Ontario Times, 10 Apr 1858, p. 1

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esto.---Lt the WHITBY, -c. w.. SATIJRI^ Couty- OffiCial Directory. ESSRS. WILSON &ND BILLINGS Pootry. worsed bobbius ai thernifor their tam- gO -------------- Solicitors, &c., Whitt>y, C. W. - ---- ------ bour enibroider>." b>' >'o'i ltoav.Aeme o heLgi- J. WILsoN, W. B. BILLîNS3s SPRING. I " um 1 A-propos, were are your vricli LItVER A m e rnherSoaih±he Legs- Whidtb>Oshawa. - latîe A~enbîyforthe out RiiugI Ibro thers anJ sisters Vl e5ery f nai.Address-ýToronito. ENJAMItN A RNO LD, Clerk andTi Tbe spirit of Spring is ini the Woods i-andi "The bays are goule itb pape. .Sis- have'a OSI~H GULUMemer f th Leis-B Treasurer ion the Town of W'hitby. 'Lie loe-the untintng-ministntater s-aing ierwr îhtei h T-OEHGUD ebro h ei-Office at the Towa Hall. . tatb, eye anta penthe de>' withlmneg- Tven qlative Asseînbiy ior the Northi Riding -Sh e ttth, wtnitrreuo S br e our ai ausethe uena itDuhaugh- ut fo -if Ontario. Addres:-Uxbridge, PaIt 0f- W. , C.LDWELL BROWN, Couve>'- Seeingth ihe is wi ier ptetlia ." oro us-h ue fDusag-oto fice, e tncer andi Comissionner iu Quecu's Fedbrt oetswiîbehpten la"Uc ielat ftehat -ge-gavetF' _________________ - Bench and Commumn Plees, Lad andi Gene- She speak-and Io a! the primnase with n lir h es fficlats1gs in o eXCHEUS BUItNHANI, Jutige CouLty rat Agent, Uxbridge village. glmnaispconcoedbsmibuabshai aUV SroeeCutad hina -___- Wakes up ta hear ; tic wall-flower glauce at thli onest, candid u ipesi uaeter Sessions. T N. AGNEW, MX. D.-Pbysician, Sur' clrbs ber knecs;ouenneboebmanheiteft' ELSO GIBER RENOLD, Ser l ageon, Accqucher, &c. Residence.-- Shie wcaves tic sunshine tbrougb the cool, uwrttlme ougmteSlî ie resivled te astm B1 XTESNGLETRYODSe-Dutinus Creek, Pickering. uwgrt.y skytlili esivdor Bt iii'.f Ohtie tteon Ios uts-___________________.- And hangs bier reiment on the nakzeti urt ber iuquiry. Therefore addressing lit c Towaai Witb>. 1)J. GUNN, M.D.SrgaAcuh, ee. Fionu, 'vis stooti nespectiull>' at a dis- The stnr OHN AM ERRY Reîstrr. ý_celi l.ant ilPysicien ta tbe Geai for thse The wind, ber high-vaiced herald, bath tance, cap in band, ready ta pilot ui aitîme gza 1J1I H.MPERY Rgitrr.Ofic 01Counly Ontaria. tiesidence, <Joibonne street. gone fort.h t 0h sgara-esit-'a u as n o SnaBrck atreet, in the Town af Whài1by. ot ihra-esi-la o as 1) OERT JUECLEYMD. Pbyicia To boutbcrcoxung o thefloo aihave the pleasure oi paying my respectsreotii T DL ADepsit>'Cle rk R andi Sur-eon,Examiner in the Mmdcal And fa venm lss éi o wn Vand PLeIa, C,..,ao fer, yunto their stonna lands af the aiam ai ron ndPlas Cer a Cun>'Frculty oi Toronto, tlniversiey, .CS. North, Fiaun filieti, as we se>' in the nortb, qîîeîce nà eni uragteCort. fic o ,$rcksteeRcsideuice, Brock street. i The înow-fiends wiid barbarian broodb and then pumped- be bad bit Ici e Towq of Wbith>'. __-are driemuI'ndhgOi ondbr __ lIT O EASTWOO, A.B.. D., Cor-And rivers, tliat werc iere wiltr l'une ue Anhdoig th inoendtr W.CLR ,,Physician, Surgeonu, anti n0s2.OD AB.hlD, o-e ore v te' * W.CAi,*oner, i'isiician, Surgeon, &e. &c. co!d n mo-.e'si 'in' Coroner of the Cotinty of' Ontario. Ilesidence lateiy occupieti 1»' jas. ligson, Now dance tintto -their owa sweiret ditics Tegat ' e iu spu bovn ltisîlfence Ducîdis re. ol.ad! t ,mbme.P marnentsù jl iehadl tise ice-chain ltils~Iclo t is, il>r por littemmoni il' ION IMPEiIRY, NMayoofzla i eb S. JONES, Local Denîit. Office ou hearts ehi lî,m or itemný ftefi 'rBîn hit .irock street, ovcr J. Bigeiaw's stoe.