'Charades. 7 My firxt la French, tny ,îoeoiq(d Englislt, amnd W"!& ioldatheumnoef à n hitîîage. 2. 'My*first itoverythiing. e h ii y soconil, ana i 1;4y vitol. le everythiag. ~ ~M. fiutIl en oyou'hl increcage, - My seond will Pîer yom frontiteiaven, - là not no oit taken as gh-en. 1. lIow many 1lnseini; -mako a landiord 1 1. Why le, thc latter T like an lland 1 8. If a pair of apeetaceles coul] apeak, what tlthor of the ohmirch wemldi thoy nmre? 4.wyle tl oi stii on the top of* -5. Whiy Ina hors, like a lump of leadi1 I. 'l~lnces-us ~'trt. 7 O!linr, nct. 4Tam.. . Dcii]rcipiroegain. 3. RiOI cetin. fi. Tirne gen' tou. & Eoap.ma wola. iw. stornal. 46. Arash. -LCm urs I».dbet vina. .12. C11 bien yet re- À1i5welta lo mily l'estime ii hut t lroniclei à PUU.ztyaBmt,. r FÂaX-IsR CoraaÊ.-I. Mtaddûek. 2. Tsirkey. il. Spaor-b. 4. Tongue. t'an'at. 1t0, Set-kale. i1.. P-sage. 12. Sottr- A naulifirs. 14' PraND -i Xood-c ek. 2. ' eah . Tiilfle. 4. rùad-u. ï. Apple- 'off. 0. J'httbari, fart. ',. Patrîr' .' .lIant. htimo.î'ie.t. ' ar. Pii iit. 4. Fit.' Dates. 6. 1-riei 7 F catit. tt.Staw I4here 1' coms4dt va PC exciteciit'it at Iattersoii, N. J.,.i rengardl b î1f.' thti- tling of abolit thîrec litnn'lre-îl 'pearl, 4 lg likocty to'tralnsftin the J*hrscy flaI s 4nto a new 1e'pt J1ljr-ý Oiie îcnu-î ns 'S111:111 llitiMî'ila-il'Vetil îown ,ô, Tfttuny & 11cdrWQll-knownM ~lrodwf'y'jcwêlI'r~WifflestinlIt cd its ,-'00 on it. It laokstteî peculiar tint -f the Easteru poari, dîrwisc'its . al- 'u wold ù .iro,,t iiîcreffible. Miec bînan wlio omwns it Il." -ilrel(ly SOMi e'irall petiris tothc' arnourît of $200.- Ev erybod y is on tue 1e rmi nd iwhat . us-er îniay bcth ie re-sîit, iLre is vi- oktty no lachk of imuscles it 'tise ig. l'krE COUxlTESr."Mnnrs," si *e lo hquent Edînund Burkle, "are of ~in>I-Ciniportaloo thsun 1lnwt. I74tOD ti'i.emi, in a grent me.vsuri', the laws (Il- 'tend. The htws tile], lus lîiee Ùtd ~'ee sovauti lwiiîs inexs are .;kat rtr s'(,-)I. m. puîtît iii tîiy -'<mt ot"r iI ti'neosrfiî,1' ureath ; s t-t' I î htc.î' w le loi-ill 1011i', jttuiiiI ii'ytiiti<'t ,th('ystnp- Iy tititîs <1'lI'y lutlliy detuto%' thitt. Teu.AiN 1'ii ii-Tt ut t 'i Inat peo- jýîe ont, but wiint tIrsy 'iui iat s..îakes tlmem tt i'cîîg. ItI'.