Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1857, p. 2

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wdemU itoncles SIgxhc oaatit.e ti have ful power taor-I %minaebInte a1 satters rç!errd te thoma, tnd to report thr'eonfrùIitime to time., Ilon. Âýty. Geit. Maetienald gave notice thiat b. wouId on to-inorrow =ove for a Select Cowxuttçe to strikeo the Standing )Ir. Macketi.zle fid net sec why Uxe miai- laity sheuld have powrer te put, notices befeire tbo lieuse, previeus te any other ineniber. .Tbey sat there on the satue foot- tIng as the other menibers,' and should net have thoe power te exereise any Creator Pri'vuleges. -The lIeusc,,thon adjourned. FiinÀv, Feb. 2,1857. After the disposai of the routine busi- ness thxý dcbato on fthe Addrcss iras openedi by Âmnongst ith. Bois rmai 1Bill to vompel «»snuis -to Bill to amend t1hp:.*wa rel stitutien& f 1Bil to alter. the proccoeài arising eut cf Commerciali u Bill te, secure to creditors effects of their debtors a pr fortheir coità of!'Suit ùpben seized. . Bill for better securing tl of Parliamext.L Bill to amend the iaw relu tery and Seduction. Biilto amend the limited Bill for the botter protecti perty and rights of marrie v Bill toauthorize the Legis and Asscmbiv, and the re xuitccs thercof, to examine oath. Mr. Bowes-Biil to repeai awiit ln hen thit gentleman proceedoti toaddress accounts but those lu which .ach ûiteut AS goners, i& eue wicih criea 1oudly fu oxv- j Whr to louse fter whho ei & nse in deta1iOX'5I'.hihteeaeBii ~,aerdat aposises a înonopolyo oe n ieer, rpive thttfr vetHme owVrgnibroavedto11ie suTit than, six lier ceît of the acLual xand eut of them.Ifhwertî eoi David Humenotitisinsubjprtcwodhave beeti just baud-'-W6 behieve, who wili not rejoice that tti 1, teda c mmnicatiOn, received frout Mr. J. te receive the considcraItion of the Admî 41d m utt cpn'ltfdt pllfoifvielu A so ha scsthem ant cfItipper C.,n.vaatkepth terih elatlng te sib- retiaetion of a charge made by W. C. Lo, t ïSe ow, <lv tI~ On iWl l'f1 t~~.Aoml lerk therein that lhe (Hume) had picked orcltiti.wil itiake mnt the test tof fitness 1 ,-1 Plie 'tssessor.shouid, ciiw elt, b.frx romt-, 1the fùtu'e the7 d4 tew hv ipwr ing in suite s Ito the civil -service of the coutntry, is o m.nil. or iggîits, Editor of lie "Ciîrtuoîiivlc7iat'e P hi pockets at the President's reception OcET.1wre glad to-oib- a measure for wvhich the flovernment' e ix,-I havc before me Mr. W. Gor'<Rismnigo fti iiilt isAs sunsure thaed ad . tin ti m.y W n lctter, publîsîte W consuitplano cf aIl the different localities, sr 0Ikiyt taatitn a ien a1acln1he t Pnrhn [r lîm sUuxkhl Iggo u ate's eat the Con- serve praise. The re al of!-the odious iiteCrnil fteand by checking bis roli froint ct, ntioned at the omrcmn ftn rtvt~gt4 n!m wth1 .. ertgýnb r n .Vi y ~loth instant hc i al htM.mako sure that aiH the-Lots ithe 'hÀwn Iarticlè.-Qitob« A'cuy wthsick. Mr. Lee immeiy ht gVt 1 llatni. t uai syu a-htunrcsayIHclggon nînved a resolution te the effect- ay ovbii 0hat*g. The Mntsin utue de 1 bave beci as-sed.-Ci'riCd. 'the PtOrWt7 hlm dead with a platol, and soon after dli i Wednesday ein Te qc' bu ten on Upper Uanadla-yvul! bu deing Yeedhhae!u t liqfler.Gra ~ ~ oriî c alr di tI U ddRHl irasthronged, and the, entertainiaent aRway iriit a rivance which, pe Cdun- ]ourd at be reonde àfred ueli the- Eaesiifles'Wtt. i in - citement ctists, particularly in the west 1 eacv.js n p. n .na they are pgiti." And as a suffilcient tim yGtrdaWOOThe" F'iuîx t'îe D:largeWand dpen fte oenen earm . The several pieces in'the Progmmes iere lieve there arc very fcw who ill not fe peiforiî.