Ontario Times, 30 Apr 1859, p. 1

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L~A-a ~e<-4-'~~ -e ~h Id ~ J ~ V ~ h ~ ~VtL 171. 0TO . Q. OWAT,Mùmiber of the Legle- _Ilt~~t4 Âalsorntly for the Southi Riding ofueL*rio, Addreùa:-Torouto ¶SHPH, QOUbtI, ember cf the liegi4- , 'tMtVe 0êAaÎembly for the North Ridýng W ntt A4 Àdreso -Uxbriclge', ot Of- ÀOR~5S U'RNXMJudgo coubty bt3 t I 5~ e r a î. s Çbut,ýà,sé, lnth - - ~"' - ~ ~g~r-'~- - a' -~ i n n ~-: t t - '-'r a r; ~d1&44~W. .........p! ll. .........1p~ B, FAIR13ANJxs, Attorneys Notaty, êPuIbliC, COns'yancer, ke., <)hawa. Cl . AITýE,L, Vagter Extraordinary a]tndDeputy Registrar in Ghancery for 1hth tJounty of Ontario. Oilce over MXàgë,. JI S. l)onaldson & Co., liargware atQre,.Brock Street WhiLby. 1 .AGNEW, hl. D., Phyîicîan, Sur; pJ*geon, Accoucher, kv. RIdeftcc-- Duffiles Creek, Pch-ering. R) V .D..Surge<>àï Accoucheiir, 01~ and p4,lyoieinu Lo the (béal for the County Ontarin. ResIdente, 'OlXornotrent. intho MXedical FacuIty of Tort o Uersi., j jLy, flesidence, Byron st- it2 . WlliTBY~ C.W., SAT'rJ E'OET- The Miiaturt.4 William woa holdinele bis band - The likenesa f is wife,-; Fr esb, as if tgached by fairy waxnd, Wttîlte itittj, gýac abi lîfe., ITe alottlegt lSpDooee gazèd Upoue tii. tresre atili, Absonbed, delighted and amazed drewn to'îtu re tru c; f ese"mnuch liliyou;. luts~I. klssaýy*u.back1 os>' dear? bv-4-. c Io" setd hel eSu WUibine ýagaxi. se tLbOethoughts Away, Ios>l înc in e paini loudi reay frown te-day, os>' love, in wll shine Agmin; eot in this wride, %ide worid, i brightty eà,, à no. knewu elle chcrished hopn If hi' saine ruthless bInaI.L ~tiose thonghta qawiy, TU>' lôe lnc e vIreg me pain ; ocuds imav frown te-daty, os>' lace, n will abine agairi. ' bilîs on enrth1 iey lave, i e sha-le cf Caire, d not L-now the werth, my> love, ge front sterm ste fair soc ver m a r eli lec,1 sori" trnsting hersrt, lne- e' at tii,- ide. ta boat its part. 3 tisore thoilgbt' asti,My love ece gives nie pain; 1-là ay> frown te-day, ta> lov-e "'Tis rte )ciî . E d4 T4~w H*~~EWfY, ~'ttomton i ouW.ge n n Acceecbee;r, trouk-_ eIN onal -.W.25 B frnck aeffl,tths Town Of nW'liilr)Y.- The_______ IS. JOXFPS, Lýocal Drrntist. Office on hbs OIINfl4~Depity Clar1k * Broek Street, oervJ. Rigelow's store.- Ph tbs J, Ctowe andi Plea, Clsrk Of' OouetY Aliloperatlon, walranted. Tysl med &irrogute Courts. Office on Brock Street,'------u ___- ___CI_ mUt.Toweof '""'Tua' sun hoTw fMilU[ ly -H.yoret'-. Drrîggis' eand APOtit. There sn 0k', ow F- ,-P-II',Whcary, flrock street. ____ hthl 'i Town Of Wlitby. T~ eie e ~ lt c .kW$ E.OWERce'e f"the Toîs-is(Cei caî )ye Stlîffs, Paintc, s î CTisb ea% Uàî,V0iElcee rPai.ent M tieTrse.letracestanri Tu- sihe ly) et Wbitby. evervthing volissected siith the hnsin e, e Toghc nerally, Daeda î Street, Corner of lMyron. ei T 19 l C IIISTHRRDR.APgiR, aPutY fteve o'f_______Thi ur the: Town -of Whithy. 