Ontario Times, 17 Apr 1858, p. 1

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f S. at-a '-I y ' M tt t-' ~ ~f Salus Populi suprenua lex esto.---Let the~ ... ... . ......-..... 4 . ................ WHITBYI (XW.. SATU Couity Officiai Directory. -- LtS. WILSON .5>BILLTNGS Poetry. _MSoTrcitors &c Wfibc. w. f----- ai-411. j. WILSO-,, W.il.BnLLINcaS, U LTEWI. (LIVEft MOWAT,Mcmibcr outhTie Lt-gis- Whlt. Oshiawa. LTL IE 0) ltive AssembTy fur tire Sourth Riding_______________ ____ or )naél. ddrss:-Troto.£NAMI YRNODC-rkadFrown not, M$ loinahni, leS me t-hase -ef O n a l . A i t rr eTr o t .1 V N a s u I N Yf o r N e o w L n , C iro f A n a v t i e s Tý a d e o i t a r e t i r t l i t - a OSE II TLD, Nember outhSie Ltgis Ttsauerfr ie ovnu hitirY. To-ni,,Irr su dItrkiy un your face, 0 lTiv sebyfrtine NorthIlitiflc ttr ftwalii.Aninnistikie un yournnray uyes. lfOnaine A-rsry fr r f- ______ _--Ait i let mu. ru tire wîaning ways bu. Atid. s.a Uxirri BReWNout Utv- Tosit] werl nine-tireaargel art YACLEUS ifIISNTIX, Jurtge Cununnty rai Agentee,, Land anti enre - o taunrn-'nigiî uni your heart! Z Àýanti Surrogatte Court.;, anti Ciairmnaun ecratitrtI-t iig.MY Iove ny Hfe I Qui-rse Sssnns. ..~, . j. Ph vsiýian Sunr Must bld tîntse gloornar Sîroîglits depart. -- - GLBR' EYOLSShr gto nn, Accouchner, &c. lit-tidtnaee- 1%T. elqeON tJILBecorTR t oiLD, in er-Dafilus Creek, Pickeriag. wiera lave %wau$ .3yung andti lape re-t Iii'. of Wlse straCnn oeiatr- __ ____ _________ I bri-lhn 'Towu ut Whi-iDy..c. UN, MD~surgeon ccucre ithisagin bntI tirat dreacnofutbliss --OIX UAM t PitT1l5SY, Registraur. (lufire on *]L,,mmd l'hsir-jauni tu>tire S uni Tor theIThat eloudenigitnt uie ike theto-roýnighn Brut-k street, in tire Toivnautf lnrty- ('urrrry Onitaurio.Ilesit.ianieulb ribun ratucL Auti ioanrs un surrow suri ai tlnis - - '~~ ________ Ant ient, isaiii, -roct"uk sirmli tbc OTIERT CiIECtN'LE7 M t> I'r< tn To utirehi ic arrs sufond antI true, 1- OIN -4NDI. hSTDc1ttv 'net ~jk unitSurgýeun,EaxIuaurer inthrie jUdticIjjAntI ira-wirlo ds a3 na thtas ml c ntiSnrrogate Courut. Office oinr Brodaurej. ';lý 'r atio, Uaraaersa'v M R c can dE Resdeco se ,okStreetr. Miy iearn tny lit>-l k teTownof WtbY Your litnlenu S.JtNS, oa tcniu 5faee Must bld yom dtint-atirSdreau n ean W.CLARK, Phà,siciau, -Swurgcton. ti J Boid eeu-eJlieon os- rrn ttm l hoelcstrn a SCoroner ut the Counrry utf>Ontario. AIl]uirerantîunrs warrtnrtedl. %i IoeÉvu ot es nc andas street. - S si:ti' ic uur ot r , IL OE., IL*t"»is.aud Anoh t, rinous anlaits frr ell r o t tati us nuw 4 iglitPEully, Mayor ut tire . Dnx'i.rat Astr ireh( ns i l ne br et1trow cary, l37ü-k Street.l'iNoùaun, wien iei svurr tv -a J04~0 îiririb7. S.a'Tnyo kStrt- (uet. F ry hJ.tat. of ht4E IOD. NrI0 (euttt-ba VTi-ne) Fnii.l entidi)ishcnirnC You sutnedlov~ne atdi'e;aas marre, ~JotWirithy. uirennist. &e. ir K suretr II MYown ninl ut R MA NE vlainias'. of' YUUt'litt ife , tire Tow of h uty ane 1 A. l\NaT: 5amrIalras Thittlut-e is ail lier iii 'de i-n» - * ~Chienacanis. (te Stnîis, P in'.uils- PrLient Nedliiei- Trilssaie intiiua.aa ti Ati iee ti-a n r-w i AVIt) S'ALDINt.G, Itevc ut tVi l~- u-nerv-tiinig ronnar-ueel unit ire btimrt'.as ga'- Xu e'er dai lieth. o riti tuantrl large of tisSa uneanieI ta tti .,un tb carnei i l r.fi Tire fom um s, utearia lardU TiIte rat-iýj tr ut.'a arr.rt - t- ,ni AMES DRYDIEN, RtSea'-ut te Town- r J'iIio'AS DViEt aa'tr iAIrrrMatuie tn nryni-r rtir"e-, Shi ofputWest NWitby. Atidress Brook- 4 ilttiaer, &c. iis;d i et, G 1C.atrt el Infll attit i rie.icnot-anr lin. 1)1_1- I- , I -olI a a(rulbiag lreart, andIt- tiTùwsvnsip uf t c-t hI iy A -i * marna, tf~i ça - --%-.ove, nyi't 'tiress a roukiirr MrTr 5. qi Str - . nYoutc irnle %%uIfe -..