Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1857, p. 4

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ZFAI ESTATE. 's 1 POR SALE. 1 dam 1 1 '5 7. CUT STONE, LIME, &c. INSURANCE. of t198 kind of gmîsý that ho haa deter-11, mined helneeforth to cultivate it in prefer- ence to all other k-inds; he also speak-s of experimenting with it in his pasture., grounds, and on light scils, as a succession, for clover, timothy and other corninon grasses. 1 We have frequently perased favorable notices of this production in our agricul- tural journals, and although we arc never- theless strongly inclined to regard it, all things taken into consideration, as a valu- able production, and as an acquisition to our husbandry of no insignificant value, especîally when congidered as a Pasture plant. __ On orchard lands, where the soil is of a light, sandy description, it r(x)ts with grent viger, and sonti forins a close and dense sward whicli sends up a succession of strong succulent spires which may be eut RARDWARE. 'WUOLESALE HARDWAR196 rrilES'C-BSCRIBIE'RS HAVE NOW UN STO(S -L a very large and complote moek of 8heli and lieuvy flurdware, imported direct from Etig- Jalld and ti ie Statem. Tlicir pricem are sitel) up will induce who ravor thelli trýil, týè èx. tend their i)rdc-rw, and tlieirst(x,-k will ttlviLym lx found completc. R. LEWM & SON, 41 king 'Strett, Turonto ý[)WA5R: 351 1 !lv I'p'st and ii-artinviit or liardwiire iri Cmiadu, to %i hivii the% %ite huyers' altention. -R. LEWIS Jillitiýti-V '0, Wè Né ROBINSON, FAMILY CHEMIST &c (FROM 1111A, FcýE.AN-D,) BROcK STREET, ýVIIITJIY, ti Ji'. II Irr'o, ) LIS 1, I-r 1, n ýýs IIIS SjNý tliýtltk,- and l' 11.1ic. 1',,r tl:ý very liberal lit- ha, thi-111 tliiit t.1,4,% ï1my 1111-t -trirt tlelfl A T lltE,,,, OFFERS FOR SALE MPOrtY sltilnted in the Vil- Iii-ceof Utivâ, T6%vtlmlÏip of'Renciý, viz, A Store m ell iltted Lip, N'vitil ree bilek Sliop,*u'lid zo'ki Celllir. ýfolise colitainillufivp. Ribi)lllm- IVEW TÃŽIV SIROP. ON (XýLBOUILNr-ST., WIM-MY. (Ileur of Benjamin Brvati's old Store and Tîn- JOIIN, rJIIIE SUBSCRIBER WOULT) ANNÀYOIIN('F ti) the of thim Town pu(j that lie jIaý gopculied tlie abcvflt preiiliýes. Ail kiiid-4 vf inade and repait-ed. Braziers worl, afç-%-t.rv dAlle oit th mises. l'lie i, il iniý.itt-A tilik-er ývie4) wtýj-k-4 at ili..j trade and is ný,t iistintited of it. MI for %ç,)rk excviited in a trýi(lesjit&iii-like intililitýr ail(j , ith F%-en- Orivorh- maile mid rcýliair(ý(1 (1 eilid m-mid. Ail kinds tf.jý,b %v-i-k dmle ielitaprr and bet - r 111 111 it eu', bc (toile liv wjY other Millier in town. , - 1>47- 01,-l v'q'rfr. tien rive nomils, ai Il . 1 linq) of fil>-t- Witter Art th;*, preujiý". jjj..O, in the @allie %zaz u w a 1 blirge -ell a(lartvil for cither 911ERIFFS SALE OF LAIqDS* f -r al] fef %Vhieh Trades the,11, COLINTY ()F Y ViRll*!E OF ire first-riltè openinglil, noue jjýillg leur. Tc, îVri il W ri t 1 If> Vi v ri Fricitkiisiiitid reIt of lier cýmrt for the "f n;il 'fi, Ille (liret-teit. two ston, St(pre. 11ouk, witil 14, ()f an nern Af the Landi whivh wereef, ý1f wl attix-lied. Tille Jlb4ý)%-e is qý very degirable Johil % e the lime ()f)Iiý and to nriv iniii(-m Nviý 'i, té, Lil itlio iie-iiti, il, Ille lt;fljýt" Ji . Ili,; -it)Ltilitr, tllv lie Storli business, or IPLIIV (If' tlie t4j(,% e Il - j des, Il s fin ()I)P(brtiiiiitJý rit rf-I v mvt ý fil) lfiiiIi- and 1ý.Ï«-Iý1':111IlaI allillual iii.