Whitby Chronicle, 3 Mar 1881, p. 2

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Farta ad Town pm#sfy forsl-. EesàrO~r; e& #îqday COsu*-T. VogafsudIfatamntsl Munde-BELR FUOCle Wdiiov ansd lthlnog - 0. P. Stewart Gréâtb> l i u4wery uad eleotrw. BSewwigalisTh oiug meuh. 0e Emporinni. Ketr a-4. S. Robertson à Brus. Mii~s~ou& Novwrk-J. S. Rcb. &ne 1 brou The Mauhattan es-i W. Silth & ÂlIJTIoN i8ArLzs. Idetocf fartm stock,lipiemnea, etc., la poroperty ci Mr. Edverd Dunlop, a him )romises, lut 10, ln abs 4th COU. cf Neiukonlng, ou Ttsunsd*y, Msarch bah,, 1¶88.-L. Fairbankus, Autouêer. ONLY Si 50 PER ANNUX. Whhîby, Thursdiy, Mar, 83, l18 0.0 usMarob 2, 1881.- Wiuî tradousllysîifaî-n tote bQUeth.eaat t oues; elouiy te birel, eter, Wigtiiai unov flilas eto-day. fohioveti ly a fa cf snov'to-aucr; net tisoh chtun 'IabesSaula Line. u4 bogi aput wveeth ie Seul Lin buas moeqliud ae ocsldenabl abe os lpubistetl,,Alopinlins agr s 'ogo h.e importance cfrlb.ki no to Os tarei laiw.., DiIYricouo abousthUs 'dfeàtrat, sd ta.e omlret cf lb.linu -' au 5Wmn. pes'lsa ltoree ait - iepeasbJoctc ef dispute, b.ltee appoas nliesuua*.But Use pie traitS i abat MnCoumbenei end ah. Nunthemuréflavy Ruile; lbetthoy viil noe lia a pcstiýlo»"bous eoutrec vmautate"delsat the. vhcle slees Tiaa's vbaa&the tisueer. As eui ol 944" tour iQlissea'te .agreuaneut, aed rOIpreemteal in the charter, Mn. Coin- benleasulvas ail rigim.ancd tail cf iberAl -pro# aitif 40 lontee;basNarto Bsn i.ilweî dlteiaicprevraileti. Bastah. meuses that nsatralIay vas tete oa@sbtims an-i Usiutralt nigse guarnateeti, beyoal Nàorh-cou"r#,kltskieketi, sud h.- ai4 h'su~ uo unot nl., b. bas beenrais. le; soal issuos and ti n;r.p abs Nvfbs& ganat &baisl. S@, eoutti kml ise h oipaee,'eauele-eanuel 'barse verttiutg bt, .qwu vs-y. ?or sis remuéou a ïlis abshePrevldeat, Din. ldg4qs and the Msagi4lmrec cf 'tbeê wlat) Fort Pehsy - tnise7 thesltier;viWbe"ias vili-la »en by Mn. uettism* bote l etw wolxuan,. erP total ilin féaWcMn. Mol. do.,.salir s spI. e nair. .oftise 9dtaIs apt ah.i"ests ho * g~li grouuilliMr-,' umw.lsad Wi ifor bit &bout( e-snd'lTràiak areeemateioi vas', ibn a fasrthoght. Boa. MruMrris udo thersea e Ne MeSera,'ntÉ'M. Ala Brevup, sr »t0i Ls *'orb.esrn e. presaiet, etlise ai.eting, jaid they' io0Ulatissun. il.bas -aIang vu i 'lut givthe.> Grandl Ta-at [îo înCtarý- rs. 'Fi. cta -' vuaa (or grand'Tranti mpreaetelie. An-I isy ane 1The asGraal Truni wa-'.te asist la building tise lin-tui tact (t cannet ha huila viabout their mas sistauce-auiver. tethuy, go baesnoc wapresaattasn P, Would it net b. ah. -' hîigisa t a rib ty te catliIn Grand' Trunc aalwspport'cf aise sehause, an,At lie came tisu teit them thy coul a ltr-ucoi.. est tise nBeauf? Se *fat as01lis. Whitîby linosIs ccncaiuu Mn. Conub.niaud-ulacid nottlb. able Wu tise -tii. cry of mastelatntste -lu Tureato 'et ioeaagaisat la. Whlisby ilahssis te b. as mouha %Wsaic he sà tiie No thara, ant i vii b. as shurita renie fui fruigisi and pasaqgeis te aui ficm Totu. -TIlaber. leis amile <it. féenoes woongietie ias aernutes, fhem Gnnaourist, IlVil b.W in fànon ail -Whuabi, end ii. Grand Tint,-To-, rotalute qnui ave a ootàiW4Ï ' lin,'110 the No4. Whitbir vouili s*130-b ihiabulagjs eOuslUa1 UNvlt, livilc-i- lot' 15, ais, cou. 