Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1857, p. 1

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TRE WHITBY CHRONICLE -L-Z 7- 77 Priluted words, great thoughts and untiring industry, we advocate Pe.ace, Progrems, Knowiedge, i BApsrù--This trade was- practised at' Route in thë thîrd Cé'n'tury r.-e" fa Bug- pole, ai their doors ;and ihe bàrbWa pole uptil lately used. by.ihem W&B-a burleque, imitàtion of the former busi- a sergeon was uni 'thêt ýof Î% barber and he was denozâinatéd à barber, iýýraed àët surgeon. À -C*.,nPinY Wu un Brotherbood. tliisnameiniso8 jwd the london com- pany was incorporateJ lut EdwardIV, 1461. The union of proréUio'n was dis- No@ 9. solved 1;y a statute of Ile-nery VIM BKiir)s.-The profagsion -of bards appear- d fructify. 1 Ilis coldness of affairs; we deserve sonje cornpehsation for 1 ed Witý"Ïrent lustre in gaul Britian and is awlcwar(!nûs, were carriefi 1 ail that, and there we wrong no onë."- Ireland. 1 Demodectis is mentioned aga cakes l'y a flo'od. The cni. restinied Disinterested'ness, 11onù ý'bard by Ilomer ; Alexander the Great Me-fare-CI boy become a Tnan shoIlltl give Ili, services C ý had a bard navied ÇbcryÀus ; and we find of a few weck,;. 1 do not ally!,, grumbled the voic-z--. bards accordint, to Strato aiuon- the Ro. "f t'île 1)«-i'tY fin.4 ffltcred u-liv lias our fainily never iliac man's before the of Au-tL-;tu.q. The ý'rffl941. Rut wliat flec.3 tjýa! drui,!,; among the Enali.-;h were philoso- for ii.,; ? We have Wl,,Cll - . 1, een hard t the r ; nrites coining du6, and hiPs na "es talk- of lnvc-. pherand priests and he bards were i , Ulici l-tit neiiber nerffliew Franeci!ý, ný,-., Poètr- - They wcre the recorders of heroic L of aad his o-,vii niaster, 1 Iiis fatlivr hiin, evei% tho,ýi,,,,,,,t or action in -freland. and Sectiand almost L (if his affectioil:1 C>oýjjI ,,t 1 hellping, Poil !ý, Cried Good drjwn te'our own timcs. Ossian Bourish- r band n-ithotlt first w4 in- tilis cenje to nôthitig - cd in the third century,'.Nleriin in the fifth. the consent of lier £,tther.- will 1)(, wejjý Theforinerspeaks ofa prince Who kepta - illlidity of the htindred bards. Irish sonnets are- the 1 the upper hnnd. It was; in "tf"rlj tle week is éver.- litit .r ' 1 chief foundaiions of the ancient history of iire Raid to the oi)stirl,,Ite jittjý'1 , father Ini airei(ly bLen in- ant.1 -,ve , 'tli,' will kill the pat;ent, i Ircland. - - ýh:_.jl rt.cc.ive the inheritimre nith- i, B,%, ioýiLTu-,ts. -Torricelli, a Florentine, Ifisgins & Mayerhofer Broie, Ag> iiiio('K ISTRE1ný WIHTBY, ,j Neit Dôor to the Registry rifFi TEIZMS OF ý'iUM('Rll,'TION TO TIIE Whitby (Rffltùle, ivill bc $2 per amium, pti-1 ,,triutly lu udviu«. ItATES or ADvritTisIX(ý ................. ýj, Cd. I1yorý subsequelit insertion, Id. With ca .1 liberal (114cwilit ttlloNýýe(l to Merch(wu luid hy flic veur. rhis litiper ImiK a1fýadV d'il illinicilse eirciiintit,,,, v o l'. Inî the 4, 1)('illtt relia I'N. 1%illeâts ni.