I - '14' Win t1hey ver toiI T!hougt<he lites b bigl, ove, Noyr b,,nhe iue Nçe<rve g... s iteaV44- Amutey nolyour eyeo 1 - r -- 2aq aIe lîbreiê AU erE hat r010 NissAng latu h 1411à i MRa^&Wood. It *84 on a wlady' Oeleber day tia Mabîl Eîeaapp ok lier «&y te of.o».C4aitim. iie etoLaieruootemple Bar. tulie alked S raptd jpue for obi wus Ia-vory lat. for bu appoint. *mout. NoS froni sny aut f panosnalii.j - _i erpart, but oslmply Irom n oessllty YorMsgbel va w dally govîmnatssuds dependent on thi. vii of others. Site 1h- wvh-bora, the. gently bred, tse pet farau"la , ~r à i ltinosd~ supporadit a11&Ms14 0 eh frel tai sà d saabtiag (allier by ber ozer- lion., whiols boue serveil W .1w out lb. aPleodor sunuty liobail parobs.ed wiwît he wroak of on05 ample masno.. liJOIbOptiy, is)â&,îe *iri zn5veV gfew, of a pallor isal b.. -"616 aud weskened frsmeîi ibler beattti. -lut lips apeumn.d a look of snfferiog, very diffireat (ram Ilîsir former brighl &rerti tile. On tbe prosobt esinfo ve tibe lit%" awrýcat Sfwle Nb4taontboi chesand sud eager look of plesaure iii lier <rgrey eyrq, t bal. waqak'uil oWtlbroils lWadbeutirusame4 lidse badlbasa deWaued à at lait ale ouer beyad lier tl.odl 11w., sudlte' - .taraud houce je us in t ea «l up her riait lisir la mà Wsv. braids, ced assume th. siomple grey .,. wbeli vas the -' - out~*~se i ier eoeample varû. An old sahool (iend boaS vfrtten, to th P51 d.,Wht, e8yî-itldhé -»golIDf rîag lb. <tegrsat foutittaa a ecohert, sud alltlsl, tltebidhi. And - *bt.-tlrtigfo.pe try à i id Iovéroa' "&Ã'#44eate e r - a(veat oupd&anad of bes&y ta every mis epo-..j*jiý jyheeeipted lhe offert a cmiii obtlaïpd âû asQuoaa'o roet lrs1w lier 'lihs fur th. porpoae. er, "Tyotimt ibc lbore a he.oa r, lier (ribtii rvé"ý4 te orwe' maitl 1,fav o--uaert boulot sIbalif pos $oer." Mabsi ii.leiia m d ah. nigt avre ju liwAarn-bdirUdon. eetlng ;à Vinci of na. ordlnary,, tct ,li*Iihoal ca diacbltlg. oûly boceaplW vîi &n"Xiety tW tite r6krusa of tlb. iy , lmotients. "liotaîdiunlitopf.wminutes, miss. ttatiter-lâte 4h dhy-tie lay," obsorved ajiea mi a*-ieabsmat down perfore. tu- lU vil ia eomig. ,But the'- ev minutes vers esrlpr ten-; en4 ion lb.he ardy steamer sr- mjo ietatok so long laeaOedU along. h- r erota of witlng for lb. or- At loag&b, bÃwvor, aise vasairly on btoard, ïauJ took ber .eaj ln thse middle ut te lis ui, viit a- . y" :refrece. td ii.aeglbM 047 4ci$'ylady, - uti ou. or tva rallier alîpenr i ooking ilisa, tv*4uty -i-te-na prf Tltesvat sa ie«g poeasgo throagite.tîyvr 1lb...oU - ac&uaib penag,a iiso P tis 7è t lwgtb ah frei'ei teet" - r Vît 4 11 ibn ;a4thugli poor UKabel tkt it uuenai dilsa 1é à ' 4tllebt pis à i is oe l féW, botter pro ris à f rliter o 0 tinr.- liaIersVan'%hIl", wa r at, a, adrs4iig, Sai eLai.aey- lae o ous @Ide, sud thon auiidon.stopag i&r.najhlgbt l iéërheusd - Pldei'lY lady, sai0o4onivlo llier tim- Id indiviuisls.'>"' ' --Do nflafraid," as#id as vjoa 1 Ibli'e esr.aab e$waawtrving le qsiu rrr lier 1Ipoil9 isià eigitbor'sa ladrmn-sitere, laWea5tUod"' h r - r- as.