Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1857, p. 1

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TuEWHITBJY CHRMWI«E THMU RSD AY M ORN ING, igi8&Mayerh0ff8r Br0's., URoCKSTR EET, WHIITBY, ti Next Düoor to, the Registry Odiee.- RATEI|sP- ADVERTIsINo : 8xlinem and lundei ................. 21t . l Vii a a r l u a r I %i Iiinens4ecireu aution !1 the m,)LIn kidC n dè m vrv u b 1 ý mmmwmmý 1 The Husbandman. Earth, of man the bouniteous mother, Feeds Ihanstill with coru ad . n He who bestM01 ad 1buhr shares l't"h h t!m til ruegistlîe'. Ma»ny a power within lier boome. Nuiselesis, hiddeni, works beneanth ; Hence are seed and leaf undbþo, Golden ear and lu stered wreath. Thesie to swell with strengtli ad beat la the royal task of iman ; an eu 1, Man'% a king, hids throno jla Duty, Since his work on earth beganl. Ti e, emn, refruitto a e h stamped in elay, a hleavelv i1tage All frutni dust reeive 1 beir birth. B diifll and vine-vat'stre- re, Thj-eetare Natlre's at icit pleasue, Thies(..eehild fromt her deere q What the dreamL but vain rebelling, If from ecarth we souight toý flee ; Ta -stored land ,aple dw(ýniig, Tifroin it the skies we see. Wind and froeit, and hiour and seasýon Lma d dwater, suit and mshade, work with thüeewaslbid', thyr.ao, For they wobrk thiy tol to uiil. sow ilhy see and aep in galtdiess - Hlope and Ihard .hip, o nd ssndius ' S the plant to tr penossIV ial. to be full ad coýÏplete and;ýthat the judge Must be satisfied that a full'surrender has been níade and that theý debtor has handed over ecvery sixpence to his creditors. _Ifit *is found that -lielhas not done se the judge can refuse his final order, and if thé credi- terheaesthow thatthe debtor h ä'cte 1-e novr begged to call the attention of hion, members to what was,.perhaps - nit geeayknown. He believed that an outsIdo pressure had been brought to bear upo ths aý wichwasnotthnvoice o the pblic4t hiceor of be farerbut _ With calm Printed words, great thoughts an& gutiring indestry we advocate peace, P3r res Enowled- , Brotherhood. VOL. 1. evei i mediumc uldt o hascured in thia RICHARZDLEONAR178 1lOTE40OSHAWA oslt 1who advertise or thfink well of dlo- C.. Good accommodation. ing .o will pleaue lose no time in forwvarding - - ~ - - - their notieen.A LBER T SPRING, . opprw ilbe discont med until ll arrear- A h, cGREENBANK Leëtters enelosini en4h, if registered, will be at - -- thie risk of the Pubtisherswenatddrssed M GPRAND DROTHERS, HIIGGINS & M A YERilOFFEI R RS, GenuineU W1 ine D1) nA . R s1 hi y -Vault,; under thte 0 .~~ f. Trotoe e, King Street, BO OK A ND JO B 1--- - - ]PR INT IN G E STA B LIS HM E NT. NTIONA L IIOTE L, HriE Pt(RPRETOýIS OF TilE WHITBY prietor. IeR- "Unowri.," onl rspctfllyinormth abveIlo)tel. Rawy trt ellers wilbf ud ita puiblice thaàt thçy have procured sme of the mostcnvnet n oifrabebns. 2 etodern styles of Ty mfo New York in addi- to their ofdfce,n a tre lprepared to exeente ,WIL LIAM POW-SON,• 200K A D JOBPRINTNG C NCER, &e.,&c., M AINCUESTER, %M e er d"ecripition, and guarantee t1hat work ,Will be dulte in a spro style at the lowest FVRA NKLIN iHoUSiE.- Tho ner grt mhave 1,urchasled one of F W R1CMO- J1WGGLEeý CA RD PREL>SSEX ",""""odationfor Tn veletrs. wieh entables thern to turn ount Card anid Cirl ib-Ju 1.I1 Anir i avey dtimsmane.They have G. A. BA NN IST EIR $tiu1r C, 1whkh bin RgGG ItT. v1:0lowADv rates .P Ing e«n be fuirn eRid'at the lowest n prieces and ut tiie lshortest notice. t1 w.11.nlo0GiX,v..AE UFE .AIA nlm . A. PRING L ' Chr me, btb. .W IIL ANT TAIl12R L. iC TE .of the merchiants in the citida, and hie wo'd of t s tatI hd e tc is ans wth1r4 pbig bishands with a sort of fury.