1AM4X RtG' :51 -l~~;t~ied 1lIf FaIlwert ~)T tIARRISON, Ree of het' cTown- -Street, Whîthy. -Sge' thtiîcdWshout hl. ip t Withy. Address: Brooklie. 08t and Marier. 28. Ofchn T i- f -- - Buit wlhaîeF OREN II1ON, Deputy Reee of J IN STEIR, Provinciatl a.nil Surs-evrr Threre is J_À the Towashtp or Whitliy. Ad treas Ar'ehitect, Draftsman, Civ il Enginevr. Tirt svii lireoklii. --* C. Offic M theCourt lct. î conýent .1 %euA. lOBLNSON Rees'e cf Tewtt11i AMOSý W. CRON, Sîîrveyor,Arht Tvsr ,fC ofTharab, and arden utf the CGonin iil ngneer, and IEsLe Aent tor ii %y tct Otitria.--t'. 0. Airesa, Bea"r-rtntl Bror'k streût. g- ________ ci J Ojl ITCIFF, Rees'e oft'hie Ta'vn- C I 1i<>. DODu),trriitect, Civil En.11 .bluý of Emt ti ltby.Ai-t d-A zirieer, cul [Land Agent. Office, No iý lmbaa, ,2, lyramSti reet, riair the resitlence cf j. iH IX'rr-r, Er.sq. Mayorr. The Mt "'"f.'BAT't'IE'T, i'epity ltepe o f tIli - - ~ , VTownttî,p cf Eset WhIItb3'.Ail d iLA E \ltLPoica U: JOushawa. tGandlSr ~oFgreroxLîr flt CE I P V 114à ti rie-'t'fthe -i-- re struck rJirets - iiireîr Pickering. ,d1resisi -ratart uarkable 10 Juir.,Deplîty tie'vi- et'the ery, Ciîtua 'u-IHti ir UrseRrn ie:z err't eier ut >icuritg itrritri' Wi n', l'unI*,r, .% e and citii- r riislrs. Iimo<t s5C oiirerîrtrîî llrddte, ibat the lir r i Cnliwrnlt'sBtiiIJri~ 1 Itrck S. %tts. frequently '~"'A W B 'itbER,-cre f li1 -vs2 ltat of th, un I'rHp if crjg A1titi'ess t'on rt II iltt>' , i i'i t ni ry taen' menu tise mti -~~~~ l.'re-it -lieii"k ts tîrr' disinctionj tir' ths-it, Ts!'trt r I-r I '. 'p It is %s vi 'L,-t ~rîr.nev~rftr oilîiti larat l toe it in rt,-mhe h j1I î"i -lW I Vs'"1. Dejlinteeve of theu le 'a sICAiI.t'X Fire, liverti~î~ ir>' chanta - s ---- ------- r're SMoro, llrock stree-,t, Wi-'~ iei ~ i, u ,q'S",Reeve cftire ' ~the writingf D 4;, "qfr' teeeîot'the tlîted fl'3 &-OrEra t' '1W. Latxmgip storel is5 as a rmr 1 tiir t' ara tîi [.aLaia- __2 à nr~oa f' i't~ ful ' i, i ,rio.r - <#i"irr Hal tToi ir t rhti- (J i' tir 't rr'ritîi et liirct. 1d Utrtty I rip ll.sTgng sl, nou e bic tempet, lies: Wllt '.. int is cf )flîrîii'g ':111<1 prýirinir Fur- ied ànndo' _______ îiture aulctîcd ta. Flîrnitître careIftiliis'e. srçhich she urer. (o-îî-- a Ltise Corit flouse, Mi '~.- ~ - 28. renderd in( tit;re rc o f %WIilt1y. ________ IR8 ~ ,urrNrt, Ife eer-i - 'rnipivgs Iali'u) r-IXi 11st Illt >aa'*%r. O('ir"k a v tri., ir' i-i' a-t.p, e ri;r- ilmi )!sTî Dur'p it uS -uf ~ t'.~?a~s-r 'r ~'iti>-~ - ~ XT ;VJ'~:~\î ~t~ ~ Si~d~-H, in s5i il t. r - ) !;i, n il ri k r'r r-rn r it î ' 7 - , ~i- k i M uc ' unr. Brrr-k -ru-ar.tinS aa hf, ~ArMIan t\tlt)- LIn a fi r. 