Ontario Reporter, 2 Apr 1853, p. 3

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debt de to he"dmü ic tyll The recog- o ~>I~ç'p~4bC, gven %wthin forty-eîgît iýL it bgr~econviction. Un >the onttof any' c ihiweeteectors that îhey lielieve, liquor tu ai. be. kept -for sale or - barter in .any pflace r4fever, a uercii warrant shali be gran- tWu nd executed, and if liquar kept for suçh IL -purpases 13 folind, it shall-be destroyed and ýet the oiurnier opelled tW pay -a, fine uolf 10, .as or tOe,i o to guQlfor 3 inoutllî. 411ipay- nr Lnent, Ç or liquor shall be voiti: T7fbiuni- pr --cipal quncii plrty fromi year ta year liéense ed a Persan ta rnufac:ture rdcliolîlic liquors di for medicat, chiètical and mecbanic4l pur- hi -pose% anly, sueh licensed i nanufactuer'tu fc give £2'250 security that he wili nat seli or -'r barter bis liquor to any, only the duly au- mr - bori3ed agents for îthe sale ofa aiolie lî. re qur for, the puriio'4ýs nfrcsnid arly. This oi -,sstmay lie annuàlly appopté-U by the n mun 'icipal couneil; and mnay lie aloveti for ci hi.4 scrvices,1a certain salnry frani the mu- ci * iîai . The aent mttst'gire £200 se- a c tîtyi t1at lire 'will ua l sdi liquor except sl for~oliinI,&c., purposes, In addition pi tt he Pt'altie.s nasud, for fle infringenient of îluie Auct,,pûrsons selling or bart ê:ng hl- S, quoir, sill k. belti responasiblh for aIl 'dýi;ag1e ri donc by thie i ntoxicated pe.rrsan or perms -to whu tl:t liquor bas betin sold. -lis- baàda, parents, $,c. înny îrôsectite pesa.s -for sellinz intoxi 1ching liquors ta any ofitheir family, und ", it-*sl:alll nal ýe necessary in an>' sucli ction, toavnerý or jros'e any special dànu e" 'The, proof of iha sale or delivery Of ,the liquor sdilouly beý necesNary. Any - uiarrieti wmncan prascue ord C $~s in*'ër a n n atine, parties for aellin« or bar- feriing îXaet:~drtnL-,nud thu e dendaia. 1 a pird even lier hnst>and maly be ex- amîietLas wilnes.es, and tbc pluintifi' on pro- 'ring ýhe. sale or barter of hqtc!r s af:,rcsid will be entitked to full costsý. andI special 4a&es, if' îhy be prove.!. 'l'lie burden of proof rest s upon the defélidant in al cises of offéace against this aul ; and if lie caanot prove hlirsei innocent Ùil the charge -of selling or bartering liquor. jiidgmientmubt egiVen agnîiast him. 'o.i,tab1es, _&2., are ta arrest ali intalicated peisons, virhq, whe n they geý soaiewikat i.obered down. amiat tate tupon oath Who -.Noldti hem hIe gro upon mcia they got drunkc, and if thrv refuse ta give evidence they mast go to -ganl l1 they coiisent to --ive tho etqîîired in - formation. Amy pur.o inay 1w sutrnmnned as a wIineýN arairest personim nýfiný-in the Iaand mrust state vivi:t he% k-notis about the imatter, Qr go lnprison rM llie coniti.t, ~Mga~tsretiuiiig to do tIeir dtj ,,nd,-r ,thi% act1 shail foi fvit office and pay a fn -nct exceeding ;L100. Agents using jalke permits or lendîý ,genumne otieN. îîuay hk. Bir.ed £20 or inz-sotif-d, for aý ,irar. - Th~- -act re.sals A acts eim~etîllî its pro- visions. :îhin1e-,rè. if pi d.