îogsnt aecr-teso r ateat îriue o.I taiest te sîtuicIwhç reC endo!thengve tet Aeartuet- wt-i encteed stWyttisongo1 tattfu Wlieri o tu be-pat rcte tti, Tthreorebe Winfrn yuridesPcicri01,1rcu1traithe' ating~~~~~~~~~ tAu- Wilohmgo"wssgbyThege are boneficial and remedial inea- T; ikeigA c -f:'z tteWhfb Czrpw. IOi tî I iaultyAd. New Advertiseenns this Woek. wt xeln ate Aejorn, srsfrtePoine;ar oet- Corrcspondet tthat the-reseluition referrcd awarded the followin,, preriinitî -sp-'ia n r nicpr:ic lotie!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~wt therxhellsrenÂeoxt o S5.Bnj yMn yt tasxcted "Axndane o! augh-umen ot ih e rtaLkes to cnarGry hnt eia ce ym n eodd yM.OîA--îîtu îv riofttiseh n mpceneeal fieR S .fo- h atn tet - -- ready, romthc oti ca hfrrythe iii I t notni rvdoi htten~i hnn chietrtIe.rai.1dei o yFtOr ho,1, eevsno ob njsloe- rw ;ai iç ipinga inqtruodîthed S.Jh 1it irast titat accountsotî.d iandenirenil r-d1 a sty e s.re. forono'tghso.i Lnwdrefdrmhave -,-u !11«0d elet.lo ofl n tetln ô%eme W.lostat ~ theC cnie t t natingre don- - in - la..in.i tue (7:roiirtheicautewotar'nrchend the eco- ~s~»' ~pic :nngwlim this new and vigorotîs 1sf. John Clarkt, lOS 01. journal circuîlatcs mill tlc Otidhe rt ~< AS.jiliîge foi-ethcnïZes C4of itant-ris. Th lit I)nie Tîontttî, ls 0ol. pntîliratiuri of a paper cuuiductel 'witi Junas-esas. i)xon, IIicks and sxtch coii-11xaiii alent an I caicelient 'uminerville. ;iîiîiiahi s a greater advruntag,,e te a cnnmxnity thait can ho ethimatel- in mno- 'the Adminisîtratin f Juticn iin Lowver Canada. nex' figu.res fbr it helps te deveiopt, the il- teliertuai febrces cfr ifs ren-ders and at» tue suetint iye hn ihmrlt We uîîderstarid f iat a gugrcestiou lias u a- 1 eteiiaaigi0itra7 t 1--- _I i- L" ewQ;ttll! _: *1a iord it is a "powtil agency -mn clv.i. empowered te fi fix e rate o! 'commiufation for«stalufe lator. rrSENTtAmTt< OF rIxE AitatSa. Mn. Aflorncy-Generai Macdoenald au- uouced fIxaIthe adcresin repiy teafixe spech frein te thînene wouid bte fmrcnfed te lis Exceiiency fo-merremn at 4 P. K. caueuOr IEGLAiND SYNîO. On motion o!flion. M. Caincron an aS, dreus as voieS teIHis Excelîency for copice o! Sespatelies and correspondence in refenence te the Churcîx o! Englançl'Synod Bill. On motion o! Mr. Brown an address iras -votosi fer a returu o! aIl reports anS papers xelatiitg teafIxa récent investigation mbt the. charges preferred againsf fIxe manage- meut o!f the Provincial Lunaf l e Ayluax, Toronto. Ai'PEÂL vTe UmmRV ceUINCît. Tr rpiy te a question froin Mn. Charles IDaeust, Mr. J. A. Macdonald stated fluaI - ne communication had beeamxd miitflue Impeniai Governutett relative teaftha ap- V eil o!fte Priy CounciL Oa!xitfioui o! Mn. Bron, au address mas ;oteS to Ilis Excellency for copies et eorrespoudenceabteen ttc «ovenixuent aa r n.justice Draper, relative ta lis ap- poitrtent ais Deputy Wý Englaitd on flic Sujetof the hiudson's Bay Tenitory, o! thxo commission and justruc tionts xeu te 3j> raîer, anid cf all cervespondeuce te- twe e losprll aud Provinxcl iGov- mmnonthea sbet o te li siSTer- cd. -le 1857. Bushire mil nef advanee inte fthe interbor and fixaI eveny effort ha bcing madie te tning-about a peace. Tho Murray affair me are assureS, fans tiosenlous part e!ffIxa negoliafions whidx ara being carnieS on aI Parlasity Ferruk Khtan and Lord Cowley. There is af present evcny reason te hope thiaf fhese >negotiatiens - iil resulf in ttc re-estathishutent f o!anicatie relations be- tmeen fixhe EnZ3isix and Persian Govern- nient 5. Ttc Dai/y Xewa gires prominence fo the folloing paragrapit ;-"Inu other ce- luins me hava stafed that ne, freepa mere Wo te sent frein. Engiand Wo Persia ; me have equally 'good grounds for 6elievng fixat no'roops arc tç te sent frmeingharxd te China." TH vis UioPEAàa DuFFCCLvv. The Tima after renarking thaf fthe sa- ifactory setîleunent of questions relating te flue Dastubian Principalities as cannotibe endangered by suidi iii'impudtnt manifes- te