Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1857, p. 3

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it bth sdsat liegt pios.f fàintneaý fb.,î t1ae ICoînanttee caý6d in mAntilterosé repý.sw neld leare tu Sit aa, 'omuttîlet 1>3 r. initrodlIC e a 23Y-iaW c ravel, &-c., beînig taku ie Streets without le&" the~ Secondreading th, Of aite the tWho], il staeonaaeoua4 ai Mr. l'erry seconled' i rý . hwe, Ke1rly-iliiW r were nuitàri da ýr- i2tilli mt -' e'cck. tu Gsrad Trtaa illti ve l 'ciord urryth aiss' aijott.Isidwa :wolitdctît %tuth 'tuîi, mid s'. iiilM- à- tuiilil aj'îeib'y'th alit t lr>L îdthe, luJ rae itat t î ttscheth ottti.driver, se, a;F:î"l îIckt2tscd h i tlŽ îîi'tithy sti 'lxii tie oîe au Ior 11111141 ttI>iil' liclu.îlea S ti- 1 la rxit W; ~~~î:. ~ Qi 'tliaî iSt lit,, moia ' % 11r. vas -it, tuai l'ie (11LtIl 1i tcit dotai Of. thP ai lutid. el', ,Ur dl\ '1 t, t e t ea -, 01-n cW -- -ftti lt lltieir lirôpertiem in '.id'lusnt Mutias bî"s'h.î een ilucre inul,' 1 ) t. comparai maiy i t if tise pracce r îîroîîcnit" ocre inlui coir I'titioasers have es itj il'u Lite grievoîls in: I, lîy hing tmxed wlti nin'.îsîaxnlia ast' the ratepa3 Lt ot the population c toir tloer ouw onle, and asi, likely'to .'lîor occasions, thea is %v l c callittes of t for coauillors and fi~ elve., whale yoû r pettil ie".èt more tlîauthie hal allttt tbe.' Taxes' bit but 1ùXchsvcly 1on1e'll 14eneyer beon atble ne ofs their nurabo IniquitiOUs eieme to b. carried into effect, Iti probable the mjority of your peti. t wnesidl dispOse of their properties, as tîeï best can, and seok a borne upart from what tlcy believe to be uinrntigtetd op- ,sinandI tyranny. That your peti- eèeswith delcrence subrnit, thcre is ,,,ligwrolig with the leisiation wlichW$sigfla a large arca of country, as 1~ ithee suoC the Tow'n of Whitby, con. bmiîg of upwards of si x square miles, a ,.,Sllç.eictly large for the Caj.itol of the lProince'. te a tina scattered village popustiotit which, atter the lapse of gen- eratioflis rnsy tot exee a few thousand, nad thte stii.îçctiti,,vour petitioneris t àn jinnualnulct of taxation for which they aeitlbei recuive. nor is it intcndcd that they hol euvany thing liku a eorrcs- 'Çht vour petitiOiwrz, in view of these grent anioppres;sivugrievanres. hunihly &na earnestIY prayetiithat your-Iloilorablo 11005Ce niay beho plvssed to devise and speedi. !ly, suh meafl as in y ottr wisdolu scein autl, to. reliove your petitioners froin theL cfsconsplaiiued of; or, if said evile are nt atOgtlier rno-ved, tluey rnay, at îaaat, be gretly icdiflid. And yoisr petitioners Will ever Prity, &C. Foi of'~ ~.. >.l>. 'a. t Apor'i, 1S57 F, IAnî ~ (vlrî>' Il Illpk'iîs, IlB 4 lin>. Jvlrte ,4 bi lL%, u *> IE.I'iide, (l NV .lll. 411) ' (oerofl.52 'le'1sîitîl. ' 64 llar ') I I The. Pince, Princes sad Prince W-ul- liatu mnu risit Eugiaxtd in Jnsly. The Prussien Govcrssunu have reuton. atraLtodtwitli thse United States govern- tuent relative te the kidnapping ôt Prus- suan subjects ou board Axuericata ressema. Thse followiasg Members outhtie Boards ut Agricultuaro for Upper and Lower Canada, have becu re-elected for tisa year 1857', under tise 121h scl,, 101h Vie., cap. t'PMR.atCAXADA. Tise Honorable A. Fergusson. J. B. Marks, Estj., David Christiet, Esq., Asa A. ilurnisar, Esq., LOWER CANADA. Major Camnpbell, C. B., John'.YuIo, Esq., 'E. J. De Blois, Esq., P. E. Dostaler, Esq., M. P. P., STrIKaE .MONG FaEGt sanrCosr.UCT-cUn AT BÂLT.rtsuax-M&y lst.