î<cî tvliit tiey gain, buit whiat tltev saveu tati iaukes t.honm ich. It la mot %Vthalt îley iakes them learneâ, [t is liot wltnt *Iiey lîrofess, but iîNt tilty prrlictmcc, XXI'C very plain and iniportant truilis, 1>0 illt e .eeed byý gluttonS,. spend- <.nrift%, book-worîeîs, and hypocrites. A Yomung lady in Boston Pours out ter distî'csses and desires ini these M yheatis sick, my-liens-t is &ad, lut., oh 1 the cause I dare net tilhi1 * gieedI1tamnet g lad; l'uv lo t iII amne nt well ! iîn net î'usef-I'nu flot the mnie,, 1 anI, indeed I kuow mot 'tu-liaI; ).tin ged in ail eicept in nane- Oh! wiei shah lbe eliangcd in thnt? -Miin îief' IIi. bY te ngeica 'hilX"îgby ltlhe topen ; nelasscholy 4]tv tue eyî't-s; de5i eothe ït--Igll ;îîg rocket 1'uan 'I-Igîîî'cet liretas it, 'îîulson itî foti î' tw't iutîlglît Theo14ix deégrettet of eiîîîie are thîta ~1eluc ~-iew-ho st-cals .1 million la cnly a fiiancier. Who steals a hait Million là Oly a dèf'ulteî'. Who Steais a unrc ltrîtndlaas'gu.Who :îealaflfty thwusaaîtd la a ve. But he who ste ais a pair of boots or a loaf or bread is a seouindrel of the dcepest dye, snd desci-ves te bc Iynced.ý' À Gmfw-An eminent modem wri. ter beautliImlly says -4qThe foundatlon t()f doinestio happiness. ila fl th ie -'rtue of womaln; the foundatiou of Il political happineas ia confidence in thio integityof nmas; andthe founda. tioe. of aehappînineastempom and eternal-on thé. goodncésa of God'." gllwom mpromi" e ao hôw. 4 ?wp g ladles' sheir' hnosbund' f:- ce i eJ of wsiuei. Tliey looked on camd.-«lWh, we ènly ee etr own face,""Wel4,"oaid the gip- SY% " tou es wMcb your huband FcR SALE. <HE SUflSCIBER OFFE<US YOR - 4kX-E Ithe rftlowing Protiert), sitnated in the Vil-' agofUtiea, Townslup of leaoh z, A Store weil oflttetl op with largo baok Silo1 a ndigood Kitchien and Wood Ihont. A Pnxnmp of flrt't- rite 'Water on thZ lproies. Alsn, i t1tCsaille bliock, a large Sthop weUl adapted' ibr ctiher iSitoonakeni, larnesti Mntlet,,Cahinlet Maliens, Tinithâ, -&c., for al lfwhith or4kS-thieso arb-ifrât-rate oponinge, none bctng ncar. A two ý.tory Store iiontte, with y of n«i ere aof liand attnelled. The above iî4 a very desirable pro )erty, and te amy parties wisilti a e tintt tNocpuîlesi,, or aun it' the otbve . 1e a- nieR,< premcnts an optrtnniity rroI met vtit. 0111Y £5L> wiil bc rectilirtq.'d <owr. 'lite haltatce in five oqual anmma] ,nstabhoents itithi itorost., 'App)ly fby je t?.etat pLCiLLA.N Utica Jca.ch. Or to THOMAS PAXTON, Pbq., 1XO'UfiE and LOT FOR SALIE. 