&X ; ie, ear o, yo rmore racooîcili W bier -perd, wli.n aise found Il tg mildiy ebironlo ta lilenature, luiormnei tliem- ltaI#lisé wasb tisç -vow-- ci a bariser, now living la Southt Bel-. gravTis, sud on ber, vos l) *se ae neplie, vhiteo eliip wits iyirtg lu ilie docks ; vbloIbO egentleman, annouooed hlm. slf.. Sir Evon t.Indsayo a Scotchl Mls lavyer ah Temple. Mahel vas - more hlmld sud reticent in ber eom- le . . 1, Wle0ul iesdenoe; and itsîentleman's loue ~ rv mare respoeela u ni.a b fiii vessel at length lis1proaebed tbe -Vauxhali Pier, i»Par vhiobhbshy 0ihd beoti so long dotained. "his l no! urne -going forvard, snd I1btihall ter riturn home 10 my fatlber before îitis dark." $#Thon yon viii permit-me ta ýesort you, Miss. lleanobawp." aid Sir Evan, r nslng also. -My mossion wauld novl s1iulong as fi nrtI4J-off r ý & ii nte la i, jMJg P &ne ry do ual refun me. tu tquit.,oofer, and 100 late in tbe day rit vlla fnlendiy o44±and I sbaiIAadms U.y 04 aiviii SHOW me. i amuaqloôsub-on .uid stnpid s« -V b aie mtâpekd ta-day: bultlte foot le I bave hand a ureadiai borror of boini tdravned aer aine. I vas oid enoagli ta knav tIhe differenai lisîveen land n4ké a d ' e1tiwl a aide MI11 îey realited ber hotu in Hans la"e a lhKbvli, sa kiodly, andSgoa à ,;;4éstA1 lit@hobeob.dno& aveu leteugo e r,~ ubMs o~ position. «I ii lot inirude an Boà - champ, visa may perbi: ge r a"on by surprise o ià 7 tnt-s," lbo ail ;bat if y700 yul kWnly itak1p abat-geof my eard, 1 viii do my- --Ilte honor of oalllng t&a-morrav ta lajilre- vhetler yan have suffed from adtnsventare." ï And ithi à agracefai boy, lie touched rli* ,4 r i, Z di , sud 0oghM vwasi absent an ber nînal duties, lie amapg t0 onsuole bimmeif by exaI-. log ail kinda of dotails of lier goades, rber Suaii tleolion, lier~omi,17- (rom ho eef0i5, ztsbtgitvoé eSfa~ a nd irritable parent. lali'a ousio-mabel'a halent for la iup&gr-Mabel's rwn.-.sea fancy work, andti -s&,ve allie'. L, sh ,Uoueifialiilab rsabra n uevotion tn hlm si bomne, were themea 0? wliel th Atr, wags, nevor . ti g*a obî M m1 Isapato-o2iéeî R -Before lo lait t.e lbouse lie bail sonopheil ar invitalion to "Icorn in aud boer Maliel @lng, somes evelîiîg; "sadnti i vseprutty cetaIin tint lis voul Dat forgelta oavait l na self of iin permission. Evening after ev..irug- eav lte bar- onel ilîinglant.e modeal ii.ng-room. talking Wor playirtg et cribbage v-ih the o-tali, a r lblýng tW MsbeVs, aa'eet voice, ulîlier la aioging, ar in the' tayont iarithpd >paiee v4ieli oer na2'lrà étoî rîà ki .I fluo bergrad~isulirgtenlng irits; antid olr st> velg - ie lîfnmère reluaty and sl îkel home mate ce- opied viti t Iiasir and noble ltearted thm.humisibr$fomog. - But 4B1 beainegalas1>4in vag. 0i vis on the 0 0 - ý1 bpq iqbis va oquestion on visicisair Bran pon- À<an glong " 1 *d, rit gaM thetry ibd: OC Cà *-hlîi lnn Cd departnre Ibat h. SéembeSIlt totise 40 Ifacto f d lirS sud cutiaits titou, ad ta tell pan af muy departar," borsai&.oaIly 