-Ts tike assong tha treigist conductors eu tise Baltimnore sud Ohio' Railway partook ut a riotous character yeslerday. Seveael lreiCht trains wore stopped ou tise oad lest erening by nasssob or-one isîndred couductors, insu as. seaableas oiea distance troua lieacily, mesetng thse cars while inmontion, and un- 1coaplodtise trais, carrving off %Il tîhe couplings, and d.rove tht.eagiueor -nd tire- muan mb to ewouds. '1'lerc la gretat cx- citensent al eloasg tise ran, the stnîke bu ias- genenlal tiscougîsout the lino. Efforts are being ruade to itîdaco lte cigiascens te Whitby ]Loyal Orauge Loige No. 130. Byron street 'Whitbv, on the Second Tue8day ina eaeh monta', et half psat 7, p.ua. ]ly <taler. SAIMEL CALDWELLý, W. M. Wîitby, Maay 6th 1857. 16 CÂRD.-.CENTRE IIOTEL. L A, PIFERCE 13EGS LEANE TO IN- e forin the publie and thse travelling coin- munit'.'tînt le basleased thse ,bu" vel- estahlUQied Ilotel, where ha 'wil curry un the' hoies ir future. Nothing lias Ixcea left undone by hlm, to render tise lonse comnfortable and egrecahie. Ily assiduity and attention, keeping a good table, and nîoue buttble best Aine>i andI liqor'., he hope. te tuent a share of public patronage. L. A. PIERCE. Whithy, ]May 5, 1957. 16 I-mportod AgQlricultural Seeda! UT IIAMLTON & ROBERTS, WUITIIY, C. W. TURNII', Prize Purpile To1-ped, Swsedish, I'nize Green Toppcd, Sweedish, Aberdeen Yellow, Whito Globe,' CARROT, liuprgx-edAUtrigliani, Large Red, YellŽw BclgiaLn, WVhiîo Ltelgi:n. CLOVELI, TARES, h~Tt a~h~ nSnc., la'.. lecu ca-f 1I 'ý YDtisieai l 'S. L% naîl, bQ " joan Ithe conspirsîtons. 'lie Company bran. î'tdtt1iýs vonTfroiais sase of the flonn il - ..------ I~y refuses to usake asy comspromase isith iîstctlgnowrn. Tue SweediL'h T'riî are ~e or f tlae <'omuiiiUtaCr'sof Publie tise dîsaflècted , iilI psy thena al off anatipart u e lîSoi'>li'ittis vasn 'i tc cotsoaioeascc ufthIle Comupanuy neqttiria tie e '>.'tyi Tise ieinrt ut thie Cuaaataiisiuner'tn ut cars tlu le seaied, ut j'. hatheîu c Ns.I 2 CsnaJî'oc SBetana:co;s P'ublic W'orLnl'jonr hilas jîtt Len pub-. îuek offence. 'i ioi.1-eWily "jh.j .iv it i ai. irn t5lsa s.ium ot!Il £40,~.l asboos x1îîtcdby tint de- psrttaicnt diniutise ye.' n iithe relsînmrs, sua.ltialiacc and eonssýtriaaî'tioacf lPublic Wenrks.. l'lic antit exluctilcd on Nsonks whicli '.ialiIa rsosa- Cras Slideas, hrota-,y'sas £114 'Al, ira coaïssnne-c COMMERCIAL,. Hlome Markts. Ttîi q¶îamtil v of prid. hic '-îîi' ii ts -ati ai ul r e %%u- lau! vt,ý d 'iltrxi.'ei'le i,,.k a is i"ortlîN il' mt,'. lT'h tti I lion atoii,,.'. ita4s K4, cui)t.'. utrepairi akt~Y~wee sndnanageiielit. lin s'orl'>S tros luict iq- 1 t> New 'tu, i(>1seat la' i'IV', n'alla FInir i ni r'eaense is denivecai îiaainiîg Public iia tiiIi5,cii ~ Bulhdinge, &lttÀ,liit-housas, Ronds, ,'a î u'we"aî Il.'.lst, - sun'î'cs, a&'r., tIsaeNae' exîua'aid l£2,11.2,-1 à . Li>~î~>~. 'lh ' 5 rittit ils 11 td. I>uung thse "I car tiacre 'w'as 1 1%n4 v t' Aj'nil h 1, e-5 es 810 1tUîltî expentld ehI i n 1izlitiloatses tor crectiuas,tMiîîa '.0î > î 17.I rcpairs assdmaitetnaance 1 Mis 571 1'.>.d. ()ai Scugog .oak the suisiti 4i 1of. INEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'Id is set. do anvî îSlî:ving lieaien peîided doinag lIae yesr. of i>ig ttluu Niaz-"' rai" s llidgv tIi report savss Chat tIse ian- lroivvmtit ci' tsthe"luiinel oiha eil'o'a'led jN~OICE hîy the'.-iP't if ,hsieasxi thse tilbai mi sî us> ".n-ltî. ' i e J cvn 1:t ic >li iiîii'itixîl Coitiîcj auf eien matneriasi unthreaiie'.. 5.'tauig Bridge iIlt'1' . iti"ilt'.i5',%% ni iiilt a s > i nitI> ils I>icns '.'tînt 'flleie'> 151011 lt hIe 'r.» iilîi1>s.ciii !ia>îîI wt t 1es adl a'lutaaucnts are heiig de- lati.>ilishailit. h 'al ftxu eQaa.u. a. u nil iivered, anîd it ho a'xpecteil tlat thae a-atire aIL ixteet' ui',i a tlînîîî,ci'>er accord-i mii ho a'oîupletad l'y tl Irs t oftJîuiy, iii.GR)' and thsst ne stopp~age lu the atr.vigma tiinut vdl 10 To>ri.slu t;, (Verl'. beatsel ' tue în>s'outouothe voks. TENDERS W'AN'IED. i Apîenilcd to thie loot are thae reliontsut C, C,.aiana, C. F., uts thue Avenuesaof Westecni 'aal, reportscas thie tîttàaw survey, '-. ~ EI eI" îî-lr > IIt'Cc"...dîîît ii 'I)eibieOtaii'.iof a ii.shiouIifr tise Western a" a., i Pzasii».eh'i s h. '.t Sittlia'>. lotît Itîttiî a 5'>ilitt ik? t eliî'ar District liais hia '>Iaerred a., asilI Iese-enla 4îc.