ýtalliientý with ilitèrest. I lit 111. Silit -f A pply letter, )(Kt lïltil) Il, 1 r1l'.1 Ill the lit ilild Or to i/: T1f0MýýS Kq- lite ,t*i)-Iitt%..l -Port l"I N trui-t' 1-- id d' piI«lý .1* TýIt 11 Ivil. in Iliv fil aud LOT ilolt --l ýII . vil fi t flot i- r-, ý;Jýl on 'I' litI:t ý.j, -aul l'Il? A- l il, fil lx fin. fi IiIiii b it sci-1141 t'. in tliv Ifi:i ab" il. ýjfq . ! I'r,,Iii Ilii. I illi. If .; C t' I!". 1,Il'. IlIl fil, - .1il Il lý;,-t v Il; tlx Il %lit)i fi W ull il, %%Itt(.r ! , 1001 &e., For tlriiitr 1,4trtii-iiiIiiý to 1>,Iir( Ow il Ea-i A l !-il 1,14wv .11 Il fi t. I-t N- THE DENT INVIENTMENT YET 0 Il VE Il V. m b't N 'FI 11 1'l 1: 1 ýý 111 N G 'Fi J %Jiý ýI,- i '11U 1 ill , Ille " I:1*I'1,ý,l-.- ix z il il;e of Lhud, Z, 1; -10 T Drugs and Chemiý-ais, ()NE (PTIRR LAUCE t %v o ýý t , - r.% il IL j revi 'r of' ktiId IY Ille q:lflIt- ilip, IPIS lIqplv [Le, lite illu the e -t --li -l' P--! Il h it ri,-k 4 bril% il., iitt,,Ilt eillitaili, orle acre. lim Ili il J. 11AMER, Estjiiit-(-, - 'f 'Il( >1 - 1, JI Wliitl)ý, -flirt. ut fi ri --k- 1 1-lii- ';Ili l-1 Li alid IL wil Ille I*tif-iýI,-r Nt) %Inlt(,Iify Im. Amas & NoN, ýlF 11,11N ANI) tif Y.), THE I*ilý*ý,li,],\N-*-, IN TIIF 110UNE FOR F'ril-k illl.rtilII-4p, illitil 9 nt l'itht ;II,ý 1 ry Im d -!L Isljltý'Tli (or' 1 Fill. alilpt i,, Ille rf -f :ird . .ýtr * :I;il - -il 1 lotir. 11w riî-,-t vri.-iilm i. .1 iii - rLitl Ti 1-t ell vl-tes tvitli4illt çf.)Iltl luiliq ýl1it the .-l' j'lit, 111l'illt - NIF;'ç TAKE PARTICULAIt lit. IIOTSE ANI) GARDEN r( ir, cr. 1 C'l ,fi izil 1:;z il Ili l- il t un ý'e, ri- 1,, et q IL %, til :1 t f l - 1 0 .'. ils t h. l.: !llid t!_ h'? .-:Z k imi IýllmjIý- o l-,ý ;agit@ Uil; Mlle eufie A utan was deAired to lay out £ 100 in tbe pur- chame of onc hitudreil, animalm, eciièisting of ducks, nt ig euh, plgri ût.£11 and calvef4 at £à euh-how tnany of each kind must lie buy f- NUMIMIGAL PLIZZLR. 1 consist of font, lettem. Multiply my ersi liv 1Qve, mil yon ivill flud My lut; 1110ve ;ny fli-st" and pliec tbé lialf m my tliii-tl: illy gecond î-t a %nre of itiolf wort1ilot4s; iiiytvltole bas ne Once In the trame of tliebook In witich th 61 nppeam.- Insert om vowel, in proper phicùm, botween tire f4l1cýwlng letters, and iiinko eix lines of l'hyme: GyLdydtbl, C n c là n t ri d t 1 k ri d p 1 y; "n d ri ri L r k t Il d d r Il 11, W a s tir r t g 11 ri t ri d g y; à d d ri d g y ri ri L r k Iroil Piping. -2 t 1 'at e Il t M. ijim f S t 1 Ille, %fýiîtI F(, r 'S & 1 lit j 'f 1C. vr i î i t si, t t patent mij.1 l t liq r 1,i4-4.ilt -n atid K'Iitýý Tra' itt.-r 1 Plia-, two or thrüe tintes in a seasop. Cattle are Clitton and lille .', tiik(,?l hl 'du gr lus Ill) 1) y t4 lie r reiiial-k-alIly- fond of il in a green sta te, and NN'Ility,,r April Mth JOIIN BRYAN. when eut and cured, ]MORAL AX A r. 1 t, I, Vq. m liay. Th-e yield, le Mon emi illy liait, 6. Nent chairs. reckonitig the several cutfings, i, etate' PENITENTIAIRY BOOT AND Siloi 2. A gale in lent, 7. 1 gave P(ýter litn(l.-. SI.ORE, 8. Ite secs a rat. ë. Ae lie ýliglitil« Illy aie]. probably, than Of Ruy OtIýr WHITBY. 4. 1 (ilin love. Fariner. E. P. Hubbard, & Co., b. Ait odd Iiiie. lie. A livece lion ilot il pet. OULI) BEG TI) AN AN»Wf'tt.4 TO FANITLY PýtýrlMe,- IN I-%ýT 1-11 M IN U L k,ý. 1 elI111.(,c t., lh'. -t' 'I% 2. » fil lit :',. A 41 % i I.v. % t lit- lei, lil!llIt-lit lei Ilr)DLXM--t. ilir 1 - - DI.ý ililli nuddle of waTer, -et.; 4. A Twi-..Ier. Ilie îuorc lie es liek-ed, flie r.iýtvr hu W lien King Richard ott*iýretl IiiI., k-itiý_,dliiii fllr a Once, tiiltviste(l a twist, 1 ANAI)j \NI .