la~ ~~a resx4t~ ~~paition là fit" outbws for nosonispoint ln Centri uiîc. ItixaanPPced to b. the tetn- te "0à tb* 0ist demonsatl~on on * utc. S.ew Orsuda, be.. Ries andi P=nma.The i e.sad te b8 fl*uuIlj'tIo enom- Wak',r, snd tbhe i iitp &COn e oncert h i. 1tI le fpWtedtluat I)ae Preyl5l. 1 bvru- i h 1.been forened frud LS~'an, coii'4dcptbie funrds raises4 W=abing*ep, KXarh go. ýt âo mautoc4 Ihat Lord Napier, lte v aj* miime b",k1rady hsd * «eww% ithGeceýdCeà s o im suib- 'd.Chuia andi for tii, UsJiteti M",'e toe . " ~at~uh. stroule w hleli l cou- Md the greal contotootmmerce andi muiin thst qusutefof lthe world.. .Napier hme.atiseucat m.tiy, %rsd on F>?,ent am ilkii Cabýt the te lec.. 0 ofMir. Walker ue.-a Ptsntipo~uIawyý toUntedSt.O1, sMd thAt hi b. dis r j»dfOuthih Iandi bau bmaught)k. erfrieýdtý>poe, frée Inade and ilisation te Consent t ge.' MO>E R GIAL à î i B- Y, XA RK E TS.. Caoec*Orrîe. April lot, 1807. Whest moderato supply 66. Bd a'os bd ýr bushe. 1 - à pros,, te4an*~ t ulh~O1 &atn at hauil wal.r nut lexc"eti fru ot -S isttuhetugs -un i.her gitiily'li- - - fq' th e ti.j. il Ltittepl len>'y day ce s tram! A vi. iiit wittu - huilt o - Furtusud blf a doý 'OCve cleu nle-ibm t t ring 58. cd. j"rltions the ,price.of Oir, 2U*.'id. a 3u 'otier arti- Pork, p« 10lb))1s, 40&. Butteïr, ilu ti.a Is &" Ileof, per pôuand, 6. 7ýd. liay, bO& 'a 61% Per, tenf Vwcod per cord, l168. Bd. a 10& 91d Teoo, W4dInesdfty, Apil lI.L Aý muppl'of pre4a-ce-nearly equisi te the mmnd, lui now srridue liTown., a & .4*4, - per- bushel. Ylouu'-SupOi'llle, 25..; gxthad,27 a se u9d.; Fucy, 20a.8d aà 27M it, S 01 M perbushcL. i PeAs s8,.94a 4&.per buhel Dett.r Fmbesilt, lii41u Tub, lu. -Id 'o154-, s as. .p«rbuasiie Tûrjp, 2&. Poi busbeL. Oati,2& tl& ut2c,1t.OtI 1%,e l4.'a 20er do&. M. i wpelOlb,IT5K.a 31,.& Vouik adi-auaing, ~O1a $101 per 100 [ha. $tae 10 1a t$12. wcct l t6i NEW, YORK' MA8IUCETS. Fiaur-Mdarlcet duU 4; and .prkes 'drop. ,. S41eurury small at $420.10 $5 40 w Comnnon, te'Sitrfiuse Suiate; $ 10a 7r00 fur EKtti %Ste., $0 20 atfi 415 ïr superfinc .e- Ér tA ~50 a $7 (0 vr Eitrn Wetetrn.Sales 4 0 tarrehu (Ca- tdila t $0 415 a $61 48 WF,>; A~ 7 0 (1reExtra. Rye Four hlnýjîrket firie. Saîctu,1,200 raheis $144, a l 580. ('orme,2 4-e 2peu. basheLs Pou-k, olduuett'1 75 a $1810. itou-k, u, itwueua, $24. i fu-xt Xcii Y'rk, xlaj1.IultfuperlQUVYo1ll tyson eau Evglth BrmkfidttTeao4, mblchwMI m " sel ehap Fmile. will do well o puir- ba. km-g %dock, s he Wsa ux Cueugetil mui the e tfneofaLutg the prie cf Te i-Tlxe mist 11f Doiler Tes u ta Clisut., sw*ys on sud âe.rmgm PUUIFY THIE BLOOD. -1.J't~, j)>NhUiO O ' LL lloihta LtbPtlsPhemsxfltte., ~'k'§~YRW1~Y 00 BING LOT No. -,Tm C(ON- W FtiGREAT prT 't '-ti!t'!,'.htbie îrîùrmx et'±wu-cs"C, fe.LauLr. f t lie e~~t'kiixrîunr'i " t, r O "u i t . r»n tfer mt 'i t'fo r t' , 1 1M l W.1t V .l l o /xS T-11 1 1 M E U S ,l tihm of persolui ltti i e', liiiti G "n"e nt~1» 'di e i h' - idudy i't tO almt 4rn L xea re to u l - e(','Il c' i îB .'