~ildo ten dimea more rmal, practical goo ltu Canada, than ail. the mensuires whicbhlîàvi crer been jiassei by- aur U-gisie:ure. There are -many wIha îniy Ã"jetta sarhinZ of ' re- 11iises; but exprems posrIFoL is nmaie thi no private hbouse can bW scaxlîd, :nusit eau lie praved urîin héoath of a credit-able 'itizen, that an actual sale or barter of in- toxicatintà liqurs-haï latt'ly talkcn place iii such dwlhng blouse. Abs îa dccnt min or woren -votild thit.k ofurning ther hr- va eodvt!lîî:gs io a duntki ngs ss 5tiere ib here icertain]y 1 risgrotund [lîr ca\npplint. - A1111IVALUF TilI A the tbjuat'ba'to efect wat- U-uciied7 ttwr-- 'PQRGON'O MALU "fn *1 a -ation, lie wbo, to eflect -this jez t. ksuse ai sillaious means h 'ý Corr<tcdotpress.for th .selfutlîîng but a sillian." 'rl'îeserînoa, ontained, ather potitical allisions no Its, - Toranto,.,April bviOtis and severe. - ýGBERA'NY. 1 Flour, pur br. i96 lbs. 22 E Tite Benlin Police baeve jwst donc a smitrt 1Oatitai-, per bbl 14I213 hing AJeoccupyir:g an 'Ild, diln-idat- - 'Wiieat, perbusli. fOllis 4, ibosinatobscure- street and suspected Barley per bush. 4.lbs, 2 i a receiver of stalien goods, was secretiy Rye, per bushel, SGlbs, 2 ~rse uig the nig lt andicarried ofaIT ta Ots. perbuh3-ili ýison. lis shop, hove ver, tie'polire open- Pees, per biush. 6Olbs, 2 id nexttiiQcrniug,es usuel andi a policemen, Potatoes, per bushel 2 lguiseti as a Jew, took up bis position be- Beef per l b, 0 md the counter, while several others ai tihe Bcdf per lOOibs, 20 ý 'rce' secrete t temselves in tihe cellar. It 1>'ork, per lOOlbs, 27 vas n long before cuistomera began ta Bacon, per lOOllis, 42 nake their eppearance. They were poiitely- Mutton, per lb, 0'- .quested ta step mbt the celler, where the L.amb per quarter, 2 wner aofIlie'-store was busy andi worîld Pork per lb, O make the tradt.- There the unsuspenting Fresh: Butter, per lb, 0 ustomers were seizeti, gagged, and band. Firkîin Butter, per lb, 0 utted, andi kept tili they cinult be canveyed, Cheese. per lb, 0 &t niSht, unobserveti, ta prison. By Ibis Lard, perlb, 0 tratageni, the Police suzeeeded in entraîî- Apple%, per bushel, 2 pin-, flot offly the -chief prafe-ssional thives, 'Furkeys, eech, 2 %rith full evidence against theni, but alscr Geese, each, 1 everal employes vlia ve-re in thie habit ef Dueka, per pair 2 aobbing their masters. Fowis, do I Eggsw, perduton 12 POSTSORIPT!!1Sîr;, per tn, 5 ____ 1'ire Wood, per card, 13 sesere gorn- ta press we receivediWo e b the fa1iaei-ing Llgrapiiie despatel1 f romi Slieepskins, slaugbtered,2 Mr J. Il. PERY. Hiles, doper l1O01420 1-Q:îebec. Marci 30, 1853. A A Thte Port iihzttby Railroad Billlias' T pàssç-d te, Commettreê of the whol-ST tVa be rt-ad tht -third titne April the firtt." POINEER UNE OFEMONTI 1lurrah for the Railtoad ironi our m'ug. 9> 'urMw nllauu riIrcThe Netrar Nrw ande'eauthuro BY TELEGRAH QuEzBEC. àarci 28, 1813. 'flit Toronto Electian Coaittittee have agreed tu report a.;ainst .Mr. Bau tan. ton- 'Iderin- i lie préperty in Montreal on wbich le quiiieud 'vas not ivortlh 50a~ri~ ieu irom encunibrance. ' Repreesttion of!'farente. lie q,, n 2 Ne York,?Marciub E -The - - esae ier - '26thî1 . M b r: - 2thinmt. '3he bîin,,sp 37 ~~nus L~iverpool, NMardhIl1 th. NWeï.