'is4ktring, tlied ci, ahe -Ritsîcoou ~~n4ay, 2th met.,teahe tolowil clrcwsaaeei -Outhe nigha cf ti lhob.wvas aBrongbgm, and ti sai Mri home aIenut tone c'aluck. Yl ieorang, about lé;ve,'aanu tliving houi, found thi. unfortuectte ai Ivihain a few rôdis f hie lon»e, la ti mpw, speeal,es and ishiebande et fqe4 badlyfroiec. ilaving boeun taki te bàis bougesuda airead tfoi, Le was mu lineront aith,paie antil ahe, Mon lig cf lb. 18ft b e tsh plat en au c te bis, ifehiugs. imtiameitai sn w ed athebuhhati fallea sever limson bts way home satut.tsy ogi aed he lu aald. te bae sbeau ander Il influence cf:liqior. Curling. vaIu Vit v. LINDSAY. -A fieedly match was pîmyect ee ah. two clebs at Lindisay ou n da; viitIste followiug reania in favcn Whltby : NYMIBY, tniY alé b o, . R. M. Iamssoba John ',(samie, W. Ho.d, J. Camer=n. a. Ârmsmnog, W. MOBurneyO S. gaey, sktp--21 J. D. Fiaveli., sip-J Binl No. 9L W. 3.. Oisoc D. J. Melutyre. B. Snow, Johu MoLenuan, 0. lRa W. Modier, WMoMurtrykip2g 8EAMeNic rtryskldp Total ........ Total ....4 Ma. oriby for Whitaby, i shot. Tuis Bacucsi LtQuonI <AsiL.--Tis sas. cfGene, vàs. Cin, t on selii iquer eonxrary to là* tiuing probihil ed bonis, vas trisd et tbs Oti(eilovn bail, WhItby, 0's Tuesdey. Tii magittto ou dies Bench vers Di (tonua, ant Messrs. Vailiaud Osnpent.er The, cas. eiug liceatipou am heini bronitit tiîneugh 'site by their vea stipe. -ah. charge was disinissed. Timer wua la nuibercf vitossees ileta tendance. Ressualautiemana-baysrst runi ahe e tates ta Whitby matin; iipments. FIes ALsLRUas-Tva alarma cf finq vèe.sotiotistifrin tise engins bots vIabl t eabvest; balla lainsincutk ohimnsyahurala;. No tianiae';- u ocslienabîe iuipusto f cattî a"si d min; the pesa viet. a EAU ortaiSaa-n Alix a MoCalaum, of Bnlgeaoe bas beasu se. *lscIssd as ths Liberal canatesfoi iButs Northmbracnisd. Mn. Moaelun le a popalan hisain. man sud lb. choioeseiWdsea e .a gondi one., f B3OUTS ANDIS Lac itili shlilu;ai t Reyeit setand entier eost. LANI» &NO lniiiaawnried AGotrn.-AI- tentioleadirectouita- tIse card ut Mrn aJeohe Seniiy lu cti'.r celumus. Mn. Iseelliy lethcrengbly rilalle, aud 'par. Ities viable; ta foivardntinsney or pt-e- pai pasageste bs-l uct frinei, ocuh isot belset a botter mu. ta imisttegb -Um. Saeiiy, vho eîhpplil e ,ry desiresl r coo buai c01 assied ernpboymsni, Math ibl u aof the yes, le giren Pae rmoe breskiss; »tons for ah.eslneta Ts Emrnea cf Ibis paper nlu nea à pplilent fan the vacant sbnieraty- moe, ina&Il bi4 lite«hb lmsu~ we-beau a. appliout fMr a. Goa-ueutoff 'for ilimei. Suulifer -ah. îeusossai Information ofaitébs lnd niuts vwhe kaow c&à abouth la esk iaese.' * AM tALOioouzà.-Tli P-slnSocial heltistethIe reldeace, cf Mi. Reliss, suecasa- the most seoisostul cf tb. kinti erhoSsiinlutUse leva. Anuemal- lent iuaiaalprc;ramme vas pionldeu. HeLrspanchases et bey bave butn aie (nlaUsima ueighborboati et #10 par ton, Ileispscksd sud saippeil fan, the siate16 -MR&. Looesi's socis al va e ieoc succeis anti s gracefal Iitae fren bar uaay friads. INuSTRUCrTIN INiMUaaC.-Attection ia dirteuti oe absanoncineat of Mri Rappel, vhe is prepanai te gir. insigne- tOùen Lepupils. -Aux Wuxsrsnr.-Mess inthe mora- leu et the CatLelioc ciurcb, and ah., blesseti ashes distrlbit*d. ervices vire huldti aiSt.John's chut-oitPort Wbitby,em lu a-ami. Dan. Iu; lent aboe. vih be serviceory Wotniday erenie;, Tv. seWwescver. beld aet AilSaints' :chareS, onesia Il aim sat 7 p.0, sud iil otinue te h. bali ou Wedate ladiyaturing lent, Ti Asumi-ri al absTovn hallou 'im y er enlg vsve". teut< an Saturdi 1 aruit l1 tint. -PaF Me islitheir teauSa$ p asé Lb angitmsine tisa' 'Alrive ini Tafosto Frlday liila Wteles, jevolry b ei; oti eons to icf lie, g~i$5 1. béletill er Leavine dha** .4 ceýr9iprs o i.