Oshawa Times, 26 Feb 1973, p. 4

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ýA THE OSH4AWA TMES Masday Februcry 26 1973 Myrtie Born As Railroad Buit Wisitby Psycisiatriec Hospitl la taking on tas respansibility of alleviat g seme ufthlie over- crowding sn Orillia's isespita and scisool for tas retarded Milton J. Fisber, ad- ministrator 0f Witby î Psychrie Hospital, soya tae hlopitahas already started tî fulMl ita directive lrurn tise nstnislry osf bealts Eleven Orillia cbildren arrived ai Whtyi id-January. Anotiser 104 children ors ssrpecled ai Wlsltby over tas next couple ofmonts isesaîid nd 120 aduit retardates. Tise number uf in-patients ai lise isopital la drupprg an- suitU, Mr. Fisher said. He coualdol foreses any rna>or the new paients. Orillis patienta wsll lie isoused in lise nursea' educatson building. "Tise nurses' trainsng lrg ari being pbased oui :âpd tranater'sed ta, Durisam 'J lég in September' but tas fina detils ust t11 be w orkod ouI betweon tise biseaptal and Durham," ho said. Plana for a farnily relief ~Progar, day and nigisl cars a nd o facilities are in tas m"W0rernot admiltiig people fer"i yet-nul enlil ce bave a peuicy tisat stihi bas ta bo werited eut cita lise depart. ment of beallis, altisougis "we've already badl a number Growth Swif t ie Beaver Lumber outiet ai 419 Dundas St. E., Wiiby, bas lncreased fluor spoco four tlae ia original aize sancs last opring and doubled tas sumber ef ensployoes, manager Wilf Scbhieider soya. "We juat feit tas area needed thia typ ut a alors." Mr Scbn-*esdo saiti "Tise area neefded sernetaing ta be able tu service tas people is tas aires se tise wouldn't bave ta travsi a great distance ta get supplies Mlr. Schnesider says bie bas confidence tas Wlsîtby ares viii continue ta grow Tise expansion prograco starled ial spning. cison tas stare liadt only 4.000 square fi 0 beateli soling space An 8,000 square tout addition cas completed, and recently a furiser 4,000 sqare foti1 ad- ditlon wos isuit, as celi Thie stars sella isardwcare f oaand tertilizers. bas a orge section for panslling supplies and a goodsize Mr. Winters soîd ail tise plans for tise 8,000 square foot es- pantalon progroos bad been aoed bu fore tas acquisitin fBeVer Luarber by Molsuns idustries Lui . bai ouded the hrg r as moosi aheasi a i ue mors rapidly hecause ai lise acquisition Thse official grand opennof in rnid-Marcis, Me Scisneider aaid Whitby Judge Was Curling Club Patron Tise Ontario Brase> of thse Royal Caiedonian ('urling )'lal lista tas iaîîocîsg olls'rv loi' tas Wisitby Curling ('i in 1lm Patron. Judge George H Dartseil. pair oness Milrs Dartnsil, presidevi Richard Snow. vice presideol John Stanton represeoiahîse mernberv, Judge [iartnell andi W Boita. chaplain RIe% K Mîaciennas, treasarer W R Hocs secretar> (* E Ra> and commsiltee or coufleil of masageaieni. G Southweil %> Hood, H loess. Louis Sebert Sans Grahaim Club merniers ini lm so ere Richard Soca W liu Loue, Seberi Hagis Ross J V Paon H B Taylor Ed Armsotrong, C Joisuston. John Stantan. W R Howse G. Soutaceil S Greisors C F Steward Judge t>artnell c E Ray W Hond. J Tweedie D) Qrniston C 14011 and Wslban Westiake1 Tise prosîîncially-operated H4e said tae "fluîd stat isospilal, serving 1,008,000 Pickering airport la i citizens, bas 770 in-patientsa and increase tahejxspulatic another 150 patienta in tise tiserefore cali for 'approved bores" prssgramn. facilities aI tbe hisepital, *'We serve iundreda of sut- tahe present rate of cons)r patientsa ayear," aaid Mr. thua la stilI sot necessaiý Fisiser. Mr. Renny aaid Dr. H4e sait! he expectasernme Ruddy Hespital la experi tigistaning up 0f zmoney frern a "definita decrease"j tas provincial goversiment, but number of patienta il tisai since tise iospital la "as cita mont isospitais provinciafly operalad il migist province. " 5eceive some sort uf "spectal H4e said lise staff base' consideration." reduced, but "We mayi UUTLOOK GOOD replacing sorne people "I dont liinit relarded bqve lftI s" prograrna bave boss receiving tasir fi siare of tise resosarcea bnotte, Ibouhgis May btetas uI.TisnaM agotsher AlilBurned saisi Adminisratar for tas Dr. J. A large portion ofi 0. Ruddy General Hosapital, downlown burned in Robert -Ressny, said a study because tas tuo coul caried Wlutantise feU, based On ubtain a firs engins construction forecasîs in Oshawa. A rider wasd Wiiti>y, camne ta tas conclusion cissd 10 bring bock tas that genoral bespital facililles but tiseitey lu lise f're ha were adequate for several in tise Osawa reeves1 yeara 10 aime. and ise catsd sot be l10 The year 1884 wasa memorabls one for the residents of Myrtie, when tii Ontario end Quebec Raileay was contructed nortis 0f lis