Ontario Times, 10 Apr 1858, p. 2

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'~r AIVAL OP TI-EFJNDL4N. The witness stàted, in repiy ta ques- oWa h otrorSui md n iPceig tpesent under the rcharge butcher's petitioned to baietepeetjsie o h onycuc tions a, a the Mtie Cur aseanso h ct 0a aare of Mr.Davidson Black. Tbe folIosming market By-iaw enacted, anthyer tsolbriwhu.1I nîacd17 Th_____ tied4 1 .M. n eeiaIthe ah o oedan cf the 0q -%, classes were examiaed, viz Reading, the onIy parties wbo did .Noweterrfurioacp addofirB.l boin t div te ti1ih on mQ-eO abe.orthirn«, epi gapyatn enrl lisorpy, Piloe- Cinteaie pud avtes eitresn othanedntfitldcoeuptie Thre royal tissent was given to tire country, rrd'gave it ashi> rs eif fl& _ rpyanufir1é lal orter mnçnin ir ear eerlIisoy hee-Cuni oudhv n tf East 1adialobaandUILady Iavei0cks'5tirat ihe Mlabomédais were very muh We certaintbrk tba7, fwoo aiaÎù was ilororrgh, and tihe pujrils voting il& repeal. Menvoa n iiilm.Tr rsig n ieak annuwity bis -, and tihe Erri of Diby1c1) botth êrlnwai'Tr Wib-fsiei'dlr ~m ieappeared la understanci perféecly what lime were strongly in avcro iemr edn etr orîloî rl on a çt)iibi etcltedSaboutfthenPerrtinflaforite r S .ï htb a eie 4ËtýfO 'h ii ieewsn enainfrieChupatieu wiicb were circulâted ivee oaino iecut rI4 rer 4 0c:r.tley-liead been doing.a -Tire spectators, ket Were now rigainsti.Tieonouofir rdaIopainbt 4 oaino iecuyý' sn 1'brand esperialiy 1the employcrs seemed of \Vhitby wag net ina strt ataeatr il asdrci poierr -report and teactrer tirai ev'yte îtie îown as soodiaforncoreouI of theofenrrai funte- L-4 re egroes from Afica and farna them geirer a large body ef mren for sonut sme rt 6 e $iJ _for a si- tregeu.LaMhs 7p Ji jté back régiments. brrsiness ta be ez1siained te tlrem here- '5 oos rite $h6Cota $0.1o se ide ae vri aeirarmoio-iy rat ed rrrl aeamre oe r ogo adtr eiais Leave wu gpaated ta bring in a bill ater, andlire said îhey originated et or r w Atrîtire ehe amoiuly , à vdneo hsdyb elynrt 9 rses(Messrs. Campbell,.-. Richi- ainounits received or tire rn tsaitr onjir ftr our\adi w~e' s , 3 rujerity. cie f hsdyb rpyn e a reMc h oî n ~rhWrd rio m 1 tdaCw'i APolisb bmkstrier was rrstdin questiones puttebNotthand resccutor, as toand .Powvei.)n:iaewappre- ard tîren tire arnort whichia enn~c.se o naporainoI o -London .clarged witir Publîihilg a Pra-Whro gaveIrle order te massacre the v ~ . preferred any cemplaint ntïiust sucir raermrks. Ater tir- Truitees, paid on the building. He a aife h eea uifrl>ir rhet advàoeatùrg thre asý,sassîiratierr of Iuropeans; Tite kinrg himseif ; alino ~ ~ r> I - sumn beingf taken frein the geherai funds Messrs. Jas. B3rownr,Il. S. Peters, and tiraI two-tirirds of tire ratpyrswr t t was - , clsaydfarClivon rds. OttrearOns»oreelathonayquestionasnowaheforC2 thesCourfecilorvasOopero spolieireonCo rutslionroe oufoir th uir ds cedýil and gareie particulars of tire-É.-s--5wirom werel Robt. Ricirrrdszn, Esq. ýiral Iverpa h rsn are 3-creotawtr eea uîa fùte'redractron irn tire rate of rnUsacre of Etrorpeans inside tihe palace, TieAeHny- ewned."illn ot lmn essS . rwW a fasvirtws nicir e. fw irle vas an eyc witness. . 