Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1857, p. 4

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Bonne"" lauppo&gAg ekhs counters to b*ý plieedlà a rolm Imd thst tbev ore tu be armnged in poils, one on thé otý@Ï, këeý4 ýbcmî still la a Rue, and withoul tàking ahy one counter ôver mure th'PAÏ tw'o 4ta timeý , llew-, 14 lt; to ho doue 1 ENIGMA. or-one ttyllable, ky entling u", fint letter, becomes a Lttiu word of two éyUablen ; both lmving-the "me eignillçatÃŽo" 1 %ý'hy ine the infant Dilke of Coriiwail, n ho "Fte8sea Ibo iiiiieli landed property, be cQnsid- 0 -ed a. man. Wly dm eju that Robinnoii cyuoe -Wýés 811 Ll'i'mýlq'alLll 1 Wily were thtre ne p,,ý.,îne lubclm in Ilenry VýLI.'8 time iid vrý"'c! ti, 'rlý' 'fimit., rA l etîm ' My ýýêc' ýllo' l'v th My wli,,Iu iý bvýoh lind liedge is ý(3cn And willi NLY thù villiwe ilikeen. 12 fttyl n NrA. nlid mneak, rmýl 1 * vý Diit, ir (E, ided limb frovî !iirib, My fcst WP', ý»ï'm-k-lç' in t4 My seeým.l îii lfie switti. If tllNý ll-lOý y(ll tmly VIE CALAMITOIS RAILROAD ACCIDENT!! AT TUE BPRLINGTON BRIDGE. From the T-,r,,iýto 'March, Anotlitr of those ft>.trftil iccidenir, wliirh known to be qu"d but we bave Dot b«n able to ascertain their Ume& mice wri- ting the âbov,6 wo,'have bëW,,iàf«tned that t4eir is no doubt whatever of the lo- comotive havîng run off the track- ereit reached the bridge. , This conclusion ý is .Arrired ut from the fact tit,"he roadway from the switch to the bri4e (whIch is «a distance of about 70 foet) shows very plainlY that th e left wheel of the'locomotive ran froin the point îndicated to the bridge on the ties of the road, gradually making the centre of the track- whilç the right wheel of the lowmo- tive kept on ité; rail. This could only have resulted fron, the angle having brok-. en, and when the locomotive reached the bridge, the wheel passing through the cen- tre of the floorinc-1 caused the engine to ALII to the leIý and, tore &WAY the main ,qtrÃŽnger and riide of the trestieF, and r;o the wholu train %ras precipitated into the ca. nal, M 1 lit ---------- A - female, of Ilimilton natàê not did shé Wear them,1 :ý Who FOR TUE LIVERPPOk Loi were, dear te ft-higher than the railroad.Thé $!L.;Peuston her.l Te WhOm was fibti duar? No one bridge isthrown over jmmediately on the RA. Ir e 8 LIVERY loooo Acres olf Wild Lanxu. Fin, & Life Insd-m oe Simfi ýGarvfn Duinbartoff aged 8 yeam knew h . cr. God 4010 her 1 shealone then ýgh4 and is still higher. Thon aboutiE, 8 T A -B L 18 11 JI F, Ar T, L'i 1836.) Eý,131TUATED lX TIIETÃ"WN- -À boy, brother of above, réquired iù- 4c lbut.ý,'remgnized 4 him 1 si.ýty-féet belowt'he railroaàýis a narrow 'jr" orwic Direcily orq,;1ý)sito Bryan9s'ilotelq $Iivp*Côf il ii Morri», Grey, -Empowered bv SpecW Acts of Par -Hill Toronto. -M to Iginto, Igormanby, Thorah, Ita And se passetý the filèen'e- Hcre a MM deep, channell whicti looks like a sort ..of IJL:O,-Z eT]tt.'LT, WittTBY. &c. For paite'darü Capital, 2.000,000 Sterlî -Woods Woodý;tock aria broken. and a tear = ke*tbe reco ition of tho- chasm beiween twohigh bills. Int Mam, 7 ga o this apply to 1eý To VNTIMATE tertn@, -Barton, jr., Stratford hezd injured. mangleil reum 8 Of a friend or a relation. abyss was hurled the il]-Fitecl train. It i Tte the inIiabîl:lzit-ý (il, %Vhitby Und the publie AMOS W.'CRONL, CANADA BoiRD OF ýDiBF0( -Urquhart Express, Messengeron linO. There strangers, with héavy hearts, gazed ' Civil Eaeeer and Ebtute Agent, T. B. Andtrâûn. Esq., Alex. Sin wm just wide enongh te let the cars dnvrn t1lat lie hitl; oliclied a Liverv Stable at Ille Architect, . - -1nati. -D"q, place wijero 1 'v vill toaiconini(-dateý