- afraid: I would take the -ris'k. It is I who Log aàti C ---, ask if thie righit of the few were to bee set this cord." What Is &oe matter, my friend l"ie ask- have caused all his misfortunes--ugt veonc1 against the rights of the many. Hle admit- "e But it is you who haà your hands ed with his mild fatherly voice. to console him ?-ftral, gurVednesday, Mar.ch 18 ted that this law was not perfect, because te.Dntyou remember that I releaed "Oh,' nothing, nothing, 1 I was rab- of his maRdnes2ý consisted in asking for My UEW YToe DAavatg adbe'aknoàt hc a you this very minute ? bing my hands." hn-h ilhv ohn oakfrt Ho. MÉPrince, moved f t eet in- never contemnplated, and h-hoped that hig ThtwsI1Twas ho 1 Ah, let me "Arnd what are you rubbing your hands day when I shall be his wnife-then we tdueailto prevent c et -to ani-hnfredtePsintfteCuci explamn the whole matter," fort"sahv ohn ofar h orbyras bilrlidec t osove would give themn an assurance that the .softly, mny friend, you are getting ex- "9There is somnething sticks to them." was siek only from an excess of love-,, curei shall a niafer maltreat certain am1iitb covernmient intended to bring in a proper cited, you are very red ; 1 don t want to "4 Shob e;Idontsean-hn. him of that dearftebt1onŸnie anit-m m e ntebl hl ela bankrupt law. It wasithecustom of mer- fatigue you. Only answer my questions. "You do not see 1 Why, there, ther, ly. Let him romain mad enoughit to love ble ýý M hemni admuc-chnsttaeaonssorfjugmn You say yeur nephew is diseased.?Y between the fingers ; I see it 'plain meioas 1I lOvehing mu of wbch welle to be fixed. Any one fromn the. persons they sold goods t, and "Insane, crazy, mad." enough 1'" We shali se," replied M. Auvray. w ho had seeni the way-in which animais to hold it in terroremi ovper their heads, And you are content to see him " What do you sec ?"l" Wait till thre feyer is overl If he is were treated in the large market town-Isi and if their affairs should ever comle Into mad ?' "My nephew's fortune Take it off, ashamed or vexed of having, been ill ; If 1 mudi have felt the nècessity for a measure, cut hs ofsin eepoue n Wlat, 1 Doctor. I am an honest man ; I wish ill see him sad or melancholy after his re- of this kind. The bill also provides for swept off everything ; but under thel.n- Anwrm rnl. o o' attn n. oey lntasweiorhm,-, nthe infliction of apenalty upon pounid-keep- solvent Debtors' Law they *were treated lie should getNell, do yourY' While the Doctor was listening attentive- the contrary, he recolleets his malady ors, whLa elc aig'rprcr ieohrdbs ; hene'lthe complaints of slo hyhat Vfrt y to the wild talk of M. Morlot, a strange without shamei or regret, if hie speaks of it of animals placed in their charge. the mlerchants. It was the fault of these '-otaigfrune may remain in revolution was going on in the person of 1calmlly, if hie feels n'o rpgac tt -ev te 1tebl dafrst enlmn ht ayofte onr your hands. - ou want to be rich, dolyou FranSÎï ise Hegrew pale, ho trembledl, hlis Sight of those who attendéd uponb" lnssP& nihiirddr: time.tader s t sin a d iffel frtheyrheld- not ? You are tbred with working for a teeth chatteredl. M. Auvray turned towar nghsilnssmhn ae ofero r-n SoNr. slqY TERaskTd Ry e the m andst s og si uie here whole lifetime without making a"fbrtnne him to ask what was the matter, lapses." Hn MrDeaqieskdeveQ neeadthygot into debt on the are you not ?" And you think your time "ýNothing," hie replied: "l she is omi Adwydrfahsoul-eb withdraw his motion respecting thec Hud.. strenghit of the appearance they were thug has Comterat last ch ?" I hear hier, it is the delighit-, but it, is too ashamed of having- loved to excess ? It is1 soni's Bay Territory. 