top M LstistaUxe A,«embly. tien beýwM Grltlat Brfitatn and Her Ameri- Iler lfajestylý.q accouchment is novr dally To Town Ceuneillors. II on I-.ritit-iple-" Tlicy à id net WieVe in eoonût»Y Ile effcetecil 1 Ilfflin can Provinces. expectcd, alla tlÀe.-e scenu; t') bc litùe it." Tke oeaple diol. A By-law authori7- that part of the Bill whieil :ý.Ilc 1 i t 1 #*pril 24. 6th. That the foregoîng r«olution,-t be ; doubt that the neit %v*ee'e will witness this peeple e.xpt-,t but little a.-il Kt j ing the Niuniepalitlv (,f the Town of %%*it- of the Iltince to lýf# approinted the PoUtima P«Med to the embodied in au Addren to the Queen, 8'ur»piciou,- event- lier Majety had enjoy- thai only, theÎr expectationg are net Jikely 1 by, te take £50,00o Stock- in the Ceuâpany, _wney providel le is a&, B te be disappoiuted. At lenst they ought were Petiuou praying that BeT Usîtaty wM be gracious- ed unintermpted gSd health during the was next opposed 'by the Aue& nc believe sir, many Clerk-s of thc _if c _&tisûcdwere not le not te tS- For this reaxon the citizens of Batepayera - met and paacd the By-lait. Attoineys and gentlemen of W. Joues ma otheT114 of the ly 1.1ex»a toi reconomd ther*wwtof the pÉLqt wftk, but the M-al ditiner circle hu WbitbY lim the importaut subjectit re- bwn gmtlunuy.contracterý Ililnd the last day largely New the means of building the Il ilway talent and îndustry ; and whi î> ot tTabiidge ; proying that if a Bouse, upon 16 r be granted te construct a itailrond férmi toi te tho -serions consideration of or two, it has been limited to the immedi- disappointed, ait the result of the labors of are partly provideti A renewal of the ledge of the Crimijial 1--w ai last vean Town ConnciL The Fathers-of te T«m of Whitby te Laim Suron, the Imperial Parfiament ate members of tue court. .111 visits ta chwkx iii sebout being obtained. The ob- credings of the L*otij-z.,i has bc Wçt vear made no pretentio, te doing an rtrnetionitith rixe up. They have dîà ;covered W ftmed as te exempt auch 31-1: 7th. That &Select Cemmittee be appoint- thea tres have been entircly ituspen-led, and Il in their pre-eent I)osition could des as an avem te beîng taxed fer od tu draft and report said Address. the ministem hold themselçes in readinm , extraordinary amount üf bu,«ines& AI. a a e . s nest. Municipal Stock is net fuir- office of the Coinity Attorne l for attcndance.-Cimrt Jùurnaý though truly, thev did gome extra6rdinan irmse, things. They la 1yn rcýprcented. Thry become Railway cifà ntlv. The (*uqiiit'v of 0-ati April 27,1637. ICI no Claim te au over- 'Il ..9 Wooà toek &-id Lake Erie Rail- anxiotis desim te perform Il disting men al] of a sud(len-litit, - on principle, in point with niv re!fl:trls. ýi Harbor Company; praying for REGIMAM'q LAW. HORSE BMLStz ýuished they firît %vant te haro Micir rierulx set out man filling the ottire nf Clerlc s imenilmentit to the Act 18 Vic., Mr. Prown întroduced his re.-zolution on j 'ORINTED Cheap, 'Neai nud Expedi- i publie services." No retnarkablv brilliant in the charter ' It is a reimlition of the aiiel al.,o tient of Clerk ta the C this eubjett, the principles of which were JL fious1y by 1 achievements can be Inid te the:r charge whieh authorizes the gaid com. 11cý(l,,e-a )if Me bctter disgiiised-to ob- cil i,; a ni(-,,t i-fricii,:ýt officcr o supported hy all the members of the Bouse LIGGINS & UAYEIIjorFER BROS. ýeceptin.- the PZailvrav Celebrition, and extend their line of Railway. .4t ej'e c2ronierze Il-bite', strurt the Rjiilrond. It in an expiriner ef- corild not he fonnri not nnly is 'fewq;z-'ct little oyster suppers) As we, la.,ýt who took part in the diqetission. nt the je, nnlotiv i Xunicipality of the Township of )e e,- I&IgeýbUt in rc-[>cct te his solutîon% were agreed to, and a Committee liave Said ther did rèot pretend te signalize Jicouxy.; praying for t'ile passing of And the will prr)ceed as nus on al 1 ions to "si-t cw Ad%-trtisementS Ibis week. appoirâed te report on the gubject. TF@ thrii, offieînl carter by an ri, a instruct a line of Railroad froin Commttee named consR. of Mesm hfins-elf would froni on points of prictice and in g of Brampton, in the County of rown their Lme puny wtenipt tilkick n- it. rà eýz.