îhtr c- ti- tonus.aeuspicinus [f r ail thîe purposcs ni htisbàsidre. V'ti tiuose itîdi catuons,, neaiy) ail British Market'i, d,,(rii; ute Veek-, Ir-j parte4- duIl ah > decliîin riiees, anl -Ji- -fluencetid y - utheir lit-iy irnpautation ni' -foreign zgr-ain. Tlraie in Irelanti stili de- l presseti, aithaugl i nnny parties expeet ih -' revive - as .tht 0arrivais ber oitmc reduc;ld. The imitons frotîs abroal durinz, the lat1 tlirec tinys comiprise chiely a nîndîvrate sup- pi>_g 'i isent andi1Induan Corn, anti a s r abun-dence oi'"loîîr from the Uitiel SLaîles and France, auronting sili the ast teri '.days ta 91,132 barrets and, 13,405 saCLi. I market this uncrniig, \'hieat. met c re- düction af a penny per' bu!shel anti deinanti iriteti; Flaur Is per barrai, 'but no grenu densanti; Indiin Corn offeued ls loreer for -bots white anti yeiiouv. We quale 'Nest cru Canal Flosîr at 22S a Q4,-s ;(0111024su a- 25s ; Canadian 23.9-a 24s. Corn wvhite i-el-, Jow andti iixed 30s a 3-l4. Red Vfiat oai 10d a 7s ; iviite 7s a 7s '2d.ý' ]B(GLÂD.-Tbe Chancellor ai the E- --chequer staheti in Parliînent thlat thse Goîr- éramnent titi not'inteoti takinr i y steps iin relatian ta tic, presrameti $ipreciatuon in On motion for the repeai of tise Attorney andi Soiicitor's annuai duhy thie Garverninent werc defeateti by! a najarit> aif 52. Theu West India mnail steamer arrisved ah $,SqthamptaW4rt 1,413,000 tdollirs. IFRÂNVaqc.-Itis currenti>' ruinouredthtia --ItbeEtupressEngenia is already> encientc!! 'Mout. Tlree rieseSenatars IVili but sp- Tic steamnsiip Clasgt>w sailedti s P. m. for l igwsyth 50 pa3sengers. 'Thle Hermann sailed iet noon-no tpirîî-50 -pasengers. uwVnl Mrk9 --Plour-M.lfrket levy anti uisettleti for Western anýt.ittu, intinenced bty tise un- favorable ad ; ices per Asia. 'Thle prisate advieOs arc quite as 'unifavarable as tier pub. die. At close nai-rget hcavy. 'Tie firmntîs cbecked shippii gdeanl Cani-dian qaiet anti nominal; tales 4.,25 a 4 37 for coinon ta strait Staue,4 44, ua 481 for îized to finc , Michûig.in anti ' Jndiana. Grata - iMz1rate deindn for W lit; litle change -ta notice;ales' 2,400) bu5hels primeWitbie. -p,1i$1rime G<iieseo, 1 21- lor mtiingr. R ,90c. Barle, verj-inactivse and plenty, Ga 70c. Corn, les. finti, timand lumteti ju, usunti, 6 6 7efor ràan for erk, imarket 1Èrs, - - Zr Liorda lias beeca ordered to 4g u; ctig - I Ne laa eprivate Telegrapiiî ran Que- -e yestLrd'i,t ,annuuncinc the unseatit1g ai :"Iiam Il. Bouhi on, 5. as the Itepre- cutaiive ai' this City, for wnut of property aiciuÛton, and Iliat the ivriL for a ocîs lecion wioli be inoved this day. Ruina-ur In% aIre îhy placed 3 nuinber of .'atiidaicis in tlie fiv-k. A-mon-st f'ho.e auned are huas \%*orslip thicNlay-or, the~ îon.' Robert il, i hi, th!t lon. %'dljatrn ,l-,tise lion. flr±nry Sýiicrwond, Nlr. hii-in mp.