Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1857, p. 1

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was the' stroké that the lengih, of the born wav burivd in the lion's body. For nearly a minute, the two beuts stood Motionlesa -, thon the - gernabolr, slowly backing, withdrew bis born',and the lion tottered and fell-on onc side, his limba quivering in the agonie& of denth. Thé viefor made a triumphant ilourish of hîio lheelm and trotted oIý apparcntly without having roceived t4c Icast ltijiiýv in the conflict. WHITBY CEMONIOLE .T la PrRLMnFD K'F"'y THURSDAY MORNING9 gigg- ims &IWayerhoger BrWs, BF()(,K STREET, WIIITBY, Nezt Door to the Itegistiry Office. JIF TYRNis oF SUILSCRIPTION TO TIIE 1rhUby t.,hrotiicl#. *il 1 be 02 pet annuti-4 ysbic strîctlý il, ad V&nce R.%,rrS 0? With calm printe 6d. aliowed to hlerchantA and ,tliers là-1vertimillg by tl't" V o L é Je lýli. ll,11ýer has airenciý, an immême circulation hy every ba- M ilillèv and he vicinitv, a better etti im v;,illd not be pe( i4ï.1 in thim .Vho or tlýlflk Weil (of (10- VOTIONEER, &e., &c., GREENBANX i""e" - 1 .1 ALBERT SPRING 1,eýatc icqte illi tinte in forwarding A lteach. 2 Vepott 0 A. PRIN(,L£9 ',à arc p.tid ERCHANT TAIDR, UR(iCK STREET, The Coolon. if rar-,mtered Kt en,-I- 1 will Ille The ieene le be8lde whêre the Avonmor, -tu N'AYEIZII(lFFER KR S, THOMAS 113LVERELL, - 'Ti» the mpring of the ycar, and the di Wliitby, C. W U 11. 1) E R, &e. GRICEN STREET, ita close; B Wilithy, C. W. And an old womau site with a boy on BOOK AND JOB A. C. WILSON, Site smilett like the ovening, but he like 4TING AINTEIZ, GI.AZIE pýilly.Pi, Iler hair in as white sa the flai em it'm i 1,,*.TABLISII MENT. -R, AND lituilzer.- l'ait lasfk, 1'titt-,. Il- 1 Ili. bmwn m yop, troc that is hiding tlig ()F TIIE WIIITBý' das 'Wbitb.- hifonn the Beside tiie briglit river- ),aý e llrtj(:tire(l siqui of the moqt i The calta , gl&mey river, T fr,ý11% Nelle York in MANe;LING Th*Vo sliding and gliding &H pesoeft Vit mr la('Q ixtred u, C. ON NER AT arf l'ri, 'E IN' A Sl*l*i-'.],'i4ilt NIANN ! D alti q%,:bý,raè ttreut, ile.arlv "('oinegranny," theboveayd mân1r AND JOB PRINTIN'G ed words, great thoqghtf an& qatiring tiodustry, we advocate Peace, Progmes, Knowledge, Drotherhood. Mr. jjuua £"lai -\ ý1t tiel * mecripti-ai, Vill btl(! UL tlie lom litive pirchosed nne. of Ell whiel, lili 111 tIl 111rn I)lIt ('uPI lul(l ,@Ulars in R ver% innaiter. They Iii '01à ljatil a ilrgIr -sý,or-k- (Il' Pitiil :md Fatir,-, ý'uT en- 1 Prîntmg I-mit ile fiiri1141041 ut the 1;,m priý4 lu 'd iliv ýLIIrtvt twutv. VA %là y VAT M111OF-5 il t vÈ) u 14-1 E "F 11111 F C( .I &è,tlrtjt. - Il(, ('(Il . NELSON G. HEYNOLUS, JOILN 11.4-M l'Eltit Î, F i. 1 Eý ().\ lý.1,& -C K Il. J. 31AC1)0NEý1,IL, 01 TUE 1>EýwE. 3011N Y. 11AX. (iF THF, t'0Uý'%Tý l 01 IiT. ý1 >ýiirIIgjt!e 1 Wc P A X'1'0 N i Ai Lîll: J. MAI DONEIA., JOHN hiiii.1t, 1% 1: x ilir (toi L', il 4 'y *1 IF" ;r %y Mot .0r, J. V. 11A-m, W. IN- B- FAIRBANKS, N. G. H AM, , r , ý F y As1ý A rolt. -vfýj tilt, >t-ýre d J. éijzul.,w, W- 11- BILLINGS. Mil-lTiAZ & AT 1 in Wiiiiby, W. CA-MEROX & MACDONELL AT lo the (")Ullt%- Colincil. 1,>e At tilt NN'iiig. office WILLI.liX PUWSO,4e 11ENJAMIN YARNOLD, T 0WIN' l1ý1.E1W AND TREASULER doe-Town Ilali. Dr. 1L CLARK, 6s ror the C'01111ty of Dr. CHECKIXY, FSI]ý)FNCI', BRO( K ý,'rliÈET, TO'V Whitby, Comity of Ontario. JONES & GAIGE, L C.%'L DEN.'rISTS.