-i of the County. Stuart, Loronger, Benjatnin, Sanb6rne, The*old Couiicil did fig inuch a,:, ariv one Ovvr arid ov - Owen Sound. por*,atiot,,ý-Ilain?. ton Rù1ýcrtlI. 1 er again, Il argil- Mr. Macdonell haIlI pectilliar M«ilson and Chapaix. they would do. Municipality of the Tnwnship of i nients of Mr. f)rap(.r, and .>r tNo othtr in hâving offlocs nt the Couri I REPRESENTATION DY POP17LATION. Magiaincs 17,ir ý-,ule-Yatikte Store. liVitli the pre.,unt Cozincil tile câý" is filtltlll!l fi' ofa 1 prayinq for the pasi.;ing if an l 'Sec, ^ ýVd >Uýre, h t, >il ýýi % litruici . 1 onstruct a line of Railroad con- lfr. Brown moved his rt-golutions on this otlierwise. ",,reat th;ngs" ire expected nt hâve bt-en refutell or Prorcil -ri - -cýÇarrenter tn Le iraipric- i n(le and long.1taudirez '60lich a liead, the discussion of whicli occupied the Car 1 ligt ý%, & 1 t)-e;i- hands. They caine into c Toronto with Owen Sound. 1 Beuton. w'th but Nir. I)ral)vr*s rtilirýý, pwýion, llý)TjjI weiglit Mil (,haracter tp Ilouse during the remainder of the eveniii, Alstirance .111 the prfetige of Püs_,Iesýsiný cxlivrience, is loye of notcrWtv-"and (liýaD Oresurne thero are, mai B. E. Dorion introdueed a Bill te 1 We,;ttrii r i The deb.-te Wax a(Ijourned on a vote of 46 abilitv. talent, busincisf', IiititutJe-briri,,ý the Iiiws relating to the naturaliza- t Ille- m pointirwid lut iliak(.F hilit Ille n1l)r4ý jlýr- .41tuatc(l, alid li'q'e te 39. Alltýtit'Il S'lie fet 0ýllUwft-T - C. -trii ic. ing to the Colincil as it was .4utid. siýteiit in intrufling Iiirni;elf the % cry liuiià iile eIrort ci veine, %Yi Afiens i secind reading on Mon- -jUI ý'qltilitr Mond"'-a -working (ý,,Unc mav rijiv not Ili, oirown Tuesdlir, 2PtIl A111-il. fliev li;tvt- not filitilleýl the (7xlectit!:or-,- .f emith introclticed a Bill for (If Mr. Prilper hn,; th.? ot lit- Bon. Mr. Cavlev ir.oved the gecond rcad. the te) this tiiiie at --anti An Act incorporating and for te", ing of the f iý the ri. ý1IIt. 'I'l' ý\-o(lllI V, é certain powem te the Canadià kn - Bill to dispense witil Govern- %LI'.nt rIrd Wlirat ;1141%. ment Directors in the ferand Trunk- Rail- Wliiiby, Thursday, April :ioill. lied lié tho Ca.-;e ii of II v ibrt-s- Ille leq)'itig'li 1 Bel% vr; li-t liiiii :o ,hoýP and lie Nill J'el, ;I;Itl in(hive th- à .à (linvesWieiit conijiany. M-3y Company, and facilitate the coinple- ent hâd la-vii ordi- rind '!ýtrtinan.introduced a Bill te seriire tien (if the ('oniliany'.ç workq froin Rilver ti-) (Icatli :et nary men. lik II irýpredvcess-br4. ortliria- to lie f,(ý' lishly I)IIllie* .10'tirr; 11nt 1',Ie 1,)*trt il. 1 LotiptoSarni%." Thediscus,ýiAiXtIki: (lie liamilton ý,siz(-l, fier tIýc iwirell2r (if r%ý scrvicvS Olilv nould then lie ùý,q)er-te(L rie, av , 1 . Mr. arrI r(,.i -l Mr 1 secciud reading on 1ýednesd' 'u the bit wIfe. lias hall hiý,' îVTlt(ince cf tiiilklit4t Men-ýure O(ICtipied the Ilolise iUrinu g tite fiole of the afterno4m and throu-ghoiit the by the Gc)vemir G-ciitial. heralded bir >il,-Il a gi-eat flotirisli i>f trwit IliffurrrIre and (FIîtaricr %re %vije clong introduced a Bill to RLýend th-ý 17-rin, r pr, ýit te levening, and at half-pist the pionip, printin, riu,*,Iý,'el te 1',Iji)ýi(- ntLkl1'ý. 8111, ( XLe 1 lit, W;!I, 1 tril>t. lie- Ili', rne relioried arrest ff cie not.,11011, div citizeils .v(lt*i., le'l to rXil(rt way Clauwe; Consolidation Act of dè:bate was poý.tIxojjeij tititil ne.xt dav. 1. Towti,,eiiiýl his bû(m contra W-te-L from rIrli?