Oshawa Times, 26 Feb 1973, p. 9

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A large crasd sstmbled ai tht church and wited for on hour but su Mackenze ap- pared. Tht Tories thretened ta tear do tht building If he shustd op, su tht people od- jaurned lu Peter Ptrry't store aI tht Four Corners and con- tinued ta soit. At ibis point, tht Tries ut tht township lftI ta assemble aI Bentts Tavero, SoC a Mot's MilE store aI Dundos and Euclid Streets, where they bang out tht Union Jack and draftd asésris of resolutions condemning Mackenzie and praising Sic Francis Bond Head, tht governar Il is btiieved thut Mackenzzie would have received mort support fruo Dr. HunIer and is lollusters il he had made is appoînîment aI tht meeting he had caIed. PROCESSING PLANT IS EXPANDING Wrk is=potdng spetol- this sinter. Tht building, lu ted aI o cot ut $00000, aid Hetaîf Fauds plant in ily an Sltt Vn-Coc'ps be uetd mainly for sure- Stokely Van Comp bas beeiî 1943. ntW 0,00-ssort-tout addi- buusing, is being ertcttd by an opration ini Wilhy lac 3o -Timon SfîPhoto than whci will be complettol Winvalley Construction Lîm- years. hoving laites over tht Rebel Lodges Bore Ncime 0f Wh itby -Doctor Whitby 100 years ago canstef considerabît damage in tht downtewn area. and ai tht harbor. Tht fbst braite oui about 2 p.m. May 3, 1873 in tht Gerrie Blockt on tht northwest corner af Bruck and Dundas Sto sterling in the batement and spradngta tht resi of the boin imninutes 1n o short time tht oea Merryweathtt steans tire engint sas ai tht scene bul li111e could be dose Tht tire burned as foir as Jamesans grocery store lnou tht Chalet Restaurant) un Dundas Sreet, and about haltway up Broch Si te, tht narth. Amung tht busîsesses destroyed were j H. Gerries drtgs >rGOrge Yles teer C utiEastern Star Lad geKelloggs sesin mac h otdeput. j K. Grdons law office, Mr Andersons provision store and Francis* gracery store. PROVE» WORITH Total bas fr000 the lire sas $30,000 but many buildings Merryweathtr engine. with the assistance ut the Oshawa ire brigade Tht block wss reconstructed sîthîn tht year, and la 00W occupied by John Reiger Real Estale, Bassetî's Jewellers and Gearge Vick Insurance. The second tire occurred about isa weeks later when one of the piles af lumber on tht wharf ai the harbiir went up ini flames it was no1 long belore ive or six other piles caught lire. comprisiog about 75,000 leel of tomber helonging 10 a Mr Smith af Fenelon Falls, A spark trom 0one ut tht locomotives of the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railwoy was determîned as the cause. Once again the MerýY- weather mas responsible tfor savisg a large amouni of properiy inludiof tht grain elevalors nearby By far the mosi disastroas lire in lermo of valuable property occurrtd Nov 27. 1873. when the Mechanicis lootate Hall ai Byrn and Mar y Staburned destroyiog library which was Iocated in the hall SAVEI> HORSES The tire alartn bell rang at 5 a mo and when the Merryweather arrived the institute and a neighboring house were burning furiouisly. Tht ire uubsequently spread la thie oid piano lactory ta the east which was tilled with barrels of oil and other inflamable mattrial Harses were evacuoted frrnm Rays lvery stable acrota the streel. but this building wan sa ved The Mechanics' Institute building sas valued aI $2.000 and was tuily insured. H o ever, the 14'000 vol uimiea of tht towo lbrary wtre totally consuined. The piano faclory waa also valued ai $2,000 but inaured for only $700 Ail louis, iso pianos and a quantiîy of materil were saved by the irefigisters. The caase of thse ire wao neyer determined , but was believed ta have been arson. Whlby hod itashort ut rebols durlo tht137rebollion andt haid a prt to play in thost excltlng imes in CanadionF blstory- Oseofu tht mot prominents paonant nvolved tram Whitbyj was Dr James Hanter, whoe rolaed o company ot men Ifromt tise townshp ta march with William Lyon Macktenzie ta Toronto. Ho set out front Whtby in Decembor, 1837, but on learing tht Mackenzie had beau routed at Moogomerys Tovorn, h le bonded it gruup ot follors and went home. Tht wasanul tht end ut tht ttory, for Dr. Hanter was arrooted and rleased un $16poOail. Hewas acquitted af chargea of tretoon ostht samne