Ontario Times, 27 Mar 1858, p. 3

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J .1* t, WoLLersIil Uitos. $tI~,l CNl~Top À WOUIÂM A n qbleétampiç et IWoman':s love Ilnd coâragi-tiavin'; bee-à brouglît unileér, Our noi"ice'%ve deein it à, dat put il onrecird. - Abuït 8 o'cloclc on thie evcning of the Duti<îist., 'Mrr.MichaelI Sullivin, riding 0<n the 118 ton. of AhfieId, liî;prlnïaà noise in the co w buotse-wili ila clos. *îci he îl<selliig-wèt ott Io noseortiin the: cause. Mien about a -y-rd froin the door, .wlbichî was epeti, rn Insîý âjpposed by ,liim tl-eeafol spis î >. on hi m, seixed hîîm by te Collin 0 lis dress andknocked him J oyviî '%Vît. ýpnternalion, hliebelieid titýis i assai aIt iýs a orflIi lbut, Ûo:lîing -,daut edlie grappleil wilîth ,hç ýnnîaI5 regai el iiile t,î and, aCIer a struggi-e of sorne toues, ;duritiS wl:icltlie recived *sever. woun s %on 'lime face, neck end la l ýmatîaeed-tu hi it itu the l nd -li lse"b ut 0 e < llIg - aVlich etîsuitedliebrt cmgt, r S. bythe efi hani, avlich ]le ithiàdîirable presptiwe of inid, ai- lowrd s e anloails 'btercy, -knowing weIlihat il heil disengnged ýtite land ufoie rie vialpit <iniglil lie ti cke d- Mr. Sýnet' câiled tapon bits wife-a inediu6Iîýii*ed, kiîid and gentie creature -ta bring a Lknife, avjîhi whîeb sue suarI-f,'de;p'ýiWîed thie saviage heast.- Fuîtther Comteit on -thie'.above is-, incesras.aIl avili be able. in a mnensuir e tbi iagine the feeling of Mrs -uiaton seing <lie life or deall * strv, g loC iter husbaîd, nand t10 gire <O o,;r th ~Priieshe $0 justiy niterias for hlier su l4înIense and noW'e, courage in 'sa tnt y rescwing lîin t(rom aimos< Th'le ezamiple of(liii wor.hîy wonuan slîoid hve agoi~ efleet on thuse of AiWrseý wlo deem il "Ca.-slionable" tu *-aîn a the sgî of a rng or go mbi * ;fiit <i lesigiît of a drop cf blood. Dr. Eizîr,avboas suwmoned <o drest xj& <l ie o ý nimght liey aere in- fl ltd, iavulg -aven thie patienft on Molnday, int6rins U'4ilat lie is progies- 'rHc OUTH I MoNÂRcRY--A aIvrller i m iofci te receni numbers of 0 ' J)eM)lw'S Rericiv, tVhicli, as oîîr rea- tJrs probibly kiîos, is tlie pI inted but,uï yet, ~utifçuitlul gertnol <flie tact'- -oulhern poltuiral ecnnoqiiy, litas.-jitit beeti stirtling soute of our Souttîein centemnperaries, .1y an tclyuhîrate article in cxp-isitioiof îliitterrors and fullacies of Demiocratic toenfet, antI in favair of lie etab- li4luînpl, cf -a,%monarchuialiltrile tîpoa liits ('Ontaiîenf. Tlie signî cIl<lie <tujîc,,as aveluini tle Swîhll iça in thie Northi, are -enr, iulty entit'nted, and liir value ,.)tiutl itIý- by otir îiailïîil pliiisoplier, W.110tîcasIf, frofnt 1 heit attl lie stiafiigtcrv COu hàiu0ltit<licbellcr cIuaes oC Illie A inéricaît prohle are rapîdly aveirying fC lucio.titing institutions; andidtliai -t tc -~suîe i reof our furrt of ('lO- ýve,!nenr f illt tu1 h mucli longer t'oncea- IcIiyurl-onttnh<li wrlhkor roin oui-- u4elaes. NctV-Vok, lie tlink!s, would, f; n,îrnýy, vot.e itstlf <ider <1< t contîrol o0 a con-,litttmJîtial nionarclaivila a lia-el>' sense cf gratitude, anud lie is vaery sure tisiil lie peopIC cf hie Souihi will flotmsuch loii~e ~i<te, n uaectue ott-rlled [)v LÉ.GlIATIVE ASSýEXlLY. MoNnAT> Mactii 22, 1958.