Ontario Times, 27 Mar 1858, p. 2

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*.ItXA, Fý'TIIEARABL4 - CANAD4ý N*ÂW YORK, Mal-ci 20t. COrrespondqecoef tite N. Y. Express. Thil l .ip.~s,l-raUa, f com 'ier- Ih il becotin-ngmore and more ippa- ~ 1~~b, trived titis A. Ni. seut every spasen tîsat Iite prqduct trade, TW 1 fBaimç arrsved cul on rnet cnly of Canada Wtestt itst a vos-y the 2tii, consides-abie item o f tsat ofIsle %Wer- Tii. -PO1ilîcal generali, neivs is ves-y tero Stitra lordcrinfi-n tae great chiîl of norîhiern lke%,tifviticislfite ~1~~Of.lle -l4e b ainctne re river St. L:su-çrenci-, i% [lie <wtl, aili - beg ýIt o pas-Iaînent &ç :ss-alylcsu-ifortih be trant-acis-d arsd ces-t, nlei Wvitt<tit o0p50ition. i-n fille minsn y Ilteçit-tes c osssa si; ilkieahti111î part) l )ira lliang oti Qss-bec, rond te transporteti ueon ý,onmgrLnticulndogth Ie tise iraters of Isle river iii niionet Iot a tmîtso~~National' Coisjfsds.'sation European snai-kt%; tigrs e; posi lath lll;hissa expertatiersa fornicti byIsle ad-m We praV"iîtOy à liniJin-, a gaent Ex - -ocales cf lte ie'iprot-ity trcoîy, iiî il lhl'otI I0I1861, in Loudons, ii ieilim- se,-nasaI ltrilthé dvnbsiages te itederived çuuvas,î~~dt'- 14 sieUnited 1-îaieq frstn Ile adoption rig te eMIiid Frentls ion-pirator-m of (1tisaur , iii 5 fatr as lîsîs section are not Yet,txeeçI.d Nuinerots sarrestà cf ise Briiis Provinces iis coucerneti. eçOtiflug tose 'md tlt rouzli France. l'lie itatietirs of tise -pasit ye 'r aili . Il il mid in rCDýequencs et cnn-pracir shoni alarg- failiag c in ise quantity, 'vib,~te4t. rwm~sîeîs, iia srn- of flour D. dt'aù ràsu ~Ttern Cana- tc e nfu stireturn (p France unîiî '>Ili- da. emseritsg lthe, port¶5 ou tth euIls j-pçUeasesmfir .to pretecît Ile îîillnityni aus.llores L aaftty ct ier inhibaitalits, - rudouoîcdIy somee cf -IV%, disrepan rfie Fressek ats dpresnsî. niy be accosînieti fert>liyteé,de- The - D rujéitisteiol cri-s' itiasr an- emseut of koîIera ir, t uoi their téligtiatioi. - ,'vît-n Il t sada - exhi~bas of MonIreal Ai eftrîhqtske lias lajIl -in i itidQisiber forIsle pat Yeasr sre matie rtss it-1> l'r oias. tp, feom rhiat cois-c 'lle dt-fcienicy ,A", ire in Conggta'ntinople isurnit 300.-snimsiiy arises%. Anti cf s e tlsiic- Isoises :tancelitas tise fraie cf Chicago nul the ý,eIbourne dates, le tise 1lu1 Is a mirrM' West grneralIl hecomne to Canadal, as asné retereti. te ilt-s-st con-piceous sYelil on In tIse re- Uienvy gaies anti eensiîeraîsîe falîý nt cent pe-chis attIse Govès-ner General, mneôw t.ati beemr.pe-iemced in Ett ath<le opeiuiisg of the new session cf ealtsintiug iuurî,seay in he i pa1rlees ePariissseîsî. serviceà andl on ife î-arioos linses ot rail- Ole iai atosare aise cîsservaie, ro~Î~. - .alas-ding aibondant preefs et tise deter- V fl i ingql est aun1 W4i'companicsnî; in uninat ion cf te Canadisit peaple te con- hai 11se. Afr.can:,1 :pilsing E.x. editiisi trol, vse, only titeir arn trade 0on ilst-ar more bbon lh steamner Palin ftle 'naivu bt hir npus-pose imore- River Moerne>, isence îtsey rse ex-> over ta enîaîsce flse present increaee cf pected te ntl'for Africa on tise day te titeir commercial impoirtance, b>' carry- Aabaleft. iii-, off a large sisare cf tise surplus pro. Ttc Ministen eof Marine bas decideti ductrs cf 'tieSares" 'tVest. #bsat le Frencht naval Sqîadron stato- Aaiigisac in corrobora iion "d "Offt e tnsob afand lmc ialIanurgiug, anti one ivell ivor- 1 hë compoeti ofts-e e teasnlipis of %vr, tsy cf menltan in lhii connec-ioiî, isf in tise place-cf Ï(aia'formrnc-y. tIsle fact tIlle tileIsle Celliins fine Tise .ournd dà es Dts puiblis'se% an of steamsers lias teen troken deavi account cf te capture cf Canton is iltroulit pectiriary etasarrassnents anti and says îbè Englisîsisaîl notluissg ta j, is fu-t,red anti0 siuitaiiicxl iy hotu tise but (o eccupy hIe positieus %rou by tht- Goves-umreist andthie people cf Canada, Frenci tropsvitîsa unansînitv inticative cf a sîrong Thi'Hmiu eorrespondenî ti national pride, vrîmcis is Iiighlty credita- 1* no os rf in reg;ard ta tIse, bIc to tem, attitude cfte 'Unitedi Stateq inIlite Anotiser levidence of thie zeal anti de- matlter of Jthe s,'%, s dutie% of te Ie tes-mination etIsle Canadians le cents-cl eay titat the unicd States Consîsl nt tteî icvu fs-nde inny lise notsced. 