1 F Oi SALE IN~ TUE VILLAWYE OF BDI"K- ifiiralous.i and Lot seconti to none 'in the COIto -ty The above plaee is'bcatiîlyatt ateti, knownm aithe roldonce ni' the latta in. n Rem. with a glooli well of water, stalble, f4ed ami]t Woodlîaume, &e., thererat. For fttrthe-r.parViiitrt tgpv to JOHLN I 4?'D;SHN, whiiby, é.'.W. W>iity, April t, 1857. 1-f SIIERiFF's sAiM 0F ovLAxDs. COUx'rY 0F ONTARIIO,)i"Y VIETTE 0F T-)NVtT: i JL) a Writ of Fieri Faeia.'ti'tttici ottiof lie'r'Majoety'a (ionnty Court for -tea"tiîtN cf(,*Oitittîtianmd tW lme directe], tjairftt.t lite Lam.ttt and Ttatoniemts whiid ere cof Jolvît Grava Wtîtson, nttttc , a.tht' ,tilite cf lus tîcal it1i lite lt'ttd'of l'iîiiton Watsoan. adl- Mî,tttitrati-ix, ttirft'î.amtti'fallil nsitîgilar, the latîda tant! ttneittcii,-, rîgititt ite!eredlta "f lte sal oi 'ah Gtîve S'VHtscMT dclciaedto i.:V t'titin' istero], at the sait cf Wdliaîîî L. l'cerrin, laic- tiff, i huinvsîstized and takot iîî reentian ail thte kettatte-or internaà t cf thr .atI .ott ravc-Wateot I'cittiiî it t XVit' lr. i'111-I~l th0 ut atte(it' certtt' tu e!.t-ls flitttttt i t ii. l tpeni la\a on lte Vtttt itî cfttjtte roetttt,, eiîtg coit- poscettiof jrt. "f L.ot '.N. Uevn in the IlIr-t eoct'tca'i ltoTomlipofWitbd'o'- edtias fttliow's Oitlhis u (to ~ -osîncîget lte halit ls-"itiVf7 «titi l lot No. -y: Veil, i i dietaiteac, o tf t"" ~ onflnks,onma course iýuî'tbt, e'istrees "Wcst rn tite Soumtt Es5t aigle of sail T.ft iNo. titlitren; tliteît Nartît si\t4io n degres, WniVeititrt'-"ttn'tvi t-cvt't ftry-i'ali rt'grt-rc E:t'fli'.tutittc, tttr' cirg fu i e Iit-teri: liGr< cf' ttl ttttittl .ýt N' INSURANIJE. -Brifisli America Assurance Comnpany. JN('OILT<OIATIeD îîlter ans Act of tic Tid Settttfl ietcElevetîitPitîa aiatet of Lipîtr Canada." CAPITAL M100,000. contetis. Et ry iirtmatin ~tIe1a p pt i,'ttî i t-t".thttre rite . RSi. ite skas fttr lit-«e -t i cr"' , r trl',,t JOHN AGNEW, Protection Uftlfllat ots or Damatte l'y Fir-. WESTERN AS-SU RANTCE ' uP.\ N.. CAPITAL F-I00,0nOo. Times and fetcon 4.'a-.raiicc Colnpy. Fi TUIE JDENT NVESTMENT YET tv-f l It- inttIN'totuter-t<Nt"ti OFFERL'D. tui'e<- e'î' 1' NTlilr Lt'lSiîî rIW i IT N lt-t" .1 W , s tic efoîtidl't' il, JtsîrvAitate M.1I ltIt 'f'rI"r-t 19 to Eu-it of 'nlir itle 'tXt.I iEIsIC~ ~ t-\t< "u *i W, ant i ticî io'red fotrr.îthe ilii s r I I "tr Fi >-"oAcres Co t' Rdf icanttfalIititîated. hait'nopa Firtt't. '. '1tjîrt C" ltoli 11 eRase IUnte o'! 'irtcI d.itI .