- __________ ttatti, aier aie', or ht-r lenrt aauu!.ý a order, nvitiîin tire County. Repo. recelveti. Tl'ie Lod(tig ein proceradet ITo il election of uificers, iviren thre folIowiti mcmi bers ancre 'leulareti OFFICEIIS FOR THSE CURRENT TER-14 Brother E. Pearce,' C. D. C. T. :Sister Elaza J. Yeoinans, C. D. V. T. Brother C. Il. Donlinti, C. D. S. lirotirer E. W. Ganille, C. D. T. Bn otîner %-. S. Robinson, C. D. C. jBrosirer Frank N. Doyle, C. D. M. Sisfer Aliail lIiIIikr, C. D. D. AL Brother 3. AMime, C. D. 1. G. JBruTirer Tiros. Lorrsie, C. D. 0. G. jBrutinrrGeo.%cWairi, C. D. PL HI. S Sn~ister Iýlr E. iSirarer, C. D. L. H. entereti upon f iduties of their respec rn-e offices5. Tire C. D. C. T. appointeti Brotirer Jas. Me rMlurneî, Wiliiain Alackeyant W. S. Rlobmnson, as Corim[ttee ou Fiý nansce for the en>uing terra. Mua-rd lv Brother Fratrk N. Doyle anti secoartiatibv Brother WV. S. Ras- birason ,"]ba t'the Secretaryire requesti tu sent .i Tie -inutes anti proceeinrgs ao ibisl sessirn utfriris Lotige tuaTire Editor ut th ire(irio l'imecs, Osa/mawa Vindi' caitr, Oillan'o Observer, anti Beaver- toit Post, for insertion, as Tht-y;are -al Avdnocate-s outTemrprance priomarpies. Car- rie t. Brotr E. Rogers, secontiet by Brother J. Mmnioveti, T'l'iran order ta sare troubtle anti exîense, Tnt- Sucre- tary b irenstuctedtiaTOrequest tire edimors ()f tine ncv-spnptrS jnrst mentîoned to gave notice, editoranily, ufthtie place andti inie ot inaeutl-ogfuttinis Lotige, some tnvo or 1 r e iveeks previous tu tire fîme appoin- aiNNip ot Enu tPlRcteeut.th vint- *at- \' L..-k.Conardeicd a suuincient inotification. Car- 01 ah oEat CT.WF,l . 0tar 1 o ~(L lEaaa -5aat t s-m rmi ua ~ti rîi. Yin'ed by l3rutier Georde jc lumibisà. inak-reti (tta t a- ti rt - -inV ranadi secuntieti b>' Brother E 'n - tarer, as tiaetm.). t gnIi RuI ors, 'lat Tiras Loegourzge upoîr il Mi. BARITLTT, Da-iryune L' f 4~t i ii~~, a.ather (i a.alo Ocra a.tan tant- i arn-rnbers anti alil Cod cmnîriiher tr m-_ To%.sh\ f atti c a-. tr It att i.1 of"~taauaaa: r .a k.i~ u- irne u ti-ar uâlig tîreir influaence dF. t- tlit - i atlt'tor-rIlleaasu;aPurt of ublirc ....i ranc -__________ ___ )S--ri- 1)Nit- trl, AnaILiatl. t ai'v i E. - Il ilita., l ac rnr ; at it nl afi s, ihat tuis Lotge dr-s- mTownsnhip out t g er tit - nure..: :jcotasnalcra tire lradtice of rat-rbera, Pieknim 'j. Atirei - [Iram aiStreett-a rt ala t' Ct' t- ( eofJ. IIfa t-a- r r.j0 Ite it - n crdritrkrin,, rtna> Corais or 't'. Lt-q. :uer. î- joil ý,er'e ra a;us-nru inatter na-at nainer J V. StEARS, [ i)atltt-e uno' Ileir LM 01\T hl Iatl t '()1i) rai1ajý ' '-_-_'7ý flic>'bcar-at bars ut saluons, boil, or e3 Ttnmncr-utirerr'ag Ale- lir-aa , o. ..aaetraatI l' isa1a.ou.ta r-t-.Ca-itiuraamnosy l'lnu~irrnn- t tO'r' l tac- r- a t.a *.t. iMua d inn' Brt'oien C. Il. Pariant T' ZA W OATITiX 'Ieoi tt e a ~[ W'l\ e 1 k! 'aI.1 \îN 1- l' > t il" Tii lý' _N V.\r1a nm.ioltiifbB-onirer JamesIMu-' Elmru.aa.I'aa . ti- .'1.uale i)arr ar>'rnveineant Iu petiTrun Lhe I J ~Lega la ture for tint enactrenit of a Pro- l(V'IeN, j. l d'e a rJ ' ai't'le î taa a ,f.'iitoyL>'Lqu anLawa. Cani-Ie.- ' 1 X T w t , i , t - i e r t u n ~ ~ ,L a s m ig u a a n t i o p e n e t i p -u, i i t To ' i s - L i t i gý e l e n i c l o a é n s f li r e 3 r d l'ont Penny. - j joaa lm entraea .1i e t ir eldn.rt Lûti i al jDc;nc-, ati atlîannt t a Go'clock, p BEL. I W Ei.f filara' a 'luîEi LIi\T-- a- a tra n ie 'lat siKrsl- t _ickuti'irnal-th To n of.rht a Post Ofliue) ;. . C. T .,1limother C. Mce _0cok tu) LSLI IRe-ae or ntie Taawminip -A'l:sic1 '. &i - ettat a ta j'ara, niTnt lar ~~~~~~~~~I ta iintg. .arr-a. - -- PIt r rteI.