as- - b * rO 1 M i . i y t J s fai m a in r ýi tli r lai r g e W o o d C Rfl b e o pl c lT I - S u b sc rib e r b e g s to il fo r m îhil e C AjE O M A C D O N N E L L &D A R T N I N P R I N C E - A L B E R T . 1L I F E P I E 5 E T this4tyto se a n smtIi r lago V utitesbylvavng ' i lvalbdiits Of W iitby and sur- P oress ia &tnan oet' tr d-ro o cu r Iit h ia îJîtors t tean ty oulia.4. - lE STORE latey ercted on th a East IlA DItc v aho ~~br~krng. . The drOsscd w takenthe roas on Brock Street, formeri y leorJtLheCont ou15 ide of Sitncoe-rect, opPosite te e <PiN i X I T E I . lyeurenaîouiî e p oIl e'v asn d ii c oltb o fJ O Û N G O O D A o cc u p ie d b. ' J . H . T o m a s a s, Ug r# pha r~ . c.~O fc e , w el u i Ie de-fu ror wbLy an 5 88.N .f*.ýti.oz tre ie '6 x n24 I*t --tlry he puut, or ih ('iof LI Ut WMhitihe fore _______________________ D G.AN iIl. D[)TIi- ueiately. For fiirther particulars enu'ieO~oîi ie~ cr-- rLoîn l ied. A boy i Mr. I07- 4e-heCur-oue ' P lu% nn-el-dLrwiere hi n> be fudrcdt aï îoî F2ÇEi heCutHosIjJ Ni-'ier u.faWoated li ot I tJS'BlR ae o n adtjoeuo iî airhm ihac-i 'o1 iig RII.CMIBL. îI-Si in laqukMyurierd,,,dINDIA RUrBBEP BLTN Ambrotypes, Canicotypes, CAhereotTYP 1 Frev3tnt4 idhetgr wu io ,ctIradPaperTransfers, l'ONTual ' i'îacD irfi-o oftii-j craivulitt iaLi q gw%-ni atg Lf fto 3 inch. o ayintu.Art jl Ou udsue.N .Sttl 2Tt \U > 'itINFR i c'-- iit ti roc- %t ' ngeP Sfiery bea . 'l'le 100 casis ut 'Ililsassortitlsizüc o anWithe, Oct. J- al. a.d cL . r PîîHtr - Ii saia mt X VI5- b ui- ft E S' ru- Ucîit u a o-s r I i~~t0111 tni t 25 BdI 4. tr. Llt--to inflorîti tt>u Printers find E -f Positon -.u hbe bay, y r 9t-iSzs ett>ltiili hu, 8iai îorv loeokietme dufature Iwbeotehettcrolt k ap P er.Rl-rs __ -t __ - __ - Note, Stle nat fre' frm lu>rctPaic- clora t-tt ubn s-clhws 25BeelrslSrngS cÇfrn it,2 r'aIly fr-dc1iiry a large quantity "bif i &c., iititrtcu Tl-3>r o e bl (er(t4in OINdrl 0 f)Fosei Plougil ?doUlds. l-F lOR S<AL E. Snîan1l irai, Long' lrimer, l4urgu-ois îsuld ~ .lO- tt-- bi- l r-bt ~ rciusfrp4r 'al]iMal- çatIght thei ltugh Beainis, Anvils,, c Vice-s,-- (i-ii-r tfSu ih forw&ch hyr'zl (if> ct1S1r. teloftilUi- rqlie f0r-srnn fot ii'( rito-tt~ eicfSI, I d afw iut hd Every description of siteif aîui Il<iiv i INC hl West lînif of Lot No. , ist i zuarantee caîtiot lie snrp:îssed b' y y_______- ttia-so iat u.i us tuîiii- I ueit s1$eat'y Wft aPOn lier confidence as 11 rd1 e. ) on of luclt, n-arthe P ak ul . -iir îîuttscîtn-î o uably~~'h îli-'ç tîcitt <~'a1O ti 1 ~qg~ac nd lunde j , ))M VVE) N% C.TIhe Farai ronsi sts if (18 Acres, 101 ac-r antdtti uîlaranco. --9 P ;; I t- ttiiiiotrttuî,o titmki- fîît . Dssietu tu " br'tîOr.- pprja - _'and' _h__ndle J 'S. 1.)