-OFFICE IN 1 lCb>treet, cver J.,ýfigelow> Store, and o ,tý , VI4 Iýegý4tfy 1 1 lý.OL»rations na.. Ambw IV. CILONi ,ýRCIIITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER, FAtate Agent, lyhitby. J- FROWD BEAVEN, ýýRCIIITE('r AND CIVIL ENGI -Dundas Stm',et, Whitbv. Fitifilatel il] kinds of wenAuring ;vork carefa11ý to. GEORGE BRABAZONi IONV'ý-YANCle£. COMMIS81ONJ iýt4kkiIàg A1m&ý-jtâ 1 ck, Bmck, C, W. GRAND BILOTHBM,, ý,1P0nTERS AIND PEAIE' (,411111un Wiiien, Splrits and Brttilih Vault* iinder the Il Glob-el' Office, Klu Torotito. WILLIAM THOMPSON, ADDLE, IIARNMs, -COLLAR àç HAker. Oku êt tbe 14 MwminDt luk Street, W, t tby. Ire Yo»g me'chaùicso Ilow inuch encouragement 'hq."ve- th6 vouth of our countrr to, habits of in'dustry No. 15. r 1 JUU%,LI Ut VU£ UUUiitlj_ IU IIMUL65 VI 114UU3tiy ity descend into the valley of Metempsy- yielded ber innocent and guileless heart aide, displaying her matchicas neck and Spring Work for Parmerts Wiv4. an rseverance in- the acquisition of thSis, vW, hùmbu,ý-,," -But my dear Men- without a fear for the future. Ber simple snowy ams. lier eycs, those speak' 1 - ing, red ter, rny !des bas more of common sen.%e toilette required little cure. The golden beteilderinq eyes, were bent upon ilarry 1 Xow is tbe time te ses that everything; no ge and the improvcment tt the mirid 1 As we loolc back upon the piist than yeti are willing te admit. I see in tresses, the graceful, symmetrical figure, iwhoiqatonalowottonianatherfi,-ct. iiii ýppcrtaining te the spring-house 'Dr d4irr mankind the strangest contradiction or fa. the liweet face, over which the faint blush hair wiLq push' room is put in order and all needful reýairs 1 we read of bundreds who have risen to lre 110--viq- br, i stations of honor by their own exertions. day'» near tuityand turning te the donain' of instinct, flitted with every passing emotion, could md white brow, and Ilelon was no! made at cace. Stop up &Il holes, so'that -There is not an instance on record where lbfind nothing se psoradoxical u man, this pin nothhig by artificial adornment. stranger te the look with which he gazd noithir rat nor mou*Se can enter-get the t ber knet sets me thinking, and if you rould only lielen could hýve been happy wîth hrr upon %,Irs. Melville. 'Musically slow, but Puze window fitted in te keep out the a mal) Who put forth all hià energi-es, and flies and insects which will seon bc buz. determined to bc sornething, did net reach- ce the l«: &id me, thou bright emanation of Joves' husband in a fair less cÀ)s,,.Iy, less luxurinus with dreadful distinctness, fé.Il tipon ber ibe lieight of bis ambjtion.; It is not I pun- brain, I perhaps may solve the mystery. hCme ; but wAl did she grace its fair halls. car the worcl,--- zing about-and see that the walla and lit mun 1 those who have what is called a liberal ed- Yeu would be as wise as Jove, vain Her pcrfe,:t and intuitive tact served lier 'Norah, 1 love yoii,' ceilings overhead are thoroughly white. ucation who are the most useful -men in the washed. This may seem, rather early Cassandral rei-ceinborl'rometheu.,i*rdoolii, in place of experieno of the gay orld. In that short sentence W." compres.ced 'ý vrorld, and who alone can occupy. statiorm and withdraw your profane band front the lier huâhand was amused as well as grati. for the gentié wife the agon work for our northern farmers ; but the 1 f trust and honor.