ée g' ue ,ti o'o ialàj4ý sdueliesn Wb. ieyojibÏoe;'h uai- ë,& -c an weekTu bby, t cusslt.d ersih]» i a eitly ee ê f aàC Oum, to bive hato ae .e tte tii daucnexpobare; ' An u4u.ho uéddleoý o cIlry.ou ltay dufefin h raui ait cf aleeten, 'A thi eti k erepid vlthe eek, thrustd l -ýin abaten dot av repme tiiMpeepe B t 1stci' te linwith. sez. ORobéi nsiguifi.î 9 eceo basbrton tbod s-b oa tid Pfomé Aerposhun e. nh. ie pgo cn pei o oitey paille p i brs l y Théislêe he bat' cn inot, i butba t s teUilnd1laus issse a let ye zbcarvOiet ens. BAn I cu s,-inaie !e O's yer ne*àut ivnMak. Pcf brmais al ar. I jike t v pasable Bur te. ' a yf cth l me noon', eR niotte-ine in amer av p luelcsit. bt itms Pif àurPi *ian Misaer Puff h al ttht Liël Its. Au whAn' Mhs1ths Pf amsoenneasan aes it e cugmatufmata aregna eutbsv a h. c. ea. Iha Lofal tis. Au 0vhln ~.Misaher Pcffcuntihp'e En evCoNil, sapiceoin lteh nmbsvtlelasd s, panIgroau. b. als fth oriina e, LAl h MIthe AnvhnzlaibeSan.P heNe atisaat ML oh ntherpnls n' W'Chian Miethe Potteeoforthlt pbiii.fron Hoper widielsî, l'e s bosth&& m ~yth* t i w o rangst 12ayt o'cthnta ewsl, aat h gi'tat local pIters su nevshiper ltbem Pnii ##Ï Au huethsr Pu b.i n, absSeveà "b. NeabavaoeatuMi, Jhn Br n via ate leetyte a.dosa fficâûeitst riJo hn Happber wantye a od , hsy I, ortht h t#vubll varngm#*t rn 12 c'cio , ' e an e nsabat dolbas th CExxîcuail, hlaa Lies lorLb. Seven .lu thevd Thv type h cà cbat Mr. uffe esper pinin ta pbe uisante t- h Cmas auknda stsu oe r, su Twelve thoani tictiar voit atyeal, hre one 3field av puffin lfa to Ilitu widhenL let on hliedhrane».. cikos bits bowld anuSf te rayanythita. boitas. -lie flumte -ye rvIli et hlm go ou au nct"khik vrth yer vblue ocutradiot- bisenusiea., Av ccciii Ibese vbo No bouiher, la ésIbis boss au pitin efin, su illacahie - ntisî theseiv aie f10 tn h. tabl* arbi> uauLd 1a veul himmeif Ithé edis av tb. Ou h. saav dbufinl. >1 hope thé"etevthe fr0,1 abart 4ù luthé 4ttÀmpt vnlotx ea,#rase;pc iae PuSf. - TIlrsrwèIiovsoCdev.-, ee fnaoh-bëufaS tô! blve lu tiIs paB tis uï; firuebabas no" b it y.îiuotlcegtodïs s>nLt .yrefu Iab en pubi e bà eti u t h at ab , S V &a D %idpsy- sc for s-.but s tbrumpeiy atiertisin dcdela ib ontideedsatses pr r adrertisi xibtber ruafs ve.u, u abatlaaso» mores th.dconipsisdt th. leeiîmat. ntvup*per, vidb lsbig iist avnasger. talned, patylu subsenibe au gaantesti woekly cimel"ae, thau a B«g«s$Wb plethsr ee hicuintuy-dousr gPold- predecessars. 'ecmcnde.sataLuieté~&c.,- U#on vlot Gcrerom.nt'Iinted lu pro.ý posiug the legishatioin tlgst session au le tii. speçctgrartyof 'Obl-01 uiud -fil te aifie nia abqpeb olalised tg a uuueosssary inuthb. lu. tereet cf ^lt.epublic e T hé -,"L.'s -bai b.eauestètédluth.Bm wýihâ.n -. foire Pnlnetvtotata tla hat attention la deserreti. Thse cperaglcu cf tbe speifiagravite testto- eme I '-s <ce atll b'h fti st'is nocm. earyfor publc safey. Mesie. rlo sealb hyappeaneaite agie. wltb Mn. Blske's vlavs. Mn. Mousse taLti thon. va no -saab> a9rpmeiaùue , a asitetifor, atabs otiýîon vas"-vith. dravu, the. leader efthIe oposition au- uaunping that et the proper sime he vouiti suve that ahe -clause imposlug, the opacifie grarlty -t eh.repsalsi. At ths nequssa et th. Governinent ahe ensidenation cf tise motion by Mnr. Macdonnellh(lQvrcsa> tediscontinue tb. Hansird reports vas adjoned. àA pretracttil debate spreug 0upo a motion by Mn. Longley, thetMn Speaker be requesteti te prohibit abs sale of iutozicatieg hliquans vithin the preclucas of the Rouis. A aumber et members spoke, Mi. Kiikpatnlok moveti in ausudment thsl Mn. Speak. or bis requestet t issue an eider clos- iug the "ber." Il' vu as eietby66 yeuatla-48 usys. Mr- Bump.s(Sunburvr> moved in samndment bta "main maLionuasamiedtibat ah. w vordo h. added deelariug that tne stl'sager ha pmitda.use cf ah itrabhuint UaheonS 4lu b. Rouas0 ,Ur,. -Wbiae (Caràtial) movdIlun suduist te ah, aýduuist tIsaithe Wvords .'ui.a e-. 