Oshawa Times, 26 Feb 1973, p. 6

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6A THiEObIAWA TIMES. Mondoy, Februcey 26.1973 Harbor Played Major Trade Raie Ladie-s' Cc ~Ilege Cenen ai In '74 One of Whnlby's fînest tond- The. castle wsa visite marksa and moni historic royalty in 186911 mitn Pr buildings ia lhe'ontario Ladies' Artur.* the tird snoof Qu Coflege wich wlil cetebrote lis Victoria, mon entertulnod s cente&xiu. 974, - lunch bylte herltf oller lht The college mas recled turned te sodl for te1 belmeen l11%11and 11112 foc Whitby and Port Pe Nelson G. Reynolds, sberif of lfailmay, Ontario, <Çouty. Sbrift Among, te persons 10 Reynolds bil dreams cf hing visted Trafalgar Castle be an Englit lord, l i n salit, and and afller il becpmo o cel namoid iinhome "Trafalgar were Sir John A. Mocdon Caille" becausehlq mas nomed Governorn'General 1 arter Lord Nelson, the hbo of Liaor, Lord Dufferin,, Mar lte baille cf Trafalgar of Lorne, Lord Aberdeen 'Te casie Mot te siteriff Viscount Byng;, Eges $70,0001 ho buld, a fortune in Ryernon. te founder th ~Onlario a edutcallonol ayst thooedoya hnI cnioe former Ontario premier eht a 'a e o e o l ~Oliver M o a, and nu it t u a e b f o t n c r d t r . T e O n t r o L a d ie s ' C c i mas esloblished under Some of te tealores stiti 10 patronage cf te Molli hoie000 ltaIexlsled lante Churcit cf Canada, and ait sheriff's lime are oaitugo ime hod boen considered ao Boucley olletionslained glass windom bearing silo of lte OntaoaAgrcult Oaukle clletio te coata 1of armis of the Clloge. nom aI Guelph. EARNED KEEP Rleynolds Fa'mily and England, Ils tirnt principal. Bey, Dt Doc bods I hity iorbr reland, Scoland and Canada. J. Horo. mon o cbld rrod ï-oc hnd a Wity arorAno, there are corved oak laking over te achooa icere paid $2 a day for Ileir chairs hoaring te sheriff'n 0110 cf 26,. and servint work in 18815, ras, a nlag and scallop shirl.Principal for 41 years. Ld by Prince ed at mehad Port 'erry have before mllege onald, lord rqula n and elton ,r f .temn; wSir irous trary 110e r he hodist ione as the tural Dr. J odigy, t the Ig as In te 114s and 1850s, M ind sor i Whitby i Harbor was one o the mosl important on te nort shoreo cf Laite Onario, rtvaling Toronto as te shpping centre of soutit central Onario Thte firsi shpesents mre recorded tram te barber in 113 mien John Welsh. a Brocit ville merchant. estabiisited a wareitouso and tramway for grain. ln1137. te guvroment granted o nom o .000 pounds in Englîsit rurrency 10 bud onother storebouse and other improvomonts. rive or six schooners speni te %inter o 1837 ai te hbor After te formationsof te Windsor l4od Company te folloing yoor by Peter Perry and other loading mon of te communily. a warbouse 120 by 40 f001 and three sloroys igb as but. By 1841,te iarbor mon te1 natural oulltof a very large esteont ot country. încluding te Townships oi Whtity, Pickering, pari uf Darlington and Mrkham. and te obole range of country to te îîrth holmeen Laites Scug o nd SimS, extending back o full 60 miles. ln 1142.te harbor wos descrlbed as te best holmeen Toronto and Kngston, whicb tOo l ak e vsels with a 10cor -Il fot draughtl STONE SIIIPME1NTS Two yearu 10er. te governiment began building docks a i te arber in preparation for major siipping. Grain and bomber mre te main produclasipped from Windsor Harbor, 0and lmestone mas brougiti bock as ballast tram Kingston Tiis stone as ued 10 buld Si .Jons Anglican Citurcit ai Port Whitiby. te Thomeson bouse on Gardon Si . and a storeaiMte barber wbîcb bas iteen demottsited T'Me experts from te arbor in 1844 încluded 21.W17 barreli. ï. o flour. 