0 been brought te a close titis rveek. Tire -S. Black and otirers. Before tire CapI. Reve, vr wer iren t aeso vr esM'ss lrxo slicout NtIcAîe. "r riorrsIaerr smoa--- uyhv eurned a verdict of Net raetriigdispersed e etre achdolntirep-'eesrs.Mariorel, s Iar tn wit ruturedti tirtNetra SirIf irn was tiren calild ini and exaitined - -.a - I uy. bave s et t bopdtra neby lades en tidsttt. e j ol (lexptces o1treMane.TieMr Wîar idTemyew i cqGily I s e t e xeze 'a b ade i heds'va.te xes bfuire nd adfr. TkrvId Errtr ,%vas wandrn bor ie on % vitirlotr oath. Ilis evittencevriicliroutili b- iîo ansinN.2îekpaeo ktrri< l * fo lo w e rs te ,tire la tit e xreri ty o o m arn ig r 1 u f r e i e t ia a ;- - a l ',p a rtre s -w i l a g re e V i h t e v e r di t E xa mi at o n N o ', So ae o n ko .% asr. llo d , ie p o il e e p a . c a r i e a n r r r c tt 1? e pn on L cnov t yQn of vn wiren. SaSecturda>r.' Yrrr, tanlie . ¶rr r and i de pair. c lin ne nae x1 e t i e: estirrg ma d im portant, alw ays br akzeB u a i g nt co id r to t e e i- a u d y,2 là1> edt pno uko nlr 'ddw hnconring ta a certain poirnt ARVLADDPTTR FTAX ecefrtr rscîin ci ee14 ,Pickering. Tis Sciroal has been !cd in tire preserrt position vtorteir MnMcdni'rrtinaannlc February. viz., crrnrmn~~~ting tire prisoner. A ND VîîT y AT IO F RA, r esp es tie moeetibî .a, i n for fre vasudi tr aeo n rse. A da avt f tr epe b'rr uaa a rr n tr an r CH1NA. prib o ras more lvltiran H ~ -. S. Peter%, anrd te ali appearatice, he hen tie hese resticin rediio.rx preîsicë n iusasli sa orreriivey -tie defence, wiîb the ml P4 life et may' stay there fer years te cerne. The placed on, tirere wasnetreued OICtF0 FREBGAE joinedth ie Enalisir anti Frencir in a everytiring 3everal times, and arnused 'Morning Express .............. 9. 25 stake, we caunnt see c rowd mlyrsaewllstsie il teenw deÈnand 0on thè CV rg ovrrrtrtiimseif by twisting antd urtwrtng a Evening Mail,......1...... .....6. 25 have1 rerrdered any allier verdict, Teachers and indeed well thire' ray be. Dr. Ham had te gel Cehma rmM.Mc3in iafiefoiri~pr ir Andti h tir e'tidi * iit ud %carf round iis 14ead, and abking for a .GOING WEST*. Could juries in Ibis ceuntry' i in Scot-;Tire churcîr ad1oitîing tire scirel heuse Tronte, as agalrr and aniecotlISUbeofcsofirlnO]raJr- n y e strieiulantMarcirônailOU was kinrlly lent ConrIle rcasion. ThrenegeitahoeCp.Roe ilrN.BvhifnierJirio-ri1 be ïtnowirnwirat hue Chine trikes. aiuertee0imiv 11rting Exres...... ...... -t. 8 ndrtuna editef"o3P5vn" xmnottincorene agn ai> t ytreMnktirspadfrbt irhome.rsa CAap.Mc'îcan,.îi.o FAC.A de5patch recâed at Bomba>'y mi....... ....... ...4 25 44,lnIeunavrito NtPoe,) x ntinc;nne ta al -yteýIre a a Commrercial -affaira ttrrrougiout states that tire prisoner iras found guiity Evening Ttrrough Freigrrt, &r . ..2 23 we beliere that would have been theirehor. 'lire spertators seerred te feel f tîd IL beenr 1aîd for î > prprt sitn.Crid st aid! that- arr heur hefare tire ta tire Andens. NEW ADVERTISEV *STS. ln ntr vn fa> eveaec ire building 'ras uvell filed, tirere 'vasj serves. __________ mngitoth ans fth o ne oie rdisturbance. 'Tire prinéi.; Mr. Macdoneil t roi opttr r Lisnsc~d'yM c li Empeýor's arrivai at thre Opera, on iih . igm irebus ftrecono . noise iesor - recet tesaihe bueson> Rire Lepet- GREAT MA14CH SNOW STORM rIN Frrst SprnngGoers- wL owePwll. povnc iisi entt~îîhmn'o pal classes'1examined were ,-Readi g, bu'ciers ta have staisrniemakt ir ouripaigfraorrt ENGLArc.