11e beged' t b nbú tomae;btwnthybrk M. Morlot made no answer. Hlis eyes much for me. l1appiness fails 01,n e like a noble andl generous frenzy that never sev ta h oldnt aeroulght, this doni1a on hywr eemno wVere fixed on the floor. He asked himself the snow. It will be a hard winter far enters into little souls. And why should moinfrar abeknw htt ee straw. te w as iye awdshouald hae whether hie were dreamingan ugly dreamn; lovers. Plray sec, Doctor, what I1heitt,-n he feel repuignance at the sighit of those despatchles on the subject and the inistrue-bennatdshsiyndqulyo andhe asconuse wth hisbidin ofmyhea."whonuredhimdurnghisilhes? I i tions given to Mr. Draper would have been that it should be repealed hastily. H Ie ad- hands, and this questioning, and this in- M. Morlot ran up to himi, crying- out: mother and] I who have nursed himi." was idef inthe hse As fno mntio itd httshtsodiea abdlw quisitor, who seemed to read in his consci- -"That's enough ! don't go on in that way ! After six days of delirium, an abuindant svsmaeo te n h peclroih ad-e would begä ose etonea ence as in an open book. 11 do not want 0voushouild beadnylog perspiration carried off'the lever and the throne hiewas under the impression that enacted. [Il wever ewul oea ", Does hie hear voices?" asked the Doc- er. They worild say that it is 1 who have patient entered on his convalescence. te ol o ebogtdw.A mnmn otebl o t eel h tor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Vi- oftenpe.Tepolnlietrbedyuo orrao.Ima oetW e ediscovered himiself in a strange they had now been laid before them and amendmnent wÁs to the affecztthat the par- his hair rish on end. Hie recalled that ob- man. Doctor look at my hands ; 'feel in chamber, between Madame and Mlademoi- he h atsd t l the mean of ookig i to p it themhetiswho avnain ude the lawofit strmate voice that whispered in his ear, and my pockets ; send to my house in the Rue sleAvahi is de a hth a a atifie tato all the nteryste ofprovwith she-iwofavbcailng thes es fits answered mechamically, de Charonne, Faubourg St. Antoine ; open alt the hlotel of the Quatre &uigons in the haadaen an to sece the etr inets o rvsos hudb loe t eeis " Smeime."all the drawers . you will see that 1 have main Street of Emus. His' weaknesQs, his Canda ndpoeakersi the bes arangmentswa "No, no, 1 am not mnad. For Hleaven's The Doctor wasblecoming emarriasised corrected -the first impression : hie recol-inthrfetathemtrcolntntinrd, sake let me go out: 1 shall lose ny senses between his two Patients, n hen a dooir lected -himiself but vaguely. The Doctor eif etrhnsta hs fteGv in r ereddntapeedta here. Ask any of my friends, they will1 opened, andflaire camne to tel]liher fatlher cane to his assista-nee. Hle administered erineth l withdraw heoin. the evial],omlindbfueetu to~ the patc.wih-a tell you that I arn of sound mind. Feel that break fa stwats on the table. - to 1him the truth, but with >rudence as lhee notonnitdrwn a t ll btof hepratice hich asins .iv pulse ; y ouwill see that I have no fe- Francois started toward lher with a Con.