-l'ilU DA*l1 i 0 Uhmnt Hl 0 GA GO AD Ad»Xfse .1centij.rM,.ïYTi Tu te tnci p1tVl BuéieeDre oy 014 ARlO DAXN9, w liz x. A iq&!aH, THOMAS DOW, FAI9tL &RlUTJLER013, Office ftrit cdoor sonhb 6. f -tii oya70 J. B. FTA1ILL L.L., Oount, Qrpwn Attorney. 4M ?J.E lTOi= iâý BILLINQS BARRIST&ROS*A-OMY A. SOLICITORS IN CRANCE RY do To~W.Whitby. ITRIUTABIES, ho, dc. 'top eStreet, jnexi thet jonnkaCorner tlir sui 1onlgk StrMtct.TToronto. D. kUW~A. W.E. PERDUE. Octobcr%8ra4,.I8w., - Iy-48 CAli(EROK, tLB &flc 0 'In CLnL l , le oot B Ao 8tEbAtSr.5o* HEITOR CAM' 09, QG., -R. a, APPEL8E, P. MoPHILLUPS.<1fY-45) JAMRS KEIT13à GORDON, 13ABR&TÉX t T TrORIY-AT-LAW, .1> oicilor-hi Obarioery, Oonveyanosr, NotaryPublie, ho. Offie-Dundais St, first door Veut of Armstrongs Hotel. Mon.!10LanPivtelntet o t nterfiul. * (Suceess oI H. M. noeeu. ARENTR & ATTORWXEY.AT.LAW, BA Notsr7 Public. do.Solicitor for the Dominion 0sk.OIle.-Next door teo Mansion, nouse. lxbridge, Ont. .2u CHKARLES IC. KEL]LERj, ATT . OMBTTLAW, SOLICITOR M3 L. T. DARLC&AY.' ATT O1lNET :ÂT.-LAW, SOLICITOR la Obsîoery and Itiulveney, Oouvey. encer, ho., *0. LYMA.N ,.f4LSI L1.B 0o0 Stt4Oobawf. T DAVID OftISTOn, D..,i A T'ORXÉ-ATZ£-W SOMTORIN OMMoa- ntii. Omte.sôuC cf the. post Office. la MoMlUm's Blecki,Brook Stresh, Whitby. ly-10 JOHIN iALL DOW, iBAR RISTER-MJ'-LAW. -SOLIOXTOR in uhChsery, Convoyancer. &C. Office-DelWsIBiock. Brock Street, -Whltbl.-l , MONET TV LBND-1>rlvate Ponds Insu=# UR ltO.0#M, et a low rate of'lt S,-UËËOXf ýeTËEE OUNT* GÂOL, G sý Ho81fITAL LONDON,, MNG. sit.eyeJB. O. I.L. Qsh&we, Qnhano. Phyicien, Suzgeon, Accoucher, &o., &o. WhlbySpt Oh1874.- 40 WID, DMS VOL. xxv. Tho bont04O0 5 %Day Eocé uiheity, cUiT as juCtn h Ti.ouse bs esunq MES". wALKBxy'tr Good accommoation et reesonable terml. Boarders $9.80 per week. 4 P055131 UOUS.-TORONTO, ONT.' Thé Palame Halico- Canadb Reftthed R'eiurtlsbet d ulnztldeaUS wPssii ger lilov*tor, raning al<ht and de. iie: Xe Ce of Clubs and tSrs» rl, roomu, with'boarelt dt Feb. 7thh, 878. Proprietor.1 IR YLHOTELI WHirTBY. Tii aboya, hotel bus beaueWmOEughIJJ r.novaà e md ni O.,TE4 no n (or erly tst. imwre HUPont Hope. Eryattentionsa tcgheste. usîscaly o Iample Boms for Com. mer asa ,veft., WIIITB '," ONTABIO. Hlouenewly rîenorahed sud lurnlsbed hhrougbout, and' put inu firtelas, order for thesreeptioii cf guesi.. An omnibus ta sud <om aul trains. "=t.lsssnPl* rgo"c. SRAKESPEARE HOTEL, Cor.Linig & York-sts., Toronto, Ont. J.'AbO'ORADY, - PROPBIRTOR. #ux 1»50P"a8DaY. O(17)1 POS8T OFFICE SALOON, Toxou»r. 9W THE BEST ACCOMMODATION el, fan Guests. I-> 0NTARIO JOEL, Baocx-Snran, WIITI3Y. JAYES T. JRWELL, Propnetior. (Laie oi tbe !tipisstng Hotel, Toronto.) Gond Lîton arsd Cigare. Commodous Stabli g.