- ILLNES$ O 0 1119 UESPEAKER - AD- J0U1LNME.flj OVER THE RECESS. The Clerk, W. B3. Lindsay, cailedl IlIe Iloilse to order at tlîree o'clock, and i-ed the olloaing commnunication Iroin tiieSpeaker- ToRONTO, Mardi 22. aThe C1rrk of the Ugilative As- lea,-Being prevented by severê indispotilion fi-cm taking, thîe Chair to- dal, 1 beg you wili bave thie goodnebs- to coliniîîunieaîe tiese arnle btu e House that an adjournament ma>' take place utitil to-morrot' or next day. tiXours, &c., i Speaker.- Atborney-General Muicouad.-The Ilotîse wîll regret avîil me <lie seveve iiîisposilion qf tie "Speaker, and -tîe coniequent interruption Io the business o he Ili Iomu!e. Ile is, I beheve ex ceedingiy ilI, antI lais edical man cac- not exacl> say wlien lie avili be able <o restinne thie chair-probably flot for a coupîle of lays. Il -avili b. in ýlîe recol- ilec <on of Ilte flouse <hat b>' a resolu- lion paiised lasî aveek, we adjoiîrn for <lie Etîster reces%, on %%'etinesda.y, Pertiap, lrefore, il avili be as veil I<o adjourn nt.?ncts, inisead cf on Wednes- day, tii lte day fixed-namely, <tie 7(hî of April. 1 <nove a resolution <o Mr,. Brown -1 am sure flie membersi 13ARPER'S FOR APRIL, AT %T ThLe Yajzkce Notion Siore. C ODEY'S F01R APRIL, AT rie Yanl.ee Notionz Store. LLES ~GýZETTE OF FA- T/&e Yankeeè Notion Store. BALLOL'S 'MAGAMZNE FOR BA PPL, AT Tlue Yanlkcc Notion Store. HIDE A ND SEEK,A OE T/he Yankee No/ion Store. IS H EREBY G <YEN tisat the Mfavor wifl hold a Court at the Towua 11,;11, on, l'ucsday Mlorning. at thc heur of 1 1 a. m. in ecdi %vck, for the purpose of disposing of al comiplainîs eg.îînst parties for th.) contravcntîdt or rowaIlv 3-La%çâ B. YAIINOLD, C'Ierk of Police Court- LeWhitbv a, Trch 6th. !P33, 21 tf Life Insurance Comp'y, 106, BROADWAY, NEWý YOR.. Aeccimglat'd CaP'I $1.402,966 Ls NVLuT DîrîoEID 30 '"01 CENT. on <lis mide of tlhe lloue wmli concur in HEAýD ûOýFCE FORCANADA:' <lie express.ion of regret wlîicil bas fallen No. 5, Nordheimers Building, Toronto from the Attorney Getieral West witb btreet, Toronto, G- W. regard te the iliness of the SpeakePr. At Ilie same lime, %we must ail feel <liat Camiada Local Bloard tlie lb» of a couple of dîiys is a vèry W lfoLoEQ ae OARSQ serinu4 th<iug. 1 would suggei.t wlieîler 0. DUQUAN, 98q. Recorder. T. woonSID9, Esq cF. iH.îRUTH[ERFORîD, LSQ. i wilbe accor-ling tu rule Io adjouin CuneSocirs otlîerlwise <han from day Io day. 8. IL JAIiYIS, E>Q. tmzssnq. JAaiilà& [DAVIS lIoà, Attorney General 'Macdonald -'l'here is ne doubt we can. 1 know Nedical Officers of several instances of tlie adjouromeniDsIÂGLY&RSE, 71>vSre of Ilie Ilqu,.ae for days logetler #W Ill1-ank Forms of Application, lait After a et, words from Mr. J. '-. Anaual Report, TnIle offl<aiei, &c., olîtain- able or aplication Lu the Se,. rvwirN of the .%Macdlonal,d and Mr. Cauchon, <ie iuo- <eneral Agecîv iL Turunto. <joli for adj'iurnment avas carriud. L 11vuST.'