Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1857, p. 1

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ýe - i î y Ntlxt Door tu ýhC ne&àeýy Office. TO TIIF VA11t, oi, Mlle, 1111-1 ukuIvrý ....... ...... ý 4... W . calm Vrordst, thoughtili "it,_gnt1ri0gý Indattry, We ýftdV6 o&tt ÃŽ&ýacep Progremis, Kmow1edgeý nrétb«li« À n1 to alla Cireu, mtion Y O IL. 1. j'.1 t lîc il 111 ýlm'îtJVm rend 1.% everi-J)JJ. W 111TIM , C SD A i'FEýB, mIi'ert1îýe iIr 1111ton now- strove tp find the staircase seemed to sh ui 1 Tïw 04b* bic locte tio lime m. f>,ýward[tg' JLý» e4triret, Wltitbv, v. W: leading above, and colismellcod grelling tell 0 iléfore es$ 1111 L'u làtit il All ilirreai A DEXT rpltINre prospect UËL abolit and swimining stgalli in the darkness. through 019, long ranges of 'boxés with i &e., & 1, E "N* B. 1 The Pea* their wcal ni, liant'is Bride. lie Ilad hardly niovell, when lie found his nch Sllkg an ut wi,1 lie ut Itexcli. th d laces expos. Tt wu a rough, dark, -M4 limid touelýitig il halliSti-mle, and ith fi IV ed With studîed kxlielcurim by the know- 'old farm bouse. The do« Il IGGIN'S & BÈOTHIBIÃŽm, Siffil-Ze colintrv girl cautiang, hesitating- step his foot ricacheil in- Young gentlernéri in flashy %,eaîsteýontg t ming illwirly and Showey ' hinges panes or glam -w« ýVL4by. C. ANI) D F A Iý, E R, ThiétiiIv,-ý1 ' the stairs. lie thon mounted the stairs jewelry, which, itpaid for, Windows, thé gmit bad ov (lemiiiie %V1ýI 1 . . t 'l il lireCiOti.-I 1 ý0,Lrl tle gmvel-path, and the pli !tri fuld filiiWi teerrI.- ()III> WC-ft- with more confidence, but still wîth ý a mlist have êost* ilie lai, ler pâti of their sa- BOOK AND JOB nicrijiiig constraineil silence, finit, alter à short'as- l'tries, whO fuilked illy ilif)tlier*m oiilv were putting ôù"their befit went in anà out the doW Amowj. L 110TEL, Mv ki;ý*1 polir Invin, Pl min cent, LI, found a door nt the top, where bc facesand practicing'their art tipon crôwc human. Famer llmdy,'l 1>0RT NN'ill'rlIl' J L GRANNER, IIRO. e% er eliN iéd tlieii ntlr of custoinm r c - ce on the door Lï," Vri4lId rt-4jýelIfI1111- ilýftll-111 liqlw soon totiched the lianille, and wîth the until he eu hed POllic t1ilit tlýrý mioléZ, ilf tic in"mt Ttie kiste (if sieller 11roilleil. bialil 1ý the inelc tira..-ic-o thnt lie liait now iliscovered eure, Ir ithin the m. ils, where Grub Was the effýéta oý the Wt debit )il%"' ltuilw.t%- travellers wili tind il a 1 i hemmed-in lik, ild 1ylf-i;lfT,ý frIMU N(w lit ci lil voultut ltljd 114 nl'o;t ble liollisf. cape, gave it a rotifigtent tIr" a W týnimàt, Séýfèlt, by ly, idle boysýweve quailiali u, 1 tir ofliev. 1 t'l exec-11,10 Vit -Ull Jimey smoke his pipe and twù and -')re-ej;eýd lorward, but greUt mis his the time bc bâti rejet 'd thato"üeman*ii Inn AmI lr.iigriiit lvire Oie mead(livs hastel h DUOK AND JOB ]PRI 'l'Ani* PUBLIC, &C. &C A VAive i%ý( e and (li.,I.eppoiiittiterit to find hini. minctillu, as if, in his 11*410%1111*11 C M 14 Ill) Iri-ili tlille _d bee girls, with u conibled; Joël 4 1 know it wa,. myTiiii.i%ý-..? %-el f reeistL il. The door was locked. 