Brück Streetý Whitlny M'110 EsexpM, 1-,D now. on those Who were UnIFePt; tnd'thonght without touchîng anything t'O break their ail ilil MaY fî -ALSO- 1 JkXLB bftiCIIIF.L, F,4q., 1 ll«ÈrsTm ever a le 0 a 0 be a . oinmi and covered 0inxiibussei 1 P-ourm S; TyLut, FÀvt., 1 gExýrC Fvery person in the first mr, , Of th6mscIvcg, if u hg 1 t h uld f Il They literally leaped sixty feet into eu able of CILM ilig eightcc In tlie Town of Whitby, a'numbe et Town Lot-% except' Owen Doyle, James 13ai-tQn, OfIl theirs. Tlie"' maybe literies of sorrow, icç and water, one passenger car following wcýl adapteil fýr é,irrýing fer sale- Preinium4 on Firé iiisumijoe recelvi 1 hire. A. W. CRON. three ye-irs ending let Auguà_4 1857, g Stratford, and tivo children between eight and of horroir, but Who can concelve aught the lommotiva and completely overturning N. RAY Whitby. March 4,1857. 7-tc. est ilot accruffig on rife Fund £498,51 and aine years of age, perislied- The es- so utterly heart-rel-iding, de when people and becoming almost subinerged -a1ýd the Whitby, éTan. 16, 1 Bead Office, Canada cape of these Relents perfectly miraculous. go away in pouce and happiness, to teturn other liglit B r a aLcAhN ]DU, enÃŽng endwiys upon thiq. Grcat N 0 1-*j il; E. GOOD HEARSE. ro PS 0 le IL MAIT A IL FELITZ One of the children was th* wn out of a titis evening, or to-inormw, gna a1ýe first as hrLq been, the Io. f Uf con.qidering the il window on te the ice, it knows not how. heard of as mangled and drowned by uch number of passengers W .1, l'ýNRTI TII AT 11 AV F NOMS AN nRONNISHING UNDYRTAKER, &c. FI: - jnsnrýjnces may be efrected in, the 1 A('(*4)1-NI'S, thilt arv long, post duc to rais furnislied; Cofrins--,tii pon4ble Cs.)rnlmiiv, and êvery infuM The other wu dragged out of a window, disasters. place it is absolutely wonderrul how any J. are riqiiieted toattend to theiii 1etftn*.Ivonhand, il' ilot pzlid by tIiý.. 2#ïtli of 1 & ÃŽ., for sale. bavint belon up to its nock in water for THE EXAMINATION OF ME p,&pnS ÀXD LET. one escaped. will bc hLisded 1,% 1 ;'ýir,' cýI le J. IURRI gome fifteen minutes, in alinwt a senýeI TfflIt ni' TUE Ayew cm COT OrT OF TaF JAS. RITCIIIE. WHOLESALE IIÀRDWARE. Rtate. They were a lîttie. bov and a littie î This wu little less Melancholy than the Henry Augiltit, passen.,er from Torontn, girl, brether and sister. They can recol- recognizing their dead bodies. In the IIAVFNI'0*1'lN-:,T(.)CX W111TBY-CiARRIAGE DEPOS teïeniedfrorn the first car. For Sile or to _Lct, T lect nothing after the féarful crash, and pork-et of one wilil be fOund letters frotn his The escape of «veiv- large and olenplûte iqtoçk of Shelf b-s perRon ndérrul. île is a TRE NVIIITBY fîiTEAýM 111ILLS, alleavý Ilardvrare, i!nported direct froni J' was inost wo and being thrown upon their hea&s. Their'ý wife and children, wishing him home, and T\ý'() lI'N' 4)I,-.s'I*(iý,1,,,-ý ATJ, lAnd an 1 tiiii.,;tiiteý9. Their prices ýare tllucli Lis Cqerrý"an ý - il he and the l-a.st natiied pas an will indlice thote %Vha ravor thein trial, to -ex- motlicr, father and uncle perisbed, and i sorrowing for his absence. _.Another died senger vrere sittin,,P, Ing-cthý,r on the rear b-V ti tllirtv Ilor tend tiieir orderti, and tlicir stock will always be with daguerreoty on his-brewt of those Enin-. Tiýs-, Iýiý4 l,ýiw Owen Do le, Who saved himself, is their peg il found coinpletc. sent of the first pazýiý(ýiier rar. The me.>- Fin il w:tý ili Sepii-iiiicr. The R. LEWIS & unelle Ife saveà hiniself I)y forcing hiR bc loved mo. i-A "ir il T.r qt on earth- A mothee-s let- nient they licard the first concussion, tthev -rw. M"f iii Ir . 1. 