as appeared a feu <ayzasiruce in' the Mo- niteur expresses the opinion fluat Lt miiibe' flic Suty o! England te S thar . posifively against, temperising mith thut integrlty -O! fthe Tu.rkish Emxpire sud to'eai4itlxfnuh neslu support cf ftxe reèolution she hbas taken a-ai.t fhum propoaSunion oethfle ProvinceIs __ -- Richardson, , pîa;c &Co. report the market for wheat lxçavy-en4-du1 Fltour quetations uoin L uèt' at about~ fermer rates., R., S9.1 Cot. uuoté thé#kik fr'provis ions géuerliir uhchîatge4le tt 70., The London Hîne twk-tiast1de& Heretofore fIxe nunîten o! cases at a sitting o! fixa Division Court seidein came up Wo ftie number o! oie hundreti. Ttc groîflu o! fixe lai is nef ntarded in otu atriai dc- velopement. If gnous idi eut groith. TEsTixomu-We hava been laIcly sitomu-, a maissive pic.co! piste presented Wo Mn. J. Spurrohl, mIxen Sergeau luntce 32nd, by Lieutenant Mark-kin sud flue offienrs o!fIhaf 'itegiment. Il Ixars te lu- scripton Ilpresuenfeul te Sergent J. Spurrelh, by Lieut. 4Markitam and oefileers o! 32d Regiment, as s testimonial ofixcinr respect andi estectfer hua hong anti vahîmable servi- ces as messutante a Regimeut, May lSthx, - 1846. A ststuxnent mnade - in flue Report o!fluhe proccodings o!fluhe Board of Scbooi Trus- tees, ubi(ished »n etar columus souete fme since,haxl, WC finS, gitven ise tô an an. reneous lpessiCn -abmead :-tlat fixe Trustees more in the habit otfçémving ac- counts ilu tuik, Lu hch fthe items more nef ebailed. This, m rassuréS, bas ucrer been the case,. The statetmentin flue Recp&rt ma,-thât the Trustees liaS agaeS te receine only. thxeacacounts, lu future, in -luhidi the' iiýn-s ere ftinulsitd in de- tail. We dld nof mean te imply fliat the former Trustees mxade if xa practice tJSdo se, andt Iatif bccaunecdetaavy, 1uiteoxse- quenc~e, forihé e TrTtstéeà toaddpt&a differnmt course. Tie -fuefs $*lxch gav!e rs 'tO th,6 -ratter- îï snl»y tesk:-..ýA objection. Mombers o!flhe administration defended flue appeintunent, on the ground finîtlif mmas fixe dufy o!fixhe Goverument te place .lte riglif man 'in flue night plaCe"Iý-that in appointing Judgc Draper, thcy had gel that man, thaf lis expenience, iearqing and' position qualifieS ui-before bIyj other for flic mission,tat ne inconveni- ecex culd aas te suitens .ou ac.ount o!f bis absence, anSdfliat.fthc appoiMnft c! Judgesl by fthe Imperiai Goeanimelt a!. foded abundaut, precedexts lu the case. That flac mission mas net oeereqmxirirg pelifclea- but juadicaslfunclieus,maidtat. Judge Draper iras a nou-pelifitich non- For oîreff,altluough. -tjed.laig thcfixe principle of confeutnixgoffies outlue Beuchi The Toma Coustable. t- Tixe'nerous dufies whicha fhms individu- ai is se froquently caliad uponfto discharge anS for mmch hle dees net receivotce slightest remuneruiin frein fixe ToVm, shoold wera urge, t -en - inte.. considcration h laToma Counci. AI ahi fies of fIxaniglît, as m.Uasflic day lie la caReSupon-W ilerd-sheifar anS var-- iet te dastitfa pesons4,w mite acaIfor luis protection as Chie! Consfable e! theý Muni- cipality. Tee fraquentiy, W is uni anity eneroaclued upc ouitereliera flueetteat a=i te u nfortunatdî eut, cf u bs *omitprivamte meaxîs. F or tlii ,the Coetucuglif te makesout proisi n d MuSidw do8 ~ing- se, sluould-,slow lus a yearly. stipensi einmet te xservices antaihed upon- him-by.the dutieo f hisofilce. - The pst -4ooking upon te position cfa JUdgêau y<nux Mr. Camuerc soxuueing sacred-we-agurein th eêe i- spector asi mli diency, of Sing - se luexceptienal cases..- for bis servicesi Int appointing an Agent t eglganê to rM, uotreeivda pe present Canada before fthe C6mmittk&ap. licotlier elto pointeS pu fle ue Lmsisn.