-Onthe contrary, the sacred altar. fied at lirr ca,49 and self-possession, "d Nane but those who have given a warm, truth is, if we do net get it donc this , nie t talented men of our country belong Month, ten te one cur hu8bandq will be se s Ah 1 1 sce bow it will end, &las ! for ni- living licart into unworthy keeping Laa'y Il aing me irk-ed with pride the world s admiration ci te the class who receiyé-d thri « education' . . . . -..-L i bnsv the rest of the Snrinz. that thev will 1 ý - - l . 1 .1 1 , «ý1 - ICAL 1 roit Tit 1. S : 1 - , . '7 opposite the Graliiiiiiar know, ja.,.y 611c rrm til rIý man who ever will blindly turn from the of his choire. i knovr such torture. net have time to atéâd tu it Tlie býuautiraI toolun. mo tweet and no 1,,w ; i " 11elen spoke net, nor p. ve ether sign STERLINti, r truc te clasp the false. 1 " It iýI nee(ilesa te gay how the orphari'a l 15 t that the churns, tube and pail A PITLICATE lii)()K For 1 inve ite soft toineï more thau blalikbird o Yo' may preillict, but ivlio Vç ill believe haart went out to him who was all to lier. or lier prosence. Siowiv, mechanicall u A of Mr. Sterli:isz's sules, is kept lit thrnýh, 1 « Y, tliiý "I'rice. All lefl lit lit(. 0t6re, Thongli often the tears in a shower will gu.-%Ii Cassandra ? Yeu have net power te nvert With what fond pride she loolied up to hirn elle returned te, lier room, arffl, as silo âanli-, and in order, ind that plenty wilI bit, attentieil to %% itli t lie ýtrictv,,t 1,1111(ýlliali- 1 l il pans for settling the m ilk a, Cir- ty. 1 liliv, fiIýci -,il. your own fate, or correct your inconsisten- i whom she believed te rily eyes wlien 1 bear it. Dcar grunny say le all that vu- noble. într) a chair, the words il My Goïl, pity me. W The more shallow the milk ar lave 'ýtreet, lielir t he i ,il rt hy, c 1 es. You adore simplicity and contenin good and true-how delicately sbc antici. vrerc wriing Iront lit-, soul's anguish. 1 iv'ili, - - -- - - Whon MY liewt*m full Cf pleasure, 1 Bob and 1 1 the more rapidly will the crea 1 IM ÎTER & c wealth, yet woulil convert yoiir boule pated every wish, and dissipateil Iy lier %Vlien ILirrv roturtie(l,- sile sat cold CARPEN ry i - greater quantity in pmportior 11F oF intoanother (-,'Iypthotliek were, it possi- 1 stinriv bri-litness ev To Ilear thtsweipt Coolun- 1 cry cintid of car ing hur figure gently to and ail L-,igkdn. lliiiti'.çtr The boautiftil ble -, admire independance, yct give your flow perfert and far-sighted. thzt Wis- fro, sl o vt 1 y repe.it 11) ýý, a will be obtaine(L When TER- M1 'Norah, 1 love you! niilk pans are used, considerm Ing ut Nol in.. 11. NI, An angel fir.-lit sang it alio% a in the sky 1" I&st coin te a client, are a.' few of: dom that. shrouâ the future frorri our 'Xorah, I love Illle Il Nttil% cr iiii i Uý li', -,;r. the motes that defacc the human mitid riglit! Who among lis, with rude liand, Y suesfrom want of proper ICI Andlllieeiiigs and Lot iiiaity yearn j But te the point, if you in?"( scribble, trio,- would wiliingly (Iraw back the dark cur- "In tire 1unatic asylum of - , rnay cream. Preserve plenty of c RO ACII lis 1 palis lest not the foibles of htimanitv, evervone tain, and pal 1 Ro,:e bud for curdling the cheese, and ORNER ()F Fl11(b-lýF .