- would ave measured corporeal nourish- rstmDno' ACT*. encour aedtoflpebpe gng intofbusnss ver' ~~~vuiLsive movemient. But'Lais physical forces ;maent to an enfeebled Laday. Francois Io.M.Mri ovdtescn e-whout c aaitl. The nuer of isprsons ýfy poor uncle !" said Francois. "l He seemed to fail the puýrpo)ses of his will. 1lie commenced by listening to his own story digo0 teblltrpe1te nove D i whohdaviedygeýan themsleofispv- does iw>t know that insanity is a delirihm fell black heav ily inito an armi-chair, and as to a romance in whichl he played no 1 AtsheIsletDetr'fto ins as very ra, andan them n without lever." could hardly stammrer out, I" Claire, it is 1; part .:lhe ,was another man, an entirely ls eso a eepand nymd oehdntpi en nte£ n " I, Sr,"ardedtheDocor " e cul I ovey o. illvou-"new mani, and hie camne out fromi his fever toincludle a few men n ho had been banik- deed he believed in several cases they had give our patients a lever, we could hecal the .He pas--sed his hiand over his foreheadl. as f-roin.-a tomb. Gradually the gaps il-. rupt n hen the last bankru~pt lawv expired, no0seseog opytecsso n hle f tua" Hs plefac flshd bt ad rd is is emry ledup Ih brinwas full and gentlemen by whom it was introduce<lI court. Anr Act recognizing such doings M. Mro threw himself in a sort of; temples beat violentlyv,lhe felt a strange of empty cases, which one by one seemied in th, other House ttdta uhwssol erp'ida ona osbe -desperation on the sofa. compression in the headl. Claire, ahnost theev hiraporaecotns at nly tsoj et. ivwse tto nculunw HnCeof h l. Pinefwoppe ose toath ".Aury"said Francoisq, always beside herself with contending emiotions, Soon lhe became master of his mind, andHbnkrupt ort oeive h.eb rptlw.*inciple of the arbilleoetheHue.n heering iur his rar:d march across the took his hands in lhers ;his skin %was ïdry ctrdnopseso rteps. thi edb ehowdthata om edon.smtrction- 2n--o--fh --ed--- roomi,I am profoundly pained with the and the pulse beat so violently as to alarm cure was a work, of science, and, more tolenddt sho thiÏata ore consruton- -m muisfortuine of niy uincle, but it is a great the poor girlIt ws not thlus tha t ile than that, of patience. Hlere was the ad-culbptupnhssaueoasoa- giaivAsmby ce-poation for mie to commit hirn to the had hioped to mieet himn. In a fewv minutes irable quality of M. Aultvray's paternal lotv ofleg-islation for a few individuals to car'e Cf ape like yourself. I have read the symptoms ofavilt >iusferce.Theceenmahd thet irjury of the many. An honest' banik- your adl4irable work La Monomanie Rai- i showced themnselves. "l What a pity ," said genius of greatutss. The twenity-fifth of rupt deserved their sympathy but were r. ot n treaoduc e ailto Capoint senmtite; nothing equal to it has bee-n Doctor Auvray" that this lever h -d not December, Francois, sitting up in bed, the rights of the creditors not to be res- Trses ot e tt ftelt hre written since the admirable Traite deâ attacked bis uncle ; it would have cured i propped by a chickien broth and the h1fpce.Hetutdtattemau e Bmanth etaooerfo the mana-gâa , 3alil(8e-ildtaleN of the great Esquirol. him 1"1 of anleggrerrlatedl cheerfully, distinctly n ouM lbe regarded not as affecting thre gmn f h'adsae So:uei days ag-o I breakhfasted with the in- IHe rang;- a servant ecame and Madame v.ithout wnernandxvithout emhanr- 1rights of ths debtor or that debtor but as-por. Coai nge thrdcdV.ill t oinor lern atthe Salpetriere. One of them is tAuvray ,etered, nhnFrancois hardly re- rsmnwt no other cemotion than that afcigteitrsso h peeera lprae a nk th . Vindtllae of