%il i, J L S TATR. serc, trC. G(,'n .qlîetjor Canada Thi e relations bel ween'England an -d R. CurCE.LKY, i . MD , Mdial Oticer Franîce, whliclî have of laie îvorn a JX.t.LGISN %onewlat inenacing aspect, 9aspeurs Io .piI htv have been retilac ed on lheir' lirme --- f. iendîy oîtg Trident Mutnal Insurance C o. -- _____- --- --Providen,-e., Rhode Island. WIIITflY MARKETS. J A -ES 0, 1. UBrýi>, Wnîuvehy26 8i3AGENT, WIzitbV. -'o ch inge sîin e our lait New Advertisements. A. W. GASIBL, M. DPHlIYSICI %N, rI IE serer.al CIerks cof the Division ~iSurgeon, and Accoucher, lIrook- TCurts wiihin tH c County of Ontario liti, C. W. 25 and i Cltrk of* the Cotintv Court, acren-- - --- - - - - qîîired Iîere.ifter to deli' cr to me suich ac- Il. TREM.SVE, LIARRISTMR.cotintsand retures lanfl ut',îch întea' tilie% w'*Ceuuuy Crown Attorney. Su-hâve licretof.,r. ber bond hi law 10o du t*ý tor Io>Itle BIiî,kof Montreal, Conveyancer. -,le 'Treisuirer of Ille said Coiont ' , aod also &c. Office ln Arîtalî's Brick tIock. »W Se.-Io account for aînd piav i, er lù Ile ali ftes, ionI loor. 25 fiues and morteNs receiraie lhy jit-in as tmcCiCerksainsprov idi yte ic tîutc,2' ASSIGNEE NOTICE. Vic. cap. 5.9. Awl mil of ~r~tli e dColuntv -r _____ jOTir i1' lirchy given uhat al or- -~~ ~ îliii ~Nto c t-s naav duc, or aviich - 1) tu '>TIfF. 1'711NCIIt COL()N- mt o-il cît de hefre lie fi-si uf Msay neil. )4ts-< ir réadîtus tvia <o î tl la tinl the Ettate of eives lijbituiihIy wtîî <lie liebdogîîad;il STEPHEN FULLER, vivariîîes' of 1fr. Fuiitl, May remen- ar-e required te he settled before that tInte 'ber a ocut thrre week-. cgc thiere lippear- usthcnaa-tse tîte>' ailI he hauded ovr-fer col- a sur casful pt-aqiirade, relitresenting,' lef-tiOn tthe t Est te tnuit be Settled up là SFren C-olonel utîder thie apîaroîîria<î(. sootias possible. g ffle Gailie cock, lapping hius epaiià- WILMMPiRS , cli~I)tbv ao vns ii rwmNdfunC-5 l;uuých 22d, 1858. 3 4-td. ýiperfi[4j litsAlbion"- vltimle ini lIte disl- -______________________ Fne pearedthie Emperolr Nppjoleon ~ .I, S ..U 2inningt out pf bis liotice aitît ever>' aîp- ~araînFée of ýcoacero, antI crying 'out: NE Spian large Ba loar<Iises, 4 veara cld, neigIibýri-4odt."'l'This iîure, it seenits iiuii 6 yeaisnid; one neav Pedhiîig Wagon sýIilleiliel deigltedIll anry AIII.,' wîJair off Bob Sîeighs ;o-ie covered B¶ug- sc.Ln¶esel debghied tte agry~oîtî;.tvo Setts double Hirnesse;<wo aetLs gnter~a aboiiig-<retti-i site1 ~lIe luîrttess ; onc learme net' and gooil. foielliwils boîîgliî< up a large quaiitilY o01l îl îc ove wilI be sold at a ver>' low price' ' ~uçjS, cul oui<e agreeatlîle cai ca-t'or cashl or short credit on endorsed notes tIr i? d adiiresseti o<t-, ttîdler cerr, WILLIAM IIPESN ta every. 1"rencli* Colotnel 1u tIlle Frdrncit Assignes to'the Estate of S. Fumi.t.i armwia> ihie came atîd addlesa ivtre <c tVlittiy, Maicb 22d, 1858. 25-td befctnél in hapérial ariny-Iisls ah <it 1~rei~ Ofice.LOST, STOLEN OIR MISLAID. U,~tc CF IftiTtt-< N A MER'- AProutissor>' Note for Fifteen Poynda AMR AjTen 1Shillinp,fi>l?-Tuiouas Younigand ICA.