Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1857, p. 3

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e'41>1004 w 0%.na ieh ftdff9sln the Argumnts » Xeve t Itft a I'P.0aiand thq qt %M , M Sni' Perience " W4II%, ithes tImuu slimltod, h% t.mh btwehatIyt madebim, W", wu lurmm o tion. m'(sDouxall wu %fbemu_ t rb.. MaM dm vîth hig fiand tht RtevooetMbas Rions, but bad ibdhi tangea hW mlnd haîedo umo erUd by oerledothati> l business coul b. dont viien thé tr, Kovett, havln got the tqiasousfor eotlon-backod by the e erien~oce or ou. IL. rr.,RWiii retpies- 6, » t bt the mtdlU m oethle ilove wanuiRamin ugIlng vay at onc, M a remon u gilen for 1h.eumotion. ~Meto~gJ1 'eseted ùw ptiîtiou of l1l"'pa~ty rth To f peTho- YL09 t the lbopealeo- otheCentre àmrogh mail Townsh P. hé Oouricil thon adjourned. SMmONDDAvt Wealnesdsy Juin. 10. létIh Ipmet atton o'c1eâk. Mnutes tv. Smith Wu, 1-1-hi$ Plae Fr Frovell, absnt. ho Wsrdmn rs acominic&tiou froni uQovion, a Wn for the oin f nu- omuunWigtte t roasurer frein I'roasurer of the United Couutios in gion ta a& Sherff's Sale of lands. h. Oounty Treaurmes sud County Eu- or reporta, vote proaentod sud resd. eversi Pétitionsa oWepreeented. oundi tooh a recas until 8 o'clocLc -te TO lie BMlter of the. I Chnieli" ~s. a2To.-Myattention hua beau di- o su anarticle li the Oshawa Vtnadi- w rtheol7th ultimo, in reply to m1 munotkù n unyouwisue o? the. vce r"ns As stated, the, racipts o? tho hltby Station" of th Grand1trunk for euger lrsino ................ $129442 .o ...........224967 kgâast tho saine Items Mn. Ha le cSMbut Station Master"o? Oshala ngrTraffle, ..................po 411t....................700 ............................$81400 uloimg a difemeie in fivor of Whitby, hM tw. lteiniid et" luvard f-eight" sud fenge..trffic"-vhlch ameo? course, Wgd remipgt of the respective Stations 'e round sam o? $2193 09. on the %th, or tihe adsome smteo? $25,609,08 h., ers business ln tavor of Whl3by 1 , RamViildidfw Iliv usut lIow, for the -fraight 1'forwanded' as 1 s t 1 'vo Ir . Tis, Mn. Editor, e, la a new vsy to calculate the roceigts )tallwey Station. Le" us ses for a mo- it whît thia novuatliomaticai dis. ery of the VirentoiW.would lead l.- pose every Station ou the Grand Trnul, lof Moatreal, ininaking up the receipts frIeibt, should ombrice tho amount eliw4r ss weli tiie auonut "forwtarded," restult vould b. liat the, lmpcrntu ieu of Montreal would relent for fraight ooiveed ,id"?owrdod" for ail Sta. 19 voot, jeat-unothlug. Splendid idea, beyondieaaerel1 The Fniartor, iii, assitance of liat 6"excellent Sta- Mestor," mhould uike eue more effort, tie -.Well, neveninKnL.The dka« rerquires 'consolation, sud h. glil I, Nlth a vouncancc. WOver, Mri Billon, If th. Vindieatar uxions te malta cotupanisons othie Er. s betveen Whih'oy sud Oshawa, I have l4ections. 1 oa not aae.what the tint ofrelîght forvanded iy lhe Grand mk amountstc, uer do I cane as il eau. bo conslderel as lie noceipta of 1he 1011; but, sm,,Iot u compare tie ex. t, for lhe Ive places, for 1856, as fuir- mu by the .lical retarus fumaahed te Govertiftent- coordhug tthie 1îc!î1 Returs -ofthe de sud Navigation of the ProvinS 1!tlud "ale of Exports, for 1856, of hby ..:.................. ... 148,08 l"n,............it....... .... 