ï. ic~ . î.n %ii. iitiifutr Mîtîl " tei'lloîviiîîg letton ad d >'.' tiihe i'ii i hrah> ~tiiir i-e> i> ci Lordtilsi>Wpuof lTr'onto tnî the Cler-V aîsd tile"t Lav Deemtes ul' lus I)iuaeso :JOHN -."IrechIiaumr'ter The hiAitoîs cf 'l'ontta gives notice lu the Cicr 'y ansd bIîy Deogaosisu i le lis reqxaetc>l lu aascet hlltat utLondon, oas lthe Idîla Mia'.' ext, fîr thse putrJosiiîg o! N O T 1(' E îroceetlinug to tise eection of a hisîsop for TOWN OF WlilTIlY, i s t-el,% L n.h8 the new Dhuce, about te o cercted in l inindiîîr the 'l">wn if Wliilhi 'V;11î,îair Up1er Cartacla, that i ocquaence ot tise F 1at 11t_î0'iniate T da'.îfNI 1o.li. î expecteti proulagationa, iitîsinaever'. short the Stttia iiiiit I it 1r'>ideti.u111,1 il'h5.no pciod, ut the tRoyal asselt u thae Svnod IatL a btitc:ailtlsvee:5llgîvri h» billof at Sesion, gudi ection iaspost- avsa-criîi. B. TARNOL,- til aller thae proclamation outhtIe Ruoyal as- DoIteai t Wllitby, huai, 5it I>I hy uf May, 1lS5'7. nare te latl naasuo lis bo-rtissted. N. 1.-Persons desireaut fscîina'tha Asensa- Thse Bisliop of Turcato aiso gives aotire, mtenat Rail ton 1857. cous dore l'yy iitplyinir nt te thst laceuil, ut anuearly dity, cuavene lise 1-Ofafi.tt, annp.ithtcenta ursf ayiod oethtle hiocec, with thse vslo cf ne. - is, A IATO . 87 ctivîig the ce-oîsîsratiorn arnd assistance ut15.SUGGN VG TIN 97 the Ciergy arud Laily, in tnausirg a Cousti- talion in sco'ordsasce '.aitis thue Stat4tc whlicis receising thse sansction ofthlie Cicrgy aid Detiegetes. in lise )iocceae of Toronto, THE STEAMER befure any division hes laklen place, ttay "]PIR E B R AN D91 isercafter he ado1sled as thse Constitution late Woodans,) of tise rew Diocese. B. G. WIHTTTAKER, Master and Ownan, W TILL pîn litweeu Port Pea'nynd Fenaloas ArrivaI of the Inie1n.* FidâIstaig the > reseaul sasun, callits ai .tusetarac.a"t' mic Othe0. lin50 a.,,, QuEzc, May 4tis, 1857. Thse Il adian" amired t oI ne o'clock Wiihout havintg been announceti behow. GRCEATBRRITAaN. Mnr, Ileyter, lise Trcasurcr'a Secretary, hs issueti a notice te tise Lnberah mesibera asihg Iheni lu be in their places in Par- ianisent on1 thae Sit et May ho' vote for Mr. F.'.ehjn Donison, lise Ministeniel candidate for tise Sîscakergisip, Tiserasaacapaulations in endiesa var iety as tu ltse Ministenial programme for tise uew Farliament. Tise Iu Observer"sys tlsah snny-impur' tant measures ot social polihy wiii bc at once procecded iritis. It does sat venture a' Taicitiation oun1the subject of a i'efoi'm bill, but amungst tise rathers usappeti out as lileely ho oecupy thie session la' a bill for tise cotinuanceofuthtie Ganeral- B.osrd et Ilealts, 'tisa Refui-ofuthtie Courts ait Law sud C}ancery, a measure lu reterence te tise tigisaof aameie wumen as regards thieir osta praiperty, s bil regulating lte i'.hole systesa ut locai taxation, andi aMati' ical refui-m bill. It is mure Iban iinteti that tho Opposi- tien wil commence an obstructive puiey kt onaN-most iikcly, says thse Press, thse firatsession ut tisa ncw Parliameul, short U6 it Mast e, will nul pesawithaiuh grouati being broken on boths ides lhe Opposition. Tise Queeu, andi infanit Pinceas are both alaint nell. Th~e Duchesa of'Gloucester ia dyin& TrAxter. A Iulber ut politieai arresta bave beena maiDde, but thor n ikar'.imor tIsat the cou- @Piracy wa werehy a t&P alai by the governasent t4o commit rettigen rnL*ndcîis to aetioablae proe"dnga. -An bftn OFAIli mnUi5acy la eaid tai have by Narvsaez. An actial, d at3urgosu. tai t! plaue Ceuni lMonte- d>'.> rlî trips', ew.eh eltenate day. 