-The Liverpool Mercur>' of leath-er-4ames Bain. poighsiett*titemnTw Spetling, Grammar, Geegrapby, As- but woutd afe lloî em te pdi er t Jetieç tire police. MIarch î21îî,says tirat tire ieatîrer tcm Nsotie- .4t;mour à Bethune. seird, ire could agaia have bien put on trounnmy, PhilosophyArihmelic, generlr1 ar.y part of thre torvc. uiiladlngiorana ii LtvzRPooi, Marh 24 Stovs,&.-J Bryan.y S Moe lIenlP;Ool, Mctnue.teatparts fEgtn s M ote sseee Bible Dopository-.J. T. Byrne. triai. As il is tire jury hare naturaîl>aEnl i Sir irto. After tee, we met Dr. lrm said thee singn erl-jcn ai rps' otWbtrC ~ie tnt treBma o Eglnd ICn umac>' parts et Yorkàhire the 5tOW ToLe-G Jckon.annjsin thentir pisce trebereft gtnen ir eenigtetrarth ppi1p ten iadCalc ir Trotbairtl pe rn Lkeilro uiieiriiraTt 'r au bas a97ma aied Coattren declmnrnsaiiri le a sor e Life nsurance Company- rcale a few 'pieces suted te the ecca- ýarrd otirer places. scoitul7 ad97reatdepthdeEquitableof their doubts, antd guîtty orbot gii' in iecrplia ieat'can n Lrmyehdhe nfvre~Trii esg'db'Uc:iyr i- oea tay f the ceuntr>' lactes are biecked up, ed James 0. L. Gibson, se. h hplwsltrlyer n- M.Tean a the trains bave in marne>'instances beear FSte t Let.-T. esWallcaTce.c o Mlee>' e ano mdivîhlokrso, a>'cfwemdon ara'irti herro.e ut"s crcntir.1nIatalîd atnir1 Storesd ItetheStutamest theiace.ofagain ire put on t.ial for(tire saine carnre fom a distance. "rr cudnIr orirc.fireou'rht o erear> et1 ieGv'nr ~nrr u ol TRIAL 0F TRE-.EX-K[NG 0Fdeae.ltieSmiratteftlc Notice-W. Hl. Doci. l - irw as been rery heavyand attended RLCrî fnot have been mucir airt of 30a pres- I'ilt ;iluiiess a irrajerity o i inre fPineb-tavîd DEwLith ccdnt.Th GetyothrySu Haor Sale- ampell. eeartî h canincntmn nt. Ater tire pupils hat done ihrir ers petitioned to tirai iet. aea-jM.Mcor'iirrdtrIfepf wiîh accidsentTeGrean Nartireri tlyes o eRotCmbl. Tr ertf agn nancn apart, tire Local Superintendent, E. Cnpt. hR#je rored Ir ieCunhtm r r'eîtdtror~rtr'rrrie -The IDehi Gazette gives an interest- Lala'wse rniaetrt'- __ must bave eperated strengl>' in precur- Birrnel, Es-,9iras c:'!1>cd te *'ne plaîforne do noir risc, report proges rdakCrSui :tî.N.~c: r ig acntof the trial of tire otd ex-boke p 'ieMaciser iefll F ixr~«ing McIlenry's acquittaI. There is ne te make a teir remars I sa>'in I iceto !st a,, .Nb Caî.orescndiy\l-Ilg itrg.econtNri Lincelnshrire lune îvis covered te rks'.'s .j 1st .M-vaan-eodryrrort.tr foiioiO 'ttfu r Krn~~ Deliri anschea deptin that tire trains vere delry- 6disguising tire fact, liai if ir e iune- passinZ, 1t1ir.'tlins gentleman dt'scrres 'r7ireMayor raid l ir naWmdt'tr Lgsair riî~. 'Ir:i i- trial ed of tie esdKig cf eti ive or s ircurs. In tire ceigirbor... ... . ........ .. ~cent ire is atreedy a deepl>' iureti mena rî~a rnso ir!ecrese ta ihase amarlzetliralfamiefotirj -~ comttienedOn'W'èddJtarai7hod f Rchester, the fait .octinued for YVitbySaturday, April 10, I1858 b>' iis Iocg imprisonmeet, and the fear- decep nrng rtbe unontemditkei rme fDuda r 3oi ieh esiei'i isoacînteo i ~was ra-ps ece nepris sixteen heurs irithout intermission, ce-.................. . ........................nity cd'pitect oirint mad leé Ime ud ai fen at idsrm 'iol nfirrerineiîo-CrrE'. i -t-rsbIf-pat 12 b'forethepi'oner vrn tire hiis te edct of several feet, NOTICE ls. Me.sESI. Joirc Blacfuiand Juntof.aazmile wfrrrlitirestPrdaitwN>' D-s.pohnanda-Mn.andt.oIl.arrmtinofontatrreI iii was broagint__in. He appeared ver>'ad v err drup otiroNOICdTOCOTILpPODENS. have passed tbrcugh. Mis trial viliiGreenrood uere iren caiVed upon, and Poart Wiritiy, and thenepctmirn on ore scde otetl iteiout npoted aurd end rngma> ciie edaimasany comnilcation, we long bire rmembered a ueas tr ms erooneedb'er l.«te'tieithnieter e otneeCo iri Cjt oe ncoddb> r bfy~ m3f~ usvthe nreo h rtr e oun oe idebuâ,yn ntirhue tesun b"silemua hvetie ram o tiewt her, netf 'imnaj r eacher. Tire meeting diSpensed at a butcirer's meat. If Ire ui Vr oa uvstritr eiii eaonei t> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~for publication, but as a pledge cf god stgiri h uase nmnijrs aehî rl tae.~ are akt vtknrr'Crid CJammnal Buk t and o ie iier b' a DEAV'l I Ã"ÈDR. CIIIRCII, faitn. -prudence. Aat oroprn LOoKe R ONeise. wire asan maretf ian ertr îr oniîers m' rp li -i cnt aitîadleeth ced uiim s-if M. P. P.We can oui>' insert communications whîclrA _____N._________aaceu la i=aad ta bùf. t Ile presentei sncb a We 1eepy regret to announce tire contain persona] allusions upen tire ex- 'n - - - - - PROCEED pctur irpts abclt'amne death et Dr. Cburcb, M. P. P., ivirici ress understaudiug that we are at îi- Mr Ogie R. Gowan bas annoucced TOW~N COL NCIL - - EE- - irus-e. eeire adaopr. , Pl rh(er icm taes iuaei bavt aa, n e e ok place in tins city yesterda>' frei erytaatcte rlr' eaiia-m t r if a- N S vtou -snnroen,îfutrr#Ptr r b ei~n i il lie an aUack et apeptexy. lie resided ai - ytiea itheld r e iter'sigirtdo s. ta rmseifacandidate fer Leeds. X ia n'e i iv 1s B v ' tenr. osî, m rs > ie ily r ie cîoae sa i edPt.'feseit coetup on a cusirion a - -ketaope -li rsir a is chances ci succesa are paîn taire vto ctib.- f the cntelf f tire Prearient and (othie ~ r fcrin lue isen.TuESDAY, April 6tlr, 1858.ta. tïouV Cvrptho-e, eodd înn',an ore e etr oen, rigitof tire Goverfiment prosecuter, is atreet, vmere ire look dinner as usual fLOCAL pelitiCS have for tire iast veek ien Mayor calieni tirh eni ndr ~ \to ie Couirî o Gncialan btg ioîas f ariau'r .on -jumtna Bktsadn ei ard fntyinerverds, up wrIm ite erIvo7 'clock, ir. m. o trèdvsinYas-Mein.-Crrid -"'bs ete at], a guard -of rifles beyoud airad lie vent upsiairs te wieor oexcite nidéabediseutiain. m.McDougalt, Es, utire r. CpiORnîetsheni-division',nr f« bis ~î, Buiri tandig a er yads erit>'in tre aiernen. Ime<ritely conrct1r, erW.s-nsq, lengmresn-Mears, iita,?iiadseeRereand wTatand Nrys,-i'ir ta iis sife, anrd about an heur ater, Alr. Tire proposed reducing cf tire Town Ja C. Merrison art canvean'ng Northr MBin V~foei cbrrn ail, Xl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ayor, 'sessrs. Iîamn et~ ~ ramemrd ies, iirtr>I. Tépoeuoredthc rePta>'fair, M. P, P. vire lives in tire limits ' e> nomna ii ie a xod n ry rvnbaeetdRver T errnîtyce atrd Wtheona-C>berse, McereBrowni L'eraair. cîeing tire poor ot' tire tovvir-(a--'Wrtson ~agiirt1Ireprsourstaimr tretaîhe'bouse, knecked at iis door., Receiring jerit>' of thinhaiibilants. A pétition 's teasit for Tenonte. lit is n1ctd iri lnu(týs cf ast meeting read and ap- maeonlst the priscer iuigt ire.fuit>' ce ric nddtc e anrr eatee tiemreom andn nov n ceurse cf signature againsi il, Mn McDougall uili ire reîtreed. 