%ayTcrîitery, if Tôomnare paid; was flOÇQ5i y to-ug4alc eiappeuutmpxtt at i, maore libe n on3ce. No man ln Caada -<oid Wbêfi>uxd on-a Seale-couma mpore ceupteut to be sent Où' ie mission sbey ,,e requinre titetu Jud1ge,)Drajucr;,-thfis i&aduta&«u cîmt-Cont all sidm . Judp c Draper 814 uuot ,ê*o h..,.-,,, n~ debts he is: nef ailomeÀI to deduef. The Assessor. should make diliugent, nquýiry as te personai prÃ"perty gnd ineom,cxplain- ing te Rate-payerahoir these arc ascer- tained -andwhther te parsonai preperfy or lacomo tc greafer, lue mtassess for the larger amout.-Carricdn Persoual properfy ila nxt te cever alý that a fliinla ortha, cicept soinuda as le invested ini'Rleat Estate, or Iertgagcs - on the saute, asuch theaoler descriptions o!' Proeîrty asiAre-xemptcd lin $cctiona VI., through onê of its members -but nu it ix ha.ctrc xcînui.; yC.1 cotise o! eviden-e ihich ire th iîtk irthiY îîc »tepiaymiln cliii o! serio,îs-attcntion. Tt is simphy this fhat lu siipply such reading te his subscri- for the prcvention of sucit iaîîurcs of jus- Ibers tice as have occurred o! bite, pari:uxnnt <t shaîllenact thaf iiiahi cases o! senli - - in- juries toefthe persqn, emaiiis iiit]ice to WIIITBY MARKE.T$S Vroperty of a hIghly serious nature -or - grave or violent niota and the like a Sperial CIOCEOct Court.,shah hobc mbodied conîposed cfral WUînTv, Wedneeday, March 4. certain nimnber o! the judgcS te hoar and 1 eraaaenwiibte né1sn dstern in open court but without jiWry 1 larger quantifies of' produce are coeuing 1trovided if shahl have boeishown by the 1into Towt. oaithlof a et'edihie person that justice rouid 1Witeat-moe Mark-et k botter suppliioV.- dotI oiad hefore a jury tlirougi religious c1 ieiinbik pie ad s d feeling or politicai animosity ; anxt that, nia- 'd d e uhi ghstates Curtssholi o arnedw-ilx ; No variations iin fli price of other arti- very eniqrged suniiimury jurisdiction in mis non ofrences o! the sanie nature. Fii 2.7da3s 1! As for the proposition ifs adoption Barhey, 5s. -(d. Mr.. B enjatîxili, the nîcuber fur Nortthasut session, intituled, -,An Act -t extetid Dry (ioods, Groceries, Crockery,&-.-Johani te nestoir our parnag..e on.otrouîng .- " l--pectv-,-----*-* tai,- nsstfings, niovilig its adoption, in ansmer the provisions o!fIhe Insolvent Debtors' figeloir. 4 stranwiers, witltouxt mtitit, wben thoy',eume ji ntrodited for lîayinot he fi Jurors or p R(; n ase î li iaL te thxe speech frorn the Titrone. Mn..DBen- Act f o! pper Cana.ï" Wne nmdaey.wy cieogaife ht nu-Upe aaa i u sux xau- xch miy ornmay tnt have hteen fxae jutn nggthrouiheSpeeclih . Mr. F ergusn-Bill ta amend the .aw for lieuse and Lot for Sale by Auction-J. C- 1 preciating the abilities of Mr. Wyatt naJurors o! Lover (Canadatouit o!fixeé pulic inTreoduseoted ue ws, thnaitte i an argunt'ilent in fax-on of'ect aarpthrnenn Ie Legislat ive Council electie trig u lb hi hrecuo i ae'revenue o! the Province<. Titis woxiiilebi meetin go!fIhe ne% Board, for18,Mr and dweif coîsidcnably- on thte disposition1 Mr. Macenie-Bill te impreve the The Indiani lent Doctor-F. Tumblty. agaunsf flic nusic.loviug people o! Whiit- înly cai'rying ouftu utihe iiie tindraçen : Meflermot eeconded by Mn. Hdsn of theo (overuttoîtt te givo ifs attention te maoie e! ebtaining evitdence ini cases o! Lime for Stie-Mathew Cari. 1b.Wehpeta v yafmife in aholi.dinig fixe LuntixeAsyhuintt 1ax. mvdarsltinfrtepytn !fîc those Intfernat inprovements whmci the controverttid lectionis, with a nom tao the Cgrd-leonard's liotel. quently faver us with similan ententain itoîhi arc preciseiy siiîxihar grievancea on i requîrcd.value o! $- frein frc aeoneeuinLubrY îunis <Tomsmns jpen Canada, amwinmmy hopie ta sec account.-one 'rendered inii lup.îdto eountny euril-oedsleo xctinLme ad i, es -r.