~.~ )" j1et t ~ Il h't~ t' tt >y V te hloo Cidety8. mt.b ictat.eni &d owCOUD- forbuedlpg onoblls ntinBh aid Bch orSue kepîý ai, ttis Offce0, where dAyx of " im cs ie hd epon, ýwh±hcnUhe n ei ty 'N theooui l. uetiouwer. A lare stock cf Fat4oy C(rdaoad Papoe on' kmnu, *oetiwhleh onuu.emiiuameamI lion. Tunisof lteCitrqeuLule,#2W.ranuu, aa ble iuUtlY. huaIt yoaioyeud-y,,La adecce. 8O1ROCbei> for hborou short N RIY lIAS ON HAIDANT REATIT e for ml, lhg Stock of iuple.-tdid Bu,* and Curriugo of ilireut deacrlptl'.ueWllullllh* wlîlMet a atrifle bove cati, as eisà retiring freoi,4lotnm1$67. -il B'O SAL, TITIE TuOIU AND STOC-K BE- Io log nRay' i rageFcuor>'. Ton,» 'èlera r-Tep.ter portiou of tdie pay 'uuld betaka e iwur au t iffettnt tuneste mot a pur' N. RY t EIT BW TO R1MURN 1119SIN- cera piet» t roîmansd tîtoîte tubh lmve soîihrudly Imeui ed.hlm, cinuie hte estub-t lahutont of hut4i.uaa lu *W iblti'. lu annow1u Ide retimtiiult fi fnthbe Up' SiuoIate«bg Msd Itertaktinx Buumbntîuualie begu wo molntilwiuhom elonti>' tgopen eailcatabliala- ment for the purpita of gitiug $-Iia1stsuctiom AiÊsc.i IfiI m-ldo hune yul, lu futur e déot--etot tis hoeuich Fuuuullc andiersehua reqiuirlutg leesoý ans t» uce, atecn.d pruaaely etthie-m rae ID truueUgi'e6>on théPxuo eedo inteunîlo '>,"k for e Diu)oa ut uat'Teciter ai ltb. Pparineris.' Exsutlsaa*>, to e h ld at Gai- bourg ibis yoar. I. rLTZ H. L EI7 T, TT nu RCgTE LINTI TOWIN OF J.Wbitlxy, a Dwelling Roncee o~ .Iuî tt apariienuts, withl a Store, sud iuu- (ci tudernesthi. Tho preunlies are rLntte I tt b..t parC ofttht oan for husinsca. teat ci.,.Ir ni . NewSaloon )anid bavue beela 1f. ti lph;lchtering btiahute tterelut. Tite lRent mAt b. joderale. Apir wu 11t7011 FELITZ, il ~on thte lretnlsc. ILe ust ndor u it o! F.I'.llutlird A C'O., bas ben titis day otleolveuî bv tu U-11 coni- -b>'Ey Ilu Hýbud & F. Major, wh'u hate ur- leto putashlp for thM purpuis.Ai e-out dl tu IkMtWW teg*oWnt he old Purin. wilb- oebtCb thnâ,=4 liexam ote, ir», wilh .'tan4 aà l Q(uuPl n ON W1I)NESD.Y L.t4,T, T'>TIIE %JPuiuuiae oft4 Se Sibiber, a I>nrk smuwuu lIcnu,-tUlidIdle mAeiled; I LJu a )Iealfllu'1taten. Qwt>cr eau have lit». hy Ilii Iuig tapeuse-4, on *apir -fui Il. i,* .eriher- t - JÀCOB HRYAN. YIKIT SPRIN*GL,;ÀOODS. LOWES & POWELL, o NE DOt>ISOUTU O#BY.T'SI{OTEL, andtelot-iti>'opposite Messis.e. rWfurd andt N 1 CIIHEED.Y GIVJEXTMAT TIIE 0 eeentera!. tetu a Partier- . iaseîrm >> %,ood. merchanta Grûc*x-t-. 