1prOVen.Tire Crairman Irea pt trlfn rd noraps ist n se uenc e 1. cf dag ntirhe table ; o uroch hmch irit douitesa ire numereusi> ________ PETrTIONS. !-lause of ire preposed B -i , pel j (' tfor rcnrvît> Mr I-i - - i. p'as.tied , iuoa meedmtraM tre cirrac r! ar;of in ptsedUPtbt inia m, rie vas discovered teaire quite deau, signe. The Town 'Couneil arso a~ tir nt'in eO" apne f Johnliamner andlotirers fer iin- ;;înl By-lasr Ne. 31. en~Cnid 'i 11lire avira iene arsntecd t i h nlwn ece rw spue ryret o tésresa ie es 1 h ii;o. Y - ilir bis face a geed dent discetered. teV li -. tng dtd a rtti' npoeet O h rre mctr ,eyea tirrougir Captan H a osdrbyevne nifaanil. Tt is t e hire d tiret tire Of rCapt. JmlWarllace frIl -esar' laie,-T- aye Te rseetorf nputthequestion and o ull habit, thii e perg . . .ee ir ue nurisis.hiariaa ii)I riý t'onU'feMryei'iiia,2)iîii tisa trso te etfi f o er uc5, _ (Cac4d teinerp ' lnerreter, c . i iii.son-in-OfrAise Brol ies -lirduir ~e, winerMiii l orrar'ueek for ditingIlire crembens cf thir jLost. 7f t Ui t a i htheç e p r i s o n ot r tti n m r d i d £ a l e î r e o b u ~ y c r i e l i m i t a v i c m e t a s m e a g r e e m e n t tC o inti y i l . o 4 r 4 r V l m r t s o t h e T n I i l tC o r r p ai snyt h. - Pht-sa . i r aone ~ i n i e C i aM NF L ) V l E i X I [ not, r to cdeland and of age vas tire ouI>' rirtive he hai aren iti tire*Comtite appointe4 t lk -igrin Rfe epay>fWtiby reretM -me.e onesins, epraporeslCui.'F1S1Etec1'i-i f hr 'ssm day ia cxplaimniaugit te iim. lie varaeraairer for Seuth Leeds Town meeting. Thert i4 every 'tisi Tire number of pnivates ten e 43. 0Yae*Seatpryn orp-a dieave te it gin.rcrva Oe0,\'iT tber wessom del viicir coatyhe aise reprersented in test o irjat ftreibtatnt !tieTfieCapan- amesteai.- rt Iledgsen. e n s e tirs ir. -n e t ei> inecf tre natutsele tre Parînament. iHe waà mucir beloreni, w ntepr ftj ný d h ub at ý1ôdlrge agan fthalibui rtteudrsed ialisv eiibnlod oetiret thre 'armncrssbeuid hive fu'l James sVaitace, Esq. 0f Gee. Jackse. and Jas. McInteîir 'Mr. hlnadgorr sail ia str ms ATRA' 1ri3 -- ~ ~ ~ ~ S - d c p> a f r i h __t dl e ri i rsa ike > s occîees ' o hîn d a jst ica . e .lr m . Iftre '-re ev r- «e n er ta d 1o Ct - X n licWfo i cr a' o aa na se ç.P çr r- remu - c; aue ld net ircen ca et ir di n t j 'T e 'B nd m t i tre C r Ou tre ay, iretraslaton f aOttawra isiridecil anoble c ice fer tire atien in tire asser.smeut lavan an soume itireimportance cf an Engine, it seems vioe nB -av o.