1.' -. ýCRIPr'à TO TUE~ Ilih be $2peramnum, i, (per Ilne). .O,. id. Wed to Murcihnta loci Wi.th VOL. octoreRce, Progremis, KtowIod ,Iltotberhooil. L21 1857.: rtixa1ig nleiit 4ud t beseo ntïs1aALBDRtT itn ?PRdroitsi say lu (as if overy word rent lib er othe* itdsters maY, (Olia emn eI#,yo 11114eno_________________ t'khetrt-8 rngs'Q -o 4ý1an very b4>Tys....except - _____>.i__j Emma,-. - yWln iereiued that 1Li- those whb have trW et « - S go aWay, .Ibae 11d"t)iuitined itulI alI .rear- A. PRINGLER, L>C8L~i nli netdfrkgr~ n o' osolgtc'nY~ai e TA1L0Rast-e4 vi BaEOCME "Ti 11 1 ' t! m mma ýwoul iasad, Ihthe '"Unclo Toid" cf your t~e 4k c th 'n esad ~-~- ti. eoqneorls erw "g'but the words died, Qu ber, iips, and she feu TIIO AI EVERLLte ic sa.,a, eaVily to the fiuer. . Advice t., Farraotst Daisghier. W TL~S-. ~ TET n 1 ft One fainting flit succeeded suother >X.F Wh08indiuccortthetithrough that long dreaynight, tillt ileI 8WU *k pm pul oeesit 1NTN«uà â*.tq* N. AN T E R GLAZIER, 4NUD- rÂPER- W l ht fi tug aboji7c ,smoledtaimoast suspcndcd. Morning came >cf the mat-tors on which I lust taIked to Sp Igateer 'a itOlls, lflAi;, ?ettV. l'a-' Art sireet, but Ifir lemsiofFa sad itoeothesufert oncesus yen.' I wiah ,to glu' Yeuua wniosn lt(lHofo A.Dund±uStrtot, 'WN'itby. Tlan Paasin1ov' 1iýma1 - 1k a tlhqy bave ji e1Vý ea .I n"N onok4rtyheiit4 asif atîlllbewildored, and imable to youg lade,-t e fet i hudhv ~sto eanfTî ct IN A SPGI9NG AT 'Of one 300flK gandliu gt; realize the dreadihl chance that ba pssilthe charateor rathe t-hé chuucWt- QV ýanà s F1ct'.s Colorn Stoot nerly And yet 1il ulnd do for the<vrhese îel or fIwere t-o ask Yeni;h *"oydm~lIp, sd uatn pomdte the Orartiný-ar& ]e. 9 ui erltîa leaigt; 1o oInut ot ioi f yuracqualutancea areo'uçehl ednatd h h. dalle I l etMrty1o dt- the Iuwe,'t J-C. STERILIUG, 1 colinot gise yen potnp or gold "Ne4,_np," saidUm .leand, "'tla no you iyould perhaps specilysome Whou~ 11unemtA UCTIONEER.A DEPIWATR BOOK If' yen îhoui1dbc înywiiil .1 1, Thei urtr i. re ve pirel!r.nKedone of',, r triiaAwenSls akp t BtIca li e oeutiplace for yen,,Em. consider t-ube perfectly e o i!tt thtoffice.Al ordure oft et tulec(Jkrmide office as fdt trocou lu daoalli or liii,.ýe dulîni - 'liil e attended te with u thte plnctit#i- Cveticbr acin f esht-ou- uc aor l Ietat-mdgrceuhlu r 442) 1bex-hiut tinmt aL adrS! y 1ARo $lglý.eo.somne dreadfuh vision, she id, " 1 care not m2nners, aings, plnys, sud dancea in t-ho a.navueodlosnnuu.Tliey have f tcet, lear the Court 110 cWlii'.Ms prvi ndnwt tl,- ha -si al ýol< g'jaiu W141hnicy Caérds, ----- -- --Witilta evgbea îiîer,&owh Iubl tbiauhght tas vcry 1low CIS TTEToiscornît-heïr ibeartlc.