'tompses by a niember" ha addii.* '"Thi. a&s miod, and abus, atuolgh laa csiwhat careaianus maligeas Ieutse bas ditasredaatmactterus hall reai sthseyare,,-. . Betitont, intoceti by Ui. Lau- tr a BitshColumbia te Jspae lot. 20 jeans 'te.atncngly opposetiby Minis- leniciiets sud Oppoamaloniste and the asovrr llovqd fls motion te s'tand efor th. ýpreàst. The Bill te sithae Aet sabllshhug a unitcim curr.uoy for thse Domnioncaof Canada6 te British Columbia anti Prince Etivant Islandi vas resti s third time, and the Bill te provide for tIse salaiy oaisa dditionel .uudge of Lise court af Quee's Boeh, ~andi au adduaio,Éa jautIe ettaie Bupeniin Court ile]ime Provinc, of Quebec, aîmd tisa reuevin th.e1Bi1h neapectisig thse Administration af Cnimicai ýJustice in tias teritory in dispute betveen ths. Goverumniets cf Ontario anti Càaada vas-e adranceti a stage. The Hlous. resoîred titsif it Coin- iaSe cof Suppiy, sud atter desnlttony discussion passedtihi. vote for tue Dominion police, pealtintiauisa, lue»- £ratoganà" quoaffaimne. art&,. Agricl- ,On ah. eumilttoarepOrin, Mn. Blake moyeu aa t ue ib.eus for, tuMaueleticuineZiat >ortbumter- laut. Te aatlo felIll. a abadein bcltWsOicngtheMnsnilanovt- baaiig the nest blieaa vacanit fer' viwalgly - .zppse4 tI, Goéuena timgd ifMalsqoutet0 7 &aaisngspoint ctonserlclaiikab mo sin Ic Io fchcoed ian ibMnU. Klsnkpatnieb vie qrs.d, Ii.mion vas pat aud ce'rniti ad;IlTh"'a.' fu-Ee niluljimM - AgijW..sa bans tuW &piOegstbs i otât t ' kcatised nàLWeek vas Ue bihlaltreducetiby L.-Woiralating, to, marketi fle. Thsa bill prvoriesthat iiessaiai faturehave ahe' option, OC ni;the tihe Alatom icdat4cqn. -1 la hei Wb-e ,tain theo ii day, 012uthbo oLse tho: cesasp$ly Wt -cibe*, t.wés anti'sua.. vbrîe b.oout GlOobe sud Mail j -1ssue, 01to.day 1 finid fr. Fred Cumberland, ?r Of the Noîtheru sud- latlvçayâ, lu vblebh h ohsgs 'eaiesa myseif *eeesary Bogu bple s IAYL n 1tsIT vie.prs that te SOC eassa 'uld f Pacifia Bsilwey et lait. Nipisaig. -AIt iî Dominien Gorsrumua v eald asasi a pli linse h usne Pcmt o'àlts. ý 5fO iMarie,, tlÈe Canada Ceintral '2 ta raih have;aplieti fon a "ohentern At ýtise-brie hast session cf tb. Dominion Parlisment W5oe ah. Canada Central anti Ontario Paci- fieJuctcu talvya btintimutual iU o runin; povens anti traffi arerange. sPO01 meute oerî8sah otheelies, w'ith thls douce tha' Lnudersieudia; lime O. & P. .o,,,Com- iiiii pany lest falItproeeeded tW locale their bis systetz lino, ant he 'mon.y v as provie s ý-if a. by the Nrherm and Nortistei, u the. cahir hall by ah. MitihautisudcuLMy !pu , antehir Whithy Baiiveys. As Mr. Cumber. entitîsi ie Ilandutittes, everyahiug vent smootmiy a.'ont ou-ah, Nontheru Balivay v'kry fairhy 1 quit. gnanalng e aIse Whithy Baihvsayroua- athât sse ing povers fhem Auierhy ta Giavon- t eaa harsetipaating abat vs ver. nat te o ahevblj tae. sy frelgha boiveen to pi thper QIo whlch waspertectly rnlt, mc tainras that compsuy v as aencennéd, the othin son