- t , lte X'e&i anîd Lt iIl,i i lu tI tt11, l tt -t q t d! I . taut s 8tStttiteto .ttt, ttv-' ve , ;îtcîîtt.a: 't W t ali tupre hast iic i w iii u nti ' '< (I'tePotutt tî i l auieqliaie tlit le r e'ji "t'tt i lite buF-s . ,< u~x' "c' t ' - 13 ilc,'iinn tif ÃŽ 1q Wits , -. î14. ait t't' tt7I. iFORl.j-bsid --, tALE,.ttttai t L ti il >'i'Nt' 10,00 crsi of"t'îottidr ds." - lNl" ~'N tt' l'lt ' Xt >itî s of on ' nT.XîIGr( V't'.î; It - '-, ,1 iL,' -': t l rSi",-'t '-'t l 10,000 Aecres ofl Wild La -s l Iî-ii1et îti'Il iret iirw'ik Niuc'Il.r It-C tit , Mur-lt't itnt'4,t't- ' Fer Sale ortto Lt , <<. ' THE IWIIITBY STIi1 '.JiILLS, ,LIivh-.1tVt. ~T 'fil TWt> t N tp'SI-'t-' 1. 'ji r '-%j't t t W tttt I nc. at t t ' tit :lI a ri-nt' - -a Stanit' ,";.c. Enc 'XV. Ttett iltttf'ttt'. i t i l a '9r1) " t' ' B it Ncf Im ttin's ai' ititlI1titlite,- ii "..txt Nlil t: imw, nr, dt'sin g'tt l "1< t i ,l1hqVfInace t .el .t iN i;l'. WIt"Y(Athi GI 'W'is ctt fit r-n itf i'rtttt i-t - Port ltcîry, Ft-hritary 2.t . 1 ':7. ltr tnt FAR3I PORlSALE. -~E îîîy ~fNl-'V ï-t'.'~' 7 t'- t-' t /t'. tt t- 7'\ îNî'i Ah A$St'RANI'I'; C~tM.x'Nv HRARýDWARE. VW IILEMALE IHARD>WARE. na Yrvlargand site tpIete stock of ShO'lf aiii unît-yHadwaeiînjasrtttd direct frmEin g- laan.i 'lte ttttcf. 'Tt'ir priera are siîeitas w-iii isttime itowhftvor thittt rial,, 10 ex- (ti Halit' or'h'r,nd their stock iail! id ways l'O ftaîîi "tîîce.-i Il.ATIF W[S SO(* T t!--ini-tinl nt'sr-t arnt. vte i 'vers'ati teti t' 'i. R. l.FWU & S-V u'ttt. t f t~ttt t"" i "'t"' St'.':.' Trou Pi1ît~t. I.. " Ut; .t i~,rs Pttt ii q" -1 R. 1LE WI s aO. "t t tp-' I '~tttptt-' tt"tt t i-t i..'t"~ 'i.ttit' - 't t r ' Ii Vttt'. r e'- i .t'tt 1,'-','~ t -. t' ti.t~. tut: .tst... Paient "ai t' Pot "'I t t'-' -t- t ._ & L -' t ' . r t T. roi ;ll'N il isiUE <1 1 'uIEfa. 'i t Il M tii v t I t"tt I - '. su:;. -7 't\7h'J - t '- ut t ~ '<.1 '"t t-t'"- t'--'- t -- Av 1,T ï' . u Il 11 ,- i 1, ' l'l 1 t- - 'T' 1)i -liedj'. cal- '. -A( NI' tii-tut'. t :t.t<-l t - - -t - ' '. - - t - '- - " ' -' - '1 . LI VIHU >,<i ~'" l 'e&Life nraeG91T t 'i G Lujil E. ctt R e ý ti Tti iiE'.t 7. 4tiC nsI, .C ptu,20 00 I)I'W llitl'tt tt1l<tn 401<i i t' cau i isiauudaft ie s <ttl ui ir. t1 MIT t )lBER<T Il. I.'tWD it. I- --- - - wltîbm' tm 20, 1857 >" iz<tAlU.