ý\j) horti 7. Ikýentit4tý lie cail always tlliciti And the twist that ]le twisted, wfth a mllark (c)feltetrieitv.) 0;41, ; 1 N;.!, ilil. ý;,( Asàuzuus--I, Frtiti(lIk'Revg-liitimii; 2. Mate: W-w a three tviet(Id twist, Now in twistifig R t-vvist, ttititi,,Il Il, t1leit part 1 1» -1 X.Christittit; 4.1'tirit(lise lýeet; CI..% bu 1*«i% eud II il il If a twist Should tititi%-iýst, -qlr, Bmttwaliý; 7. Relation; M. UeLneilleel NO 1. Miglionette; 10- 'Metale l'lie t'Nvist that %vas twisted FAIIZ TRIAL Iffennettleally senleil. M'oilld Untlivist the hvist, And the tm-ist that %vis twisted illit. JOHN W ould itil be itilt\% iýt. ;S ir \ýd It îs rutimured th,-il the ,reitc.;t curiosi- tv of the age, haý just at the J ÉXI, Parm Work for April and Mkay. V_ i.(,ý It is the glilà with which the TArly part of this illontli liglit sandy 1 q1leýitif)I1 iýi .1 large- intended fur gencral crops may bc soon 1, imentifiactured for the. liýl.%Iiftjl w.vrclimmulý à- ploughed, and indeed Sprin- plou-lling for Young ineil.-ý c c - 1 L, i ý I, a Undy Soils is preferable to all I)IoiiIliiii,-; WATf"1IIý;*s for althougli clayey loams are I)cticiite(l I)ý, Oui- g-ill4titi-.% lorbills mir îi hillieF on Iiiiiili, Il(, %I ill (.\, winter ridging, and the corise-litent pul- ibi, hard ")Ut lv;thoIit IIIcaIIîIIý ire 0,- verization froin frequent and tl'e to illiliiig?4 the orthodoxY (If wv imiýt baN., that se-) Imig thawingt;4 Still Sand soils Nivould not be iin- B E A L L, 'proved by similar treatinent, as thry would as thev fillow theiII,ý4AveIe ,ýuoII latitude in ÊûMr by work-ing &-c. the article (if crinoliiio, the ' v rim an inimi- 1 as llent risk of being ý4IIU1,clI of wIl latitudina- AlÃŽhôugh lelayeèy soils, as Nvel etheM should bc plouglied as early in tlie %pring as practicable, stÃŽll they should not Do not live in dark- rn0IIIoý Light fade, be digturbed wIffle tret. The'action of the the czirl)L't, lltit it fevils the flower. No ('lock6, and Jetvvlry, Plough Is to compact them in itiiiitI-,, and living animal or velgutable ran enjov Illealth i- '. îeý,,-,, :îý ";Il t«ýlIt,., then render thetu titih-îrjd and non-absor I Iliiii).,qt aý, * i tl, 11-v -:Il; î lý;- -j Ili dark-nli LiAit is b eut nos air, and x tan î-, ahiioý,t lei-efrr,'t- Such 11eldsas xvere ploel-lieil list montli, ble, even Ill a illattor of be.111(y, to a ýýicIJy 1 'but are not yet slioulil lie mil of complexion. ILIV-11BER YAIM, SIIIN(.LLS, à-c. through-by tbe cultîv.itor imniediatelv 1-)e- J'N 1 V1,'ý J f, N! ýJ) 1: fore planiting, so ws to, Ilave the Surfetoe or servant girl in a cotjn- the grotind tliorouglily. (Iiiziritegratt4j just trY town. wll(»(I Iýcmtv ftIi--ýiieil a ui.tit(I' Of 'P, téton soli the seed; such fresli stitfac, 7elleral admiration aliil iU P«I-S- imure» rapid vcgetation, and lialf i 81li,11 il groille (If oflit'ors, in the! l-tre(,ý lielli'd 1 f lý 4 1 Kin-ýP St n ý-t. Dped aud Caçh noxf.,%. 1, AýSý(ýPTMF'N'r & CORI Purdoilia"'.w. SI, 1 1 Z LEWIS & S(),N. 1 BELTING 1V EN T 10 N. fit t, lit file lI,ý ril ?l;ý !it jj,ý' lioille', lit, & ili tir) il, 'Ti "(.it .ýY Iý ile k -;1*11!f;( lit tI 0,11U "f' file It .111reIl to 4. flic r.:J'y il I i ýt ri i i Il r. i J r f,,r thm flubàà rif sqti'tý the rvI,ýt Ji- P- 'iliC, Ilifri.t, ot il«Jýtrillfwu4 tri ifll.% itiýtJJlwe Wh(ý,re ill"Y Iitlui- a lýý,tirtri.il I:i fi :1- l' 1- A Ic F., 9)F M r OS 1 T 1 01S. vtires but lit-vf.r si und Maililla Iý 1, 0 F LA N DS. P 1 lui. t-t' ti, dé- 10,000 Acres of Wild Lands. A. Wý 1 -.'