'h rîe-ciesetîa'.nîer lias repeired and fitted i)î thue Firaneled lu e soperýsr insuner, ton tIse an- conamodetiou of passcns su ad tIsa con'>'eyannî ut Freight. tuOWN'WAEu5 t Moudaya, Weducsdaye, sud Fridiys. aa'wns: Tîsesdsys, Thunaday-s, and Saîurdays. Fort Peny, May 6, 1857. ' 1. FOUND, S OMETIME sunce, in Brocie Stîcet, ascar Jndge Bunhani's, A BUNCII 0F KTS. Owner cari haeathaus ait ituaOffice ot tlisa pmper, by pnyiaig for Ibis rsdvertisaîneaat. T UE Subscnber Isereby caiutionsalal parties nJ L o&nit ptareltasiag e nota Ien h nisade by Isiru, in favon ut Simupson Bantley or bearen da- tsd the. 80h de y cf Apu'l lest; sud payabie on the li day of Fabruery ncxt. neIse ihving been tradnleotiy obtidaed, ho will not hqld hlmi- sait rea.pons§ible for tIsamsaie. - JONATHAN FOOTE. Brookli, May lth, 187.16 B. BUDDEN, AF4HIONABLE AND) CHEAP TAIOR.- F Estublishment et Mn. T. BeslOd Stand dinelly opposite Wlyatt's Mlotel, Main Street, Whlby. 16. NATIONAL IIOTEL, p 01ff WIIITBY, EDWAED RAY, PRO- -Lpriaton. Firrt ,claas accommrodatioan et tise aboya Hotel. Rsl*iy traellera wnll 6usd il s cou"nienl sud cortorbtabla bouse. 2- NOTICE. U Lpersons ladebteai lu tbe undereigea, Il..eltben by note or book accuai, araeliereby raqucâetilumekepayant iof the Namei, on or beore tIse 28nd etof ay, tait. Any notes, balle or accuonts thon overdese 1 'dasiiwu-i b# Iiaided over lu au Attornyor o o e. Whistby, May Gîli, 1867. 16 NOTE LOBT. L ~ 'N Yniday>areb litIs, betweea lthe lad con-> 0J ceeIon et WIsitby,said tIse Town, a a'ote et baud mode is iof'line sndersigned by e *hluitWotlheel dateel, tIs February 1856, fonthea n' of 112108. Alljpersons areklerelsy cantlonea ginst' arebsiiig saai note, as the. »mulm beetiâem ROBERT BELL. Wumtby, 6th May, 1857. _31 NATIONAL EOTIEL, POb~RT- abMY TUE SALE BY AUCTION' OF TI Valu able Pro p r t yj Bly '.as cf Loi..a'. ut til ae I),lac-e A T OSHÂAW A, On Tueeday, i2th MaY, 1857. r lETerni'> ucuidO"itiuditiohîa ire fi- a . t i t aiý-' filue Icasa t b>'int, l ie tuit> n'îîsawî,tl e sa. i-,c! '. I u it li 'r'- ,,,- Rea,-, ana.'lbe fruti t ctu htiiia dater luth TIse Timbar Cc be ait tIse DisqposaI of tIse Lesseu I TIp Iea.a t- t i -ut ifixedl leohta. 1.0'. ixl i Laii ' N car1%.i1 I-r I -2, 1, 4., ,6, -, iuld 1. l'on ttrsh 5 %N non-, 5'.. itacre. iv. îîîîîuîî. lin l,ýt N Ictaîl t'>i 1".L TlicTu nîit f' ide lcLitons t,) ieticans a ia. itird, îîaiî;reilît e .tî' i)tîi'î e-'iid Ali panid amtiti iiit. au it c i t111 of il%'lS it-lit, sU"' îiaaîl Ny- i rda ho lî 'ec e 1hIN i l i. ho titi, ui>a't".'i ite le'o' A-IL 'ntetIo" intiercot.- ifi'Len>ýriniii 'i 1'iiter'ciliii lxi >ijrllieIiiiat itlti - 1fîhii l ectiidi i riistt ali îh ii'it'x -, retul Oîr l :>l I x-o'iti't, lottleC aii uoîtiicceu ofi i i'lt-f I c'le-', 1 lt>id uiitî ili tile a, tahlîa iiihduîir'- .titdi'ii "'. ii ul n iiUine î C ! ite55 '1h iiIelI"'c nSnIýi' ttî Ilt.'litiitl u.teef rellea À 5 LE S, 11)1eI'r'.o &a o..4m At. J. i FîllU stei.' GRAliAM'S, MILS. STEPliE'iS, BALLOUS' Magazines for May, Atthie 15 Y.ANKEE NOTION STORE.' SECOND SUPPLY. -r %IP ITIIIN, 0>11 ,700 FACIS FOR JŽ.aTluIIEE l'EîLE. At the 1à YANKEE NqTION STORE. Carpenter & Scripture, MÂSSt'rÀTUR4atS OP Carriseges - - of ail kinds Lumber v ' flaggoua, FARMING IbIPLEMEMTS, &c., &c. 1 lorsa Shoeiug sud repairing ut short notice. -Agents for C. H. McDornice's comulined MowerI and Retaper. 13 gÎOPO:i1TE TUE rNEW MARaKET, WusITBY.M T IIE Court et Revision for thse Townabip ut PLlickeng '.'ill ha held at Ladel', Iau, on Lot No. 18, suth Ie 5tla Concession, ou Tuesday thse 12th day cf May ' ext, at Tan o'elock A.M. HÉCTOR BEATON, Townra.ip Clerk: Pickering, April 24th, 1857. 