î H , te""-st FOR SALE, 0IME F CHICtE LOTS UN TIIE-' A ToNvnof' 't'lithî', x-asIîfu1l ilutt i the v-iuiiv ai' tithe ikt YÃenr. ibc't livrout Street,'Iiîhy Wltitby, Febrmary 18, 1kit. '.t.i SPLENDID INVESTMENT. ONTARIO HOTEL, BROCK STREET, WIIJTISY, TlE SUIISCRIBER OFFEISS FOR11SALE Xthat papurlar 1HOTEL n'as- ceeuitet 1 jAitea BaYAs< ttaving a rontoge eti !inack St roct et 66c teet. RIOBERT Il. L.A'U'DEP<. Wltitbs- Jim . 1-5. la1. FOR SALE IN TUE TOWN 0F WIIITBY. TO'fS NOS.* 2, aud 22. TILET ,IRE SITU- .4 a ted on DiudaaSrreet, bots-cen Mr. S. î'tneaît'> and] YLvtdî'aCrack,î Ap<plication (o be mrade ýta 14R8.ANGELINE WTST, Lot 3t3, Stia cottremsiotu Daniitigtau. lnatuOffitrig" iIe ee cpy nntil fc.rbhd. VALIABLE PROPERTY FO0 SALE T TITSPROPERTY Il, PLEAS.ANTLY siTtN atrccnthe iouni.thing Toîwn cf MWhitibv* haîn's nttcln oentainimuq'tto Ilthsaof an acre et Lune!, a' th tabout S lot f roîstug, Ona' wiuich la crcçtcd a COMFORTAIILE BRICk CIYrI'AGE, wth tuitable out Buildhkigg, an excellent Weil o! Wtir, und. a Cotorn, togctthes- tith a nni- ber a! vluable Fruit Trecs. Forfsrtherpjarti- eiluu's ipply ta W. SHAW, on-mthse prcrmiseý.. Whitby, Pcb. 10, 1651'. 4 FOR @ALE....25 TOWN LOTS. TN TUIE'TOWN OF WlHTBY, IN -TII I i.vicinity of the Market nais in colusse pf onection. Alo-TIIRYý WATM- 'IfOT. For fustitanparathulars ana tems-an1alto 10,000 Acres 'wildLau] for sale. t Whily, Jis. l'i1857. FOR SALE.. AH~OUX AND) LOT, IN CENTRE A STR ---btwee theCous-t Houseand thel, lllo'Iwnof WhUas-. The Lot is40 ifs'.satl, 4and p& &4ib n dptlb.Th 'gl4UsI i'ls a Ubmtmtlîie 13ièk l, - n,- ( '.1111(E-S. Selliutg Off Cise'îp fuir C.t'tis or un iShirt C ie'ut '. RA].Y IX'ASîtN IJ.'UiS ANDilXI' <trr-,tlit' aï ~LVe U, rtiii E S T 1-P)L I ýL'NMFY Ti Dircctly op-polite ISryansIlotel, tI}GiIIî'i?îIll iliSTO INTIMATtiE th e iit!itms.t Xlib adt!;ie.îpublic t!ai'e a è, a or>'eml t tle t i te. lutttli <i r ait tîttut i tc e litt t< s t arcnc ' «'eh adaîttealI)tc fn tt arraiog p îtire rt ' ieb tPe' Itire. WVluiby,-n. 16, lîR57. N. IiAV GP.E(IORY'S BAKERY AND CON- FECTIONERY. BIIOCK STIEET, WU-ITPlY, &NddcetJ[eurg. Jliu'd ci ' (olé, J)oe!and tsloe tttt. T IE SUWSCIlBEII TIANKFULLY AC- kîmaLwîedges tlue itx'rrs bestowt'tiiîpon hiiti Iîy ý l4i ultaiiiti4tîls ni Witty, ud fisgratoftîl for meo Ilisemul nttcage exteuded t<) Ilituin hrîuhaesis.ile hue no ceupic due prettus in Brook Street, aext titan te llssbbard & Ce.'