1stttg lova isby Ise au- toiaised girl, vliom ite sad nover lit- lae tsîdres.d by lier Chistlai nome. 1$"tÃunédly prsehimal sud bluat, sud 1 ,q osgyou ta b.e tru.andi eadil @ vilii s eiaSoaee tath, paint. iiî $'ou éîÃ7in»y vif-my 4ear, oherisieil vlerad tempn e tmylistieal cý Uap ligislning gsahplaaeand v4ciig surp.ise, st"iuMablai jPP..no Ieaeotr1must Dot"' # ~ y Dot ?"' b.okel, oaluly; dahq aule b sed gotive. Qe por.A amu-g-*reh i n ~o0éfor1fo theklumst 4f 88,th0 fQi eAqWeWHIT.By HARVEBSTiRe, (Improved.) OýAXà NAÂMOWER, (Impro-ved.) }The iiie ïr à "I5u'_t'troi a<tr Pn b -ý*é, alonot UN aà erswho want durýb19mhinanpro8 plainig your orders elsewhere, nas it is our intentionj" tý aQïopthe, Àiirl e is Pr mITôabe, dueèb nkeoi prico iet at ioweut liv- BROWN& PATTERSON MNFG 00. .~bsiX-;w-J i.IIsU87D. -- 1 ITAU2IN WARHOUuE Ccusum bleu CUre. - vegsable rem yforth lb Y n mrentocure for Cosssum alo, Brotoils, 00 rha arnsatile rd for Net-voua dewlipia.ll1<rem vlin sn, itresoharge,stelii al vita Sés liit SEOh fou disainsfojr1 rl < u uaig et by mail b7 mdriôd wi vtIl Prealdent Hayes. crilclaed, but Ithé pa et * ou*onedollar vevii lito one= iPce'e WedlcDisoove ', d'lsSa 09 e cougits coldu, lacipient consomption. sud genridebtie, for leaSing pbioslofo aIl scols. ei Miserablens. The =cet vondet-ful sud atarveous mune- cess. luncm"qv-ber, pet-sonsaren "kor pinlug av-sp ltomsà condition of mlsabio- 2es14 tisat no que knova vit t iIem tproiuable patients for dootos#,) la oiriidu 'y lté use of Hop Blîters. Thtebailata re hm sr wtï,O-&-- lia 1 peT hotuG ndtRmeyKoa hopeles suiet-ersnov lu¶ -roclI jrgr yormdruggti sd gel ol-s bIl o an <Thefl vorieful met-t.d sow po Davitals eula oic dollar ise fortteov- rIe.ê For ieb7T.G.w it t = "di. sitpolejlatauiares lie Bss$suKandr thér p» $,*à ai4r, o uian s-e sui mavlu o xudet-flcres.H Col vlinossu yEg i HoLavpis-aad ut, whig i 1 vi rytheamot à yôur selfa su douc de ougrier. 5 ctier ci- (I ou orsabT. 0,ut aliti sd btiu o Th"'*t Jremgoaaauee a buh olt'.is 12. INSiUiW'SBO'A Bac zl reloe lud. monrtal ce ués as Hat uisl bon# iL éritlene amotbe bave milSgWvaotruteam.Uottr md 2ï- M, i -sptnfe leaus isusaPb= piybtsossSar. alt United sitotes, sto25 evnvtr Imutaia bail et PovettyanS, DIMOSs. Th"a pve=y itbiolprodace. t. gmets of ldis rlchneue., il becomamsnt saIs4 ty, o codou terseS emsatu siedies vritings. aive-t 1rSII. anS serai aloseavelinsaS ibsgnes s& norvuUdeatly k tees-F' 4*anSap- pquit, vstltnoideéeos. sse.pliutoo og, Use ooimaoresults, 44-f sifai se *a S"sh ioustin, e IdoJ, Lrrvot iNelt er4 & soio Uyeamflw hi or Mouthiýms Roue-, - it9d Worde'C:' usa ~or mai. Dp Té-t Tb<1 I arn daify in reoeipt, of FRESUI OYS¶?ERS (best bran'u) [ ~r sç¶ oee oostatly onQuband, OY zsT lmRns, FINNAN HADDIES, &o. 4j ~P 91~AMAL E ~Ni st~?) pu" GoXg ~1~GPOWI>ER, RECKILL'8PARIS ~LU~pgEztk k~LtAR.in Demjohns, ) 2)M*LISN --MALT VINEGÂR. -OE,15 ots par lb. 02r The finest that eau be got 1 Z Whlhrbyn6épt. 28, '80. )~ ALE» County Lîquor 6toh -IIALIAN IVAREHOUSr, & DAtr' 