-Q peaking of the proposed federa - Jolhai Miuidlehon tu Jeremiab Cônnor, dated lion of lte - iiai Provi ceî. a Pori.t Pickearing Octeber i oth, 1857, and payable - ~ ~ ~ - lai ae ay,:a hsaenntf~xmn iter date. This latonotifyall lan itla t mMs ' .y1personia agaullit recccviig lte above Note ther mom tonies nyrespects f-r in paytuent, or eîîîerwise negocinting the thediýréb'coonîs.interested. A surne, as the Note <tas been cubher oit, tiliion ol thh*m ail tindci eneçt'iti-al gov. stoien, or uislaid. Prnment", wý-uýd add largely to'lheir dîg. 3E13ESiNIA1H CONNOR. ait>'ct arnprtance, wile tîhe Govera- Pickering, Ilarcb 22nd, 1858. 2-1 atentai hipa tneiy-by r ieduc lion of__________________ Ilite nu<rt;rt a-f independatit officiaIs, ifý ciot an âboliti9n cf the ininor çol9nial 50-0O D O O R 8 "couts, lî~ae May' Supposq weuîd Ile one ýest9 -would be carried-on at a jADE ad making. @« b 11381»4111 diminish d coat. 'Te internaI impr.ove in. ,.,l proportion. PrimetCbecp. mentoC.cocuntry, whlieh bhas airpsdy 14~Y PLANINO MACHINE, beenn~~y bgasa ceid ' arired oui la ian fi-st-rate ordler, andl having @ good -i-e - comprèeevly, mff-, rapidI>', Naciinial ave cap do lté besti cf vorit andtà te 4 eaem ad*tae 4-O1ý ailo~ J3rîtish o neq. .P.q~re - efbe naîiaVe-tome nm ane>'.Witleaal, -prises 'roav thor<î~i dei~lopentMy Turner cannet b.lle aL l.Àtheias ual ioui-Cs cf the1 coua.tr> wouîd ,isalti kinda of turned work on biand or dolle 15> Rival-y of interest wouîl4 la'. a "great order.- useasulre- la, rernoved, snd - Isie progper. B A. G.* ALFEXÂNDER. il>' of ,,ea country tbereby advanqed, Brooklin, 241h-Marcb, 1858. 2-m ada r féeho'of unit>' and eonssngoùlstym aveultibe culitjvsted avieicioldd eertî CIIARGES-FROM great influe ca tapon lte blutr>'of the Tm \ t mÀ A people.'$b U~,AU&T ~ CORONERS INQUE8T, -Ai inquest twas bed o . turday qtat Mr Cookes .JAMES ,A. QLAR-Ks 1fHotel inth t Is bown, o0*1 ebodti of a -mn anamed Daniel Corbia,who d4up- D AGUERREAN ARTLST re in he moth of'Deerber let ati e rooras forraerlyv eccaniil, hvJ. BR~S TEETi WHITB Y, B3 BOS tolnfrra ntIse lalsalbitantse tWbll..î =b q alsrrouading countr>', that. he ait s oaasabeve reàat Ialil limes to wait upon lteésie hoI favor hlm with- acali ror of e! c> of lb. lte *4lowksg doaesptioas ir iso infrn,.înss.re.-waî. r a , o nerLume mid ottuer ppr.ýî rîîcted vaîlî c riinîl1 charge., hirutui-rte returuaed to the Cies-l of te <'cce puirsuant Io f010 s>id .>taute W. 11. 'r1E MA YNE, Cou'îy ..4uorney, C. O. TVhit-lc, M îrnli501t, IuS55. 22-3m. 'Pr ospect us 0f the Wliby Building Society 1['lROM Ilite avril nscertained tact tht tumait>' cf our leruhatit3 out Toronti, and surreunding Towns are liecomne wealthy, weethis Associîîte d ty - aouîld respectfuîly ina-lue tliern to Inke tip a resi- detice int(<lis Town, for avhich pIurcîose ailI be prorided siuitauile Hlabitationîs ieatfi i- Grand Trunk Itaiavsay Station., To acconi- modaLe thc numerous body iin Landon, theî e ading lines of ltitil%-ay thave aliproîiued I Aitl ther surplus lanîd artitnd te Slations Lo Building purposes. The>' huild a i-esi- dence and charge a rentui, avîicli resittl ins sures a freet yearlî Ticket for tîte merchahtt use. But as llia pi-rations are no- saifficientlyi>'rsttred in this couintry, ive pro- pose te take lte initiaîtive and fitd the coan- vetuience that thae rarious Cos tiare net di- recteil their attentiontn o. We Ipropose tu tornu 100 in ntinîber uf $80 eacît share.