15-2w. CHANCERY & CONVEYÂN CING. rlýIEuadersi qd, having raatgned the Office suning s practico la the Court of Chane'y, expecta la conjonction with anueminenit Chais- cery Lsw-yer, lu open tIse office oaa door Sentit of tise ltegistry Office, [nowtbe Express Office] for tlt4àtpurposa, about the first cf J uly next. Ilis Commaun Law sud Colveyasscang office will bea erosa thse tosd, oppsite tisa IVAUbI CJ&aeic2 Office whare aIl mattara relatiag lu Land Tillas or donvayancas wil b. doly attend- ed to N. B.-Wassted Shortir-An artieled Clark who writes a vary supeanor Consveyancing and ~ngossngIsad, JOHN V. HAMI, Barrlister ut Lew. >faker .Eerasordiary andl Solior in Clleasrj'.. Wlitby, 22ad April, 1857. 14-12W. Commonwealh eopy 8 weeks. S8ST. LLpersoastbeey atindagane Ançgociating s pronaisar note for FiIty Ce, bI. tarer o?'ýloin Campbell, payable six znianthU afler date, methe saie lamsbeen mialai or lest, O.O M BL CARTÂQIE 1 CÂBTÂGEI 1 Goadilorm Ca fiCart!11 "IMT ire-,i>vv Qmv V" I>.O1'FVlt THE IMPORTANT QUESTION- ANSWERtED!! ' Goudis 'Te aanswer 'üa, positivaly et Brock Street, Whitby, Wisone eau bc tonud tIhé Latest Importations et Ricis Dresa Gouda, Paris Delainea, Challea, Frit- ed Jacconet8, French Cin-hatms, GouoaP]iaida,Ducsî l'oplits, Queen's ClotS for travellsg4'.reus, Plain aid Frnch Prnued Baregur, Itarege Robes, Plain, Blacke sud Celoreai Sies, Black Brecde, BhILck Satin Tare, Ilaasoine Plaid SilksB, Note Patairnts. Pli ndPiîe lh lmsl radPiae ashmeF reLogAnsqnr rche sk,81 Crape Slhewla. Lace and Embroideries i great Variety. Gloves., lloigcry, Dresa 8Trnimiugs, Parasols, lIcIta, &o. ÉAM)ES hear lunxio, that Lowesa nd l'owell'à is thse place to puirchmas a umat wa dbecoodg- Bonnet, and îlibbonls tb zîjteil. * GNTLEMEN bear inamind, Ilat Lowesa nd Powell have a large and well aelected Stock of Broad Cloîhe, Casciiiîcrea, Douakins, Twecdsi, Veitings, Shirta, ColJats, Neck aad I'ocket lland- Onea und al, nowte f act, 1IsaatLowesa nd Powell have the Lýargeat Stock of CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE ia tie eCounty of Ontrao. Aiea oue cf the larges>. Stocka ofQROCERIES. Whl ti> Maycf',1q:7.10. 18S57. SPRING IMPORTATIONS. 1857.1 -O O- IIXIIOŽ &ROBERTS l' e5 n 1>to i îî ,i n m r is(iýoineiaii tlep ulicgeneraàlîr, tluetthet BijýS,. twtA t-%, ai>aiîî rce Ian fu the Britoh taa ëew or Market.atr r', a ah tthis l igteum udc .1 . ut anijn: NEW RIBlIONS, .NEW DRESSES, Novelties in Mantles and Capes,. STP.I% BONNETS ANID IIATS, NEW PARASOLS, Ilovles' Prints in Great Variety, HEOUSE FURNISHEINGS. CARPETS, DR u< iii Fr, I)AMASKS, MIOREENS. GENTTEMENS' DEPÂRTMENT Will be found conaplete lu SILK AND FELT HATvs, WHIITE AND FANCY SIIIRTS, STIlAW AND PAN ANIA IIATS, COLLARS, SCARFS, TIES & IANDKERCIIIEFS NEW CAP,-'. West or England Cloths and Doeskina, Scotch Tweeds and Vestings for Dress and walki>ng "uita ITlie Bc't sud Cieapeat Stock ut READY-MVADE CLOTHIING EVER OFFEFRD IN WHRITBYI ' îi>tg f So'w Suaîxînsar Lo.îta, h ot, l'aulto &c TEXA ANI) COVVEE WAIIEIIOLTSE. IIAMILTUON & ROBERTS, <SUCUI-SORIS TO GEORG1(E WzALLACE,) i., !" .l e : u, t >rl r>r tuiuit'd t.bay are uw preparnd to Stock of Grocerios, Wines, Spirits, &o., >11? \'A PIS, SUGMls, CANULES, GIN", PORTrER ANDIAES e RUM, SCOTCH WIIISKEY. IRISII WHISKEYa Nos. 1 and 2, Commcrcial Buildings, Brock-sit., Whitby. w-hishy, AlunI tuilai?. CAUTION. iî' .i iis- t tiýi-nli. lttal eotsi ruile a gI ansj;le cri'tIttiili% iC II 'ILoMAS SPEAR. 6rok .pi Gs, 1W5. îe-aw. PAPER IiANGINGS. Alange qauantity ut English Paper Hangings, Openedandamaifor sale at inn Store liere, on Thsiisday next. THIOMAS BEILL. \%V'.dttîy, April -ttl-.t, IS57. 1-w INFORMATION IVANTED, O F hePact= 0Oiiian. wife of Fredenick J. OHi- '.cr, wlio leftt lielotu l'alla onstor about tlm lutîs davo'.fvtApril. %a wao'. Int eisai S,. lBollardst Ilotel, \lil.' iol ou a Bine Vî"l'et Boslunt buîsale a'>itillier. Auty pereon givcfintforation as lu lier W.Iereiuhouts, .ilcoejira great tav4I1on ber aixi0isshaausid. M FREDERICK J. OLI%ER, Fecnelon 1,14118, P. 0. ÈenelonFtdl, April 22uid, 1b.57. 