41 King way out of a window as the water was 'ter was found in this Orles Poèket, asking gnt u tif11)ý or' an 1-il-ro d' 1iýi1.I tViý!1 lie ýNIiîI. p and rusheil together ta the door, il, 1,% 1,til(»r. l_ a t. rushing in. Ife remembers swiraiming on rehet and sayingshewasill. Themo À, i m To-Triir Po-wr.OFyti ney the latter offly reached theplatforin. lie ROSS, IS, THE PL.,%(ýE V) BUY SLEIGI to the ice ; and then lost eonsciousne&-, for relid wàs found side by gide with the ý Perrv. 99 :U:_ýwA0î utnped off just threc fýet from the cha.sm. ' - : ters und (larringes of ait L)fflcrîptî( James Barton cannot tell how ho got out letter. AnothWs name was 1 Or ail the; ilreniit-e-4. IIEI,3UPýSCRIBFýILS IIAVENOW INSTOCK will alwayâ find on hand ago(.,dassert 1 Pnt-1 Perrv, Fehruarv 2!i, -4t ur)rtiiiont e'%rned by The other car rushed by bila and was T the inost complote and la e of the window. Ife recolleefis but a wild the letters of 1Ifflýw Who loved him And (.f Hardware in Canada, to mýliiTthéy would in- Sold aý Prices that dety Com screatn-bein " ied àgainst the ceiling YlOt ftnother was hurrying home ite 1)ný'ers' attention. urebue wôtild d lie then ran down the hill, and wa., the -parties wixhing to to con- R. LEWIS of the car. Half senseless and half drovrned, eOll-'tlle siül, or illie dying. Such were 'ý XADDLERY call ýRBd beïr means or saring from (irowriiii- bis corn- & Jariuary IÛ, 1357. bc made a last spring for the window. Ife some of the inridentst. C. - - . . 1 whhhy, Jan. 14, 1m6ý- panion m-ho was net in tinle te rench the W A R P, il 0 il 8 F, Piping. wu picked off of a calze of îce a few minu- 110W TUE ACrIPENT WAM FIRST plitform. Ife dragged hini out of a win. 2.îlon feet Ilc Io inch Patent Weldel I.-Oil pipe tes afterwar(L,;, senseless. The two chil- There i4 hut one small bouse belonging ryýyi-xe .1 li - 1 FOR SALE-125 TOWN L doi-, and comparatively unhurt. RIT1111Y, IN llCF.Tt-ININ(r thanks i k:. dren, marvellous te say 1 1 - $4 lit arc but sliglitiv ta the poinr wotnan Who behaved go nobly woma i afid the 1,111) le D, Who lives near the scenc 94 N THE TOWN OF WIIITBy, injured; and Doyle and Barton are fjut hv the Dovle children ri vivinitv of fite )Iarkct now in ear the falien lof th, disa-ter, nill mho wan Vic v (if* in- 1 ercetion. - xi]7ýtI--'rllliEE WATIM comparativelv little huit. Dovle had his bridp and the %ras looking Out of'the win- flrst te witness it,, -èvùs iý, i:iterc>tiilý tl'e-fil 1- ýtn h1ix i a 1 Fur ftirttit;r particularà. and temZ N.4,li 1 )4 11»1-r. i Sts -m Pliig Mnin )r -,ý-k rrA Dies, irnn and Bm F. brother, and Sister-in-law, two cou.-tin.,4, and dow ns the train approached. She sav' ie - s llarticulars about Ille two children-the Bends, and other a cousîns wife, and two niece-, ail killed or the catastrophe made little noise. The 1 I)Oyleýr%-wlio se tilraculously ü.ý Fininçii. For-ýL!el-,y 10,000 Acres Wild Land for sale, 1 calied. R. LEWIS & SON. -bat with hit; own injuries, trairi sec.med a a T. xi, drowned. And m ta sw y to one ide-and th en iýý:1 lie iýi 7ý., 1ý ! She rwhed down the bill te the <-.ýtrs ; in- rl;1iný,, Whitlly, the fýarfùI excitenleut of the scene lie 1 ad -ull à,$-Ippt-,ured It is probable the swaying deed tle p,.-iç)r woman literally rolied down paitl to the 1lib I.F,.%D, i y was the first e ger o ert lii-1 passed through, and the lo.sý; of fm tuait paxs ri car v IIC i i ('0M prily,ý4 T;1ieý urnIng- for it wns sosterl, and (;o,ý Fittilléil, k 11, IfELTING 1 DELTING 1 e , iirincrft, &e.. Ilot Wat(:r ricar and dear te him, the poor fellow Nvan- i Slie says site saw a man le&p from the Io- net kücp li,-r f,--t:t ; anll ct l',:;t F(.it atitl lLmI.