MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1973 1973 M@MC@MUN@ t, A Great Place te Liv. A Great Place te.Werk!1 As Whltby prepares f0 enter reglonal government, it may look back with pr ide on 121 years as the county town of Ontario County, and remnember those who confributed to making it a great hisforic communlty. On Jan. 6, Mayor Desmond Newman proclaimed 1973 as Homecoming Year, and in accordance wlth this an- nouncement, the County Town Carnival has been ex- tended f0 il days, July 27 f0 Aug. 6, to be the climax of the year's festivif les. Among the new attractions at the carnival are an out- door concert, family picnic, and an enlarged parade. The popular Rotary pancake breakfast, Lions beer garden, Kiwanis beef barbeque. carnival queen contest, and many other events wilI be back again this year, bigger and better fhan ever. Many former residents are expected f0 return home for the celebraf ions and wilI be made welcomne in many ways. This special edifion of the Oshawa Times is devoted fo Homecoming '73 f0 provide a glimpse of Whitby as if was, as if is, and what if can be in the years ahead. FOR EXTRA COPIES OF THIS SOUVENIR EDITION PHONE THE TIMES AT 723-3474 BEFORE MARI 15 Photographe on ttuis page from Whtby l4storical Society and Thonmas Bouckley Collection*