vithf compentes iutercsi.d hem; abhesusmineanti veat' prileges by statua,. - I admit abat sud Piet a pplicaion hati beau made tu tho Mid. Nbrthb-Wt haud'Rsilwsy ber-s. timilar agreement the vbhîle oompaay' hiti îselvedandrincrlml tram thïcre. elit a by doai- Quebe,la radi. Tua, hoirve, as pntthae point i t rasa lu dispute b.tvasa Usehe ompanles, non ou ahi. mi vas thi er.ay questiain naised asas & ntibd diridin; ies beavù een ueaend t e elausisa vest; àa îhbayCiay's eti-?e accan je;t% ae horteet f1cm Gmv -urb us vdhich1 Lake Ontaio, anud as short seathtkn a NuraenuRalla>'to TSrotat,Ilsp.7 gh~ bloc~~~ ,aaaotrl ns sd "-v pil. bpUy eu: er aat non veet. ea u 1tIse point la, dispute va siumply this: tavas proposaite gt'O. euh dof &Ih.,four Whltby, I aompsnlss, Mmuing 'Powers ofln lise elumir sa thèse granft" by abe' -4arai- M era, sd 'iabtis ~imeconditons as- tachet, i,: n~ -aken fWgtIetveen To Ls. Bd Graveabuisk, sud Labo Nipising, aà c. pnileg hsl-&Dy PeaSeO osa 8 si SIX diteégahuelas,axs cpi;t Se'o- Thsra. troin; ccmpauy. The Midiantssaudi Ob»sereo abs Whitby cenp*eo s Laig t O mk imeCo thi me neadraucuas IWte Noýtraeandi'inspo Nortbveïteon,-tto olastifor 5eme- aomfort of timing more thon thé mers. naeieo rena .n Ipven-couseqnecai M. azthoanatbc ua in pow yMr Cztihe factoas sud myseif vaitod, epen Mr. Bell,# sud a lao cf a requested imimtoe poperly protnth caIclsaeui ta interestesoultme M i1lansd Whitiiy 1Howu, Compazuîeo. fHe eppeanidhoforo tile senvea auan Ontariio and Pacifie Jonction Board, prrely' sud ahis, is via Mi. Cumberlndi says matie ou I filiedti sn i arîlalaitu., Abtor a lengtmy base cfi discussion upen Lime matteîit was founti Province,r thas thse cemopsaniseuli net agreo.Laclai [t vwas, tierefare, nancasiy decidetidettei te reffîr t"i.,vole metter lu dispéts te ie. u ahe Octari ovennassoent, lu vbose Ontario, s bands la stîtl romains, anti 1 have neoat> ahe atu doubatisai" justice vil! hi doue te ailcftouu 1 nov comui.é-the.point fvbere Mn. pton 't n Cumberlansdimoaes persecal chasrges. stev &&amuet MYuelL Hi-sys -fî s. n1 ttc rM. Rden, f absWhItby compsay 'stoil b b (b in; Il nefa dirsetorof:ah. Pacibl '.. - u Jucto),ndesparabte 6au! à.cres oomîui oie saé~. b-"nea: 'frtiu Pl' p tIse gous-, position alike tu ahe. Mitihnannsd etis»oe.appel 'ontseveet&Io in i -building '* ishm yape lnm ailon %tii, Whltb" - . direcft t l. 8ult.', 'AI 0e thâ samai;.1gir. a a uc empLe-'stfe tio'ssd -uaquelîfisul als. I made notuy ooeltiires-eitber dinecthy or mudieutIy .adcf lb. J Ite eGrand Trunia.te John in building EOI. the Wbitby ia. Lïde s aula, '1 aulltrepoît - va isséna usei my humble influence vîatW h it lb. ze Ut. Hiclisan te lina. ehlm te aaitin mujet fi building ih. Ontario sud Pacifie Jane. IOLE ion lina fromeinispeina on abSta lin, -l.a eton lbroï uhlti by Mr n. Cabsnlanti uer theracew snud I si glati ta fini Shtiss lsseva bsW*4 h aie difièenne-cf opinion 'beLvmes-- KM r tatu Osaéaberland andi uyoelt' ou Ibispit se suc acourse becameL Siecelsa rm .Bcbiu absé fa <ýbat the cîrotustami cm Banbag becoue.ninely changet-the- Pacifie TéWs syndas ohaitbeeu fonunst, ith powevar dr or W bierb -the Canada C3entrtqal, t. isgamnbrough lino. lÉemu Brochritle; f' -î ran b.Pacflo océan, sund:biais vWas net - beud b ank t'en» )[a for th th. Wbitby lino my sequainteà 1 am, surs b. s lion,- sud I hw Ml bé *111 dal1 amylu saay v wHI ensus. lthe aasftPaciËe Jet pmi iLcannat a ssistance), s to an eqeal repp sera railv&y ?' OIntario" sud -i fy tb. railvsy 5 ae ccntiy nai thse Causia Pa ýteot, Ontario,!i est, ant i I ày piiuex e atter, lu a moie ýfeîlae aime b athiat o v n:i iilabrent of ti for mlong a eh a deep Intera hejtrseof tobmasry iSth. )née of Uctuge vas an article cf ah. lots of1 ay Counil, a"t t ath. poor. I or eft te enliisl Of th~ ceean a mislead ah. pu rr, on abs I7tl artiacla inyen g thie soui the Qcuuty Got iunsntny and anti signeti -w ime 10 vieiL the in diSeàront pari h eotpoo*"$ insu ni, I haro ong cînlslon thst, th t sstiifstony, ïrieala the cai mcbsd vu th anrse tho Cout a» sk Lekn l as pipent v*- ia eaied to h. s fa] to te e ns .liiiruî 'bah pràldaMr. Cumberlsud's îttitnàde-tW theb warda lb.pn>jeoted Ontario Sault Ste tsè,wýsunsi. mdeEalhway he vould;seem scaleini MEgàr ,vsa re-.a mcnopoly of its coutrol ton Torontà ýthe Hon. lrnk sud ffsMiht*. We fi hfinopposlun 0ud I laly 'ex. tbe lncorpomeition cf. s Company - Wbory tW aIl whicb ah. interesta of local milways b.. *v , HmitonsudPort Hopie vouli 2 hat r uin . aier1 y'repres.nted, sudý- tis as sem kmeit 6tsi-r ip.oa4vt numberof gentlemen ftoandetico,. t il, th on, excption reaent la To- rety- or -uder. 'ot oiuL er- vsêin-'-apphyiu49g-f vs doue bas beee charter t bauid the proposed lis. IL 1>eari I 1cannat itth by l A ddthaL Toronto andtheab kmiid eOéalsd6r*t wetý -t wna'hve besu badhly treasi arcpoed tegir.Rils nroemptfor vhich rea-ý ry ci.àbl*soi, sonil üt~ao"esuppuslyb1e ar Iafie" ,ove btae"irh ?se~cuieouîi tnsdbùàn'f W, he andi sympathise vwfitb's 1009 f.eYl niet-W, prcmpaiDgtii fwtntaspnj'- froleoenfirvnoà auyrst ebane diregadiag local bis a ve uat a- et. vbat seem s sible 'and'jtt &noe ffth Mn. Oetaiuly IL voulti be neither 1possilil, irouldecci sncb n om jaïsatfon the local Gavernment -40 s'ae vsy co ud.mbsidime a Tomonte sud Hamlitn (5h17 v~th al nîthe oinpedimy, b'ton 0,splily iy eonnecb 'tb toisuppiaut one in vhich- the> iilerests' fvas'sub assisci aul locehities ccDcexàiiï'erepeoxt 3building cf thé Excludiug Torentol s.uà Nipisingàý, nction 'lins (sud -Railvsy, four limes apnoscb the pro.ý ot be-doue vith-. poeed Saul road broui ýLake Outario, ar.aly ,tbey are viz :-Pbe'lramulton sud Nortb.West- tto therai, the Northcru, th. Wbitby sud Port Ferry, îsud abs ýmidîsna. 'Iîn ik Camberland Ciuieleut asaume aat thé ettlai.A >.150' Juàica tem vould n.cessanily b. anemies of To. bttOd te deveîop anti subservieut to Gra-nd Truuk inSlu- a'L'wird tebe nces. He may be maistake nud vo alhaconneet- Lhiek lhe lu.*The eéaily censtrdhiienof acille 'ravsy- an indepeudant liue betveen Toronto ~Sit Wt sons -sud Ottâbaabeing assured, vhy shonld insiSits in the either:-ha- MidIsisIor th.e-Wiiby sud y aidi te 5Oan8 Port Peniylaccspt :Giaud- ýTiuk dicta-' 'NorthWestern tien P':L vult bu, for thelr olw i.- por taof 0t4trie tseresta ta nemain iudep.ndent, anud boa though lnsao:-Ientreak -sudQabea. nid viillokUp.; But suppose abatoeu c-f.,lb. railey -' a lihenal spirit, question abould lIsgue vith the Grand being aay local Truai t, he Midhsnd 'fci instance, any'vsy.retend thcugb Mn. Cai posfitively dechareethbat hiS greet vorti bis lieovil! romain fiee.from. ogtaside-' b u b bas central In abat case the -Wbiaby sud ast no fnget-'Fort Ferry venu db. iutea'ested againet Ontario aes 12t the, OiendýTrunk, sud the,' balance cf lèels NôitII éver on lise Board,âgas tonmetibygMn. mraliîwas igar, wouhd lie' vith, atrltrss la la uniliiohy Iaba 1t' aither' of the' ic4 MWS HOLDEN. roadsa,bet asg sufficietnimileage te pieduce fair reseits, vonld hecome sub.