ý7. For Sale or to Lut, *:l-'ý , 1 lit n- ýrt. I ýizvý. r i i i Ail% i:ýý eo %va 'l K 1,,-,7.- NOTICE l'O 111*ILI)lý'It - 0- Trurik- St in THOMAS DEVE'RELL, Or to LIME FOR SALE, NTLY N 1 fA N 1) DU Il 1 N germi1îate weeÏi too low, tu iiiterfere witit, (bile (if thviii exclaitu to his fellow, 1 1 heaveri, elle . 1 ' i;; ý' ý Anipriva Amuranci i', A ir, and T -phosphate of Lir i l'Y 1I(ýIIvvn offly Aie very quietli, rqilie(j T. C. we hipm-fed 'su F Pi, r 4 ýoz4,Li. tý 1:o 1il mixed w1th damp charcoal, Illaster of 1% l ttll'l'ÃŽli<' 1-01111(l. l'lie officer ac1ýii,)%vledzvd _d Ni a you_ noliv %vish, tu press for- il 'A PJITA 1, 1 filool the firec>e ofthe and apologisvd. ward the plants, whieh could net bc donc M i IN - ýNletit:v goûs, iio ono knoivs IIAS (il. ini [Li, i1'ý Pf- l', îijîý r ljý,! t- il -li wM propriety in Vie fall, for féar of their 1 là r; *-,:., 1 whcre ÃŽt goeth, no clic showeth ; lier@ and t Y, being too forward, and tlict-ebv more lLablc , ' 1,;li rui. LAND IN st'!>(.09. roit there, ci týrvviieré, run, rtiti, dun. (lui Ijjlý ti jjj i CARUIAGES, L1«'ý,( N te, be wititer-kîlle(L lend, lend, -vild, serid, flusil Ni; Lo'r N.,. 1', 1 (IN 1'.1-B j- IZ It 1 1,- 1) 1: y Attend to water courses, drains, Ii as OP' Nhori Credîtq Protection a&, tu-do%, short to-niorrow, notes tu pay, boi.- fvr 1 gainst Loss «Turîng the early freshels your inovitilr rolir, *borrow. Se it -oes, ni) one 'knoii".,ý 1 valtiall, loid a tl.ý, i4crv> l'l grouitils may bc renderel tineven in groivtii Walcheq' CIockî-4, !le goetli, no one %\'E.STFRN ASSURANCE I by un«en irrigation. IV lien thel seuson has j.'ý been baclk-ward, you niay still sow spring TuF, CÃŽMESE (,[,kNT.-It is now quite sal Jio_ 2W. C APIT A 1. IM 1 00,OC wheat., barley, cats, rye, field pens, cleur that flic aifflior (If Jack flic Giant N«I.tv 131(ilii lit ANCI., etr4-l.tt-,] mi Bitilili FOR llmasesýrly potatfts, ttc-, inny nowbe K iller iviis câbler dit prophet Merliii, 01, A liffle 1,:n>t LOT:; 11; 'Il 1 1. 1*'.%.-rv ii)i*ý-riii4iIiý)ri tý, town. De net turit cattle too carly tu pas- sortie other one of the aticient brotherhood Il(. ý;eiljiI "I Ille joli. 1,11.11 Ilis ý,IN- lç AGN ture grounds before the gras, lias liail fini(- of British s(ýers. The couplet put into the BACON, TIANS ANI) GENER iL j"f. tilt. iilt!.ti Iliij(lrt Lriveil il, i Byron lý ,to start fairly, end, the grotind has become inouth of lilundcrbore Grocery aud Provision 1,410re. r ý*iiII_' 'Il tlit %%itil Nlr. C'. 11.1 roil -sýrevt, W id: il%. 1.'. IIAI. It Times and Beacon Assurant sufaciently bord ilot to be disfigured by Fe-fa-fi Foh-Futn 5 il.* >pirtiievýi-ij- IýviWv0I Mr. ILill, lie 1 illieni. If Yeu întend tu fatten cattle In B Fi'.11t. and (hil Ilit-al. 1 1 -sniell the blood of an Englishinan "' 1 1 SPL1,ý'N %. 1 INSI li . AN(,«E effeeteil oit Buildii 1 ail,, ait of cniii). iviitii ::tilt 1jauk - DID INVE.NTME.%T. oli Iii. tbe fall and wînter, you should noNy plant il - tý!:- oid lia"t-illli-ilficý1t. bas ev identl va prophetic reference te coin- thme where blit Ille lje>t dii allplimi to the out carrots, parsnips. &c. You can raise 0 N JOIIN 1 1 inissioner %'eh as a inurderous ini.scrcant, 1%.,r«ii -lIt. -eight bundred bushels inora of Belgiati Trjçýlline Arl,-jiý anil Sur,-, a deciple of Foli, and fin ade )t in, the inys- LIVINCSTON. . tarroto in the acre, and they will do inore 1 11 tery or Fuin. F-1? SALE Pervice to your cattle and milch cows than 1,,ý1-ul;qr IIiITEIL 'ICLIL ý1SSURANCE 1 ----------- PR0V1ýN IlMi. il fîolllialý-t- 01 Breà stjeà four times the. quantity of lmotind appro- .