*-deTi. iit-a as reîiani s idi Mr. Smmard, tueniben for the Cityyoe! te pay debts. Lare. I -lte Goxernîient deai whit the nue in lte wihWscrida Quebec, seonded M. Beixiamin s mtiton, IMr. Frecian-Bîli. te autb»nîze.the mu- Cedlar 1- Codai! Codai --Jantes MrAllaix. PrentsalniehIherai spirit, me liave bot-n promxised, ttfhxnl duiat thtt asa itsineRsik a it xxii . ~o!fîisclxangiug oîîr tîities, te fthe Tî, becàuse ho bciieved flera mas a désire ex- nicipalilies o! Upper Cantuda'tO initcst te Lost-$5 Reward-J. W'ofendett.i. t'11 arno li ifl~rIaet it iiithie utiier.throeirdtedueeouiotep- hibiied in th3 Speech te advance the in. Clergy Resorve money for fixe ses cf SpIing Off-John M. Loules, ra oeeuonTundaent, xùa ficthe paymcnf o! acentunts roeruii tereafs, o! tlie country, and Iecause lho education. r. n.qoîent Notiee-Z. Iturnniam.usalmnn The <' Tom Trensurers Acces-t veni.trut h-ltM.G bchivedtitf te pesen (Jverînet hd jMn. Boires brought in a D1iii te repoal flic lVihd landa for Sh-AisS olc yfIemhiimett temhi- Tii uuxxu-pîW.c i-ti i'mk apoer rnnltgeeffo.r the 'intention and-ability te carry eut the hnsolvent Debtors' Aà tpa'M «4 ast session. j ___ ___ motTiesesaconpabe b aix idr.. n astueksll1,îr'r-il lc ctund, îudgon nicaurespropsed.Mn. cnguson-Il e amnd fe awt or ~ (Irftp~fr There iras ra great crowd-tcm'duus cîteuhere in our cx lixut. c-î ro-rrfed %. N Irniu. týôe part o! the Opposition, allegingfIai Mr. A. A. Dorien movcd te itring ixîn - -a --noiTeseginbstve, Cousni Caber, ixere îtosdîc-îioit. ig, uta o! jiinhiific ItE BGEOW th e S peech m ade n e référen ce te an y o ! 1B h11 te rep eal the secon d section o ffth e A c f h t y, h r d y T h e , t , 1 8 ' ? fi e gihc ccr e o w as t be n r ogh , îroc t i o n .th Ir, in th o 'd ro r u m ln t tlh ed ii h y c, 5 the requiremrnta o! the countîry. The n- passed in fthe ticîitiofl ycar e!flien Majos- -- - -----xas too full te bcecoinforf&ble. -, Tixeladies.,tfixe autiors htad Ii-t-i fthetroubleé tn- te te ts o!flicenmercantile cemmuniy more ty's reigxî, untifuied, -"An -Acf W aextend ~igecopios of theo#_h roi, iiee ay j o! tiienîseixes-, wliera in suTficicrit force t lu ci.x thlie itemis or ar--tîxnltiler prtupcrITe!ioîgaefx ietosi totally overlookcd in if. No allusion ras fIxe provislins o!fihe Iovent Dettors' ho had af the Yankee Notion Store, iircck- oceîpy ilie entire Citamber, ulfhout #eeh-- bins, thc'~lte anounit paiti for E)u.- ; cioiution.q, p.sseil l'y flic Tow onci rnad9 te flie defective sdate O! the Lau o! Acte!f Ulper Canada, and fo fixe ri-lierfof Street. Price 2i-ccach.Iiî pc o igetedi !eiMîc ~ts bi.î,xSxtcsat a-ue o h uiac !ioAsso: Debtors and Creéditer-,; and net a luincertain Governeron Legisative Concili lu an ahis~on pnsons hercinxnenfined." The Town Coîuncii met on Tuesday ni-lit Gvre r ei tveCueor. M..1ITt.<.tt< lRaisitve uiu-t.(uci o ieTm wus made tefthe atolising or rcdueixg flic Afler soule discussion fthe miotionia niadore -tlofdiganwui xelecaedliesecsno lt tad ieaToîn cxuatcxvneN îWuni enoinous tarif' te mmiIxe country had p a s el neas. A apeciai mecciug miiltike place1 Thtrune, first in Engiish thon ini Frenuch. ani mu-h tun-re -attable 10 le "nit- The Sjiecial Comnittice appointdtr x 9'utmittcd ast yeur. lu allusion te fIxe c01oT~T vATTOaIESÇIL. oairîsdanexe hae whst ot Bosesas Areds1edrsunenAstt Roli-wen and teie ippointment o! Judge Draper te represent Bon. J. A. MacDonald iitroduced a Bill o Teda nx. fer maici, t tofI leuses andjouni.îcaî1 d sifii itue ilîudr -- ... Somo pined, otbers ieasod sud iuutyanxftoe lufixe pnhutiii antiflis un y ît-torn relantrfpott e Conhe l mixetherif la expedi canda n Eglad, a ensîend suh a fr te apoitinnt ! Cunt Aternes We have reeeived a lengthy communie.- ,,.