23,876 sfra No. 48 en thellot, belrig sur- me the JniorPots*of Bath, Nev- k Peto, TentnWellUngtoeibar- ton, EefIlleobour5 Prt HOMe "& m th» VnaJ4sUr satied, oruare"oin- mess Oouora, hmewerdumoe and 1 am done. Tt strïkes ms wV«Y stagular fiat *1eur excellent " l.twte of Onbaia, shoald ap moko, ia his votuis, evon cents, ovan WM ven tans, sud singu1aiy eoeugh, la1usidvuh; sud torlher, more sin- diii, limaI the frolgt receired, aud amurtraMG aouImuat te the ex-1 TOWN, A» PABILT Y~OM SLlg IN BEAVEtTONi, LAÀE SIMCOF5 St AtE, go towu omIlkuana eu e 1to s amuiuls=the, vlmgo ie 1%0e whdartaIg te amboat Leadiu sIet Marsand 83acres eof goodisudý. Tii.1lao te o.ast opouingàfor business inuth.eiiskceuutry. Apply te Beaverton lpostUa.. Boaverton, Julie 10, 1857. 21 ]PUIC DInNEim ýA bcOguirIIME4TARy DIN R WIL zonday-lv.xdg noit, .Tuuê1 AT BRYA 'S RO£]4tE_,: by lie Citizen. of Wbiby asas mrIi, unir repet ndegrforEuneil Pi'ix8. "tore Brsu. otaI, the lpost oue, suMd froni nietubor o lite Conixitteo.- Jueo 1,1857. . 21 NqeE COTC H KIK-WITDY. NOTICE ta hcreby <h eut ..t Plcm n s p.- N citatols for Building ac Brick Churçh, lu connccti.-n vitha Kuot or Bc«ilàuno Blyron Street, l int . 'Xof? WIIITIIY may bemseau, sud ftrtler î~iiaao tie at niY Otidce.,freinitie 22nd inst, entil lie 2ud day o? Juky liesI inclusive, between tha hours of 9l sud 8 o'clock,. AIl irtieti detlroos of eontaiutlng forthle es- ecution of Il-ýe vorks, arc e i jesieri ta pend lun Stee.tu4c.eris, end ýiracd " Tenders for Worlca seotà C: uncé,' dîreCed to Win. Leiug, ERq., Cat-at e tzetulding Unumilcýe: on or ba- fore t-ýe Fi-'lTll '-Ai -3F JtL huitexta 6Tia Builiug nCo- iittee do eut l4nd hein- ace att te Luwit Tender, unleas AMtOS W. CRON, - Arrhifeet sd (C. E. Brook St., Wahitby. àJune lth, 19-5y. 21 Id LoTRui Orange Assocation, B. N. A. D ELWGATFS vho ptirpoae attend ite Annuel Session of tie Grand Lo)dgo at Quelec,,are notîlled liat tie Steamer MAG NET Ct TW dýwl Icave tiec <ustoni Wlmarfl Toi-onto at a 'ctock, 1. M, ou SaturdaY, the ô18L, foa.,tr luontreal and Qncec totîclîlg aI tis Immiediate ports ou LaIte sud River St. Lavrence FAItE to-asnd-fro, £4 10s%<'errencv, mesIB aud bertia inluded i lutermodîate Porta iu pro- portion. Re' urn Tickets %ll bho tcnniacd on board lte boau. - By ordeofet ti lgat WoralilpWtheti Grand Mabter. 121 S. B. CAMPI3ELL, G. lx of Cer. CAIERON & DARTNELL$ L> AlileEIS SLIITOISAND) CON- I1. veynuncant, lrock.$freeW(nexlaioar to the itegI'.troffile', Whb, Ç. LuftnsCamas-, I Gtoiaa 1, Danu, Torono. j Wlhby. T EN te Fifteen Acres Standing Wood for Sale, appy imoediately he H. . W7itby. Wbiiby, J uno 10, 1857. 2 4f TO LET. A Nev weil-buIt trame Rouse .MTue Storoya higi centaiuing çkq~aihtsapartmenta, anitstlîofor anîo- II! deraeaslzed Famlly, il stands ou lieaiu ta, West side, bo- tweeu the Tn a u ula rde A pply lu Whitby. Jane, 10, 1859. GOO» NEWS FOR. ÂLL 9il P t URNOLOG 1CAL EXAMNIATION9, KClairvoyant onsultatIons, sud adrlco girn htiae forWcsoa, DaultIdiâ,An of uha daul nar oas emplat. ,' 1 sOANE unbIe. ns'te aeemors cloirylthe omm ofetaloun efaug= sud lufiro- lWue. ýIlenablpsuntogire the abotdrlcsand tô remenethle Mo" proeor rimedios. Il cuashiunes tereeommeudd anViiâtose maneý luat viii ffetsa perfect aud certain cure, whou aul olior