4 te* atyloe nd run tof ULom-as& T*uÈ ies a0cfthe Firmewill be cariedon JOIN I ,LOWES. JAS. B. POWELL. GREAT CUEDIT SALBe 0fo Rnom», lu titi ru ~~ i.LR y Hi. tCii ts9er1101Fattsfo1.i h lv.3-.--t-sfo> -c pep - i t.>.. h *' t' -I ' v Z.BIV N1 Ix. , 'it'- 1 'txr- fiîicat t ÃŽ*t-î! l'OrSale(a t't. WIIITJY ]GOW'LINI; Sc90'i. -~. i titrtttnt¾'ti'i t.,~- l1l~"8L '11"1tL iX THEIICOUNTV COURT 0P THE til -jEduum tv Su. B. BABCOCK, Proprietitr. - ti 'îultu 'trti. tot.iu'ds a ;tydeît 'WuttA uIIii. 185-éfl !t',1tt1ttlAq i l tte'rinel, ,>u.i M9sts Illu Str atcd -N ews p a n c r For Satnrday, Apri! 4th, 15-4, ~ ~ 1 i.-Tite R-utiltvaY Traialirenklu t itron" ' t- ý< 'TflUf-' mal ltte II t..l - Iciunux>'tîm' owtht,>Bittitte ef tie l)eadud theWe'umnued. i î'x ta tsr&to ViT7&F ltei~ labi lie, ugtntp46c ~.Reaieu ate Yieauiue ~cIjn ttt..g Le rsWrr:. t a'-.%rit ,ffVe' u. i Li 4utxT ~ ii~ tof) iiti-t andBe shatou tliî'Sejn tttiut.d l*$t1uuuteiant iut ik M iel aeî1 l>,ted datr- titftiop -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m> Grtsx,.,i'g.ýîDel utlboir-'ouruutmtt..t. 1'Ubt . !o u I, , tfuie l»k %thCtwoIi e fmb i Ss5 n tli <i>~ te, r'ug uouupo c oicutÉLut' Cî'î'îl r T » tua tht c'.liile t ithee. cuuilica'lWiu'rfotr", Ltut n -i xtuln t 1t)trtilt jtiskehee Amb ni>ic r. ± rros., .&,t'h &aif-Jf*l .>t'\. Aj !nl ' -o te tul il' 1a0u11 ' . if*xt, 'têh 12 -tsu fT O c Lte T'rl.r' li" - tci0'tti-futt- iutre1 i-ýttn cti» j)S ui - g -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P 1>0I sSMoWE' ITIT ei'otituftrun.i 5 - d,6 LiCA141ie aih&l~liUul BG TO ANNtNETO TIJIIICUST0MEIISAND TEPILV(EFRLYTIIAT B j»"ita dheùiu totarry oub thé EFuropuutu plan (if liulr.yoïirly Ccuct Th .Offet thle -Remainder of their ,Winter Stock1 r RhEh inAx- sm T Le Y wcP.anE U oatFc'hEtu 0'lePGuda u t 0 M Eact "un V/uud, ictled,, .fI:W"'lPltujtU, 5auia, Bexver, fl'itluq, eandE Filatti u, Deuia1, pué 1 M*I# andti uta4C. -REAY-MI)E -CLOTHINQ -IN GREAT. VARIETYS 1, 11. have now 011 baud, a large Sti of c Te,, f the, Sueqt bim4a, incluihuig tlîoir.oalobratJcý 2. JTei. À compîîlt.e azrtiti ot o ti ier Ç;roçtrita, WISES ,i;D SPIRIITS. £'Com»ýercirt1 Buildings, Brck Street, Wbitby .A Jan-nry 20, M87. H1ARDWARE, HARDWARE,1 W ROLESALE, AND RETAIL. T JI SUSCR BEII IG TII INIMATI TO TME IFIIAIITANTS 0F wiIITBY AT Tthé el, ouuu~C uutry, sat tliCY hanivi clou hftiud the, nut emuplete ati variigd aaatuttL' menit o ÂIWAICto ho 1 ui in laI;tnu'l4à Wst whuu'..tle> arc auling uit ..T~ORONTO PICES. '~'~lit sfnex.v G1out tuy'wul iaipaffifar utt-uti ýn to the Stock of T~uu'oaucPccd %uiterydà uoi,e Pïistotls-and -Cç)lt'e 1evolveni1 Etecroht4'.roaEi a undl cyan- doseripthî ifinofEgo Tool, ].