14 Paupe newill eannter e a re-r lîy eop.ý îag. ALLANI'S LIVERI2 I Li.. liamnesc utters, Bfu Robes, &tC.,oaa mala hy I ru'ata tContracte t AL k\ S LIVERY STABLE%, eneiz Ls'rs...r [Bargainu for Cash or approved Credt. "ýAS re-establislhed her Milii- ucJ nrv M*ouma iu the resar of open on tîte Finît uf May. Ladies please caîl aund examinue luar Spring Stock et the latesî ai st fashionable Bonnet Trimminge, &e. Oppeite thet Peîsitezatiinry Boot and Slaeé Store, Bvroci stree'Jdty.14 SOMETHING NEIV-BONETIIING USEFUL., scft water, witb satety, aIl fabrica, witlsoüt rnib- biugin a few minuites, ULdies gay it is thea tip top tbia a itianakes(ÇlothaesClesar,Collarirb-i, 'Ln udtIse bauds isoIt and Sllky. Cures sures,. rèxnovaa dandruif, pravants tIse wear of clotises eaid bande, sud savea labor sud fuel, basides do- iag swey mils a number of cotîr articles, snch as tho waalaboard, wasing macine, Boap, &e., and la farebasaper and bettai, sand aier obtins- ad tIsassy otiter tbaag for 'wasiag with. This diaeovery, witla- fulsarticolara, will b. sent for Oaa Dollar, by Pheropr.etor. J. Ù. W. TYLER, Hamspton post office, C. W. Hlassptua, April 14, 1857. . 134W. Papera la Canada and the 'United. Blates la-, sert-mg îIisa for one imentIs la wçly edl'tion will receire tIse aboyeansd the. balace un gaa Ârrah Nistresa Siestp!1 Look istonai eop?1 At ail the nice tiagtake ablink tor' If thes" von dont like A bargain you'il stmS~ If Ion 'but laite a peep ut tdi. Tiaiex. NE1W TIN BiIOP. NVIIITBY TOWN BIBLE SOCIETY. r jjF 'l' UBLlIC ARE RE'LSPECTIULLY NO- I..ifted tint the I)si. ronuy for blue sale of ,l'ii',eand Tesam.,ents publistied by tîhe Briiseh tiaJ F r.zm ible Societv, ia lîeld lu Mr. Baii's Store. coyriuar of Brock ;md Duriuln.u-'at', wlîere hili cripturet ijîil e t'ouud lu ev.erv varlety cf asile anîd pric.e, aàdajîted tu old unsd youug, nc tlitI m)Vr-- J. cIYR .F i ia.'.'> 1: w i, - --Ari t. 87 IMPORTANT CEDIT SALE OF i ("'N accotant cf aniaruas applicatk'slfe for :53Bus§iness Locatioiâasnd Be iug Sites lus i the TOWN 0F PORT PERRY, Thse Subseniborsiahâ'e detenuineai 10 offeir ut Public Conpetition on Thursday, 7th, of May, 1857, FPorty-three ChoIce airaiValuable TOWN & VILLA LOTS, Tise Locution and Nuabers ofthtIe Lotsi arceas 1 t1 , l o ws11 aI d o n e x i u ba tio n w i ll h a o n n a i t ie ,..at legiîv situated oitlaes-for Ibusinass p>un- poses, or private resideace, within range ofthe wle Town. QtIEEN STREET. Lots17 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, anditIie i acet hit f 59, coataining auch 83 le 100 teat front on tIeMs nie d -Roud, asunse valua- ble for Businests stands. SNORTH STREETM Lots 19, 21, 22, 23, 24,30,81, 32,83,8, 5, 'A, sud 54, coutasssing eicb trom Utne- ftt !am acre, upwards. SOUTH 0F QUREN STREE, Lots -60, 83,85, 89, 90, 93, 94, 107 sma 109, ait- WÂTER LOT&. Alsio the . oasg,,Wter Lot.'. vit-. 42,43, 44, 45, 6 47, asai 48, on ltaeNotssdofNnl 9. re Whas ifosur roda fitoîoiNorth Itate4t aid tan rodeaep WATEIIL0TSNu..2iAD.128, INCLUD eai lb. Whsarf sud,*Stoirehotuse TIs Lts are 1iretiy oppoa tebe.ew OrmeS MlMU andin tlvery canine, ef th, business part; tise Tova. Tise, frnC*gè on Water Street la M9 fee4 maid Qtea iSureel170 teat. The Sitorehouse andi Wharf Oun lb.pro perty lieva been reateel for 1h. tape thre pexetbiersaums, maid wttb aaniM exaei t he b.Beai.n, waldai niture,1 rou fr.1i0 pasitn. pérCrenry lâBslta t thebbsd of Kaviga lion on ekO Bçîia~g rly apuildltant bo STOYES KNID HARDWARE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LIL the recosamneudaiso Cooking, Fanion, and Heatlng Stores now la .iuse, (for Cuçal or