- t rpal >' tegtetreCuî'bihns. nne S ee ai Adeois5et ~coir atdti24hMrradesedb iea t e irensgiantt a>'postion. etier meesune wminc i viiequalti>'benefi sinange tiret thre utilit>' and kficienc>' of Law No. 31., and fer oetir purposes- ciier tow in Uppen aaavsi uer"tinni aettelandstesedtfor th Marcir, aildresseib>'nnoheneeesantiosgeificaratn-vhrsîrnî>' bccommntr agai*a qo tire laie Mnl. IjeivilLieut'enant Gev- it is ver>'sîec.gai irdsusd o frmngprpse vtmntie rset cesrotdnee mrebenCanid.sme FÃ"m£5 o 20mue.ie I trebad al <£uiri1ree5nîte lerN. NV. -P., 'vas rend, disciesing seatet ngetmtnas nii ls iecroain xred or ques'ioned. Beind I sloeuppeseroraton. r. McBnienr in tire Chair, tire expecse ire sheuid r u e rr nieqrri i r ietnirrr LNnteio ibé nte bu tcotnin l h in maltera cf Ibis nature, vime damage Mn. Hodgsan. read tire.proposed B>'- Ceuttt>' Ceulacil hll ergi erdrdpeet a Whll ecret emissane rîereset coacectiin tiret me>' ie made stili By-Law restricting tihe sale cf buteir- bave been prerented >y' tbe,4opt1 of fiiit clause, repealieg By-iev No. 34. Hle trustet ibtrtgnlmnfo ieJc iee,"at tiCrir~nb 'loir ig cf Delhii te Peria, tirrougi cioser. -Poiitically it mi>' ie sii knt e' ett (be m *£"jCIf oes Meiomed lirxssn togretheriotr-tire uiper and tirhie rwtr aktios.A irrmeserryeyuthetire - Tirspreseeî market building had net South XWard vould olatiepbcatrridaairqiedegatordr lyskieree, tire oiject of wviiciras evi- province.-,Il couid not ire expected tiat'tire Council meeting an Tuesia>' aigbt, pairiiyc1ie rea5tsatearnaeredco .cnveciecce of tire public, interests. Ih vauli r oacmea ntr ew raue e iep>mn 10 an>' one elteis sireul ara but tiroirtove, anti tire Ceuncil Mouid ire actingithec-etien te tirenpeopee of tire Centre W adtcfgtire foltiennte-thccpunps, or dentL>j to obtein (assiisancie ecilete da. dcais in o se mom lengmae.sijc nIliamr iescn ea-rifying tire oid adage,"11,Wiaes erry codaice viti tire vishes cf tire ,eépie and augiri net lobe p1e saWn o 6 -Cr ct o eann tie vrtro f riiir1c~erii ua rnt pai or bento ciralinBt kg fa y-L rpaigtrfomroe' uies sreeymfai." It byrepeuliag By-iav No. 34, ond es-approprialioà. -Tire perursal cf tire letten, W*aic beirarsad Monîreal or Qudirec, an Tarent'> a te ere t isa oorous factibtat the Ëuma e Un itar-Sn-e bWtdthtie Delhi anti rapostmark, e.been chesen, webeltevetiraitirhe oijec- sal el t>'-Iew prepl #=l litoe.. Rw mv %( itdiconsiderable sensation ira court. ti,)as meuh have beera Ivcragreeten thacn rseitior meat in an>' part cf gInei wte4»II; tOUIag a1vMa àce, theugiri it vas a grant tire sitm cf£--'eStetm--1,.B.Hweac.fnei Oâth ie lth sud 8tiz deý tire presecu- have been. Ih is tire comparativel>' tirecorporation. Tire By-lav "a> rjant entiey nso i b <ttoaci ûihltl' fordoranWvuid rathler tiret pravemeuta, andt iË iecm>te >~~ ~. ~ f,~fan tir zammed tirouir i~eiraerpete, nutrl psito f Ottawva, cambrned bowever, loat, cal> tire Northr W5rd se 50muciras te ire barty sawku- preammeie ed repreaing cils * cwere Streteau1n.d ImprovemasarriefrigBayS. eel ..5O f .peraca named 3tsmuli, omerl>' noms- vithi s plysrcai advantages, tiret con- aniirovtn n fav eil t p.gread 'rrIf the ottrer 'clauses cf tire tire'neteery fonderal o~udro 9 nryJ mt' <c e wrte t tr.Leuténrat 1 Govereor et titutes titie menÃŽtcf tire choice. -bs ii'etnra .pt~tt vqbillwcer:n Wdtire firit would as hvitbrcrghtfoweriIi oin ra' " ,blr31iai;~to Ils ovidence nfimmeti ail ve Englishmen vii aivys match tr er e~~ r sis a egrt e ebsathe P eV t of a màtt r of- ourmÇnet> Mr. Maadfge Agra. pnetMe.Macensi bougt frvrd aIe atheernltiosi ...40 hai ira4 ~mt4cacrtirg Ineci-pregresa cf BritishrNortir America. 