ç, ýsýitower i __ - - - __ - - 1 HZ Ni dered about alniost bereft of his iiieiiiorv comotive iinmedistely before it dir.-appear. tact lier attel)li4>11 thz pok'r f; RA 'i D TRUNRý RA.ILWAY. "lis-Foi)t Baths, Toillet Setts-Baking T hand, tud flur sille, vety loiv, 1 ý Patent Coffee-Pots. and bis eense-, Barton's father was also vil. This wai; likely to bc the engineer, as about cight )-zýars of Indian ltubbér Meltîng they were sitting toggether the lie w f and with his neck bro -en on the P)eetr-'-; ni.d -ither l'atp.nt Filtering Coffée-Pots Frsitri 3 to 14 iliche!i. g Raid, -iili iiiîîid ine, 7,1, 7 Spicv, Suiliir a Boxe 12îý Coile Bouihay and Manilla Rope, 1 car was turned upside down. and thev ice. A t the saine titille one of the -work- Save and Te. i. 1 . my brother ;" and Uie puior littie fel-: 3 were dastied against the top (if it. inan at the station home-it is abou r l'an.ý;--liit wat(-r l'Inim ('a,,ký, Clit Io--- 1-15; nt Ille Inolient mith Iiis clain bare- Day Street Station.- Tfý:tîterLL. 5o Trin.% Bar, Iloolp, and Band Iron, The eseppe of Mr. Richardson. 1fr. Ur- a mile disý ant fmm the bIôlen bridge- ly above water, ut the top of olie of the ý'l) AFTE11 oon and Knife Travg. 21--, Biitidles 4ilt Sprîng Steel,* (rom ile to T" avellin, Iltiinq, x. quhart of -the express, mail conductor. vl-liii was watchin the train coming in vvindovs, îinriloring s,: r. i - 4, Fe il r." iiill (l*ý ýr the i Tr. &0 the baggage m.%ster, was equally ni.irvel- 14.,% %v the rteani iýtid(lenly stop and a sort of 0114 q,11. %' for sale liv liA Firt.mei's Vlotigh t1le ire Was - pliblic, Ic-ave Front su-ect fi. uwIs &- ls 0 x, lous. When the loroinotive aiid (List arisc. In a Second there was no î brok,,, f>t_ýr ýoiiic (Lý1nnl-c-ý the -trret".roroDto. 'vüry de-scription of SIL - cil am went înto the abvst, literally, the lengg-ige train te bc ý,een. The alann wa.5 at manigied te reàch Iiiin ; ai.d P-11 Lr rv. for car swung rouild as ii was onï-c- given and wc belcive that ail p Deed and Cw4là Boxeq.. ing hitn, rw;heil a,,) L1,-,tý hi!l %vith one chil(j .% l2ý, going over, and broke loose front the ten- vonnectvd with the railroad have es sizes- erted in her arnis, and got à 1), ý,rilo wn-Q retL.Ivct(i and ec,411IL hv On thelný(qvl,!S n)O.';t Rince toi ren- der. The conseipience- was, it hiniself bad'ý- the -irý e the ize to the left of wliere the der all tFic assistance the coui(L The l on Ili, liack. :.ý'1e pu't thein toi lx-d Coal Purdanians. disappeared; and slîtý S'l) Nitns tli,,, crash wa-s net beard at the depot. ilo n ni Z#2 t ri ei. ig strange ta sav, they -ôt up v. ith scarcelV .1 OF QUITE NEW lenve 1),)n 3t : 1 i1là Il and ians,. Vases and Ilo(ý. J, ice, a short disLmire. litiever overturzieil; VIE ('At'Sîl OF TITE ACCI-DENT. inarli Owell Doyle. Ille uT1t ,ý of the litlie, TuA ilit(I for i4mle bc 1 ai-id its three ininâteq, thotil-li tlinN% T) In the jerescnt ý4tagL of the proceedings girl, S'aved lier by lier te 1-.it, breast S. P« Ceneral Maria SON. j Toror.,,-. l'e4. il, L1ý-1-'. t . aino-ig trun'i's and all of thiligrs, the Coroner's Jurv, and in view of wlien lie felt the car and, To,-frita, Januarv ' 30, 1857. 4 '. h : 1 11E 1 t-trange and happy te Ray, escalied m-ilth tite (lecp ret;ponsibility dat inny bc aitach- i BEST INVEý'qT.IIL:',NT YET throving licr out of the OFFEURD. 