Wood) for sale Isy ths sbseribers. -ALSO,- Cast Iron Pompa, Leead, Zinc, Pipe, Jupanneai Tinware, &c. - À GENERAL STOCK 0F WINDO W GLASS. PULLER&KELR Wbitby, April 14, 1857. Eait &id. Broc),' Src.t, W7AUby. AND 8irWH0LEBALEý AND RETÂIL..MU The Largest Stock in the Country ofFTurniture &HRouse Fittixiga C 'NSISTINO of Drawing lloom, Parlor and Bedlrooxu sets, Cap sud Wood Soated Chairs, Ta- bIes, Bedsteada, Burciause, Secretarieti, Sideboads, Ccitrf, aide, IIal.l aud Toilut Tables'. FIWff ONE TO FIVE DOZEX SOFAS, CONSIÂNTL-Y IN STOCK. The Subqeribers feal safe lu advi 'initouding purchasora that for quautity, qnality and 'rlec, their EsbtalouLhuseu t sut ha compctcdi with by assy other Bouiý lu the Country, Whitby, April 14, 1857. Nos>. 3 aend 4, .East Sic?. Brook Street, Wluitluy. 138 UPIIOLSTIERY & UNIDERTAKING & ELLER lunejt pureîsuwed the Stcek lu tradu sud bhualaseas sifllu,'h. Fciitz, cou- l. sstmig t» argeStok c Coflus, Iltuarse sud ail otiier nac'esseryyainicles apenctaiuing ltt baaiues1'.sould rsettalt 1 iuuto thteapublic tînt tbey are'c peae tatsi u d aiy âtippty Fu ncraisu i te aiuoateat mnotice. A lurge suîpîly ottieffins kept coni.teuîtlv reedy tor timing to aie.tishe cou'.euicc f parties tramu the Counutry, requîninmg tlin uaeuîltioura s ilie. A sàtendy pair ut Haoses ssith e curetai Driver turalshtd 'aith tIse Ileanc.e M-J'FUNERALS ATTENVDEI A T ALL IRTS 0F THE COUVTRYàH 'W'litby, Apnil 15, 16571. IIARRISON'S FIJRMTUIE ONS, W1IITBY. Best and Cheapes-t Cabinet Waro li the County. Largo stock constssstly on baud ef thu very beet matenia and workmn.aîihp, whieb for QUALITY 'ANDl PRIOES DEFY. COIPETITON. W- CALL A-ND EXAMINE e1 A.j. HRRION, 1Whitby, April 15, 1857, CRAWI FOR¶I & CAMiPBELL, BEG TO INFORM TIIEfl 'NMEROIJS CTJSTOMEIIS AND TIIE Publie, thuit they have just receivjd a considerable portion of their SP *10311SUUEn STOC, Which for Taste and Elegance caniiot bc S'urpassed, CONSISTING 0F ALL TUE -NOVELTES 0F TER SEÂSON, M; SLADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' WEA1I Which Nvill be sold cheap. ]PERYS NEW ýBRICK BU=IDNGS, WHITBY. Whitby, Apîil Sth, 185o. 12 A« J. HARRISON, AUOTIO0NEERsx GENERAL COMMISSION4 AGIENT, - AND DEALELlx, HO0 USEHTOLD FURNITURE 0F £'VER Y DES CMP TIOY t BRQCK STREET, IYHITBY, T) YSPECITULLY IN-VITES AN INSPEC1ION 0F 1118 000D81 AND) PECS BEFORE 1 urchnasing et assy creîjI estabhiassweat, ias extreerdlnsery luducomeuts are off edt. C>&Sl. Wb ab.Ju. 2,1957. 1 HARDARE, HARDWARE, WHOLESALE -AND RETIL.i T IE SUBSCRIBERS BEQ TO INTIMATE TO THE INHAIITNTS OF WITBY AND) tIsa surrouadiagConatrv, abat thay have uow on hanai tIse not complets anadvarieaisoasrt- ruent of HAEDWAI& twb. bc 6ud la Cauýd& Wast, wlicb tlsey arc seiissgit TORONTO PICIES., Inaz.rGouss they wouid Isevite partlcular attentiong te b."toý 'Table and Poeket Cutlary, àamsPsoesd otsBviea Elactro-ýPlated Woes,,,Ela nd var eciton ofJtgeToola Tas, Brad ud auife Trays, willa esl'aJ nr'Touls, D'nsh dorers, Fandera, and Pire Irons, ùrs-u iclraa liSua .&nd a comploe saasortment et Bouse Ti lun a I-E'AVV HARDWARE, B a,"Biin& imZBia 'ruhCl rlSEO, sainde .liaa- owe,8 0~ansd LidPipai PERRY'S CO0L IJMN.é DESIRABLE 1*VESTXE.NT. $600, $500, $400, $300, $200, FOR SALE TOWN LOTS, VILLA LOTS, PARK LOTS LOTS FOR BUSINESS PulPOSF$, Lots for Private Reaidences, IN THE TOWN 0- F WIIITBY Lx Mr CCNTY oi EAST OF BROCE STREET. L OSNo. 14 AND 33, -EAST 0F BR0C1K SLItreet and South of ?ollard*s Ilote], a valuable property cxteuding froua Erfck to Ferry Strectâs.1 Lot& No. 177 and18C, Fusaida of Brock Street,, North of Pollard'e Ilotel. Parties desir- Inprorrty on the principal titrett ina the Towa "Il fid tboi§e Loto Weil situated. Lots 2083 and 20>4, a corner block en Mapleaad Ferry Sireets. Lots 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 