1.435 horreis ai prk 610 barrels of ashes, 285 barrets of oatmeal, 120 barruls of beer, 4.76 bushels of wheat, 1,682 oushels of oals, 290) bushels of peas. 1175 bushels of grass seed. 1240, bushels of potatoos, 32 firkins of butter, 32 kegs or lard. 14M0 pounds of hams and 646.000 feel of lumbor, for a 'otal value of 5,881 pounds William Warren served froni 0843 ta 1875 as customos officer ai a salary of 100 pounds a yeor, Whlity iartor sa recognzed as an important itarbor of refuge for bots in storms on Lakte Ontario, and il was su popular that ines of wagons more thon a mile long could ho seen on Brocit St waiting th0 be unloaded at te docks It wosn fot uncemmon to see grain being unloaded aI rmidnght 100 years a110 The hrbor had al leass three prosperous hotein. Imo stores, a churcit. sebool and many homes in te 1115 A new 12- font lighthouse which cauld ho seen for 15 miles te guide shps te safety, was erected on the west pir. Chtester Draper, ownor of te itarbor froni 18615 ta 176, huilt a large grin elevtor on the oost side f te harbor in 18617, shile John Watson, succossor tu James ftowo, had a complos of searebousffs on the west side A sipyard was located where McNamora Marine is nom, and after 1872, the barbor serve oas te termines for te Port Wittby and Port Perry Railwoy This railwoy mas extended lu Lndsay in 1177, rpning up the lumer tradte of ictoria County. The McKinley tonffs on grain in the IBOO ended traide at Whithy harbor, witen te Americarr market wan cboood Mo Canada. Roaring Game Long Popular Wbîthy for tepnt1yes Shares of $111 mre laiton up har, iad a titrivinglcurlin.glu. b ty te members In pay the cool but ai s ot geoerally known of te bilding, wiich opened on ta te lown's first curling New ears3 day.J1110 club was formed nearly 100 Tho rinit dd oenl last tongi for years ago, an November 11171 Il burned tolite g round in 111111 AI te firsi meeting of the Thetorginal building cool club. Bl H Jommson. a local $1.6W0, but mas only innured for maercitant. mas elecled $M0.ad te stones for $400 prestadont . Chitsopher The curling club immedialely Joson, .frsi vice-presidont. sel na oui,10purchaso te lot unut Johbn Tueedie. second vice- o! lOngs Tannery. where te president, Ed Armstrong losen arona used to stand untit reasurer. and Chtarlesn 'orse. last yesr. and William Bornes secretary and George Cormackt io ri 008W te club erecled a cat'peniers. erected a $3,000 rame skating and curling rnit curling and skating rink te on te souiiteast corner of tollowiîîg vear Tiis rinit mon B> rami and NIa ry Sis , rebuili and enargod in 1913. nieasuriig lai hy 3i (coi and seri cd anlîl 19.52 The cenre portion oachierait tluas dsmantled mion te oa, foc public skating and mû lformer lion arena was but uiai %%tide curlin rinks were and reericled ai Tara. Ont lscaii'd ai te sides ioite Te .iehiles-t as A A Poo. btuiluding einiiitiveil bte ciianlv ~-r Growîng With You SINCE 1957 and En of vnc We1 L0F BRA 310 M.pkas Lothouse Bîoss star ted piodu(ion i 1957 in Whitby -,cth 3 employoes We steadily inreosed out taff untîl me are pro,,dding s'oiislf o er 60 people ,thie oreo Vie produce bîass ond zinc orcîngb hoi o loge .arieey oh uses iîouui far voequip'tent t Micro wavie iustalaotiois )the pas' yoGi o.e have hod aisitor s lioivi apai, Eglond ilsîtIrig our piani ta observe o.' produçtiotn nfoi gîrgs whhoh houe îeceritiy beeri developed i lao )ovde o corrplete service fori iodes tequi" o9 bross nifogîgs tromprodus' des.ges and tool.ug Io the hed ,ai~ h- n d podud back our community IHOUSE tsS Our steadily growrng highly skilled staff of employees resîding in the WHIJIBY-OSHAWA area, form a vital part of the team effort that has been responsible for the position we have aftained as the largest manufacturer of upholstered furnîture in CANADA, SERVING CANADIANS from COAST to COAST as well as markets in the UNITED STATES, UNITED KINGDOM, and many parts of EUROPE CANADA'S LARGEST FURN ITURE MANUFACTURER Proudly - of WhltbY Proudly - of Canada 1- "WELCOME HOME" from COLLIUNS SHOES OVER 100 YEARS 0F SERVICE fashion foot wear for , the famlly since 187e COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. S. Whitby FURNITUR E,,£0. 40 4

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