\NI) 1; E4,RGE À ut] the %ýiel the rhapel-yard --ýy the hearts now beating li'gh now bc Scen"Tac Village has his or her hob , be it Bucephalus, with hnpe God forgive the carclel;s hanil tl press is &Il right, Cheese is c ý',trtvt*, and promise tint se rude- Ind R couple are."ii,ýed lipoil Ille ýiiime StGneý Donkey or Rod and will bc.strid.) it, maugre Time passed on, a very,,important export to - HURON 110t'SE, Y and 1 felen had another JY Plucked its fresh beauty, but to bliglit and we rùay scion monopolize Wliere the lit,% sat and listeiiel so vft to tle &Il you can say-rather describe - scelles claimant for lier love. Never was infant itg *fair promise, and cast it aside as a ATE by paying proper attention t, and incidents with thu;r concomitants, se by dirtiting mother; never one witýcred thirig, Tis tlie lio., -'tiýs tlie Man. and he %nyq while lie facture amoncg us. I éonclud "The worlti still t -c. b th and as eî L rý, leaving it to the reader to pronounce the whose lîttle lump of I'fe needed si >eh rare- ak t; y e Il 1 with a hirit for the benetit ut î.y9S 1110TEL, characters you delineate fair or dark, and i l1ZT Te the girl ut his mile ý%vith the lý,ve-streaniing ful watchint, lest it shoulfl bc extingili.-ilie.d an honora'ble vian, the ý-.1,y Ilarry Lee ; but AiN call your papers lightà; and shades of life.- j bands-, and as I *am a poct b3 eleil looked in vain te, rend in lier in the still iiiidiiiilOit lieur, a tgentie, tear wi >itig Ille, sivoet Ot)IJagli, Ah ! that will never do,' I cannot call "a l cre.,q the love .qlie fêlt I Il excuse my givint, it in r for 1 et fal voice, s1lovrIv repé.-iùs t-) his (-ar alonc, LEONARD"S iurrici., 1 M V heu il 1 i fi A 4 Ii,1.ng 11, . ),' For work ahead preparc the ,'T.. spade a spade- like Fielding, or expose the chilf]. 1 La crýes vrere intolerable to Iiiii, alliiii iiiiquic-t sliiniljurs, the l)- i IlT li E FT, () S 11 g Ille the Cool ail - lie zayîi alid he'siglis Fcr this ne*er give your wife deeds of the impostor lik-c Saiollet. and the quiet and ted'u-Il of a sick-roolil T!iat, itir, mj briiip b;à--lý thu daý, uf inv You can't expect a lia"e2t 1 It is net neceu-ýlary. only write of these annoving te the l.i,;t degrec. lie lâliella you sow your seed L AT RA 1 L It OA 1) 110T). T event3 whizh you really wititessed, net the light Ittep that b%)tindcil te nie - t him on Ilifits tu Young ý'f1cn. G -'l Stabolig, l'111 (j Tlial Ilfpiz-wl îik@ il river there, munnv Value of a Blonde 1 that which you accidentally heard. Wc bis return, the bright face that S"IlJed up- Wlio aitils at icKrellenre vvill bc above 1,ri1I,?ý back- the ofd i, uniun, kilIIl!.Y aod often convict persons of iriii>'roper comprIn- on him et their quiet meal, the tùuch of me iocrity who ainis at niedi,)ý-rity vvill ile.tr- 1 ionsliiiý, by their retail of Golsip, or being fairv fingers on his Iieitted brow. Ile fail There seems to bc one t ýýcc àt*, II, lierspirii, lcar 0onngli, i.-t lii,\eririg n9ur, short ,f- i t. the more raluedfor not /W.£ 0NTARIO IIOTEL, actors. Vice walký.s in (Lirl, i thmiglit nint of a moiller*s pair) ; lie felt no Ile iri(lil.,ztri,)iibz. We (la ý,ot niein licre thinq ! The following incit. 1,%% Ai giâd iler to licar trie (,;ý] iIIü1-1ý ! ile 0 çtr ..... . G -; 'l IL"" iý %V ýriii, X% It- 11, oa tile WiJUZ., (ýf oUr 1,), C aLd Out t1lé- in(liiýtr%- of the liand.i, alone ;, but that fitid in a French palier, illust TI IN tw i - patlis, livporri-,.i wcars tiie ma>k of virtuel gratitude for the lifé that liad been Spared give it credit frir what It ettfocts, and seiirch liiiii -, lie had no admiration for the pat;( rit per<e%,IlliLll(,e in whatever Nve utitler(ake, of this apparent inipossibilit, l' 4,'L' ule the vour own licârt befure yuu dey-tion of the young mother. 1 le toili, il- N %TIONAL 7*hv 1 ".,:. that is the securc prt!