Ontario Reporter, 2 Apr 1853, p. 4

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'1*.. wot, Toronto, andi ai oninet! to <ltacht tald t u t Mds pafn te' CIS r 10 Teesao, Oct. 141451i. oTii. uuoriwuod hawiË.beau apjtoiâwId &gent f11 *th &boes.ornlatverus tattil. mroti Witbe, Feb. 14, 1821. 44 g orWitTBY VILL&o1C. OèceO&inatheot0omformrlv occuywsi U't Law and rI&E j~iEu1sciIierwod*!icall tnc attention of his customers and! the public to bis r4k vroiStock of ,boul M ondi 4 e gUns~ $ f onlu 8IIk& sainPaaola, otite raTwods ~. Sommer Clotis, ,&ed prici a haïelôwe r tluman aujWholcsale -stem*itlùtbllUtts'f the Côuu4t Tiwn. e', ar1THOMAS DOW.- M7 LY28th, 1852. 7-tf. NEW ITIN! HAS b»r4oda Wm nfrauéd that th,*, Sube crtber 1bnwr -0ha" bis uinor1ag Uok. cein- clo rftsdKossutit mate nMW in" sncb qretdemsr'ti.Gentstloun viitiug ",i Rat Emýpoulunt, vIf isesthe grealealaaorl- meut iiCad. Torocto, Arllî8~ 52. lu. 'Ëm y in No . 1852.,. 91oouELLERuaoSTaticn frPc :t- Imm lui~ te hin T. B .,..p,,..fulty big* Iave to oeil the etoom- ' tiennet the P'tihr,ic hbia extensive 0 Il Statio4ay in aU -4 v0005 brandies, ?itr#s, &M EetÊgradngs5, (Mlain & couredj,>- 4*flsta, OU 4r W.cr colorsul ivispuans, (M~'st~!,) Ltbô raps uus ames, )meocf every dscripl-ci.- l.1 FIT' .Petr F h* ; l.Plieandi Orna- It menta,farnle. Uupwarà. Wood,plainýand îh asr tuai n iction eau cati and ti eiinnu* l by à iolee vatietY. of.îhe 41sftul and beautifual» itihout feelisig 5b1, lgratifie':I,ence more sali- 0f' Whtby, Dée. 14th,1852. 3- Ibt I ECJ SqX bd - ot tu eV., Vou »taé ' des- mdit, m-on lte kt, 113h poor tI d an -et triumh tutt tic ktsthaS it Duaieas ac usprçyO & a à Ot ofmpêtlen ttkafhey toitoua to zdnaàture Iba 6iid th. .rnom« ib mWàA%$ant th.y flatter themMlyet that they will W abi ogive enire satifaêw"ïo",Wo ma heým -ith tetiot business, te mont a eonrinuance of publie patrocage. ~ &BON LAND i> SALE.X ¶UnH1 und >" de foirm, for S&Ie, tbe Eàs baf f INO. $,mah th bon. "OF -UXBRIDGEP ýand 143 ACI eîof Lot No. 18 in lbe &ut Cou., of GEORGIANA. -AMSWY P.&-Any peison found Trespasalpg on lie above Lan", wilI ha proaccted - witb ithe utmot ilgOfohbe 1wà-A.W. Uxbrd'r LotNo.3, 7tb> 3-f S LACICSlTIPS COAL. U UST receireti, per Steamer Ontario, 5 chaldroWbd'Ntwoatut Nut Coàla, for Salt! hy Whbsty, Sept. 1lai, 1862. 21 tI. r Pc OYSERS TESubactriber keeps altrays on baud Prou Oyaters ai the National floci, Port -Whîbiý servettUapto orler. Taverýntep ters."ad othéirscas be supplieti by th a r£t HUGH MeBRtAN. Port Whitby, Dec. 2Srd, 1852. 