BIwman- an 01d college- friend, Mr. Ravin. You cogn ized, so-nmuch was hie overcome b)y the Of atrm ijoyhds story for the piast three ly.. It would be of no service unless the r eari- thenmeadstl f yh 1na 1 in-fvr I a ee r o u i obdmnts lieadMaaeAva etentire repeal took place,. andnio advantage1 " hne eadofhm s-Iougph-ôihotdeayhiieoferdhe cabe s he ie:el Th oco petnedwsivntoths woCm etre he M.SmadinrouedaBil oamn i fia e fextraordin samie.uInws pety itleromn tha edwi$ o e akngotsbu smehig ls'tancorttudeeisArocson. heAcS eltig o avngstens "They all told me that if my uncle could white curtains, andIý fe w simpeoraens ink feil up)on the l aper.HonMrPeywaopsdtohe .r.Bnmm toucdaBltoro be cured, it would be by you, Sir. I know on the mantle-piece' was an onyx vatse te Mhntestr a sethehecn-hstraneonthchiewssogt t ide f ratersrty on t eand the o your kindness for your patients, and will only present that Claira had accepted from valesýcent r.ddedl, by wcay of conclusion : repeal thi:s haill. When bills were passed it potiPoncpert nh airaso not offend youf by a special recommnenda- hler lover- To-day, 25th Decembe-r at 3 o'clock in should not bce-done in a hasty ma.fher and o hsrome tion to your attention of my uncle. As While they were giving the first cares the afternooni, I said to my e-teellent Doc- without dlauefeiberation, but when they rAMase oLvenadesM E , ND fo r the price of his board, 1 leave that en- to Francois, his uncle n hg t tetr, may honored father, M. Auvray, whose becamne th e law of the land they should be MrMaetmodandrssoHi tirely with you;" and here Francois quiet- excitement bustled about in the room, sr-oadnmer hllnvragi ogerepetda sc.W ecngris hae Excealley thepGoenör Gaenralira. ]y drew a bank-note for a thousand francs embracing his nephew, seizing Madame" Sir,. you have P.a daughiter, Mademoiselle beenu induced to take rceinsudlig thart h will b e laet caus obe fromi h s pocket-book and laid it on the Auvray by the band, and cryin-g out at the Claire Auvray. I met hier this summrrer a the sanction Of a lawtheir rights should bec adbfoeti Ios .etr hw mantle-piece. "el shall have the honor of top of is voice, "Save h'im, gave him àEmts Yith her mother : I love her-she, respected,and itwiould not bc well to repeal ls Th mon6. h irm calling hlere in the course of next week.-- quick ! I do not want ho should die ; 1lisgiven miro htselvsm n At fPraeti hphsym nne, n1t.meamun ofthe Grammre. oo5 l A t what hour is it permitted to visit the shall make objections to his _death ; I am if you are nlot afraid that 1 should again whl rcei6 r 2igo ne hi nesTetond on the f D.; 385. patients b is guardian ; I have the right to protest . eoeisae ae h oo o sigpovisions. Other bills of great imper.- n.Teaonaaal o itiu "From twelve to two o'clock. For my. I am his uncle, his guardian ! If you don't'hler hand from you." tence might be treated in a similar manner to ne n5Ve s- 9a h self, I am always at home. Good-day, cure him, they will say it is I that have 'The Doctor nodded slighitly, but Claire,-usnesmight be established under sm ae Sir." killed him. But I take you to witness -put lher armis round the sickiman's rneck, hm n-ntemdto h natio r-The am ount ann llyacruing "'Stop him!" cried the uncle• " don't that I do not ask for his inheritance- I and kissed him on the forehead, of that business the Art might be repealedfr4hGam rScolFnfr:d. You let hlim go 1 It is hie that is y !