( :sor 1 - if ultilli-ite At a Charity Fair, lately 1'. (;lý , !-T. 1 P# i LExit notintiacrotint the inotiotativ ofasick Nevcr allov Èic iiiIiiid. orthe benev(ilent fashionables of Pi iý"I' W 1; ANG i_*t t;,e lew tir a tcur iroi, iuiý:5tûliIIg 'lis )L HI, P" li",.. r;IlIpý , :ý; 1 ý;e* e 1, 1 Tlius, lir. Chroniclc, my aspirations are room to a nervoiîs, f'xcitql)le tem %%:Il fil, Il perament body to stagriate ; activity is iiect--qsary to cess P- liad a couriter, not bir,, ils own ILI) 2 T;, tre- inc-an te k-cp a like 11(leri's ; he looked tjjý 1,.eaitli of both. Mvaý,; have some elegant trifles. One of -vm Oiztr . Il Il), i%ý'(ýr the ridcrs or tilis seifisli, fer" ri 1100SE. 11 r 1 g7s. i worthy end in view, in '%%-Iiatever Yeu ta 'ces, Count. de R- , a tir'. and ia Illy gro- lleîf il wae et she vi-011141 not undertake ; ruirenibering that te fail witl, t stall, andafter lookin-ata -.rry likd charigell. 1. -, is mi than was walking qtiietly awal AiA Joil llVIjI1týýk lir IV ýe, Iý, Ururl': t!ie liviiie ofhu- admit t) IIc-ülftlý,Rt Il: g.jýjlI iiiti-,ilt;i)ns -ire 1 AI »* : L V, a t 1 M i 1.1 :1'! 1- ad. P% il -She malle qý,. (-f"ý-irt to strorIp r :iri 1 1 shop-woman, lapon this, callt Ti] i. an 1 \'l i0v', lie W hether lie %v:,-;; going toi be 1 than slie i-callii wa-, anri in il It N%« Y ATT*N __161 (,r lier love ýý1i0 qaijý ~II. rili'.et ic-Z tu the Clat t1ileir reý.ItIiTl-- as te pass without buying T Il F ilti 'l' 'lieticart hjith been týllicllci, illid izý Ilelen, the %'i!la-,-e flose-Bud. bc 1 who lui-, 0 ellanzo'l ; 1 vri'ýI vrt win T F, li 1?11ÎITVVý-ll- :,II(ýu d be lier. hiiii back to me." Lut hcr baIjfý was Q:le vc,,,Ilue w(.11 (,ri any im- Il moui(ý" lie said, witb t',e ry FERI1ý lit 't .1 ii, l. is c il l . !_1ý ý art J-G - fét1le, and miieli of hcr titre, tinl 1)01*t:ttlt tcpic, is i)etter tlian lialf a düzen 1 look, -, il you will SeIl me W T; lionie was contrii)uted Ilarrv*s brow clowl wàli d:ýý-p!casure iàý 1 ýIlI.hiuée !w, ý brtit.iiii Y i'oýà.1l - merely ski-inme(l. Iliere are niany Sub- Weil, what is it Ferli n ille Y'rtl. 1l'e wlien the cyes of his 'critle -vire w9)IIIII fill i -hich, -That lock of golden haiii The c" iýf lkrrr-ll-lv:Eý snrýiigý, b% Fai-i V jects, of Sencral utiiity, with ýi 6-n NORTII AXERICAN Il0à EA- with tear-,; then withan impatient 'pshaNv II i man should have a partial kiiowledge nt beautifully toi your shoulder p Tbé) tliatk of the brig!iL tlt.-eLm Si&t j.own efforte.'l 1 . . . bc would leave t'lie room, " wonderinz i ,.t it ils the zrtýater;t faults of Il You uh:&Il have itý'1 replie You couldii't lieý1) loving ôur vil'age what nuries werc made for. Îr they Il very promptlyand 8eiztng Mejhî)ýI If ilir rrý,t;,t4: iiii z'-, i%*i,.éii iie wa, Il liridegrooni anI slIe ri Rose-bud. Net becauý;e she iwas berLutiful iiioulern educution ta spend tOO mllci 1 keep babies from being a bire. T;w luiseI.-)f vcjue;i reetii to tièr(, that rattier burthen alid sors she clipped it, close to 1 though those poittin,; lips and deep blu poor Ilelen ! Ail tifla told upon htr the mii.d, than strerigtlien and ititorm it th il, duly -rapped in a TII(-,ýe cf Oid fiwes, loillz vaiiisýect look k were fair to sec ; iior becatise 1wr forni as e Kitid vuicu Ibia rouud thelii, aild ,r Il 1 1 ills lectle lic,.qlth and spirits; She becanie nier- 1 ey es 1 practical duties. Reading 1 gitelis. wiil il% -.rit u 'Imrt for I:f1ý's and handed across the coun art- lieur, liad catight the g-r2ee of the wa-« in- willow vous and