% Voin SY3fl'.ATIIY.' Thère is a great don] priated to eîther hay or corn ercips'- of talk going about sorrovs bein- shared NOTICE., ROBERT Il. LA%ý*I)ER. Capital £125,00 Clunsecellan frotu putrescent substances; by IIE 11rZOVISIONAI, 1 1 )IltFÀ'ToR)* (lF ]y W i - t - bv, Jail - . 21 __ 1 - 7 Selling OffCheap for Cash or on Short s friends. Is-o thele is about as, W liitl,.%ý Iiii(I L.Ie lit roll Rililwal 9'l'ill plant Indîan'corii ; sow l.tic-cr7,i attend to niai)v tliiiiý,s that iiobody lever secs ; but bc ili the l:l.ofiýs 1.%,.r c 1 FOR -SALL, IN TUE TOWN 0 Credit 1 contents. Everv information Nt:ivýj,:q-r IVIIITBY. application ti) the the extermination of insects. asstired that the ini.-fortune m-hich. can ýbe 'l) REAI) J011_11; ý1G'N1 concicalet-I îs oniv hali a eue, and tlie wisest OTS NOS. TUEY AEE SITLI- 'toek il-,r large Tra'-ellinq Agent, Byron .14ý Proverbs for Planter$. thing a nian. can do is to k-eep his ill hieli, L ait-,] on Diiiidas -Sireet, Mr. S. 'a,,; Ile il, - CANII FOR WHEATI, III)lI 1%rrilecv, ri'ýtîtr--retit (Iesc-rit,ýi lie Whitbv, April 8, 1857. IIE IR Nýow L% lide'l- Cretk. uil] >l-il ili a trille abovc Ii mtiring Avoidsvrn- frolo tliv LIPE AND ]REALTU ASSI Farruen and others ivill heed the folloýli'- T rd (il paN for. aliv qualitit v lit' l'ail Rý 1 a lis; L-eep your trotii)les or -SI-ritig (Ieli\(ýreti Iei l'ort Wliitl,%. i . . in& wliatever tbey inay think of booli or I)atlY lit all haz r IIALL & t', 4- tri The British Americau Friend âney erming generally. Thev ivill direct ont of tlieir >illit, and vour friends will net MRS. AN(RLUNE WEST, of Canada, the . ir sonfi to these universal titilles, and re thinti yoti half so unluel, , nor seethe tic- whitby, Jall. Iti, 1,.-.7. Lot',31, stli coiieesiou Darlingtnil. Carpenter & Seripture, STABI.1$11EII FOR TUE ASSt y )IAIN*t7FAfTC)tlýilli OF E làifi--aiid Ileulth. Incorporate, commend every one to f0Ilowý theni. II'e MiisitY Ofclltt" a BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY, in-,vour acquaintance. Act of Parliaineut, 18 Vie., Cap. 64. are indebted for Most of thein to that ex- WnITBY. j A LU ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Carriages Mu 1, ofall kinds $PlltlTt*Al.ilýmýAND*SF*i)j-(,Tio-,.-At Elba, 1 7,f CAPITÀL STOCK, £10 WIIOLE,ý,ALE AND liE]'Ali- tellent manuel, the Illusti Ils IllýnliERTI' IS l»LEASAN -ated Register of; 'TLY SITU- Lumber Waggons, Rural Affaini, every line of whicli is a textj Knox courity, Ill., recently Elizablethloncs, tiie flotiri-hilig Towli or whilby, Head Oflice ut Montreal young uninarried lady, who liad always IMES J'ATEÏS EEGS To 11RT1,711.71ý lip, strect, direeil- FARMIN(i IMPLEMEUTS, &-c., & c. in îteelf for a uàorc claborate article :- 1 ej ýsilIvere thatiks te) the inlitit)itaiit-4 of %%'Iiitl)N lialli., re'idetive, totitýi!,ljjg two fiftli,ý of' an repitiring ttt.,Iiort notice. GENERAL AGIENT FOR C. W., JAS. Never keep anirnals on short allowarice borne a good -charaëteiè, but bad becOlne i and the surrotiiiiling eoinitrv, for flic liberal 1)21*- ffere of Land, . ith alitli't 14,0 fletc-t fri,)ut4iý,u, 01, infatuated %vith spiritualism, died under trolingt. lit lia', dIIiiu_ý flic long ii, ereered a Ageine fi)r Ci. IL MeDeritiili euiribitleil Moiver -jfyÃ"u fitarve thern, they will stari c Vou. lie htLs eurr*ýc-,l mi I1tli,,)jIZýt illeill. la c« 1 13 Looc.