11OUSE AIND LOT FOR SALLE. but barelv trifling The Condiii- (,d Io the l'ailroad Comparly, we desire te crwih. The little boy fult'soitie or)L take 02 tnr, hearing 'Llie sma.s. of the bridge, -iiiii s1-ýeah- with ail proper re-serve u '1 11F FLOI'T'Z'i'ýHINOTOWN OF Wil[T- CD pon theý hîm in hi.,; arriLsanil fidl Ulluel* hini, but lie U DISPOSED OF BY P111- P., standing, at the open (joor of the car. vatte P-argaîij, Vint 1fon" ait(I caiLlze of this unparralleled calamity. Stijl Il ticA It i,; diýeIicii1t tt-) 1tý4ý fý;iie, Un eltuared on Dundn.s Street. Inte- Icapéd out just at the brink Oý" the abvss. we feel cýalle, ttif, F hicp 4'.%1 G EOIZ bis lipon t(, a few facts, a to i bals oectipied In- Mielluel liarshall, be- ruv-.1 1 10, rýnd ms the [le escaped biiliurt. Lin 11 1 ýz 4,t No. Itich everv one whr) i: the tliu.,,ü two 1 on 1,11-e t i(! sold fôrthwith. a bargain umy be 1 In the seccnd car, the persons saved must have observed; atil which the*pýopit retita4i,,, of' theïr pected. For farther purticularg n'ply tii, CD werc the Condticter, Mr. Barrett, the De- at jarý,, te uiiderý,t-..ntL The first is, 1111rUI Lille "f' i, ail who were dear le dieni. 011 Supe-rintendent. Mr. Muir, nied Mr. pq puty that the train- never --N'erit off Èvc track at 1!e V' n'id Eý_î On or to iý ly 1 ï, an auditor. Thev %vvre on ilv_ý ýý1l1Ldüd tfv CEO. WALLACE, lýyron-ý,t- l ail, because there are no iuarks of the Wa!tý-,-tt l,!* l'o-rt Wl wafrr frc)iit,,iru 2 -platforla of the last car, and juinpoil Ott" ivlivek, whatever, of the, rai 'ne 1 WIRITBY FOUNDRY. i, tLýý ort. the when thee hezrd the oiilv inarks tliei-e -re, area fow, bc in uiý1 %ery býoo1l be rliiite in- ginning 1 wus ri hurt in titis car, are Dr. Mnckleiiialid Mr. 4-') or 50' s früt froni the bridge, on the T,,ýi thé eullire Stfwh- of t'he %Vhithv T. C. Street of the Falls. The e)riiier is track ilselr. Thcse are as if a bolt, or 1 1plitte to tile and (.,,oin ilny, tuke Ill very inueli injured in the liend, and lias a sollictllillg of tl]e hind, had got loose and NOTICE. tunitv of iuf., i C 114 0'%"V N 1-11,N-13 DEPART,11E.N itiiLiiiif-.i(!tiiriiig and otherl und he a contw;ion iti the side ; but it it, hoped 'T. froin the axIe, and tore seauts 1 11-11F PROVISK)NAI, DIRE4717ORY OF TITF, t"ýüvarc preptired Io 4o ilil kiria-, oý net serious1v. Mr. Sircet's collar-bonc is -2 if il Fvl). 1 Teýe rý:' 1ý1%: lie ýl,.l i. !14-ý , 711Lr M*ý-it)ýý,týi(ilakellitronl>.-tiiway(,Ufnr.gil-ý i!ie,:r iý-le, on tle shorttest in t1le tieh. Ait lirit tlicy aro vcry iilight. ls lU.1Zé"Lýy Tl1iA'Lý IN ille iiý 1-it, rind t , 5 . truti-rc', thrir iii the over tii'e, broken, liis»arin very hadly Lurt, and héýs aulu .1ct e-i.ilrï,ti 1(i - 'LA iitin- te merle scratches. As thev véiÎý,i tlle -Notiot. ý,f il '. l'lit j-j- lil, t'Il Of- S T E A M E N G 'l sta] it, :k: l e ILI t it WC,-,Ild firt>.-Iaee if fli ec open otherwise niuch 1-ortiise(L They are in the ljeAIý the bridge they b-ecome deeper; a1ý SaT.- and Griet -Mill CaFtiL r Cawada, kz-ý Oil zi in thl.. illornill", týý 4 in teýe lIf't,ýriIW)II. hand» of- ttie beýt surý-ýàons 'If L'ý i ýl:_ in the lire- before going on toLthe bridge, Nvhav 1 ztiid 1*,Trt5t»ý,r it)F>,Y tu 1 vince and strong' hot are entertaitied ever it that W brolien or slipped 1 WIýîtl>v, «Inn. i2j l8;ý7. i-.C.i cuy of tlicir recovery. Bali'- oile of t Curtis, Of down , sýl.aved ofr a I)ieee of the solid Ingerstili, istli-c>.adfiilly woiý,1,v. J'ail. I1J. cilA 1ron Wù1dow Caps. Stone, about ail illeti and a half dcep. ý1 1 NOTICE. and is exp(ýcte(l te (lie everv ii-,)iiien _Eilil CAUCI10-11ç' ýýil1s and Grtaetî ýlcigh s1w Thiti oli-rue ion-and il did not sec.a &S FOIZ 'ÏALE. i',ý* 11PL fr,()7it one in 7 à-, ;ion é,->r. UF BEGS. 111AT Mr. Barton, junior, of Woodstock. Iiiid iÀs if it w,, , broke., a-xle, because it neither i zzr) a lie if and _i T7 ýZ -te l-liýM1!o ýreýt vi d' lit V 1 111V1Ný111 1?V l- , 1 IW' Nez T " TI W-hil A liben otberâ wb Tilý*ý.q- pal in the