%x f.i.it)i, die. IWould yotklll ycur ehild ' Frnch, drawm, paint-a and ni*d1e-works t-o ,i, i'ýn 1~ êtrdbu et-the lemot fi ORER OF FT1ONT ANI) GEORGE. Andu-ed ^wlioiuvoitlove bhui.Theoscceèed*ing &y fouind ber at- t-eli e <t-iOn, tells cf BotUsY, C)hemat-rysu 1-,auida -eleta tc... .Ylvtoor. -Mtiji~y cl ep<i r prison idor, "Asthe key g'.te- in -the.PhiIo9ophy,-.knows cf ailt à or ah c.lai i"1 ,le oWYre,J.AW4Tîoourss.W.PILKEY's IIOTEL, A& the atiggig px-t'f% bide, luck for lher admit-tance, shel shuddcrd ions, beauxit, aud taîka t-o t-hem ithout - £1r4ctfle ilt.,.W NIAl1N STitEE.T.UIRK11UAM C W. Goop Than if rank your hm lionlod erwd, or Coaree on e la.bui aol o ni-ttiout file i luhn.N LUAeeuopîuodatiuuî Rnd attentive Gtlr i CI ihrud~~LO~ad buug back; u -vsolyfra i s t hosle acci'blshmn.No 0! the wa taller longs!forhicrnmtgb st-ant. Neruing hum«rsoh aby.on strung ef- pdoubat mandcf thosacc ot wlaletsar ~~ 1ÇNG STE<' ET, Oiiiw A, c. .GO n rlnefrionn, fort-, she advanoe<l andi threwvlher-peantndgrahesuyn i!pr ~! I U.tt, - roun rin --- -ita~,ra ~rigt seIt 1-ining. upon Lioneli breat. uaps thlnik tac disposed teofind it- lwhen, RAILROAD MOTEoLa, fo1ea nairiring -s t-hojailer caime târd ler, I 1tel! You a mrnumay be possessed cf JIOTELD RIIti4tAnd thle vanquniâlîed piy fur înight; - t-hem, and cren moret-han yen ment-ion, ZACIW8 URNIAJ, 1i DOWNING, IIOPITOI lh()CX ST. Adtiirpae,1hnlwolielnLieuse! starteti t-o bis font, and mith Uit-F. i TIE O NY 4 1 ROG tE rit.Whîv o thin n iluieAnd their auppliaure nitisi truie, 'nfleiS3o gesture, motioued hlm of. Press- t NESN JYOfietthC riLoi. tri. ____Iing ip -obrch frhai e ti n t uemoand correct 'ducation. -~ - -- ONTARJO Rt>TEL, - Are cola t-o thle napt-ing gbis "I sh er ol frce sbcsaidt ny u thl yoiin ootrl eil NELSON Q O OLDua, * Of 5h, l enging heurt- te yon. i iiniself, I hewudbut pu Y If yen enquire lirbat good- educat-lo 'IIti,. ti~ o1'l1lAT It-. 0UR 1 PIoIl talF.Tcan t, BROCt-bus Si, But death cernes not- at-t-hobidd- dosc1lt uvrttl-ant ht Jo*IY( 11 a ERRT, ngiofUther. . Staeinch.*l, *aud t-breshe lay, t-bat course cf suyatone, t-bat- enables Woman IISIA.OFICE ON BUZOCK ST,. AIOALMTE,6'4B tI4 ,yeung, fair thin, mit-blber benut-iful ead te count UP ber accornphisbmenta, tad dis- i Wfitb~ - - t- ')ORTWhhTB-, J. .L. GRANGMRPRO-______ --bkdmthgre u une;a-l on play t-bon uevery possible occasion ;.it- Jl .. XACDOXEt-LL, L prietor. Firgt via.', accomîimodation at t-heo tl trusting; t-hreugh disuionor and pain, la t-luit tiaining whuich improves t-ho heart thEuï ~TIIE PEC4 FFIc£-AT shove I R'ci laiSwm- traveilera iwill i fîd taThe- Woddiag Dreea. iîha ela -e m u nuegi coî'cuct n cmtulo hone- -n-t-h t-licstro-og dccp love of a mom<uîs OU or îuic - -* -.- Under t-bist-ltleappenrcd lu t-be coluns 1hear. * todst- rocino hr 1 e.Evon t-be st-on jaller, t-houg n.l od -a-tcds pretine br y9I . 