%z AGF-,,-r, JAxEs Jl()Dc.*o-i, circumstances at the bouse of FORTABIIE BRICK COTTAGE, àltlrotighîkidrtiiiiiiigyour land thorough. soý Iýe beg to titit.., 1;lit lie iýý pre- TUr -itEW M.NltrET, 1. J. MeBiide, a apiritual medium, the ait- I)ariLit fil, supply Rakerv alid rtuitablt ont Miffldin'til un ux(.cilent m.ell R.W. Clark 19. D., Medical ly, yeur partie niay be draÃŽned, yet the full the Iiii (pialit 0i'f' and a v' thor of a book relating te this delusion.- v to e4,tirjtr% etitiiiiers, , 14terri, ti"*,etlier with a iiiitl!- =PB that folloiv vrill soun fil] it again. i - and, relail. Tvriaà aud her (if valuable Fruit Treese Fur further parti- . wiliTfjy. Always give,,soit the find nieal. If th 1 Iler body was exainined, and a child f l inoderut-ýý. ettiars apply tu RAYts LIVERY S 0 JAMES B.ITES, IV. SllýIIV, on the prernises. :ýrPoljcicâ effected eitber upoi 1 perfect forfit was discovered. Slie had ý M'Ilit'hy, Feb. 10, ls,5-d. -p Lille, (or bothý and ever well fed wîth 'mauure, it will fecti ail else Port Whitby. T A -B L I S Il 31 ýE Y y bv the LoSl,4geut ntlikî Ogice, -plants animaLs, and man. been in îll-bealth, and Mellrîde, who is & marel, 8ir;t, is.37. FOR SALE ... 2,5 TOWN Lo;Ï,,5-. Direelly opposite BryaulsHotel'. Mûreh. 9.5. ffl . If you wish te give un eniergetic moye- married mari, was lier spiritual doctor, pire- --z- Lliovii (4-ritEn, WIIITCY. scribing for her according to directions N THE T4)W'ýN OF wiliTlly, LX Tu 1, ment to ait votir farin tnachinery, and keep viciIiity 411' the 'Illark-et flow in coilNe ef, 13YG8 TO E\TIMATE its hundred wheels in rotation, bc sure not froui spirits, and pretending te obtain in- SADDLERY & UARNENS erectioli. WAÏM Lor:. Tto the ililialiiutlIL-; ofwhitbv and the public formation respecting lier complaints frorn Fur fürther partieulars and ttrim i IV to flint lie finis e)lleile(l a Liven,7 stable at flic VICTOTUA SAL002 Io be without a good rotation of crops. W A R E Il 0 Il 8 E y IL-11 - _T R F _ X L.E p,. Illiwc where lie 411 énde,ýtvt,,r to iteeoinwodato l3lg6CIÇ W il lî you allow your animais to shiver, the sanie source. - She died in great pain, DUNI)AS STREET, M'IIITBY. A L40- all wiio inai favor hilin NVith their orde-à lie 10,(« Aercq Wild Land for sale. W Splëndid open and covûred Oi;;Ibusiieg jeue Va»lyke, Proprit your fortune will be Nitivered in conse- froin the effect of the medicine which AMEIS RITCIIIE, IN RLrTUR-\-ING tharilzf; r. KELLIER. elitpuble-or carr'v persýon.-4, and vel,_e B EGS RESPA111FULLY TO RE had administered te procure abortion, and ei to ]liq uunieroutl Patrons and, the Publie well tulal)tel- fer eustire partitiýi or quence ; that is, the farmer who Icaves his generally, for thcirvery liberal patrlinazü durifig Whithy, Jan. 17, IS57. hire. !X"Ibk Pl ille el"111elon r sinrerc tilaukgto hisiltinierous lier seducur absconded. the public, for flic kiiid patroulige cettle to the winds will find his profits aise flic pat' fieillison, takeki thiri opportilulfy of lit- N. RÀ$,y :beetom-elil ulw>In him white keeping een tir the wînds. fd.>rijùtl4y thela thut lie h" lnc)-w un havlà a large FOR SALE. whitby, iYan. 18, 1eý. Ijotel. In doing 80, lie -ould Iýeg IIEI.A'ÇCIIOLY DEATH FROM POISON AT and iva selectegi asgortirient of Dotrii Arçi, -ho lias become lessee ëf the prewm Ileavy carrot fur cattle will-soon $MOLE PLFAitûr, JI.