'Te 1lambutrg Iras m. king pseininiry ns- Bankli, pirticularly of Loarer Canada, rangements 'vitîitftic vieîs-teIlle abe- minocf vîtichs have jinuportamtt agencies te xpenditrA fthecmecarea- ofany nte i pper Canada, have sr- tj i-InHnover in Jue neit. cenlly corne te tise ieleruiination te dis- -,Thse steimsèr lammona 'viicsvairas ceot ne ptrely Amersican palier. Titis Ihave lefî lîtimbtsrg for NeirvYos-k on detcrnuinationt ailI, as tte Bis of or lise lst cf Marli axa detained îillIltie Americusu Bankes are rit taken iueean 151t on accorircf teé ice. alil, raminel ant i enbarrass Isle trade cf I k fBcîally tieaied titat ite Otto- Newur sk auistltc-Eostern State;, and -mais <orerment has accrpteti an indcm- .os-c efectuaily lurn ttc course cf t(rade irity for te occuspation cf Perlnub>- te ft-em ms doîvu tise Sr. Laurrence. Britk. Thle cpirit"esinceti ý iy le Bannks el- Iàoôrd Pal' ierslon enteretirns-li2mnenisq8' uLMemberifor Býetclsi*gly i<u 1806, znd past fi' Newport ' 191« cf Wiglsl, f4êm 1,807 le Maire h, Îf811, iiii lie was se- îiirned for thse Uutrtisuity oCmridga mtict lie rrpreseuleti tihI1831, visen -* ---lie lest hua. seat on hii suplïi 1in& Losid JlnRusselt's Refos-m Bill ini 1831. - I eas-lien electeti for lbis aId meat et l3ecuegy, andtinsu1.532 for Seutis 1Tn, tisitîce Jue, 1835, ie liai se- prese tet Tivretn. lis Mas-cIi, 1807, Lord Pilmereton ma-s appomuf cd a -' junior Lord cf ttc Adini-aliiy, ounise tus-maionen tishe Dole--cf Poritlriud's hAdiniâitçatîol. In Octber, 1809, lie acceedcd ]Lord Casîles-isiht as secs-aa- at.'war anti lulti <tt office (unties- tue -successive ;timiitations ni i s. Per- - > seval, the JE4s- cf Liverp,)ni, Ms-. Can- Welit;tsti llIMay, 1828, tviien iîîîi Mr. Husakisson and aIliers, lie wi(lidrew fs-cm tise Duke's cabinet. .-Ilu Noen- bi-r,. 1830, on ise relis-Cienl of the WVetlington Aiminitration, lasi-t Pal- mnenton becanse .eeretary cof State for FegnAffisoii iEasrl-Grey's Astrin- ,ua<in, d tiqi"officee IsIeiti (iritil te exception-cf lîîis empsorlry set ire-- tuent iýu 1831) -titiNoeetsbel,'1831, anf agaie frmma April, 1835, (ivitis1 lise] eiCeptiil c af w dais îinteiral in -Ma>', 1839,) te Auguts or ýSptember, -* 1861. From intt inte to 1846 Lord Paiineraton mas ini Oppositiûsi. Iu Juli, 1-8169 enth ie ressýnitiOn cf Sir Rotes-t peoëliis irtdasip returusod once more le *eife as Fauftigas Socretati. ln De- ember, 1851, lie retire&t fs-cm Lord Jota-i essell'e Cal;ioet. - In Deýcember, 1852, ho became Latsi Secs-ttas-y, in -in tise ,&dmitrtton cftise Eari or -Aber4oeu., 1& Decttber 1853, te *riguid, but after a fcw lâays resutied sit poeï t t4thesorctaicit ýof ti col.' Ues u~,anditt> tld iiMsc 1855, rben I hoatceee4ed Lord Aber. deen' au Premiter ,;muid te lms blctheit - ouEiF ~eet4J*liof tht Treasury (rosis tiaIturnie f4 ôthe,-Prsent. lis - fý*s lipri .40 etQsteiro174, and W g.osoiu-OillT in i 74tt yearý h Jse bvd t xt Beige conlaino «r1ec~ h 1,858. *Mo6Tô u D PU.î 1 hava jut rndn m111 iecottiteditioùtlte fig. -whlagj 1ilgim*pbliaaîcIs: 'Tihe 7kb> tgrne ad edavlreautoriz3d bu nf m, »tei F.asce.