>uh Cvcr, Fintr.,ad Tir. Irons, Crot3s-ontCirculer aud Mill Suivi, And a enuiplelo eseortxnnt of ilouu4Triunnuiangs.ILuI HEAVY HARDWARtE,, let --es» cettery aby LAMWluhtic, '7. s . v!ls tf l imlithe Ii -ebt ', muy Ini> JIOISlI ALTyji71 t-o rruid t4 LIVIE AND Â'tttRANen gvlg tule 't'ltocJuù 'c1tzi ' re 01ti i;t' p --- Febwî?ry-2British 'Aineîîerui Fric dly socicty.ý lu ci.e o!Strfiula, VU4enq, Setîrvy éiSi ---i--- TȐlrtih tions !iie iakin, ite n*uîtmtiof tii T-if,' Nt' "'t1- ' ofx-'rc ' c, afnet,, dilc-iites 4is triily etoisîit le!ti itîiil, P. J'(>jIj\ , 1o y iJ't~STIISlî Pu1hTuP OSFTN-F OF seil4îb 1't'u ilî 1 lie ti. i ut o!<'f tr1ilà 1liçit, 18 Vie., cap.64 I'ever aid Act îeti. roîtp' lice nit¶ CA SH STORE,- lu ~ ~ t ,ln',uuot li;e4 u»ye c i "ir Csi..L STOCK, 5ioooO., ont thieni, "u, b>'tbvir tuuiety uo ic iicl itii1'vriîtgndOfie i o1j,,1 and exl"giie14v be Mae'oOft tMnrnl Preparud by w 1uLU" tAit -A. l'M. hP.; NVi v 'I'tk, ana orfialt b>' SELLING OFFt AT G2lnLAee 01C ",JS InLwu Iln'lycleMst.AIUx UOIS),Ii> ÂSt ~,W' i.,by. - 'PentU> (hmnn, irul -1rc . , l, "1 -v >iari Iat 8 ~ R~JJ1 PRCE.- t1. w. Clark M* tD., iicletrt Awitii il necesemit'out Ilii! il'- lt i e' au c cnlt- WeIi tof Ws'ît i'iîc'er " . e I ficiljI t jztînthitîkkneae. t1-v . tt'hAet tlf aClai Rn Ot'Suft'ii à r, ireli! a gt. -heAI Tgntii>-ffc Putnip toscdi tof tii nit. Tite1>it "'. ite iZ>Teiea J. UAMlEII Esqumire, .1 ruu\LA. l'r.eLj ut- AoaiclLtt-,ac AXI rae'tJ h'reîr!et iÀ, wh;ltei:01* Tornt;-re, Jattitl. ( e :X I 'IItlILIMtE. t;fr i i (jdcaheI lit in iii 'e ilret ct 4NîT OTIT! e Il Ile liriaer tiA -or l" ".t'!, I't. T 'î i- .l.I . :.. l t i-..*ht: -:ît.îtii urti, .i,,îl u 'aiu hum'ai a "f Pîitrk-k Ogiltieý, Eeq. IT;ehutAI ouitit 1. Roc-la-'Illue.i i1x Li1uo1Vora, e on wuvlita i. eîrat u cotit;oeaçge AupY * se) tà aidLirve W r%,îis 1,11V tcîd;mu to .tttaM HAME, ý Esqutire', o l'O a!t -r1!i~ 'i'i->a .,rai 'titnt irtf ittirt' Ind b)ix.,ti nrcuîtrhe.irNtihozi tue.1' it - LEO.Ab.'l'fV f' lJiui .1 .4'ttttiitiie ih cutte i Mt ~ ~ ~v>-~- 'tteite'i i:ttd ie lie!>' uâ finit î 4hoyuAe- P'rlrk Itii~t' ~ti'i tt't'e it ~. h lutilît y ur uepti>~at ptt'te r h- t ' S. B, tA teieviti. ii t't Pr î>'iaic h asletf 'Ati, utiilltir latrge ta-o tor>' Il ititî , it -10-7 41-11 Ct cilto tleTownsit - ,~~. ~ -r. z 1' r-t tt Meeting,o-'tilt 1týic u WI.