hysterical, and trembled %vlien t ying without sortie defiliÎte Rim, is -IFîve hundrcd francs," po11,i, PERRY STEIMBOAT IIOTEL ThLýir feet have net touelled, ah, tilizs nlanv a nor for the gleanling la ightnesa of lier s ud she heard Ilarry's foota-tep& ý She con7ult- lil.el to le to foie useful res-Its. How AF,(","-- P11ILIArg. PR0TIUIFT,ýIZz veur- 1 golden hair. But because her sable dress : i üd lier glass to see if sickness hâd rolybed il t bespoke your tender pity for the orphan; he le gpcntlitv-ý fitrLd '111) tîîe indj as eteades the ('()vltin, many men there are who lia The Count u promptly Iuýý Il'ilei, in il new and 1 The home luving C-oluti, iýpf the charms that had won hiru. Still 1 ýe part of tlicir lives cver booLs, of from hLq wallet and filled N*iýitors siri-1 the trhvelling on ti;e and fur the thousand little nameless arts 1 Net the air, but th'eir tril land Wu j it rellecte(l back the saine wealth of golden -iýtlllllit%, will find it iei Fvvry fi -itAne whoin it may be said, "thu remember à amount, secretly thinking it LAW. (IAI' of love and L ss, prompted by lier fýr1iihle hume. (jood S»ý.LbIing Illid lui attutitive ou liair, the fair, pure brow, the sweet blue i 1 M- aS s of thing, but nothing distinctly." It The next day, the Cou -Ain i geqtje and affectionate hearL 1 0 Long in milenoc they weep, with band t:laâpod in l'lie first sweet violets that elleried l oyeg. The rose had faded from lier check, is possible to crani the mind with ma.rws story with some triumphi NQRWOOD IIOTEL- hand- tis truc, but that would bloom apin with t of indicrestible materials, destr' etive alike law, who happened toi bc au LAW, 0 R F. E n W 0 0 1) Then te God gentil up prayers for the fur-off Old j their Llue eyes tu grect the balmy spring, exercise and fresh air , and so she redou- on Public, II te a henalthv and vîgorous acti of the in- of the PrinceW&, was surl the taxiiest fruits of sumw t.-NI-Ry ('0ULTON land; er, and autumn'a bled lier attentioms, patiently couriting the furinq ti.e rumic, thait lie liaII wk-en the tellectual powers. Such is not the cultiva- recelved with a burst of boit 1-1 And while graiefal te ilim fur the b.essiiý,g.4 golden favors, were laid as trophies nt ber whieil lie altered tedîous hour.i of his unwont e4 absence, nor .12, lle'ti Seut-- feet. For each ând al], t-he had a gentle, tion of the mind required by a youýý Ili The Princess made a g and Iinj)rý,veI in sait the P"*hlie'e)nveb«' Ile- met hirn with an ungentle word or look of Canadian fariner. of vou," said his sister, LAW. IIL% tuble and Ilis Licilluili 'vill net ho Qurlltmed They lnow'tiâ Mis hand tliat>withli(ilýlath con- kindly w'Clrcl, and a beaming smille; racine r-offiqe by aliy otlier Ilotel ill the Province. (;Ç..,d tent-- i reproach on his return. Be econornical. No matter if your Pa- tu the.five hundred fi e )leurs bling. For the Exile and ChrîL-tiàn Must evermore sigli feit that tiwir offerings wou[d be overlook-ed. Helen had often met, at the bouse -ut a 4 For the home upon carth. aud the home in the or slighted, because they were unpreteiid- rents are worth millions, it is net the less charged you félr that sin« LAMB"S IIOTELj, friond of liarr>'F;, a young widow lady by proper that you silould undeisýand the or four timés as much Iws iil K I.NG STIVÎET W EST, 'roRl)'% Tf. TIIE sky- Ing. the naine of Melville. One dayý her bus- value of money, and. the honest, honoura- dresser for thd schole tDig-il >TFR, above First Clasm