____1_r,_____ of' wlic-lt h t]aru-d. :() acres are ILuItigît- Tnev - have abso r ni al a ciîoic assi- IiitiJ cifu ra î-..rsc, ~ ~ ~ cftct 0tt it '0 CâN i d-li oi n c i b e o r - o n t h e 1c lL Al ii ti t a l T y p e l auio asth r-ur c OM PlY N t'l. Thete lire Thro lrame Dwefl- 1 The pnies tti wiuitiî itse and oliter dt 2V ei tetwn of Whitby t lti' r-ko tnîl- n î h disndednos- TOR N'FO, c. W ing ouse- O guni îtra 0 x iti, ita ypesare stuttIa>ti<tl i nntaT lie Frînur> - F-o i mivIer and em-ry other eoaî-eauu-îi'e. FI-L1î~uon Çrs1' t lihe P w ite1 khide o s- it-i - c 0 t nexcellent Orchbari -1mli bu fourid ttiPr31lurcn ~ or particulars appily-jFtsti to- L i ft o 1 Ai r )1 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (a tniarl s kiSInCIII9D AIofI fa o2o tf the hetstgrafîctl Iruiî'treeli. Il'Intifij titan thiciconM t0 tr ttîraseduljrcviuittsl R 1 .C A K 1 Mr. - unt-apected. But P Icîî APTSPIJY of ntr. Price $6,000. $1,000 its estlbiiýstrnlt. Sep'. 1, i857. îu1- ver liorse be- PA[D horse be-j,, £96,714 1. Casli dîtn. ad tle 1 laiu-i1 luu ntIin live -î,tu 1>0 oprd hat iîpi- - 'î (uîlts - _ _ _ - ci E P S D L R ÂlNE S T~ OI A 1 ea eioe a iir n ,o l byamtntiu.l iruizas-enî.iiitiu-ah iir--îuoi- ut < -- d tes(,i uttl i 'i iotun itit iil14i-(.Ciult cf Iîuîc-rwq WAREHOnUSE" a" 10 l$s mutOit. The \system liad a]- PItKSIi)I'T-J. S. UfiJ(W It Esy. i lionî dtt', l'lt ifif tîso im1%i tt- it l i', 1 If' (-'11(,li-nttttv7 il tit is (lut, Ihy ie- ]LT E I LL'JS TERA 'IF 1 re~y b g aq~ ' s'y n ifw - VICE î J-tu . ..Il. CAMEIcON, M . ls- clii-i dfron t uaîu. j0 0 11t.ntil Ati hr fterrt 'eu ovok" I e Firlr iîîfturrtintion c-an be oluin i îa' ar-ira -c rwhith le Iropric-r ute- m>Iore thi. hore as on its knees ; orr, iu- îuttiqtior-iîto e tiP flitrcot ,i-- prtt'o ,of -- tî <-ie tu auanlVe nor i-rs;.-'r R î p- '-utuiutîîit icirt its 1ide, ud titan ,retchd a Ietait gI ulIl-e, ie- i uit jttti-!.i -r - A FMITFT - ('A: -' Crier f-r li I-ry-îîl-- tilit 'itliit ait uit-itltt liets toge! r1andI stroke ils noeihe lasi j. Ta .it. - W î 0 iî, 2$q, ic75. 7 't t t - -- - - t- i t t --iot i-c-eu-I : SON, Mt l P - c u ' it ir i- îithrîfleI'uitI'u tt iultoi uu tîd ftticptltt- hI#bn ri re hi b oit t t)' ira thi- - bes lu;.I itil t t Taliwfie; i tlO I t Tc- 2:hr i ~ II-c--I .iti-t-it of' nt-- OItlu - -- -f su' hoseni tir111:S bc liillit-i- tllorfie i ls-t i UD iUW-l î er , Who [lin . îou te j l lî,tit5,tuii-utt-t-. o::lip i -ît- ltu t. îtî1 c-tsI u.- i 11i i t ilIIu nlt i"eilimi .O CA ut-o- o bt ti~ IL h nu h n nt u tu t- iti a t-- tot t ii îu - c d rer a t e a b p e r , 5a n i m a l a n ow I Ntrh d . N W Y O - E s s t . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . i ~ & . i t u - tI m t t I i. P i v s di t - - i -i m i i t u - t i- - - -- - - - ' a (tA 'ttt M - i t i t ' -- I t t , t t îhnitî-iv it rh rntioMO H B Y AN(- t ! I c i r r c s j II r I l ý li tt t i i l I ( i. . . . . . . . . . . . . .a een ss c ett lire for I E il . . . .... - . ... ... i n aclic4ii s- r Os sA dë el ta la lrz 0i oz u- l- tnsl ~ o îin libtsi't I N-i it t u5 tîu it-u -ý f I lle- -ýu ?rti id, *11 1-h I GN-S- - I I 'ý i I i! 14 1aoihi w n h i i i iai i ît-p a,ÃŽ1 - . - - E IçM eL I i l Ett ,L . i' î,.t i t hi ngi l a e sT - o s i t 1 t t - t i i î r n t ibie a Oîîîîoîîîîu eth-hu ili Il. ouili-ci-gce o n nI1siliiiin hfitrt!iut î oî"'a ni:If-)slini s C. t, unit. t . 1.îlli* ttti lrei!,! ttl ta;;i-1 - t t-(at iinstsii, ntanes- t- - h ot n Li 1in i IItILI 0 . - W.ividu a l iiav T u I t lii S i1,u.7lltar t-tl 1a rî1 S . fi fî litai-ut- , ma e C n UtýzIi I1 t, i S :l1v-riý 1,, tý, ii --t ' 'Jr' t _ ___ ___in IRISI DRO LERY.The irectrs lae afi I VI Z' til. m-c-e s q.tiI u: thtt.1ttt01. Fara Rresidencel rtade l dt irwatt.%17Iltj 1: ricli0 l -r i ix-ti û i tei;po ,! b V J ?a- - tt--l i t; 1l oi -s n ~ ~ t An at moking sbor o f D , aisaroUihe athe tock of ir. hnis-tierali acatIvi.-tut: -t'tiI <NE:.>i Hft i i e " P :~i~ I 5~ th n - to atra tes a s pru lilion s fi-o s on-- uO ftitie.i t i it m ntibe 11>1 I f utuX- i f att it1) 1 ,i -,oIli u. - wt1- T :- ii - d t 10 ,î,à -I e a in aîîîîuc-u-lrpa es ostc-,biiroi-tflittl'u lscat tu-t -on- - - ----s--- -ti, l, t, ota u- uo- it t lue 'l' let itl(O't atti tru cecin0fmOic--tii- s r _%b lii O1 2 iiuitso iu. tn utunoaj ";t 1:t- t - )-icka iîr Gtbr'ti. ilsI<j< Àust ftn jci-tttl -It;i t, bttl tttc-tmf-: B a rleîon , h kse r - lo n g, 's cu nîpre îentTI N , tî Orlr l>an. 'tsi- j ubtîn.1heIItutidY>L Aiirgou l -ruî.i- _ .u t l - - - - tia iseinî î ri, innl . i s t o U n s o f> u - l er- t- ' ii!- c U L vn J! b - t t u i î i- I i i î - u > ' u - i u t t t i - - Suts01o 11tW 1e1-; No' as ree telttEccj-dscc:îiu ifCottic ucI mue n a1M. i le y - o d e ' ll ,k n o w i te l g i tl) O t I r o Wa i - i !i itu S e5 p g e 'ir '-tai-i I i n tu-i'îà U' ' l , i 1 a i au 1 n-1 cavb e gldt s iee thlm." i lanit-) l'tr c-îjcîititili onpi l o Vok îIuyu aintt' Sîge oi- - un- îiîîio îîî 0 > îea -îhiiîrûr i' lt at -citJalct5tl.-'-.nb i - -ni the iii-i î'iutli an- f-ut- $6o s rWde;ce'lbnce crhabitants ofouWh- it-atd fil-sur- -uEîd iriA 1 ILr- i i* UusT I lotiokb-tae, lî.iitfcti>' io tougi iiofortt-jaioliamîbe aIliethe to ute. dij R N A ij ,S ev/file L1.. mme ltiu u t Oi uc-s n 10v k g e arI le d r , l f o n r . . , iy e i t ; o r a u r r - a-o r-th eT O R E i V T E D , en Oto 1o r1i5 ntttu;t!i 't u t t .8 o a> te t reet aema et w-rNo. 26 aad lisi FoureE ru-u-Du- e huithc- fi)gtftl, AOi az- ) thCucestinoU iiu-enntior Bo- itof' N-lc-- I-u-, I 21>re e.waskaI11sa nd tbê te Iorth lsCOT % & n