- --~~~ ~~ serett b rand "Fiank t il Question. mors uuuihely thaït bath ve.W. bae.no bsn but that the' -Westernn lu-' f1'hUbycj hin- tereste wcuid get justice 'lu anycise. Ia is.true abat Messrs. Cok sud Penne have heen put on ah. Board,- as Grsand Truuk repreaentativem, but hoîL are luah . .iud.pendeua men, not likeî- y te do ini- Feb, asaiiugju.stice to auy section cf Ontario. But tisn neit [ et Lthe worst be' imaginet. Lea ns acter keep anti suppose an, almoat impossible combi- considor tat'a nation of the Mitlani,, ais, Wbitby sud did net atate Port Perry, andti h. Grenti' Tiuak rep- aIha" it abers vag resentatives. Stilahey woulîtinet ruie he ýarticle oael- the proviidonal Boeard. - lu onsidera- ublic. Lien oethaie 0966,000 ubsidy te bea et ofFeb., I eh- giacteti by atha Ontario Govenment ir valuable pa- they yil l sist epon heing representei arilons astae b, awo dinectens.,,-The.'AMilton and auncil anci ah. North-Western sud the Northeru viii refuge in the bave thneo meëpreiseutatiives. Anv Vhithy." Duty idome te &0(avrmth. Grand Tîniun-E ei* sotdatiduiy voulti therefome be' opposeti hyE ttcahis' P1ý fire directois aet hast, fer ne one cae thse Ceuatly ,f upposa the b.epneseetatîves oftah. g ara Ibis coma <ue= o Govrîiient voeu - liae0a ie present Mde - in t ulu oiteresa. Tii.decis- f H'in< ieubu voalti' ré vitis Mi Etdir,,the t m.couty A Roweshin theBoant.ues t'ah.isueL- >0 tibê d is ntcalo fl b Sýeuo lt lin. Wlio lé 'ht pécal rer ii u t inoàý, ue fo ce u ltin ho1 rgt ie ui 'teemeise anaL povars 'bu pcrsWio? - sbd' Béflge *-the reiîvsy as; mayb4 lefit t.the- ,rea. ail couni andll r*e b acharter tiesig.netitaseur. tiucus lu , toraub weau stBe thin are vXAs Ino-ou- itflnn&ùn- à,i t hi The Corclcu bill having pass.,d the .Houee..cOcommcns, afier occupyiug the~ atten",fcn cf-Parliament duriug ~nearly twc nionaba, the Irish obstruca. Jouists eecg ratlate themeelves erltcuhJavng delayed ah. obo. jioui mesuie.t soine purpoee. Tii.7 have shona harsh.lsw cf>morne cf las pscified Mr. Foreter by giving 9xc.pt. pr ' ocedpribsb1ye, secndt an ineto hudb etoa nd disoused spoibleis aaiguofs-?..e -ordr t maitai hieownreputolocn, reign o a sspoet-b re-estsb- 11EIAINlETEM Houca 0? CON- xoN.-.Oa Monday Feby.. 28th, in ah.ý Hlouecf comeu belore the question- 'to Ministers cf vhioh notice had: h..eu given vero'tahen Utp, th, 8 »'k r de clared abat, thî ÈPrcti:in&lhv pstsed ah. staÏe cf Public bsies , ne longe urgent lu anh. Couinons Lord Hartington, noéviewed the position cf business, and dakd ah. Hous. lo give, urgencyfor tb. Arus Bill.andd srmy eti 'es.H sail h.e vculd ask &svoe to aothab, eet, tomonrow,- *heu ji. v il! mov. the-. wlatiaor'p.by'tho cries f b -Lord lHartingacu ssia' it w.spcfsal* ofib1ýe vrmnt ath . Lb Ia~D fill waiso loug.00elayed.. ft Vas the feula, tection Bill. --The ai8ppl.rnentary votes _for ýhe army ajU navy in 'conein vigthe .Traneveal: v we dfo Ishonstqb*ury ,ara vorrreen,ý sud~~~~ îavs eeoey -paso 1 uni arly., 8rWli aHr. rt wu; mnove t.mrrv e have Wiz tcdu thé -ArmsBiI . trrvas toiibe !