%Qn, aid F. C. C&PVeaI, '17ie Xi V' IL-rad ofSaiurday, tyvS: It 1,unt'-lshic i bt a Serlotns dis- ui t:baice h-ail t! enauon~hle troops jatioîîed at St. h1 ago de Ua ; thât a îlU!oýct etuîpnîîvluyil d-r'd~timat fhfteen )i li itil wr-r-aainrt'd andti stutenced tti ,itbut thuat tilt'officers n'eu-e d,.ferru:t 1'oi execu!lit- ibîtn ii ' fesir ni' ngeiserai ciii. Tis lt ilyb k ai iu. pà1 - t mllt~yJomîîîadîntafor once, Inve atî dsiisdahtic tlireateni1ng positicu bi theï r .i-n n lrr 'he.- vsru'll - pal -tei ta ta ta ta to te te ta te ta Ste ta 0 ta )te te te te te t< te te t: t, te te 185; 31 S 23 23 '3 2 3 3 5 5 1 0o 0 0 >3 '3 î2 '2 30 o70 0 16 0 1 0 25 Ill HLY PACKETS. fut Glippet Bark CaY. JAMES NIClaL. Eleven Hundred Tous Burthen, f I11S Sptendid 'Vessel wiliaurceeel' the OR£- 1lON,'iua the Ninth Ship ofthi- .eelI-,stabilsh- ,i Lui' nd siitroni ,r%,rYork for Melbousne, l'ait l'hlip, Oit the 201h~ of d1pril, Punctually. The Ships of i*u linoe are fl*te.ýi up wiîh Emn- meprsoru'5 pilent Ventalatura, and carry Francia' yletailic Lile Boat. iThe'holleer 1,ine was tue ilrbt. and has bec:: ilhe oniv ru.cîlai Line. The objert of the Pro- ,,,irtt)I à15la topstabt sh il on a permanent baui .unt ilhy deein il noeeuary Io satt that naî.e ai heur 'si have heen cnhsige-d ta stop et arly polt for suplliies, tunr bas there been a svor: of coiipi.itail aa,,iiàtlthor. By sppiication ho any oi the Agriitm, a Itàt aithe provisionstusay t,. sren, -anîîîle quarîtlUeS oi' whîclart provide-l for 'hla verî.'t as mord aupe rlor accammodation, her saloon là 53> io t in leichb. A pot ion of the tir-c':îd cahrîn ii fitted up mi a snperinr maniner tor h.îmiliei and others, prgce $141) cazhb; children urrdtr 14 years hait price. An expericeti Sur- geoir accornpanips eaclu vesauel, anîd erery attenîd- ancr» iequîstoe Ion the comfort of passeflgfrs pro- v:dtt1qmr ti.- !chiirge. Fiteen Cubic icet ai lug- ge E llowed to each adîul. ,Ak h-V , *o h i LiUne areliumited in the rumbtvr -Vtht-y'wil i recelso, 11e-u e iff e n dieai ti(if n a id tetlîi1' uch as -havc prevaiieal on >oaîdsaine ai thue vesseli' tram B: ui'.h anîd chier Parti. Raies o Passage: S uloaor , $225;- Firsh Cabin, $2W ; Second Cebin, tDotuble. Bithsa, $125 ; Sziîgle Bîrtha. $140. h-vervîlîmug pnaviliede by tire >bip; ecre-pi Winea Liqluéi,-,Soap aî.d Towels. A renittanuidf aione- isi ht, si~ijd Is feeling ao' disconten t.,. yrvad anon toc soidirCu aiil bi For Frericht or Passagte, aPîuly i are%:-1!t,) Spali fore-ver. j W.CAMION, AnbC tem aifCuban news, i!> *a0ic 116, 145aIl2Street, Net'.'York» î.thu isat aiut1ker cargo ai Africans' badi At ITILO & Co. heeur succ.-sýtî ibI an-b-I frorn a tlait-r, anti Torontto. i rtirs,,r wasý ruri-~hitiat tise clipîper siaî'er Mtreh i220d, 1853. 