idness mal &drjrtisirý las so. wi thëir notic No P" sges twe lx i_-uen tU risk el ]IM E No ilegligence whatever appears to be attributable to the sn-itellman, and the on- ly way in which thisfriglitful accident can be accounted for is that the intense cold of the past few days has had some efFect up. on the wheels, and so caused me of thent to snap off. Captein Sutherland and Adani Ferrie, Jr.. m-rre npon the train, and are nodoubt, amongst the dead, although their bodies have nnt been found. Nir. John K. Clare, mcrchantý James Street, was 111 on the car upset into the en- iial ; lie hâd lus little girl by his side, and whe, -ar mas de--eending she got loosc' froin liiiii in some way. Ile was sitting two scats hari, of the Fteve, and with it was tlirovn forward; lie scarcely knows hoiv he escapcil-iiideed it is a miracle; lie mvled througli the window, look-ed for his child, but could not, sec lier; no doubt she was under the water. The examination will bc resumed at 10 o'clock titis; niorninrý by Coroners Bull and ý*i everýr d ,will bý dî remurierat The P ýwhlch eau ýcular& in a -ou harki a raies, P2 pricea and 'hiitti.in forethouglit appe#s inadeqtiale to ýj Poseburgh. ,thc task of la't-I There will be no interruption in the vveningiwir tlýis citv.'ýý Thetraîa froý passaKe of the trains East and West- .Tcýronto, ivhich iýz due at 5-45, liad Srarce- tueans having been provided by the Coin. IV t4)tlche(l tile swing bridge (iver the Des- 1 jari-litis Canal, w1wn it way, and the i -The crowd nt the milwa station w&ç whole train wa., prûcýpitatcd ilito the wa- 1 , y of 40 fect. The """n". Major Booker'-s Company ren- dered effective 1ý1,rAcr rt-,.À baggage car service in keepîng them froin interrupting the Coroncm' exaniiiia- xvere ail compictv],. Ukirie-l in the matter. î ý The forv.ir(l passenger car in desce-idizg wa"- timie(I ilown, 1caving a portion l'lie following is a complete liet of the of it offlv above the waicr. The forivaril "ailles cf pas-sengers, including those wh end of the I!t.,* p*.L.eýiý(,n,,rcr var upým liave c;;ýriped so far as vre havè rithor thvý or iliu car, and to feL, LICIZ U110a Oie Wall t1w KILLED. ý"mwf: $ut &up ut uvvit"!WLLIUUW mwhe.4 and'bjiàds," wiu4 intendcd te cxlend unel BRITISR CÃ"LON, doce cxtend to rlmciinerv f(ýr the manuf4ýttire of (Tri-Weekly,) Ilother 'wnod work fïyýbnilding Llrlx>eeS," 1 mentiýý,ned in the Order Il] Conneil of tbe 1;,)tb-, Deceigiber, 18M, piibliitbed. ùt the Canada &a- NEW S OF THE, W EEK i4W, under dafé the listh cf suid inonth. By command, (NveeL s. >L Bou-CHETTE, TER ms: Morrel, à 1tuý,- liarkness L C Rifles. large anjount 35-Charles Brown, merchant GauL r of ljapers würe U- Rendail, Lockport man unknown i 037-David MeFiggin, servan.t to Mr. Ir. h liglit hair and ving, SAicitor, G. NV.. IL 1 Barr, of Niaga- à$-John Bradflel(l- Siiçnonizinn Ttr;riý. ý air dopot. 11 lis W. G reen Ilamih'on. bov. 1")-l'ittit: gii-1. 1-1--fohn 1- fictiderren Hamilton. Brantford. tall man 40 yeil-s of ae.. 1 --Edv.trd Pùllield, late mate o inilton )f the c 1. ni, 1 Rezi W A Y Brt JL s c Cour LERI rce t'le cd Wn ùw werw Als mal pumn- sonq crjg.I,ýed on LI'c trLý ýý tEat iverc în the ;%,,ýt car wete taken out nlôë;tly i wotindeý titi, %ve arc sý,rry to -ay tao many wnongst therk .1 li'd', vvaï cut in thc bottom of thý nr, %%hich ky aclcom the canal, un-1 thv b,ýdies taken frnii il. as tz"-,ýv.- O> ., lien iota mhun k îs con.siderci CW inoncy Cod the wawr is ut til"ý, the ý'v"rand the ý1t;,th U11119ZI ý-9ric:Mo frou, vww. Mr. Nll,,r, tlie Triiiiie ý)n lmarl, but in socil rt lit.P'itioii at t1w ii[lle a,; to alloiv him tg j."Ilîp 011 Ur),d) as the c-ýr toý>k the leap ilitc, lite friýý,'Iltflil kby-5, wliere ýço many 4 Li', fel- jOvý. ý,m,) hurried in- 1-Donild Sttint-t, Hamilton. 