c., or NleYs-îýe. cotjn11. N0uf oi-k1 nt, 857.f5 tY th Sîtutu-iher on ire noîî oU ,e 1tî'hmiirjiu-amIlirouit Iibou bbedAl-rpailoof '-a-&--CoitLofcrToronto. lie c. io3b>raclmayNoionoik.thre Hunred AcCatoalogueootoffoiUm j O tit-suA rouh -oa tcei aidrÉ, Éti-yyor, eIi he boin doatng tuaîte9iy(oasoertaIîe ) to h ns i ba" uhira t - - ý ISosiateur ia amy btomarenîccd i1i:., m-u n 'dtnltermuîa t rriu ht' uitilbeImîngbtRevii- m ar(ine u ig) j1Tset LEof NG T.AB.TIeesnsdoeiCu Lti t ii- tj Ili ill'i its -rmviibutseil -nc-Hu-t Fnet'iii; fr-ts-iril ii soul s -i Itec-t '"-7o a tirsae inîo neUr bs foîeyn tesiu Io- i?~rringten ~i 6 1 bave made a jour- sc-selriodicasably cp--s-îLtelne -iULVOLUME -iti3 IX, FE 'S K L . h osn til a rtu1(J rplituuir ilîytl-- i~ vta-umtr ill ul( noB LL. lI i tiri-Guer-us i- iI ts- i ci ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %hig, Tory and Radical, lUttp~oii L Inijtc crs- __au rs t s ad rL"uîn O LLO.t' -1- I NNA PL S' ER. Lo OF iCfonIoU3 LCn. U icirnN'- lm)' puirpose tIQ returo outitil I bave brok- Ouîy une fétisure oU their tuli ic s -lrn-! 4-n ývé'Ãy bone ia your body." anti aI ter.-. -1s organe of the Pmutclc a- is Indabie Objuete, the- Rural N- o -k- -Teliîc-n Ihbor ison c-cpease mvl ibu-spanrel tbt2 57 1. tty1 htrau-ttFd 1 i Ot profounti ;(ývý c lt aille halo lieut a .figurc of ei.obîvitero on Science Literature, o it unluu otne 0u-o uM n d salrr±sortoî 10 n tike t te bs-t'miy Ncmspper j' Enndsgu-ltiugb-e ituonci. -_____ j dc-c)-Relgion, h-i sandce ua havetio 1sad 1tri W'trd-ouc w-busc- h-cc undti JL Agent for the suile of Ueicubom--v'eE C L N A iu-ttco-- u uuiîi be(or utieva gîa Rlgon i- ta stsase (Atoci- 1- t Fou- u-îiuuu-auu ner t awelome ground At flimeextensive o' Ur,,; Me __ - imalI-d înhet îould oU etesbeig o. â' ulesiFr v dice tâti s > ua- t gerital -barattr SNbhoi-fien ut n ife ~ u ___ t-ro pp -i-coSayre utlu eiu>it -lYilutiiotd, n-hurt its con- Rankin ï& Co., Onttirlo Couîîy .X-,uoîî' ltv-bcndsia5u n D nethue professlonafmina, whiie ho fictl e l -Ibij ý aiunl-aL u usticeshall it hr proainoins eýasadRtail rs 1,..îi. i'.i.itt- --- Who bac! as usuelgti- ou- as cool cour- gcnl readr - u-iycns hyfila ish Io t suetnt a d iîjuiiucouis ltu i c --- ajusti e .-.. m- aps îb t won c' rte,. assb i-ud t al e ....,,, a - ~~~~m r age. - . - and saisfactoiy record o u l x ofa oîmmi oniemitt tî - adIthoe uu MIud rtsqlt 1 > -nh fuwre i. '~-~~iu-I tod.gussc apirigUel poLi-ua? an tht' in. s i reouutac-ir 1, o su-r, tutti> suntid iely Oit iotlici, Su- for UruiniOsivego. T'efl-Pastet wilbct (le- .u tsu-~ onî-îu tttLf lsr aùh- Uisuiy mhlt -cf ttnoa .psiby otjud-,ci-il asti Monat uîcîrioîîe s; triidiffuse issefulîlivjere-cd at Charl~o, Geuc u-v tihe - or a tac-e ianabiempottedly oetthor ou-rhsr - ti413 Il Npa-oo" à ý p>lid the oUror, anyutogherILuce THE BEST s KY, aEIC Itrtsai,.