1 shot through an endlm ràix--g-A-e _Qô à0thes" were swingihg on i il, wî 1 IPOWLÇ()N, Iollg straight, ani, ur.iform a lie bouse. Man deur, 1 fiIili ýVi1llIiI tilav. 1 11.1lon noNr retracell hîs steps, j,ýý tiliv de- ê=ýd the L',ýv VPji t1le lise reiiiiiiii., termined tu fit--e (Ail CriilIbini; nuit Flitke!- store of Grul)bin8 & CO. UnII)bins,ý,,of "'EverYthing ivÃŽtl#iît do, l' G (1, il C. i là 1) filvil% t(I 1,Iýive Iflý Iiii-V in the back- rolin1i. ]le Ill,] gi-,,)I)t,(l Iiiï m-ay Grulibins & Co., of pn. rl Street, ivas quite. ing withthe disorder th ut c'tl t', tlitn olit Clird imd i,'i w '.i*. 1 . itiet.. Toi... to the (Itx)r, guideà jar the faitit mys or another inan frotuIlose-a Grubbins, Fsq- sàve a Young la;' girl- of Mllîli alld vitiliý\ Cni-dl 'T'r )0 liglit which percolatoî w, in hi. 1 through iùs cre-%i- of Vifth Avenue. fle looled iiel window bnqily agwing on ýq-rY 1î.1%, . [FOI,, Be taille ril1ýi1ie vo!ýAsc tit tlýv 11 f(ýr'Traveil(-r-t. ces, and stnppiniv for a moment ti) conip')se i I)IOttell coat Spotted withink-, im ir ho had fler fcaturu ý'«em regular i lý, ýit Èw mitu 1 iÃŽ111self in preparation for an audience enveloped hinisolf lu an enàýmôuX-pen, hands and f'cet amalt and t.. UANN hent teil ineil ti)-el, Ivhich lie ivasl quite conscienç would. not wiper. and the Wrinkles, lerz, - 4 h seetneà ý:néd =d>ddàplte herrustré .S. t1il, inan, thiblIgelit 1, fir Ille, onlv lie utiexlý)Q,-te(l and univelcome te t#p confined tu his eyos wheri-tMië cotùpàüý" tole, wfib a glance that she 14W 1' N 4, &-C., uý_ li e. i-ý workitir litte wal o-.arlv -Iig»iÇw-l gentlemen ir-t'fltin, llm1e0ýVt-rV em. at hume, liait with an tinchecked current, hâd wandered froin itssph trüe ]L-, éqil4l) lie rillue if lie iI free to hiniself lie, heIvrd a word in epread ait over hi.; yellow fice, as he bent say, Lilla,11 said one .à- Ille lollil voice of Captain Fitikes which it in cager attention to the ledger before bounding into the kitchen ltg lVINCIA 1. LAND :Vli, ýN N l) RVýiJellet-- 1 gavé à start1ell Iiiiii nuit made Iiiiii pause. Ile liiin. The entrance of Ililton did not dis- comb out of Lit a"s-head, 1 ' vouriz. Allil Ilfitri týX) like Il ftý-itlicr, 1 listelleil and listeneld, as the, convenuition turb hfin in the least, and after repeated lier work-, ttheddisig the Io A. PRIN(..Lp., Oar . iii_, I-V tim Ilirl, W&-$ 8UJlý 'V.111ilà yv and Grubbins a-nd FI ukes i Sun"Ilons, the offlQ am. wer to the frequent hair around her alight ligt %Vhvu %Ve vvv re STRLFT And iilatky il ikilile lord. Il I*igi more and more confidential, With calls, "Mr. (trubbinsi Mr. -Grul)bins!" shoulders and arms, wcre the fin. ti r etorv-'- Busy, bi AmI illativ Il nolle 1.1,1v, ii(th ari àlKorbing îiiterest, that lie never was et ma asy jttgt ed sayi make 'baste a AT TIIE t*lý)t-II r 1 THOMAS DFýVE t'imiglit for a ju0ý'llent ofan action wilich, Ilow in ýbins id.