~ tr.u 1 ' mtia-' .S obimion, C.b. (ttgnt, nL Iti l.opD& i anty.-- ) -i u ~ tr at. ,de î.1 :r cr j! tt- t i,i n d'ru a, de t- r in ia u 'eC Ai i 'tiIlit$& o-, - îa a Broait.-n-C. Il. Donhanal, secoutide< alaMris S ~J'~~niT tB-k. Atiti0net -t i1 th . .Cr aaInOina '11l A'tFRICAN l1i POLI- ninTon Brut-k.of B'tFa atîa dC k lIliL'aia-a s- it- l a dILrC.G a t!,a1lvlci - ____ - ~ ~ ~ (7, -lW ni d"d kratý '.ih 5-[a)t. t ofrrrl -tNew -Yoark Craa,.AlJN~IE i~~~~~~~~ andG- ltXi'7 aN-I('rir îeat. ak îec tu.- rua ul ') ias ate liaiat in lIt- inncck' euttis trua-u-lnjr ut iae t AI ';. >of a is m rh;'.' Can1- (Z,* rtsuthe- aaaOrii-.ans Bs; marca lu.) -dreeï: tf i t-Ea'& aia..\ta. tdwLa 'l'rhe bill utiorizmiu. tise imnportatiurn " t Cloi !.--illiLo- -. i2,0 frci, f or Scott.t h~(ie Ilaunse asatir litie or no ai S-uS. Aiantus Smat .a .& t tm' - l atii ain'u ar..niioIas bSen iej ctidin atir e -i c' R ' a ie I il.tDmVISt. L'. CIt ., a , F~m Cu rta ie rpaini an - a I an e ai lime t-lut-e f a mo>t tviolenit anti nonvensumn , ,n.m.Ti rti.m . I n' I tt-s a!D - j ar ttiig mebort, tu' a rtaraa- ty o Ii . ventu1a. Vi.otira t a' n it it nuedi r Nul : ' 11 rtnt fut fiterj tird i ote larai Ti _________________- -. Ra-at-y nat rhrbira .amam ~ .' rarrnasure, as n..î,î,ot c1 for tire pres- Rt-e-e t tie m mcl i ir- ~n' -t-.'- l"t" i tartt fs'eiîiially dettîct. Nevertîriess, as I H> %nVa2'TTrai nanftelinrtr.e l tapont nreieve-] anti comnnithce dis- ias ami ~ ~ ~ ()[ >tn inu ieCemr tOrramî- Catn a -tiuaiit-ita -tn4t.it in ay Se remewcd nexr year, anti as"'i a1)'.Il..t.ti$ý I I al rir i r t t i rniar W . om srs ut i.tau,,mrates a pille>'tonvartî is aiitirse- Atidres:Atlirinty, n1". itran'1t-tat'-' A tt iv oue1Inrr . l tri uofthtie utrtremne Sotittierii States W tLLTAat PAXTON, aair -t- -aarCt -arut.aanimmnd tvmi j -trdit-1rûsedti aconrmit tîrernsc:aas,we tr. Of(!ie rt tire Cuurt îlo t' r> tirik iît bant just tua &ive a sumnmar>' t- tIsaTuanni t 'rinîsy._______ - J~ N tat t-E & -a t'it' aRts-,1, 'aci.TitCitls On!ario Counm'thtIret-asons assigneti b>' tiose avîo up- theTownf______-- Ir N, tdrI'lZtttiK-tarïI' Latt-'nmi-D-geLodge of tire 1. O. ut oud hSuithrie projetm. Ve do Liiitire more TfUGIf J.UttE,3 MCLtNtl..CLri- at tnititrn(t'ua-e.t-.î- a ri'npIars utCarsatta, iraving witresl eraîilitagi>, ab our renter; nhinîe bearing Lthe rPeace, Clt'rk anmmiul. Io ta m fi' int- tsibataun outhTei-nperance Pan- inucb agrainst thre scineme, bave not en- UCuarty C£unail.-Otie muthne huanirlait- Iaî l-IiiZ M i-r iIastrtatr,'arr j oian aItel>' painieti b>' Messrs. Sih-awn- - an potuiyocýnid-rn h iltf'.eTotRR 'alitAyNE - itaitic a-tri at-PciaTire nrar&;orftPrince Abraiunit-r arauneots eiployet in ifs bt-irait. 'M'e fi. BAititias rof trit,-ilai atrrnin s. jAI0eTn V. Cnos'n Atunne. Suiri- EIICE ' mm-anfTleu' ire-Tinnof iMsr. Ihurtandi Brotirer tinerefoe anrisez a surnmar'ofutheut-re- -o O(4unty ronAtore. olc- j UR uaaM ihb nidbelieîring to bec a on-k vell orf of tise Serate Comntfe to a-bhii -r tirte Ba.nk of Muntrei, Curn-eVtanna(1't-, r.sra taanpaiy's iRa anti W itatn% caiculafit-r f lessen thre great prevailing tr i nsrfrrî ni'iu nprc c.o fiBce ila .knaaiisBrick Blot-k. 9ýe Se ad ÇGeorgian lBay Off.g:rh ice, Brut-Lasinanti en-il of intemserancec,take grear une nirnonrsty is ils favor. - onrd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I u. i t asr ru n cc nert g ta oia' T-e repor' f tie Committe déclares .OtiN Sf EtIR, Cut nr erantiSur- ftac support anti foacteococe of t-veir>' tisat hyaeul stfilt téblj voo.OfCounêth'Eier uer riamrnai iy reiullstite Trattneoi t5veor..Otit- a tr Cun ioueii OU ZltKYaPlni at THna-sruknadStdeoaene emperence coinunat>'. Ccnnb k nt in violation of the State or Pet- lac Town oft WhiSby. tire Reirttry tfiiste un Brut-k street. 