Ilotel, 13it-illied une Min- So they iling the sweet Cool un, Helen Gray's means and home were Il e ay Depot, and Steani- b band told lier that ho wished an invitation ble means of acquirin- it What multi- utemi walk fr,ý)n) the uzi reittéd with New Fur- The scirrowiul Coolun, hum le, but the apartment &lie occupied 0 boat Landing, han beùIl That inurruars of both homes-Lhey Sing and ý . tu bc sont tu ber te rnake them a visit, tudes or young men, partîcularly in our A DeqIlorate Confliet bc nîture, Carpeted and Paitited. The glec- ing ý in the bouse of the kind Widow More 0 L OF- Ai = enta are large and well ventilatel- M they sigh. might havevied for taste and comfort with adding> Il she w ill cheer yôu up and help cities, make fatal shipwreck of reputation., and au Autel alwavs et, haut' en the arrîvel of the you appear more like yeurself agair)." clin and Stea;nbI)atll. licaven blessi thee, Old Bard, in whose bosem many more expensively furiiLshed. The health, and eventually of property, by a THOMAS LAMB, Propriet-or- wereýnurst tasteful arrangement of a few choice books The next week found Xorah Melville neo"lect of this simple maxim. They are Frein I)r. Livingston'a 211 Tmnbn, March, 1854". their guest. Married at' the age of nine- eir Dr. Livingstcn gîtes a ýONER, Emotions that into Ruch melody bnrat' and pictures; the fiowe--stand, with its aware t'bat their father«S obtained th ever green!-n=y tire boftest of 1 teen toi a man the age of lier father, she description ofa fi-htho-wi RAILROAD HOUSE, Be thy grave wealth of sweet blossoms ; the tiny, proce- 0 wcalth by habits of industry, but they cil 0jý CORN Nj;ýR OF BR(1(ýýK ANI) DIJNT)AS Sts., showers lain vase, that daily chronicled the hopes found he mlf a year after a widow, with are azhamed ofthe viery naine. They for- Ca, between a "on and -am W lill à nurse its grasa and its doctor-and hie guides hm whitby, (Late Wil.cock.&un'ti.) The 8ub And brightest of beain unimpaired beauty, and a fortune suffici- seriher hegs te amionnee to the inliabitanta of of ber rustic admirers as expressed in the get that wealth in this country Passes ra- InR community, that ho ently ample t.0 cover every want or desire. a narrow defde bee Whitby, and the travelli be it muât with the t«r-drop of love, shape of rose-Puds, heart's-tase,. migno- pidly from one tQ, another, and that he from haa taken the above drat ClauS Ilouse: î - 'l.h ho 0 ft, 0 ft, She had a thoroug knowledge ut human rrow'. hiILq" when thel - houd- lans ifttted tir in a ne- and convenient ner. Anclmay &ugels watch round theuforever above! nette, and the like ; the snowy curtain, gh who ils rich to-day may be poor: to-mo BROCK ý A firgt-mte Table is served lit this Ilote]. Din- uld bard of the Coolnu, looped gracefully away from the window, nature, and was a perfect woman of the or that ho who relies on wealth amassed wh 0"ite ners, Luncheons, &c., can be had,,ýat a inotnents The beautiful Coolun, vrorld. Her figure was tall and queenly, arch of the forest" -41l 0 'î>z'apwe.d notice,. All lAqlo" kept on-tlieptemj$esart over which the wild-rose and honey-suckle by bis father, may end hiis dayà in a Pour zyanlatecf the genwine article. Ç ThaVe sobbing, like Eire, with Sorrow and say, more th yards in she hadI&W liquid black eyes, a romý- bouse. It is, for the young here to an forty TIJOMAS DO kee Love. formed a fairy frame for the sweet face that plexion o 1 f-marble paloness, a profusion of whether by industry and economy ho &.gemsbok stood at bay, to often bewildered the paIssing traveller- A raven blaqk haixý and a voice like the wind- ilion was crouched fflny an hour did abc sit ýthere, watching secure competence and respectability, or ta" RUTHERFORD & SAeÙ N harpinitssweetness. Sheknewthate)es formi, àbove the level of Q U* the fitecy cloud - tbq,« 9%grant meadow, byextravaganceand idleness become,&, (LATE J. STOVEIý) ri like hersýwe fflde for u-8e, and she acted- 1 ' --ar and sporteing outcast. 