* Ilenitemiiurv Boni an] Sitoe Store, amil wontd inv'ite the atention etfltie patrons b bhis Craekors -the best in tes-m. AIl kisofa Cakes, Crach- ers, 1Juain a foney lreil, BiscuitB, d&C., irlUhbc kept. eonsutamtly un Inn]. Woeds!nir=d Patrties Ilppîhe]on lIhe ahortesl methcé, au] iti s stylo ta.t sljI defy caùapot1tloüu.. . - Waiw, Leinm, ]ork ad S&»k .Zhtu#S4tsaa ounlîaad. '~'GOOT> BREAD, AS USUAL. ,, Ploge remeistier lte place- 1I'esut dec,' $iouM: of Me H'.Juld.eed cf 0>.'8,B*'sad Sica .Smiot,'< - GEl>. GRIEGORY.' Wlîitby, Jan. 19. 10ll51, BAKEUT AN» CONFECTIONAÃIV- I t "t' - 1-- - tt<.t..-t<71 - : - .,.t.~7.t i. -'-r t 't- t- "t' i il. - < . ..tt-t - ~~A. J. 1A~' FOSi'. KlYE OR TO 'LE 'J'. i E'C. ire ltiean.exr-s îîay l'e ett»L(e 1ite l t lte tt1tCsete A. J. ttfIEJan.NMtiti e 1< li St- î,ait-~ t -i .- 't ind t- -t! MARINE:JIiN<i,,1' The 66Butilîlo" flltuil SMarine Su- li/ttjttetctý,, Wi saunce Comnpany o! Bmmtalao. D- -A1 R CAPI'TA'L PMl»rP 1-1ýTmEamn,, £6,}t.7 ofi PuttuairmsesFat e i5l, 100,t11417 9 I Aluf' i-tli'r 1irte tu-ajt ,rty Iotus,' ut The Liv-erpool ansd Losidon Fire and tîLe satiie. Frltatr ti' i n ; q)[t'lt y tj'i Life Inatramîcc UOMPtuy. J. H DzEqumre,* CAPlITAI, £2,000,000, Stg. Proîtnictun, Wi ESTABLISIIEDM, .n.W<t',Arlu]187 ita't'tv'd Futid fvrisirîl- c -e«et,£iSt A NSiMEWELL The ritftnla MLISe A. (.'cý om?'y. JlUsts1 u lr Et4TAtLIIlIiDltt5. tS. A iliu, tlsq., CaLtar of tiie Grnt! A. J. HARISON, ootiW,041a1 t'1<te4non tlie pretiios. .1% JeîutRR S O . is t- 11 muxedIlant Çuetlas-. Etunt lrii oa Brrock-SL, Whitby. ruudi- '. iRIEN, Port Wh April lrlh, 1857. ~Ap laie, l'<7. SALOONS.110115E FOR SALIS* VICTORIA -SALOOS, ]GROCK tSTREET, WIITtIIY. Jesse Vauslykc, Props-loto-, B EGS lil<SPECTFIX'TO0 BETL'hîNIlrs uinéere tluItea -tu is nmrerana patouastate the publie, for tuh m] petronuge sutiherulli' botowed upatr imb shile eeptuir lte(.,entre Hotel. lu it si), ho arotutlber io-matat ho ba botao l 01eo tbit rellliaca itnrner!y d tg hoecevsStore-antd Sà lnon. Th înliniua benaange] and] Sio'te]up by Iiirun ie veybc"styltte, fer the itecoîmmno- dalmon o!flte pnb lee and pri't'e to'ustîs. - No oxp>ense hbhn spured iFn lauklltg the suh tethe lIma pregsB f the îg'a-,t'lfln iereiljnire- !tonebti hebost iAquosa, Wlnea aid] Lignn' ÊrenWtstTéi, Cfiaé, 'I tiidicti p art yo! thet l'au-n t M & - a CcHar and n.t Lfie Lhaîcettuia hml*'and aure - - Tîmns-Oo 'ltm ah doirm nh1 I anlt taeconveulniem t'puiarasoms MCGIL It 1rstspietor -on thte P UOU11E AND GARDEN. TQ A IMST on<qîasntn and cett#kli A Sdtltii a rmon4-tet, in the T' Whhtlbyfos'meti oeostla lv'F. 