-In Î;i N\*Ilitl)%ý:111tl it4 Viviltitv, là fwtter tid%,ýlrtimilt meilitilif CÎ)ttltl tifit be prellied in this wiv, itd%'t,"ti,4e tir think vr,11 of tIiý ing Po; %ViII jýle4jAC 1014e 1 10 tillie Ili f>rwarding - ----- - 7 ljA Agt" lire plia up. 1ý m ý'1 cnoost-Gg enfJ', e rvc!ýt (,r(,J, 11 1,e c W. The lenrinere theviskof a1tressed ALBERT 41iilç Ut NEMZ, ENB_&. By à. C. MA GRA Xî) Bjt0ý Look, mother! the inar B' K AND JOB i TNI Pl) 1,' T F R s A NI) adown tile P.1 N'il 90 wlitre the marir, jNý E STA, U LI S Il 111 E NT. JLtj(;ùniiin(ý iiiider tlic, Nitg Street. And be the mar'luer's iiiforlil tiie 1 èâaw Ilin' Olle dny thm Ciffl t1%eý linve prm tmýd ýotm- oi'tiic i N-A- T-I 0- N A 1. 111 1 nit.41ern t. Y Il tv e frumi _,ýeýv Yori g, te an, iLiJartà pre 19, n- 'in paréd to exef-litt. primor. Fi, 1,1Z. 1.1m bîrd in the fowl, ý.1 1, lit Ille WWS 1 (uti2ht in niy n-,% tOOK AU JOB LEHRW ING ltl)"v" Vviii tjjj(j il n and IqKe' 0 1 0! inother, t imil wmrmiitee thsit ivorký l'Il go if t;ý UYý teant ar wpi 1,ý cfmlý, ilt.it superior 411 flie Pve lom. My Thu Prvprictorm linvc puro1bù.<-ý1 one of 11a, &-c. Alid be the maritict«!> violence in his inovements, never standing ed bûcalise it saves one f!ýîoin dirty actions still, looking at t-,-.-enty things at once, all --of thirty P-1 thOlIsand francs a year. of whicli lie would lrave talien hold of with MS tgstçs, as 1 have already intinilited, bis bands if thev had not been bound- 1 believe, were very simple. He preferred -Try to bc quiet now," said his uncle; whatever %vai not striking, and naturally %vliat 1 am doin.- is for yotir ý,ood. You chose his glove.q, waistco- ; , will be happy bore, and the Doctor is goiri, withia "ailgç,- of quiet colorâ wh ieh 1 ies Vou.', between iiirkroonand black. Even in his 1 :m) not ill. What have you tied my Lcnder(ý> t irlfnzà,-y lie had no recollection of iaving (Inc-ar hnds for ?" 1 « I 'led Of militury uniforms, and 13ccausc vou wtould have thrown me which most ff out of the M-ilidow if 1 l'ad not. yoi; us iire SO aýill'itious, never disturbea his ]lave a lost vour renson, niv poor Franvois; 1111111)fIrs. fle (Ilid not wcar a quizzing- Y. Auvray will restore it. 4ass, becalise, he said, his eyesight was Uncle,ý 1 renson as well as yoil do, and j good ; nor a pin'in his cravat, becaiLqe his 1 do net unýlcrstan(I w1hat )-ou wean. 1 cravat kept its plarû very well ;çithout one; hâve a fzoilnd ininil, and -- calin judgenient, hu't the real vIiii.se was that lie ivas afraîd arid 1l'i Cxcellent n"elliorv. Shali 1 recite of atrartiricr reg Bride. [ANGAN. le tide -iner*.ý .18 bride Mlleh the vviek-ct, m(l M-e met, vler'g net, ý-n green thick-et. art liewing, AY prile- zoing, '> bride. LMAix 110TNU . N l1liail 1 à VIL leu à ýhe ri C'A R D PIe ESS-ES.P Tho, JAN*e the tyrant evinr s-ille vrr>ý-s Ili vou, or transilite a Laiin i Icalher boots tiltz,,tied hiiii. illis vIiriiiri..,e(l forined oi, ed se 1 01 ;Ittr;tctlrlg observation. le a-otil(l Ud ili a gt.710 iiel!tr4i î1la el,%IiiNl't.,.IililýI14 tiIiliiil(ýl'. Il lie treatis 011 the iletik, Ille book- bevi) of birdi rercive Ili> ail Tti('ýi-e is a Tâcillis, in lie v.