37-3in. TGLLS REDUCED Taiterng Or ""'eI*et Wvuhy mand Compssy hla te 4L1Iiffl.,iît wus esalveti. That fmm T the4th of Januuy, til Mon- daythie ?rgof- - 1, 1853, *tIi. ol il nibe Roand ci the Porl WU*isdLaku S &ugo, Sim-ý coe.c awi Buse od 0Copo, be reucedto mie Itkiof thé presetiht Ratos. ALS-RuiVed, Tha t tii. arbor T*Iim on Lumber be. caddoOne Shilling perTbousand feest frcaand mittn the openingof navigtion J. HAM PEl1ýY* Whitby, O&t -14 . ,272M AbDvipRTLSEmENTà WILL RE 2SOLD by Private 'Bar- gapin tiat part cf- Lot 17, bu the 2nd concms- sion cfr. he~ t Prepesîy or the. laie James T. Sonun iEq. ,-Ilaufolly sitoaw eon the Kingaicu Road, uarymidway lie tiriviung veunlyTown of Wlitsud aMOsh*wa, an tom.- prising a conveulont IFie mose, Ottbuildluge, Bara, 13 Acres et èood Land., sud a firatf, rate Ofraoerchas. will b. ýreveti atal te liofJaniry,18. by lt. Wr. CL4RZ, NI. D-- Whity VillageAcinigTrusteert tcestate. Whitbu,, Nor 13, 1552, Si-tf Oulawa Freentsn, teoopy unti lilt Ian. 1853 AtTCTIONEER f - aow,.preparoit t.udertake ail alneuain bis iitu, ladoorsor oot,ontic moalreasoile Ici tus. pply etthoe LpoIrrO>o,where ordmr GEORG~E cGILL, 0WivuiymlNe Ot i85.[C1- NOTICE., b iIflAW t,,, Bave on, wuao MA WEST,., ,AN D-R ETA I L. wiac'a, apn Impc~n, orcusomrpwiI fnd e u oanpoed of tbe Newest andi moot Faab- citai! aterialsantdii got viY lvn bnslcewith great care, and importeti direct ot te bt rii, eniniArteanMaiitsb e eves, we van confidently tanimit hem e a isection _o u utm r5at i ntia cgl mot tashionable, durable, serviceable' ad eap a1rnnte edy a ohnad r édl Canada Weat. TaUorjtsg, pt auU las Brtgncher), exTeeated with 2'<ste MRONS TUANVI SHI»Il iTUE SHOITEST NOTICE. ~Sar~, on r&'3W, Vork ffleb*oiig rriurb Utm1'i RIEADY'mMAOE 0OLOTHINC Meam*firn UHiladComt, DO oCheck'd , do Do Black Atpta. do De Ruaseti Cord do Do Prince, do do Do Canud&TWetie do Do Broad Ceiu do DeoLaasmere do 91,8ownHeck'd do d D o u ddo' de Do Moleakin de Do Twcede 410 Do Breati Clou ho »o Riueli Cblrd d* Mu's m ack Cloti TVests, Do Bla-ck Satin- do Do pancy Saul sdo De, Hoilauti do Do Pancy de Do Veivet do Do msaelllcs de Do Barathea do Mdeun clou Caps, Bov's do te si 44 fi fi 44 46 44 et 44 49 et i & 41- i 4 1-2 0 6 3 10 0 7 i5 7 6 3 4 4 141-2 24 44 101-21 Boy'# pFanC; Vests, De Silk do Do Satin do Do Cloth do Do Tweede do Do CaIi M e ed Meu'e otetunTrèu*eàs, De Li»enS»r4fl dw Do CbeclCd-< doý Do ccrdsuroy do Do, Salaiti do DO Cîàimerei de. Do Be'kikin du Do Doeshin doe Boy'$ Drill do" Do C'ieck'd do De Moiekin do Do andTweed do DO Casimiee '-do Do Tweede do, Wbite Shirts, Linon Fronts, Strilied (I' - Red Flannel Shirts, tinder Shirts kuti Drawmr, frein di 4 1-2 0 0 4 .1-21 s, 4 4 " 2 6 'I 4 4 41-2 41-2 ïMen's Paris Satin Hats, Black and Drab. New Style flu--lncsq Coatig, in ail ilatertals. DRY GODS. Mu'in Detsins, yad*ide, front 0 10 1-2 FaCtorLctton, .troitz 0o ý 12 "^ns4acoos do'de 0'O7 1-2 Wie do id O 0 1-2 Retvy Gitigams, do tico <'0 71-2 Sripéd Shirting, o 