- $S,Oo00 or £2,01-0t curreiu y, an.d as building inaterials are offtered ver>' cheap from te futrn cf Jackson, Pi-Le & Co., ave think a gon-d interest eari be obtîned froni the ontîa>'. Draavings and speciflcitticns, &c..- aili <te dçiaan up b>' one of the body, and ever>' information gven b>' nu applicastion to this ofhce-avhen, a suflcient numbci- et shares are appleil for, scrip certificates avilIb' <e ssueil on the patyment of z5 per cent., ao as ta organise the Company. By lte payrnent cf $20 lier ahare, every- ode avilI') bu ntîbleil to vote fer the choice of a gChai-man ail Directi s. -*An Hotel te ad- tVertised w <te built, andl a psublic Breavre>' *111 aoon be starteil b> a gentleman of pr- pert>', avien ave terventl>' wis<t prosperity ho titis aew undertaking. THOS. DODD> -- r Architect 4; Civil Englacer. SWhitby, MardIr 12, 1858. 24-tf 0Ã"FTUE WIIITIY MANUFÂCTORINGO PATENT! COMPÂN.-HUiTM'a Pi,- TUT. TT UTTOWfS Improved mîethod of Lubri-. ]EL-ating for Oiling Mlachiner>' having- bes enlnte Canada, a Patent is intcaded ,.t l1 ýtain eut for this CounfrtÏ as WeIl aS tbtes, Thje cstof such Patent ln pais;-; wig the variota. offiffeswill amouat te g tbi~lke 80, aidas i1. is istendedUt. fbrta a Corapany' for manutlscturing lte ar. *iclto suppî>' stian yvesseis and au>' kinil 'OIf machiner>' acomupani> for Ibis purpose Io proposed. to b. forîned 'with a capital of- $6,800 dollars, dhvided lIne,'100 Mhares of id8'dollars each-on applicaton for shares when sncb allottment is iwade, $17 dollars nuit.-be.paid down ansd atecgistry of inch Shareholder madle te conforra tuo the 78ts~te. Au tluls will be a very Iuçratily çenceern, gentlemnen are eusniestly invit.d te Jein the.asSeciallen, as 18 la expeeil£Io?- 0#0ayear will be realliged by thisera tion ; 18 will b.apparentL hat eachabre - ~a~- ~ ~Ij~ c~ E~ A.. 3 * c~- [e- ML TM I HOL1 or the Gonds of the Eatate of STEPHEN FULL1CII, arc now offired Tfor Bsle under a Deed of Âssiganent, at a Grent tLedtiueion iih the Prices. fii Stock, aim sual, is very large, consisting of FURNITJJRE, STOVESI AI] ef avhich musît bc soid at sate price ta remllite Cftsb, to meet <lie m-cent liabiti- tieî. Ail <cisans. therefore, itaving Cash o0 invest 1inIIoumebold ilurniture, of anv kind, ÃŽnaay flnd it worth their avbiie te caîl and inspcct te Stoýck, as Greater Bargiîai runay bc expccted ttîan in an>' otljer Aaajgiment in tîala Section. Wi<. McPHEIISON, Assi gnce. Whitu y, Mardi 5, 1S8.23u 1BARGAINSO IMMENSE &TTRWCTION!! 1IR1STOCK, Afl TRI "ICHMfST -9891S [T~EE SU.BSCRIBER has on liand an immense Stock of Gonds fnr sale at Prices winîch cannot fail tu suit every Purchaser who îs desirous of Rea.Uy Good and CHEAP GOODSM ! Flannels, Blankets, 'Polkas, and Woolen Goods of cvcry description. Prints, Shirtings, Dress Goods, ShawvIs, Sitk_ CIothis, Carnbrics, Carpetings, Linens, Tickings: Laces. Ilibbons, Flowers, Gloves, Hosiery, and Smallwares- ln tact, almost every article pertaining te the Trade. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES! %Vhich cannot b. surpassed eitber for Qu&UIty or CheapneSs. SCIIOOL BOOKS! %t Lis usu:îi rates, namc1ly- -til( Publîshers Prices, Mt a Bargnin. Tt is his intention tc glve reaîly G-U dagtiargats, as ne is determlned to rake a clearance of lus present stock, so as te bring in extensive Sprlng Importations. Remember the address JOEL BIGELOW, J3rock Street, Wbitby. Pi.hrnaryl5. M12 ~ ~ ~ ~ N Sbrier eLuit Maet hIr utm s.dUcPulCveer!yta STOCK tlîsy have resumed btîhiniessilu tJAIBWEWLI NEW BB1UK BLOCK, Bftqb"{ ST, IVrHJTB Y, W'ITII A NEWý AND SPLENDID STOCK 0F SU ELF & H1EAVY HARDWARE %Vhich tlaey are deterniined.t d at Prim st-) suit t'he tim23. They would invi particuluîr attetion Le Liteir stock of IN-DIA RUBBER' BELTINGC, CROSS - ('UT, CIRCULAR and MILL SA'W8, BAR, 1100? & BAN/,\D-IRONq Paints, Ois, Glass. Putty, &c., Carpenters, Joiners and Blacksmiths' Tools, Piated Ware, Trable and Pocket Cutlery, &c., &c. The balance or their ]Murait stock they sve aimost Girma away. J. S. DONALDSON & Co. Late GOLDEN S-AW. Wbltby, Jan. 8th. 1858. 14-tf IâvMIP-aý? ââl YIÇOTRIiÀB UILDINGS-. HE 1-NDERSIGNED bas just opened thue argeit, aials comploe., "ail eut St o Ck of <tl DRYbas GOOIDS!1 Ever breughl laIe lIte toava Wbitby, Iconsisting o flnud i asaoraasttotEf ih, élansd i bl 4 h es7.*H lb. tacdto bisexteasfréjreàia A ýMJLLINERY' .PiL avlich wilIl be uniler'the iramediate qpperinteudancaeqp-JiIs&' 1E8 youpg ltdy a*ho h» beode4d 4*iaiaimuli .l n i on tItis centlnent--- This ilèpartmo6t *itorap a at aet cand Persia seleettil goodu, eraraciag evea> ry~l ~4 ul stile, fa#hion ail eltet>' uni-passes anytlugyet inmrdtecd il4at*Lp ontrAT»G NDOQT »I- A ia thia ilepaitme.tU»,qSixlseouber is dlter[uuted noiQ,,eoý la Cana ai hsye iain, qualitymsL-okaaa anr)ste di t he aormleu-t, f ruv-her pba5Ti ciallj-erployeil. 18 ia-a braaitàsof <thuktisiaes4 tbat b!"'loci ocçup attwitien-and . ' tIsaI lsféelu-assured avilI pà,'Îëèt*ùr -o et-dol'.- f- W iy tesurmuadiag çoaîtt tTise pieo ver article inarked ini Plain Pigürea. lan ceason, te ubsierérwguld beg Ile at hýtefiovovab1 der wbiclt ho 'las ptarchsséd. thie who eof his ext*srvoeiç , an -#ni ss'll ##[ Çoods in isluË tablsh S.TWNTY41VSE -ERC the pries usuall>' cbarged elswhsre. AUl busi ssconda.cted oiath utls asaPrixÀe1plsOà&aPricee41 Wbitby, July lt, 187. t W.ected1 .Prench OGod, suit-, ilAIiLION &ROi3iRIS, . . . . . .. .. .. TN PETURNING TUIANICS tu their numerotis cuitoniers in Town and Couiltry. for the uniarallet success and encobrageinent they bave received since they have commenced busiuess. nnd beg tu infurna themn that théy h.ive rcnted and ivilI nuw he fonnd carryîng on their extensive business an DRY GOODS, ,CLOTHINGI GROCEARIES1 SEEàS In the ahov c Store Iâtèly etot!ted by Mr. WlM TILL 0 first Brick Block C'SOUTHI 0F TIIER OLD SlIAND. ~~ Il.