ý'you should finist R Ir-, ý ý; , wolilli glniLl'iv Kive n -et)ltl bla sa E IL, 4ke- GlIt EEN-ýIIIRFET, Tu be like trie an] Týiitidv. " any other circiimstance, lie would did not even tlirn around front his absorb. 1011 N 11AX PERRY, 3 Wbitlo 1 07W. initier and you dontsew bal'f fim (,)N' PROCK ST.. ilave the first tu condt,ýiii-i- Rut tte tlig occupation as lie spoke. Il ' l'illa7q checks flusheilI, A. CI WILSOIN, 1 ý%lC> + t revelailion lieýheird w-as so startling. so 11 Mon, ll()ivever, was not to Ille put off hands wandered throuph 1 l'emilit,-e, ii Pil - iniportint tu hiniself and ber lie loved, and su casv, go lie returned tu the att ek with in the vain attempt to con ilýlý-IZK 0V THE VEACI, -' 01- FI( E l'er- 1,11)giiigý tiir :1iitbv - the V Inpliati-c declaration, '*,%Ir ý she said niocki JlýLt1 ý itivoiveil su deeplv Iiis future destiny, that ery L Grub- W hithY, Jali. IV, 13.w. iy, 4- WoWl Pursuit of a -Mrife. lie still listcnett raid tlrnnk in with an bins, 1 must c0vainunicate wiith you at 'ne Betey-ý? tuy head acbi jolis v. 1r%ý», en-er thirst of curiosity every wonI that oncle, as: n'Y htisineKs is of thegmatest ý im. 6t I Jl -1, l' T! 1 E COV N*I'ý' CI A PUPLICATE 1sfý'N You th iý*,IiiNi Il -ýr Mr. S W:111 utteý -L Contîîeting einotions strug PortalIceý" are a lady, that Yeu eau Pli. iýý 1. 1 (*;Iàp. %, 9. glecl %vit Iiiii his hîcart, but as bc montaliv i Grubbins now turned round, and dis. and du nothing for a 1 i!I lw attenfle.1 fi> xitIl the Striellest pillit-ILI . ;t 11ilton fouffld Iliaiself in the midlit of ivitha liûpeful confidence, lle,,u- covering for the first tillic who wu bis Vi. Da ' - von't, and you am no bel "tl>i-i", lieur file Court Iliqlla. whithll. k4itor, delibe ÃŽ, to %vhich for a moment itpiaybepresurried' rately threw off the pen-wiper or 1, with your iioft voice 111;"NITENTI.8RY CABINET no Iiinît, as lie turneil his leack Lo that joy was the ,ýtron,#,,rcr feeling of the l: and putting On hïï respectable broadcloth, 'and-jlull fam'l So saying 1V. PAXTOIN, jr., ý,thc duvr whi4l liait just cluscil lipon bini. manient. whicli hung above his desk stitoothîtig out back agnin to her printit A. J. Ilffrirrison, Ageut, ý,s lie cautiously, liowever, felt !lis way, A light suddetilv filling the rooui. Ililton the --vrink-les froni his face wîth the usual the gate. d t4nidly - turned'round and*saw Lwoline before him wiPJ of hw-hand, and fixing, bis jaw into a Lilla"s leurs flowed fat J. iffi unstcady step and nu grop JIýliTI'olZj IX- ilF Tilf orward for some distance, his with a eandle, which seerned ready to full 1 dignÃŽfied rîgidit.y, presented hiinself sud- fingers flow ri,ýr Pnrliiiiire «)fi iiiiiiti. wiiiç,i ;,jý more nirubly, befure. I)Urýt:.,ut>ibg caught tIw last glîuilucr of YCIIGW,! l,ýýilJwiL 00iiýQ'llt 1 l,ý Cqmit )IQmie. 