ýtt Liq lie -11 ralIcti trý,ii-)Itng yoii. I:econd t"&wiîýing en IVediaeà ;day 1 and rionc othûr t;tItil the innt lerdlialit the fititic,% of iLIl«,-rtýnt 1- hve the t,ý Arrivai of the America. We ire -.e>rry befik-ely t(eý-nti.,t . v piilý;,(- hv hie; .1 Ittý%,r citize, 1 ý e ý . %fr. Cauchon întreduce-d a Bill- in- ffi r i t. F-M tI1ýI4, geritlvrnen II have (oli%- V) Maille --thù c.-ýalt- Iliq The Fishery- Act second readîn s next. The steamer '-Ainerira" arrived lait la Putnarn ('o , nüar N(ýw ) ork, a f, iv lahtieà i Vatc t:lý with ilir evming but in crins Pli tien ce of the davs ngo Alvck 177 mlio hail l'oqi their féliow e lie, If IzVIlý - t-) of Ilon. Attorney Gerieml tiom cA the telegraph wire-, the ri(-%% , celuld inarried bilt tiirec m-eekj:. ý iiieti hi, le', 1'v l'e ru-juirvii a cor. iiitur,-,tI; rf ilie Tfwri rd Fair i Jd, the Iloute resolved to go ilita %viril 0-le of the Caiintv of (;IIý !c UJ'at )il ti(ft, bc tran-Mitte4l. Slie left lý;vcrl)(,Ol 011 Ili - iýpn Ille h(ail atilotint of aile ('rl:'Cýý"' to thf, lerigtl, aroi lei-ea(Ith of the (,:i ve-terdav. \Ve are >,)rrv on Fridav next, to take into i 'Ra b_- pt-ifiýrn".d. t urday unerni n g. 11 th i ný t. eL0VýI. ariel Ç.n(-e witli an axe. .Aticn -tbe4à lowiný, resolution i-i the 'I'nxn Nir. in, The politic-il rie%%-s presents, no ficiture .1 t1lird of the V(ýar linq pazze(I i order tu aid lite cokinty Colin "'le oi - tý,rrïtý are so with Ille l'lie S;.i-iiiu Fair of t1w 1 of spetl'ial imrortn n ce. ovtir, and Výc ft-ar that of (Illit Canada in makint-ilie neçessary TI, se,711-111onthli niah- apprararici, in al jrag-rçý, and ('f 1")tli e final rontL,,( in the British gener 01at il ý-s ýIs and wkIiCiGffl in ard to the 0% îý; %VrIl 111.1 e-firepiliv eteýcti-oli liad L-11,ell pW r. Rie-1 in IL Ille- iný-rcâ-ýc îlr. flinii-ýiitit)n or Ili- c-cin., %%hich ilri it is eN - il. Ille IM i -a- -'in fa%.( of thv Tn:1joritTý0ff %ic ntri-, t4) g,î%e thenl f,,r cr The Pickvriug liprità ,- o authorize the G-ilvernor ti) il;IV admini.1tration- F-tiiii«ites of Ille 'Pie% %%]il 11-oe. out of the UI)pçr Canada lluîlei- ýf 1'Iiý, '-yrýw, Vair s,,'- 01? -r of the in the riciv Parliaiiiviit lie 1 thi-; CoInýt.,ý 1%. 1 L'e 11 M as C*,.l 1 te the Treasurer of each Uflu-rit%, i va'n, sje widotiv. ýtlyit ziothing sIiý-rt (if a eh- la>t, iv inlipth fr, 1 )j 'y:.0-0 to le (if 'Allich i, lit- relit exceeding one-half 01 tlm ex- tile RHinz Yilrký fer a 21tc! vision on 141-e teýit qi1eý;tloIl can çt!ttlt' th(' t 1, rt% In;,> ýFli,, ý the- narni, .ý1 the same, and not exceeding the 1 rIjirikii--r ff ý - , L I -Y, 1, V - 15W for an v one Cotiiav. roint. eîîIjIle-rerý; (ro 11-cfore-their act-h« nient the of ttie of Pý -%y 1,*4 alid a 1Ilerouý .1ný1 il%(- qual The Ati.qtri.i-n ztnd SariiKan iilar clifrr ï, flir rriilt. ri amin gave notice that when the 1 . t rem.%'ined aLI Y,, il, Th e fi,; 1iý tý i rië i s t 11 r 1: - t j Mr.ý. L'Uar, titi(! Jailts aLLiý cd te- :L, (-an ti ý)es into Conituittce te consider the -5 Vre have drradv an will I'C"14tt Sir jý; ktsogn, and ()iive*ýr:i; tyýere-wi d, arid othor frce knightï thLn ý ghtà thLi, Roundé.1, 1 N NLL more or A, sýo;nf- day t'terri sel v es. these ýv,!l dar'ýresîz, yet n,ý,t at 11 thurc ýVýj 1'. 'Pbi iil tllu anfi rio G)1)d(ýý, Ilix otvri Purge rneerat't4 toi ha"Il fin. lit, 1Ups tllr.,,M out of .1finis. Lk-e the irserv. Avilie. he li!.,; '.1poil straw. In Ille m,111 thiii.,k the-, result wil! beaL, littIv lLý:S or that j4 'Ille lerl,,,Iit region of the settiDý. ,W- British flouse of may Ibractiietb, which he inay net jemrhaIM4, he 4,ces t!Snt lie has thurdewi ,1,)wr) (-;n li:4.% hewl. ivýpc 1111at !fi the 'roinpý,trati--,,t of the T1,ýw IlbllJqf" Sf)me ers hi1liertfý mislie4l. stujntý rimy filvl c(It:ran and litanl. th'-ir rail n v ef rant the- ensier win hve o,,i7,ervn theree% Then 1 l'pi iti %vfý) 0 fr, 4ýn> wb wjý be quile as rýcaey to lit11ýc, a,,; ori a-reecnt occasion. 