- Fîret-lase Livory Stable asud Billiard Parlour atteched. ly-lS SAWA BOlUSEL, L-iN STREET, O5EÂWÂ. Hi. CHESTER, -, - Propnielon. This threeshtory, large sa commodioui Blouse le reitteti and furncabe4 lusuit the wuts aofIa. travelling public. Table sup- obth coitest ai tÉc e sonî. The. su1iplied s'itb ,the 'lest brande,T liquors sud oigà ans Bus luatfrone teo-- Rau.On Ample stabLenoa Mr"cenef leston. T ne QUe~n'U sMOTEL, BROC& Smmzv, Warnr. PaILIF MrOJJfLiT. - -Praprisar.T Ben& Llquorsssud Cigare.A veiltsup. pled table. - Aîry bed.noomî. Comfortab e atablng anudlargo ý:yard mnts. Charge WHIThbY HOUSE DUNDA8-ST, WEITDY. The undersigneul wgubd limnate ho the public thai tiie aboya preselees have bosu uewby huilt andi luteai ap hbrougiiontfor the. accommodation af gueits. Doist Win,, Liquors sud Cigare. THE ORCEAM 0F CANADA * WALZ LAGER. Aleo- pure D.blae-Wine. Lager, Whole- sale andti lsaL Boandonu tskcu by the week on mode;- ame ternis. JOSEPH A. BAZfNDELL. - Joiy, 2Sth 1880. - Coua. Foçî*Gt&ieaus f, TORONTO. ALFIBD OXPOElw O&7QI (Ltce of Wellington Halèl, Meniheca.> - TBRKii, #LOD etaWA7-~Goi 11. igoravez 800 horse. 'Ygtoliecom-. public ila goanz' <y UWCLYII IIL Th ii. iril eI ru tdfractop Ci bottom.- -Every eoomrdahion fer lthe trarobbtAý pubilia. ,Tbi Oyub dWI IlignaI anud ctga*%, sdi. ndnl i ie l thebetpCeciyNbh.et»%cu sud gaiahniqlctor. ~ y L IVE1YI îodbecelnlan yee l.o,?tao ept. l11h l87.,-89 m it. J., AT ES,Én l.iNw9papr MR[otistf - gtt 41 5ar Ro Jlp ,IfdugNw YOrk, te- gOliri5ed tlu noatrot formdvertà ee. me utât lasCRBNPlm& ou 10mrss î eý ý ' C ýe ~ ~ Ro Y Ç QF, ONTARIO 71 KINt3-8T. EA8T TORON'TO. S auleamfet sud Tee Sets. PaneZyDlnenad Dessert Sets. uer 4'ugi sud Teapots BOrvei Pliffld MtWe, Pork.sud Spocue. Silvo, PlaheCîueis sdudfnten Coolers.- Silvre léited Ça»mllaskota.' Iroes 'Bie sd os *4lswere, ail descriptions. ,- 3Vbits Stone ws1Iery kmod. * lotsl and Bar Qooda., GLOVRHARRISON, Imiporter. Dominion Wood WorkB, WRITSY. Geo. Cormaek, L UMBER MEECHIANT *BIDR A.,--A lar Di yofBaiiders'umi insami sU c Tit. K1ln bytba .iunloed tlnPio h o betiug. SBelvlng. Ple- sawiug. ShaPlug. Turznu. ScrIl-wcrbck, etc etc Tbudrl dbas oI n ount cf Mou- oyl téeuL lupc. Yea2oor Tolnprpeniy, e lioTutusUf oRte ctuttest 'Ld4gi icà be oPsdln *amiste; suit l'or tor sale cep *Pl. 1 et JAMES HOLDEN, A RCH I'E' TU REf1 DRâWMUq AND SPECIPICATIOiI B UI LDIISG 8 ]Promptiy prospadviCi., vow » comy 1 la oi ehru ' ' ' , CHURCH AND) BCHOOL ARCHItECÃURE A A. A. P03T, (laIe wth Ls~yt.Laugloy &Boni.. A R C H-1TE C T. Dels for Cb irahe, Villes sud-Cottages s--'y. lravings pneperefo Oyruc,iofer peae t, et bis nmeiu T4 e.