1 unanîmnously. e eral ConsTitution, or of treaTy stipula- li ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Aoe by .1.TIRNOCrureanu ue s'Brofirer C. IL. ortandt h oro a n>' lcw offTie 'Sft. Wjtir FeaV.R l ToEuain ton,(Jeairan.of ILAMIB, Niwrirytit, Damier Street secondeti by' Brotbser F. Pèarce, anti resoecstutirte moral' prineipa.l iaavèà - t) t-Ornr ut tbcru Streer lnitirv iResolved, Tirlatt this Counl>'Edegre anat tie>'argue tfe iecniino ýd- ERÂâLNT dnress: OsafwSX17LtMTIPOadimauene, gelt-an-ns nifb]pleasure tiret Bro tier ire negro W ould be grentîl ,- mprveii b>'1 ILIA TJ.NPS.,SdllHmeE. Cersavell's Penoai-affaofiba ' Bottie' hsÉrnst-mrou ie brrb3n f Ar- - lCounit> Auidltbrs. tire large Clais c sre. ga gain b ieftI f epne ni eau îfe to ilji l-iatioi- ai Aineica.1 ira inZ witn%îsetiiLs exhibition,' voultiAni 'emirton* ir ot fLusianaa J) BIRT SPURRILL, Deputy Regaistiar T'ENRY BANNA1, Plain anti Orna- chieerfully recoffmient ilToeatt Good o o0asyofouti etEn tts o ansd Conamissioner ta Qaeem's Beach I~mna aaeGaatr 'ie ag .. s .,o.tti-a-.mun o o n> be avesr , buta sttie cs- tl TTENR HNNMrCrer f ouit' -&c.1 Whitby. - i Carrieti unanrmotiO '.ing. Itwosild be Ttera eastir p'> n JLii aud Supenior Courts, simd Ilesat-ogen Movet b>' Brother E. W. Gamb!e, Out 'oi'aigirIttToAày.- It ;Wold' .lîirait>'I atO tra Convy Crmimei. 1fATTEW ýROBINSON, F1>31lionablc secondeti b>'Brot ier E. Roge, a'i e 0 trtsitoafri atirhastetsr 1_VLH.in CriSter, Brock streef. 1. Rasolved, Thi t ,Aos'l T trevtdeItéeetmnt dan-kuetsanmol T FAIRBANKS, Clerk of Flrs Division dt r, -he , amè i mora C.josurt, c.aplsing thse Townshrip ut A -LEX. P R I N G LE, Merctrant Tailunhs ntrssofts rdrbdÜ i iederdtaua oaCOndition e70 assu: ed q 'WVJittiy, tire Towa ni Witiy, and the Vit-.É-k Dealer in Masonie and otirer Regruina >Ccnrnty ofOrîtro nto two Conut>' De- jpntéction, and Cotxnplaràtive fretndom; teb $sge ofOshaa. Brut-k street. . gree Lotiges ; tire, Southr la eomprflse e coàIdh'ron ot -tebor, tiL ltruc, but oet AME BiNLaies sd Gnteme'sthe Tctnssps of Uxbrii>b-P Readir,J on 'viici is aven shed ise beun* T ays of TOSEPEI WILSON,, Clerk of Second JAMS1 ,ais adGnlmnsScuaoo', Pickcria ad 8 f n h Il -inrdge. 9_r iiso Ceai-t, cbprînsirsg tire Town- Boot and Shua Mekeit, corner cf Brut-k teNiàtir a' irîsanti WisîbaiTise itihie Iilem. - abîrp of i Pckeifnrg. 46.dress: Canton, Port and D.andas streets. eNuh ocr»rs ieTwsrp The reportcontexsds, Lurtirer, tisatats oc.of Brocir, Scott,j Tiorair, Mat-r-e & ropoeteasure jas reconnnend 1ed4 ~y C a T(TBRD&CRPNER entnRama, ,ati Geor' ina (istise Ca. or ou. fpoý cyNegro Iabpr ils peculiarly t ICIT R D LU N D, Cl rk of Third D iis- a [ tiA y Bo t and S io t-w rebouse, -rock Y ork), aand th a rt, ,D eputes s irooid I a daptedt o tIe>cu ir atio ' f oü r grdeat rý -~ion Cburt, comrpisiag -the Townnshrip Streot, Wlitby. Deaiens la and Iranufaa- appointeti for tire' astnae. Cars-Ici!. - staples.-Tiss peies -0f Ipbor lu regsUaï'- a irfResch ar Setigag. Âddress: PonttSurers ofeli kidof tLeather o9ods, anholc- Moveti b> Bretter .C. H. 'Dorad > d'nigi rcsti Lit~h ferry, ~~~~sale sud Retail. Country cesisomers_ sup- secrs' ed b>' Broti r'NW. S.' nob insrfaci ieîa e Is te prcharse 'TOIIN ,METCIALPi lertk pi tire tir ie umdrt em.