1 v ivî1l bc brot4a back to then [gýC the Reforin Actý thu aixtediltivian cm whm the talent out, of the 1 lou" mmi for tiit- talent within. We mlly bc .1 prodigious, vrý -fir:n j;i'l. It startil% -to 1e[lýt be elle. Can tlint syo;,Iemý it ln iii be tinder iý ilas lia"i v) givc %ild 1!C C1rfýw,.1 out C'r i .*,-i,- b-dlott h.vvý.» returried twoj ,!L- ii-zuufarturers for Manche la-r-e Elerturai 1 C Stiffiraze. and voit cliuc',Iiri dli vote .,Ull no,, Mà 1, peuatt W î il, peuattt, W, ait wa.-g û.-î- -e a-.. and a dozen of ()il ou . r Mr, br:%per r:il(-r- l:o-,n (if ille Pe-f-ple, have b)-een rat# Ole (if the pý>ll ! Of cciur.xeý, 'a ;iili,, t'le -eilii Ili,; VIVWS re- garlligg i 4 Ili riow be. a crv-for R,-ýf-)rin as M :in-[ r, pir;ng, u) alld if)llti a,., the Storm ait the ga*es" (if «,t Th' what %Ir. Pc-rý's views on the e el rie satise me lermâte lie* a- me-lerate \Ir. Perry in repiv. ý,i*ýýgI t1iat hc- ý1î,1 ioý ""re, ;1,1il the 10. ý:r tlà ,:y have to vait eý4ýv -will thjy lie tm Lioi a bille b- In the f1rjý-t tg) get 111) lïtà l)lLu ùf the e have a zooil niany other thingstû i1atepzVerý,_ of Clle Iill have Z!ll.- 1.1) ail 01,1 cômti Llivrn, when fic atid, in the Feewid plaee, rus a nee would be lirel-&rel to St ate lii: VicWS, :tlifl \et of & c',j.!r.icier must b-ý if at ý!.C1t vçer(: rigit tt. ci)nstiler whether we art ripeyet for with ;rpiier.êl electicxL U then, we tice what. we hare little doubt wili bc Mr. Pr.-:,ýC-TLen 1 )ubt wili bc Perry to have 11(i viuvrs on the question. g-ijîer cry of the new Parlîlament in or î floom, it Lz in oeler that aur pubIkz-_ý Mr. Iliolpsou co-Lsiderel it au eutraorl'i- 'If 1 nary lstrzk1-lý;e (ýg)iiclii-iiozi for %Ir. Drapper to M"Iv prcý arc their ininds for a - strong Wi have corne te, that Mr. Perrv Ll ne vîf>"gvlý gurcAe fore ývery Iong. There ià no lerrv did «not suite ý-o. The vievý,s 01 r in the,;-- dayg thet anyhody sbould .Nir. Peuy must ba taken fro-ii the Charttr Ilappily-thereiý ber.-we the Ilouse of ASSemblv. no îra-a-beaded Lord éliance'fl-)rs of tw«", Il Y.r. D"..per wi.-lhe-1 -,%roïoêrliv te untier- yerr--' standing no thircl.-etcx,; 11txtesà ý stand Nfr. Perrv, the,; were the-,ýc -. Lut ja who s:urrive only ax traditiong; of u public Ileetin citl'ledand sec if the rzte- revoIntionaryvrar.; no famo-as-Dake lé payers %verge net satisfied xvith the opin- -offly two notions of politîcs,----ûbstinùý ions or the Railwav Directorý;- as set forth -4stance and final retrcat. ; Them à ý M;Iiqiiiit ut .Y,.t«Zi*itl tt4c tore. To tiie (À Couiig i1m;L11 rild 1't iiii a gooj resLit to flic T--vii, A 111 1 ý-,pjîre- much more attention, apj,ý;. âtitim. iimhod, and a greuter amowiit 4 t:itiv to Le (Icvioed fro.,ri aveuzi(pirýohan the presciit Couii- (il thib me Corriplain. Men 1,.rç,1,2rui t,) niake tIwýe !w.icr:fîý-us ý,f thlic alid tal-clit f,)r tL "")G:l (.f tilvit. Ijtptili ticf 4erk- tri imý-iir tle re- -pon ;1)iliti"- of Municipal Couiicillier:. ýU:-. John fl«tm Perry, - ýqJr. Driipi2r,-- l'fit -Ilni! * i' t o r. A,ý a o-1 Tr'n 'l 1, v si) un rý 'f -.11 te t 1 The r.,)ýv ýitr.ire the Ati A- i'd P; ilive aricn a4 to C'e t t i i S e w- r r 1 av-v - - t t Dra Stilft- Iýt 1). treý. 2-. 2!ý 1 %Vin. Ci> -hr:tnvý 2-ý Ird -Ist C. Vt'. ýtII C. Wilsori, 2o.. ItIi John irke, da., 2 > vý-frý; Twn vu-tr (11 Ewi:-c-;uýJIe te carriage Court Bill-To add flic fuilom im, âg-Ain prevaileil .ereto: That (rom itnd after tiie in the market for Ilimir. vi-A w1wat i, 4 this Bill it ghali nnt be lam fût nallv tincliarig(,I, n'ltlt-itigh ILLC i -!ge cf a Division (,',ourt b.) appoint i C'm li " lit:ott.