înd to c-tivatc-he raceà and any of the sortit sihore Ports1 ile ua iic-ia- Aous- -o sîry-eo l'd f agalut le 1 auleiities O lire.son suits. w ib uY.,," reqlied Daines, 'f ihiat yous -EARLY COPIES. -Asont Aguicotaral,.hlorticultnrah L hf>.-. _____________________fullandThe__ Mo cas tadian Iofoot Pille Sie Migt ýeJlme that monment 1 put mi Thte receipît of adranca Shoots froa thejnu-y andl Faiîily Nunuistpercunbjoetj, thu- - n-qrLal ue r tly moiiihe oalinea fuSoialud Tharefoiuthma.sei oUtIthis ti n *10 I- Jbod ou ofthe lanets" -Britîis publishters gives uddiiunaaîvahn>r- ltta1ibas long biu-en anequaî hud. t 'c-s- taililti-s, IrS m ri- oU ndth t eIii ew soc i nopahed bty o the wmorh -Asent Cla-of tesu-ta - '<Xe,"ýreplied îtheollier.'i. Ipletige to theso IReprints, inassuc-h as fie) ca poys tIheu-sttlient, "di iui racà wîh hetgosCms-rtai a Ltri- ets l bect"otes'Yn, ap-ofo tos- o mrca R-lew n l 0y frtbyti1i«a> u1mc- yC~uIay ertI aQt~ ~now ba pîscetl la tise hatusoUf useir ns rn -ci n ptpaomg-m-o h - I miii chrnoacIe the It-ad'ng perior qualities of lbîs artiele omuen ay othei-N wppr iîl ou n niceiit ~ bcd» - util iou isoni s soo as te oriinai ditunris. ug.Esb cil a n îu gu-tïat enumbu-r movoeunts oU tise aga, record theino amen- aow tanuase. - Pbi.> w,>ahe~e 'ye iz ~ ip s- nitaifo üly ird nttotoc yù nilyo bot sson ste rigialeS: ut igs im rtin nu n asti t aelvisthn ad h crntosoUhveêai woo't - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tons oUfgeins, the t<ircovenies oU science, 'Iaseie ftVen aod s.dcnc. ~ l ieborhconspr Fer nti scuertu orinay JO ttîl;-uc-Idin ru a ndiastheîiretiont ar-t. IL will na.awmor-d Ir-Ister or ypsum," afntaIe poîon oUOL XILuasciuhy lsi as a Fo sy aaUtu ftu Rviws 0 eafai rsinae, ec-uia-la, ed'ualn prset naceuratie and'complote Il Cayuga,c- ant Il Onondagi.Phaster," sud Fo ny fpe o the oAystem, ciforelItea' - "U~n yurhonr t»For an>' t4WoUfthe four Rueve; "' c it 5ory, bihography, muaumoraalithe rictreote n h -ichwelr. iit tm oyilandotleyasfîlma Atra îèu w cnmnnt uio te btyFe-Mnss tO it> ono? For an> t-c of tb four Reu-ivq 700 p tiseadaymusic, i real tclatstdîlaSgnOîO u l fer y-tuoîoye uth, nw r- hetssn ls eolTn 1lap .i isrcm_.o..tro ti-heutheloiginatindand te oeel For al four of the Revv-Omv fîo-try sudm aikt',reportUs, ut Su]Jwlha ogse h atnio upiaaifLme.' 