à&e sdyfor thé lntrodue ion cf tlhè Lnd Bihl. abattfi. couduat. of l. rithe sgetstBfor. rolusiugbail u :0llai. ones vse mosit njit. Beveral ctier *H-ome a discussion Mr. O'Diue 6' amen- meut vas rejecaed. Mfr. McCoau (BTome Ruler) clledeat. tention te 'the 1constiauticu ýo Llb. Irish mnsgistilacay, sud teathe whole body of îouuty officiais, sud eudenioed 4hem as, operaaing lueqna4lyý againsa Çsaâh,- mn. Johunston(Lbrl teaht the appeiclusuts cf -Megëaiatiete are -maditwithout snyroead te religion, aud'if ahe ouQ'üuty authonrities an. wreng- ly appcaiuted thelm' eed'y'ýmu 'at h. found in the forahowiuîgreform eof the cennty The Home Bulers ceutiuued ifi dis. ciin, alus -pmevteg h erar frrWer froxn',introducing*'th.e amyýeh limates. ted age $110,Ii.brother of the Iste Lrd ?l4'ntmftvvisu wà. fîwtaiIv aho&hv iebrcke ont ia-,Grahsoe'a boat land @bohoremeait' -block, on-bndsy morning ; àla preed ahemeete Hitcin's, blocki destrcyiug bath. 8ih'i build. iuig vasoccu='i'd bIîylb ioidng. parties :W. W laýIW, t4amth * AIeL Pust, tcnor ad feéd store;B Canadian expxeu cfficî' S. E. iHoveil, sboe store. There- vert yevacat cffices 4ud G. &lexnder ea dvehi. Hicbne uidngvaW" cpiiby Gdieve!kj"maioninsmaa u i pâs.cfiie.Ti. heet vs À pu building ou IbéWest sa8.1cfDivisicn Iagha 5rM, sd il vasonly by abenacet strenucus sffcrta<tf abs- firemen abat k vas saved alLer being badly damsaged. Subsequeutiy One broke -ont in Wood. eook'i grocery store, vhich vwu gutaed, and ahe. uàrcading buildings ssved with diffiealty. The lasos sud insurauces are a foi. love*:-Smith's block, lois 1200011; in. amd for 16,000 lu th. Li"ero11»"i don,;sud Globe; ,Hitebins blocà.Ilos. #8,000, insursilfor 15,000 lu ahe Norhi British sud Mercantile ; Mis. Crav. flidtal lois on fernitume stomed in Sniith's blçoki ,insured for 41%000 in LiVerpo1ý , Lndon sud Globe ; Mis Belthuine, tat loi-ou funiture itored l' -Sanlh's blcck, liuned for 81,000Il thé Liyerp.ool, ýLondon, sud Globe; B. SailsbuÙry & o.,'loisà about $8,000R ia. auredfi $40I,001u b.Unicu,; hite. 1,losnot very heasvyfùly aovened b-y lusurnne in ah.- Western P'F Ors. .hsm, lcss 150,-insured fer #20, ilu - a North Brilsb-; Grieve and Jaguieicn, lois-abount1,0, ol spred for 81,ff)in POOt;offiae sud Canadien Expreis"offa,, 4aresotiù é; .Aexsdor,ls - 50;no lusurana. ; B. B. Hovel, Ico" >2': 0insurencei; TiasWilsn;9W~ .Yi store; M; -.-Hobait, aie ihov;'. 3N. eOsuiphei, dry gec<o d groceries ;J. O&daoïs,-~maZts ~, Wilson, 1>ruggist, ;;Wm. Kmayi PTrebil6oï,Mi.York, B.ntinlliar Prntjil«"1Cè., il more or leis dam ,aged 6Îj vte irc' _àl; W6odcok loi Bibîiind, Merantil[ Slibur d 'Hunapbrie _damséd esr and Va- ncl 1000, -luy insnr inluthe Norh Bzitl asd' me otil.,, Hart. n~du Queu'.; Orabea i& B,,1 '0 dry goulu, loge by memoval $100, lueur. pad ii4m6rialsP, mercanl gren lightburu'a building, lest ,00, fullp tuur4 u 'tJIiperi1en Nr - nltisb; Bsunk oMotel roop- Wsldi'i, anid ahe Windsor <ctelbid 'Tus eblga4ehrdelice orgasu,gret gare sbould .*:ierCîied iu tiis.selecti oOf spuiaacIssitis Wo' enub, wever, theté'the gla bu cf ah.e right fbans, but he.i msan -aise b. ý1- el éree, sud; - lu 1sn cases perfect relief- is ouly given', I eack eye isB-1tted aearatsly. ¶o efleai u6drL. Black ' uteu. f gi1ev 2nd asals i e-taie oeye- 2 f lies. celebratait mati by J. S. Rab- l. b ' -' ' -,'e' I L FB 5 5ouais- - bapens, baék naié os. ;6 hanisoma go colore4' map",cf for.t'-Postage sueru mn- sa 't, ýt -neahen ath. Nenabaru a [amilten anti' Nct-Westoru ci ocy for lie'ankte na, atibo lb in os dem andi l !tant imgpnonente.ý Aaiunsho -ftu lath PO5Lif5p tv4gb a#à au tii b cse assaEélh i~- régiment&uer4I .m 1ymdmuê et' Rouilly c* aà~$diea4~ A Mount Pra,moet- au the Splaukdîp y sétgs ticadeue vas ta"i oer., béyis-.cuthéb. t -sýEtsrsheahs a,.4C l r444 ;les. ofl.hhre ehaat~~l~ I

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