> P P.OTB.x22*nAv vertleîngotats iMy .mtefrla ifav io2m. T SFon 14YTRW. Ai lov.et living rt"ot liwt: Whiofl, T Tm à à nà bmse* '[ZDBIN e MAE" iTO T T- IF TTt &SiOf~ TIG PA IN *T E RT HEAD OFFýICBQ.S. fBt IÃœST LOSSES ýPROMPTLY PAWiD Wbitby, AprlBb 85 l P E~NI PIiE INSURNCE CO. 6tbrdS. sud oiing Cross, LouLou GTLLESPIE, MOPPATT &00, &teH hostookholdm &frituSlgg Rssr 'C. NOIJESE, AgmaI,Wbitby. 'Whltby, AprflOM, 19M le1 P PRSQIEFLXXE ÂNV ÃœLION TOtidO peantalns su tonrarylng aincunt of quine anud fro. 1homms aulthie POIVersof tbsse -nle inlubaniabîns dieesmeud svMphOins teesabls teaskuess Aloy stae of tbe ie..roti stem. oufeobloem&ecdtiaoni the bcdy-. and à borsieooth e Loerai besit. - Y48 P %rBSQUINIE An M ON TONIC stegtbens thb. nrvus m"d muspular iysh.m. improves digestion,.animatlest. suiîts, recruitthe. besltb. Nov debIlitaheti bseltb iroin the effect corlhot ellmates Ibis tonte ta invalnable.1y DOPEUIS QUININE non IWN (TOIIIC onriobes lb blopi rootes aplistilidIéeIo affeotions, sudla'utnqioes Seflu tmuenacit" ý16Mts boom ItbL "dl isit'k It.lbm eoedlju. - 1y s» fspomiof cegsllmea Mmie g tbW cul by . PPP dIa.~~~c Auhei~ti es u et s aines. eUî e upr tre tI pr49u«s m <lu-@ steuducosyedose 8*i1w*ekn »Met s*Tiuble bsfrrlorsr.t 1 T CEE5 ILTU Rt * IYoi die.lheis o etr, entýt meoms ngnsgTmso5étsu pcumn.gusmvJcel,, MOTHI?.198 MONWI# lrT" 4SIINE SS 1RDUCATION Offce, No. 72 Churoîi.S., Toranto". HON. FRANK SMITH. Senator. --Ptreeld LUGEME OKEEFE *884-.,"Vite iPreeldu T .OHM FOY, Eq ;AMES MASON, - * .Mae ~VJfcey1oa* se, -,TORSPE4IULATION AEIIINVE ils. pdoa bass lu , Id. The, Oreat BIood Pzrlflm - fi Il tSi Gi *loao Guunssois uluslIl o doep-seaed Dicer, gy4hî, PImoS CURE MLL LIVIL COMPLADLT For sae by aIlu lslsasd Dealen med-tue. Peury1 avis & 1901 & Lawrenîe Konireal, Sole Agentc. Cash For Grain Produc Tii, undersgned le prepà ed t,6 Psy ï HuIMHSTPEQFO L 1maobe foanodm oir Due B nti by My1.y chkAntsao foi b acg. St, W. IuMPORlTANTNIRCELXft eut: ,T I Thkl lofi imetateI& Il- 3q à e- MiL hie iep eam4sf 117 u - llê-bie, Uo-6- tie4 Ou thé bjp4Y, lu~ ~ ~~r loifeunîuec Nverver, Wl'4..met, wbeu * su essn Neani bL hu.iashIntrroi, T ok ni TU ac sq, lhh lepei r7e~d vie -phiia, wiib no in hoefobdwMnnph Tien Id ties wen. ply- uted. v,»o a or t4a$ velÉae mae- Xi vp as c els. ycur brnotherb, - mine~~, lad,*! "oo; U îDglya 4, lhk Inellçalduit-t 44iag pal h1 4$i~ i ltwaT TT tiviiu. WLat-h,,siducie atit T T lsa_ôtly fefr ho ltell yeuntlr4 e raened BT T T - îf9eie-!0- 1 4aIiuself tbe niïht ofpulting Yeu,. - ~ ~ ~ 4 naie1y î4,bdcatIîsad.twbla, i Sb, ;o, rt, gbesn. i ookeai vith esger. tt. - A ligbuld caUi my1vni' m iidtôtru T-dau iuTt aà 'dÃeh,,..fril leep.d.w!