'o": f tise Townioet'Wiiitîsn aner â s t thre j it ld.i [ t' tN XN . M tiin anul 'lta 'lite moi mernt tl Pa'ter; Gi ,-e, Ilr'rr ia i scusaon, ci' -r-s; C 1 tnty ,<3 iéri jtari r andl Sur ",&h Xtti~.I e:rec- )i: 'E iicCutrt i hnse -i:-- the Twci¾sof V y ~U~î~~ RiN )13Fttlr sliltnk 1' ~ .R. il. rflt"\.tt.irir u- -___ The nsoil -,the îor, irr" f nrit!îoni for ~~PRiNî ,MoretiŽnt 'fiier isards seritit - ______~-~-~~~ I)ltrcr i-r'rrc adrirIte-alanmamranof ni A G. rMI-ewnlr,'s, IIL. It. Dt uii gtcnuut ktiert. but i.n everr * c f tlrookliur, Catity Autturi. IMT-UUIIDeprt'it itir "Bru-' randît d)a anlier, corner of Brad ,laflrst ui ad Cmms in r eQucen's Btieantandi D,inlas streetq. m * -- -- -------.~ used ta giv j-TY1t IANACret'ofCumul>' ILt. lIIILP, Manufacturer ciid Deate of lher visai IZl.and Suuur'iur Courts, arnd Mssenger j 1"iiiStddlrs, Harnazis, Truake, -Whips songe4 and i t e i.(Montytlouncii. Bits, &C., kv.y Dunt t~erWih' arge Mbore. T--FT Oare ~ h~t ii-iia (E ORGE CORtMACK,Crpnt as acter were'v M~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~G ts...i'ànpuigtèTwîtte" Luesher Merudiant, Green-igtreet, Fied toa ego tfIý'lî éaor Wtîitbj-,and the Vil- Wy of A agoqanî>'e'Lumcber of lame ef fiei tage'.1 oihaW a. &i Il knrscenstati>'on baud. the ftrits.of 0Sr4 - W WILSON, lr t'S9drlIOstAS DEVERI LL, Contracter andsi Loeee aeu 1iîo Qufcmursiug tecQowu- IBm ifriur, &c. Residence, 'Gree-c streetbea on aitÉ'lëkêring. Address: Canton, Poi A~ OLAcixer vades Lti-a Oe~t reewood, o vnship o' Pic keig. except that 'D r~n UNClerk oý,Tkiréd Divis-.hu tdI J ïotpr, i304art, comaprilsing the, Townsip TIrC. STERL[NG, Auctirsacer. AIl] 'e_,or er imair nliezAa rit.b- bouil thlitegaes of Lister>' v- ssviii tire facip that cuir rc- rmen pcus'rssed moi tiers et' un- nu-ent for goati or tsad, andl ?rgy eof ehararter. Iî' mcuiri r-,m (vain (luis Cirdtlmttance, 'mire-s cf Illie -mcttrr îimore .Iinipe-d upan lthe boy, and ne tailler up'rn the giri-ive sntalik, ineilectual ilapres, in fram th li i'cal one. aid Orf'-'ur %Waier Sceti', lf >fie3 was a s»a fi, plain,iveil- monsan, r'f excellrent sen,,, table. and a greril irver et' paintin-<'awda on thse mluoite, src,îulan. 'l'1% es'ideu.t frein C cf Sir Walter fhÏt lie Iàadl on gifi in Word paietin 11womai, uit-ýY, teu» d ýl, xvaýh nof pr'iteil nouis in lier ia"mprr. tjahappi7y rited bis motber's inflàmm. r, and insu-ead of' beng stsb- ri'tr-cd b>' the harstun".ss mitit ofteil treruted îtos, Lie s notýe pasrrioutîse ly it. Tîtu> hit this i ifimnrilu>', miricib>' andi kind treatlmeiti urigb cri ta in4live one c lii etld brilant, pcrrticil rundr, î"rt'sl'lvr rrcou-'sien, en- oh' tirrisar rtr On isjià es rly ii Innatiiur ta iris career tfirer et' Boaparte 'meusa great beaut>' and'rciuergy' cf Tliij,s at itrait ha«, ben exenlrlrted ilurouiiout hisi lier of Rober t B. r..eb.