doy ha1 Samuel Lount and Peter Mothews wert hongtd ins Toronto, i0 April, 1838. I1 lïsoîd 1h01 one0of tht jurors ai D. Hnters trial, aller aoelng lthe deths ut these iso mon, entered tht jury roons and declored "There sili ieo n more hangings." ELVDED POLICE Sisortly fler is acquittai, Dr. Hatnter WOt again sought un another charge. Tht constables *hrio sero tent out ta moite tht amonst, unable 10 find bina, sert quilto certain that lho la tan- coled It the ali ut is house. Tisey set a smudge tire under lise atara lusmoke him out, bol the agile ductur escaped thaoosgh o sindus and mode is way ta Whtby hrbor. Prom tisorohoefled te Rqhester in the hold of o col achioner. Dr. HunIer remained in tht United States until 1141, when lie returnod 10 Witby To- sip. BsM ome sas un 'tht Kin gson Road opposite thtit of M t Lawn Cmetery. Dr, Hastr was respossibît lac formng Oe Hanter Lodges dtsnlng lthe rebolian, and they tuok it 1110nane ront hlm. Anolisr incident occurred dsrlng tht rebellian shich dtermîneiftht lotit of support Mackenozie rectived tram Wlitby Township. Macenziea.d lis tolîssers gnnuunced h01 tht 'litîle rebell' hisaelf would address a meeting in Oe Boptist churcis on 1he1 site ot tht Union Cometry I Septembor 1827 and atked al resîdents ta came armool Brooklin In 1876 In 1876, Braoklm swas a lhriving village with a pulotion utfabout 700 Tht ffor zlaodescription laites ram an Onario County dlrectory of OaI yesr. "Brookfin - A village in th Township of Whitby, un Oe gravel road, ivt miles nrlh af Whithy toCt. Ws fbst settlltd by Mr. Huntingtes about Oe yegr 1012. Th fbsitIatre was ee by Mntrs. Campbell sslWy m114. Thte irat grisi Millwabil is Ohesiemeyear b(tisainme irm. Tht lb-st post fiewos opmned hy Ht Edward Ware. ",.Tht village conlaîns several cvil and miltary organizatinsi among whlch is ose Monc Loolge No. 311 named Mount Zion, ighls ut meeting, Tuo.day ou or helore Oe flli moon. . H. Sweetapple W Brv Santal. R. Wckett. Secrttary Ono lodge IOGT No 75 "The manulociorers are rek(5ented hy Iret grisi oetanner7i, ose pion ning milI. estral stores tega office, etc "IlaJw contains ont Churci of England, which cost abou $2000, la hut aI woud ini the gotlic style and erecteol in 1870, une Weleyos Methudist Clssrch, bollt brick and erocled in 1867 ai a custiof $6,000; une Prtsbyterian Clorci bat of wood in 1862 atia cool ut 2,000, ont Methodîst Epiacopal Churcis bollt fwooa in 1845 ai1acosto $1.6,60.and ose drill shedl erectd in 1867 ai a cool f about $60 and La buîlt o wood. BranEusn is connected with the Port Whilby ohid Part PryExtension Ralway Poeaaioeî about 700 Pont matter, Rober Darlînglon An Eorly Woter Works Whitbys pobitly-amned salerwurbas as oentf Oe irst onalaiahd o Laie Ontario. 70 1n laito 180,Oe Whitby LigEt and Water Commission was futined wlOs capital assatsoc t mortthan $100.000 Prier ta 1903. Oere hod betn ooadffraaos ahyloî b o.abishoslaland lgEt y te «e tiswbn Although thre bail bees a privotelY oatte 8stre1tighting system soeIUUS, by 100 il wan dggi hifre abould 10 public H.., HOURS: OPEN MON. THRU THURS. 1200pm-to 1OO80.m. FR1 & SATý 12 OOp.rm tolOa m. SUN 12 OOp m tolO0:OOp.m Congratulations fromn STAR LINEN SuPPLy PHONE 922-8988 Congratulations from the. Management and Staff of PERFECTION BAKERY 116 Brock Street WHITBY 668-3706 Con gratulationis from HAMBLY BEVERAG ES ITOU Authoed Bottiet of CocaColaundet coutract wlit Coc-Coa Mt. e American Express 0 Dîners Club.e Congratulations & Best Wishes to Ali Baba D Satisfaction is, Our Growth KERT CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES INC. 7123 171 fenor or.. Weston Oesourlo 749-5220 7125 Membeo C RtA 0,d C F E A Congratulations from the Management & Staff of JERRY'S PRODUCE 124 Brock St. North WHITOY 668-9901 ________________________________ IL d. Congratulations from the Management and Staff of GARBAGE DISPOSAI SERVI CES GR9 Box 14 RR 6. BowmonvilIO. OntcrlO 728-9371 to the STA HOUSE Waýàtch For Our COMINKG SOO.N! 918a Brock Ste N. - W'tby Thîs message sponsored by the followîing firms ..-. FOR RESERVATIONS Cail 668-9369 1 ................ £ à e Chargex.e )SFIAWA lIMES Muiduj ît , r973 90, Fîres Wrzî ked Havoc ln Harbo'. Town

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