41-2 Spleudi Bonnet Ribbons, 0 O7 1-2 Cotten Warp, ' 44- si woquts I3 Larie'Stisys, 412 Edigi ~ArtifidilFiovers, Cap Front*- bMuslins,,Nette, Shct, Check"d, andPlaiîu Alpacas, tCellars, Silka, satiiha, &c.. Table Liuens, Quiltta, Ceuntierpnes, îOnleana. Cobourms, DeLaine. Bd tick, id Teivels, IFriuges.Giùmpâ;Trtn1gl, Crapos anti terbalafor -Mournisgr, Barege Droeses Infanls'Robes, cps andi Fr&k1tBoie&ILkWatp Aipsesa. B1JRGeSS & LIIMN rol,3.] Cm s~4U~e~~c&ruuioiwg thse Court Fous, Trmo t ~~ ~ ~ t - D a aa' ftflf a * mtl&@ Altil SOL] NOTAity Pti AT 'T5ir 077 Bý ts beiniln,ýor îmidjl.ie !juýinemI B1thwein]rtnig)te4il eayfr 8ale at th-HIB & .ONTARIO BRICK YA1tPSin 'WIITitVri.LLaGx wmnti)30 li ,Sutk"rendy fe o f Firit rate <aaiîfy, anti atma Loy Price. par- ties abot hidingiR thc.Viiile*re the Bricks, id vitialnbalil 52-17. I w, former' tva mcdkiinell snot Ofly a dltlaiva bot W bar sP;t lrçtgiP h cOula s ýiiê<oiterui Di>ig yu ivet n gét#b ttholn afty essaions orCe c lMoin niCOt oi.C aumptioý nd&IlsWdiu.ees ofihh longs, mcl as About 1000 of amot n rwk ceperirDià eut by tsinuediric, truwn pme cf tefirat-Dortoar Clergymen ancl %Irchaiti,-have bera sent us to; tbis idicîne, 'but the publietibon cf them foetus io niocilike Quiekery, [filtWibow licou toany poroncaIig iurofic.]This mdene WULl eer it la tr*e.E ag Casuio.-This ntedicneila put "P i alre bIttie, sud you musc fiid tho narn ocfComtuc 4 BrufâerîProprietors, New Yolrk, û du li plendui =rper around tie boule Ail -ordrmus he edidresseate uCaastock Ej urousar, No. 9, John bci.,' Xiow Yôrk. Remember and never'boy it Unlessý,ycu fir.dthe pfn naine on the wrapper, %tel Bewtre of a dargrofl CQUioUrfeil of the~m CHERRY 4r LUYGWOR T; aud tle. 11Ou CORDIAL and 0. R L T0N£' 8 FOUNDER * OINVtIENTand RiNG 8058 CURE, effet. - cd for Sale aIt tie Drnac Storeý,,-andt rnember sud never briy these articles in Wtmtbi, onlyer Wsu. L&AING, aI bis Dry Goods store ;and avoid lb.ceuin- tenfeit as you w6uld Fôos. titi To O n*ifand Dealeësit liRses. nUr cer ,CARILTON'S FOUNlDER OINT- teni For thc cure et Founder, 5Fplit Hoof. Hoof-luound the Herse, snd cenîracted and Feverisi Fe-t, Wounds J Bruise'siti tic Flesh, Gaileti Bcks, Crckedificela,i Sertches, Cois, Kicks, &c., on Horses. Cauiie.-Fithe ticame ef J CaswUoitCom - siockon the wrappcr,eor neyer buy Oantoes Herse dia Mesiicitig.' CARLTON'S RtING-BONE CURE. For lhé, cure e! Rin;-Bone, Blod Spavin, Boue e0 CAILLTON'S CONDITION POW- DERS FOR flOMSS MI) 5 CATPLE.- The changes of weather'au4aessou, wiîh ýthe change of use anti feeti, have a. very greau drcl-bu upon the bloodanc snu ui luda of herses. Et iEs!n ai these chsuÃŽes they require an assista nt -te nature A le throw off an y disorder ci the fluids of tie body 'pie tiat mnay have been imbibeti, ansI which, ifnot atp-l tended te, *yul:esuit bu the Yeiiow water, fleýaes. 