--eft r- ien b>' iittsdf? I3Urns5-va3 a noderzit.e pie;iai los -Y et lier respect, a remafrliable Shé %'ws bleeîsed meiusingiar tof uîcaper,.and, ber relgieus nfe cn tnt d dep. Site ive winz toithe #'ïr' houris qusetred lifur b>' chaliatng oid ofatarue'Olsich shee tsad a * Iev'perrPpîiees eof char- ver> qutck and keen, anîd alue ceod olcI age, 1ri"j'ICing iii the- ' poet son, and pavtakïeg et' luisà geuius. eWss mobher is said ha halve ian eft' terieriniiid, ot gréat utîid-of -the ùiotber et' Neror sueé murdered ber second- be 'Efmea iaur sabout ir ber maric*a1ge.. Do ue5 eowas, a cruel É*tpeiroý,- )et tIse é,x l'eof: fNeto, at rraut,- ,contÉast meuh the id statsm.unn,-tmàn ,.r,. I1 tell, yoine er -"for î hat -be gin i mere inntering., wiII ead to seiotL. eareest. AÂvoidtiupreamngan>' irrit-atior at. one apoters.- words. Mutual;-fore learance is tlhe otie-great ýsecretiof do, mes[ic li3.,ppinCSs. fi YOD bva -ér confes i ilfreely, even if confession ctésh jpu, eome,,tears. )Fm~rberï promii inrrdî d soletinnlynever, upon anj preteit t oi.exctnse, tohbave any-secrete or coqceglMentsiroitgeacls otlier,;bi màho1her, qi,,er5 rqç, _eelain berdt o~be ~,oqrÇ~J. 4e jutyo cdngiâe become a party Io sted be- a Ài t vowd fpltQn.' -il; ivili prçservQ tImt!>per. tt'confidence, (bat union, whivh wii] .n' edmaL-e yoù ose. 0, àe ë if ftic newiy rmarried'vvou1d but prctice (bi-, spring of coneub1ial peace bruman>' unions would be lîapp ssJièi are now misera- 0f the sevetà*teen thausani] authors, Yrho5e nates are given in be tirs t ve- unelcf A.libone's iniaIuabie «I ictiao- ar>' of Auuliors"-A to, J inclusive- 5,668 wrote upon Divinsty ; 1,38 on Poetry and Poctical Ci liciNm ; 1,714 un iMedira4 -Scicnces ; 1,272 on La-v and J urispruidence , 1, 1-49 on Ii'irap.ly and Corre-ýpondence; 1,1 14 on 1-14.îory; 862 on W-orkeo~ f '1ravel.-, an" 830 or) Politic.., Goyerntneuit, or Lcgi,iaîion. Dometje Ecrti,)iny ranks loivet, Uum-, bering but 5 aut! ors ; (Gcolo2 Y and .'ineraiogy tiare 9 Architecture, 105; Ediicalloin, -172, Fiction, 620 àlusic, 180 ; Naturatl -Ii-sîory, 305 Tride _and counerce,28; Painfincg and ' Ilîre 2e Mateai. y3 A g r i c u l t u r e , 3 Q U o i i a i E r n u , 2 7 i Voyages. 2 5 i Cbernisry, 191 Dramatie Literaîure, 527. The follcwvinag r'lethplssgi closes the Baccatnuraie Allr'of th- nHfou. A.. . aeugstir.et. Prer.ideet o~ the Souh, Cavolien Clarge, au Cotuin. .bis, loe ie neent Gr'udg5aýttg Ciass,: ouare eniark-i.pg upon a strangt woril, M>'yoyung frienda. - Lt bitîsiîet Arislîîes, pieudSnal-,isrtvs Ciccro,and eruifed teLi"Lrd of Glor>' 'rhe spiri t Jhnîcerit' flrclitît.., cf Anthony sud C:rtiphàs'ii.