0, 2mtett îtreo.sprtalai tm oal cus ie> onttietii îî"l>~~ u1iQigl~ al, auri, un-For B îackwood's M gazio, 3 0Ou pitullutan'd lronoasm al aa-largna otnt mle baeCcaaeo in >4 Uti epe 1ltnd, adte Op iiips t ia a itdu ýi ng oser andc!making bit ilf qiite 0011- FrBslwoet-iIic eiv t u AaP R F1 U I E ! hl-, niet Uta-latsaveîs-,CroaeoMgois ys --e- o- U~noIjaie u t o i i ab l s u d ts e e m i n g a s t h o g h h e ,m e a n l F o r B l a c k w o o d s d f o u r l h te w s~î , 1 0 o0 0 Esfe t c h e s o f c ~art a t i - a n d- -- - - --ia l s s e us itan da o n t'ni e. ee. '10 ut! s1eel d ' JYl ii e stlic sonor-etas an u3n e sey cdreoic-l asinad- sc-hin minenîlyinsuiuctime asdt - Tte Publihers have maie arrangementsPot id ofra.. -. ,1 Cbs err-pea au N w -Tî de 5d >'- IiboÃ&, Wa$le n, Pti - rý stas safe as e e. sie t cnLreclUnve Site Lainiuing a pier l n t 4a xlii, but a n-a- ti toh a bst Amerian r-iters, iho wili Wà ter- --...4.ý--18 833 partule ntgvats sec Ifts oseic r t1ios~g J ~ .~. guar." /ese ïsce e-tti e reeiueat cessity. Indeei, al mit etsre à igh- conrihue utt -arions departienta of Losa - - - - --... eutained f iDili, teiiag..dag~~ I5e- Thé Tipperarý.- tatatpndèr- looketiCIBIG oetp-gosie sioînayprcia h i>p-- h ag pace aetteir dis-, - whehd, fi-aae ra-progressivenabe tise ontineora tp vail - p TA er i hlô'fiDprcaei otù i g'ti l>h enrelousîy ftt niédaùepretended anddiscounî' aru"atd enre.fieeoai---centosi-orll asti usthelcUdunia'and tho-od À.iscntç trcr-fv cnt ro hià ignores ti'asbithumbtrgandi dece-p.theseî ves ofauipieaeîectious l rom the. best -tlF nt it> ntl le s aie % -lep-Rri -tis os Lu- ne& began tt lt au-ep-csstihea lowt b lusilnmesae eouacebtehatine- ni ot tailiu ltraue ULie li e YtkMtc 9lte157n at ouaaea'i--epJ4eetpfiii *l19I~~~'ti ~ t i - - ord rng four Or m re Copies Of a u one or - as-antpronioe bthe hom o tappineaso l Wnt. luad onofii te mlIkeit A S L CI1Q, iI "' n i 1 ctuldokotiiWt l ie sed.e~'itot i,.I3iaa1?, said'Mr. Fole>',il aren'b more of lte aboya. Wounks. Tîtus :Four lana of thousantis- of restcra, of m-ainn t-s.vglaaddition tolis ianeet twill ee ng- aIL aa&T NatM copiasngoU Bt c-k1 odllrbefsent Rom-ne à ,dcupaions, in botit towa anti colintry-aro liait, lreait, astiGerman periodical presa s rÂÂP.~au.~.-TInoC~iiee1oa-ips ~tft s ~t~O saivaneielh'mihe inr oe set the e atPresa-for $9 ; foui- inmited ho tri>'the Rural thlbes 1 tprotiuctions of Wb ich whfll, bransi s fespe 1~ok~>~t ~ia ~ &~'r-copas foi-tî*- and' BlBsammoo TH FOTR-OL185FO it-,,-63g,20I.6 ,2 ; of an fiais gatlèman t' hat Le 'villnet 1 -for HÉ$Sê,uVILFJ&É,1aou.o âtik e cbe tn a Idrlam noat POSTAGE. Wil hapriateo c->lear new t p ad u- H rw wehkey in net in¶è s-~ ein o~ up~< *pcboues brok- ubscribera in anad mm-l reci-rebitai Stipittl-Ot@ Lioeo.i ex-- wiîea în s ar arbtdti ote -téOBI P4 'on nevr g taait. i ,.lathe numbans free of Uie ttsPsae tOi- '.m.ii- uw-,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .eso linfeofrjMg prnaa nvè' g a Yib at e aetieRrl o- Periodital Kw i onfineiy tslai til jnn~~~ 246 fdvaiiim -tmiN. B. Tep : G" tulaoua u-nhh ieimnacnuià 5Pt<<l- ~î<i>r~~o iia~tsa--Jh ¶DOS!L ftIW 10k'I4YO abould i ei c »uc- î Btau%1'tit"i iluauig among aiL s- sud properaphere; anti ne poriojn of the con- a. .......... 