46-if Lady :Sutiikhiatialso run in witiu a madln ofntti ' n /ercepsn blac Ls. \e 1ercciio -that thuesBritish î p'-nil rsh n- ted e ncçpt. anf ,teaiuscr lha>tsio ud nrivged at Hla- UTated Torcnsltips of n, anrd, un conîîectio:s witiu otiier î-esseiss va% expected timke a g'euerai ouail'aiîlh on the slaserâ, anti, if posbible, effectuall Liektht: alounliuable-t-raic. FtIi erudng lsilicember, OUJTRAGE BY SPANISH OFFICERS, noo EXPENDITIRE. Aton paud Caulîcilians Ior Tise. Balmore schooner Manchester,. extra siuîiuîur itor 1851, 1 whîh an-d a Xiv nrkai Frda' lstAmniunh paiJ Timnuhy CraiC, 3 10 whih arivd a -Nw'Yrk'oi Frdaylas 46 ..Aid 1M. Esera, 3 109 front Kicngston Jansiatca, reports luai ir been di fi Peter Stoughtenborough 3 10 hoarde 1, when '20 toiles enst ai Cape An- .i [hÃŽom euiHartu. 1 325O tunin, b>' tsi-cIe men blieongýn-g ta a Spatt- i j Wells, for Raads3 15 isth crui.-er, who took- 0 esiu It le ies- in truax, do. 2 101 sel, coîrveyed hns in!5ide the rtet, and, aiter Seim 15yden do- 3 0 overh-auling lier papers, braken open the ~' Tomnas IJeisn, do. 0 12 0a. lis44kni bu tîda e ag, * A. McArther, do. 2 10 hathe, oa ot aou athrdof ie crg, qr Printitic, 6 12 and even sient 50 far as ta bccck open thle id goHu;hscaboieStationary4 0O letterf i huler cansignees. Ater a deten- u iCarniae of de. O 4 tion ai twenty-faur hours, being tînebie taoiBos.Mnes.- . 0.n .ani4n4thirfhePaper & Postage, '0 15 LntîNgt ufcos H. Daniels Iatanre Spaninitisdeinandedti tirty dollars ai the oitToNu lall, £109 14s lat.S captain ai the .llanchieçter for sciel>' pui- 7 17 3, 117 1. irîg luin ulrougli thse reef, anti then permit- Amnounit paid for Fuuzmiturc, 3 5 for lîuurance, 3 b, ted hîm ta inti the way ont in any menncr he il di Dichiç 2 6 coalti. id idiStave Pipes. 2 19> di 4 iFines Mepet-iuu days, 0 ô AcctDENT ON THF NIAGARA FALLSil 6 Wmi.Powson tundry > RÀîLRtOAD- .--On flic 25tb iazst., as thie services, 17 10 evenîng train an tlie Buffloai and 'Niagara Amauntt paiti County Treasurer 7 176 9 Faillerondi ws coinng up frani le Faîls di . Provisiotital do. 52 2 a bd Constable& Mitneusrs, 2 131 andi sièn tivo miles beyond Tanawanda, tise u Magistrates PFes, 2.2 aile'allie first car iroke, tirowingr the ' "Constahil iO train off the track--truck broke loase, anti 94 !jPoill Cerks, O0ile ",%as dragged under thse train ; îlrowing diu t ultr,1 every îhing mb toconifusion. 9pe ai tise Pars, 4C8leto, 70 with its loa'l of pasîenerers, brougist Up on - . u T.aaasCommisson 4 1 its ide ini a ueigibouing &ld. àMan>'of m- 84 Tow.î Cterk t reasurer?25 O thse passemgers ivere bruiieti conniderebly, Balance in Trea'shitu:Dut.31 1852,21 6 but none seriausly injîired. The ladies heti £533 2 ta lie tairen ont attise sindiise. E? MÂRRED.Toa On the 21st %Iareh, by the ie. V. P- Mayer- ho&lr, A. M., Johna Bower, ni the City or King. Te eln, E., Io Miss Charlotte Hunter, of the Ois tahe 1thnit..aiSt. Philip's Churth, Mit- d raid, by thé Rev- J. R. Tonie, lncomnbant, asi- ited byihe Rev. CG. A. Anîders». Me. John F.