-rote and ri, titi ltitilil *L case. If vou oilier k-iiils of proof, bafl ilial lliy,., il renta of Imil Ue darkentik ilie illililt Iiio i rible r-ýi'.Ji.Lý. stiýtitiiierý,, %%]lit rit "kN fi L ',dits &,Iutant -Il ficiiit: lit ! illo, lier, illy _r ill t*urý low 1 %Vill 4nlvev()Il a 11-701)](111 in If' la Coliipleile il, lie licti been Chrieti lie flirllî,kývd kit 1!ýv i 1*11 ;ý,, - vour lit-ild livell, AIP( ric d;r 1-orivind, lie ivoii',(i ii,. ilic, on.,. wili,ýit tio F. .1 Tw t liere tliù intiritie-t',, Cý ing, Ilicil, let ine tell 3.011 vl-hat we have (lorle %%-orý;i liait ýý sigiwd in fui]. Ilappilv, Lis %VoU 1,1 llav e ai-ýI0I B ., Ail 1 hc t lie inariner's oriile this inorninz. )'on raille nt eizlit o'clorli. 111IMP.; Wcre il.,; iiiil)rrteitiou,.iý as if tic, hall kneu- the maille, G. A. BANNIS -1 Yem, illltlier ' Ille ý-l-Yi1er hn,% roll rite --!LOI to walit, Ilir, e'r 1 vk-as il the to flirce ilir n"il l-if bell. 1 drr', jill ruý !if 11 îs tiiiiidity preventell hini from enter- 0f IIIIII : Ile hall lv'-ýl l'! er-1,111ilun- 1 Iý q. "f 14 IlIN, ili, int,-, lny After having, ý% illioui Ille licIp of (;crrniiii ; y(ý)u urg IL. 1 fikill".Iv ; le(. wa, tilt, le) _ýe %vit.1 V rJ il A?,ý1 oiIIý Iliv bo-iv iýi lep nie oIl 1(; PfI,ýfor Aiivr-iý ',ý, :-nd file of (lie bacvalauruate, eifit.* lie hild le N'ri, y 'file- ivilills, 0 ' iiif)ther, aie A- PIRINGLE, 1 von i aiIýry, Ile stoppeil ai file d(JIr wilicli opeils on ne- wh.tt Il(- was, an Tiie im bricht and n ide )lari. dit ý-Cry and vol] billifill lilv the J l ýll'TlANI' TMI (il?. STU 1 tiio lire, tvlierc bc reillailled bc rit) doill't :t'le ille, le ' ' CI lit; Il FIl go wliere ('lie inariiier'- zoing, qItý ,cicu Iiiin titi, Lw seven or eiglit roails that iLlId be tlie tiL-trillerb bride. lav before ated, howeler, G . lit E. Y 1 7 (-iiin£,. 1 ovr". Ilini t!IirtCîIýrI m , Iiiiii. Tlie Il. Le 1. s TI 1 OIXJ A agcs, ar , -(-me(l tîe liiiii too ri a MciAll Claire l'U, &c_ AT c4luwl- 13 VI li-, 1 reprc,' l, ET, that iý, thirvon. fier 1 hirud hiin lat iiiediritir tri() loitifliti'g, a prof, ,,orship 00 tIkýrtv a ii),Iiitli. You will o;ve hirn tcQ romplicatc(I., ail A. Ili. 1 (:51 lttrat.ilrt+ 1 nlight bave pat ------ --- IIA.11 licitity, - 1 Iling, fili- il is thri vieil thlit lie ive 4,arrer toi) conf1yîin,ý. ý\ s "0%lT0RYý 3 A T E li (;I IZIJ'R. > sortivt Ilati il lic "ri 1 111111, iiis Neiel 'iicai si prcsent. f, 1 art, S'I tilt not to bu JIJOJJ,ýnt ()îlý Uncle and Nephriv. h of derice. 1 f ('Ili; r lien. III, iliK.- tliat 1,0111 to'-etlivr? i,; thât ratifinal' -iut thilit le(, %va,ý afrii(l of file- en(Iiný, llit l lover was not r Aiil i, iIii still Lliiiýk* voit can iiiak-e Ille lia's lit, et the ifien (f a unifiorili. fle t;oik." 4Q, TJIE AT IIIIENJAMIN uni glliv vou illust in.,iý.rie Ali iny (Icar tinrIki, lk-1-t. to Iii-s fir,! ilot Ic rj,, WaI, t the UlnclIt of AiI\ý t t rr. e bultt- tliIi-,. titis reinen)U-r iliat, il -àas 0te ýýt, 1 ýlt I,ý-caIâse it wils tire aue of sa, *v *U111l. l pl. rav Ivithotit flInt illi, ()Iý' 'l'IlE 0)UNTY k)l 1:'I', iii !"S lire M ', 1110,,11CF k-oýIr er ! W hat woll'il qkl;k-ýuiI;f : Iýl, 1;ýL'I on U , ILI 9 perRirititId there, it is a illy poi-q, JJIýitli(r ,.I wl Il) - ( 1iýý Il N Y 1, 1 Je F Flto-NI' ,ke ýI) A, I.t La 1 ll!,t Carliv'l IÀS ov, il irriley :l I- Il. -i t le vou, flic inati i :i Il 1 SI ri t 1 1. T, q', il Il alinost hidden froin the strect il,( 1 an, Yiot m a"e ý lie 11, 7 1*1% Iclit it. Ili lf so rare a J. il. 1110.11111so.N., inscription, ý1 (te, tw Il N% itliýeij( (pilirrt 1. )'(lit lirve a sýýiit Iii;ii inany friends. iii,,i-l;iilg Ymil 1. fi U y liolri, Y., orilinariv dispial, >ITI, l', ET . MAI, .. ed abov fi:(. Claire a4iies to t;lýý lill, > G( le il I IL. and chellerfilliv > tlle -) I'i,\(ýý,,týiiilkl;,ti"lj lold trance ef stic Iloil Illip'tilion. 11 î il-.1411-11 !o tilt ir ý%-hvn lie ll;ut keet.)i-,r ;nfiiriii(ý 1 î PIM 'ON, Jt., J. C. -ý,e(-II here. If is sitll.utud toivard iliu Iiaý v* lot 3-,;ts. f titi lit on t1v.ý tir. ahI ivý, he:r fil A_ PUPI,'ý ITE (ý.xtrt"!Iitv Of thL Muil- 1 :1 ILltl!-Ikt(.r -1 a La- Iiiiii.-ýuli' U) bu týik(ý, flic iri-il, ri ý\; -. i, k. l'i 0 -1 -l bl, ý,r(ll»i,,. !(,t> :et ill t4ii(,Flt, e (;Otllic 11-ilace ýýf J'ri II, blow fallim , sii, fil alt;Ltit. nd follo-.ý-ed that S(Ilt%-Iz('IFailIl An iroii l :,r, U. CH U Ký 1 il, T j i k; t U NTY t,,. lki:o > 'If >"Il-- I;ý-,i -i. I. ý L D-I nli, tient lie ýi k4; ,ýc ýI! i ý.m ( ,:Ir* Ji -(Ite. 1 tIýç- CiýiIrt Ili t'c' gate, pailited in im itation of lerLjllzt" oPrIls :ýII: lie a state ver-îii,- t, or w(ak, or 01, a littie garden stoki ý%,itll IlIars alid eti;', %Viti, ing fi) JOHN -Nijîïl.lltt due (.1- four lillinl, la;Igilagr r Claire i il WNTY r es. The porter's lodie is :It t!,(! 1 iýJýt k'e vou .1 'f', at1ii a, cl;, IlMicii ef L. wl aiid (itiitir tD wý 1» lwe il, t iýat 1 Iý(-% i-a, l'i' tiý. the pavilion tt, the leff ils bî the A Nil, 1 l1ý0, ý Il,' idl>iti. ronin li lir't I!ý !ý i:l ( ill, IkrlkIIcli,ýS of a'; are stillied lit to ç.bfliieu and tbe apartin.,,fits ï ).Iýz vou N% ill not catcli viu 1iîi-llIIIý: 1 have Il<-- c- rLain about colii- lie tr(,,itt,(l lie, Il 11 NvIlich is collJpo14cý,I i>,,« n 1% ire Iïý il,) çiIii-iii. niait, or ftniial,. IlIturcý and bi Ille fil, tilt, t - ir lent 1 luit I c vL --1 i '!le -1 IT I,',NI'1.4, fil' A Il 1.1. rear id ilit. (1 ý 1 :11,(, MI %, 111 1'.. :iltl.1)11"11 voir liv to lielir Iiiiii. 1 L %ri% * - 1 0 . , .111S. Ili, W(; looIýw ;_1 4,:1 fil le ilz- Iave 1, -l'i; 1,;k - :. nrIg, Iýii in ail itý: % A J. flarri-oni, i;zelit, phlfited %% 1111 vuur Il(, sel, i te lindens. il is thel-c ' 1 tIkes S t l'i. gl; 1 in hi.s 1-clatiolis miLh t'lie I)CIMer 1 Ili, Ilavi. lýtkt a X. 1 iu 110edc'l to [IL, ilwavs in Io de;iiand the hl carde ofaiid ofleil ýII :11-C 1 1 iýÀt. 1 hal t'le ý_,:1 - if e)_ i . . - ait 1 n %vaiin;z lie of 1!i(-*r iiiinilït-i-, and no' iiitroilt l'i' "e-ilig i.ýr titis lit even to change Il tilc bouse if there %ý-«(ýi-l2 ý f ?.l , ', ' J c lý le E hýI(I 1-P1 lýb Cet (,f IoVC f lî- Iii.,; thoug:ïts , -itý, lie hlirried W ilithv, 14. ail sorts , i,ý . 1, it;i iy)li:ijci-. 1 itIve itcr; 1 ;iave to ruil lit, liu and ilvas Sý11Jl of in.