&RXF--ë, A IIOTISE AND LýOT lxcn,ýTRE oecnpied by Mr. Connor, In Broek S! crops BitAMPTOI;.-Tlie CW&niqt inforins us that Saddiery Trunks, WÊipfs, Collars, &c., 1-IL STREFT.-beqýeen tij'eý,iurtliou&eýmd din »turn carats ofgold. - li , ýý,tljc GroSry Store and Saloon at about eleven o',clock this (Thursday) All of wliîelj lie will Seil ut the Loili remune Market, in the Town of W Ftitbv. ý Tho Lot>, i8 0 ÂLI," t VERT 1 e building hm been " ed ai Did you ever liear the musical notes of ;ating Priees. Thé feet in front, and ruils a halfae;c in dée morning, a clii in the employ of Mr. private Pitru efstarving herd ofhogs? Extinguish Il N. -R-11tulicular attention paid te the Job- 9 iii a substaprial. riew Mek. Diiliellinz' Citttert, Bli d1ttionof the public and ' y Wright liquor manufacturer, at Brampton, bing Departnient. Iloume, tývo with a frontnge of 8ô n gale bvPrivatc.ëýntrllz, No expen" hm beeu swed ru iï>od these notes »fter pay-day hm passied. fet-t hi, feet in deptK There la a Cellar that nt left the store for the purpose of manufac- Whitby, Ftb. -,3, is57, 0 Nany a Ù" er, by too sparingly seedin rans ille whoiç lengtil of tbe.BUU(MW and Victoria Sal*04 turing a quantity of bra'ýndy from raw -î-o-xETlUNG IqEW--somETIUNG eemented throughout There a'Ci.3tern suited to the proffrem Ofth and t '0 , - ÂLLAYS LIVERY ST-ABLES, 0 lige bis, new 'meadows, bas had te cede bis capable of- containiryz ào IKUWIO Ité ortho abueý spirits. He took with hitn a preparation -gethêr with un excellent Nono but Je bëetuquffl wýnes whole fum Prinip. -Bargaýns for Cash or approved Cred used for this purpose,-by seine called es- Apply te kcÊt on the promis«. Erery farmçr should sec, daily every ani- rIPRE Canadian Washing Cýomppund is un ai W. J. JAIMON. Luncheent, TE mg ho bas, and - inspect ita condition. sence of wine, and by others - essence of -IL tiele amômph.4 thi *b1eh 'no other fers, 8,,p ,, FI nid will, vizil wasIfin wartn, bard, or M -heurs. brandy., The preparation, was placed on 14oft wexer, ý%1th safety,,all fabries, witholit rt S 0. fit remonable Weekly visits, u , with some, soon results t the table in the warehouse; and the de- bing ira a few minutes. it is th ABLE LAND ON top 1 Il tIp Za Lot N ., 1 - 1 CARD, cemed (Mr. Morris), after ling, ne it makes (lothes ClearCôU4r8 brir- the,13th conce,9tuon of litte in 9,81 liaug4d th,6kabdý 8oft and Silky.Cýires eores Pickering _ISI s'O »eb are cleilixiii Thore portion of the liquor, returned to the stoýe, reinoves dandruff, preventiii tiie wear ofcIOtIj;ý is & ood 0, and other, necessui BEGS ýT0; IIEUUNý,Uà BIN- Orchard Grune, ýnd bilitidit, and gaves lubor and fuel, be'dides do- ou thnnks to hiLli patronj3j and tlioee--wb7,)- and took a glau, of ale with some fiiends a ocre bi, 1 " h ing aý*;ay'witb' a nutuber of cooi articles, much Arp] have su -liber»lly supported Iiim, illinS At the northlt this grass' là ai yet but &om TSonto; Ilebad gcarce1j returned au the w&41iboord, wasbing niaelline, 8oap, I* h bugiueow in Wbilby Ilke., -;,_ ; ý and ia fat- chéaper and botter, and eti Or lit ttrisOMee. ý1n vary little known. In alinost every case te hw forcier occupation more than five ça than ony other thini W holsterinq aud Undertàking, ý,Bqmnêééî4ý, lie be 4 0 ng 8 ré Fêlaient rain, th r*t' M çntILý. Whitby, ýFeb.-17, 1857. wheroîti cultivation han bten âUempted, minutes, before the porter r inio the --This dl&ooverY mitil full tiiii ënAu= gli ment for 0 DUr by tho elou t rjý" will be th Ro BAB howeyer,,it haeproved iti A very prolific stol lq.Ueït alarin, exClâlimin le. W. TYLEIt, dcon. je POD cu"ce roi W "ýt=_Ç ç md vguable produc-L À gentleman as- MoWs bas been tuting the e.