reiteeshave tsiled. Il abse ensIles uso m e the moat innoent, sma, sud ortala mes- /o h beni* loyed. .All Whosrmeln troble, al vo havbe, anémunfomtule, deeeanrdu tdledvlih, ._11vwose fond : opes bave been ecamed'iazd blasted, lI vioe mlnds sud L0aith arsutoning su od-dee. tmg;'go to. lis nover *huibg CýLAIRVOYANT& PRRMNOLOGMIT Fer savlce sudonemidance. Ailborbpl endor ;nohincbo'yt hchita anAde-owo fspirits, îtIlessa2dsaglalet uiu, froulvnos casalibo'ýIng 'entier In sd. -deect hal;go tooMitn fr reie?âd onifent. ÀAU LuJie vbo bave sacteraI f-Là1r ltoe. Om- lidnteandutdisêe.es incld4dto NÉwist e eS*ùnl lM viith .oe g-e A ceitience. Previens te marnaege. Ailm n ioaU~te bwathè a ni cuat hlm. Ailthose VII0 have saffed frou the se- ete fill~ ul cdhakbita ,,ofyeath, pceuat hlm ~lucltnllv~havo4 Uolrb aega lu tLe vonld, a:id cannol; go-te hlm for .tdvloa luoN7 lu -mprova thci cestauces. Paroit" shold el lsolui~ naitraIe or Proféwelê l t. àum .bnlaut, aneum..hein lr oka oue- tmyspr or s e l be aulii thsg. "6 uM&î Drcia-' Id,01,. Ti etmm ft eft ubeDu bs I.. a eM I i borens peu em sblie= =etc rem" sgaio ta. ium ilasund p ouiit sea , stci lla *0 b . in * lmemilolb. Oui lot la t iole htbs.sma mslb TOU.,ba.tb «Wlfae xàMm zwammi 09 lb. agermulus Sf clame "&etoflly alice BOB Wm amIaMSa laausw t i mplalb 5,baw lm fl. FO O E D. WLYON eomoe t U'r.v1le .L Adn~ i) m oai J. U7Z, couars <Mwe . iaily S , for.pma.Julmie. At I.ma.tathesas a ILL SRBINSOAT Whitby y, onTursay uo19 DorseDVon 2 sd o'l Pf.dulio Wtoy Mesy5 ce, Mt2.ens.Cîlde u de 9yar taelux as 2c ens Pror sAUe ATcOmmNCE hA" su our star pen SWhitby, May Sili, 185. 4,0sf 19 CABDAGE PANT.. FSAL-All kinda e CàsbsgeP'lnt F~lrMalon, Tomate, Cueumiier tc. Wiiitby, May le, lm5. 19 Uoaethe Glob e ing 8'ot, West, RANI) 3105, beg to'uotUy psivat. lad.- HJi oW dIWd sOCe-koopos, %twards ot Stabss&eUIm thev m owtsklug or- (V INDIA PALE ALE, "1ud t' rlyé eki" oeit PURE AND w )METEA! P1 aE8bsorea wtild mure .the Fabue, tha m loit i'5llimle nlqbelsedontheir TEÂS béige m5 abe fe. &m suy kld o eultoratIOu. Thek wu~bb Purcha dpreviols to the om m it Of Hostiitm ieswtlhn, *M dwlIlb. sold st theimm rim M O8BSfoTiiUly, notwithatandlng tbelaM sdvmSuolu the, NEW YORLK AND BOSTON MARKETS!! W-QEEEN TEAS,-2i. &LO., 8.. PM., M M4s. Il W.£RÂK saB..., u 1~ Opposite Puller Koer's Furniture Wareroomo, Whltby, mq ay1, lut. Brtod Stwt, Witbg.. P&.VVTECILVE TIIEC. GENTLENENS KEADYMNADE OUTEI TTING C L O-TEIINGý Germants superflue K-ade -te Order. Black Cloths. MeNG TEZE, MO.T, TOIRONTO. The Largeafl fouse eomPrhIBlngthe NmS ZExtensive Sok ia Canaa, la DRY GOOD% RRÂDY-Y-JDZ CLOTHUiNG, STÂPLR ANDFAUYCT DRY 0001>S Nqew Damasks, New Table Clotho, New Couniterpanes, New Wlndow Certains. Toroto, May 20, 1857. O N sud 1fter on ie 8h Jane, ntn. tib oie r i=z splvno in=frs traim lie Cow, lu lia inhabitaifts ,o? Wh"ttý, sud r in a u uch qusutîtiesasmsy be required. To hdelirered dily at tiair regideuces. JOhIN WRITE. Wbitby, June 2ud, 1857. 2"w. Whitby Loyal Orange Lodge lio. 10. sll r Monthlr Meigof h jr lu asci monti, aI hait paut 7, pa. -By Order. SAMUEL CALDWELL4 W. M. Wbitby, May 6ti 1857. id ALL peraous are herehy cantloued against A negocldating a promW~orv note for Fi t y Pouids Ctrrev, nide by 1ionmaFuiller Et Co, lu fluvor o< John Camipbell, payable six moulus after date, as tihie lias been uniial or la-t. JOHN CAMPBELL Brooklil, 20h April, 1857. 