'e., Wholes'ale and ftetaiI,I1 - KING -STREET, OSHAWA. _ _-0 - Just received for Chi-ist-mas aud tlie New- Year, a large tok-iof WINES and LIQUOJIS, direct importation, -ooîipriÈing Port atîd 'Sherry \Vines, Drandies, G»in, lium, Scotch an4 Ipsh Whiskeys, Bass' -MAe, adGuinness Ird - Blood'i Porter. Gooderisani & ýWoas cei ed bSOId RyeantiMalt Wliskey, lte besl lantise Dominion. * T~IM& RbessudCoagnaveà & ons' Caidise Aies-anS Porter, sudl Lige: The Urgeansd boit asetetoik cfCIGARS in tise onnty I Porntsd 8bet-nyWines, ai auperiot-quality, ai $5.00, #4.00, 88-00 and 82.50 prîmperlal Gallon. .2!hijqrS ahrry, $1.75 1Ver Galion. _J_-ME zieaî4- le*004l anS-batIs. ---- A; t-s-cln ~uib fot- oobagpnraee, a 0L5 pt-Galion. BiS a44~oqs~ss OIdmapdrRolli)ds'in. r our celebrated Toddy Wisekey. the. finest Whiskey in tiïkthUê .#2brp o4 ercs f onadoen - A-sskl te- by Hibbert sud Poster à & So nu arts sud Pinta. - = 14 *S~ko umto)'P-ayl.or- Bae (BLCa4thes),,Aie on draft ,' 10 ind 16,0*e1oc Kegs,, and inBoUll oueieoftone doai quarts su tvo dua UÈMTêY BEZ iFOU WINTEF, USES -,Twardaeu botls a 6.25per teue. r r-r À fe pi lite oesilde! 0 î OijarSoutatlyn band.r- ~ouzoUrKiagu. Trusopetes.,GrnDnl.s - 0s01lle Turf, M. P. o., victoria, Edp, Po-e-es, Lacosa 99elsr,wve- rfr è'Ot t '-'rLa gtsitm, LWiios'eo otreae1-ioger AU, Letnmasd*, Pottaes ivaer, sell" ai atro T- -A ÇUfl3IBTÃŽO13s CONDIMENT. A sre Preventioîn of the~rva1~ Kenda1I's Spa-Vin " 9 Qi7 i, t 07 U THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVEBIS 0F TRIS ÂGE. -Wu thé listartling ounounaeint It KIDLL8Ss1<Qi 1tloi ?au. spaviift *an oamplotely rezuove ti i na 8me ,Sa itilb esthr- .ilvke~tino iWt 0rjs~*eli~*eji i6frare aar' tatemozilae. lofr1 exoollen ~oreiln uat 1 snà g inusof uy kina. I oeté lts %for cause any sore.;Il lis noequal, to Onr kà avledge, for upavin, sîiin~g bao nis, r allaus opai, avellings, Salle, )amenes tram viatever canu sU elargemenP the i.joirils, or la any part of t!i. body or limube, and ai aoaSod for ote, atloiiea, voands, eté. r -,U-; ~g 1 For 1Mou, il tea Rcomspite remedy fI ornera, Froat-lites, or uney Braise, OUI or LMcnus 'W%* bave reoently pubissità NaENW ROBS~ BOOK. A, tresîie on tise tors- scatidistt «. *twutepm av.slz_ý been sald lu a khot lime-et tsi lô~V~e of85 oetI, '~r- 1, 4 etsery one visa eeq Il prononooéI 190 s solovrp a lut&fo là Uijrioé, Sud inoý: olai8tIl la hég o rh'w h' ïboi'e thon hacha for viueltie7 bave paiS $5 sud0. R. W. S MIT H & C0,-Fr opri etïors,'MOntreal.ê For sale lu Wbitby by J, r mW ~ w~.~ rc~bWlb gr SEND FOR'VALIJABLE 4iCJAsý ANNOUNCEýMENT.