- Now i e~ h ten ufedmandt idbptighsua ny:11mt Ail ulwraîions iwarraîitdd. Py:isalntteps nyufrhr tl f ~E tD~OReeve af the Toýrili o "0>ý of Wlitby. M7- Il DOIL, D a nd'au Apoth Likie sonie fair Naid accu their waves: resurne mn>' valk tîntil I bave reine lied l I 1 . î E N ~ l) i u t t e sr r , B r o c k s t r e e t. r l . i Ï W * treTownu of )\Vtitîýy M7l S- iiOiilNSON, (Scticcessor to J. il. îhrougm, <ota îîun i te îse * ernie> Farniicmand Disjcensing To scek. fer dom, ber îeiaceinthehbouse AberucîL . AVII) l'AI>NGi- CoSfutc-the Liernîst, &U., Brock street. spars,si." aul papa, j)Lige oi Oshcawa. -- - Finucit ils crpc't is the up]mer "1blne' A rrust, even man's syst A. IIANSISTUR, Dealer i r s Ancd iSlier Sarîdeli that slue wr "te Certain1', -,ir,"~ said Floti, isba now fAMItS r)Ry tIeNte- eof the 'rue':- ,G.tiemt.Dve Stilfrý, IiL lt liii erevestarts b voli elrti1anisae * sliip or ýVcàet \Whitimy. Addre$S> : itcook- Patent %Neidcices, Trusses, lielîs, ircs, and Spring-iike an auget ciad in raccueit cît bk e mst efb old e h ta muakeexpen.se 6 tlinryting cunneuted ht h i ie btits ýSge- w1icte- Cguesly, ----- -- nensliy, I)utida. strect, corner of Bvron. i1 hlit c ,li'd wav the stone fron> Natures the start. "*Certeini', sir," saiti lie; thiat ibis * 1eLVI CAiIii, o t)%ejmnte iteere utd- tomh "but-coublc de nmalheurs !--Il e bread ather i 'Bsiicier, &c-. Residence, Green street Ant i cli lIe tiowers art risen iu their livai, iberciore, a ie'v minutes ',efore it I OiN IA'I't.'hh-' ofthe Tocwn itWi EVN riitrt cI- Ticen oukedti îi.cîangel on mn>' sliril a te lIt e o an he 1ok waserve up Sstcil o f Eeu-t %WitLcu. Address ('-A: iet Dat- glccoma, be h prto ftec ,W ou luisima ~ i riîî, enci (Civil Engineer. Roonis And scscsded in mv bcrt :-8zAnise " lie is our baker ;" andi, bowina, respecîful- w'rhîe si lvr ime 7Ï'ns' tlium, i)unias reer. i seid.- 1>', lie quilledth Ie presence. Tresie e 0t--7 hemne scareaetoinswr nearis ecnsd' MJ . ilMtTiàîrr, tcîmtReev fnile MlSW. t'iii Sîrvevar, Architeul Ah deati ! Irednerlyou o Ily olvlsipU nie h tisA-erei cernieýr ai'EýLL Aen ead h mawtinb h d srosp o iaifrepr.aduce drcs: ii.luiis kvisitor. Ic sav' that iu combato - -I ~-Literature. other mannii trial i wtbh imn, heb Fi: cen iâ IItEMAIN il. MWiilE, Iteeve csi tire iFI sîrt, Provincial Li-nc i irvevor coltiou>' uccet-nfat Ilb>'a rse uT 'ckein. Aideu - ' aru thîe C u rt-uc. lii nciccr NlkltH N.Forlunately lie ias full ofiresouuce, and Il i i~ . i'E\U, liuS ei t TLt! tM YX1~c h.i'rcci:c-,'Flic1 efi '-t Patriot af wbonîi bmanticale buim rons the ~difficuit'. le lbere- frai J.owci.,i>' ut l'cAý71ivri ig t l.-i crs-cc cr. Ecice-,accd iLiî-imention 'vas I'ioN -MAC CSiAL fr oilt u esngeb ait bsozug Bros~ba ~ "' '>m~ îc5c . wmos cuileiipoiinis uetita av' tîat ibaker, and îvbo mn iact 'as cook, 'lut Na i , . you, %Is 1 vit' W' î~\MILE,11o-ir- of li . I XI L1\N hr ir'tenst Pi,!)