1TAM, FAKLN OoEf t-be True Fhag, oee of £nnuy' Most- cf- ueit-' cns fua sfet;buhe -r, moral, pîtysical. sud lat-ellectual. An -U-IiK-111 TiiEte >UeTcY of 'RT, ANI> I.INIiSAY, C w fective sketches. Thits rau t-be tale: nI Il t,îrurtw $uri-oats e al B ie ~ F. .IEWETT, ?ROIIP.IFTol?. <'obtFOR- "<<P, ~ ~s o-be, m aay t-be t-cars mit-h bis rougithusiid froin1educntion t-bat- dccslmast-baut-bis, is nt 0loUol etIt Itable uaeeouîtuodaion tor Tra%-elSort. Godbe ers-mte, adEm luis frrow-ed éêbccks, andi said; IlGoti bce correct- educatlon; it- is oftener mis-educa- itn.tr l . , THr P Sk - -- i thyt Jai. 21,185,% 1 i as she presse d b'l er lips-to er fb r head.- i or i ul"tin. O f w hatavaih are a l t-e a ccomphusb- WY1. il.MOTELIl-F" x ringsmere spoken byeitheran liruvk. ATH 1-SITRE %,WIIT1IY. T IlE i pec ceosl>cfore I go. Wc rthahl bave a't-hem aise pessess those gent-le sud sffec. -- - - - I ~~~~Ftttg"s aarsiug North, F..î.'îandul Weut t-Sre love drive, and rlI net-st-ny alleruioeht- it-ho allott-ed heur pesset by. One long ~ dsoiin -as - W I'XTO, J., --~ ixh»b î stolttisuielot-el. Every hu6uuîiatioo h itcudtote ou f e ebrace'.-t-nd t-bewret-chîcd muit-lras uIfliu fttc i- -iAUi..OF(EAT TIE COURT t t- puseg re arfîxl otq1e'gunau-s lihi, elfa naccusing cn-t-be appinesso a s e wt hor yar II.î~v -~- -- - - atîdauvo.. As s- t-be 'e sciencehe darkeroft-bhgoouirort-e octeti. Do ynut-bink it- nfl'rds nnch Il.J.IWADO EL, - - ritor -ratiug ibe, Mrm.Lolsuti said t-cer- angel-light t-lut- as wit-bdrawn. ' pleasure t-o a busbnnd t-bat-bis wife can st o*r,rîrolz, & ()F KviTIIE C0US\TY PORT PERRY f4TE'ME3OAT MUOTEL gelftg"pût selfil t-o ho uuwilling t-o part-j A E' S tintessnfothoeacwt-bguely luuu4g tle tlcCoîtlRe. I ~ sON & 1>iIt-ilLII', hve cîîe p the 1vit-b Emma, but she la so good sud -,ocwhic e at- heswhoen u rngrim-r III beg te ointe tSte he artstlatc hll>unil rbie e-brstrner n JOHINSIIIER, - shutlel-lttkiiowiflrut-eais% Iliolul, in a liew aîd beautifal.IlIer prcscuce la like a ra>' or aant -i'am -a-1sd~iSwdIte listen, she cen atidrei hlm lunt-he où F)UTX N 'diI~EIt-.OFFICE AT 111E it-oble niiler. ' itosaidt-hotrave ligIsuîicn> rotseu edtal ti ber iufaucy, an-d laid bier bond upon brreg Carl l~n,.o II oînnuîîitv wifl ftud il li eî'ury repcet a rex,,-it-eues of augor andi cont-eipt? Ne, lber fourtuhle Io'-.Goed, St.biutg and aonatte inichecrless w-heu sIte lenve'o nie; and yet- lbi mot-huas breuit like a tire-cIelid.The mnh iînover give bappinesasuebis L. FAIRBA MES, i Ostier. 4 Suo hI net- ho ~long t-lut- I can mat-ch over lier acnoftbtlurbdoet-emkc' vo-il. Tteorse bti fdeti hbart, It- ylnover cause it te vibrato vît-b ~Lt SK llrI>IItil- Ut-T OFIE LMB'S MOTEL, ad rben tt-boute dii cyes are édcsing, it- otierpbeasure or- t-ncerns-be lstons nott ut ~ ~ ~ ~ Y tîi 11loiu -TING STRE T WEST, TOIOINT0.TISE i f-tkcrtia-st a heck, t-be oyes more dinu andilust-less. t- ___ I.alsne Firtq ,ut Iaout-et-, alînatod li îîî ilI ho a cornert oow haI e act-ho seng ofte chamer, charnu se nover uî&'s mathflou, t-Siclt-ailwa-t-e- ]l)atland S teaîn- prot-cer and a liushand." *SIte on!