(î hant or trader t6 ttte ý1Ih<ýe of dec'(]et"ý lower, but (-Ioýeil steadv et tljr any Division Court, an-l iii ail Provisions generaliv cd no or 1,t-re,.at the pâîýeinQ4 tl.;s Bill aný mmnent- of Clerk shail bc heid Lv anv 1 " The Londan inaney iiiat-kettt;ll t or trader, such tied stringent . but â1thouli flic IkL1i"ý of, -uct, and theJudce shall à p,")irlt & 1 PIC -ompetent pemon in his stt-&(t :in(] Iiny person when h4)ldiýg the of*- rate of iiitcrest tbat %% s tilt Clerli shail ueparturu of tile n', or tradcr, shail from tlieticef(.Y- taken place. -%se to act " such cjkrk, a litl ilie Coijsui-,clübedatý2; .,Jl bcgouic vacarL oji a Wjj Jur aLuOurlt. wa-on, the IrùIýcr1 .ýf Mr. Martia, of fjouri.. tile icl. Tfic 19) t- j 2 c,.1rs (11. a rd ï, Malia !'Y M1-ý T. Il. Vý-x- ziiiiît:r, a I*1-1-,'ý-t. i«1,.--,ý ' V , ivill cive a al the Mý, r-n ail - v m n s C.. c;-y .1 larj.', âw1iý lirr 1 vali litv of rcrtaiii 1; r;a,4ýeII I)v Ille 1 S pll -1 N Uc tiaz,,t Ilowing ',%Ir. Diatar anýà Arrival 01 tlie LAiriburrêt. ety wil il Lite Ilorne Di.-i!rict Couricil, ali'l utinII)eýreil 1 johil S. 2- '2wl Sýýerma.1i -:îat in the in the l,!:i!3 efthe re-41eectivelv thre-, four, ir'l R. Ec-11, opînion cf this Ilo lut rLliPL!,()It ùr (111NA DEJ*Vlý_X1ý1LD 70 lioarzl, and the ltore than lias arlived wlivii it becoïncs the srVe elle, Sparl MaiclivIl l )r-,ýi.i...ý1it IIý)nzes-1 tne*itv, thirtv, fortv, fcriv. illose te whom ttie of Can- î Nvcrc, V.e zi A- 0 mi;ne, -?0s 1 1). Clark, 1.5s c entrusted the rt1ýr,-selltatiolJ (A. The Britisli scicv ,'.,amer '-]"ýtinburgh" h-ave io ttute, the ren.soiis wliieli prre 1 fur rodurii (ýi,-,htv-two, ei gli 1 -tl i:w , ýSLet-ljiln lrown, lire t-11ah-ow un 'OT 1, %Ir. lri i w e,)!ue for-aril to Ell Mr. La -r - .ý:resm, tri ta'ne a ri dit -1 F. Green. 2( 1 th,_ý of the 11th wý., à ti-r>.% 4--'l at seat. ilinetý -threv, iiiiiety-fire, týinç!- rîýi-i Marts. S- dtile Open t') tLe PuliltV. l ty-si only of the resources ofthis Pro x, ono, hlindred and six, 6ne liutidrutl Il 2nil R. C. 15s 'rd John Clarl A serîouâty te consider the capa- Yexv York on the Tt was Mr. Priiier*e intention to iil%ýc i and n;ne, orte hundred and tlçülve, one og. The London ** Ulolie", miiiiýtcriaI even- Z1111p aliother attenipt fir thIe repr"eitt--ètiion o DTatight-Ist John 'Ntill destiny of the British posý,;cÉi Brood Mare r : hundred and fourteen, on-e hundrel and this continent. ing paper, in it., iêsue (if the 1,th ilist., gives . - n, Thý : ICI) ulitr(lý-red neir Montreal, or) tire the North Ward, but on tire taorning of fortv-orie one hundred and É(>rtv-ý,eveii, 0ris 1 2n(l Geo. Sfracha 1 litji inst., b , v a voiiTig illan piiiied EtVýe4 the v'leeti,)n th.-t gentlemen fr)tiîicl hî% sùle one hiin .,bat although in a m-iterial Point the followin1g as the I;tte.,t F-unkilling kil) of Parent, ;% 110 lýa£ fleil. ý Tt is stisiSetud support to consiýt ofone undivided tucui- and ffl dred and fortv-eight, one luindrel Annon, Il .lie progress of Canada sincc the election retir;lis in (,, Britain and Irc.- IV.tllree, one htt.i(Ire-1 -and fiftv-foiir, TI.iorau,,h Bred Cow-Win. Miller, 2C ias bc-en inost satisf.actory, it is but land : Liberals, ý74 : Cviiset-vatit:,s, 2ý0- thut Jcceaý:ù<,1 us k i Ileil to get quit of a lier of the fjniil%- of father Alýraha-.n-Mr. one hu « 2-nd, JiAin 1 Miller, 15s ; -3rd, Dzvid Lawl« rent char-,v p_1ýxlle to bill, iýv tiie jancý, ' «,eve!%, one hundrel The - GloLe" sUtt, that at prescrit thu l' - . qiiagi-Auctioneer of, ýj-;êrent that the caus" whicli have dercr's brothvr. The Goterni.-iqL-tit Vrill, it 1, igý, aiid yte , *.-x " notoriety. Mr. Draper and seventy-five, one hundri-d and seventv- i 0 (Le à certain extent) prcveilled 1! Biýsho1) of Noriviçii haws not the. power Of ;, vacuating his Sce, arid an %ci ot'r)«trliatnetit iS cxleecied, offer a reward fir l'arcrit*s wli-s' nominatud by Mac, *thcre was no eight, one hundred and Feventy _nîne, one Canadian do.