! "Noue but hirseli coniti be tispanallel. - andi butier. e mere maid-of-ali-work, î,pp, tMa rie .c.10x..L.papal'. m.. ..a .1' 11,5. I c i--c I ft cccu,*uiJer, th atcis in Ileaud ordereti lier lu prepere Iortbe'il Ildictionsi J èiT~ L *~~- progress ni flic dispute betwecn the some cakes oi meslin (roixeti iveat audJ omtt iii IYYIiN, r., Il-i cfsic c.s,1, lc5 m-r~ edrG-eeks -andti'rojans, fliere appeened mu rye) ; but b", aidei, thiat seben ftice ro i 'S'owss c o naci.-J 1r 1,11:p omccf li-ýVIii. ie ranksaifîuhe fariner a ain Who if; douccsl ihîuldbc eadis do u-T EI ni he .....c t rialFiasîn. ceitirely>'!p- ingîh~g'e cakes on tlîe gnititle singi>', twa P r-l's1r.15e ur5rva iii~c wi.îîiii Wi-Li. i--buil c -tic'\'.\ olc rler prclaci;cd hsîm nearer lu physical anti iere talie joinedtitaeticer, svitlî i> 1,Fu ltm TcîcîîccCl.hics h Ah-i w - -.i. -il>it-. V -c me.ntae'iqualifies iict i'ita n iaid fi- Igridlin muthme ccmnc, 50as ta honni a Tb V mmctest'rt'ol iiîlc r - luc1 lii1dy, iluglà a"es uplscake af îbree las>ers, iand inuttis stae i,.JAlirion,-cr c e- ag-Zs lhatdpas-se in utise interval.*Stiruck <bey wcre tabcbecookietiouneer, .uust flown vi T\l \îlîlIReev cm thtTcsicsscîj. . -.111l adr .wî fsamt-hesppropiaenless a 10'Ill mak bina spi ta oth<"s1ýaid Elaus Of ,ilc,. ci1:~:U x!crtctzc'1-c ci bLcctticilf t- lve n aMy' lirato an, boae i-!aside. tcf1 -.1 - c . t,1si!1ticli ipsn a lne frOni tbe Weil-knawn tranedy f b2 caok sas intrlligent antI ectîVe an J i'l \\-'li'\ \N --cic hi m- 'i si' - earneif or <ta titte tthénaine ar tue nre-j anti proinisedtalu urucarmforth hie ure,,k- is j Tcwcs, cc ss itcc ~ NI.! -- , J's hi\ i b K& 'c l..ch-rsisîmark cbhe peison, for tbc malta ai th* falst fable ssl:îiici aunlicur. Aieb TiLiI \i ý\ihUocre' ia-ic -re, flr-cILstrecSi 1- ii s c scapi -r i Thien-upon Ficinu rejoinet i ls 'c' mue, liad To l h i1 cm hh.c.'eviclc:a learn tci- an i s, ~ u î & c.sc~;u auc or FiNii ac Cunîhail (pronounced b>'Iiie rsmc reee olania ncutu Brick. l~cc ccj~ sscI lcceiri teerv lt'e Firbccigs and thei u sor Fninferval 50 long iras to clapse btiore bis ther u - c cihî- Ic-c'. iI s oo/) %vas the Iced - aia iamliyl mcela!i waulappe- clredti csf ise - - rtc i 'l~-5'. ki. X'h.,c.c-tc.and îiise-pt oi gîccus, anti renowued equil ù ~beguil e Ui tn,' saim iéb, 'ce 1511 . .- c -..~ liii - iii îî,~ 5 C55~c >fior sîsicice, stritii;ytli, irsi!, and cmms-us hssm-a aci n ne tan nulai v; ' V-%vAr, dom. :ti cun.&ic-y-ili- -l- i1Iq - ni> a tiaford rime an iiimimoi be sort aia k ~ - - î.ct -. --15 ~ os. îcini smî iel> m-y -si sc<ss l ý j education g(virtr)'O-u b rpape." aimc, il-~5c- ll- lici vio onlv oaiminci, lire iil ;ebumver Mc.' i~-cît'c~-l -l cI -\ c ,-l. 55r.c caesu t is e ie Scsueo ti'up li.been ai a ver>' coiici m-lact.'plais ai ....tcscs~ci.~-c-- i'c ci .i. .i - - i. -- v - -1' ~-N ~ i ~ I tIl;.or rallier aI a pîcculiar ndî. 1 a ni> s'y Tertio I- - l -cui'- i h ~ frnmtue trtiutia tit tuzlit anti extrciseml ici gy'înastics.' 'a i 1_Ilf_4 Sa mnusi Iflic butter. Let us hi-ie wt e tingliit n MY mans, tîcat fil ame 0aian1. el 1(! iVlE"TT, fil.i- ' ii - i i i .i cin Dfl, Cisoc.l"nlidtavzeiin at rvk t.rialai tîmat kinti-a- lturee ds au V'cmcec ci 151 icciî -c.cc tii - --hc ci< ie'i 1c-jel u> iacutmoav - youupletîse. 