Àhb49 th hi b tî ono .fl en en. wh uTt bb k e f u, wit'l s inearydatro; T r for r6n;onslÂdleirù u ou. TaM'bâ lrt ndü,&eneth Je 'Ught h. Igoketi at, 'lu T - a" lthrengs v of inen' j sacigglinatI 'eh lies complcu. fol Êiiuoravelern he14e xhiemeul woahId MThe rg fl. beelt-' speïtl& probaly,,,ave beoAu ar greatr or <soif, eud the iatat hatigèun ho .ee'Dow (alleuighLekne tonethi i tircgh itahbnuig aentt.futuaê lans vore, ho ho laid -c't lor hin J Ysal fih tobr, -aIleash," cund by apoçthen'; Le vianot ab out ho plunge' S.ler., uotwihhstanding hie bolai speech, mI.loaie o>tta nuknowvancd faiboïn- tuithô yoartg felleis blushdeti1.agirl, lo0s boranîseat. Ris. ornaI. pnrpse - as it concerne' yen te kno." bcd been.t-o pied.-hhrougit streol ,ftr "'Ti a taIyenkè ecivil totigne Au- 5tneOSig l Wh. alicuraltes a :pne~ penî'atieoi,"éimea UMurphiy,, uccu- .bc, audhereteThpant dal Mtst h las à Muaa'i,"vWbeu lb. ýPloyMnleui-7-..dreaut WblolrWat net as- -- malhe dee p-the1 hener -10 w& as ained ehame eli.2eitbefriôo. -,,question." T oore-nor. fnemdles, but se4tal hi6u1e I lThé lad lta qnjto iL,r4toei.mastT.esso, and wthfut any ïWimpdiaSa cereýs, T 0 r Paik", geed-uatarïedly -W, don%,I ho WU ll t 4ry tl lonok, about bhilai Ici t j tasi e br m*enethsntohs9euoetIhc.e mt Ciy. ,-TT dg w,,Ro r? oUhb vei -Thw 4e ufsvu -as l'reanig as_ i6cy epi <>h e- e fiid i lil? i T - * T> T t, gSlSn. aslathe' Tlv.r io - ~Ti.i..T.aT tI üâxeUT With thai.. nir ;a tolc NOJI. Tl W leter, ma viand- iC,:-xn be i was o êthe siidte-mateial5 ifs ijis broaà ed dsiig t4aahae rioasly ocarveia with fruit anal ecwers, oMgh those Tware- hordirdiacernible Tthe dint that beigrimedtlhern. The tho obdlClhme i liaidbeeu the. pride ineme Margeny tri îWkeejja Eue cait Ipolîshail, and toi ic. tbai the sleév. cin@ iielird cf diButindnm ime Margeny bmd lTbhudeuil l iese ocireil yearesud, mord; and- if W-i4b. vMulvaney, wbo reigiec î un er Mai Iopssferenoe fr ony oderoasierbï « 'à an âfh er ", il lw cis fo r u o s The sineli cf riion' o,'l*à yî mnlsiog, niý the ktehta,hikeýa perpe(iVi o-' tue, pehâif5 *TihëJ, wbole estibllià b-' met. whjcfVrats il negute4il i 17 o~ ~ ~~~. wi¶h aeEse ruuei of o heTLauud*a Endl, ilstuèkiÀ np ,in for a mndy cunrImpa î à aiheef a it ci rees ÇtTF i OÇ itL»t hi, TTT~ 'praaiy ppppr400e fur m!,siPff -m1. au fnienship-~ Uii~iuT ïrn tbielf, li-eh had l'oort ahlreeted ý b~tiit ac héstirring ovents cf 111e pejmç ibiýltý Tii, rnlis ieaep.fatle*?6 r ullli for4hbe faîure; Iýt, buh%1t. prîcas, niglit mnot ho haTrefô puy for thiesea uitoubtecl advante«e ? TT.'Aw<tpriût.- rnîgbi m~ uô4? 1ei mdfo 1î.bI~ w th 0e, w Tljm~a>u~ilIud wPi neaIio r hsow .an bavWrd1 sjoc,~h nenew:pg its pawc biTAa ve, as.dei an4u inos as lace fuir, - frnwheadelv uofi Ille preuiticos ilqw Bai. opunta e > atiWthl1414roecf iwhu airÂrurauu teoll l'ratfchui Md ad'i- îted hem v-i ubes 1nvln aa don h. ranie 4T5Oe5~-O05.TOf B 18, L. D, S. laaevlaA '.w. ail M , ho- =ii ý 1-