0f attempt te conceai treettre t tir u its so r utLtiesOm.ý - ep r.d taa& Ithmameotiis. f'2,(cS mla udyda lo ti ve a ta y ro co e rn id abs lte> ai er ts progresbas been greater market is a filre, i'R d ithbeen p c t he se li trs oe n Eg ia CeoalinW y Ot " cf tiRee pss -làH sa v n d vt caittis vsoii'sov patneesn te e trs Stal cm, irapepu- liki iiromct's: etsu s - aIe Bok frnrnaishebodHamd, i 5 ooe Troir. comittd.ablter nclattinsitecommercegneandad omer teUriderïkm a - i(d in ttan bat f ho U'atçd tai !aaôrasurf heçpoplr$' s Upader trfprion 3, I n;Pfr lie *à'on atiserti, rm<irI a bretwé Ias'. turc coancil 1 itt r-e> uroiliT' vemat* t *&u~e e> 2 .H revo Ã" ~a qpsi'5, UBStI f~~~~er lb, parpoans c mr> irtcrgrasarpi, nt'" ' o' l iTedst Pfvsibs4i$lit7 tir 's - pa a e-'m c n i ! a e , w ica l t o , o u e a d p w r co n ue o t i s asda l t i tijer , ,t>i'1111 . , u ss obe v r à rd d i ea.t w s mo « s l wmsbag w~y it racmet ire iooy B is oer> elearert c steng H f eaeayars, e itas lits prosent sd Have the t CIl t'rMidotih aCoinevothf miebti feead-gvcmossieisnoteso Wilidb>'11f v>. t5NrliWndmildb o.tq ýo Jieô, àtse vaiOo, apeasa Usid or he Sirp aad trs-venssi b>' grea ieaat agif-oeadiaiieaeiit oc u nerte payr leirse of- a - ka.wiatgira tde îigrse atre Ij 9t1i d sy mcd taes othe bapdy us cieersayielee tefst freta inI te-th ire îer$ s ÃŽ nJ tbê estMi ogon ti~d tn i iMth Mr. - ae i4 rn ers etmtisCaimn MtsfC.S, 4doc, Tir iir esîaibutishNrh4é iblè fTheertoiionirstpvuvare nteir mebahee 'citionc tirs rêsnt mgia isît , m cidd yler oea ot-Wr o e qitowii iihdiruegt-j f tebre t.e'o r s t CoUISIIII f Orenev a ons ca i tner tl e. irne ail, air pet'g t ireral l a e, o ntrir e eld WO fbflait -theagui C, it~ts ~ etr , iti ft r .mi s J. m i ned on ~tte t b nd en otra n rom tiyreat rivm, anmefra eifiis ir daand norot tBt f iieou tjjmtheisi t b, ýtiere h u d est -(iII, 4-rla. vs. fran ir pe tre icreptie>'coternIs r deaa veau' nooeapatepLer 'in ôhet tiràt me aue tinet'to ptpul.iefomrietsS titteite0f aborkàowingc thetb 9a~i thr1th iTeopalte ecint ksl fit oir>' tiovap moetcfa oaf so 11w f tete s tmkng ment in thOOiUttaid b>jO "n tbt *t, ndon evied aITho i. g reeet bfsturs hastor. PihiOn th siseftw 4r oecniino h rtn n btHewsqieïaffe bt h nné ý-e et- strong froc2" wdouigir-nqsbUte willing to bitt t lâ Mïiçdouell t<b't tiwè7 h4ye, i tmUOeee prs pex- or il bal cf Eag1se4, majfor thte 1110fr 1iIe of i neliS UCUIlle '" aaiW ine. Rs! ested lltha bii eentie. Wblmtheirth, ic'r*pmte DitsIbt65t i fo b lag isbo ai 11u1neBut foe N 'icteb ehie jiôt it r hi, .sçIr te tirefrontthea Dthe c"byan4 'hioC6m "lt mInaToma. Jrt motl- wîamark- s,' -~ ira~ ~ ~- ' V '-i 51 la~ bn nhadielrdsre hrstoricion ho aghbecutmnly*üt cohlectien' ef tire Rate Bills for 'aid direct tire came ta James [ai-iey.-Carried . re Boeard liren on mntin cf Mn. le seconded b>' MnI. Bireicw,, ad- il. J. IL GREENXVOOt), meetin.