> a- Ko dý ijéio of peace France, *0 odofl t4% fy, cf ber 10ncm. ~~nsl. c 110 1. Ibave lise sUY s - ~ M0ml devoted tend-s tiirouçgis, gîres confidence te, anti energizesnl lte citanuels cf is-ade aud commtes-ce in belli bie provinces.' Fer inlance : Tise Grand Trunsl 1Rals-edlave rcn! sd ' terate of freizlit tprntteir rondi, $0 tisat a bar- sel cf flous- is cars-ied fro t tiis cîty te Monts-cal for forty-fie Cents-a dis- tance cf oves- titi-elIundreti mile%. Anti 1 am informeti <isat a bas-sel of flous- can ho sent tsysails-cadtt Port landi, and fs-cm thience Io<em cw uk cit>', cheaper titan il cono e tcseul via Sîtspcn-,ion Bridge, and tence crer lIse New Yrsk cent-.1nulos-,aal, ithoîigh ise ditance tr tise foirmier roule i4 far greater-neas-1>- solasie. 'flle cesi b> etiîhîer roule 1 irîse- sumne, at t(he pst-sent loiv rpsices rusinsg in )our masket fer flotr,ircutild preclude sîipments frein 3-us- ciiy. 'l'ite Grand Tlrsisk rond at,s,ýsovever, doue tise past îs inter, anis n dir doinga ams-go Pfreinlitt. inc isusiness, clisiqdl in flsssr deFtined for Mloaf s-al anti Quebec arket.%-a cou- qitiesatle portion of înhIsci findi its ivay tn Porila -st for siiprncnt le Livrspool b> lise Cauaadion steamers. Pelitical question% of recent enigin, os-r if not cf rerent origiî, suchs as are groar- ing ie public favor, as-e al l entiing tIse saine mn>', iz.,totehu evceiapemrent cf tite commnercial capabililies of Canada. Ttc recenl moveneîîfor tise coîtede- >raticn cf ah tise Britisht-Provinces lte Hludti Bnay 'les-niasy quiestion, anti ise extenlion cf the Grand 'fsunk rond -te te Lainer ProNinces, Mnay te Men- licueti as cases in pint. Tisese ns-e fadt tat ougAit toise con- sitieréti b> lte nirelsants cf Newr York, i f te>' voulti rela4ith tis rade cf te -Norths anti Nos-ltWest. Ttc>- cons- Imen dtensel ves -le'6-thet Legiîslaiss-.cof ttc State cf New Yorc, nanti as-ou in- daceilîseun le taslen lte euiarg-enntof rtise Erie canal. No time-siould be 1 ica. Erery t-e ieÎt iI for 'péey nt ~cbcap tsansporlatioa l ugi tihe State cf Nom' York' sboit e deviget anti 1adepleti bcfore a diversion cf business eccurs avitL icit mii bi Id p a formid.ibe ecempolitor, àndi require years cf labos- rte regainiit. Palaent -is engage4din a pentral Sant i inprefitabsl d4isc7 * einf (lae Gov. * ernor Generâui'spee h ~tIi.0 ve nct ti» cilo;)e dcsng tbreustîDow. -ANEw Fi -v YoWFxRiettATIolf. i-The Tus-kiat Gevernment tas put forth «- a preposiititi wbih i u ciing some attention 16 eser Europe. I-lettb tIs treu*i §cf ýtm.Iron fromt e thtoe iËas- bas, beq çiefl - iretet 1. 10 the UnitedlStates;Cinmda,. mail Aus- -tralia, but tise.Soltàai astit lengthî te- 1- conte a -candidate f(-'sur esperfiaus 0 peOtuation, -mad 'it an uit'O altract ChrlStians le tbis. dominioîns, W. are 4 told ilaa. bIter' frorm"-Constannope, Wtlsatl' A cotuntry eff'aboitt 30,0Q0go- y grapisica1 square Milles, compriaing mre Oc . e-..... ---o ~ .0~ ~';s~. w' n. .0 - - 1- - -. Ina o- ~- - g~> ~I-~ -~ _ te - ~ ~ ~L.n :~5'~ rJ) .. OO ILi.a.an. -o o -e ~ (o be altogether passedi Fromthe N. Y. Tibun wç i- lte Totyn of Merce net a single individual Wtl wbô conçerted. Tîtat nt Rohffl not more titan hlsf a do à diiîi mnain wlso have not becotl~*.n churches. And -in ote a c numbn-rs prolessing ta be ço' 4t~ joiniiag, tihe rariou% CI'urchgs * most incred.ble. From, %q 'lcarn frin lte papers the excitem, not confinedti t any partieular, Some of the most depraveti an ilte population as iveil as othersî midle and hler ranks of Society i -~ -r ai 4 I ourdit le pay. In osider- lo remnedth ie cvii ttc>' propose te reduce lIse limite cf Sise Corporation ainti tetacis about 1700 acres aifafssmng'lantis froua lte Tcurn. 