>' snid, Il P i mear'. su iriseS>'. Botter hsd it been -for ber te Imiture1 CarIl"y -ted andlud 'iti Tew8 cîg asamiovtba- t-n Andi 50 meekut passed by..Sot-bing t-une ber hert te t-he softnet-es-cf constant Alxirtiituç a re larme snd wclI venttilad. i d alwnys suggestive of ileolaticu, want- and inteot-sted iber, netî-bigsceeîct- rouse sffât-ion, t-ban forlber voi ce t-o be killeti C oel.va n an-'o Ucar-idc sorrew. 11cr lhusbenti, bowever, lbadi et 110ofrein lier npîthy. At bcngt-hitems lu t-be magie notes ef ecng-sweet tbhuugh W.it. REAYII iTlhOMAS LAXB, Proprîctorr hîrseîf andti sa cnougb t-o keep t-Itm roéchled t-bon cf lAonels escape ! The t-boynuay lic. A S IlISEIt (>FS'E--INASNÂLS'Toronto, t- ut-l, 187.frint sufIrering, andi the latter lia'l niadvx ber ihngeluEmn:ua was iust-anùeoîls lier To t auec -enct motn Nî'w SJu'io-Thon i'k-Zs onundfFSheir. I --- - --- _ - - I - RAILRtOAI> nou« , usical talents available i lsris-îig hiover'. eanner hecanue exciteti. nerveus and bur. parta cf educallont-bat-'msa lnnt 11'~JaUAM t ORNERIF iIR0K xAN >D I)VN t) *1S Qtqt-y front t-ho door. rei lepsidaottb iuesmuiggovem~ ber tempe; t-esubdte evy lucor- ~t-uîîiy, . -.t-FI(E-BI)~ I bSW~(Ltoe icikaosTe$u> About- n yea-r before t-be dat-c cf my eebigtet-lie bcst atirutage, lias if ex- 1rect feeling sud habit, antit-ths accent. - - hogae I te antoue te tSaS ie a o t-or'. Enîna bilmet wt Lienel. tfp*t-ing sente' fmleid or guest. uii e er, -esuetne b NOT.11,1Y &NK~ as tî itkedtin t eaouewfnd ea,uu ieuu'e ulu le i.ext-eior anti poluabed nman- 'One stor.ny r iguitt-Sun>'st-at g.ther improving t-be mid; and lot-me ssy ui ha'fi-edmt- n vcwoîlienot menie'r. cpressesilg SuLSiol. ~0.UI PILIs' & &2 A int&o TSl , gereut oîl lic) ll- nocr, t-be young, terchant bas meade hlt-li-lit-tle tale, cach bà zy mit-h tilteir oi nipassigtba-b'eetsb mibedao N. C'. 11AMX, lott-iAS -. l or epu oi t t t illleunsc. self a melconue guestat-t-be qu'iet ftresideocf' îucmorîos. The wmmd mailet i isînÇIhi>, siions t-hoe cuntenancela aimegrest-y T> \[Stl~~S~1 AN> AT<ut-N~V-T-]AW.w'arratîcl t-t!nlueoe iialm-ide. <'Stiee (t-airs, t-le midon-. Thougît-ful andi at-t-ontive t-o andthebbeatiug ram ha driven every' liv- beant-iflet, ant the voIe, madie botter.A 1>lt,'..îvrfueSoecf 5 h~"lw a~. IOMSD~1IG '. Leland, lie liadt already i.vilded iber i- tlîing t-oscek a choIet-r. Ms esd~fltvvie eigfotahatflc t-t 1"lIyîîi'e r~,k$1 W'îSv i-uth-ti,, 185. 8 l~ - 1 lu"% oce oigfo ahatPl f - RILlN(*f. t - - - - - --- -- .