1aç'prove tlles»teiu uncit - '-c ccmsecî >-f r c e, anti CAs1îsaîl ieasure m AdcrecîA~s"-'v.c ~-------------------------n -cl'11 f b-a-id gilatt, wmima rcsatret on sm-ing tise 1slrentmin,,0o, - - i--c- - i r~~étiombteti Fiant, concislenciu ilna-, i -ltimiiyn;for notivitibtauno csj-aur early s-euth, 1 fixcd >'ou a titis'bù it 'acr ~~17'uLlAM î~x ~ c - ~- . i- - rinaksng liîîs is Iributar>' or suave. N\Vi 1i Waî hal re ailT 0 tirer, 0?1, imîtenlitesF, n-s'Rt-se-cilof stufi'. Wgiomieci hveV 4l11u-smcî ',"Ti lU - c cc'ni- .-i-c.cr> Xm' es aiicd e F ins nhane i>'anc fi e _ t--c :-_:-1fenlr au j> at Cususîuurmnt.see'5tene , &,c.,t Paa!Wbt o aî mani remanyhlige, specînaep' of tue gruatig~rQ~t TTENNRY tI.VýANA, Crier aiftJaunty Ppat F d uma 1 -Areorderr. H'1 eIf' t tiedoor apen.,ard V"ic0,c-tol anti Supeniar Courts, anti Messenger ATE RONSFehoable "uu n netirc>ing off bis ceat idvised bis Visi r~ tioa o4-,îi eo thce County Council. Hlais' Cutter, Snack sîneet. 1. leBless yau, no !" saîi Fionc. 49J ta do tbe lire. of.- l11c ami bis 'ittie Paucet,' as lie ealls me 'Noir,i,' said, lié, witebs cjut T FAIRBANKS, Clerk ai Fi ~St Division A LEX. P RI N GOLE, Mechant Tailor bis yauugeîtson."f wirs unfdcd, 4t~l 1..Court, compising thbe T'wnship of L. Dealer in àlasonic aud other Regalia The visitar stared -witb astouisbmentibehraunIaatestoe n Whtby te om a Waiby a~ Ie il Boc srel.making inwrardir sanieobservations on mreadoi. gige ai Oshawa.- 0moeart JAMES BAIN, Ladies' andi Gentlemen's certain indicationspoh pregeia-us puben.1Ge OSEPHI WILSON, Clenli of Second 'Bon' and Shoe Maker, corner ef Brock t>' un his YOuthfuth hst, Whoi, unîmrîsnate. tTevst atrsp iself ta b T y tbin atsrange task iritIs istpatinc- wdvýc*' i DivisiWiCount, camprising the Town- and D'ndai streets. i1' i engStrday, bail amitteti sia. oeltgail obs nerv sand ig aq îupti) 'ofp a Pickering. Atitiesa: Canton, Paît iag. "If thenareut be on a cresod- ~3c.UBARD &Ç CÀRPZRNTERi,Pneaning scale with tbîs* u, ,,ýî id ile er-e araad thxe last pig, 4ti1« -. -El. utien>' Boatad Ssoe warehpuse, Back bave caugit 'a Tartan,>'Ichuen add- ti- ejeoa be ýître f aauous frtly f C A D L U N P , C le r l e a i T h ir d D iv is - S t e g t, W h i t t .- D e a l e rs in a a n d M i ! e d , ?1 %' td - I r e g r e f u t J int l e dbÉn' v ~ s 1 e v c t e d b yup ý opCutcoprsnthTasiptuners ofalt kiu4s aif Lesther Goods,, wnale- bave.,tht pleasuire aof'seeiDg awb m ývdue- as terong c-si'fi g ~ec mdScu'gag. Atidress: Part saleati Retait Couutry' eîtouaers se 'Ants I toa> air; i.erat AUof cbt ârrdý 3- --- rm.-- pieti on.modarate tarxas. 4 iazr 'wl ____________________ - ie evaly S ben .li f h ithe.couthty fZocouamon. WTuig~ T!iso n CortOL, (Slrk OC tFi'fth JOHN WU 1 TEl, Gardener. 4ill l4sdso f vist' . i. F bivsin outcopnaig*he uo- Vegetablea, bath for pýlga1nico.. Ç iI i elogubea r' h6iUcfoppuWpu'.4reatbing4liadf4s!#i a ip Bnack. Âddrees: <annington. . lilkdli're r r jei&nyk Wtl ele lgaie ht fo ' y eelate.twvie Yreed. ànylu,- i Many lhouri iscgone,' t for. Cl- OBNOtClerk of the Sixth DL er I t- . - hy'iet&! 