-y give aillhis estate to the or AgasOf The samne day M.» Morlt rwn oeadteÎuins u n n o le hadtrbiosnc18. I11 tell'you all about his insanity." water, if you please, to wash my hands !" clmend freed from hbis strait waistcOat, no objecnto th e bill being repealed if 4th.- The amount annually acerningfrom " Paybequet m der nce, sid The tanfere hm t te nfrnryrose at,îbight o'cloc k in the morning. On_ the rights of parties who haed taken pro. investment or annuel grants of the egisla. h raois, uret ng;" I eav eu i he The y r ereme so fiol ent In fîtw sa gtig ot fbdre to i siprs eig nde t w re repete. he trefo-te am-p riî. :- . . ands, of M.pcAuvray ;hheurwillrtakesathepbest Francoisretiring cessary to putn honfthe&strait wasistcoa_ -l'itirnedte" nieót xmndtem o1wih a o ogh ob eeae t.Te mutanaÇ lsrbe (MWN LOT11. LTi NG 1 tiing, r-ur P Ilk a lthée r TII IAN DE-VEREL, i B ) W e c- GUREEN STREET.* UDGE OF TIIE COUKNTY & 8UltitGATE 1 langver. PanIOl las Pttv. P- it'tllt. 1me tth C ut liou . 1 pe r -a1lna1farY) 111,u4Sstreet, Whitby NE1LSON G. REVINOLD'rSr, JA I RNL) I oue TON cLRK .ND T sl!R F- oITtl FFICE ONURK ST il. J. lMACDO)N EIL L, LmOV TIlEP.\L -1EAT Cýthe i urt loinwe ROACI'N IIOTEL, 1R NE R OYF' FRONT A N I>C;EORGE . 31ANG LNG Uncle and Ne h iv JOHIN V. I 3. I.LEUK OF TlIIE J \ Ii \ 1 JI :. . li the ik Iste cve, JL ç -I Mn1 i i li. J. 1MACDO(NEL L, TY ET AT TDlF CeCI W. T E3 A Y NF N. . AIRBZAY s ru m m itNI -N :1 N \- __Ell -- - NN R T 'he Doctor enteredl, mnakmig lijNexcuiser Jan & . (, no e• Srat noro Francoi, rose, laid a Ide in ,I a, nd ex of, j i t ten n r -S c h ai.ii fi! ,a e - J. •ce. TE R ,IN i zs he wvalled u rntet >ablt, CTi-, e nieln i " e - d 111(l dowl om-e i. 'tI ltsaid le, ih1 e er e m w. noter- u b aenel o h h tt i nal une e to coimuit to vour carle. ol âcr li., a nman betwvet nl foity-hive and iiew-thlCiiil-i ffty eI ) manual lab.or iand the RORT T'MHATIOEH trasof a >orous life. ne bs en of beett t e t atllt thly e i tie<up tlùh her tiee 1I tr ain i nie er be-foreou til raota f n:ental t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i ehme ltbnedanaete ar satyostrug le %with. llis mal- PENIENTA RY e INE s, nourlt sone of the iluost curiouis PEITNIHonA NT 1rAE-;.0111Ula .ta Y, ie experiencee ha.s ever obsers ed. Ile 1-miii an in- A.J. Hax-ri-,an, Agent, ceie raiitfrorn thie u tr-eme of* Scheerfulnessý to thec extreine of sadness; a t is a strangte 1mixture of mlonol:l.nia, l>ro- t tl prl% So C:1ile,t and ofmea hly" iý Meilhas inot the(n, entireyly a- ins TM eltt "ND DR PE-, . à . -., n nr Gent athe haracter of hinalad)y" Ai Ilnd tL* t Si, t h le ch:racter of our tAU h altlAaaonte ote ns-c&i- ýlty . The poor maan n. ;truly care of you." M . Iorlot started to run after his ne. pew, but was stopped by the Doctor. "T eoce is it,4l exclaimied the poor uncle; "l was there ever such luck 1 If heo itul • y once bgin, you wçould see that iis not I who am the mradman." Francois already had hls lhand on the door-handle. Suddenly heturned-as if heW h frgotten somnething, and' coming straight up to the Doctorsaid: "lSirthe malady of my uncle is not the soie cause of my visit." "I Aha!" murmnured If. Worlot, whlosaw a ray of hope in the speech. The Yunyogman continued. "You have a daughte.n Ilere the le poor unc could nolonýger con._ tain himself ;"YoU uar what;heosasU : ýyou have a daughteýr , The Doctor replyiýRi o %ii; " Sir ; but -please tell me how..J. , "You have a daughte, ÂMRe. Claire A- STherel therel I told yor so," exclaim- teuncle.