- ~ ~incouàidtati no1tr eostin'(a eubesIe a fbusat'ii~ on Cse omgn tTow n Tjustt passeti, th*T5M4 -etbtiors exceptt by th1e w'lt Ûls asp Bisiproc. Adrea:i>Vegetabies, botatnpatigadtktise'Grand Lt gigelit att8sextsession àefenara~seg4 l'neaè< I~t ROBNSIf Ccrs i' ir Sxts lv'ig. Mi1t teiivcred ever>' evcaing, an- appoint taoDpiisad'iH'nz f~8 Thse couseuea woutrI, 11* âat zsie iOBINSONr, 0cemr fth ing t To-wn- tre ia the town, wiren ordered. i organizetion of, tiÇotuty Dge paýaioriu4 q e ÇLrt4>e~i fotTrrsIr, surdthre unitcd Township oLa i te tiaCouû> f On(jtaiio. '{"y- ar i; Massrnaaudresçevràs 5 JENTNGariDalrfi id a.-- db-i*-a int a limeP£- J* )rt ni' Laek.offc, rock Strete arsg ~spem the people be the SUP-eune law. 0-to embirlc in the Eame ponecy Fety of our mcaliern are, perliaPsA& IP; rt combats thre assertion t ha t aware, that 'vhilst tîrere are but sixc or braska City dentured blacks would be a Seveu cricket clulis, theie are betveen tai. s a long 'éileact (ointroduce mnto thre tirirty-five and forti' bise-ball clubs on a PawneeC ~'slave population. The do- Long Ilanîd alone, irdependently of the of tire Otroe ~be, and subservient natureb ;many leading aisoclations which exist in way named tof native Africans, when Net York, and play itihe viciniity of Wah-musib. tp our soit, are snotorjous. Ilo0bo-en. iMark a regular base-bal f9»lowinoe.- 'ire least disposed, of every player ; %lien you sec huim note the de- (,ras el", antl of our colored population, to velopment of his chest, anti the play of Shirt with turbulence, or insurrection. hrk lirnis. B3c wrsc in tirne, if you iee4c checked apr le disposition to be malle of thre permanent continuance of liraitii, robe and a, their term of service expires, anti become, like lirn, a memnber of a were tnagnifc bolis the follHving language: base-ball club.-PrtsSpi. adeond eed say no more tirat f iey - otins piit adndep rire theraselves for a furtir CRA' -ÇFNTY- ar mention thi budb-! for nu loncer a pe- atURNS GNIY- amr also worea botiltic rreding a fair with a irundreti poiindsacotngt f mean t ena i onrs pocket, look thre prec;iution of de- ~8fout Oi t i t ite bandts of the landlord porcupine qti urn To ilieir native couintry, a ""'o ate dog-figi Îa'o ieapreainat of illepublicIrotise ait wiih le stppeti eaeîr da,~~~~~ ~ -o h p r c ai n a d l a i s o f ori h rl a t r v r s and j e lr c of thre republican and Chris- (yor caso ri rrty a<~sixtruat tions of whicit gov u-nment ~rsreif ielotfrfi oeThe bridegr a soome ineaàure, ha.ve bee-cri thre lantlord, footdeep frSt ianfcne terapora ry apîrenticeshilp on cortynn vodrdwr u dre nd %i. Vas irearit, anrd nas quite sure no sucircla, e the report alltideý to ,tireadi- -,niat vrire obgt islakblue straîgîri ýptiin of African labor Io tfie by tlire astonisheti rusfic. Afier inaffec- brass buttorý ý ofour alioads andot r -aI apprals To thre recollection, andti -. h pu. lerrial irnjrovcmernt. fnally To honor of l3ar-dolplr, the fariner %vreanisiru aj)ii dto Curran fia: adi;e. cIvee admir h1ave paiwnce, rny friernd, saiti of irotli tli on BoARO) A Co-,ic r Irle 'tuansl spmnak the landiord civil- ppit e London Datily iNeis, ot- ly, andti ell hum)you are convincedyuaprpat b, cotains arr inferestin9l mut bave eti your oe i oelife.» Jonfro) r. Ial, eccnfiY1 ofirer persans. Take a fr rend tviii you, BTJRIAL Cý rsp of Western Atrtraia. anti ladl-e wifli hini anfirler runtire in i G To . - Ti npromoteti to spiritual lord- thre preslence of v our triend,,and flien Owner of Al diocese of burglars and pick - come to nie." %Te inuit ima-ine r anti delegation of1 ncw Brsliop fock 1Iripssage not commit to pape r, tire votiferations on omfficiaI busi lconvict Slp fIat saileti for of tlic ionest dupe, ait sucir advîce ; Nirs. Ush4er's ish futu re labors. Tire Iowever, moved by tire rli'toric or au- tirere affected anvicts taken un 'board