'Bn t - t t t 'DRY GOODS, *'.. '~~J VtomA, foralie Chcap by JOEL BIGELOW. B RtsýsrL,;-Tw() PLY nUNION AND JOEL BIGELOW. 1XTHA IIEAVS" AMEIt ttiAN f(iS, ...Stei i ntid tii it, or atiettit by -- JOEL BIGELOW. B 0()Tt,, SioIS 6AND 1iNDtAN ILLBBEP UverSimca mfor mâle ('lkettît hy JOFiL flGELOW. R B\lYM Dr" L< ,TIXG-A fiOHI'DAS, JOEL IGElLOWv. A. RO 1 E T(îC(K 01,7il FVY FT.ANNKEL ili Il] jj.JOEL Full C JIA W. i i' irisl'orrr'tlt'b v .JO)EIIIEL)' p1 .>Pv T1ru <'and S for i0c Cli <il by t JOV'L I;IGELO<N. -ai luian,, r.tt-italp 4 7i.ip t, f SPRING IMORTATIONS.i Pe- HIAVY GOOJX, Co2t Price fCr {3 ash. r i --andr v~ -t - or ,JSEI , M iIiE. le, .t IIEITNTAII BOTAND sh(>2 w. 4-. RoBlNsoïç, STORE, FML HMS (Hol II li<t'ANt, ]rî. P. Ilubbinrtl, & ('O., J-( J W1 , ~HII r S<'ai'0' . I >tt C I'ltt.'t t ' ttetiriy i I. Pl (itocls E1---, tlbinet'n, Cal i, w til o'lStFiO li,rN 1HP W îh,.1ti 'l iF7 r, o f'il!*"t t" Iý1lM 1)<'1 VSP'.Nt v ýl;it1('. ub F1m 1 ..! piLI LTè C f-,itltW" ' ,'j îî. uIXly;s o m F I 'i . 1 I)S0]"'.<a~. ~ li"îî.L' ' tt -Me T. IXDIpq A il 1P Po Il ýt- M! "'p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 0iEt 'i-NIsI' fttlT" '""u '."N L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iý M't"' Ct :'<"l"t'"at mu t't - t-. ittttiit wu - t AiMttt" mbri wPOr ien j -4Ca m' "' t t"tt \T'M A E"L 1E1 TW11 i.t JM ' u -' "t I t<'-':,- - -. r r -.:~~' -WFt'>-JtV or <t t< t.. t ' '"- i r ';-~-niv t 'tV'. ""<'t lt lur"tct cr5', -t t' r i 't r.'-- lit'..' "t ut. i'" tht,:-. t-t' tlten~ ut- -.'t~- --t t-t lt<tt~utitttIvwi~ RFI - t iti une! d ~i~ t Tt"t1% fatalI, Miaîin'Street, M littit 't lit "ltT>tt." ' ,v ir t'.fil jO.-; r j: I -'IftVI, 1 1tlnt. t i-t.tt'.i' 't.t< t I '<t "'t iî t (.'aSiIciiian -e vii cintnuas 'ide p - <<<i t «~t 'ut'I '- I ItC 11-17N ti. tt t'-tt'i i "' Il "t--tt<tti - t I ' - ' i ~ '.c'itt.trrti.tn.tt.J..tiii.tnrnttrt.av iidi;. .tvi't <t< r-î'tîi "<-i in 'tît. S' tnetritî.r.'fa~ '-t"' <<< -'Ii t. 't" n 'ltr:'t <it 'r.sil1 u<ti1 -tie si' a I<.IXl'E 13 1" '< "~ ~1 p, A. J.l nIiçrr trIiol, A;tt 2n'. b a nelvr'$de VUT SaltN, I.-MEi, 1A fn Pr-.t.-eih tl.Zt*i.i titillcs ttit t teztu.tiaria, M ,tut'us'u:st s <t . fr.4411c, a" t SJ - ' F ren frIn I ! V ra o n ir r bh 't rl!i-.t CIW '. and,5 :t't< v -ii J S I-111______ -tl< a!DInidiTI I <iOl- -tt- 't tctttu «it. .