- of tire Wiritby Debating 't> îii wirb emdl en Tuesila>'evemn- r't, lie 3rhinmt., in tie Sons' ti(jrct for drîbate: - fleseived, fat a Fedenai Unrion of tire Britiý.r bh Arnerican Provinces wou d adki ffitnr:nîie :-A. F. MacPirsen, 'razer. G. Hlopkinrs, J. Narris,-Cer-- G. l3ainister, Ferguson, ad 3J J, egtv -T. J3ielow, J. Ben- irJ.hlgeoî, L. C. ironras, W. "'e hâvre tire minutes of tire Cçunty Igi'P of Griod 'Fempiars in typeý but c-frurnpneind ta cave tinm verîthaci t tveelc. X'nHîam Lnnnox, Simon Nichohîs runais Brrnie, and .Johnrn McFadyen e ijeen iîeid ta baul ta appeanaitirhe- t 'Pororato siz for participnalittg lire niat io.'tetire Nationai Ilotel,. Paîniek-\ day. tInner 11I M eeting f tire M anufac- ý -îý, i Cnadlaa ir] oîirs interested, ionnii telire retl in 'Toronto, on tire " 'iýt. l 'To take i e iconsider tiorri p-opriety of medrfyrrrg tire present - ý,loiis 'l'u iT, viii a rîir ta its as- itiantion te tinat of tire Unitedl States, us, near arn pproaxinmatiot thatit rifT as Circuinslancr:s uit permit.'-- Provincial Parliamont. \\EDNÊSI).AY) April 7, 1858> 'lie ilobuse met te day at tree ri -k iIer tire Easter Reces. ErACTION PETITiONS. Tie Specaker reporteil te tlre-1ruseý :t tire rerognizances Ite »efoiiewmeg, ection peiriions iverc objectiorable- iosnî for Verchees, Rioieieu, Tbee rvers, anil Dnrurmneiandl Antliabaska,.. i the frliovin. r aýes the hadhtions rerer ii ,j ec tioti 2l ,C . Fir P e t hn , S ro rm o on k ori*lk, Northr VWelingtont, Iincoir, *1v cf l'rourto (botir pmitionsa), City f NIent real li tire cases of Ni r. Dorion nuIA - y Nlc(,;e, and Caunt>' of -nrE DUATtI 0F DR cHURCH ; ADJOURN-ý an lNI' 0F THE HOUSE.' Attoney' Genernl Macdlonatld said ne iras suirtun tire annottcemtant ire ivas aîUo n rrmaklceire couIl haro tire sy ptlrriry Of Irl le H ose. Dnnring tire Irr i r tou IaI baoi e of tireir. mest vî-a'î ilu e nies .Cîrurcir, tire fîrýiaIîr for tiére atIrriding eof Leeds M-ruv!e, iail been sirduient>' cul pff and -'il;îi l à the l ir joy ntt apparcynIr f i ': jî adahs'Ir Tite hon. gem- - rIinNias trot a tieirmerni:er, inaving, --r, r-nir he la*.t parliament ; andl thoge îvrl ad al ci p'-iiure of Sittirg- rithirri Jn ire oîarniotirlat t e houde rniltire rnrtrx hail suffereil a great loss inlais detir-e. - Altbougi tIre bon, gentlemnan 10oU ne prorilinrt part in debates cf lira fluse, lie iras c, evetirees9 a useful rnrrlur fil bi'g lvas n ri lace -RussELL ELvcTioNq.L - Mn Johne Camereta, collecterfr ntire Tôuvn'iiîn of Caîririlae and Mn James Kéy,èa flc turning Oficer, -vere cxam-ý mareILt itlue ban cf tireirouse, eancerning Ou tir e tAptSt' " Peul, s Ciuroin Celurabes. b>'thie Rer-.F. W. hqekl4yi R o rr. C u n c Y s ., M > , e - W it Xh y , te ELLisai DoaA joanget daugites' of thrs Rav.Tire. TÂLeaof Oouamb.as At Wbitby. aK tho 8th inataint, by tire -Rer. J. T. Byrno,. Mr. Jeni Kzxrtxv, te Xies Cimci4DUIUL HÂNitÂN, boit>ofthe Tawan- abiÈof Whtby. - f NewAdvertàeornts.- 4ins: SPEI'R u S P*NSR 100 "Soeeather, for SaleckS JAMES BAIN's.- >5 )f fadý'BTflNB n ýcn L eBi td Frin.Mî4O ët tsor-c »llü acê fo r *ig t*em A PPLICkTI Act~ aulhorizinl Trown of Whîifi Civil Engineer;* in Canada, for Huttuon!SIM1p Invented by Re thre Corrrty of Wbitlry, 1n FOR SALý tle sumnnUn of t Finratare et lair For pirticîr w un Mri. bil Wluitby, Aj '-veoing, 1t; ie Bretlren rortÈaLtfmii WItl. , AI pt-r an,] Un ltrck Strev i %I s'-b in it mur' .tî' i R 1 -'VhiuyrAl TirsP. ings, la un-ci th£ lur the-s Craftsg a- th 0b Tire The in strie thre risl ornly b tici

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