-Wni. Miller, 2îýs ; 2 i... ruoniotw action for the good of the i t bc passed niaking it lawful to accept capture. secender. on INIr. Perry*s election Mr. hundred and ninety-tour, or le hundred and IVin. Miller, l5s ; 3ril ChrLstop . lier Ellio which should diiitiný-uisli the pro- ninety-five, and it is expedient and noce---- 1 tir, 0 Draper wotilld iii-ist upon knoiving his iiià resignation. Under these cireu.111- The Coloniât says that tire %vitale or the ofthe Legisiature of one United sary te legalize the Rame: Therefore Iler Imported B - ull-Wm. Miller. 15z; 2 stances, tire vacancy i.s purcly qeective i Mr. )Ierr),'» - views on the representation 1 are înertýashig in magnitude and pros prisoireni in the St. Thollialjail ni., (le (licir 1 Majesty, &c., enacts, as follovrs George los ; 3rd Thornas J of Stock in the lVhitby and 1 ta jiuch a degree as-w deinand the and ofeourse no e;tvps have been ta-ken te, i escape on Wedriesday la:t. ()lie of tbe i 1. All the Raid Bv-Laws num.bei, non 5s. till it Up. ; Lake. lluron Railway Company." i onsideration of Parliament. miniber broke opeil a dolor mîth a liainmer j ench and every of thon shall bc and are bere Carraffian Bull-W in. Waddle, 20s ; 2 rhat itt vÎew of the fâct that the There ils a report in r-lris that the coro- with which lie wa.-- -rorking ; aivî7there bc- ',%Ir. l'erry very properly declined enter- ' b declaredtobevalidnotwithstandinfraý-Y George Wilson 11q; 3rd D. Lamont l0d. nation of the Empurur Napolwn is fixed fur ing then nothing to impede theil. searcl, illg ilto a discussion of the subjget nt such defect or informality in the saine or in the laws, religion and latilliaIle of the Yok-o Working Oxon-ist., Robt Mut( of the inhabitarits ofLoiver Car. 1 1 May 4th. after liberty. the rest. of the pri>9ners ftpl- a tinte nnd place, and invîted Mr. Draper manner of pwtzin- thereof; except Always, 15 Tire - Jeurliel Lles I)ebaLs*' attribute- lowed his example. '11wy rail so %veil that il' FIt "P a Pul)llc rirecting for the PUT-pose, that .'.uncli origin &re %videly diI1ýreîit nothing herein contained shall be con- Harneiý-,_;-I-zuJas- Dighy, -10s. of the the existence of secret in France in a féty iiiiiinteà not a trace of them could wheil he (Mr. Perry) would bc prepared te people of 11ritish origin strued te confinn any suoli By lav which Iran Pbugl.t-l,,t Win. Dunbar. 13 te tbe absence of frce dLseus.%4ion in speak- lie discrivered. state tri- Mr. Ilode. on did tir ..lý Upper Câià kida, and bearin e tuav have bftn quaslied or declared illegal by Cnd Robt. Mute4l, 10s.. ing and in tire press- girl sanie, and argued in favor of private Stock, any 1 competen .-A the people (if thu latter part oi t Court, or in any way to af- Wooden 1 Plotizý> i-lst Robt. '.%futcli, 11 The (ýr&nd Duk-e Constantine vras ex- i LisEL )lo,-kiiian rit. Brjo ri. holders for Directors, in prefèrence te Di- oth nec are already detiiatidin-, an in- fect any procceeding now pendin- for the Double liarrow-Ist J. D. B -foi '112n, A fie senting Municipal Stock only. hý &s. i their represcritation in Parlia- pected at Toulon on the -_ t lait. Thiýs action brou-lit by Dr. %Vorkman recors- repre purpose of testing the legality of any such 2nd Roht mirte t t1portioned Io their suppo.ýeJ more tilla of French war steaniers would raect aga:n.-ýýt the Proprictoir of the Globe, for The ýconcern of Mr. Draper fer the re- By-law, that any such mse shall bc doter- Lumber. Waggon-lst Tho%, Murr. the Russian squadron, and accompany it pulilishing a libel on the Illitintitr. n-.Is presentation of Municipal Stock, is certain- i à population, and whereâs it ib te Toulon. tried at the Tor,)tito .%.ý>izes Iaý,Àt ýyeeh-. ly of the niost extravagant kind. Were it mined as if this Act bad PM been passed. 158.