-ý.i*lil v tilere ; 1,uz ý:,i 11(I'- Il ta týli!Ik t::,I!t 1 art] not, indifrellent ti, to ou his stockinc-s livrow, sffle out. JA Il CIS fi. S M A Sitatc, oli il il] ..tet lie i),tillIýil ý.I. tiiL. ii,)iiý;r ter a>Lit-g iýIj it, i to a (,,;.ticert or to a flicatre, 14 1 A ut, J. taclc (if h;)pülvýs iI;L!-eý i1iýv ui- l', lu'. _Ig -;r.,*, to ',l)ok over the liozir:cý iii r, t or eveil of* IIl'ý to 'Lie foZind l'O zi AN 'S. of' tij;i,(L M- Aiivrav 11.1., ili:nL. a AnýI wherti. i 1,,-. fui] i.i it, z-wi the oncert of Ile S 11IL, plait. -viiiiii-abie : if lie le I.ý,It her filil'of Imov. Iii ail,! l ifit, huif l*l:ý-11,- Moi-IC'i, Io 1ý,- Cý hall' pliiik'supliý'r, a (Î.,: v I l à,; l i, î in Il;.ý scrarcli, t1icii eve.,*,k» M. A Il el, - NG A"'D and of L'Il If ie ýz1lI out Of tive,'t'iIi'llie actors niiii.- :j te, AT_ t-làzinceto iliut-t Lilil vlitil U P) N LY, filib% t'ar; ,, S tiieir paris. 11 i;, heart liad sucli tin I-Z ý- '-?5-0111cit, A fli'ý t rille., zý!l,: 1 il (l;It (if niv of ýaviiiiiii, that in preF,ým-kcc of 1 "1 bald Ilead, bili: 1 ý;., will I- ;I I t il Six ('kit If 1hýrt«,- Cl', f 1 shail re.- ll,!Ig ste111(lilig in tell, bi, a riloillurate bea;i! V lie wéiit to extravazririt ' " l',-iiiid in readilleilis to lette] black- clotbes, and hiýz look, 3«()11 'hail 'leu Poor il; lin% ilig is il v, 1 tir. ex,,)e-je i -if iniagination to perfect lier s would riot k-now lvlietlier to sot Iiiiii Ile ý,à! arill ope:ied tilt, l'i;>ýL booL Dr. Il. 1V. CLA-RK, irod ren-sinis. lire iiiii,,IL 2tiierý-, lut illed q izI11b- mie.- cliari.i's. As -ou iiii-lit ziiess without caru to Ille co-ik '111c iielkii LiýlIlI t!ýCN ýviii iiiid tilt for i or a priest. that cilille. IrI4ý-r Ilis lialid. 2ke r iiirreeahle n".41 1 lipSý sali lie opens Ilis thit-1- OU far.cy lie -int, ;t this universal tenderness was L&LU lie slii il) Fr.iric-ois : 'e was in love WiJl ýNT1tE IIOTEL, W1111 13Y. absollilely innocent- il Dr. CJI EW M E is gl'ing to sa'N _%fV ciii!d," to vrii. ail) -ieing te) rual lo lion. tU ù EY, C - ail the -,voiiiii without tivoývin- it to 'theni, I a . t - 'l'lie vocation of W. Aurpy decicied ivill (Illiet vu,,i.ll r, T Jn- X, F SPACPUS AND CONVE- !: 1 . r' colis inade a Prof iiiently litted up. Ti e while lie vek lin aý;.si.ý;tant ut the peu foi- lie had never dared 10 spc-ah to Licumi Min as follow's rebpcvIA1Ilý. kitimille Ile stiffliolisly applied Iiiiiiself there the One. He flic pures, the inoist hiriji- i Dr. W. IV. GAIG i travvilinc itininiiiiiirv, Citit lie Ict, ý,lilir(-,l ileilll,- :,I; the te S i r, y a- L' have IN BRo(-,K iii inâI-Jiiýf Iill Ilotoi a observation of iiionoïliania, flint (illious ()ne less of a- Don Juan, if you Il ýdl t .-er T. e Wm St orc, ci ill or-pi)à iu- ill.- I'(",ïi 1 lleil.,, i JL v a, IJIU U.XiýILIý,ive (1-ý,itiiIioii of olle pas, J Claire l'ir.iiinnue' t diseuse of the mental faculty isi ru- choose, but bufore Donris Julia. Ail openttioiis et m-ell Cellur, G-J and Ili LI. - bailli of you by Sion. lis Sentis is in te part of' Q Il ýaîLr trâd. 1 tiit;ve t).