- ulilliii- (lie torid-rrreaîtly an~ea1,.u 5vl~Il to e b e u r,-" b lt o nt a x i u t i J e 4 a f<or yonr patriotisin and lairmsenteti for vomir bheefactienr. ; <o tract ynur r.oifii- den ce abusa!d, 7011iti itagritvdî'drf n to suiffer a tisninl î iipniiti, you had a- rîgld tanexpert bel ter îhicgR. Tliese are liard inIg'. ne bear, -m>' you. The7 are se, uny >'aeug tfi truils, anad yru neyer ieutI bî.r r lian, as .oa-Ioultil, nnris yen trucs tiie (otiBct r tir Cltite, and le-si daily (0a its Au' lier l'or supplies cf sfrenrgtli srfir'int f-r yoot- trial. Do lhrr, awi li svdt tii-bc t-lt au last. %V'iîtht -lia in ivoir irruri1, nnwm launch *yoer banc tl1O sle 1 nrhI'rl ocean cflife ; andi smbethé <lie rqruti sîrke yeu, bai ât lea>fi as js"nsdirî astIl&,- casumon sailor, nad ha fninusd liard ah Ille hlrem, mith yeur cluint br-fore. yournc your eye ixenn ce 3ethiiri's stair." Debts of Natieus. The -debts,.et' dilfi-frent eatiea.sa ed States are estiiuiatldiuth(laiEuuopeiDn States at more titan nimety-eie Imdred anti eigbîy tiilions of(101alar$980e 873,768. The most deepi>' indebLei- nations are.,: Grent 8rirain, $3,876,_ 563i,170ý; France, ,6 ,8893 Aushnin,; $1209,420,O0O ; Rusia, 448 ; IllancI, *L-5's,395,337; -nu(i Prussia, Pesiugai, Sal-tiin, Beliuri, and- Uenm'ark i'eves-ally anse more -4îân one buusdrecl millions. Tire C'eefrca sd Souîth Amrieu îan ove $38. 696;,QI4 fiwiicl, Mekîco is set detvn -or.,$l33A2r2,24C2;, Br-azil, $73e77,- 25SQÏ;r,ýPeru,,$46*,5,387, ýVenezitelâ; Sats froit oeequarter ont' t tattitot Âvcording. <o theecrrgq"dto n 0< ~sl1 - 'V *QJ r ~ ~ ha t' r ~5i~ mi .',ee-er 'prostraled on a bcd'of waa à7 -gb -kt an-end af er. 1-1e stas& it-leIyr-gievnt -aheicprospec«, *nd, *o* -'tre dirc ta btsc énplyed -int 501e f . e tof love ag an e rusesî eof bi -ifctaiïe pàsted ofF le the ceose- îýary and - ý t a lot, s-ttbe mecliancs ad nui e7ln at work aund shorîly hiad ge clsarTeieg a nok fitcd up tiat ik- ,msould hië* bPln a pienture le un>' sens- bic Perea ële b hried in it. Neolc56 wilthe <li J, hoever. She got weii, ad, hefo tiste roses budded wiib mere le hnve vaed rl o* ber grave, the lilieri hsd dep otedtfrein ber cleek. rhle bIus- bangt0»s heîd t li-oeser-tempercd selsijIa word aboaut tise lot ie tile cemeîeryj,b' bSome means sue heard of il. t nerf pleasant t iare 'uc l tIer ôes fiïture existence. y itth teliint a ile vcxed ut athefRiuisae preparations rs'ictî ber'be- laved ladid~Me te gel ber nndgr grennd. Site Shrictly folinsred bis elompt,-, ad kept bet *wn coanssel, bel, by -sic' ef'a- fair retalbution,, posed4ot Io aeeirs end éréj à ' îia n g a î silv e r c o ffl p l à e ý on mbicW »h. bncidinscribo-d lfite name et' ber isuhl,:and an tijiprpnae 1eptîapît, l e lin ' uil zi fo r li s a g e a n d d a te Ou rcaîtu ; Tis lthe astoi!b ci l3euedicî found oubIs bureau one morning wlues Le gelt up. Ie sawr the joke, antitle samei rime thall»e ieardfille suppressed iaugh of l isp mle (rot» Under telie d elLtes. The plat*ýis ùCois' t6wed amea> ie tbe te tIse 1il'aeryueeok in tue ol CI erne- ~ .f 0,- W~exak h.a&.fl os:-i4 ile