îueezetd whue îritnesing fixe proceedings. lilte pre-paralion, oneue ixouly miii uiffi- 1elt fi)lrescrible any nogiafiosr fx appontutent ani nroad sipen constitu- and for othex- purposei i'n relation te thxe tien frein Mn. Benjamin Bryan, Olmeste -adened cîly manage te iiunesmîixçhlic Towni guidaixce o!fixhe Agsscîusor for fxecurcx tioni uageandtha fIa oinin o th loal duxnitrafen !jutice in Upper County, Minesofa, which me shal faite oc- Thlicsecond day mas hegun n n de T;--uasixrcna Acaxîlntf)r 1-.verbgae 0ept-C ed flous ougif te ave ben faen upn se anada - ~- cason tenotic -0** --- :. mliithittdeittec o ihe ddnesthinAoplyeesareltnfrx1uif un tt darc astu lie Tua tuenxamhntioxio! fIe Roi lia gr"aaMatter. - The objecte!f ttc bill mas te appointf a %- Vt-int fth-te.h r oteTfrîx.Te e threo(li teres cîcnî fraia' Mr .A oro oe i mnfintpro n ahc-t h-efut tsal We are glad le sec tîxat tuieToivn>îm hxi t - r-ntéThoe Ter- - - sifîoem ix, or lrg 1 tîtat iast ycar nxany irreuante Mn A.A. ionionmovc un nxandientporso un acitceunt, uhse dîly i sha Coitxi1 !sglusoluions eree ovcoixyMn.y BnjamnBenjamin, io ufroepirti.oakeoforthe j nti oissins ii theAsseforenioccrrYd fICoudonnce rsout aoffe-Whifby have taken ai ion onanomsisinteAesne te the clase rclafin te - Day e cnioxinas Quarter Circ-.i:r or flic Ministevr o!f gîi-seconîied by Mr. Siinanî, Mn. Wilson, sttice, - J. Ma( D><>-x<.£5 19s. ~andtih:xf7xfxeoiuo !yoncmifc Territory-" Thtt thisIlIeuse regrets thal Sessions, and te aid flic Crewn Coiîncil ai i )- tin -i îtxlhtduxlgoafr ii oni -uvar-Cutî7mc uiexouter for Londonx, mas thxe first mexuter i - W i. Trninxavnc,.£5 ;-x: Taotas Gal- iwudb -vnacosfrt Ris Exehlency should have taon advised fixe As.sizes, and aiso lu acf as egal iser * -o!fIxhe opposition ta oppose flic resolutions, ahe' Li ls1<i ' Juntiie to dispafch on a missiont te Erîgians, a te the local rialr, trates. Tite aSpCiitifent tAgrneOageSiremiibegro f icin spaniadgoudleh fx a.fn ak,£2 O. '-.1. 3iiien orjt nlptaS rscio euhtonsuha P un 1tixeir opinions may feuil te til h gentleman uhioso occupation andciduties as iras mucix ueedied, and ie helheved mould the Sf. Lawrenc iai nTueseeexig ..xnuio! iie Jsicnraertn.mne 10 bs isVbf xaste qov- tteso u lc is ofig o hiIdl iei hia~~~~~ mpennetIjnest iedgiythe Orange 1ilal Fond. mtiar ue ndnets-'.Nr. PBrown nadea alkein hu Ie accour:t? lWouiilif t oi hc a YoxCnîifcfithnumif0te ainid independence of he bench, and is cal- Atnintil of the Niagara. -46- speech whihl ocrupies vary neariy four iffie mxore saîis!aetory to thet'.itaep-iyens 1coui.raoin o!ttiC atixclfIe ela the inipartial adairstratien o! justice" lALIVýX Feb, ,2. ofa!this Town, has becuxappoeiufclSecre- taenadfxednescrily voe et-pid rsh- tusixefOnccdbeîigtatfy The discussioll on fiis amendînent occu- The sfcamaship Viîegicra arrived here aM îary and Treasuror tefthe iPortn litvknadthWib !5 e Ad30. -idb avteer a.iabrrfxuhr e ci! h as es? - dlleaeaeixi o! teIhe mor un.Caid iled the lBouse untilihnearly midnight. an cariy heur this îiornîng eun route for Laite Scugog, Siîîxco anS Iluroxu Rcad -A-iirf:ifiehv ecupai !Ahssieo!fixiixis TrespeCtflaubitd On fthe vote bcbng faken, there more for Bso mcxport ahe iii pnobablyreacix Conipany. 1,iAMoxla tuereoftor o fuaAd stui ix axtut iaS orsixcilt:r îon;r l.Lsi)R teamenidment 341; againsi if, à"2. ln season for lhon mails te bel despatcixcd i OnN datréolutil-oisonthé %jis - sîtteeiltpad itr sno(ipu-10ETI % Onmotion fflute adoption o!fl ithxfixaetrain o! Moixday mornin-xPROLIF ('ow.A cow bellingxuxg tlu 'e-s, er' - edintélg ttive f*t.rnt- -. On - .-1Mn. John Goodîtîax, of titis Township, Couixt-. Thcy more tiareS l'y thxo lion. iiux-ttttglithe aceoixrt<. 'oulà if nef ho B. YARNOLD, ehause, whicli relafed te tuie iunasurcs men- Slite eft Liverpool o~u -~aftcrnoon o!rae îfw îlhdft c-t.î~ Mr. Moore, secuniled by fiheionorabli siclien anS 1îintie, tec f have scpaned<ti. tioned as roqiring spécial attenifon in tfhe tt 4th ; liter adrices, lretieréfore ftre It pgfie'anmlîîdf Ci.