1 '1 Dotôip " - n s a i5td.q te or. 1siaon Court, comprising the Town- 9eaal Deler t - e »c 4 iatut cath5 * M i tht¶lof Therali, and the united Township nO, OpTOni cî,ýsùtjO hgf~j~~ dof Mum andu Rata. Address: Beatertce. Gaeis ofectoaary, Toerate - - MmI4KHgC lsa rink8, &c. AU uds o ai *,be*Ii" ing uSVice, biJdi;, 4 , -bHLA1DEl. XCLlst. o had. e bgsmeua&aÂ.h or 4rpau, for it i ot na ContyaiOnanoani n-trade, for Ritter 9m, e, 'el 4* hon~i- t &Z t E ppeitor of Liceces le h o a hty estly ail ucum> 'tamms a-brc ûy .cc'"i _____________________c c ~ e~is boverej, My walk - c sî 'il b cÎ. &nh4, #c., QMooErçk atfftt. âi NG. 14X, Basptsrer d, Attorney-att -'y - AI - ;-4 e f ltI lileÉk1 'Àiýmy-,Notai7 tr TOMIÇB1L<GS, Barrlis oliëitoté7aëý #j Cha5e7 NotaMy Patbli avoyanee, to 1 rte nt5 ons à Itfw <pe- e Oillfiul 8 rts mar two ,J. hall< us recentl>' passd fle mnensar>' of ils hbitiela>'; irîile ce littie romp ou lier teet, befo ne cbemsred us it b a bea!thful ance for f liree tr ief yierq. DNei- Withcni inge aitiseasé, non ring grasp aIfltme Alopathb ias taniler mih5o peniect a spe. rNcctsîrc's lindisnork ! Buoyan- il vîgarous 111e, s'ai lier luttle hitclm-s> andi gestines,b er suti n-es of couinlenance aud heant>' flaugbter afford.mi a- funsi ai unt lu the little prattier ivumo aîteulian, amdati lnost bunstin., rrmnment in ber efforts ta murnic a>' ber appreciatiau ai ber ais- 1wre a tluougbt rushes upon m>' Sonse ioaizeaced, sancf i .sanîouï ts, o niî~uitebictgi, hav-e lu thce afflirination Iligt Christ ige. But înetbinks, liii Coln-, inmast have lionne ance W tbe taid umacî cndcearing srnules mien uifeér hile chsiiren te, came, eand farbisi Ibein uaL, for af he kimiom of heave'n.» - WoulI -mceap1inoaclia sîraen ai usI, l>>forbimicingflohe INa,- àtnrn-tiekea --tItey'- otid theïn mothers, with ». ýtenaicty' irovriiag peison-mPuhd grasp s4 Reçade-,,, Jeaus > -seiied 1,I-! Pos>r.Tbereis, ,perhiapS,,'DDl iveat Itut oid cause sorgrCeat b»Inte: esat-of th- touso- tbe--egsi;a- aiï ,itthe ios.c -ue,<auusç agreisalr slock.tolit 1 sent ~ pi t~ss a in NQ. ~ lÇ!lt stt ii-o u -iiàtuit tut i5ong, thw Coinstant changiig aif faces, and deligit.s tai reasi tiç caun.enances as, the>' pasS.,I tiere is anylhing êeculîar lu a -pasenger in bis train Woodail m*iii pend'raI e it, andi nane is more ready>, if ocasion require, ta tender a s>'mpatbisin- word ara belpiug baud. A les' days ega a fenuale - bout six- teen yeers ofacge.-ot aboard ai Wood- lii's train, going esist, at a village a feir miles nontlî of Cncinnatii lie approach eti lier lu collezd lie fane. Il Iow far !are you gaing V, lhe asked. Taý New Yôrki," mas bier re'pl>'. I 1 thre Von ouI>' as fan >as Coum-' bus. Tht fane is iurce dollars ta ibat point." - The girl apeneti ber pockel, book aud tabk out twa- bank notes-a thiread' one. The canducton observeti that iras ai fluemoue>' in, the pacicet.baak, andi as she ,reachet imnatihe, tbnee lue ne- marked- Is that aIi;tlbe mone>' ru have?1" Yes, bir,' wias the repi>'. lias, do you expect hougdet ta- Nes' York, tieu 1" 1[wll travel until the>' put-lme off' Then T1miii go tework anti tain mou.e>' Indeeti," remaried'.ie cenductor, uow* deepl>' interestesi in the girl. m-Âe ma-1 ask sviat is tAting ptO i "I sus.> home, sir. , Ay' r' ago' wA,spprsieaded te caine. Wostilb.-iag as_.' Ourei tbat vorking. giris:, were ,better i pîidd lhere ,hao' Ib-ne. 1. came matit ta-1 ai h~td ,-s1a-, èngo 0int4u family Of -1 ive dlc. - I cJ Ëi t hecmliàii 1 fe-wnlà w sutbey *ent out'W t:, I t beu npggnwith-a,«farmner,'jutws~ ýýak doio %y tbechil1sansi ier1o>,. - au ingenlous ira>" at a cnueal.n crease af Cast, Oai. drawigth adrs attenition -tthle.annousceeauent.,.- These "business notices".