1 ]y meditating an attack R'S through which the tiny strum "un«-1iý -wcStMffl 'beZ aly a space of about -tWE INFER, a thread of silver; 'the waving trets, withý IIIIISÎù _d One of theïmôst diËs-w AND 54, KING STREET WEST TO- Forthe Il Whitby Chrouicle." De made rente. Aise 48 Iàig Street West, liamii- il NQtb4ng could excoed her kiùdnéiý'ý. to ed the two an" il. The l attela- 52 their leafy music; the church, with, its le cbaracters on earth, is thattof the ton. 9 aq" bing about Myself. Iffelen, w4o only saw that ber husbapSs avâricious, pentirious <1 bé animated with the gi 1 - finger of faith pointing tu lîfflçn ; and the ing, manl ---- - _. Il nM ___ - .. . t-ý- ... - .- Ald &I&d: lénile hâd naine blek mmî,- and .. - ý ý1_ -*&l- riqmgbok was al)m-entIF SOPRMOR.- upon his ýmemory &R tbat was grind, ni%- toring UIMM!JRU uzw»luu, ul" Jý4IW, fflýr1t_ pe, &MUEL BUMMOR P your U&ttering, request, lir. Chronicle, ce, ý jet 40 Atted ap te niford The àve 0" mmia for ýtiry flight, je '&m,&ndwe»tjýý , ùý= aorommodatio- Break- roused My dorftlant estjý,é and ý!ovelj, in natural beauty ; &U rffl pgh Orbomr 4 dutyi iM ýY imstp, Dimers, Suppe à' opa"Staaks, 0ygters, and urs while =Içulating the hoigh wbirh that wasperfect in painting and séulpture. Bcu -Of ber tffltià9ý bcRXt,,tOI btý -Ààdli irýsy-beauxe,,ofl' u4W ýuoýç and - ba' ý94'ef ,&e S'_ at &IL ho Suppera provided er Com- ER FOB 10 rny doxing may aspire, 1 uncongdously He had ratumed home, weary in the sesmb, 0%we IMy yar4 .4pqngng hàlf i gave, queraüce to my tboughts., I will of pleoÉum sick of-,àrtýficW- ilânnem md ".*t kngth, *é%ry,ýwitkîts thCýçý kýbuthï4e Write ýt!MS is andthe1atta -Atei -e thi imm longi' iFýr would. 1 1 - 1 ý - Il _,ý - ý- &&Î4 on ortality etiqüette, - -1 1 -IP if 'n iliéà mý> KMO «"w TeRosin tc, 1b* of thç jý4ü& ==-'4g pftsept ômiga£ons, big m- tèrest bim. EAKFAST "034 8 -TO 10' la 1034d ý1zù_mý 1 B"r»ý COtt9ge yWem, 110ZI c Id- thetiîý t DiNN EU fmm 1 to 3 op 44 the link that connects In Fuch a S2 B4T" frffl a to 8 tO , i ý e *ýAàd: là 1034a the pTç"ùý *nd thýe faum hail -and ý"ffl " hood wu 'h-roained motlo to order m iffi heuxs ý4ndý 14WLIÀWÀ hlifin--y.-'-ge w -iieh re -El'n" go, o» -tr" tion > dom bfflty, captivated tupp'l v 11 and tôt, ýéjfm> 111le, ýý j5é tw is, -.érèýgW- io -bé ablà th bjtÉLi«qu, ýtb* -iwAdtàio -'oW trptia lace 'Under TRUNE èPÏPý1m ind] T«St., Tibýwe ind trm by the rivu %14 ýëùd bu "4à, @un t Win Oum -PIWM sbol n'ne% -P ïg W weý ià b"ý î ,ý, , , i ý , ( th ÎÏ., the reNtIltori c. Oum 1 MOTICM it km h Ic I c 1 0\ oreil fur ý ý 1 i ý Laý;e J)j habit the T-ý ï1l'trum Wi ý'. jý jl1ývr a fair t H4,i'111, 111.,trUn ment by 1 e- ra il * ýejr, '11,ivî gry, and ho cer -bel litu VY Ti 11: BLOOD. 1 elit Ylil lui !'ois»us. t.. t re. t 11 c vvrv cit'y t. lire t v re 1'ý4 Il) v ià 1 be t'uli, v 1[-,l- ILI twil 8111 Nt, MIS OI-NT- me Irritant 0 F, illi, salne c WHITBY, Ça. W., THIJRSDAY, APRIL 30118a-7,

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