'TI is remedy, toîveves- aill te cul>' pas- tiaI, as il rili sîiil leave about 1000 acres in a 5isatalats or 'vos-se position titan itefore. ue uta>- lies-e remark tisaI on tise pas-I cf tise ratepayers generaîly, so fars- nsie can jutige tises-e is net tIse sligitteslt i tat lte farinesssouiti te caîheti upen te pny anc cent' moe- titan is fais- anti equitabie. But nI tîme sanie~ tisste, strong opposifion avili te elles-ci te an>' attemplteoreduce ttc present linsils cf tise corporation. It appears te us taï a remeti>, jusi and,ýeqt-ithIo ah. parties is containeti in lise second rscseu(ioma passeti attise meeting of Ralepayers, hitid on Tues. day Iast,«,Thte reunlution contemplales suct chianges in lise Municipal lai as avouisi allear farming lantir , t e asse.ased "Tisat it is tise opinion cf tItis meeting tiht 12(h Sectian of lOttit Vt us-1a Cap. 182, slitulilbe so amensald, tisat fasins in Incos-pasatedTi fens sl.ould be assessed a? thse early value or rtnt of Ite saune, isrespective cf lte s-aI value tlises-t-f." Moveti b>'.Ms-. Joel Bigelots, anti secoudeti b>'Ms-. Lewis IIouck-"Ttat tItis meeting requesîs lta ce-oeoltion cf thte Tùîan Council te asi in casr>'tng ita ettect tise foregcing îesoluiotos." Moveti in amentiment b>'Moie. John- Be=ogouglt, anti secentieti y Mr.iNor- s-st, anti resolverti,-Tiat a Conatittee of îlsree fs-cm each WVard be appoinleti te draft a menues-ml to te Govemaent seeîing bs-ttte spir-it cf tise fis-a res-o- lutioju, anti obtainincg signature* te the ' OMPLIMENTARY DI NER TO We are requestetite smate titat Mr EBENEZER, BIRELL, ESQ.1 J. A. Davidson, ivill lecture on Teniper-. - .a~ 2 ~ been brougitt ondes- ils influence. t roce~ voulsi aise %rem tiat lte revivai'! ap -- o far, hai been ini a great meaus-e,-'Ife *~'~- prsseviously ctasacîcrizetli vlitt isre - a :~4 ermetil'revivals of religion." li'ep- ilears as ttoqm-rlt a deep sense cft*iui- ARRIVAit AND- DlPATITURF. OF TRAINS i porance of perscnal piety bi a kSeI AT WIITilY SATIONposses:ion cf the in-issof lar-ge masses COING EAST of thie ps'o5-dc and as a censeqtenerýe- Mo'rsing Express, ............. 9. 2ý i hgoss neetinag are throngeti i t-- Evesssng Mail,-..-.-.....-.....-.-- n32 teîutsse worslsipcs-s. COING WEST. - -It maly te bt insuthus aSIs nosa0* 'sun xpes------ 5 otites-revivals maanycf tise conrerts irili Eveîsusg Thî'augit Freighî. &c .2123 s-elapse Pito Jtir fariner staie, but tere - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M NE --- ; euile doulot tisaitise clsurchsea NEýVAUVIMS11 TS. arercciisng us-tny neir membé-rs iste Ltaois r misl id-fl Con no-. s-sdl permaune ut1>-continue is coflileéiin A îignees nntire-%%wMcPlierson. 1uitlisttesn. F-or Sale-W. Mrl>ierson. 500 I>ors-A J. Alexander. Bat lioivres- snytiiar tîsese Irlias A Cart -IV. Il. Trem.synei4 m->-appcar loI-, halls lunlis ir opcrîtieis Alare-An lY.Corn- ir. anti resulit, if tht-y are instrumenlail in larprs for April-Yankee Notion Store tise sps-ead of practical religion, ave Godeys fos- Aprit-Yankee Not ion Storr. ii- N vi i daist iaIhe ob Ballous Magazine fus- April-YsaikeIsrilil badntdth hyoui Notion Store. i allier tb te encouragredti lan deprecat- Leslie'e Gazette of Fassîion-Yaut-ee NOc a dea tion Store. dO sth preati cf praclicai chisiamnty wldomore Iban anyllsiug else for ele- ,OJ q-atînga nation totis inteiiectîsaily anti .... ... ......-........ ................ - XWe slhah lokforaard %antisne liffte Whiiby, Saturday, Mnrcb 271 e5 _mIes-esýt fer t'e fuluse tievelcpmnent of . ................................................ ltîss revival. Tise excifement is.apreail- NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS in,,,,oves-hotu tise Eastern and Western Befoe pblihin nn comuneftion weStaites, and it ina> es-e long Yeàcit Bt-orepubissin an rmmuicttin t Canada. If se, ave shial te bettes- able imust haise tIse naine of flic asrit-r, fos- publtcation. b-ut as a phetige cf goodti tjutigebotit of its operations andýtsults. faitit-_________n___ iVe can onls- inserrt rirrimimoicaiticsns w-hich__ contain perse-ual ahisions upon tIse ex- A requisihiculitarng teen preseisleti ps-es uuders-sanding t tIss ae are snt 11 -te tise Mayos- seqiesling lim 10 c 1 à bertr to affix te rritert sroi tiane to 0 them, sbould ave decin t il do ta. puiblic mneting of tthe ratepayers otIteL- Towrn, ta take jute considera(ion lt'e 1\IANY cf tise reader3 cf 1t1C TirneS Pptsed altes-alaon in te Town hantts, are aars-clitIcan-si!erablc dîsatiafas- a meeting vas caliei for 'fuesday evean- lion lias teen fe-it for saine lime tnga last, in the Town Hall past b>'thse farmes-s miisin the Towrn Ou tlise motictn cf Ms-. ilotisonotIe Mtrnicipality -i lte îvy in wiih eir Mayor iras calleti upon te presitie over lands have been assessed for taxes. lte meeting. The taxes lias-ebeen c:mputed on 'vital R. J. Wilson, Esq., mas appointedl is ternuet i te "real value" cf thte land- Secs-ctasr cf Ibis meeting. tsougi is isia "s--aI value" as in asan>'in- Il ' was gtrinetiby iis Houer .Tusiel 'çtances Oui>'fit-it.IOUS. *i[hthmnfie Burnhiam, seconticib>' Ms-. Jeel fige- corpor-ation-tiles-e are about 27à5 acres loir, and resolveti--"itaiit in tihe ýi.. 'of fss-ming bads vlicb,accordii; te lte nion cf thie meeting tsio4sdet~ preseul motie of asselsment, paiti in taeisî hgisl>' tetrimenlal l e iselaerestes of Iast year £682 18s. 10ti. 'rbis ausije ttis 'foîru tr redttcv ils preseot limtls." silateti by the farines-s toe hue be ssclu. Morsatib>- Mr. leisry Betîs, second- ini fact, neari>- dousble of 'vial îtey ed isy Ms-. %W. rons, anti rewgtiei- L13T OF PRIZES. SiUNiG WattTa. lut wmS. Smtith a.....$3 01 *2nd Thoc%. Allen ......20W 3rd E. Blow, ..0.. .....l' IatE.llw006-.......sbe201 2-ad Jas-Pile.......I< lit Win. 14rey »,.4.~0 2ï4 Tbos. Allen 4 . .....rio to y- 0ÂTS. lit tsaflty ~201 ance, on Wetinesday ncxt. A-tomplimentary dininer avas given o titis gentleman on Titurstiay la-t, lsy p number of lais friends, as an acknc'v- iegîment of itis servics as Pr¶sidenî of lie Counby A ric-l titrai Sdc iety. About firty sat down tn dinner, amonglst htom etre Messrs.'Wiliamm Gordon, James ,Wallace, 'Roerts. Campbtell, Dowv, [)rydsrn, Agnewv, fligginq, of Whlitby WWdMess-. Mcl{ay, Cadie, Richard- ion, IR. Campbell, Boler, &c., ci i'ck- vn«n. '%V. Cardan, Esq., occupieth ie chair, and D. Mc Kay, E,,q., 0< Pickering, the vice-chair. John Shtù-r. Fsq., reati a cemnîtnica- ion fresa John Ratcliff, Esq., P rp'i- dent cf lthe East Whtby Agm-icuîigral $ociety, regretting lais inability to' be fresert, 'visiits was cauwet hy an occi. dent lie isati met vritîs a lemw days before n br-itgc ilirosen o -t c f lus b 'uggy ', and .-eerseI tort abouthtie tead. Alter tise osual toasts nI ithe "Quen,"' Pnce Consort," "ttc Army. andI y sy l isahci latter toast iras re-;pnti- ei t,) in a ves-v Iumorous unanner hy Mr. McKay, whio belds a Major's ceom- i'sion in tlie Milsti ' , Whit gare an Oc- eount of isis bloodlècai conflicîs aI- Po-rt wlîitby. Tfle Citairman ilien gave lthe toaet cf the evecr,n l 'fhli saltif of Ebenezer l3rrell, E-q "l Ile saiti te uiit in-ro- dssce the subject by a similair iniroduc- tion te 'vitllie once hseard un'lus eerly days, "lléiat-n grant me mffficieni ahi- lity la de . it justice, anti jeu'suticieàt patience tlissen to me.