ýattnaet ua>-'additioaia attention,z for.. ,thit, mal charac ter--is genenaîlly kom. Thaugi appeaciàg for the mosl part lu newsýpapers, ativer- tisenients are flot exclusuvely ýcanfineti ta tUte e rgas a communicat iais. The>' are us ln the, face' frauu deati mais ; tiey are in.serted iota .aur bands as m e svalk the streets ; tbe>' appear -at theatres aor lhe scene ai picys and pan- toinmies ; the>' are posteti in âleambots5 stages, 'railma>' cars, an . botelste > are inkesi upon the p avement,the>' glane ounus frai thue rocks la railma>' Cuttiun.s, as ire pays i'#pîdiy ong; Ic>' luave .beed, Ishamereti dosin froin bal- onsansi"I>'Warnen's biackiwi, Y s'as painted' bu maîmmti lett -rs' anthie suniumtit of the Pyramida ai Egypt, was unticed by 4Lrd'B.yran oùthe Acrdoa. lis oi Atheas, and - ias seen by Mr. Theckenay painted up aver a half oh- lite.rabtiniscription' ta P3ammeticus on .Panpey's I'ililar. ACHEWÂP LUXUaRÎ.-As a 'veary trityeiJer 'vas ireniiusg bis wuy Ibroigh i tbe mud,out in a far West regiwsaicfcjun.. try, e tiiscovered aliea(d,.aXyoundg mai- dçn,.st'i»diný inihe daa'r ofa f ' bose.' H-1 roe u - font aftienuu irrites ti ed*blut eig it; amam 'ber -of ilsi babl - ai a Of thesé'e t rest calored. d'are white, al - TRI.NITY ÇOLLEÇ.CE W'e bave mucli pleasure iun statin that Wil1 li am Dirksop, Esq. of Gal t,jbas iade arangements tr hie endewmesit ofbee scbolarshîps in Tn.nity College,: fer -stutstus in Arts, tçuu*ble 'fantires years, anti of' tie aenuual - velue of £30. t, t SaIus Populi suprema lex 'c- > QBINBON odi$ Ï, ................ .... . ..... .................. ............ %ý.ý , ..... . ....... ta, ............. . . ... , ..... . ...... 0.... .............. . ........... the People ho the .uP-eone Iaw. .... . ... .......... ....... ......... . A P IR 1. L 10, 18 à 8. VOL. 1i4 tly, the anitaals expelled sumnmer and the cold of vwinter are net For God's sake don't- take a c 'nt of it. tween the 8wle igso itbjt. ,eseiit no appearance b>' allowed to întercept or retard it. In spite XOD L, apj>lied qnièksil ver to the wbole surface idistinguish thein ; white of M'althus and ail the eeonomiss, itl odco ite im f<i old. In 'ie course af tkreeýj,5 c d on il b fun to carrnes onthe imnportantbusiness of court - u ef l o'r g entle k e ssfW wi l it efien,Ïot e bis tiF.'.ship, auj leads to matrimonyvheîher for hm odobtald e a a h ue r,?b? e ntPesr or cast go eye abroad, and bettcr or worse. Il salace7s the lover'shoesafelan U mu> iMbr ei nfai aue.ba similar manner bh bis wily hast. Niue sorrêw and îransmnitsbope through man>' purse. D ER (W.brs ithout thecbakchf!d lai clid a iniio 'the hierd were fouud ta aa cruel league. The bashful bachelor, NEÉ SPAPER VE TSE neied io t Ilie ci) trat a0' mark: uipon them. The Wbo fhas flot the couragéto make a per- *sre Ot h ý~t s'r0 The unuttérible tbings, -sliook sonal'declaration, ma>' do il througlî the Mr ENL'S. operatian was mfore tedib.us- antd more ouaced it a bad job, and rmedium of the post; ne>', if lie prefers il, Fr he New - p, Ccoe4a ci7 n nequalye csful -The »mer- Ikî's in ýto break- lie ma>' even put the last question is u s roge ew all ricino UlaP e4pits cin'e nepemae n I a gamates irîto lie bauds of the postna.