- int such demands- (if permisted in) Il. All roudq now openork altered or JrDcts or Hoitsm- -Messm N. lb The Pope's Government hax niade still The Jury was dischar-ed wiLliout being 1 reul, we should regard ît as a milady which 1 -;:Sisted te the utniost by the re- , 1 changed under, or by virtue of the Said BY-ý W. Blair and - Widin. -tivea of tte people of Lower Can- further reductions in diities on foreign able tu agrec un a verdict. *A bitailar ne. had taken possession of hîm-a Muniripal laws or any of them, shall bc and are bore- 1 wilL il carried outý give rise te a good>, the former reductions bave produc- tien is vet te come on fer trial between SWZ--o-ma,,iia. It is net real, however, by declared to be publie biggways, and militia Appointmeilsi, raad feel: very beneficial effects. McCullough. and Broirn. and Mr. Draper ha& net the excuse ofi where no width has been prescribed for iýt among Ber Majesty's French A telegraphic despatch front Marseilles, bein- louked, upon even as a #inc4re lu. any such road in the By-law or By-laws FOUItTU BATTALION, OXTAMM ;l subjects,--and harts a tendency te 1ý dated ô th of April, states that the snow that Messrs. Hamilton Roberts have à natic. Ife does not care three straws about 1 relating te it, the road shall be one chain To bc Major if net completaly to underaiine blocked up the ronds in Persia will delay lengthy-advertisement of their Spring stock all the Municipal Stoà - in the County-of Captain Levi Mackay. .t of loyalty te the Crown the return of the ramification of tire treatv in our coluains to-day. We have looked III stock lie has nothing t'o care for centre thereof;-except that the rond es- Te be Captaîns z 1-ow $o happily <-xWts among tliciii, with England. The Ottoiaan Ambassado'r s, and never havîn- ventured a thrft cewL piece in tablished by the said By4aw numbtr 153, Lieutenant Ti4ieman P. White, iluty of this Ilouse caïc at Teheran lias rresented a note requirîn their stock appears te us te bc very ex. Vanity-se'Ifesteeta- shall be reduced te the width of fifty feet Busi he best means ûfgut&rdinýý agaitist the execution of the bouiidarv treaty and tensive and coniplete. Messrs. llamîltoii an insatiable craving rorwhat he lies; never fair se much ofIts lengtlLas lies within the George Jones, UMination of a state of thinp the nstÎtutîonofý.geven towns, espécially î- Rolierts live cxtended their businffl been able to acquîr" opýu1arî1y; are Township of Reich. Robert Miller, ERquire, Ourni Pied n-« -whîch Mr. Draper is 111. This Act shqllt be doe mied a Éublic James %Vhitson, 'sq .,re is rouon te apprebend wouid iach and Sulimanich. to the adjoittitig store, lately occu' bv the mai ï-pringis lie E l ieflve of the most disast Mr. Bates-, whieli tlicy hay-c fitted up in a moved. Glaringly proininent, do theze Te be Lieutenant.,; ro - us con- A de4patch frotu Stockholm says that Act William Macnab, Gentleman, net only te the people of Can- the Dîet bave unanimous1y approveil of the very creditable inanner. disinterested motives stind out in all his 14 figuring and capering about 11representa- We find the followin- letter-în -Wednes- Robert Bell, te British interesti on this Con. aboli4on of the, Sound Dues, and the 0 a Ilt youu;- girl dreesed. jaboys clothes tien of MunicipalStock,» and -e rail- dirs C-1ouidt which we take great pIeasýure _ William Warren treaty crincluded with the varîotis Powen. A : à ý Ur 7 - called ut the Bwilier of4ce. Hamilton, a wýy." One is dispoged te lauglir Immodere là FtPW-'4c!n&. Te bc Ensi-ns rtî« à m the inîon of tbis. Bouse The follovring document purporting to 15 ý OP few days agî) seekiii- for emplovment as at4ejy at the concelt-not thatý_the, shah 18 grow lie a despatch addressed to the Viceroy of 1 0 - - . 