-" lie alsled le tIse benerelence, integs-iîy, and vir- tise wtîict were exeasîplifieti in Mr. Bir- relis Idfe ; 10 tise ciertions lie isatimade te furter lthe inicreats of A-ricultiire lthe pre'perity of tise Society itad been mnainly owing le Mr. Birrel, aid'ed biy the Directory. IHo believed ti i as Ihe sincere 'vi.at cf ail present tisat Mr. B. sitoutilire long tu cnjoy 1tise.esîcencf tus friends ; te isat great pleasure in caliing on Itesate drink thte abt pro- posei. Thte toast was drunk iviti th<e grealest entitîsiassa. Mr. Birrel triefly returnedti <anks. Hoe fet ttankfui tethem for the cnd anti hearly manner in isiîc t it toast itat been receiveti. The exertiortalie tiat made on betialf cf the Secicîylisad been very few, but sucit as limey iver- tut-y bad carriedthpitir cîvo reiard %'vitis tem. fTe culoginnis te hlldreceived from the Cliairman, worm far more titan lie deservei ; but as long as a merciful Providence spared hiis life, lie sîsoulti on ait occasiens strive le deserve their gond opinion. Mr. MeKay g-ave the neit toas,- Tse Mayor anti Council cf Wý'liiîby," to whiicit Mr. James Wallace 'vas caieti on te responti. l"Tse lenct andthett Bar," mas resptundeti to bi R. J. Wil- son, Ec- ýýMr. Bîrreil gave lte tealt cof "Geo. McGillivray, late t>iesident of Pickcr. ÏTng Agricultural Club.," Mr. Giilivray tepondeti. 'r4The Ladies," responiet t by qere- .raI eof tise single gentlemen. The "Di- r1ecîorsi cAgricultural Socielses of tte eti,"responde int, by Aîr. DrY&n. -T!bp 44tealtit of theisa isesBiirreil," <tE i-res, rrs.;onded te by lihe EJ;îtor ô' tIse Clironzede. Thie «" Agricuittal isn- tercets cf tise Courity," respondeal ta by Mr. Fortes ; anti a atîmber of otiter tonalts being given tite company separal. ed abouti thi-pa'bt nine p. ma. We regret tisat ire have net space On M-nday evening next, Dr. .N t Agntiv wil delaver his second Lecture S on Irtdn., before the Merbanics' Insi- S fille. b On!WVediiesday la!it, Tho%. lIodgin%, l EqLL.B., gave a lecture rI it 1eý Met.lianics' Hall1, on the Il Ancient t Cities of lte Morld." Mr. Ifodgins p isP, n young man who in ail prob'abil.ty S wilI become a popular lecturer,, A letter posted in Wnitlay for a par-s ty ini Linday, and market! "via Port8 Hope and Linîdsay Iiailw.iy,> managedS #-0 get 10 ifs destination in tl e shortg space of twenly-o7ic days. We really illink tis it no sinail evislence of #de- L pi tmnenlal abilily" exl!.ting somewlaere. t WHITBX'Y BRANCI I 11LE SO-0 cI ily. L The annual meeting of the branch seps luied on Mcrnday Pvcniti pst-at titê flall of the \lecltanies' Insiitute. Dr. R. J. Gunn. Pre'ident of the Brancit Society was called 10 lthe Chair. Thtee Rer. Lachla:n Taylor, one of the agents of the Upper Canada Bible Society, Revý. V. P. Mlayerlioff~er, T. Low'rT Mr. NMontgomery, J. T. Lyrne, avi Jlames iIod,.«son, Eeq., addressed tev meeting. Tfhe following gentlement tirere appoint' d tbe officers of thte So- ciety for the ensuing yeart Pte-,ide n-, Dr. R. J. Gunn. Vice Pre- sdent -Mesrc. J. lHodgaon, W. CaId- well, Il. Frazer, andi W. McCabe.i Treasurer, Tihomas Dow, Esq.- Secre- tary, Ple v J. T. Bý r te. Dep, si o -,'NI r.1 James Bain. Coînmitee-Melssis. G. Crawford, 'f. Gallagiter, L. C. Thomas, Jastu-, Jyrne, W. 11obinhon, .'. Rat- eldife, John Agnew, WRm. Gordon, Geo. T. Hall, W. II. 'fremayne, N..1H. 1Davis, Johin Lambt, and all Ministers in Ille Towvn favorable to lte Society. 1 By request of the frientis of the So iciety, we inert lte Secretary's repot in titis issue. Correspondence. ffl- IVe do not h-'>d ourselveal responIube for the opinions of our correupondents. To the Edîtor of the Oniariio Times. Sim,-- observed ini your paper of the *13th instant a letter from-Mr. %V. Cordon, *toucbing "Tbrea ecrus wbicb at ortsent bang ovcr our Town Scbool System," IIad Mr. Gordo~n closed bis letter without allud- ing tb me, as being willing to second bis resolutiotic woud not bave îroubled you iritb'lbis communication, b4 utsence ou miy part migitt b. cons!raed intoan dndortta- lion of bis resolution and seitimàcntg. I .ha1l tixerefore t-ale the preeent opportuni- * îy to place befure thse public xny position.