village, creating tise cois rnunity 0f NMyrtle Station. Tise railway, wiich la now operated by Canadian Pacifie, waa contructed by Italian seorit gangs and waa viited by a newapaper reporter in Pebruary of 1084, wiso wrote lthe foliowing accaunt of lihe work. "Wlli, here 1 arn ai the roadised on ties ile of tise new station. ;Mes building material la mainly on tise ground, Iying about in pilea bore and tisore, as la also tise caterial for the immense tank, tise caler for wlslci la being brosighis n un- derground pipes from Mud Laite a haîf Mile or more norlls. i arn told tise caler bas a fait et 66 feet in tiat distance. Macolis McTaggart Eaq. is lise contract for cstting lise water way and iaying tise pipea, sod a big job it is. It was nearly completd at ime cf my visit. DANGER AREA 'L,eaving tise site of tise station, 1 proceeded weslward aiong lise roadbed, lis eculting of wiicb commences juI about the intersectios of lise radbed ale" tise wiltise gravel road illighwoy n may 12), a litIle west of ties tation. [on and Unlesa precautions are laites, more Iis pointl cii hon0e of greal "but ai danger 10 passing teams. Tise ruction ntuelai utlook for a coming ry.1 train la so limiled anld lise .1. . 0 dltificully of gelting out of tise rencisg 50y 50 great tisaI witisoul in lise safegugrds of a very rellable serves, kind, accidents wiii be almost 9in tise issvitable. It wiil be coul for tae public 't been te see la lime ta tiseir oco ront be protection, as il la soc ret le wiso geseraily understood Ibat ls public bave nu rigis tata - railway compasies are bound b respect. U Going cestward tis ecul Upiscreases in deptis until tise intersection cutis the Midland Ylistisys aiicay bo Port Perry and n 1857 Lisdsay close l is 1841>01 vwticts dd sot poit the depth lasaid tobe 26 from feet. Beyond tais intersection deaplil' tisedephisrapidiy lessena and as engise, go cestard.tise cutting seemas lail was lsrned upsîde down and ho- pocitet cornes an embankmenl running !aed. tiscougis o deep and long ravise. a ."Tietough blue clay loit& te aimait aa dificuit ta manage e Mii pcgi sisovel as f Il ýywere so ci r uiaperchsa.A se huge Pie 0 hamalerial las- 1- seiatelY beiow the railaof tise Mland waeatili awalting w reÙtovi~s ahe imef rny viait, c.but a sullicent apace on eacis ,n aide w curulteasnof vy building ltse, bridgetise fous- s dation of wiicsasin couarse of oe erection and la compoaed osf immsense ibocits of bisse atone e isrosgit ouI on lise ldiand ;v f rom Boiscaygeon. i ITALIAIO CRËW 9 "Quiteaa tuniser ut Italien were engaged on tise woriks and seensed'ta be dointise ar rvery efftcten et , 00.. wîisadlng lise severily of tise weatber and lise unplesaanl nature of lise work. "Tise large blocks 0f atone cere being raisdto tas proper. iseigisl by thisof afderrick corked by a ral-lailed, acraggy-loiting old rack of botes 0f a borstisiImigist be taiten for lise gistou0f Roaînanta, lise famous steed oft Don Quixota, on tise back cf cisicis ho mode lise noted attacit on tise cissdnl. "..In y iseàr 1pltled tise pour beast but ca s ocerlesa taiseip Many,,Helped With Edition Material fétrÏIbis specl Whitý Héo"in edtien of isy membeià f lthe sews par's5 editorial htffwitb tise austance of iisny peuple. Tise'hases, ta especially gralefulto tlie Whisiby Hialorieal Sociely and -ta Thsomas Etlmciley of Oshawa. cisose ollisetiôo f early photos cass made avoulable ta ua. Bulk - ff, tiseiistorical rsas wedune by rtan Winteo f temIleosataff cWho ,is alan arisivt for tise Wiisy 'aociety. Me.. *ù asaistd by Staff Kra# Diva copeand, itoisert aay and Gifian Stewart, n4fisclheographers Broda JSso Spence and UMM SALUTES THE COMMUNýI-TY HO..MECOMI 'NG YEAR BEAVER, building together with Canadians since 1906, grow -ing in Whitby Coming very soon a bigger, better Beaver store with more to help you rnake it on your own r13B EAVE R IGawoinel landi JOSEPH HEARD & SONS GENERAL LIVERY, DRÂY and, BUS BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE LIVERY and SUPPLIES I High ci.. I Cars I Repaidng A HEARD'S TAXI "'833 Whitby Psychiatric Eases Orillia's Load Wvmltiuby's.Oldest I.!ndustiy Growing Wifh Whitby Whitby's oldest industry is Stokety-Van Camp, established in 1940 in a plant on Brock Street North at the CPR tracks. The building was formerly occupied by another canning factory, Metcalfe Foods Ltd. estabîished in 1935. A large food canning operation is carried out by the factory and several acres of land in the Whitby area are used by Stokeîy-Van Camp for growîing vegetczbles. "30 Yecirs in Whîtb y" STOKELY-VAN CAMP 0f Canada Ltd. Brock St. North - Whitby 668-3500 nue m à MIK -ý mmà"lâ il )f y n't e it l- e la

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