- c gon,,t àlMîs.sEliz4 Weeks, botb 01 Marysiir;,ta ' Ta1 Ith conr-., Whitby on olbe 14(h Marchi Margaret the beloveti svuts et Wm. Baker, agtLd 34 years. WÏHITi3Y'MAR.KTS. April 2, -1853. d sd 'Fail Wheat, -0 Q 42 SpringWheat,' 3- - to-4 ~rlav - -~ 94 sto ~ foundt 10bu 4umat the 1852, 6 osvdn accunt of, ~1 ex- t.,., 1s~ o o o o o o o O o 6 o o 2 il 6 t) 3 4 0 3 0 81 10 8 0 o 4i là, 41 k*I 1 1-2 1-2 1- 7JU-T0-PEtJ, -- r tir. >1 M EDIGA"HLALL! Kin utret Wiby, Lately occup -dby R. E. Perr-y-- 7IlE, Suliscnibers beg t nonetats asbitaots ofWhtby. nsur- roiucding Townushups, shah hhey hav'e opened the aýbasreStore, sebere may lie hat the followini astÃŽieo et exîieinely Low Piice. DU11Y GOODS, GXROfEJEfWN 2 i i 9 4 0 10 6 9 9 6 62 10 10 t0 0 3 4 10 Phytsiciant andt Di ulgas1s, wîli be aupplieti as (]heap .'ti ai ai wholexale bouMi.e iii ToI-onto5 Pysiini Prc#jriptijnS and foenri4 recipes ctsrefully jWled. IIORSE andi Cettle Medicinesofaii kinds. DOEL 8f DICKEY-VI OeY' Make a cail at tbb Tele,-rapi Stere and i Medicai Hall. Dec. 22nd, 1852. CONSIJMPTION !!! L. very body k naws is a tiattertnut digease. lt rom- icntes and prnacresees sainsidiousiv. liter luefort one is su are oI it, the iunigs are a muass of ulcor4 tipin e sîidder expo3ure or cha:îge ram tient in cotti juodires ciansizuintand ::>in a fesv laya ar weeks. il i aid. he ni &hé dîied orhasly 'onsiup- Moan. For ait rroulitd watts eointh or lung corn. ;ua rt, we wnuid reieita the ads'erlisemrenl an the orutsie ot this pipertit JtàtliOi's Chemical Extraci nai-- Cherry and Ltnrwort." w hirh iud :a lie a certain ciiîeifor ibis avftii diseese. Caution.-All nf the above named articles are enliarly 1w Cornitork. & Broher. 9 John s., Nem Yrk,to w hain ait ondeis muisi lie dir-cclcd. VERY IMPORTANT. 'E 37-tf. EXTENSI VE LOTTE-jRY* tea be Drawn 't Uic 7TOWN HALL On rebruary the 10tIî 1853. Property nrnounting te 800 POUNDS -C'Y! Ail aI whici wili be guaranteed qui 'o descriptioat nneed, LIS l' OFPR1ZFS!!- -MOHSMN ME -CIP-- - lst Peize, A FAWN I 100 Âcres!- East -lall, Lot No. 16, lOth Côn., MA- E :L E1* 1 T LN \ 11-ÇU TV -ý, CU RE- RIPOSA, 61 Acres cleareti, andi in a goad IN A FEW DA't \S NUtLED state ot culivatinno, siti a gooi Prame BY TI! GRrA'LV EOR- Ilase, a goad V'Neil. anti a large number of EIGN WNlEDY.Fruit Trees on thz Premi"se-. ail af whici - -wiil be indu-led inoeS GRAND PRIZE! DII. 1~~QCK'S.Tbra-shing machine vith separaeor 4 SPieasuitubieigh, newf, 10 lu For the Cure io 5COdAthme, Bran- MrinrPo0b chitis, Pulmonary C'oîiutniii, alitt ail Affre- Scotch Piolu4h, 0 ia.sao ni te Breast andisLugs. Faniing i ilh, o Mciiui-actitred b',J AN-iEsJOI{NSTON, Rohi gh$i.-i ,(r ihoes,) .4 0 ester. N. Y..,soie uîtoittniil'or luic Coited« ýties! Sel singlhe U.irneSs, brait Mount". 6 o and Bitisb NolbthAeicea. A llrie, laur yeens oid, 20 0 - -BuggýY neariy uiew, 17 10 - pJPCU SE UCC132121ra', iîew, 6 5 ('upirnard, gtau doore$, ' 314 FEAAL Y1F E 1 Beddtead. hi gn Post,I 10 pE.-L LE W./F J Six chaire, 2 5 TEBIIHSEII.Arm Chair', O 15 THr tiTtTiStiupECtFI. h %Vatcb.ulosibte ca«, 6 0 Acertain cure for.MnslinSpr saa r- Lre En ish ate,2 0 -presseti Menses; lHeiîaîirla-gua Diiciliî s r BilleCiock,21 pailiui ielstiuahialu ; Aren.nhoIxa- Of r utuiSrieLok,21 OtbShntl-lttol ni Neifeâ: '2hlorasîs,or Gu-en S ýick-1 One l)reszs patern, Silk, 3 15 ulr;Lucrheu irAibus, ;Wuites,iinriali l OeoDre". pattern, satin> 5 0 Femnle ~'akesas. 