-Eljza sgeeal> -ow ht u roiswi ý talâ, %itWiu<pio o e tuerepas was erve. ~~ks Joz.r~,,>jon a Daiîly journal arie mainly,if net aP irn, steeie platina, eand bne ecpino omrnaoneor two otb,. ripenof caeseiedan oie. VRETF F 'trgetîîer. îromib le ,ne stivertisements. ers. .t irnînediaîeî1ycryitalizsd be. ý7raenoiltseied uen ne V&RiuTiFs o -Muic.The sfad-lt is ront so wetl undeîestood, but it !is cornes as bard and as brjtile as glassý y, tbrust it between bis ers ofthe Pacifie Oceai, use tites made af tiat lesni true, that t-tiuse iiio succeedîn and witb'tlie salte case CÏ.btbrokee'; d bmwiti a snap and a bambo, about a foot lon,,îiedieu hann u ge~~d frrn he' ' 'uld have starîleti one oi Germen lotes, but blownu tbrough the pmblic, adverlise most constiintl>' ; aud A.N oRGN' DG,ýÇ FTiv ban Finon. Tite coflse nase. Their drui heAlh fai u-<agl> sucb publicity, on <lie wlîole is RAiE AG F£IVS be cntke was visible> for sical instruments, is a liollow block or more genpral in, tliq colîntry Élaninu -Fos aiied nrne atiauli etiever Eurolies behecariiledon i0etpessdcti6e ic Wvod, of a cj'lisdrical forti s lid at anceur ,tei(vdti xedîr liececuin tri'Y-nany farinez losing ibeir htlige halt'-moon, edad cvce tfica e vitb rarel>' su large.- For example, witiithe jiatedliarness, &c.,ifrom ir rn ;rous antieOUI..slàark'a askin ; for want ai driutn-sticks, exception of nue New York newspaper lase.Ashort4ine sine,' era ri the table, wili a roar <bey beat tîîîîie upnn it ithl their bauds. Proprictor, who b>'y copiously advertismîg nemed Clrisiinm"Pas arrested for liarse- iii tvelkin, hce t tbe saine 'Fli inhabîtauts of the Ton2a Islandsili at vast cas!, bas torced bis journal steaîing, aud lndgcd il, jail at Toronta. -d two canine, aud a molar aprlar mo have made a fev adran ces inin <ta a large saie, thcre is no instance in he.fllw - et-the fast mentioîîed, il mq,ic, vocal as %vell as instrumental ; America ni a person annualiy dibbursing this locality some bie e Poli nd bot sed, the leafit bit lu the and it is samnewiat curiaus ta ;reë mark, $ 150,000 per annum for advertisig uls suspicions ai solDe ai the Towàsend (bt i hey sitig a species of linent over pulis ; ai anather expending $50,000 farmers wio lied been robbed becanie ,deuced liard clust !' lie the corpses previaus fa interment, like for recommeudîng Macas4or ail> to m-araused, and Mr. Wm. McMNichael,1 one the lrish ai aur p-e.eut day. The prove the growtb of bain ; ai a tbird o h ubrwsdptdtý:ot notbiug !' repiied Fion-i. ldan i hliuesIue! utlme're$50,000 for advertising theofb nubrwsdptdagot me aur cnuntryiuain Mr. tcted t he beînboo ; andi ike the Carl>' sanaîAve effects nf cod liver oi of;an ibl Toro to, auJ endeaour ta oianj as uîle, lias theni .wel; baked ;irerte -e hetbao hnoe ourth payiug a like amotînt to induce siifrmtîi hisilnsm ue t Greks te> uedtuetiiaorsbnbue the missiug property. 31.31 e eccording te that petite of animis ; but thase madie iroîn i hie pbi aptaiebstioîgs the prisaner, and tbranglibsmen a tuasticates biî fCoud Wili,boues ai Ibm-m enemies stien lu baitle, hte btihent.adet suLonon ailerti enseuabied toig>et back a poîtian of the iself the trouble and the vere thle mast vaiued. The Brazilianbaebemdeb'Lnu rdeîe fing in a dactor.' Indiens aise used the sanie species ai aud speculators, year aiter year, aud praperty>', bcli e fiuctd near- George-ý do not pretend te ay>'bori l