-tier. 2 ]y explicable, bY a physical Catisei 4ich Iviien lie W-es in love, he* was alway, e l)rý oui, liature; it i., tliei,. where we iiiiist 1 -tiseif bold de-clarations Illich would b" O' -Wll[iTBY AUCTI N IMART, corresponds with no visîiIlle Il, -ionk eil'tijie,, fil ln W 0 (lt'le scek it aild cure it. lts causes aie love, i he could n - tu -son." J1LýX08_W* C'110N, i i -stein, and which is liculed, if ever gel li'ig lips te, publisli. pel civil, 1) BYRON STIIEET, nervous sy at ÉeIi.tp .4 1 felar, vanihl, ambition, rerilorse. 1 Il rev ea lis It %vas evident 1 :ý0-NearlV oppositiýVvattes 1lotel._jýk2 ail, bv moral trentnieiiL Ile was aided in And SOL lie M:Oufd compose his whole court- itself by the saille S%7nll)torlls as the pas h- reveai the ininost sentinients of his and his unele MOI J. elLOWD DE'AVEN, 1 his observations by a young nurse of the 1 1 S ]P-) -cul Bý(GS LEAU TOIN- ' i , stol) by joy, Saiety, boldn ' Antoine, was r h1flllTMý"P AND CIVIL ENCINEER, r 1 division Piriel, -ho %vas rathçr pret.ty es', brcast ; carry on long conversations for )il 1;,,sltiinateg made liniaté to the iithitbîtuiitî of Whit-bv, Un( and and noise ; sometiiiieti by timidity, Sad- 1 ,trop Unele M r S 1 _t, MIýitbv. açtjoîljilsg flait Ille ove prâniseï very vrell bred. Ile fell in love wit1j lier, which lie furaislied both question.,, &,il n_ ï Afll li i>if ii)ciý3uririi;;vork earefully atteti- foriverIv kiioxvn as Hal al: a%-e "cet' 'It!e" Pand, Lis soon as hé had p.LQsed doctor, niar- ness, and silence." swers ; devise speeches so toueliting, so mari in the Ru. il rL 11P In il litilliable illaillier, foi. IL publie Ati(ýtifii While the reading was going on, Fran- ardent they miglithavesoftei r-te tari,.% liociiii. Tficv will lie let fur lhiv (Ir Eveniuir Salvii:, ried lier. lit was startin- in lite inodestly ied rocks and of the longcst stri lyl'AiTe.4 110TE-L' -0 )en 1-lowever, lie had a titille property ivilien Col'S Seellled to grow caliii and LII ilitô-a melted ice. But no woman gradually re- factured antique THE £,kr publie &C., at a Sw doz-. The rooni ivas warin. i coIiiized thesc mute aspirations. n'Il ï, L Fil, îrt skill and extraor F4LtaudWet thro' elkarge. il ý%-Ill Iseat e4ýiiilort-.ibi v abolit 25l) l'or lie spent in founding the establislinient we M t:ti 1 ]foi el. Every întoritilttÎ,111 sous. it is sîýti-ite lu - the verýy ü(;ýtré of the sowni l Ire speakinc-) of. With a little charlatan- 13,ravo !" said M. iloiilot toi ilimscif. henart neycr. won Lîr lady." There is a Ho nelve-r rold sl h ci reffil Ost]L*r'n always in and thereflIert éiisy of acces:. -e is a wo.,jiler jei-fortn:d by initie c grellit difiorencu 1:etween wishing.ti(l wi 1- JAiMES B. SMART4 is-m e miglit ]lave malle a fortune Ly it D. P. WYATT, Proprititter Wiiitby, 2115th, 1,î57. 2 il, put a juan t, c - lie proferred to cover bis annual# exponses p 0 lis inýP mak-ç for a relie ç bhil, E 110T CIIAIVFOIZD- el CAMPBELL*1 by it. He wasnot fond of noise, 'nwmd, ivhon ricither hungs-y or drowsy." Ilowever, 1 ast August, four months be- -Pûsr>med th» Qrt L lirr kîkjýJ illi;_ lie lias effected a wondqrfui cure, dates net us dils, lie dared to IMPORTERS OF Frautrois wilis not asleep, but lie imita- fore tryîiig hi unclu'isla cracks and woriii-1 iliritisht' Tl ýench;I and Amerieun »ry go to the lieu ed the appearance of it to perfection. 