178 other prizets, £203A03~. Total, £800 Thé- abaove List amauafing ta dree. Thousant THE ~Gt-EÀT VEGETADt.Z Tuwallutudre Pize. wllbe drawn on aaimpie p5.anu. ihurrurbeing 32)0 numberediTickebts pinlai M AGIC PAI N DESTROYERs a wtseeliNo. 1.correspodisuîcto the Tieketa itd Mqnufactuued by JANIES JOJtINSF'IN, Raches- anîd32flsilips iiton a iniler w6e*l Noi.,beint: ter, N. Y. S(oe P(oj,îiehni. Fou -the cure uIA41Uv înarked.wîh tbe sevirsh èPrlzei, anti baving no in the lacr ani Bre.st. Alsrasaits aIithe Skin, tuuber'an theni, sotheat es-ch numbeT-has an Blistersai every kind. Burnas, Broken Brecets, equat vb aîue, asea "n clusenon the spot will Chtiblainm, Cou ts, Ëryàipelas, Pelonsi Fevier atetiitie wheels, iraI drawiig frouashecIN 1. Saos, Sa)re Ly, sait tàReiam. Scurvy. Ulcelis, a nuMiraereti ticket, then from wheel No.,2 c Pils,&c. wFich wiîil bell the fate-oies. ntimber, andti4111l be heck d and eltrieed hyrýeïpeetablamencbo.>1 PILES PILS, PLES, sen iranithoîe present et the time alI >rawlnj 3200TucSci P1LI 8 RIES or intergal lleniely ifar liePiles; prepareti by A UPIIAM, M. D.. 196 Buwert N% osYk, aîig- ularly eittated Phylivwfl, Whodevotte hi* atliff- tionitîmnat etitrelyto thi* disea4. Dr. Uphain%'I EleetjlaI Yis a relti çcre. ?whqlwr lIciInj 1r, Blindi Pi es, Internat or External, as d allan for w er diteagsi.hich are ireq'eni(yfouri b ýccu.. junction witli Piles. TO .IURRIED J4UDIES. The Electuary is peIectly.'safe for Plre.çnar, pos-gibly lie usedi as it willI êotb&ly tesnove the or Itîitalion.bunt wîll "Mir *Iý ty iiimê,aasale dlvy,4aUtd c lauitôuia ttulZqritg, Jew Doevîîd'haiàrer'tsed brateuti penace ba tai a p"*teýl inu4ir cnidut andi ",uppliel bis Ae.enta ft'i ery town witb &à fresh aupply ni 1Iis (tt»LU1O1w b~U Pge,, ibat DRWINQ TO GUMM 0rl *ny of thesabave Pri= p1icaon tw MdiiJ mon&~p AT 1'HE STOrtE Of - Subcrier egstoaftôn5e e- that'he bas receivedlÃŽbs Falitand Wmte,-Stc$ HS1P'D ad RNY RYGOODS. coni.lîfzoil u»of&.are.*ami imueit of o«l Woolen libawls, Galaplaiti, Fjri&u, ChepeysfCoborzd andi Çrlftnm, plain an6 rrd. >'&îý oi mnalt wares is very ca"plte, andi wili be fýOunti e f rel y éhezp. fie OIai.a attenhion.1o bis Stock oS <1othi'whicb ip thalesi iii rki estL nti-at paruwe .Clwcaper <ai te ilep~s Mlnob vy Gruy (noth ihvYtvJew8itci (fou)- 'HIS STOCK OF ORQ ms là larganaad niwly iaivtila0-seUl bu sow t i - és 10 WCr Just. receivçd direct frpw New, Pk Jan 1m immSqScko CIIEQIJAREI)STO RSPECTFIILLY begs annouuceé to bs customers and tbeï inhbitaw o frmghùrurf Sathops in Prt Wtbtly ud:Commerça u Bilsp nWi*ry, ~ Ne~w bequetredSo Corner of Bru a Ki4nf>. Di ýGoQda, Qro Ail ol Wlthitby Vlae W. . AILONE ?011LD rsetrlyitinite th thelahabitaot* of Wliitby, sud:veciaity tW&lm 1u VVcmeced Bsiness jin R. sËA.W'S NEW i$TOàÉ. Br.c Suct~ where b. lias for Sale a carelfuily -Seletedti sk d ( FIT FOR THE SEAkSON., CONSITIN'14r, IN -PAILT 0F (acadiaa Clotho, Stinnoi«, PlmDits, jces4 ail kindu;os àr.,W Ried a.nd White Flanneis, WStrdSirting ait ingSda ..efeld Starch, Tobacco,foqa 1]O.,, prices and qoalities.' V Ienieg a Seal Cil,, Whti»g, 30i e# Cobourga,;blualin de Li, a Slave, Shoe-anrd $Scrubu.