-sence of Hum ton poRt office, C» W 7. « 13 -L-'ýOR SAL4 TP E ýT00LS -AND C-T6R -BF,, Mswhole Ume' àý to ,Çw thst the terni orchard gmàs brandy, and it bas killed hi ." Où,tfil*ý Cinada and the 'United- statýe* in- 11 t CaTýrla ict1là Té Yý, ver IÃŽMU m _4,w. wZ wn new, Uiiulonw., Ile bas grown it for five or present running te the ý&po4 it wu tound for eue W ý n.T uth inu w"ffl editi pay, »rm i- eý's'4u'a' in ymrèwttb trett aucceso, in au orchard, that the report wu toc> tme -ý the. the abôve ao .- ka takën. in ý0r ut Illi- 1- & If' f,,r a 112: 1 101 i-,tvý jIýarti(-L' iîf tilt llt d 1 ý1(-- uurt- tllIV hf. mc- fi ý-,,rre'i7t (If*.iull %i lit, a f'r HI III. 1-e*Ztinitý,l wi,',Iï the ýutTnoljt Il, Iluiii and PU, RIFY TIIE B >0 '4 Lilb Pilis alit, ïPhiý'eniDinittets, froni ai] minerai paîsOnq lie or tip (,.titer iintou partieular alina . Y41.9 virtitt-1-- Cýr pmperties. 112,r- 1110re thalt tt%'etit.v y*tr,4 belore thc leub- liaviii,, tht- unitild testimoni, (If DIfirt -ee lltilli-)IIS of pct>cfli.ý Who luive betil Jf, the ejjjovnient of perfeet i eL;tll hy ir reintall.,11 iLi the etnlile illedieilic e tiret,.-e pliblie, ýf no lu alinoitt even- City and i th(. Uiiiteýl statett, there mý;ultnv Who v o tt-,4tif%, to thcîr efficacy lu reiiioyfilg ý1jd Ï4viriý to t'ho whole ?ý:vt§tem renewed ci 2s Scur-vy Qr Frur,- the skÃŽHý the opëmtioli of the Life Me- "totiisliibg, otien rejun%«jug in a everv mmtbie of, ttiose Imtli.ýoII)e di- v thé:îý purif ýing etrer.ý$ Ou the bl()()d,- ýtl Agme Pilas, and 1 moer ý1 l "àL'.et4,, soon Tield to th& propérfle's. No fâmily shlu)(1 be with- f. wý 1ýv t4ir tîme1y uft.intiý-,h suifering rame may lm maved. ed bv w1jmu Mory,ýT, y. P., New ýî1 foisaie by- )Y. S. ROBIN N -SON, et, 1sr.. dIEDICAL ItEVOLUTION 11E WoRLD LI.NANimorsi .0 w-- AAIPS OINTMM I le Great conuter Irritant 1 ý71RU'S OF DISEASE 0 kc4 it:4 wav to the internal org= die p Ire,ý i ltthe 9 k'uL This penetrat- nent, mëlt.iiig under the hand asîtis i, is al)sDrbtd through the &=e chan- reaching the seat of -inflaiiimfition, tirui int-griàbl subdues itý whetbei the kidnevii, t1c liver, the lune or itallQrtant orpu. It penetmtes- tb4 the intcrior, though the couutleà t c-ominuiùcateýwith the skin "ýsum- - 'Into the fovered earth, miuât MXMI and Claiodular SwelUago. ýOfc_ mer Éliéwy - of" - 9 Apé a$--. tie hi 1 um sio inc! u e its ap of t iriâHbility in d* of the, skin, ho J*QUft-b > tg t et of this tmnv La Ala, ruïd otlïër vio réni uleer-à most, niiructdons. It fijjýqt d6dm7xlt .. um andp.6*d thuWthe eum -ivmbb- P, sel, ý&v m ,à'îÈeýeture of the cm( "of the-,. (if n 40 L a rio 4 bLti 1 S T G. B Armh Mistrëss just stop 9 Look into m $hop, ? Atallthenicetzin takeablinktor Ifihese TOU dont ilke *A bargain youlil strike If you but lake a peep at Ue Tinker. POIt SAIX 011 lýOLÏT-. TO LET. A 1,ý%IZ(JETW(-)%,ToIiYIIOL'I',E with jill i,ý"et,ýsjry ont ings, a goofi (;Llrçlirl iiiiii orcliartl aiso an exevlletit %V4-ilqý Wlitc.rlàtiei it 4.iýtü n Water, %vith m good 1'tittil) to elleh ot, titelli. Tllte bet (-,Pljtýtinm oue nere tu)(1-à-balf, Situate in 014. Village ot, ],,*I,>' Windsor, I'oM'11.Sllij) ot, Nt'Ilitliy,, Ll(,I% ,eeujiýcd by .1. For furtiler J)itrticiiliti s iilpiel y t o J. 11MMER, Esquire,

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