hesa biu1' B "1çu y y salé f u6 ha1firY-1oîmn1wd'sarging a, ~ia.a~it , à're I '100,90; u yo W s-" hlpBr-i,'ke' Tie az us y ue eaern ~exeha sbids farr Lapistai or pistoisls qd Me oojàwt npnorn.n wxs arne 6 teeclip4d iitinidoverbtét 'r simi ar pur- der dfa1Ihofr iy'o;v, ind ý,I5 tam n- posée, thi t hi h seà--e1 ami-tdM - of 'lrs1i-f- c nnïand iri hti he sIfe au fimas . O'urW.x-wa" the rnd int nvo 1%anr i t 6000 f.im i~ nfnrm us ti it emgr lhxa Jbejirs"> ' nd n it> Ma ajo h -1--af~' TU canY monts to 21000 bdliiîy, r sàd' tëëasTowncedFii~c >ad, îuînd 'S et s 4 i f d ra ï, thpr o n . 5 i e 0t W oa e s a s th e , fego itd - S 6tta ê a y a i n th e c a> o Oer'na Cfry' .~ î ~ ~ ~ i of ndefin .e fo r, p W 4fiaile or 4le opéo.w ~M > fn' 1yîraulo ofpy op ~ eé adtdlp ebus i ad the daL1; . -: - 4aa-Nia iôn rr or nhgiJqwfen4b~ ePeiise wt ri'g.. -a ,hji W,,,?Igte ee e9çnlug,up sf,#f rfq.u hYçked ýfà 11 r h. kilUnggay 13 Cttftt'13gelTts. ' à4l-,Ior ýn~~e~gqsniero *t<IIî'~ a~~ te iri :.t'2 t"-1 te -bave lati,>Jy igbd file IWV ,> iitý -taeb' h e~g u ~ <ti ~ P5i~'f ian' W-9tto get MITrmeil1 a lattqtciao, conneected rgjstar 1011ki éOfiçei i c4e n Ily read ua pare*hicis 14S intmfd ina slsii1, ' ýgo,'5' S a"e,;id à-, e ts'warc lake ' 2 man to 'tbe eý nâ, of'thi a tili tbereby! Le tan clutci-a foiw h'indfuiso <lie iinng,., ore;. - A ihird version rmut ibu,.-Thê Ch4t.. cage P'ress "d l'rbste gires-theresut eof au in*epvÏi;v with Charte,. Nichais s membefO>tý' e irst companytian went eut in~ searcit et these goldi moine,-a mue ,fo be d.-pend4d upon. MrI. N. *Pent some -eighî: moistis prospçcling,, à)t"_ g o, and retîurnlho- from the gofd Sicid , Uc- tr.aversed 'thée;country' setrching (f'do hs',"and <'uugge.s,", ('romn thées~nsm Peojcs, on theISoutb la the AIedaiireBow tpi ôthe North- a disýtance et' mare -Iban. 300 miles. Hre say' tilat- et thehuadred (Lat prospect. ed for gotd, betweeu Octobeg and lise .limne Le lef, lfie ,did..twt tiu- ilaî hese wbeo found à avcraged- a dollar per: ha>' or evýenfifly.ççnf s. Tie best diggieg er, wvhclt i fi ad an>' knotviedge wa*s Màtle by aa eôînýpY-oet'Six menWho', turc> a we4t d ad eriad happeeýed le' ÈWu Huelr dIi 1icer4 J3istti.g étal arersaï ot te mine sw".suie etj ccl preeend to sa>' (lat iCbýeÉ dtgng,% mn>' net berfoU6d Ibiseasori,-buîjiidg. pàti'fropele4reer atret of territe r Y 3 5 0 t , i bmim g f lr O r bi ' t e s u i te est. -'POm Omt - wid Cat ojly Flue ic dsyle- butIcOuîplete id itse:f t-be cousu sêi- s4,~ Otnpine wo oi ed ii lfl. dark tknsçpirt vey td eVjge , f andneciiii Lt F r;in cue na Wab s i tto 'd te r nn e f r L' Hs nî î tt~hsa irt-of lte Conjugal ç 1-né'ji i d'is r4fii.fuji~ larg Tue,'sh la~ tuarme ontelf t populatioi. 