- FU/?NITUh-f! "FUR NITURE :000:- rTe unclersigned begs respeetfully to, announce tsi the in- habitantes«f Whtby sud, euirountin,., oouuky , that he bas, now opned: out të i ni elww stabliah iholupii ibý,Iiis father, On. Bro tettodoaSo-th of ýthe New-' Market, whereIwý ho -in o e' ep ag n&pliêotdsokaiFURNITUIR, an~lpas by to'ttci'-(n tw usmrSg o mnit a continuncoof the rskrgoolong behtowed-rt héo itilshmont velfQIý a Sputedsck iohar îb"ryartcl I0.abé U i - 'x- pres slyfor titis apeuiug, sud Ieiaio4 xw goç a ronitefactory:in TorÃto as fastrauoode& ;_terohaî sers ma~ y on gettzug good Furniturie, at thje verji (4fm. piùe!!,ýI .l -1n11eà rly inipectio'n of thé stock is hnow Solicited, and ýwhother you buy or ual, you il tg wclcome ho luspett ho Fut-n. Whitby, Oct. 28th, 1880. j. ~A~Kc. PARLOH BOOT and ýHOE &TOREi! Deverell's Blo 0 3okSt hty 2]&-A TTHEW t' COLLINS Inom ustomers that &ab the ao&e~bihint- if b Bçs4tau-d ý? imes bet*sei Tôio t oAn ntreil.- " on't be satisfièd with loo ing t the- &Ep yi-te hw - eve rything tancan be caled for ini itheut udShoe Bue, for Lèfiei,- MIXý se, Gents.Asued Vidrôs wear. Rnbisr of Supenor quality. ,~AT LOr, WIO! ýîo blow.- 1but-.wýhat,, - 8 traig Àt,'inl stying hat ÃŽnthe Camp yet unakdhoià enge laow on bAný1~~ soça moot eBtabliislûiige inhiÈhuùe ofbasine~E3. Seethe new.BrinFIB s-ý-'Là dies' Fine IKid Boots Truns' a idValises in gr ~aity a oet - -. -MAT~E COLLINS', - Whitby, ct 26j,180.1VjRELL'S13LOCX. Te ,Fneéstôtqo inTon 3E~w~ À Prom tise vel-kuovown =c aiBUCEm nleasateiLu iirlÃi4 te, eélaen aiW blby sud Bo th o t , t lie lias- schased1the. suture Anigl u jterait of r-e<sre.LYON BR The extensive alterations and improve. ment bte lats imuiae ein mstlii .-rJasa , b-- -âà w=- r- ALL WORK GUÂRANTEED ' 0OWBT .R-ATS? ,See Our TABýýETTE PHOTOS. -FRAMI1NG blý ail its branches. PEOTOS.1COPIED and enlarged, and finiheri plain In oil water calour, lnk, or AGENT for Maman & Risch, manu- facturea af-Pianon and Organe. Orders for Tuninïpromptly attended ta. . b~opes by stric aentioi to, um nse Wo kenita ishar, if -he jiationà ge go liberaily beztowed onis predecossars. , - Wilhlnsan's Block, Brock.at. m r= eqcmie~a ola' u nerfOtr'Srl Ûkçoi ,and ineates everypart ofthobd ftons, and avnynoh<fo di-sease*to . cd -Pon. réÀagort -W-t seflà ieccsfk is rernedy ina. curing Dyspepêla; ^lAver Cern- plait;-Droà yClhrouleo Diar- Cilis and Èevers, fllurs Discases- ofthe KIdnly,îantW »Iaddere- -Female Complainta, and aU, q i seases orginrinu ina a ~j~4~ <frf d , <. «e companiard bu dèmlLZj, t r alam r j .lrOWg ý Il r,> A lla n-LI no% WMINTER IE vu BOSTON01j Dý Cabîn$ 68 andSfIreo lg to oitOn f ,taOrô .e& ustoe for te - -Mbernion, from Bostm onPb. ltii, fromR al- Pol fa# i'ïï S4t, frm Han.- Casianfrmop ton,-March 8rdfo al forma ~otonmaHalfoma ax sr, b--- OircamsafrOm BO$tgn,umardb7th,from Sali- fax, Rarcb. 191h. Steerage passengers &Xe lorarded to Lon- clonderry,Belfaal, Glasgow, Queensrown, Bristol, Cardiff, au&Lcqdone .am 6a as to Liverfoo1. Pate 1ah0ztsend for tbiefr fle For ik6ufrnomloxpI ta- Wà Whitby, -5*, cq4à ouds flbTownsho Wib 0NTAReIO? -ÈA &sÂvI7tGs 00 COUNTY.-OP -OIÇTARIO; 8lflING9 T~E-DiIVI8Ioý. DURTS*ëQ~et Dee 28. Dnbslreeibjýrsur e M r9lut inai 'C BOdg-P. 6, Mr. B, i 1pr. M tri>, r d - iT1Du.I Pbll sho4b lëaorteroe Ierslfoionr ]E1ois i WiAN ý tY. -xersbyr- PtazIoprol elune wlpis.laeterades-sUfasu .......... .1 n- lýl 1 1 H F l' ý 1