl*ckcrin,,.-Friday, lStb A prit. ID ai joint stock companies in -Lower CanýJ I'itj.-Saturtlay, luth. " da. Uxbrde,-Frid.ny, Ctb -May. MIr. Langton înotroduced a bill fée' thi protection al miii ovra mfroni vexatiattg Reach. -Satu rday, 7tli,, actions.- 1 Beavcrton.---Tuesdnay, 7th June. M Xr. Wright f \l'est Yr]introdonee' PROVIINCIL PAUMl tENT. a bill ta extend to all the inbahitants of this r Province, tise privilegre ai laaning snoney. TEMS 0F 1'ARLIAHMENTARy on the sanse teraîs as are.naiow edt . PROCEEDINGS OF 'THE demnded by the Lipper CapadaTrust and' ASSEM BLY. Loan Comnpany. -Mr. Cartier intradueed .a-]BillIt t- exted (Nu reortd & Tcegrph) the tirne for the campietion af thse -vorks. ~. QuEBEc, (Airnday) iMarch 14, 1853. for the 'iiiproverAent of, the River Du. Amnangst the Petitions received and re.,ad, hi. - vere thse iollowin- Mr. Tesscier moved for a special > Cc Of the .MontreiadNt Yr a! ittèe aiseven nmembers, with iinsittatiaus- road Company, prîtyin- diat the Motel,! itjir @ntnith ,Judct"ro Bytoiwn and Outta (ir!and Trunk Raîtway aztonaiteCus futcesdlt- Company inay nat be eiipowxered ta makc edmiuistratioa ai Jus-tice in Loer Cinadai their road tbrougit certain streets in thse aviti autthorit te sead 'for witneses,>pa city aif2dîttre.ai, speciiod i iin pln epi- pers. k. part T-i 11.1~ restrajn, tion ai i shall le member r ië ofMnr. journod. To pr To af praperti- -- tise secor Thse waîtai Chrorn1 sOn, buý exteser thse car ta thei. thse di thsud fro tht gr. parts.9 stand ai tue, tain nin ]lài bisý shoitI.- [tton araua dr edai tise s'r Fs,.s

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