'a-ria'am v' hafe ~ i~j fto onei a~n"qer tt' ostirriage aii sutiingntn'a- mer.1% d. e ratit> 'cu~sasseÇ4ireafecf qvety'ab -. ,'imi tar% W"~ fre ' h r#l eýtt' titra ilndu pinamiO or , ud sp'use ueug't s aîî fior;ti!, n iepucîe1 *'ê th1eneeipee l' ii'~ ie n f've s1(d lawn e ,caut.T or tees (rus t "',,fer i-the a /crie. lttyrs4 isf drIiu Y me1ly~pspi b el go-rttf o m e t ee e_iovada rira thohierti>pvul #a L'Dreta ithd p peyuvigl ng incl~~lr ~a ii i arron~11 tturtte. îfit c-wreaêtesac ia's aatierf i -vicand:a nt- ii'c i f -ILite La-le 'i'luig sid aIa as l>'-reaiilagae M-isaaero ata the be, apliateçi tigd f ii e. ïed a h -l . q mit ir tm uoJat u. K>, li- 3 he liermais ra'iisty pe i ta «>jdui pbaLy -- i - 'iých ' 4,p' r ta Auîrcla me~b col>' emigants s le gean' , iesed - Nartd, aedcr ocke it% î tar a ao y icdûd-iucî placsani itcr' lei a.v bu Ilr. erf d, ergd îd îîir etn y q~eto~ t e o iia..-îtt w~~î thakena_ to4de nt atotervTsi'ep açî terc«4iw a *befowrra I-"Wa forth I - r'tOr*U j ofaLs r, biiéie Co n anyae bncÇI nh a aJb11lîwui othetGhè ite . -e '.aed .ai 1e o ztrs .as Cug ben 1s a i 'e toAur4 lsavitl ooges, il r taîqat e, gwei.-déy. rb r4he 'àdi ~ Jqpan-edipu, Iidm otecaf2Gl - tôd ridti fr4 bîultotu e. - shs il a deppt4ui*#kqvîqfr icaîithe 1ùv Wiàiiè - :àawtthe, 4 4 V dlai r tqtlaif<ue,.ills Xlar!c'5 ' A N e w êu ae -hiltd. -t> a ppnd.r& ao 1 àl*û *f, fa4nd ta havÇ e~ifIaifpint have -52 à' oz e #ats4cion of ut'rsid, <bat. ,Ihe prirner ueaiw ft insane attii inh~ stuci fii POFR TH£ DEvapyce. Fzs.There k ne Presuffptionieof malice in (bis case, if ahi> rif'c ~t nîteecse o0j Ifichtion' arisa. "ent et' thle es'îden'e. fjr lte'irsctin 'Sat s Jobnruonv, ! oes .2 6. 4MDaIiieî vs. St-ate, vo6l. 8s tnc dls anci 'rsnlsP. 4.01 ; Dayts ca.se, 1 ! Pamilter. - cozd. Tie exis4tence .eOf Malice: is ratioeaf- -b.- onitn srluailthIe euidecu, tnt ietiieie'ws çtier just i flirble, e'xcuawle, o'r. aur ict et'mac- siuhr Samecae-,bo'cud U. S. vs. Im r;Vol. 2 Curtis, CiC ,4 BeneegL"u fiHeu'dLeadiine Cnmueilat cae. p. 05 :T~r<~,M enthemerele ~iec pre~eted b ti.-prosecuuîein, eee s' a'n>' ratfianus W p hsscnssetw*th thur'coiceleihite-omuiicijjwae ,,Diiale-r ezcîutible, leftat Mr.~ickiesn thé'lien Ibisb îride occur-r redrinenfed c-'kit M.. .Y, lie va:n.- net lie OnvIeted- Ofmi~agî~ Fifl&J..uis- ferOs.l urr- Wot-ler-- ' mié,ude-~ithé it"sîunces'O, e'jî Sk i f" tqie;Yuèv if ih vl . pa*îtss;l; nid-o~e?~ îc Thôs n~i#lîeroC110115 ofé. life - - teae lied i tit. of The ~fr~r er stIiomb, et lusw a nr Gul, b_ ar - lias ei'. eflusgil lie kilId ler bâtan rr-i*es~e heia Le aitaideceàýedqW r ~the bush, aboutSoetilgm îa;t~ <ba1t Le kncktu er oe by h~kij The miac ivà set n 9.c,uuy tIer pot, o ortsatil- M; Ï d4'î onjjth rùfoîfî<r-- tptfdiMrb Up~~~~~~~i the St fMa~1~ l îmPort'atÎionaduridg a ýjà,ýèjj ni. suas -se I suife cf t flApte n4w-ri ju d a Lm,, êI ai tc i) - T /Àw, 1 WHITRY-7

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