1e ivant your bi'éakrsstl .iri% the bell ;îte Fse 119iasassv nmdiu$1per îhrounet'blia mituecountry.'-Nzt :te tents of thene willappear in thie othe .... .. - besti igttb he ta ' 2-I âtf eiga ê Tii e Servic Jour 1bla. l eppr lte-Rural4 as id pw- H rIS wel- %iUl c a tl -- elatt~ fbaan opsrz~ ' j, pre :,TheFarùâerî', Guide. - pages oQ(ttizo of.tle LotidWa 11usttated i -5~~i~t'I Lau~1~fi~ksa1i i-- ~' ~Gt¶sP~ < ~W~tui~f4rOreaIia, Daoîî~ej~0~4The Rural Nom Yorlcor $ IÀ lised eiWs euchi nmnber colprising as isuei <Lae , othsgsrnwbct ia50Stphe ~ 'icdtrsWeek5 eais usisuai-omrng çîgîît siatîerzo au mortiinary dideaimcà volume.PAM mqikyatkcO ~iedn an gt n dusa iawý thepi Ë. 8 %Edî- large-double quarto pages, [ferty çol»m"Jý It milibepned - -frma4pp~aper. - i pb4â - iuiclf cteJooldas radig a à Mp urg, an thelatJuP.NortulP1'f-e&ior printeti aud iinastratcd in sa perier'style. anitablei 'fdaetepaer l- uphrto juurnwta,'. a"ê»siêoeilonlïëmêu'o éffeeted of acentiflo ýÀgrleuiwt, min-Yale ColeIa$aris2-n a ayear i'ithre cpies for beelecr-tpd, the ba lt> num 4b -j.,e it-pô." N-iew lmas I aneçu Wo4i2tit $5lEti!maasix tanfore li$10aiêteeeutl.i*fort 1na-$,!~ ~ atas im tii$01 % OIIandAt t isle daeM 5cÃ7difeteir; -.{T Ui ~ ~ a. Thie pIeurt,,mme64fun m 4iras à hts.ceDmupIeta 8 Alumin. .........e...ndA Weilr-0 ngt l e Thia- cilon itaesdsedieuato ' - s-t 1stde-- bs t1,baa sibt eÀ ýPMP- 5 c-- ) qtl ~ - c"ltlg ugii lod"rfut-- v luýgedad ii toth irà ityib ad ftaitiew4iê tet té T *fr 4.ti-nl ton. for$b~&~' ~ "i-bvepublishes bave e. seivv-d toreduce thse 's-ds es-ait>pet-pou 'Who formua.a etn fi mot te eate if t à rl gbeat." li pice cu b Orme we-ly aper;e-" s ita4,!atbap11, i4Itead IeWL asathi- t -4 ê~iuitWrî TO-% Qrgp -pid) t o, de:go - o et14i-~7 It<WIII lbfl m' f ed ë "e f <na nd Preg 4 , e'uic i sti bc $7. tkly5- à i t eutlisuiMeu-,mu es,- Wg Rr -t -  è*-- -Dic1Tafeuus sut-th y i- Enlseini _ . - - ' re a ra -vo~ 'IL the Rh .' lace Y'Se e il -d io r-ct-iireth et f s NB-ast a iesad ar irgnattîs e ar-n I uaeH- -tn ic sdpe' a N- RAY-Sb -.t ote oti i î thtl oo- ce, wb h wil enea N 10> [c-lIut IS-H Etlu acouumdat aIZr hu ay-fa hl u-g- S tat ou-ï; s o . A 5 tts~eu~c-pî-mt uniitish - and Americaa Express ~< î>0;;;~î~$1 Brtis (Ozpany. hfots b t . t ii î r o rF U S C o m p a n y w uii fo r w a d , h i- c a d t1 ;f n:i-er5 1,,s - .1l>as-.4mager Train, in charge of s Sp-e- t t elc--ls. ttc> sirsenger, Money, Psrcel,8 and fti-it-- on t-tîn- -Freig-ht ofoU ci-y descripticn, whitl te tIc-u li N~ itt t îOSsibic duepaich, te ail parts'of a tsntaias, Vîiited States sud Europe. tut-i - (rli-turceived for theprchase i t N îtuil.