was tirorfty of tire vorthy corînsef,lire folloiw- altbough everj ge proportion of tirese inen ed if anti returnedti o bis legal frienci hin by bis kint mos deperte iraactr. c Andi now, sir, 1 tioî't see as l'lmTo ire grown worse ~27 me, urîts D. hlebetter otT for f his, if 1 cget iny second covery ivas cm ofthtie vorst character, hundred again ; but honv is Itbat To le Commissioner nscbicf,, were Turneti loo!se donc -"o and ask liaii for iL viren lest miedical a~ ~ ~ ~ "r loy afIilîdp ionre i., alone," saidtheli corrsel-" A--, hm, but tIrep k, nviOu aocer in tice %vihot a oficr n tlesir, but asking, won't do 'ze afrai, i0-tire medicin rit yhpracteors ;"anduartce vilirout nov iwîtncsi; at any rate-- cause îiL d t exiiaorary:411anti wlrno .. Neyer nirndt, takt rrry atisice," sard SliortIy before .epTLdrrary'confinemetI of hethe c ounsel ; -; do aý I bid you, anti re- regret lîrat lit Terat aconeen f ie tu to me." Tire fariner returned battie, and bop afmoplrre fmoal inI ris lirtireti, glati at any rate To (tire goverrrmi 4nt e a f b i n £t ind t ai safe a ain iri bis possession. er a iror e as _,, ý ow, sir, 1 suppcse I rnnîst le content;î remaintier of ery specin:s of crimfe rapîidy but I. dont sec as I'm mucir better off.?' especinrlly ai lel1F. Frorn th ir ra, tir e__ il f ien," saidtire counsel, dinow appeaied greai îe menchableen unrruly anti taire yorar friend witb you, anti ask thre Trie finerai agrantcorîfncs 'n clantilord for tire Iuntireti pountis your (Tuesday) mc agardcr, ti. urgs n-y rie- sav you leave wit i rr." 'WVe neatIv dresset ild w artb rbi lif re onit n - neeti not a dtht iat tire. viiy Jandlord and laid on a i o-found lirelirat been taken off Iris guard, mahogany coff tT400s ~ t ' whratcgetrsiiile our lroncst fuicîrd (%vhtom ee would natural flotverâ a err Inigat aniost wisb bai triedtitn3 tire second bouse. After, tmassacre. Mie vornen i2 eun t.an bi oslex'yth Re, 'fthe solders andti vartier-, i)rtrndoTiaibicusee-byte1e. j~wth tri-r, T tu cutiyuiingly witir lotir 6unredà_ in bis pociret.- NYintihaStreetl 7%ê eèèir iwere fusietiCta-aj s, tire girard were irept con- NîoI-r as qSwancN.-Tbrere is no-prO.cession. aý arn, ni hn ie tlrini tiat strik-es a stran-er marcor seven arr, arnadwintepri- r ,>for- crig in a bt'dy To bat ter down cibly, if he visits S'veden at the ceason ioner of lirdiai a n t b a s > v i î c î a l n e e - o f t h e y e a r w h e id t b e d a y s a r e c l o g t r I d a n B r, rti r s ' v e e i n - n o f r e e s t , th a n iÈ e a b s e n c e o f th e n j ~ t D r . p i t ' à , rn d t1 rtcrrvy p.9 tre urîrinIBairti tells us tirat lie lad no 4rrception owedto tô l mas Tire siglrt of tiie of thre effect produceti, before \lis arriva] Corrgfesionpj4 parrfn'dovoupn îr n t Stockbolrin,fivie irundreti miles distânt After- the cc 's ary e n. c', n t ein frorn Gottcnburg. lHe arrîreti in thre. la thé grave, il s srcesfu ou brak vasinorntng, anti in tire nqternoon iwett o cd an impre rent ave tc-d. A-ain anti sec sonne frierets. 11,3irati not 'teirea ftulowed by a i rntr bors ftr notes of tiýme, nti returneti about night; chief of tire:Pà nufrausspirit roke o t r as as fighît as it ir ere iràlf an bourfe aprri leterwasw~te onslp-before sun-dowvn. You Se dstinctiy. CorgmissiQner bic, untier date tire 13nd of But ait was quiet in the " streets ifti ren 13lce in ~r- ani ve ae yt %itîrout seemned as if tie inirabitants lind gonie tainnmsg tie pers tand ive a u na c s asay, or were decil. :No tîgr± of le decease-, with , are Nile perfornaed thre resi- fhe sirops cioseti. andi cortred t], re, Tire "rz isage. The surs in June goes dowra in Sftockr-tre, ,r crmr, boiraait a littie before ten o'clock. Tirere1Ilý1 .L AS A G3IE ANDlS f a greet îlIuminatmon ail niglit, as threpetIV iLITY.