2-A. Grant Purth. .1 - of firin iýslh and Russel of Brantford. 4-A irinii ii. 5-Joseph Barr, of Niagam 6-Mrs Doyle, I)titito-trton. . -James Galinon. S-Satituel Ziiiittiernian, Niagari 'â-TU -;ias Bensen Port Ili.spe. Sharp book veiider, Ilm 1-1-- 1.1 ;1,11 -- 1 111-Malilda 2 yean old to the lircleille(ef tliu;t- N1aý,cr. 'Mr Jului ofJ. K. Clare Ilainilvin. C. I[elïdtý, Mr. ý)rýltlier-iii- 1 NIr. litise ý.Cîerman) Clergy- laýv, we ailo tg) sa", 'iva, ;l!!It)ll --i die rimn Church of England lianlilton. L-illed-pof r vvil .1 lmrer e . r d nian, d essed in grev f4tcý Nlr, Carr(Lt, cruilJeter -1 0- tý-!Iill IAJ a CeLet fur Bronte- Cscav1ýlÀ -,,itl-.out 'Ille Ros-, Toronto. mana"er, P-ýýt Clerk aile, L'Owluctor iiiiddl(ý-"-edii)an unk-nown Pïchartisen eý4capu(I frcliij the baggae Il ar 23--John WiArd, mi-Iler, late uf Buc- wileil Ï11 Ole %vater by climbing kin-hamshire England. tlIM)n the tý', il. Brantfieid enginftr of train. A imi * ngý-L thv Miled îs Nirs. P. S. Stevel- 27- 13arton Stratford. son' of this vitv. ',-t\teeri were j '2>;-Itoiert Crawford S&Itfleet. talien to the li.t*,.r,-age i-ooiti an l laid side i 1 1 214-11enry SturdY, nierchant London. bv all, %vitla tbo 50-11ticgh ýIcSl(,y, St. Cutharinm The ejll(,)%viii;; is a 1;t,ýýt : 31-Tiiiifitliy Doyle Dumbarton shoe- as neur ats czm be arrived at:-ist, Doriald niaker. Stuart, oï ttl7,, citv, hafi A, Grant 32-Patriek Doyle, do son of Mrs. Do- luarlied ou Ilis Olîrtbosom. 'il-ql, Mr. 1>,u,,- N'le. uý_y-uvilli mI-i4utieLti, zuspension bricige, -C-J tile laci, mat ine tocomotive literany eut this person %vas Falls. iiij 1 i 1 z ired. its way through the bridge. That is, it Joseph Biirn,ý pa.ssenger from Water- broke no more of it than was, actt&iUy ne- y, to Bryce & Sq 40-Ellen and 'Mary Devîne. 215 ; (Allier ilie- 43'-A mari unknown. town to Hamilton, had his colkir-bone cý> sarýy to, lut itself down. We de not' ýt niak-i.,s it rer- 44-James' Forbes, fariner Nelson. broken. *ivîsh to go further into the inefficiency of Ferdinand, Bergner, passenger from To- the bridge, or its imperfect GÉ1, a fiýI-aale' 45-A tmIl man unknown. construction. k - 1 ronto to Buffalo, very slightly hurt- The locomotive manitestly went on * tQ the in pocket, and 443-.Nliddle-aged man unk-nown. THE DEA D. bridge -on the track. Thât ig obvions and ýr, one of whîch 47-Mrs- Bradfield, Suspension bridge, J-lii-ies Gannon, ýN. Falls. Among the -most liarrowing secties at; indisputable. ý The bridge breakîng down 1 man about 20 48-Ralph Wade Coburg. tendÃŽng thîs fcarful catastrophe, arc the w-ith it on it, whether an axle wmbrçkçn 'Y UlIder.,;Ilirý- 41.JýColin Campbell Nassagaweya. witner-sing the unhappy relatives recog- or not, settles the inatter of Inadequate Ziir.mermi ; an, - of 50-Charles Caldwell Albion. nizing the mangled reinains of busLands, construction. mson, of! Port 51-George MeDenneIL fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. As te the train ru ng on to the book vender 52-Poor man unknown. too fast, it is, in our Judgement a Wlacy Yesterday morning the wîfé of Mr. Morley Mr. A. Booker, b3-Female unknown. arrived from St. Catharinpg, to pick- out or because, îf thetrain was goîng at in unu- hiscity. 