îlu, Arrh nl, . t i ut t, i' -lu eiî trIct'x itirritt eer. ltu î,otit' Aliiiby ApItn n - .t 1! luC - t't l t i il.s' înttiig iiiîer auj tes"eruuttuuu IM* eo-1OLE r >'t "tt i-t 'tii -"f suc:% Ct,, riito ltee xeit liltcliiig. - 't"]' '" LETt' jIl, E ujdor of te Rec-'-, - i NVILE'1, - LyJOILN ORDO-X, 4,î ~ t 'iiheirc ofB-t gîko; -01-.-Il ) r__ î'ert'tn 'xlirz, Xo Pklor-t TI ru.t.1utitj,- t'l t'!t-. îliffrc-uu(l Nlutatuof tricîe Vl'tiiitlr(-ît ii i' "'.i 1 i. )-lY 'î'IL i'e 11l', SEN- 'he <Globle I le skntiv"i t> Ite t"l> be-ýt tJt'l et'!ir.l hartft w»uîi 'deý.t non f te c iiuliiiii~i tl '.- b' ." ,-t' ib i " î îtj'riv. t;utt es iîmrh.-ntut hu-fa Tre iSttjit ai l Ttfc0w bîiihdU1mt ý it.:'hf, iel-t' t :ý' t -' ~ 'i- t l,î .tii'uiu-tut. r ee iîtt--"et - i f. F 1i' it -11 v b t uAL . ti'ýe hl)tit fa 'r The Purziirict -lix l';'.'r- mt" ÃŽ s o<f the e htt nt i tîoýýt tiil.rn ut. BS ' it,, t -- " .-t ut't.a:i7ii~ aià îraias (r. - nsuutul t igiu ' itue.- le 'i"t t t tti t tu t ; tI pîrî.îrietc o, îîî'ï iîaý> 08 ce- _ fl 'r.mir ul'iuovttl;i T r'l.lA; E ý*ï - t t ~',Ir'u-L .~. EXTI li ii>AI)' l>t U' INTH E l'o 1ATTcf 11ib --.t-t '-t ttc t!it,ît tnttis i ltofJ bc io 'hlt-.x lt.c: k--o . . 'U theo.hjixî'3h, PÂTENT INDIA RUBBER BELTING, AND LACE LÂHR W-,te tb ue Aeidrcus - ~J. S. DONALDSON & C. Oppe il k Vr t.iZe'.A taS:-1 BIIOCX STITEET, WIUTDY: IWltlb>-, Juuat->',2018. A.J.IARRJSON, AUCYIONEERe GENER-AL: COMMISSION AGENT, .Ni1>I?2uLEI! IN ffaUSEHOLD FRI'B FfV.RYECIT0 -y>rSF.?"'1LYi-NviTh sX tX~ETOP 0F ilsCýoO)t)s ND PRICEtt BEFLE Il ~ ~ ~ e1 'tr 'i cittt retu t 'l 'rmciit nstucta "trritiir 'uucu .jare cutrette CASI W.NTEI> auy quantity of I!utrd and ltoft 1~o3,liexcttautge for Geoda. WAINEI)--AAIRTRIAL.4 AT mruL.trgTçj«ýTtti. LORD k'AI.M EeeTON ,r4)MAXCLTlu NLT. 'y~VEP y PEIhii0SViti) UN i SIo WING THFI GRIAT IIED3PECT F011 111EILLUSTRI- !IEIBER OP TRE CAI3INET 'Çr E~WAI 1 "tAN I I0(U-SEU0IILD-FURNITiUR-E ttn' Wuîîu 3)'>i ...-ieai............ t -7 to - .Sed"l <hnt'n 'nrboù d e......... 47t,!; 4 :r.. Ittt'k5<t]îît ~îedonirscVeeer d ) Z-.-)31 to 4. 31>. u sth. .......rd'........ .......... ~ w 8Q liii. tek So»............... ..........4 .elcerrartIcle ia thie hi At e.g ,cîlhatv u' 1 >u OESr, ItI ASI 0Qf11 ÇORIWOOD, nt HAURIS0N'S SALE R-ooNs, LhCKSTREET, ITý,>Y. f - MEVIL4-c., &. NUTl1\sTit; T tn izl SEhiu SC'L-rton ftIt 1 Dl! i pfîneClT d A IO A le -.asser-ituent if 31. mat4ettiexîiatiug o (TuJtetuiel, pr il, t j à @ r ipniuig Tlxianb7e .S;, andalie;%. I'ugtu 'tPimi, oe n.W, Uwlen, Silot, u, and Letd Pipe, Quite fii (i>',axlanpt>'. -PEJY IREM£ ESTA~ D IR IL NETM MN e ,tfflt $500, $400, *300, $2001r TO-WN,.LOTS,' 'VILLA LQ79 'P1ARK LOI'O ý;--t ot r Priv Ite Ucidencel, !N. TRE T0W OF WHITY in 7r18 