- thle devotien cf a son. Sho mas utloue nuost-:spePke Of the fir>' Of t-host-.'arnsd mma 'kinduess, la a levely t-biin u oman. Lot- - .il. LIG*RUTHIERFORD &SAUXDERJ, of-i4a, btre m~cft'ndbrIgact tovard* t-be ndoir. tuerk'mcmi>'t-e yuu, t-bat if youbave nu r-nie T) tihiSTEI & TT 4LIrN Y A Publi, (-r > ivo t-night, mit-h liertt-sbaconîphet-ei, anti face mas îfrest- chose afeinst it-! Thiosooe yu piiif yen caunot- echooclit 1)S uir u 'lnu'r, utir- ~'ibi, T A 1 L O R fA , '&qe s re -r p t a- AN) ~ INi[ STRE?.T wEST T<)t-beywerz scateti aroundtithcir lit-tIc table, cyes! (s',.e passei ber hanuti net-ensier it- eaoi.pat-olet>t-ho ills cflieyo r - -' "~' ;).W.jroute. ÂL.O 4*SKIig fStretces-,t,Ilatiîit-- anti Emmaa hersoîf preparetheflicce cnp etf oi, as"if te ehear lber vison,) t-bose eyem nd-cluneduicat-s, even t juugh-o n ('-V31 EJIOX k MACDONJt-LL, iota.___ - ~9 t-ca t-Iat-mas t-o refroesh ber invalid. mot-ber, more Lionet's I Tott-criug ifuJy aspsedhrtg tevhlcrlof I'UItISiOTElIS &., ATT-oRýNEYS AT 1LAW. . -- - ---- ~boi yhv asdte"l ieo S tî' - h, ('uuuutv (îîiîîcil. y, Ã)fflc JAMES B. SMART, anti evenîng came, andt iat 1MLortel, mit-b iage, sho st-aggred towards t-bnýdo; suad science. ,<leopat-rath1-li it tdQieen ef ai t4 ,t Ilhîiae$t-1lWîg Oic inîm ERIIANT 'ÈAIIIR AN!> ItRAPER-, bis bihhautisome fcadwnigi oet hyee Tèrà ligb tai u I more r1Y0 iein 9acb ot-her's Egypt, oui-!>'applieti botself te t-ho acqui- - --Watt'% ISoeI,) Byî'eti Stree, Witiîi'. t sy mile andi soft- 1ev t-cnes; hemquiekl>'t-be arms. W bat- n night-f et r enrsd bre i-onehnvogooh ple lt rt WTLA OIIN moeClîlhilug, Bout-s (luth Capsq, (ieutîelnen'O oe ay1Adnw h a oo n o Nt ht1 o i i iaa o..dtçS f Y)NVI.YE, .&eACISE,-Shirtî. ('uîShurtI. StoI;r, &u'C., coulsttntIv on liand. or1idn lAn o Iemsson-at e'ms îa!frh mstaa'h-d iotIugitages, andi posscesed c ver ~i It-ut-l. .Xlnrt-lî" t~etiliiug Iiete nlt helatet andti o b is bride. Tiroircott-mgohome in t-hefore t-be day aliculti tsm. accotnipllabment lu perfection ; st-lu lho - - - - -' - - uu tiiahinb'stylet , adOn tue sioriost ie- ontg-irts et t-be cit->' vs tmaychosen, "Thon youn go not- oz.,,ae raiEmn;msftfrt i i ' oni BIENJAI tINO , -liCe. 2--------n eg rou ba n dcated_,-s uti r '~ >WN <'jEK AN 'ftEA8l3~R.- 0- TIIOMS UOBJSON'S dt-bit-ber t-bey ad gene tot-ake amrizeo.I f >you have smmmcd >ou bave as e-ote e eln~0dtçdtcgrs 1 il'--To'îî Ha'l11l. 6 A-1ircot, gnlrendIl no mor rut -- - -'- - -"' Rooms. £'TTS5G AND> mentsfi hirmri nimt eba-u re.-u-aecîdn o e 1 r spirit - W~~~ CLARK,~~ tSin telgitsh Breds MIitbv. -a s t-holevers, t-bat- long, lrub- ut e;ltti1mnemgi-h bnÇthnaecndti!eeoonawi i~d Ult-<EON ACi CIEUIS,<e, CRONER Ibt-grteil,"Bualrbet sud Ilair it-roser, cf orfemônsat vîcs a S fontd~ >l utig e sswif ilw 13bc nt-R m onThe lit-tle cottage rontsaiarougb 'lé,ýà -t-le door *amutely-' re yen noet- cuitc i- ~n s ~' tt t tyetOoti, -tt~,aioe 5<, O f<t-1 I sud.a st-nt t-c yen coueidovodno loipl- 5 1Kejite o »iv NO.fil. byrtimei, yy-ou l ho mpt t-oplay eut cf lnour I mas a doctoi bêfdre. II a i aht-int t-le, t-bore il! ho - but lit-tle melotinl apeice for