& R. offer the remiainder of tlheir Preparato%-y <o tlàeir receiving their Spring Importâtîons, SA M CY C> Blu1' E'E» -L ZI4DC0 l No. 1 anid 2 Till's Brick Block.1 l3rock Strvt, VIhitb)j h., loti), in6s. U - WAN1'ED. T 0 Purch>ise or rent, about -"0 acres Goo 1 Lziid, wthin live niles of the Towvn of Iit. Purcliase witlu or aithout lildiugs , on easy terms prefitr- red Address il. J. MACIX>NELL, ., Februtîr>'2, 1858. tthy letter post-1>aid i 8-tf. Oitarlo flani Notice. T IIF E Sl3cktiolders of the Ontario Bank are<terri>' notiied tuat a Seuti-An- nual 1ividend cf Four per cfnt, has been <his dai> decîared on the piit up capital 'ituck, patyableon and aiRer lte First day of April neil, B>' order_ 23 -td DFISIIER. Ca.uicr. Property on Iirok -.- o Sale or to L.ease. ect deelp to a Latte. A LSO, Lot No. G, fornierl>' occupied b>' Ailan's Livery Stables, hrock-Street, satue site as No. 3. ,For Btugincssa Stands tisose Lots, are Equàl to att>' la Town, and will b.e otd on most reasonable ternis to parties avl o avilI ereet gîsod Stone out Brick Building1 on theni. -To Lease. One TI.ndred Feet Prontage on Brock Street, directîy opposite Il ryan's Ilote, fer a terni of 7, 14, or 21 yciirsin lupurces of 20 feet frontuage andl upîvards. Appl toJ'. IIAY FERRY. Whitby, 3rd Marci, 1858. 23-tf. -V u 3Mr C>EmiMA. Dt{UGOIST k APOTHEOARLY, BRZOCK STREETl TIEGS te ti-fom lits cuetomrdr and the _D> public getterali>', <hat <te inhsn4i re- mnovzng bis business on or about thee lat et Mai-ch, neit. fi-cm ltsestore he net occu- pies, ta bis ntw atore corner of! D'adlop & Broek Siss., Andl immediatel>' soutb eft he roav of brick buildîng$ latel>' erecteil upon the tigounil where hée aas buned out la April, 1857. Thse basineu waili be carricil on-as hercha- fore, giving satisfaction to aIl aWho bave fa- voredbhim ivttheir custora. litproviding a place aviere lIse ublic, , a babve Pby>icl- andl Prasdlphions -and lReceiple et al kînils -made.itp andl co mpoundedofGenuie GOLD àAND SILVER. T IIlE Subscriher hîîving boug àdatick ini tnade, andl tuusinesà formerly owned uand carried on b>' Thomas Beallin thte Tovt of lVhithty, fron the Assignees to bis estate, now ofl'ers the as-iole stock for - sale, including GOLD ý SILV14R W.ATCHES,- Jeaveler>' and Fancy Coqo'dg of ever>' dei- cription, and a ver>' large stock«of Bocks, Btationxe, Behooi tooko, P'Arxa H,&..ÇIsesB, &C., &C. Haring purchnsed the above nt a Great re-; duction fro aithe Cat Price, the su5suribiir is now offéring sncb INDUCENIENTS TO PURCHÂSERS, as have never been Itefore offereil 80 the Public lu thiî Ioculity.-,i JOHN BEALL.ý N. B- -atcesClecks, and Jewelotry cieaned auad repiaired. W.atclt g!asscs fitted ia n ûnykinil of Watcb fer 7 id. 'Whitby, March, 1858. 23-3m <LAT19 CESTIZE HOT]gL, r tiYBO-ST., aEIfl.) T H unes:e be tla Inforni bis nu- bas remo'red ta the bore bCd, wbicb lie bas tltted op lanlte ver>' <sat nianner ta arcommniolate tIhe Pu4iîc. Thse bouse bas been put halo a tlsoýugfh tate et repair, andl aIl tho roonis 'have been, newlyrpapcr cd and renovatcd . 'Intbequality>oltliac- conmodiation, anil tue attention beatowed on the gueats, aI Borleigh's, ibe proprie- tor ventures teumc>', tIsat laisihotel wilI be tounilta bc second ta none la lte Provincp. SAMUEL I3IRLEIGH. Whiiby 31arcb StIs, 18581. 2à Notice te Creditors rT AKE notice It. S tephén ÉFolet, latel>' carmying ont the business of Merchant, as weil as tat ot manufacturer of and dealer in Furniture andl atier things, la the &oa of etlîby, las tItis day .