< -u - 1 l.i, 1 -nIl1" i iii,îu1-<i' îî e ît r i A.H J. îi<aceastrrr) i-s IU .lt StOINTE, LIME, &iîcit. (ooix('eai nSotÇeit ' ,r. i '- r. i <«tnci;îa. t I n rszt LIME l'OR SAL . -' fa .". parisitit '.ex <'ie.1î t ai: lut ltr efti'cir tîeihs'ttalvlrtitor pctp 4 t. . J'neete- - 'a"s tî~î-Itu"ttîrt"- l L. ltrcct'<fs, d ispte S ttand t c'm0,n ,r4.t'u '. _______ a r oce talcsify te ýti reittyle oýsrirn*. J INSSb. 11, 1 .XU&Il. ., ;E OW -litasCcilin i.% ttonInthorrt n fîh Lifii, s Lt 131stfiitriliuî it îiiitrSoE Ia' n 'trhrSr 'e <l 1) r >utit da i, «cns' aac]e ftitoti othon STRY Ilckal- to e udLI% ors, whaithsClgicur 'uieFet yt e lesr u' <. Ilv'posaa,»r r mone, -ne,.\ Te wil Fqcsîga] i] h Delieedtl te taioaohib, arh 11187 '; u ltrtîsul ilt ao ir !vilte'.tl sau î r lt Crit rinlchairoi> etrct .- ettat<e rpe<'ies oniat- aotl s.wtt. j._ eoý f(ct> I oo3 , #îq ýNOI iE lB H arroe RE-1 byy-Iaco-'1~»r. cajtabthe ai' be'tmnglhighhs fien sheel!, iudepauinedluimU -h - ho doli-creal t fhe Saliona aôttotire'tlonîdforeTue eshiasacf lIte irrn 'a-l! ho cuIInad o ' - - Two Shollin and Proivision Store. litl utLawrio'r oidltore%, SezckStrcor. - - ' - JOHN MAAýFARQHA'F Vo.. AE W DICA RV lTJJQ!J' ,)eli. d ihalso- aur i al i lle a p StodnaI8, (Id F. Ox il . -of 'eIatýin li ';TR-Yn Dfi' Crotdal Soe ad Liermelgat'aBarJîu, lfTTtuAvic î<nf . ttqnhar'i;, Saband il cdYos-hedadh Saios Wht ,Iurh14,85.in1l L8'JWVAA&kIU__ iei tot (l thrGrad k H. ilnnidLL e,-- Daingy. thn_ Whit" 21hMreon57 ~t tifýis Mretcoun- icmic ufr OTcro18 Ia EBOTIE T1ýT TV to NTC. N"r POIIwA» YyoTETork aVT-rU$OP'WTBEÂ ýT he Ston1e î fe beGst-quaIITTE TuniT tmums..ter bostmthave n lta Roormso'at'er lie 1 . 1,th ls)ia~-Thu litei t owa. .rtsLtpîî !iP'rkeng, Uxlté 'go 'sudSent & .,. nnIna tirs-o 'tir tire h It~doysMî'nliz~ raie, ' AH Ã"RWi of, ' th*d1 *imh* ' Claiiite! -ttýWitY 11t s lheroroai li!Ise 'faa4apn at g T UICRBR I O P ~ ~ a 1Si't, Hauealpechaco!lie eieMn V lgt rn te Ptnte-i'd 0pa Lie dnnyEifF1 ijas-l hlm the 10 r muai at he tation ve nntoe or Si'u W tn i théX'or-ni wtlttWJitbliè o Two0hE41>, nd ixpe ne i7Êa1re1nt ,ari'à - trod $tore,. i Tnse eldI Wtaterhd1 iteae aplieaiot Ss o JOH Ir. 5itbyA< JaîiA , r19- V1$57. -1, p~ ~j~ Çu'h o'-JAS -' . on - Jt LET. - Towssn i-o p - - nageuoit of 'JAIM BtTES-BE<lB TO 'R'rlNHItIIS aaun i l 0aincere Ilauks t th ho lsbitantg of Whitby sud thse sisrrouîtdimse ountry, fors the lics-l a p-4 Mmù Sisi tronage lie as seceved duong lte long peno] don uo, he a eg»e*tý 1 - 1 1 . ý . ý : - .ý -! .! -i ý,b,-r ;ký 11 à là g.