COONrr OF ' oyNraio EAST OF BROCC STRLEET. L T8N~14 AND)7,3, FAST qF BROCK tre rdS>th liof poillrd's Ilotél, a- tlbab)!e proJpe-rtyv extending from iB'ok tio l>14rry Street.G ,Lots No. 177 mun 1.80,,rUittapide ofBrcck Street, Northof tif 1lar;J'eIlotel. Prrlea <le*ir- those LotIn the tunIcd Lote 2(j3, and 2i4, s'corner ùlrccek on MotrJe e.nd Perry Streûts. féts "Il, 72'3 '71; ~ ~C77, nd78 Th ese £egt lot. Ilre1in.'n.;,a a bonded*by Pern, antI hesnnLand Amli Street, uot e7, West of Perry' Street, and direct!y op- poità [thp Stearn ForMi] Lçks t64,,65, g66, &7, 92, 83, 84, andl ,Eat of 3'erifwStrett, and adjoing the steamMl -pr peTt, o)n 'tii.North. . 1,. ' -.. -Lota No.. 60 Fut or t riy 4tret. Tub, Loï iii well fencedland othe.rize irnýi6v4d. XVest of Bracli Street. L1a10sl4, 10, Ilq, and Ui ou e vCon-' tre -i W a ndt Kent Street, Theso LUs ar cdehc'ktf'ully th mtd .d lîvg a 'streit -en *ot. 12-1 and 12ý5, Corner cf tEdnt ibid John, Lot 1Ço. 13),REat tof Kent Street, and but a fe7 rode Fort iof Duntau, Strc'et. Thot&uregoiug choiee Lots.wcre seIected from a late ulinher, 'i-tth e* view of bold-tu'th > mé Rn unvoA-tmentý, but art Dow offered flotSI IinZiIy wind np IL large triaetiun Centre Street................ 2L,1s Kent*rct.............4 Loge..ý Eit<Iid Street.................... a Loti*. PalacÂe Stret.................. à Lois. 111g Street...................-4 Lut&. YA14UÀBLE 'BUSINESS LOTFO SALE; FM T VACANT Wr7K0RtH Q' - beig etMo3, ery'"Btocky ono ,Whftbv.' The purclunsor wiMlbcorequîred te inect e Brick Bailing on'the ,6t, 't1le Prés". 'Year. For 1Prie. eand ternaes Qptimtpply t. Oounty of. Ontatit-I W TE LOTS Ko. 122.tX'LD 120, INCLYD W xig. tii.Whurr-and. toîe1icunse. Tk L1ott are dircctly oppos4îw the ne rgtml and in the. very centre of the, binesPat of -the Town.' The*&oitoge nu-, WAtserStreet Wà fqet, end'Quecu Street. 170 ftet. OutiJurpoty2batibecu rented forth0 pss thrSY"r, a 25îrrarrnu, snd withi a ii' expndiureon he i p, waul<l, lin tutr relit f«-.£îOoper aime)». T t'iLoc. 1, Cornier -of Quéen and 'Mtera Mett. lededly bte most valuable -Lot id tb, wbole Town, Q ,UEE-" STREÈf Lot rooci6 ~b fi't; Lt4 No. 8, '&Pcer of Qucon and F'erry Strects-; Lo.,Nc tP d6; Lots tço. 1i, il, 12, 1'5 ;0 ed 17, 69;6 t o nc- cornet of Quecu snid Lilta Streece,, nearlv cutil on teMa d3 1iz d ot, ud are enaj LTLLA STREET. Lots 19 at'dý5, rnar of lluandNouth St:'eegtý NORTH STREÃM Loto21, 2.1, '24 7,,8I. 5. nd, othe aide of ýoth ltr.eL.-ootoiring encti, one 4ft1e oif an xitre. Nô, o. '31, 3 ,56 , north fdâ of thé amnirestret' I&&RT STREET. * 'WXUER $TRI.- Lut N.S o rnr elr i Ciia Sfa t - '6TINTI1TA