the chiokens, anti tvelve.and-a-' jour chords, andi yen yl bave discorde haIt ents. a doen for t-be eggs,m smys ho. tbat- vilf hast t-bough t-be irole "pie-ce. MmCt-'t uci, I reckôn,' mays I .1knov girls Who eugbt net- te metrry. but- Iow have eu énbetIl7' emysi , iait-lu g. The>' are-aspemfoctly ignorant-cf iemestie i birt-t->âÎI 'affairs as chibtiren. SoMteý dechare tliry - Tol'yaZMèt-Lank y=,n. Ay.n Wi.f~us meititi not know bey te 'bake cern brenti; Doctom P, maya lie: mueti sickueas lu t-cor- biscuit- ar eont-ire!>' ubovo their lken. t-homo dayt' Sente of thèse girls go t-o echicci, st-ndy it'Sot ranch,t isys T,1 except - idu maîl- mati>' boeks, are tend cf cost-ly eot-bing pox; iandti -at's oeo the -ei., andi al fishionabtto doing ; buit as t-o an>'- lu t-be r ailpox 'ere, anelt ià bas!, t-ing nmefli i ae~ut cf t-bequeution. I1 Doctor f, saya lie, cosdrsnch o" -en outtaîl>' uneducat-eti; " 'Ver>'lied-vrer>' sere, indeedi 50 andi to t-boue mit arc eoutnfortunato as t-c phuician# nin't able te manage it nu boy. clioose tbeu as part-noms tbrugbhife, t-bey les' pow-et-futsovere, smym 1, looliing lt- ,areê a.trouble anda-b ut I milnontportant anti big.- ýy'uuytbhn liard abo t c hogirls; t-bey Ifl oeketi donutnlut-ho nient-het thet, - ud'~ do rigbt if their parents vonîti and I thonguit1 bitihli bohnhe ay- ti the. - -- -a.e- I the 1 oýages'vith t-beena- 4j to incorort&à L_________mi. A bu i i~at I1~Iw market Z A bu to inorporate trite 7het take ôf the.,late Charlef o#,uîn. A MR&toczfim"cÃŽ oae na f part cf the markât scffare of- the toe of, OodérîcIh, to the Council of tbe- United Counties k3fIf Uct i and Brute; Abuà tg enable the Municpà al'ICouncil of Stanley to construct a barbor at the en- tran e-of the Éivor Bayfltd inte Lake, u- À bull to vèst k certain rond allowânce in Brantford'lhPl Ti Wilkes. Àbill to ameld th»e Àet i4corporaig the Litersry nsti tutq of Sherbrooke;- A bill to'incorporate the os,tariô Bank. A bi eanen4 the Act relating t6 sav- 'Ings banks, in se flar as écon eIns' the Calme dBeo4,umtie 'YVo6e Pam&ede X bill to authorize the lMinisters cf thd Church.at, Montreai of the dcnomination., of xnAtriînony, and kecp registers of ImaM&ia ges,_jniptisrn i d fanerais. TUF. PUBNLIC ACZC0r!-Ti FOR K85G-7. T'hcslon. w ilrifiC lcy rought tî floigM essage from 11%1xcelency, thé' 'ýThe Governor Otoneral traiamità a kI thei cof thc Provice, for the ycars z1856-7."1 1 mammys auvme tl>' aqu&nmaLncjesnver ViXp111 ii ou-ct-or r te- tnarry -~Ir ho iebomat- theyemusuetdo "' Oh'gaya 1, camoîssl>', yen uideratauti, - Mna' ac 7 FruT siR&»nis. t-hi, or t-boy tanuot- do t-taL t go ciomml>' "net a long distance cif-juat domu tais Mr. IRanki, nt uçdablt ncr manifesteaa nt cf goil mensoe nd good ti reet a hittie peico; sud 1 blier.,' maya 1, pore - iTonofintrdsor.alutt- ncr education, that'there ii it-tle 