(olonxel Prince. The lion. Mr. Boulto hs tttaula u an ux alae Wliîhlv, l7th. c, 1857. j 'flue Asse ssersahnied aaimelcarofufoun lI. akezc obnffdanaueîxett Site reports a vcry toistorous passage ---..-- an au'icudment condemnatory e!fixhe Dra- ithe oaut onxd EDrATios)? If mwoitiScen- Th sesosoudmk te fthe follouing efiet --l' That me per- jon flic l5fh exclxarugeqsignal.; ittc î-iatthe- n'ymnite Notion pier aipoinfunient. The vote mas faiten - aÏly bho mre dirb.auduilflan qtrva ohemoto!nttaIcae ne toulî popr a nvfeou afefin Th sner teme <d, o laAinlcSundye, ru-uukSta umuinto!nt-andtc! ad and10 - :tuxdhave 1 inhahiruts!thao t of nCrid budn !faaiaxmti-i ffIepesu Tirsa he.tai o upetS aueaxî -eta*eprttTusity uiied as aoceeeil it l us !fx Tm.l-aohe oapeu'c sad propnty un-nalpfIxe xc uoifst <ivenwtpressrehat-ilmi xcegratliady Tc u is teamership At/uot n ife rrveeitaiea oatt- dscrryheîr iic reii bthIlossiTe oci lrsetehhxniig:ficitmsulieisheuîapea £5onoorfCaî.d io! th gtpeoplo."aievirpoitfe2 . ut onfixeixîtt i stan dn ays 1e.i ueAdea elsExebnyinase o iedlxfad retoepaciutflc N eaandhbe etxtonfrlt M f.ractenietire umiio attbend- railw-a NabwîiYotParkpe n luej edicuutaieLiuverponoolfie egiùaiffIe I/tater Iriofi tlic se. Wcnd an- NoiiAso se abile or PcnaoniPocfro burdon of axation wieh lit te presentTlite% aythe l2.hfotnnledct in accor, adisie miii exet I andf hezeai for fIxe puhhic service popetyUn e th sin cas o niigfx oaeaiu ttis fronu )oimin'teamhi Alen9n - - dtela fter - - eor hyaeinbt lues h on ipet lc Thelng erre sitomsrer, aparexoui flic5buiS on in frIxSedul i iue ,h 1ntand he CunYork onteamsth p1'riaa h 4 h pfoi teSekr fireadierdtsd ftesttnüt hsbti %meideny oad 5 aasinstheu !intaxmai- triale Ftz-IIfixaon y ero a aS - drlie fIxe eport ihae aiiy hînmae u -Ca heiaineo st n sinixxg ontheiquonsg ornnmayk Tia oîs djuixdaiî-ef mnte ng(thel Ufrun i on.praiun aixe grr,9 as.bei i ot- SHoperothla oorabe a.nsore any o o j.r,,rsoàl pat 2 tcectuîb 3o'lok n oda. he1a 1 ttS aieSfoeMrebhus SitOi eainai ute taiiti etilii- -lcr gule-in rchioril eaunnau.daxn pios iicIli iiSetin£g;o takeho plce n te C tnr-Sthera Ahmenauioost ixe - tFrux lubeifwisusepectthatfix tuhlifthite laormedo xpet t se Uxir aiSAcf ttes exmptonsmmust mlnoc deeplfyregretce axoRnserxTtclbuayixec- no!Thanilarxaenthupiho Tuosday, maslmorknpirfarmedRend. A CoronerosxJurynri-rithaeut-ugtneraihyasareéelmusofolduE lecte, Mcue oo ivtn tlco atime n of157.han n. t- nuil ia eauit inul oda wtlbiithgfu A1rsan icuianojcio re ioîxi. he omitedTe gtsun Acant ror.1 Beoka,unltIis,t Deis cted Mrt revuvicai. ~ .i rm bs nefithmn nde theys (2thDai/fn nunouixi imfroter!mi !the aan et fore atdesspulurersedIn Che!fxonynibcuiratoniic fehgaenRaiEancmfoijaixs Bevra pfifen mne rclned ron en uany oop fen ngad epucadeSle Jsie0Daero fueTdsnea qxxe.rpyrer shure e io2k e forlition-e: li or he<'ep inffIce suue, ind rI h and misery o -,ziioned btoryeMusssion.tTtc appoinokixnenteo!;Ua Judgetrialureho!kite foronhe.zAatSae eerytcaneeadieuntine!hP nronad for a- ivioso ! ai coot.Ptiin it h fxe xîaf i- - meruxke ocDivsis Cuuv.-he itlng o - ! ixe lnS u efar e! convcdt 'inthtgfter te fakeontsfixt heorxdsof untilthe Re-ay rerahte alnite ed 27.nLs 4 olri elino'csonfthen e th afnidtiis outron.tecdJnousda h onfent lusuites fpre easin l auniralt ace forethé plaeéore fIIIxe mount n fcfjtSes oves ep Thre taiect asusfein as re alt-iubprml o n d te shonc aoectwe - beiheve ths honon Judgo Bunuxailpsesidinin-Iinosfere mît flueriuer.y o!Yfixe Be Mni.mdfi-s mrrii ua fte mxii T hfl st am ernx ay ad s fiefo s Lîe l f t'-ele. n,,,d.t,- a c,,.o c-, whdt a ined the _b nhm-ce ~ p bie i fx csui !avneunopa pn es, amunta ,fO hcuL.hsgio, t8as l h omiigoc..tc gr'aucnd pub fonmad Lu su eaiper o! ehtemcnucayoe nutv u enu-gag eïuit l vt Jauev, ou icou l'ont, perlO is.4s-- - C itten, 1lS. Id. a la855. - Be, per ponS, ;(L- a 7 àd. llmîy, 50s. a 431s per tout. - UWood, per corS, 169. hd. a 3!s.Ld.M Toîîo:so, Wedneskday March. 