>mail. 'n assignment to ma(te underaigailie William NePbcrson, a Merchnt lanlte Town et Wbitby aforesalid> for- the benefit of his crcditoi-s avio arc requesseil ta cerne ln andl execute the said asaigament, whicla la aow la my office for <bul purpose, aithift six montits froni the date tbereof, etberavise Ihe>' aoulil be exclttded - front al bînefit of, or advanhuage unader the Rmre. Datei titislit day of March, 18,58. Wu. McPEIRSN, 22- 4~s ATTRACTIVE SALE OF Fairmiug Laulis, T*WnLots, RRI~ COLTJMN Valuabl BuÉiness Ut jrr 1e Ihe ]First-Lot North'<:of . tgîrOf Lfcc,BEat side of rgk.S:rs ofb.i ow 14a.3, aa Perry's Block l ~TowmrWhJt. v. The Purcbaiser wiU b. ètfrdt retaBriek Buildingonth Lt b, p t mt regar. Foe> Prices andterM& ; yi-es tpp lyte pament 1lhitby, Qetober, 1857. L Eif 9ifES&IV ÀAÀDA FOR SALeL [jELgEbcribet it' detenil3ed :10 icelttrat Lotte in vutrieu asof'ii b ouil-A ry oliNrg t4lts iti.la sar truts ~ ~ ~ u ofpqlisu--easy çOtrNTY ()É 'IWELLINGTON, ç o.ro, let<In . .......0 Aus 26. 4tli.......... j a 81, ....203-a TOW'NSHIP OF ARTEMrgBjA. Na. 37, i4tli Con .....140 Acres, CO'NTrY 0F KENT. TOW.VNSi-IIP Of CHATHAÂM. Rear lualf Z. 1 5th U(.i... 160 Aeres. West haîf 3, 1(;th il ...100 f" West Side oh idJEooà No. 42r ,... ......200 'Ar, COUNY ~ONTAF ,. TOWNSHIP 0FMA . No. 13, 5th Cou..a....200) AcraL Is. v , 6th t .....100 ta çOUNTY 0F VICTORIA. TOWNSIP 0F FYNELoN.' N 1 ilelt Con...%.......200 Acre8L W.4............. 100 i COUNry 0F HASTINGS. TOWN<SHIP O? iIDOC. East 4 23, 7th Con .....iOO0Acre#., TOWNSHiP OF HUNGERFO)RD. West 130, Sth Con . ...bo Acres:- Fror Prices andl Terme of puaynsent dpplj id J. H. PERY Whitby, Oct, 28, 181.7. PORT PERRY, çOUNTY 0OF ONTARIO. .LAND FOR SALfl. Town Lot No 1, Corner of Queen' and Wat>.r treeta. Decidelly the raout vA:use bIs Lot ia the whlsoe Town. QUEEN STRBETÃŽ Lot Ne. 7, 66 feet front Lot No'- , corner of Queen and Perry Streets; Lot No. 9, do. Lots No, I14, 1,U12, lD, 16-k 17. 66 foi ûrot, onining one.-fourth oet-an acre each., LoI No.- 18, corner of Qneen and Lilla 8,tets, Isearl>' ee-haIt of an acre.. Ail of lbe fur.eaing Lots frontonthe Xitiz damined-Ro4. ,and ar ataâ"ieinaep'* lets 19kà 06, cérner of Lilla "d !oetb..stre* Lots NO. Il,. 23, 24, 2, 28, 3S0T,'SI 33i ad 34, sulti aide'of ?forh Stret auîn ing eacb cýe-fifth ef au acre.; A6«e,,5N. 1 53, 54 4,north aide oethtIe sanie sal'ut LosNo,. 70, g3, i83, ,ibu Mat>'Street ont&- fourth oetaacre eueh. WATER STRÊET& Lot NO. 80, c&rfler of Witer suddCiderella- Strest&. ,CINDIiRE:LLA. STREET.- Lots Ne.40, 93, 94,107 1sud 2091 , fly aitualcil for Priai . Redeacea. lgeing parI, of Lot Number 1Nineteen, îinthe M11 Concession of Beach, adjotuwg- th. surve>' et the Ta"a of Port F erry on tIse Nortis. This Propert>' h villînatteil for dividing luit - Towa n tiPr-lt AÂnd will besoîd at ach Pricsa -4 Terra as teaakeit suhaject ta capt"lau..p plto -Whitby, Oçt. 28, 1857.i 4 $600, $500e-t 40, $300, 420W. FOR SALZe TO-WN-LOTS.- YrILLA LOTS, PARK -LOTlS id Paper BARGA.INS, 1 1

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