11 e love oPeilly. At Ems lie me4 this sum- as any of his bi ri MIE. ALI_)ý'I,' Is NOW up Gooas, GrocerÎtes, &c. se-tops te, proclaim if. His t 1111elli', Jold ii in a thorotié;*.' 1113litre'r reputation lias groýVn up of itscif gradually satil, his head, and regulat-ed his nier, a yo-ung lady almost hy as 8 as 1 In. wffli him'it was a 1 j SPLENDID _,v,ýýDRTN1FNT OF INIENS , quicti Y t5 Aiel Proprietor. find D'M ' Cent:î, ý'emts, illici Paulp; imide as it were, m-il.liout his knov;Iedge. To respiration witil niathematical monotony, self, whose senl;itive timidity gave him 1 40 WrOI)g tO no or la +,Ic liretulse,. give you a proof of IL Ilis tr'catise toi La '1'112 unelc was ronnpIetely deceived. lie courage 'Îleraltién that i ïîî She was a Parsian, ý fmile, déli«: MYTARIQ Ù6 Ç Made tlptoo CIOTHING _Yonoîînanie Raieonnantc, pu 1 blislied by èOntinued. his reuding for a while in a loliv cate, and pa e as fruit ripened in-the I;hado. - ,that f;c-t,ýýe the CtIl lit J'lit)PIZILTOR, BROCI rJerJù-ý_1e latest style. 1 tonQ, then hie yavned, th Bailliere in 184!2e, is now its Sixth oditio en lie êtopped, fice thç-blood- iow: tirruughthw,ý,;tcd-his illet profil di.- having discovered-th.it of sue. týon cxiýded -n(I thst waterdid net rise* in a punip owing to nature's, abhorre'nce of a vactinin, iiiiiLtted..the action -of a pump sý : witli inercui tige -yý an(] 4ivle the first barome- It -1 'ined the ter, in IV) 1 2, ariel Descartes èxpý sub- plienornena. Wheelbarometers-were con- 1 i trived in lfif;S pendant barometers in 1694 41L 1 marine in 1709, B.tooNs.-The dignity*ofbarf)n is extem- ot(.1. ely Uncient. its original name in England f li;s was Vavasour, whieh, by the Saxons was and chrinred into Thane, and by the Norniabd it at into Baron. Many of ibis rank afe named ired in the history of England. and undoubtedly hieli had agsisted in orAiarl summoned to-parli- ment; but such iç the deficiency of publiô tiie recor(Ls, tiiiit first precept to be found is Oi ilet. na higher date than the 49th Henry, 11 ' 4, the 126-5. 'Elle first Who was raised to the diw no- nity by patient was John de BeaucharnPi red. created Baron of Kiddermjnester, bY Itich- it to ard Il., 1387. Barons first summoned to sel' Parli-t-merit, 1-205. Took armc;atraildf;t king John, and compelled him tri sign the grest tir- charter of our liberties, and the charter of tbe foiest, aý_ Runnymade, neaý windcorî f at June 1215. Charles Il. granted a coronet anfi to, Barons on his restoration- they attended iage parliamen t in great amour in the rei - ot gn Sup- Ilenry 111. )u!ýe Da:-oricts, the fit>t among the gentry, and Dr. and the Orly kni.