1 lie(! tu lier Trembling band. lie was in a denly inctamorphosd into, the peCtabIe'ý her task- ras couipleted, a liAt, which tiveined to bu -iîtraining it.self moiliviit lit lier side, and withsuchajatintv cgrubljillrý Esq. of Filth Avenu jolix 111. , 1 1 - CI ! pouýmlou from herjailer ýi îsl; uu. i)1*t'lý'E AT TU E i difficulty through a crevice directly air iii his stop, and such,.pleasumble enio- 8 1 OPencd his eam tO listen tô HÃŽlton'a It was a joy to, Lilla to bt JA.11ES B. 14MARI., i in 4tit of 1111-.1, as if striving tu reach Ilini tions glisteffing in his face, thIat she would Comniullication. 11 1 lia EIWI 1 A N T TAILOR ANI) DRAPFR ve 'coule," said the ture, It was a relief to f L. VAIRUANkm, ll:.:l Pulildile, meurh and S>d his si- it bewildered by',the mir- have beeti paitifully struck with the ton- tu Ulake appeal for your dau vulgar sights and sounk He ý,ilently'1fovcd on, trast 1-)ttween lier sadncm and his îll-tiinid ghtWs hand.'I coarse tuants, and rude scyr upon the li-liL his féet S "Sir, 1 have the satisfaction of informing: words, 1,-t3-ety. Ilid it not beenthat lier surprise for the gong of bir ..... All illir uinde rill lil 11w latest ali(l ing il, one after the other, in sLeing hini ut al] overciiiie all other YCU that she is-un d to C, apta F uk the brook, and - the soft t si Nk, mind tlib zlie M;lcitteet il,, 1 . 0 in 1 e% ; iidt, >tretcl>cd loist and inovimg culotjons. was the quick- reply, Or -0ru4bins, accom. wind as it sighed throu aýS if lie were,.qwiftllllill., timid- n ROBINSONS Ililton at once explained Ilow lie Éad panieq with a air of triumph în his sharp, tops. %S411ONNABLE llý%tlt CUTTING AND -en, at laht touclied a cold -uý - by fiýding the 1 eYeS , as.if he- huit vanquished ýat one blow 0 i4illa ! w.it a ,;,trketit, %%*hiihý._- -s they nioved laver the polish- door lock'ed above, and she, after reprmch- IIIII the ghbries o f thé asphing - 11ilton, A first ralv Iý'v-4r -md flair if, 1 1 Who 1 hamony, to bc ý condum 'taudiffi! îti tta, MÃŽ1 lw ed %vu0d, ýid I)atzstil irre-,mitiarl)- fioiii i-ig liers-elf foi- not ba-ving thought of such at once respondlexii digeord ! * e Throue the-j( lid ili readifiesm to a po.s.,ible occurrence, tolfl Iii;n how, by 1 SÃŽr,,hare the satisfitetion ofinforming mer days, to, drudge at _h N, c. nrt- tilttI-'i avr>r-tý, Imt iliilor fLIt 'Uld fe1ýî until Ibis huit-I reached the the inerest accident of lier mother having YOl that CaPtaim Flukes bas escapèd," the biddin of thm 111-MI ý. 1izaid t4cy %I îli I;ttd tLu gm.,-;ptýel and 9 1 lileakklit. would have carly retired to lied, and requesteil ber to i " Lý-zPed Il Rri what do you ýmean ?11 àatt nighti to Creep into bc Esq..