12th, 1 54-jas. Major Michigan. the many dead W body. The scene was iual ipeed forithe pIace,ýthe people whQ i'citv. lath- Bell, of the fîmi of eell, of lýrantft)r(l A very of -moncy' and a nionber oi found Ott the body. 4tli, j -about 20 years of age, with dark dress. tý*h, josepli B ri,=in the p)ckct, booli oftl fouad a note due vesterdav McMurrich, TorSitü, fur £»-> morandums were found that ýtaîri N-elio the I)ci,.son was. ivith soine Ainerietn gold Iý two On weddim- fingel ci , LI wu inark-ed "A. D-" 7th, J e stout, lfght éomplexioned years of age'-had on a g7ey no irhisker.,;. Stli, Sanmel 7 Clifton. Kh, Thomas Ber llope. loth, Joint Sharp, -a at the depot. 11 th, Rev. N father of Major Booker, of th Erastus IV. Green, of tliitil Ettle boy about threc years ,a little girl, daugliter of ýhis city. 15th, John 16th, a female about 80 year en a slate colored silk popl cloak. neaily, the same colon known, a tall ïhan about 40 hair sli- tly grey. Nineteer fouild * in another ef the Con ings. In the flour store, we 19 bodies, Nide by hâle. 16 m and 1, chiltj The siglA wi beart-rendilig, and we hope the liko agnîm ý There had b ýof the 1-YoIte recognized at tI Corôner's examination, ut 15 un -14hese wenc Edîvard'Du ton ; Johà Mooley. Font have sinea been diséoveréd, the total iiuiÏ7býr of bodi« 8 o'clock, were forty. - TUE NUMBER ON CA It is diffleuit tô arrive at tI the cars- It is stated that 81 à!clty. jetil, a ý of âge. 14th, J. Ký Clare, of C. Henderson. xs of age,,.had ýliù dress and! ýr. 17th, -un. 0 years of age ,n more bodicg mpany's build- lien, 2 women mF, awful an( D never to See been but four the elose of the 5 minutes past ýqffleld, Hamîl- more býéEes which Sike 8 found ýuË to, le numb« on e persona left TII E WOÃŽRLD UN,ýLNIMOUS! 55-Mrs MeSloySt Catharines. -Mrs, P. IL Stevenson, Hamilton.' -Mr. Farr, Bainilton. -;--John Morley St Catharines. -Captain Sutherland Toronto. -Adanx Perrie. Jr. Hamilton. A wornan supposod to be Mrs Duffln Toronto. -John Beck tinsmith. --Fireman. INJURED. Dr. Mach-lem, Chippewa much injqre& Thomas 0. Stmet, Niagara Falla, séve- rely. ---Curtiss, Ingersoll; back broken-. John K Clare, Hamilton Èlightlyý hurt IL X Yerrington contusion OW headl, not seriously. Capt, I&cBride Port Burwel4 slightly. -McOully Printer Oýmard-iatý, OfûSTo- ronto slightly euts on the hea& E MéPeeley slightly irýured. 0. Foster slightly injured- John Rendema alizhtly W ured. ........... £1 10 0 per winam. weet'y ColonL"t P.tY-IBLE AT LL'A-ýT TULE-L MONT113 M The DAILY iâ dulivered in fit lier week, and tile BRITI,911 (7ALo,,,výT tit, 6d. lw-,r tortili-11 t-pay able to the io O.,Zviýi4ê, D haý!uz.becn rct- 1. The G r 1 rruE v, in 1 heart-riLndîlig as t-h-e Passed from one dcad body te another, all rnarkîng d«th with greater liorrors by beirg more or less mail- gled. Atlastoneevenraoredîstortedand mangled than the reat, was eGme to; and a. wild sercam but too w'ell told her tale of woe. And in a large storelouse, strewed witb deuil bodies; and with others going the, rounds to made sitrilar heart-rending di&éoveri(ýi, was Rhe leit tijkneel down and 4wail lier bercavernent. Whilst on one &ide of the laxý,,e buîlding a row of bodies were placed,, 4& yet unrc,,oDpîzed, and queRtions were asked of every new corwr, if he or îhe knew anything of thein, a mob or aý inoan would be heard in an ' other part, indicating that some one had Come from a distance and found all her sad expectations reâdized. Nor was the cireuinstance le ss harro,%in- or, pýssing the stranger by, who, far fýorn hià liome and far from those who wm dr Sý jumped -e and., were unh have donc sý' or might 113vi they did. , And as to, the broken &xle, Qrý whatever el Out, bLing f4t for any d reaching the brîd,",, it iLs the engineer could hav 'tr4îný and clearly,- never 04wed it tu go on to the bri an obstruction, nn'd that u loco-Iotive. The obstructia ýras, is the Sii-thinx thm

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