76, 77, and 78. Thms Eeight Iota ri;e in on. ibîok, bounded luy rerry anctChiesut and Ash Strietis. lot 37, West of Ferry Street, and direetly op. poislte thse Stesa Flour MfiII. Lots 64, 65, 66, 671 82, U, 84, sud 85. Enat. or Ferry Street, and acjoiidng the Stesa MMI pro - perty on thse North. Lots No. 60, East of Perry"Street. This Leta la well feuoted and otherwise ixnproved. West of Brock Street. Lots 11)4, 105, 118, snd 119, botnded by Cen- tre, Wulnut and Kent Streets. Theso Lots are dclightfüuly ituated, nnd liaving a street on thne ides, are well adapted to buil'Iiug pur- poses. Lots 124 and 12e, corner of Kent -,ad John Streets§. Lot No. 185 Fast of Kent Street, and but a few rods Nortie of Dundea ttrect. Thse foregoing cholce Lots were seleeted from a large ,îuusber, with the view of hîoldig then as ana investment, burare ûiow offered for -Sale te fluaIly wind uT> a large transaction. -A L S O- Cientr Street...................42 Lots. Enclîd Street .................. 3 Lots. Palace Street .................. 5 Lots- iligh Street .................... 4 Lots, Withy, luth Jans. 187. VALLTAB'LLE BUSINESS LOT FOR SALE'. T HE FIRST VAiCANT LOT NORITH OFTII JL en'istr'.'Office,Est side of Broek Street. Isolir c t leo. 3,1'"Perrves" Block, Torwn of Withbv. TIla porelaasci will ha reqaired te ereet eBrick Building on tIhe Lot tIsa present yesur. For Pries and ternsof paymsent spply te J. 1IL PERRY. Whiithy, February, 185î. PO-RT PERRY. County -of, Ontario. FOR LSALE, Town Lot No. 1, Corlier of Queen aud 'Watsr .Strcets. Decidedly tIe most viuluable Lot la the wligle Town. QUEEN STREET. Lot 'No. 7, G'.> acet ?00nt; Lot NXo. 8, corner cf Queeu aand l'erry ,Streerts; Loi No. 9, do.; Lots No. ICI, 11, 121, 15 16 raid 17, 66 fcat front1 con- taiising ote f(,trtli of tau acie cnet>. Lot N'o. 13, currer -.f Quota and'liIla Streets, nenrly oiue halfof ea Ce. Al eof the toregceitig Lots front on the Mai.-aahuaizccd Rond, and are vuluabl# Ibu- ticas lo<ttioiis LILLA STREe Luts 19 and 5G, corner of Lills and 'Nrtih Street NORTII STREET. L ots 21 03 24, 27, 28, 30,3al, 82, P ansd 54, @ou th 'ida cf Iorth S freet. eoutuunsag eneh, une f311h of an acre. Also, 'No. 51, Ut, 54? 56, north aide of the fsanie atreet. MARX STREET. Lots No 70, 83, 85, un Mary Street, one fourtla of an acre aaeh. - WATER STREET. Loi Nev. 89, corner of-%Watr and Cindereila &le CI-NDlERELLA STEET.- Lots U0, 0, M>, 107 and 2ù9, fissely sitateai for Privata liesidences. ,Forty ,Âcres, Bei,î¶ part of Lot Nýumber ainpeteen, lu tIne Gth , oauieaion of Reach, edoiniag the searvtv ofthe Town cf Port Perry on thee North. Tbh.s Property la <well uitualcd fordtividiuag bale Town and 'Park Lots, And wiII b. soldant sueh ?rlces.and Tersse u akteiun objeet b CapRit!ant. Apply lu IL'E & J. il. PERRY. v Whitby, Mareln il, 87. 8 FOR SALE. T II Su serier avsSa detenscned to dis" . e of he olomigChoceAgricultal Lts. sae CIseup, udon easy tenus oi payment., COUNTY 0F WELLINGTON. roW9sbsaiP 07 LUTIIS51 No. 14, Ist Cou. M0 Acre. && 26,1 4tb *'201 44 " 8, 91h 208 COUNTY 0FP GRE Y.i TOÉn55ie 'or ÂRTESeu.' Ne. 81, litIa C'on. - 14e> Ares. 'COUNTY 0OF KmN. Rean half 2, lSth Coin. lob Acres,. 'W.â alat3, l6tlnau 160 ' TovkIN'1<5liP ONr DOTER. 'Weet'SM. 'of Baî1doon streiet. 1;o. 42, 200 Acre. 10 43, 100> a COTJNTY 0F ONTARL.. TOWNIUIP oryNARA. No. là, 611e Con. 20Ace.. OOtINTY OF VICTORIA No. '11, lot Cou. M00Acrs., W.X 12, lad GCon. - 100' COUNfY 0? BASTINGS. vOWuýqamr Or xa»oc. Xut )j 28, 7thCon. 100 Âcreut IWee l< go, 6pjm Con. x 60 Aeree Fer Prie, nadmai r of pe a1 o PATENlT' INDIA RUBBEIL BELTINGt '>AIi»LACE LEÂTiE1t. oaNote t. &ddreesa 8. . DONALDSON &.00-9 I I h w~*, 5~ 8~ 18 1 Bmck Strcet, IVAitby 1 1. Il , ý ýC<

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