ý '1114 tiirned, when and un exclailiation, take the ba,-ýk- et of silver with lier up stairs and the j&w feil, and the wrinkles gathored te reeall tearfully a dim vý -CENTRE' 110TEL, IVIiITUY. as of olie sud*13' aroused within, ulade all over C rubbliep face as bc spukoi hood., A gentIo, wastt icre, in accordance with tho usual "le Il-. Illi.IbIN(è#4. J'I'MIS IICYTEL IS STIACIOUS A'ý\-D CONVE- ht--t" IMU.Se. Ilè,,,mlrolbpeil his ha"d fron, custom of prudent 14-niilîes, it was the mtauSir,- that CaPLain ýEIuke& bas !:,sweet face, growing pole N my ivr jý N Nv. 1 itit,-istiN lititýtt ap. l'lie Propriet-ir the dour, and *ving Iiiius If back-, de- 'râctico of the (,',rubbîtis to de osît it for fied from justice for fear of proseèutiôn fd in , r d;1 -'l N<Ittw% respelctfillIv ilitilliate to Iiiý Ixali,111 illIti tilt o p P 9 ey tllZLt lie h2ý . 1 iti teýùlined to, chati hi'; tzictite and seck- the night), shé had chanceil tel come, to bis affligglimq. -in which it is known that, h, day lý.y day uni r 1: wý rlmu,, lov e i r troublii, iii Iiitk*ll19"ý1Il 11-1el il for soine othur, nAans of exit. lie noNil and bis cýiî" Mtts_,' rescule. [le, howeverý wm.; too. excited to 1-çoafýsM recoli.lection Of ri-flPot il"- ill- _.- I Il ý flamn ' -r." Th"ifïg*a rumour-that'on the fall of ïýzhiw, the ýPersiftns hegritifihi;-but the ÉoWdônî ýjou-ýrnals have arid mostly dùiil)t it: nuifanien, i wifl reàs8eýmt)le en Fe 1 b. 3rdî'ý 'he Qindà gpetý'h wÎÏ11 be seaà by com-, lission. ýEar1 of cork Will Move alrid Êar! r 1ûwpçrý secoild, addrm iii Lords. Si ohn -Rà"il wlE move' à1ud Sir Andrew Rumoi-d of ýiùodif1ëatio-,i.s in Mi-nisti.ý revait -bût noiffiiù,, deËr)itic 'Ifis trans- Per Arried' výas mcntioned tbe -hi, lore, inVictétia ýeràey,. -She dterwarcis flûýt6d off, blif apinArove asbmeý .-A-lifebSt suceceded -takinr &H imuWs exeeýt Captair, iateiý steyfard and boy,--who 'dettrulined ý retnaiiL ., 4)n Friday evening tugs "-«'re ýt outbut they équld nôt find her, owing the darkliosâ, of the night, it-w&c; then (owing a ettvere eç' in the rný orning >W à& fgund,,- that. 1 sht hed bým'le-n tlp--anfl kere is littlc dîoubt that those -on bonrI The statement of ustûM2Reý(nue for the lasit ýèar, sho-m-' g sixCeen millions 'o'f fraiks 4é&ient oin the previeus. tif J't, is1said tbat'the French force wM cer- Reinfbrccinents are being sent W Afri- L against the, Kabyle -. Fermah Khan? tho 1 Ambassidor of, Per- a, has had an o1ficial yreseetation < to the mpàýr. The, Einperor ma.kip a-ý guarded 'ply, takýing care b iiii-ly that the trcaý bèiween Fmnce and Persia is 81 only. . 