- "Yes, Sir," said the Doctor "$ýe wsat Ems tremnh g'wt ber a4tle, -6Bravo! bWar ashüedI Me "Ye, Sir," replied J urj 9ý painsofthre bouie. er isJPU - you ,1- 1, ( e. e. 2 - . w 3 e of dis age. After having labored N. G. H A M, rS NI D rom chil-Ilhood up e finds hunbielf with- R TtN . IAM IirrALEIl*usa '1T ri w Fu frtne fyfaler, bezlinniing Nvlen eplemit th (iliee., P't l oun td ilwreain at e nd on lav i ent nen h tl g: . emng enuious ; then fol rd un ilattn< (il titier < ýL. ho woul ht that, being iny only relative, ta i O i r e n.t r o:in ,it e n tlnd he pe t l--rat Ebt heath l d co m e m y icir im case of ' m y con aneer, &i. Whaith c. w grecalknd ide ant. et and ei gtdan in caý;e of misa-ii LAMD's H IIOTEL, iy ;an as a fem nin la,ily believes ýà ON kINACDOEL w, aSRET WISTe, TIROtO neIE wlat it desires, the unhapy iman persuad- rA ý,S o the :unt ne 111ecT uA . Ite',walk frorn thie RivvDeot tand Steamn- .mysn s. ie t i or t oth uth w oln ce i raln hb riFr said so to every one--he will tell you s. A aitrtnwntareled an 'iel we heile.ig Im te carriage, on our way here, though Dr. I. w- 0LARK, ii u»e1111 alm-u a- ou anfi Onthe arriva of the his hands were tied, he thouight it was he th u a~~~'.rý, am .IuA MB rpreo.who was briitgingr ine to you." for the CO utTorontntiMaroh,1 1l e en was he frat taken Fa BN I B O I 1 ETOWN OF S.NIOLAyS OOporter s odge n d ito hie came w h )it by, Counirty vo otar io. 1 K I .N 8T R E ET W E ST , TO R ON T O. I .En Dr.ŠV.W.GA G - -- (Near the Post Offiee and Exchange.) daughter-leave herinth e dglae-ad OCA L DENTNý7T;-O)FFICE IN BROOK GX Water Fisli a. 5 ey e?"il- come and help me bind my nt hew."" 1 àStreet, over J. Bigelowi&'%S tore, land opposIte cecof the Seuaon, at the Six o'clock P" s ho t 11 • rhedhî on te ItegjtrNy 01mee. AH operations warrnted. Dinner. ChJ4eo ep wieLiquora, &e. Meals - eeatacmrhnhscod- KTference, a fair triAl. 1a-3s-umal. Brea.;kft tfromi half-past 7 tol 10.- tien ? Dues he know that he is in an un- ¯Ordinary 1 to 3. a 6oto 8. 1Boarders $4 pe r su , teY AMOS W. CRON s ek D lULE. I oundSxat I hik ht ' g .:RCIllTEC, CIVIL ENGINEER, ANDD RE. "NSr;an hn hti od Entae Aent Whtbr. 1 oli1fachIRr'd.sign. Ishould also tell you that his phys- J. FROWD BEAVEN, W HITBY AUCTION M ART, ical functions are somewhiat deranged, that _RCillTECT AND) CIVIL ENGINEER, BYRONX STR EET, he has lost his appetite, and is subject to Dundasl Street, Whitby. FEtimnates milade r-:rNearly opposite W yatt's Hotel.-fl waeuns all1knde~f meanrinhworboarfurl attn- waefuless. rIIE Sl'ESCRIBER BEG;S,LEAVE TO 1N-", S auhdte bets er i A maaneapr- Tt onatte to-the ubvlbitanits of W'hitby,.and son who sloepsanetsrgaryinary WYATT>s 1HOTEL, adjigTownsi ,that the above~ pr;u.eme crale •rmtm. ,, enhi? ATE SEf-YR'S IllTBY. T Il E formierly knowua Ferrie'l lill, have been fit eâ¿mual.Pri et ae i- .stngew ai)ng NorthEau.ad es tro p im, a suitable inanner, t>r ia publie Auction M. Auvray gently shook the shoulder Ï nitby, sttop at this Hotel.E ry îinformiatioin Rootu. They wvill be let for Day or ENeniing Sales, ftes pr, h iatd -te hs o g i entpaene.Ca fu Ostler* al ways in ut a reasoniable rate. The IL-dl1 is also still oe o h leew ostre o hsfe. su adanc. . for Publie mleetings, Lecture,&., at a lww His first movemient was to rub his eyes. 1jD. P. WYATT, P'rorietor. chafrge.. It will seait comufortably abott5 per- , nh Qn ta i adswr én -- - - - s~~ons, .it; is lituate in the very entre of the Sown, hehefudtahihnswrebnd RtAILROAD IIOTEL, and therefre eas of nec .ho guessed what had passed during his , 1DOWNING, PROPRIETyR, BROCK