àg Bbè Luster printa ironi 5d upwoirda, , Shawm" celebrated Axe». Buek-*, Gala Plaids fo9,Wlnhfromr8o. . Lking uG1as, window Glass, pu&tWh Eeached Shi rtine,Grey do. trrm21I-2d. Lead., A large asortrment oi Fur, Sii>. Pluali and Cod i e'h aM R&raug, -Pain ble &AdsMs cloili Caps trom laoSti. BabiesSilk and F'lt lItst,Broi&c F'ir Baa'a Vitorines "J~, and Gantletta, B9euîlckin 'Ga RCEY svaie i E~sv gonnui. libbon al silit (rom 7 2-id, éontaieing rrany MeWpt.ws. Arti5icial Plowerms, Glovas, .riinlings, F.C- "O tf 1 is quatil'ies. mery 1>ress an- Side Coimbe, Biobn, Cornaà. V-1 ton Eatfing, àIkMr ' Bgn-îild . liehn anti GoLCRings. See8c~ Cotton riheeting. Rorse linkets, &c., purse 'fuimstiga, Violinatai 1s1 Alarge stock of reaty min cloibking. Clocha, Sieigli Bellis. Oit' Clothil,Ta.<vw IN GItOCElIES w«illi e fdiund a- large ' Stock of choce Tées, Cifl., tuaf crihieti>4 efreeaCnds&aBln o Miascavudo Saga. This Stock havirrg 'een parcbased un4ér Çsvorislë circu'tancec the- Subscrioi a en &bled to sel] at Pricw w*hieh êtoanijiMail 1,0 j*ve aatisfaclory'lePlte*purobauer. No. 1, Counnercial Bcraie BROCI<STREETi U2ILLIXM BOONE CLARK, & Cô.,j tuaeibis nethod of~ g p VVmuaity of ViWtby and Ésurrounding countr'y that they have ,eae4 êZse1S*L', STOCKOF CLTUIIC ÂND-DIR Y"GO&J Consisting of Buots a"d $Si es;W en'S Clolb aMe I>ritilJ with avery article Wet ba comiort iof'lhbo ydyeuipiaithe-m w. B. O &Co.e, woïinviate families to corneand fry tilir .1-4*& ofT.s2 Chooate,Supr, &e., 1-Pny~sCasb ~i*ruI~P*1~ 1d~Wuh WhItby, Nov. 4,1852. ,-- -.-. H-ardlware, &C. -ALSO- :1 &C. &Ci- Alarge and wveiI as-foried Stock of Drugs,-Me- d ici iles, L-ai its, OiI", &c. &c. &C. un the Dr) Cnods Deaprtrtit wiit be iauîud c vanaety oi Staple aisd Pancy Goode of bbec Idiot stytes cmîd mogi Fasbinnablehutiteriats Ilor the lreseîit Season, siz: Ceoaùrp ani dOnt-ans of v- ioua Colore, Gala Piaita anti Cloakiuuîti. 4-~4 Broa nd cit Litac Priîtls, Gitigh:ms.' S'nipeîl Shirtitsgs. B«I- Tick , Blue Drihl. Demnys. 1),nuis, 13 KOA D-C LQ1111S, Fancy Doeskins, Tweeds, Canadian clotiss, Satinetts, Wiite andi Ried Flannets, llufoI otau, F-icia y uta. %White- Daunaak 'rabl. Coveus. L'nuor'O Damâsk do.. Tois-elings. Basrging;s, Bro>wn Ifliidà, iso Cap aud Bonnet Riibouis andi a I rge stock ai a9mali seares. IN lIR1)\ 'ARL sel l e always o an ud a variet>'of useful Articles such it asire coin- rnonly usetI by ilsm'ies; altso (ii Lampa oI uifierenh kimiis , (a iew Vilins very che'ip.> OUt S'rOCK 0F GIltOCEIUiS wili be founii ta cansist ai Treas, Coffees, Sqarsm, Spices. TIobacco, &c., Ail oi wlîich we wiit warrant fresh anti unadultptesd~ - I'e wautd invite a trialof oùr Xonag Hy-son l'ea et u. 6..per th.-as u uehgoiu aff't la. pt lb. 11N TRE DRUCG departîment sel e faunti Englîsh. Frenet and A.merican Drugs ind Chernacais. Periuunery. F.auuuy Q9odà, Dyc Sufà, Pziînha, Ois, é, usaYraaluM, Ttune, Paierut Medicine«., &r. &e.- Whoesai i-alieiil. N. B-Attl of the aliase willi b. aid at T-ORONTO, -PRI1CES, & lie il ra, &y £IC- ý f King Street, WIIITBY. 0 1 1 aý fil v 1

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