1 _ý ý! Cou-aty Attorneys. James,. whiteside, Gentleman, muna of diverting the evi 1 printer. She ils de ribed as very attrac- low -hypocriry-of Ut. Draper standing George H. Burk, of the poeulîar =dition Canton by the Chiel of the Coun-cil of the sc To the EliUor of th,6 Co"iot of society tive, writes a beautiful hand and ber com- forward-bacl%-ed-up by that lother dWin- Te bc Adjutant .'rovince, populated as it ils by the Emieror nt China, lias been received in at the favoir of a smail epace in çaptain James Whitson. position is said tu le vety good. She mays guisbed individu intoshi: to ýat& of dWinet Eumrienn na inna- Paris from Macao reat bday inquest hay Ama th» pal-ý cWnied tika guardw were not eu irlacy or Ste of CIC ,agents to tl, * 9mat- býd pretended d tien, and th two poor î Specfivély 3 re3à ;OU irhy every' body rhoùld ni himst-If entirely free, unfettered, an i promLqed en this question; and, co 1 inz the changpm wbich publie 01)i likély tô undergo in the rontrovem better that everyboJy should b" committin- bimself. 3fany a reÉ wa.1; wreck-ed, throtigli want of thi tion at-the last Reform BiH ; many nmn was lost to the State ; and wN haps,ý,,, is a most seriouz evil thta any 1 consci un man fimt le ,;Itîfle-tlýe dictates of priratejudgen 'the fré'nzy and "hyutbi,)hmb Qf a politia tion fighLit If there MiLst be a Patift of a two before the memùTe b* brnugl forni, it ought to gin irmtead of in the Charter, If Mr. Perry's- Railway views were net sustaîned. Let - the rate- pa.N or& isay se-ho (11r. -Hodgson) was 1 Falisried the Town would sustain theni-- In rouly:to Mr. llodggson, Mr. Draper said' that he would have the Municipal Stock of the Town of Whîtby rer»To;ented in the saine manner as the private stock-Thîs lfr. floJ,"on showed ta be perfec'tly à n- practicable; and argued that whei e a, Man ror al interest in a p j et had no di t pmom roit ho could not be -actuated by tha mame ear- nest motive%-aî thejnan who hadadirect personal it Mr. Dmperls May Sound seeMingly woll, but the fartA- g . a ta prave that fhe men ta trustare the"- who have taken gtock thenLe1.Vý_ý -Hodgson did net belîeve, in "-ing any man a Directe- unlms be- was k Stock- >older. oven making the M>yors of Tovrns ex-of,&,er Dîrectors uni-m they liad taken Mr. Draper was, notsurprised nt the re- marici ëf Xri- Hodeon from the position in which - ho 5'tood ýýas a Stoa--holder- and Coaheilmà :& un Ilodgson es a privâte Stock-holder would be IWÈcing after the in- tereste of the private Stock lind not after tbp ?Junicip4 Stockof thoPtatepay!em vý'l Ise 1 1 her naine is e!,]Lrude," ý but will gire no "danund jin eliplanation of Mr. PerrYs farther information of herself or famîlv' viewm." The thing looked ludierous. But The B,ýnner considers ber to bc an amm- Mr. Draper had - bis rda,#ong--llis inotiva plîshed young lady, well bred, but evident- rather. Thwartedin'tiij;electionbY&UOP- ly of unsound mind. ponent with Iwhom he knew he could not com - ha w»a determined upon r"mg The Lindsay Adrocate înforma us of the himkelf 4 some manner of meaus, andi so sudden death of James Gallagher, 'in that P">enred the spectal ser-cieu of the repre* Town, on lyedhesday I&ât -A (;Croners sentative of a bitter anti-railroad. newgpa- JurY returned a verdictr-11 Tbat the de, per-the Oshaws Yimdkat#r-tý :report 1 Yehl lhaveserious newsto announcel ta youL We have read with attention the acSuht you have giýen us of the attackly the Englîsh barbAriaa-. The Nuij Ko were unanimous in their indignation, and we determined that the Emperor ahould ýe informed of it, notwithsianding the pain ýt oceWtons bis magnanimous beart ; and thesé are the commanda of hà mighty Yeh 1-Yon are to caM on &'war of ex-- termination apingt the foreiga'barbajians ý,wbo have-attacked you. They. must re- edve &OM you an exlemplar3 chastisement. But dter the vengeance shall have b,«,n ";Ubu Ui U&Mllgitlý EJUFQFVULJ Datigus, dfferent languagejý influanced by ..t and adverse religious creeds. and : fflely i!ith cach other on ques- -cting the pesce and welfare of the would bc found in the adoption of which. Canada miglit bc divided i or mort Confederatud province04 t;ng full pûwer to rqulate and 'ta own internal affairi in accord- a; i the views of the inajolity of the .-à -m within ita boundarie& 'i but comidering the poëition r4 thé