'S Wormns, Botta, &c.,ail oUwbichr will bu prevented ter by Siving eue e!tbehfse powders, and wîIl ai any timte cure,when an y symptomrsof dseae appelles, if usedibu ime. T ey.urty lb. -blood, reume ail inflammatiinand féver,Ioosen tie slciî,,geames Pli tie water,and invigorate tic whale body,enahling tIV tiem tot do mere werk wit th le carne feed. Tic là action et, these pewders is direct upon ail tie se- 1 crelive glands, sud tierefore have the saine edfc upon lie Horse,the Ox,îihe..Auand Il-Herliiver- i eus niml-al dieasa a isig fontoeduciuig l a baditate ofth,-! biood ,are speediiy cured by thent. Rememlier and ask fer Carlton's CondttiouFÊou- D uer#,, andtaite no othc,-. CARLTON'S NERVÈ AND BONE (; LINIMENT, FOR lOUSES, at sud for lte cure of ail diseuses et man or beast thlI reqliire externol application, sud for contracted, cor*amd inuit-s,; strenguens weak limbe, and is aise used for sproira, bruise, sdgcdit, -mwed ns le s ares *f ait kîuds on borns. I arlton's articles fer herses anti cattle are pre- fb pared frnthte recipe ef a very celebrated EinglîiB]3 f'arnier, andi will *cure, nbnety-niue tintes cul t ns onehundreti, any bt the aove complibts. They a,ï -have been ued* y farinera. liv"rYmeu.mstagejpro-'Re pridiersansd oàuers, 'îii th. mect marked dt de- cil cided sueefs. s OJU77OY>-Znon c an-4 egenumo. unies. you ne Sadthe nieof , 1ton,>ttck on the -wrap peleZof esch artcle'. air COSTOCK -VEMIFUGE. tir Dn the. Il e0i4 ii iy injur =tan' brue cure of the FIL sieyansI eefiualssly as Io bu ta vitre ils eéIct aie witnefsl le fclinWing complints:- Fer Dropsyg-Greating extrsoz Soar Irodt-By Cancer%, Il Croup ccd WoopingCougi- vertWechest. AUt Bruime, priurnt ond lu w huri. 8ores'asti VZc-Wbetfheý lndiug, anti lever acres. lis oeernicnipon adultesand c ic rbeurnatav a #eliîp, and has ïbtne$so f lie'*ciesi by relaxai atbeen sups ising beyonid cacel Ion remank1tb iîiee obarelu l"11li avite a cerm." 5 I lase any persen liai yuli try il Cnutimi-Never buy it uato suie signature of'ClouwtÃ"uk& rm, on-the wrapp« oci thé fisrà CuL<os.-Ai c0f îbe'above mo ald oigby Comatetkà& Brai Ilae,, dii'ectly in -rear ofthetI> ween SSiaîpnd Mîm M& .993, m For Sa aij ybuîbyand Po n.Bo £M.à rd Sold edn b I ;'saeu. eau Dg, for 'ifirmaf" LcLok feortii trther, preptietora, on the ,AND YOUNG!! atmàe, lie ou Corlùuboes. cimos ag&inS thtce t- kPosi Erq., rer7euesied IICpIOl uubyh. istxtofJntuaî y -A.nd ail thhuseindebte ?qticsted to ma.ke payrntets C O renientionedt ime,s stie ut 1h. eiate, otherwbs.siI tos"sirst o tnuaïrynëet 1)NF., hbal -bal -Deac* ritaa;- li ~tb ru à. gt ý :', l , 1 1

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