-D-nîs tnd Buis collected. CIIESTER DRAPER.PL i s S i1t l-lTA REVOLUTroN ! t , lii ut,î - OLL<iWAV'S OINTM ENT Je ' t- i1s-t-.o- 1 'i he Great Counter Irritant f Uic ýà n This plertn Oint- t~-n~ Iu-- t-t-tt uhari ian-ici tIe bînnd as lil s rab- k 1 l-. lUi-a inje is attri1c L1 tud hrrngit the sani, ti- aetat-ii tî yînon ui nntil tctnciing thue 8suat Of lnfltima.r, tut ~ ~ lin c-tiuu --ijriaipîy rdinm-snim}ay suhdues il, mîhoLtouc-.ted la the kidneys, ltae liver, i 'c i ~ c-at'utti--- c lu' 1tng*s or ai-îy oc-h--t--important ergs-ns. t i b ti-t.-t i t Iuc-nî'rtitetu- he- smnfatu- ho the lalerior, : t t-- - ;].'i t - utg Ibe ciotilese ttubes that conm ui -t -~ ~, i- tl~Ibit ska as suaire,-rain passes tu- U; ri oi-l, difiasing ils cool i---tcoiginfluence. , u kax ilsass s .anduIar owemings 1, lu - t-tut V-c-i-yeuciuesoU exterior irritation le suc i- uuîc-tt'nuulnîu- ly the snti-inflaaîo- --itho o tllsOlaîment. Aagry eruplions ttiui~t-î rt-n-la at $in iîtenrEysipu-Ins, Tettfr-m, die- ,.,n ont, b i-ctara snomono, - r- .ian.Hlospital sicperi-ence - ~ ~ ~ ~ i a~ î'<' î til c-I c;i l ts.n-orid pros-es lis infaulil iii iu d tutesof the skian s uee 1 ~uttoaiscc and Tum. i VI',- ' t c-f tris -nrivnîllcdea tennal remn -toc upu-ni t o-i-ifuî-, and) other Tiriulenx -r 1~il ~ c--n n-s lliosl Inirauoni 1 - >ttii' tupoisonin mu-l>produiras t t ut il-t c-"t- as mive!) as permnenact. S c-îuu q- ounds, B3 iss, BuMnsand caidgm t ~ I -'-c-u u-cs L - ufthcle fracture tebos lit tc- i"jtt -i iLiit~ l Ii. lOcOtaposiasBrui ras Il iîî- u ît- wtic-Onr.tJ ion of lif iaew-s, it la c-tii~au ulitfi- iiibly 1recorrrer led b y nwu' u- i - 1 t tI - T h'is niaslcm lous remed ha a lo-cunuîts- yl nene apro i [)'Y7 bi aJr 80 -'r c-,*anpet-w iiuiiiic-t nnuît il l- Decad, Luudn1 >ale( tep tbi :nui l ' - ti tilOcthe tt)tie-anieîintrougt b.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dSae andkJ:.>~ iu-d u oe I2 ' -jr $ ian . nt a 2 cet,2ni6 'i W1il 1t-5 titejei ~ulI at ~>~Thère ias osdrbl a-m sv oteriav. Ita-tn-g Ue lic-gc-r sixe q, Inî l îcoînpfttircs - -Directions lbr lthegaiance of pa- Pii'tl Vbi Cr, ueu P escquy le dore-are affxed to acih M:i theîu utoa5'i- boX. cîmunot PiUS3 by For salebfeas.RB~Nn kea, uip andeotGfl.~sITr asti DOEL1. BNiOB ' by tise huwels3 hilb1 , 185.1 lf~oin lhut Dr ~ dctober, 185î aStn oui>' calr.e- 1 meuih the biuod ,part,- nd c oin- tOit t4 fm g thée systé m- Troim lét body>'ch (-Late- CornW - 'g ;ISPUBuJSgIsr- >xpaiiat trei ery raùubday Iffeniiig; esnet i-cnain pure antid ce. B THEpRopa5loas~ tead!StroSSc d 'W . M c A BË any. die, is bc- liedicatne wldh AT Tj£jaGVVjjC tt, and whkch DundsStet1 ht ldgeti, and teAn o ~iÙvenu !55hatadtie rC - ù -t-d llaeusud9wb ý _è i7~tLa~ - -Y4-t âe-