- %Wben Mr. Gorion brougbit farward bis re- r olution, 1 did not like th-, preamble; 1 *tbougbl it onnecessary, and the adoption of lit woul 1 not add to ibe icood nomne of the Towvn abroad,*even supposing it was tre 1 bave no doubt tbat froin tbe accurate manner in which te Scbool accounts tbare on Ibm community for another Teacher. I This is not a teal sivil for thbe Sicboci-bduse Is notyetbtllitnor tIse Teacher engàged IL never waa contcmplated te ba ve an ddUtoal R SéchoI and I#eoie4v. It bas been freqtlently talked of tisaI there ougbtto beh a new Scheel btouse in tite ncigliborltoudof the ilteri bTs, an d oeiltbe Anderson street Scitool houte. Titat would*,ntlimply an addimonal School house and*- Techer, ouly t!sc remor- y ng of an eristing 7Schooi and Teacher; and a ns-en tîmen tIse majority cf tite Board lbave t, n1ways conteuded, tisaI lte settlement cf b bhat question shbnlti be left te lthe rate- payeras b decide. Tise Anderson street a Scitool is badly located, se thnt lter. is a sinall attendanlce cf pupils. 'Wbereas if ILc was lorateti ne>ar lthe Shseriffs, many chil-t dron titaltire now atteuding lthe Henry st Scitoel, 'eouId atten7l a Stiscol near the t Sbcriff's, and tiscreby relieve IbmeIHenry st. Scitool from se large fin attendance, and gire thte Teaciser of lthe Anderson street Scitool sufilcient employanent. Tite kcep- ing np of thse 4n'erson street Si-ishool for tIse past year, will cost lthe Town a direct tax of t a enst $12 a bead for ererv Town pupil attending it, wlîile it dosi net coul t oaver from $6 to $7 at lthe etier Scitools for thte Same year. Yours, very lruly, JO-EL BIGELOW. Wbitbý,1arct lotIs1858. 'te thei Editer cf thse Gegaro Tirnes: Dean tSI,-Yeu bave dQubtless cbscrv- ed au article in the IlChron icle' iseaded, '-Reduéing thse limita cf tite Town." Thse writer Baya, I'we trust te ses tise citizens .rise'up as ouat man lo.resist thte aelfisbness, ingraýtitude, a nd . want cf patriotisin dis- playèti y the'1 Farmera.'" 1 would as!, ws)at consld be more selfisis and uninercifisl tisas for lte people cf the Town te risc up en nmss, as lte Chroniole would bave titei, iu order le cruss a few pocr farmers -bo in a short lime wonld lie poor in reahi- ty-if tigprinciple cfmuere brute ,force avas allowedto prevail. Hie Baye, "the. gentie- mren moving lu thei malte'r are Làavotik moilettly and quietly." New Ibere lu ne groundsa for stating titis, because thse Peti- tion bas been ready for al hi waere cen- cerned,.te aigu, and ne secrecy watlever bas been mlui n'ested by tisose -whio noir emodeovo r te pusis lthe andertaking. Fur- uisermore, he made oue more statement whieh is Lie moit ridiculous of ail, and that is, tisaIbthe farmera have aîreai> madie fortunes by -tisci. apeculatiens lIs Town lots. New Iavould i nsreiy aay in answier te tis fooliss assertien, lthaI aitit two ex- ceptions. nomme of the projîerty whîtcit is ucw petitioned te be struck eut of lthe Towrn iss es-er been offered for sale in tise shape tf Village lots, and seme cf it beiug the re- moto distafice cf crer tire miles frôm tIse iTosrn,will probmtbly never be blcssed hy the- vsion cof tise Edi;tlr, oný accouain of tlse negligesEe cf tise corporation allcwing tise reads by lthe fmsrmle te come te such a pass tIsaI at present titcy would t.ury hum wits bat, liôts and i al. Se far froua the farina in tiselimils or thte corpnration being in- creagedin vaLlue te Sucs a wondorful et- sent, lise- have real>- been msade un.salez- bIc. 1 " hI e 'ard a mans complbin of but :a short liernmince, *ho isad a small (aras ion the limita and amotiser' a few miles out ofthe' ~n 0a ipnrebaseý,r avIo de- aireti te buy te eue oulside; ttc pro- pesed,-t* efItise eue luside, naI ili .the m,.n . $id be would on ne con1iîne buy thte Iattermerely on account of its ite- inu ianIo lthe corporatien,,btint howould rbuy theformer and' give a muci langer I ecetary for Books, Portage,- . - ... ................040 4 Bible à; Traci 8itie .... 