-"rithood that is here litary: my instituted by James 11., 1611. The baro- id 1 nets of Treland ware créateà in 1019. Bar- s us oiietï of Nova Seotia weee ercated, iGI5. The ý,-ieii(jfîc A-mcrican states that a heivy %','rliolesale bouse in New York bas his put up mires and estlili.4hod a direct tele, î graphie communication with one of ibell incrcantilc agencies" of the cite. Every ne,ýv customer presentin- hiniséiris duly', endorsed by a favourable report 1brough, this mcdinm befoie tew. sale is Completed. It has rcquired considcrable timè hereto'fore ti) seiid a cierh in 1 erson, but 'on the ijn. - ývstem, -,çhil7e.one partner is show. cr_ in- ùfl' tli,-- -Ood,-s, the other retire-, clicks .,arc- la fé'w strokes, and 1carnSý-"0wns a farin of a Worth $8,000 clear, fiiled dfice Éve yenri anae ce, good"-and retarris tà assist in bovr leUt in- and assurin- the stranger that he em Ilave the soo&s on an terms he chooses. 1 ta 3f.,,datiie Ida Pfi--ilfeàrrÎvcdattheý Ca" of (j(;cjd Holle on tte lGthýofNovember, where sh@ was wel 1 recelived by the ]British Governor, She dic-signed embarkin for U- 9 s in Ilatiri tiLS On the 18th, on à fttnch gotern- j ruent Steanier, in wh!chaýfree pame bâd been tendered Lcr-. Prom ý 3klulïtius Sbe will procced to Madagascar. lits Itiset'ût,-dtl!ata.brotherqf£ck-eý the cr puted murdere'r ofDn Butde!4 residing 1 -t Aiunt2'-Pleasantý: llünterdçn county, igi- Ltio i XeW Joi-oey. bas béën sù, affecteil in mind an- jý-by ý;the laie flndiiig, of the Grand Jury, that 1 ît will urobaibly -be, noc ' ýaid , him " cessary to remove î to the lunatic afflùm. ind a' Tux Srvrx Wo'.,;DEPL-lhey wero the 'Egyptian pyrainids; the màu.soloum erlected by Ariemisia the Temple of Diana at Ep- hesus; the wallsand hansing gardens Babjr- "P-ý ;Ion; the Colossus at Rhodes; the StAte of lar, Jùpitc- 0]ympIýus, and ý the Pharos, or, ted vatch-wwer, at Alexandria. ad- PORCELtrýN.-The name of porcel.ain is derieed - from the- Portug'o. . e ward net ýeSý _ , - - signiflés a cup. It 'W" adopted'from 'the ëjrcýum'sfinée î At Portuguese were the tirst impoÉters Of Prcrz WL- celain from - China In Gréât 'BÉiwn' the lis term Chijna or China-ware is mo' re monly u-îécLý' nit of MARE-% « P.C e . Of xcýý is Said to liavelvelited. the mask-to, ber comp1.eýion fe6ta th « e SUU. But. thee. ts. ricai mûs we'r eý in usýë. au 1 ýoD th e_ (j à Tnd-Rom'âl Di% rads fti- !ý _'nd à 1'ý à fk se 'pleased WiththÇàr q i dioýty.- oi k'-&é'fiýSt- . me t Qtteeu's Ik i IR BU n- ers Uartei'ý&" ick, Broelt, C. W. SINESS OP TIR ATHENAVX fflty, ta4 black haijý &%ngWne complexio , b wefe not disturbed. f." 1 --ý -- '1-1 've T FIre Aunrance Compan ha ' be n .naýtigator w se oot in trgniferred to the Timea and L=WIL A" large projecting ears, thi After admiring- his worký FMn" 1 1 ý ë ' ý th hewoulde, ýIît Ç- A. SUEI]Kg d au gnmnce Company, aU renewal proiniums and, enormous thumbs; a coiraoly organized; ed up the book'thathad fallen -on the cûLwtýý'znd ûycrý' eai Maq is a strange >d 6. A NXIF A Cf L-9 ER OFSAVAN-e AND futare Paynienta muât be màde ut Lhe Offtees of -not made of th*. hner cl& îhe lut editiono Ciotrt.,: Stn,,-,kiiie ütid Chewincy To- the Times aud Bcawn Cý . find nore-, f the jÉýýe. ImS t'. li THURSDAY MORNIN(à. Br ý 1 WI-IITBY-1 C. W., TIIURSDAY, 57. MARCH 19,18a

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