4. - Wheat-Msrbket SuI; pricesouý the de- chune af fis. 6d. a 6F. 8d, par boxîhiel. Floir-Supernine,« 25s.; Extra do, SOs. Bariey,5s. i OS. a (id. Ryo , 3a. OS. 4su. pertusuel.> Pans, -'s. titi a 4s. pa.r bushixe. Buitter, Fteslh, -Is.* (;(L Tht, lei..id. Pu-ic a .5S.iti. per buishel. Turnips, 12..pet tuxahO. Unis, 2s. 9S. a Cs. 10d(L Eggs, 1la, Mi. a. 2s. pet- due. rie! . pecr1h(1 ibs, ;,Ss'. a 3 S. 6M. - lPcrk, 4-7a. Gdi. a SO. - - WaOtL S51 a ~ ShoulS there te any found.-uien fo)r suehia _SPECIAL NOTICE. complaitftfie had fLocing -cxcifed blî fj mouS be 11111e infi.-ier btte evils a par- 5 ita-JnIBglirhu tstrêi- tizan acquitdl. againuf evidence. OntfIe j Bmson and Etgliii h ilrkt.tT-a, mxicli mill other proposition ltaI o! oitainingà huii-- e soiS leluap. Fiuiiiiicut miii du> weii te pan- en social seule ofjurons fluan tixe presux i if, ci-msre tt-oeks, gat fie MAur Cu'N u invoives tua inconvoniences. 1If speca * t lmee1e !r.u.igfx niCfTe.Tc jîtniesi>e employed fer fIxe description o o - 15! D lar 1-aunix4da 1ma.t offences lut mmix injustice la app)rehendeul. 1~ - ------------ thein -verýicfs mil cartinly be reveived iv îy -BIRTIL , a portion offthe people wih exfremo <djl -,In t1ximToii, on Summday hast, Mn.. Gé?rg, faner anS effributd by ftein te parfialily Yole, o a sc'o., and a desire to oppreas the pnisoner frei ARIE) parts motives. If on ttc contrary thc1 t ie. d 11i1,Rote o!Ma uîiot- n. le irbole panel bto eomposed o!fluhe mealfhy Dunian, Faruien, tus lmss Caroihic M.!9îcerttg, classes fluen titere willte an- appearence elISc-st dighter cf lir. C. M. G. Ontertag, botll e! class hegihlathen. As a vole and- where i cffixhe Towuclxip c. umxgsr ne strong seen existi t 1te t onfra rv DD icveny prisoner sixould bc tniad as neari as iAt iemîdoux, iEsgleud, o n the 2 2nrd cf Jaîuarj possible by bis omu condition n l ile: for 1anuichtlttyur ustance te, try a destifute man for flues befene ajury o! 12 substautial men s do- AE TK W M S zen grazier te try a case o! cattle st.n9u or 12',wealthy ébrizens a tlxeft by a servant .isvimu-y like iempannuefliung ai urymwhemiglit bcopen te suspicion et beiug more auxteui te suppres the offeace thaxu te give ie j benofit of a doulit ini fs'or of the imposai- ble innocence of the4efexmisxt. It -s tr-xuc' I BlLl F aluiOr tlxat thue advantageaccruing.to the prise-i- oe -Jtmsy;s5 iner of iutini h-ed 1w meof et ie cmii en-i c. .s-- f.n-.- Simri î,..m l Topsi E. 4 i. tt4~~ if,. Canada anS fIxaIt ithout injustice te an yj partf y asf o! ail couild niembers o! thce-o- mati Caftaolie faith complain o! if as fthenia- jerity of-ixe Ceux-f se cumposed mouhi ho e! thaf persuasion. Il is etjectcd thuaf ift wouid 'Ibroi a great respousitihify on.- thei judges. Wxat if-hfdiS ?-.zAre.wetohelioli ihbat a Court o! lamycrs docided on ftic iaw and the f-t incur a great arnount o! rcs- ponsitility than that thrn -every terni upeux fIeeGrand Jutnies, mixe eccasgiorualhy coma it court te say they are st.arving ? If hait been senietinuos suggeste-1 that j fixe juries shoulS bc tatou frein fhe moret wealfh anS educateul portion o!fixhe commnit- xily anS aIse if lias teen propos;e- te maite fixe pleaure of fli cr<'n. Bath of lItote jproposaIs are open toobjections mniet do: %lotf affect týxe former. To take tte List tirsi : if is true that bIiti 'luée an ttc mixole a greaf iinprovcmenf on aur prcsent systein, tut if xa.s this decided disadlvantage;1 thfie prisener mighl coîtplain o! teing ne- moe-Sfuor triai f-reux a neighhonluonîlinuiht.r I fiera mas a prejixde un li favr ot anotixer . 41 1

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