ST. JAMES B. SMART s1cead broke utintlu lue, x .Whltby, Good 8isbling and attentive Oiq- Whitby,January 28th, 18r. - s sepa eotno2u luhee- CRAWFORD' & CAMPBELL, Tk i.a . ,, k J oNTARIO ROT E L, IMPORTpRSOF , B ThIs sa od Fjo!,8, i .whse BRYAN, Jr., PROItlETOR, BRocK British, French and'American -Dry " o see," sarid n.e itesm awipr, * treetWhitby. GoodiStabling and atten - Oloods, eroceries, &c. , toheDtr;"nfiemuesewll _ïïï- , 8PL ENDin ).ASSORMNT OF MEIN'Sthe Doo ß PU1 .uI M.OSTB, ON NARO u nP A n a s(3Cat, estsand Panta Made "1Iwill manage im,[" repliedthDo- and ICnsetorofLicUns n t Múnicipai th L O T H I N G tor ; and siling on the.'patient asif he ,,y of the Towýn of Whitby. 1 Made up to order In the latest style. had beena child that he. dt ma% Pr.aufs NEw BEmcK BUnIMNG, Wýnrm·T he said, C. UUTCJE[NfàpWitby, Jan. 19, 18,57. My n '. Yo NE MAKE1R AE\FJUUPElAND E-, F-~'~Myfn, o wh tms ae at'he'shrtstnotce Sheu.adUBITANNIA LIFE AssuRnANCE co., You haid pleasant dreaa ohîblg neatly executed.i Sno0r-A few ora (ESTAB1WnEDvenetdrggghed t l a North of IPellard'ilH otel, Broels Street, Wýhitby. a BfitnniaMutul Lie Asoelaion aughing too»se myself tied-i ed up like W--.---.-R-- BINSON,,A fagot of kindlit g-wood. One wid dsay t yVERY DECSCRIPTION OF LIFE ASSU- ]aet»kidS orHv e o- 1,A&LAWN LIVERY STABLES, t'on il rofltm, toriI can explain btter arhen I M at RWK gTREET WHITB3Y, NEXT DOOR 1Dè iied'Popetss and every reguisite myegel, to the ,Reg6ry O1iee, 1 -infonkationrasto the Mode 6of1 effectingas guu, yanos, •but a e - - , - - i + ay be obtameud en application o te , .. " I win ,a ige.a, y rind;bu r A. J,HIARR -for 0%Ø,ØRWAENg , gea94M, lpkg uA!!kf4ilL- w aqNyamos couwaregidaman Witbyian-16,ts?~ InM7s wa a . the attendanit., did n iot containi then aissed them over to> had not beet beggmng huin to sec if they through thal thirty thousand francés of OPPositon, ' Itwas only after receiving man Wha Mc the negative thiat he would ferred to a. s Lhem on. He combed hrm. OMmemé Ilalf hour, constantly re- took from-t did not wish it should be. make. theirr Phew' la- tune .- led passd, iin'fe 4v4 f1 1. Hle then1 shook every,-.me» ~- tÈ out of the window, havt RourMr fully se sehed- tl 'theni - P - he:would put it on. PBeinge .leP.) A eN1) iON Madame Auvray and her daughter de voted themselves to the care of: Francois You may tell' mne if you vil, tt these two women saw in him, the one a solin- an assurance i law, the other a htusband, but 1 helicy¢' ' that if he had been a-strnger h would cnett-o Ief during a ful have beennursed withiegnlal,cr, st. ps ine ha e Yincent-de Paul only imyented amuifort ; sad tat is there are sisters of eharity in aillranika and Il ,, 9 . upon his head. all ges f woen.article of clothi Beatedinight; and-day in7 thosick recul, a ng Egrst carep mnother and.,daughter ga vo thedir #paremno- ocet bfo ments to whispered conversation. no theirj ialcrsch recollections and their hopes., They-couldwthhchh not explain either the lonýg silérnew of1Fa- ý wils ôf his roon ci, nor>hissuddeni return nor he .oèea- . EGBUe sion that huid led him to the 'Avenue Mon- , , Thou he begac taigne. , If ho loyeg Claire, whly.hadl,,hein dblvva waited thrcee months ? Did ho noeeathe that the propert malady of his unle to introduce 'hiù1e fto'1tbeià.Ho'~tb to, M. A#vray f li e had forÉóttin his &Èr4' couning !ove, however, wh y not tàke hiz unlistote e nth- g S in t WHITBY, C. W., -THURSDAY- MARCH 26, 1857. Nr 0- 5. a

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