1 - Cardinal Moriet, Areh!)is1ýo.p of Tourzt, as appointed Archbishop of Paris. A medical commission will examine Li- the alleged insanity of ilie. assasshi ergýr. Lord Co"Wley inveâfed tbKy-iwo týr--4 offlem> Wlth- thé Ord-erof the Bath, ýat- aris on thýe 1Gthýý A pund banquet ýwed. The Cortes is convoled for 1 ' st of May «I w-"s, ,i the 18th. ýThe Queen hak the incaseles b.ut is rç-ý BET.Gwx. de utation of En-lishmen had y 1 waitc(l )eech of Sir %bert, P#-ýeÈ 11% e prince, .plied by calli.n& Peel asot an 'The Diet'tèrm*matèd, î tg sittil, on, t ýË c 1 4th. Thé Prussiai rèprës-entatiývèý 'announm-1 ho release of the N'eufohatel prisoners by ýwitverland, and eipress'e'à the King' of"' ýrtesfa:s nè%v friendly iuteniions, -'au flic ame,&M thikking thé Diet-fér thtý r"m'dqý', emission givëh fýr thé ius throuh theïr territm. The Paris Jfonitcur effiýiApy- he staternent-that 'in mcÙd1iîiý'jn ýeufchûtel- affair Napoleûn dqéÏl L'in rèr ,nce-on a confideùt.-d- kn zerland way avingdisuliswed the - ttçw- -té- tb.elý,tï b It-is,- pokible thM dtMýWtke§ ziiy ý -.y .- - - - , , _ -, ý, :1 2 - and --l ý - , ý - , Iýý z 1 -ý WYATTJIN IKOTÉL, L OT R-1 N ýe Mr. for, yotW-, ý*W &fi li-kélf dheatôneepursuedi4 Thoà-b-h W]IITBY. THE' 1fuilé op to otder Wthe WW t4yle tslit to the best explanationithe owisioli la - diýughtçjýw b ý4I *1 W' 1 bj- 1 thrd ý,tc ut night wbeh be entered his uls on ý *ý 1 1 PF)Utvll§ ni7ight sffl est 6ave, C. arolinés digiitji, h - h, -, stop at ýtýil, Every information ; fs rctàtÙ &6M the- Grubbini tnansi o-ii, he ýus 1 Jam 19, Iý,»l-é. and his-own: dow &aYtng Asýbeý vrePt &WAY, tW hQWDuid,- ai 1(la lice. &t OnCO and irmtc'a 'letter to 80'--44o deý P. NVYATT, Proprîùt,ýr. Dgs 01 CU.PtàiriFlùkté, in which hie ed that Pott a11ý 'tw is noedlesg -ýOe&y *M t4lge apéw, !ta -üjë lèh tâmpe& frÛla the liloîul'iàtéd aýxrt, 1;ýleràiti--butas in annônýýU'S Corresý .ýC VNTRE HOT;P-Lp 'men'>'(si whioli!bburidéd atý'ëftter ë'ndthe ponàont-thât hîs proceedings wer, en- IT the AýCepte4 gu ýOf C I;tubbin&, (INffT- LT 1"5.19,') tà*m inight 0 -th ri.11 1,ý. ABOVE 1 P kT EL Is N OW FIWED VP e déép'antknèM-in ýwhHi he iüe 'have evidenoz, of ë Wt üÉ con and i,:Lri-aiige(l iýi il thui dim'inish'ëa that of hisûwn;, in the e of hii vERY, DESCRIJ'TIO2N Of LIFE Aqu- J. v';uN --KF',propýiCtOT-1 by tîý Maüute dowis E rpnee iru11sactý,d, -'With àr withou t partiripa- bat'onlydefýn 'ciàed circums4nces and ýtiOn in proftà. Wùàt -raya e flio giïs ýwhick- just i3tmggl4 , that not doubt could beý pôssibly kft in, 1 1' R'tiLlto..tD. ùôýÉÈÈe every bàppv at;boi :61U Wzdôorsý I(ýVD, PROPRI Fi'OK1%FkWKISTREETý jneýmBt]on astc, tile mode ofefeetiDga-,muranie, gh'-' ear- thl 'th,ý- 0 0àuId"fôrM'ý Tlukeà bis schemes weWC1 attentiva oà§- jüqýbe obulued on a whomhe .1 OWLiLliv. (ýQQçjýStaWing&ad jîýjicàti(Mtci , , had 'il exégse4,to,, the *Tiller. lié, tbtù,12111eed by Ïr S iflé%ýedtflitweif-40 bêsô, *bSurffiy ùù, ONI AÙ thu friend, ÃŽÃ" ýHOTÊI-ý Ge«ralAeiWf(,r Ciri-dii-' He thought, and rightIý,, thit h s Èxidfy ftPrésented te hirn the diffi or to 1, In-'aýsbrt of butlees pantry-,^$ *hieh opini ýI- C, ukwe he ud, ut Quo ibom Ne* .,-kat 14 *AJ gé_ 'éie

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