-In anoîlier pos tion sun passsrudtiec i twrsts PROSPE wiil bz founti a full report Northr Pote; andtihie refraction of its tisem to M or to Lti5~ enlrsyissenat t tian isttul rlley vif, i fiet i 1 A merimr4 si - Finarlly~ mîreble adal construction nvorks 0fiuTl SHtp.-'ftî Marcir ISi comm-unbct appoaated Br ilaving beer ship oaver a 't potkets, th* ly tire firg tise scenét-o '170. .4r was Of b ['lis irerd 4f ;'ice for the refra -torfyý son made pasilution, eq' developetit~ manner o4 turbulent : openIy andg balf murti 't-' rowily oscail nibl ,andrrrrs cro-vded v." nidpoap75 sl"Inly umider oners nuailied tise buikicat s'iraintidilat-it duaaiflIn Ouns, rUauzzleý produced a a riet-n nisirof a for tine mon a',- ;n, owt-i voyage, thre r Dr. lale's boanti, oe Bal lanit lNoè emîr underwia-rt duc of ber pa. MAISL! UTi] of our piper,, of tise reunent Bell Clubs, b copy of tire( Tire Base-bal reai>'comae ire To direct.e bealti-rsvigor. tra<t tunu>'whi dentary> eýnplo an 4mu$ef eut prompote bWu.' te;ir ofthetsbun Lihese spink»a ad marttenp commnts bare' 'trards far- tieir f"ndational refiaemeuta -and civilifrafioqarbirt tie ept to bnaee effminacy, andi!. "; ea ,ntural cQuse- qunce, deterirâeàrq- 0(1 contitution. Wé 43erne na gin, , emieaopred ýo irrajress nu *l'tùuWt alarge the iraper.tive.neceâsity,0pf ptnü air' ei- errise, ifthe>' wisirc&t-Ioten ijp.y,- rrlt' stliand b. lpag-li'e--ot the -exe-- ýilu ofrisin- sgnjsetsà4, buitta apedcm trian, exerrf4s Cc ul~a-tdtoa -brac t 'aî4sand, rke'th uri - piqeT b- and subîata apecitaew4p iiime As nas oralip>fmwjrule, we ; tde p on s4o to4Ishe dpkor.0wuate# WthreMY qistteu pf walt 4debawe"p- r~q~ira,-k~goufrit, ~eertppj'a .............................................l,............ . NO.~ i - - I - * j Yie APRIL 179 1858. ............ ....-.--'.,-.... TAN WEDIDI-;'rie Ne--'DrcAy oi OLJ yNews of tire 3rdirnrt., con- -ess de Saint FA !rs h nccount of ther arri4re of -age t 13 M o i 5àtte £é-en Cirief to-a bIood royal sqaw lint Do 9* irVréliir a tri e . 'T he *-b rid e -ro o rli S WIt D e a cr ic s a P e b r ra 1W itew ter, and tie bride gilt w itis h Y Ï>' to uuce, 'e -s irn g a . V e e x tr c t t ie e t a ry C re C g o f i d e d tian -"TireCb,,icttain'à a rlte .bèeats a:glas sladeorth gl idressd in a red flanîel pice in is bxk boji. ent e deep blêm 'calito 'border',u tié<e uniqu 4,Oa t taboe c o u; a s u m r k ille ti b i f rtlo in F ra n c e , . is 1- ft n o t ie s white feit b at. Uer jerels ges at tire littie tireatre Ba ficen t. From ieih er auries- 5and tbe gr»d.agb' e aD' l -i brîiht. ornements of brats, SrsSvein 0 U*b' ir ýer. Wemît, ot omiit 'tofasriona'I fsiliner8 y t,~- il Miss abmsi-e4rrsatheabove, tat th Oe d 't; re ti p ttiç at;,"e abroidered tie beaiful-i a, - Ü of oa d i4 W 1e ovawh ssrriage bytie pj il s , r e p r e s e n t in g a d e s p e r - p i t i f L l i v-i n g a C a i t - . - o , g s ;t. ler entire wardrobe nal. n biý-:0j-jXý 'cou tti not bave coât less t ian F M L m ~ ~ O V C E dollars in Font nelle m oney. FEAEROES oqITDo ,Yrom asattredinail tire ASqAULTI.% A CLERGyMA..