1j1j ýLea$agbalce-k bandlof £14 5 0 VHLTJ3Y TOWN BRANCII 13!.. BLE SOCIETY. EPORT FOR TH if ER 1857-fti AT THE ANNUAL MEFTINIG'AT "IC >5ECHANICS" HALL, MARCH 22, 1S58. Thte lime itas at lengtlî arriveti *ben cur Cômmit tee are requireti to give an ccouot of their sîewardslsiip. Tisework 10 whtich thtey weére appointeti cannot, 'e viewed by any wiîb indifference, for Io tbem bas beenassignteth ie noble and beatrolent duîy of agsistiog to cir- 'ulate the floly Scriptures, rtict hare God for their autbor, salvation for iteir enti, anti trutit wiîlîout error for tFeir contents." 'To interest the pub-. lie in titis work ; to promnote lteé sale of the sacred volumes in tisw Town to bestow copies- graluitously wbeo bhey are needed ; to raise fonds for ' the ,eneral intere sîs of flice Society ; and bhus to eo.operate with the Parent In- sitution and i -ts auxiliriee 'in disseminat- ing the Word of Gxodth irough t b. 'vorld,-are objects which -commend! themselies go tIhe plsilantbropist sand cIîristian of every 'nation., S&ctrriag.. ESm lsnqcoucteance ýin -Ibis ent er. prise, for Cllrist ians of ail denommnations mccl bt-ret îpbn a c0lutlon platform, antd bave a smilar interest in gwring to otiters what bsheetuîdtethern. TÉobeai p;rt if 1thcBrn isit and FcT.' eign Bible Societj4is nosmall privilege,, yct titis itoneur belonga -to us; and itctever tireumnscribed- cor isamediae olierations, we hate weigShty responsibi- lities- devoiv'in,- upon us in our spitere, but muc.h more so as Iinked witb a So- ciety liâta onteinplates lthe moral wanîs of the csstire globe, arititout respect bo nation, or kindreti, or, longue, or people:;. and wbose great objecl il ils te put ie thte bandes of every rationsi creature, thte crackas of etern'al trutit, witich our HeavenlyFather deeigna aitoulti guide nur fait 1> anti regulate our eonduct. Alt scugs lie, ast. year bas been anu- 8uaily ùnpropiliou-; for raising fond%, ca accouI of the inancial criais, wbicb lias.affecleti more or le%% every part of lthe Province, anti titendedt oth Ier tantis; yet, ltrougit tise indefsstigable zi-al anti perscveraîsce of lthe Lady c 0-- lt-torx ci gîty,-fior dWlars andtimvnty, ttre centts- live been raisedl towards lte funda0( :- 1t115s ccietY. The toîîowimîg are lthe amounts re- ceived by cacit collecter acecordiusg tu the districts assignei to tiiee Misses Todser tand Yosîng:-... ,1 ?lGd Mis42.Gordqin ansd Camptiel i 2, 7ý Misses Losie andRo'tnsay ........ V misses DYow isnd lait;.......... 1 3 9 3tilses Blow ansd Sint-lair......3 4 'à misses St4srr -ain-t Wilcox .... f 3 6 Mfiss lDiaah FIbns....2 7 4f misses M. anti-J- MePberaon. 3 15 0 Misfes L afsd C. -Starr........2 19 3 Msking a TrtaPl!uf ..........£21 8S S- Frrùm, the' Depo'ito6ry, NMr. James- Bâin,ttfuowostk ea suln- ted: 2- Balancemr~h5... 3~ ~ ........13 . Balance of Stock*........... £31- 32,O llectived- Books si.anee ihe' -s 7 ~1 I-I Sf 1- it is nig4t forI alittiele twis lke '.bia let baie - a corporation ezlessding - as fari' Pet fartiter-.liss a taIorf "Y oler YTwns j i Canadaeaclosaug uucsp:ropcrlwbiis aanevee be couaidered1worth anylsng] but a fa 'Rmi ad avlich. îit il mre là the Tom bip would be botter off, and bave better ncads thun bave beeu intlae thse in- qoo atinttek place, for' ti.bruor.aU orne-lja paatiular, vIsiçIs là the îesdiog. eru d4 te .tbe.de t from Brooklin, aed bas

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