'prospect cf holding up my band, 't-be vit-iles lo gpot- -h Tm fW 7 future usefiîne-s. front thtatcourse.' r .Mrrsn np eic< bb - u lbore -lsa n olti lachebor ama>' off dovu, "lie hooketi bluethait -or-at tad 1ctIoaetb nentinîBIg et Mat tallting in t-be Boston Culticator t-bowgbt lt-ira agocdti tjoe ta hanter m osolt. Îî-bdcd ul ->afu about- t-home -nattera. lHe ativertiies for a offomet i bu uffepence for bischicitou, t-le Act inccrpea -în-t-beMontmeah SPa- - vite, and describes t-ho mequi<o qualifica- sud adimo fer bis egga. -trc'O pomyln. t-lit; anti, ait-botgh t-boy are in poot-ical "les-'amougt>' 1e, i)octer" gaya lt-e, orDL-OSRÀ oo ieat.1 fortn, I milI gise yoîî t-be eld gentleeuuis"ands! tient inli I eau tako it.' cogitations. Aller ct-ber t-ings lie gnys: But- ho. vsut t-iuking nîncb abont Ott-em-inf beI.i i-.$rTt t't have-ltot-se ao-no I'd not have a lieau >', dhickens anti egg t-hou, tom ho vas -scareti 't- lltu- incre ase t-be capital, stock oft tI. For heautifûl w-amen t-oeapt t-o lt-ovain: ruigltil>', yen understanti, and aya ho-Pu-Dehui ti hrhiRlraiCu Yet, 'with a amall slînro, Idt link it a dîitu "Docter, Proe goba mught>' big-fLmily -to t-enîe ftbeCu Te tako lier, bc tluankfi, anti novereemuplaîn. lnat- , vite a-telntourhpneu>' antihe-Coin- nOuit, Thec's i>' bys ëauy mas roa thi Srs! time sud pasged- lier tortu ninat bl'o oot-no art t-o constrain it, nisxgi, u6 uhnt-bs -os - -rsaaV cotnft-ueà liîa'-ulW" 9<LiVEq O Andi rallier abouintiliaii hlow n-îddle site: i;pex t-o got in antongt'm for t-be ycsrt-h; ~ e u.r-tugmo eiutau.' A soeut-iiîg-il pu;zles îiny liraiu t iiexplain it, l it ilie-.'Onotncf-bltombem.ayy, -Like cloquent hlaggninst flow froun lier "Jnst- -bon t-btgong aot-braP-bt-et.t-haylouy; cyce., ~~~~~~( mas aboutt-be tinte t-bey first aiiset -e --îî u mutltdomtto0-tb ,She nins ho w-eli reti, or I eonld tnt respect internai thîing) llob e ta terrible 'ae Mr. t-be fclommni ~oln ionschar ber;*- The market hooltet perfect-b>' j Anges Morriso1t>id chir: -é i tinttcudd, st-JThaf it is-expdZeu, n ffo Geedttinired nut unoISet-, luit ot tvery co>'; and nom 1I nowd 1 hati inufor*bIs face~rniermr opoetb r-range-' IlBr mid w-il iuufnned-'tia.the pnrified vsaTogaseecebiJlnt .a~ nermobet omlot-e l' thed PostalomAt nectar aaslnasgeo lJmm à sr meÉbee teUie igo a& Tiit,-olcn te ui-> 'fiuuuut-nloy -mous nd uie looketi lile ed nover.saur Canna toadl -b salmntn fa auythitug g cetinlu is lite.re tlerate nt heetbihmnifa lenlioealue mot-t love, and doumeqtie emneoS- "'Tbere's,' maya 1, 'aoet-ber mani dead.t River $L Lawrenîce. snd Liverpq-u -e~ ment, it-b ho anail-px .1 'sut-imner sud Por-tlandi and ti Lri'u*u gt i ttau, practieul knowledgo of Sîontehold ntf-! " If t-le felho* ir itn,t malte up t-heui, I faire, ~.