-'Four e whlri b Iis rank and wealtb or five femtales %We re amrestedan d tried H-e wore a standing shirt last week et Mt- 7eiDuon, md, for as- saltn ad ging a Gertuan Melba- datof resden Pirce cdist clergymanTM t-colared soldier coat, witirMa. Te>' waylaid 1m as M8 'anti an elcgant pair of !ewas lecving tire e cir af aniaeeî rs, nvbile Iris btaivart loins m meetingc, anti pelet m itrst ,al cohd na acÙt eg9s- Abrotber of tire cirurci, ho illype Whotoetib a Altogetlrer tire appearence teaptd osirjeit ticpreaciser, was b r i d e a n d t h ie g r o o m u a s k n o c k e d dg i sIan di s a r a t i leh j A1- to tireir hiýgsspirre in iène f$anti costs was imposed ou tise _________________ asseilants and a $10 fine on malt'e abettor. The rt-ason alleged irs'ax 101 AN IND AN AT ViÂSH- tenuation wass hat tie cler gym-na>--n ex- Mank-a-l-uz1Il orne of ir e pne ounv-antable intrendoas la yan ose"onoftrie pt again:,st tIre ciraractens of bis fPawnees 00W in tirs City'assaiaits.- isiness di-ti on Monday et ------- à Unron'Hotel. He came UNDERGROUvri TELE-ýGRAPH TO d witîî a severe colti, anti UT&,î.-'fire Wasiin.4on cor.e,;poa. ry attention iras been paiti den rt ol tise vening Post say a. pro- d iostess, ie irs gradually- po sIit i k before t e £aiee c and worse, uratil bis re- Militer>' Wir rnnhe l,!ate,_to la>'a opeless. T he A ctin g telee raph ir under-grou rsd r t s ýof Indien affairs iratitire Point ofexis>teIgepi0 omui 1attendeace provideti for.catiurs lu Missouri (0 tire beatiquarters poor fellow bad uitie faiLli ofthre armv in Utai-, ant i e coatî ine of tire wite mars le- iedtia Sai Lake Cr1ty as speedity. as 1not cure hiro insintl>. tne, ara>'jr movès b iett direction. Thin ,e is deatîr lie ezpress'e l artliies propsLulyucrirsaoe e coulti n;t bave diet in :ti ided eys forthfli um-of fivebuadred )pet tinat iris Great Fartber, ti.osand dollars. Tire work can-be x rl nt) woeld give iris IroLli- ecuteti, nith tire aid of e macimu, ttt 'il a mno[e,ýtg of huim Tire saiti, ai fast as a tomranox .1 team -cî~a 1tire Pawnce delegation, trev-el. Tse commnitteelof thre Seuatýe ephienv ôi Ter dec-easen, are divided- tirec foi. it and bi.eý atly affliceti -nt is deati. against t-but bave agreed 'orepor. ai took place yeserday tie famts to, ie Sente, anti llow tiat ornieg- The curpse wes b.odti>o teke sucis actioD n ithIrematter, in a0citzen's blecir suit, as tbey pese. new biauket in a'a cndsonne fin, in wvrlish were streeti DisTREs.qse Ir,NOLrd.CcLThe 's fror tise publie -greea- fol lowrntgpa-rarempsfrome nr'Londoa. a, few. remares et fi sthei cudii is iîntertnsti4g John. C. Smihe of tie Owiftg ta ire ýanadai- Seà,t1, Prebytrian ciurtireGoeVnientr ioec i ~Ota~ cei e ee e , b th iË,beafxda'tÉ s onteu,iuckuding twenty 'dca demeud, isticause ;(th t - v W ,es. T ise ,actinog-C om ksri -s. kno Offi tei h el à t d t f i u a f an Aifairs, severai clerks of IRefiâ and! Ottawa distr-cts, and thre ùreeri, tise agents aud inter- ieres fron 130 weiit ta' 175 ; but poa.ý ire jidiens aew *lsete, Ir~ i- hablin iconspi<Uenuée ai tise 01tawa dis- nit resit- place, in the t(net being situeitieitrrmost dure uerth of -- 1 tih run. le Huron traet,anditsrfrer in roffir liai! beere tieposited Ottawa cit>', thre price was not maiutara- the Rev. Mr. Smiths offer. cd, ant 11e>'bave deernard to 15o.- -It ssive peayer wiricis Waî Lt said a Company irai!beau i'or-med te b ri, f e lo y f rr ' - L p -" a d v a n c e m o ue >' to s èttle rs ù u Il ea0d awuees noW hère,-antia7 Comparsyl.s and?" Ttc rensarks b>' Attira l is difiuktotaSay whçtber tire rea- b1iz. Tise iner r son ~ for' the siares goinýup or tiretfor, jtire edf 0 the banx co u- tireir corningdow ris thr-%î rst - s . rsnel decorations o(fIne________ b i c u i a n d! to m a h a w k , F M L a D n ~ ~ . A o ~ a se ~aol Wi h bs bffaOother featurés wirieh adora ithe e ie ias tierafilet,,a hrcrdlrand fdse e maoswier course ori spectators d is- h rat rdra r o1 g nd4 tese m ost i< tatJt t 4 / nà g td 4 , U f o . - : d e p r in c e t o f p e r e t A a s i u 4 R e t ý5m,- ti ... . . . . . . . la -

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