ui.l I nutvtdn-witb undoubtcd success. It is oui>' in town. Cbrislioaim, aIso gare sucl i .nfor, re ordinar>' bread of your tions we fimusi.Iait u aulvpeusin-Great Britain end the TUited States, nation ta Mr. AlcMicbael, as Weillas tg ns e indl'at in an prcusin lite autboritives ofiTorontoaldt h fia Ppa aud bowinstruments were found: stringed ~ int e«iigbsfluibd agl' arrest of sereral aUiher . parties, as amq no. Paa woul blowstrumneuts but rarel>', beiug itie resuit îof The European jouruals, generail>', have ognzd gang ai tbieve;.xtnùg ty-bîglî if she presumed ta sanie progress towards refluemnent, an not cultivated the art, or rether, their fog z-setn~ tu 'soft Tommy,' as lie ail tbeir airs andi meladiesar da tereatiers have net mucli regarded it. I l frn i ontreai ta Sandwich, lu thîs ïcrunib.' wildest and rudest 'claracter. Trhe Paris, wbere it micht be expected that Placewartser sedfrwof r o4 gat hnregians. of Airica appear ta be mare ad- the tbousand-and-one eleganciequsi e gn1na 'trirt nDaji -bis first impression was vanced lu music, tbqugh stili se uncivi- ar luxur>' would be a nnouniced througb aundHlines. These warrants werg id ha id ipart,'4 If the lized ; iïd thaugb 'it mu-it bave been thbe journal, the adverfising is suffici etutt atebgiaîf-r abr - wba, after arresting Hlolmes, was unfor- ,hi1d ; ie catis bînsei- imaoined that traces of "music liahdeti entî>' scanty, anti their extensive di- tn ay-ithlare tpe nd xt: wd'- Daenouglita let hum escape. -, Mn. nine porkers for ni>'one, dowd framn Egypt and Etlîiapia mihi Pla- hlretp at x.a~ieCoabhi Grace, liowéver w'as-more ubher's jaws cati muncb stiîî be faund ainonog tîern, not a trace calumns-is bbaeanwspepers duel]> s, I shah camne off second remeins ofithe proficiency of theaânce deperîding on profi rn deîseînsfr .a E itbDani, Làomlie rgi i tlî hlm.' 1iiug in- in stbe art .- istory of I$Iusic coulti not afford, space beiug boue>'tetahe imiedyIîaID anges, anollicer e îee.f0rej and wripirîg bis quel). -aud we bave heard the Dames ai several hidi. the blood s'as fast -1---------- i s e easy tr! say what is,' or is athers, but as tht>' are yet at large, id £GQad marninie ta Kiscellauoous. uat attadvertisemnent. Inu-Europe, tt erfan fox mninn theu ý'janu. My complim~ents usual custoin is, not ta publish an>' one bolteti, muîtterino, male. AN IN C IDENT ON'1H E CAU:S of the delicate announicemnents. there eateDanniLnga, drm nitted for trial 'at tie Assszes neit, ýAberiielli> biscuits.'- called puffs, and bere ciassed as "lbusi*I- ot-Sm e&add Ch at Homie andAbroad. ONE OF THE GIRLS WHO WENT OUT uess'notices," ivithout prefixing tjeme h.-$iceSada WEST FOR EXPLOYaiENT. word "1advertisement, as an intimatibn lýEST IALF-IIO0UR. -that -it is net e reditaniai opinion, but Bý'lAîcK CIIurcRESiAT TUE oU'dt -Frona the Cinciunati Times, Mlarcb 12. bep aiofafi interesteti part>', with Và, ChuejM r li Coaductor Vooall, oaithie Little thbe insertion idul>' ,paîd for. la ma'!tVawee r.E rtt a few wëeks h lf-hour of ny ifhe bad' Nilarai Railraad, is one of thase dasb. newpaprs ,f tbi country, no sitnce deslo0vere bs te ar nWsbi SWas siteut in witne3sinmr 'ie. Lwe rne sfelinws te whom airîld prefix henaldi' the puffbut it is geaera11 alaltîbe. h aretça*h

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