-imt- t-ho mintroiutitî. Ant ina ituaaret-cf' ler higliest enjoyîuuout lid tay go.2 4) Tîn-tl xoî\t - ÃŽI-ei Tq oûct u>'troble ati îgltem mty irs. Goot! gracions, Doctor! it-'m nyfuialniu!tt-lie ,G..nrGuc-tto uvnea ui. Ne fort-ue ask : for Ilve uîi pmolit-cclion uuah uninetIlx sdng s 1. 1u4 bý , - -l ~, ~ 1:peuotinot exceediug six >"Oas 5te sçcur For glittor ntul aluw, 'or t-le p« onjef' bigla 0e. eg udciknPstlSrie hilh; the eg n hc. ,Doctor, i iuvish te bc botsnd lit-ho corda of a foeXn om Goti'sâmle, anti let me get etva>' frot ftmsne-hepet-l et -- Anti now 1 have drawu yen aiiksketchi f a mife.boe'- mot-ion - ms mdopted.- The blank being,' i If an>' i 1 did talte 'ont, andtih-e fellom '*was off IJiled up vit-h t-ho suint of,flocoo, çrus go> 1>0505 tlo aevereqlsiiuia, for M-------couty inat-vo minutes b>' t-be - Anti wih to e h.benîidvitii. the conjugue]- a nd rîî bot mn>'man a fise - I reportes! Su t-be lionsel mencounc'urreti' mat-chnsud ollarini; 'andl a hill fbunde'd cn tle resolutlondt TIte> wril please t-o st-op forward, (tliey knov bll ho ocr neer stoeor - mst-t-oeho t-he oonuiriîî,sî t-il begut dean honte ; and if anybody h<ta nts-ui- frt tle ,Eii4pîri ocf t-l ilriulor-Vtiu always nt- uiitoi." Zever scea t-bat- felloW lunte L-uaket1 Lîjoo. L.TIC ASYLtà - TAI. - >Thisua ihelor yen sce, accords mît-ltme! since, t-ho? eau juu t ale ni>'partiegiar M.('ye'mvt -u -eHu un mnu> notionsofut dcetion. IHe vents a vbite boarer, t-bat-'a mî P o lut-o ccuntitton te Uic ig eoý, lady, puost-'et cf sote practicel gootiness - Tt.That - tit la ePt ii Cit.l ead and kt-ovledge ;ehomisbes au assistanin Assmaoiuy.- t-hoscîtol t' lte.Rat-e or Tex impceld in:-aà ti ly the secoond lu t-besanme- piquer' tlere la another Mtc 0 eto ftle AC mmdls~-eaeu b ayaelo spcnkin cf t-be saune sub>jcct. He The 0< foîlom iùg BuIls, Voereada is l held in'the t-bfrteett hadcitteth yelm.- gays of Hr st'-lwgn en&, a SWk4ee -Aw. l C if it t- 1 Yrant t-e ln<,wt-be ;luord st-ste Andti iper of lier uiiki, If alie w-lt poîir, or ouf.e or fret- tic gent-le, onrnuitlus! tf Ifblie diecn-êa lut R'nd sPtaiti, Anti .utigemuent mt- ore~ Noceeete t-s>'hami pin a uaid; Btuever iui ta.'c4 Pr-cm t-ho old bacielors b", ninug t-o ,eak out mc -plain>', tiore must- b. a seat- t-y ut pt-operlyedncated ladies. 1 hope, yon have net- fôiserly thongit-oftthtm latt-ors, yen mil tun1 your attention te ic n starive te train yeurselrea b'ys.-, uiring usefutIl kiowledge, aud,-b> pnttine iw pretîee, se t-bat leu ia>' ho- mo ict-e, orvhat is thle me nt-hÃŽg, tnsoMù Rd pt-set-lntwoaien. Sud "t IlecUm ix *-e& u tad--, BIR t-o ;uenortse ste Cu anti thbe Curts of Quen'aIB mon Pletxlun Uppos' Canatit Symnds to ptieta s Si WTAURÂANT, ITi RApt, T-RONTIO. i - la lO1 1,11 t-cm . Ssti94 lï1sli4t ?4sesa tut On$ 7t-jagy5. IL MOlNKEY. WN Lt-i '-t-riie -o F. 5h-~ &r.i N>W ztI'ti à F- t- l il i. GtN E 8 i ~~i~i- ~ ~.t t-lit-t lu -iii, ut-t- îucer Loo t -Jic - lit