14-t£ WIIEAT A»D WOOL. 'IIESubecrihar l% preparad te percaaay T.Lqtmntlty of Whcat and WOOl, lo b e ahver- ed aI lie Store lately occnpied by Mr. I.swder. THIOMAS MOODY. Wluitby, May 20,18l7. 18 PETITION TO THE flevo a»uiMunicipal Couacilor TOWNqSEIP 0OF REACHÏ W ZE vioo unmes are uudraigned, bolng VVpards of Two-tbli bo? the nesidout Frosiiolansd Honsooldors rain he eas- ""mment Zrof tblieTownahilp of Beach, for lie presont yoar, represaetiug là value upwands of oua-dfhai ?le Rateable Property o? lie, South- balf'of Lot Ne. 17, the svolé et Lots whit- eau sud Nineteo n th. Slxl Concesion ohe Township of Roaeh, do hereby reqesi liai s By-Lav msy b. p-Maadby yoar (3eu" nciddr lie provisions#o? su A In thd ule Sixteenli Year of Rer M*ost's Rotinsd inttiedl'sa Act toaxuand lenMuu= 46pu of MTa ottp bs- fo y l assouneut ounitle Rate- Pneprlvituteylng, a"d ,odag lutha Boh btotSeventeon, sud-lu lie viole o? Lots Elgiteon sudNinoeteen, lu le Sfzt&Cou- cossio of tbe Township of Reach, aforesal; u additio eos mîtTaes tlobe rtaon sncb Pnoperty, tho samnetiQne Handrad Fouds, for lie pun rposedfrseylug tb* expenseofoc MsmdRestCBrIio, and* cg 8101006St, teIoboteofthli e mh o- essaica eths id TO-wUSp and su at *6eusiA Sy-Iaw maybs i iemt lm bII PlM d b theI- fo l tbee at ,atoL bsYatJy o sY~lorank o Ourcto LfdOuorosn Elahlme l sud JoP icpiOGend ofhel inta W.GereFxon, IJ. mrlcsdc J. A Mases, Win. C. Baâlot, IL T_..Iblls RIL Lnd,, A. sextC14, Wilaisunhrwmls, W... Whlte. -JsMOsS Sulll KYNDER & CRARLESWORTH. ILLINERY t iMILLuiNEY il Show IBooms at Mr. Beali's Old Stand, OPPOsite Wyatt's Motel, Whitbr. ~ M8 BUDDEN rccautly fromn . ~L~ lopen ont her A ~~Fanoy Dry GoodB Uer Stock la al ueowly imported, au<. of the fihat elas. eamarrWpectfully Iuvited lu Inspaci bar Stock bofora purchsiug eL4cwbore. Whitby, April 22ud, 1857. 14 GREGOIRY's BAKERY AND lCON- F]EVTIOMBRY. BROOK STREET, WIIITBYt (S&* de.r t gu. a,,.!wed <& a,.'# B«e4 and rVEI SMRBERTII.,NXFLLYAC- by the inhabitauts of Whitby, sud feela gratoful for tha liberal pe»roage exteuded lu l1"ien beaines. Rl bas owocupied tie pramuses lu Broek Streot nert dùor to Hublurd & Coe Peitmy Boot sud Shoé Store, sud wonld invite the. attention of hi@ pétronstoubis (Irskers -tii. best lu town. AUl Inds of Cakeo,,Crnob. ert, -plain s feucy Bread, Baaqasts, "e, val ba kapt eouatantly ou baud. -Weddiage and Parties suplpieon the. abortest notice, sud iu s stylo thiwl ef'y competition. àeisg, LamesYrk esd Soda Bisus oeiaU on arÀLi g9' GOOD BRAD), AS USUAL ... IÈleoremember the plae-Rat dS o, euM o Àkmw. Hum" & w<eO>'. a ed i Ne m5om WlbJan. 19. 1q-51. IrJAS jatreeëid -a largo Stock of the. iost BPBIfGr Y GO0ODS. CASH BUYERgive bina CALL IHelanoi Gneat -Bargaiàs or Cash OuIy, Iu BeiaetsBâa, Flewe MRbbons Prints, Or- A IaWizo Stock of Liaelus itosSeeisTcug DrillIngs, Bo as-temake roont fr Isalargo stock o? Dry G0oud.'ho vii U bis O rockeyv Glsswxro% menst C4 hp sud Cose -oots, at ~-C~tPrc:for C"h M4ooiasd Sohool <Bobel, sg aot mieutailyys onbaud. RiMaI U lToei àà uffal $hïbésat teMrket £*atu oethe Addreas, JOEL BQLOzww, ftovs, TVU, Coppor, ad Sot SIron Wore. rIM beo-s laom tii. T"~~ WlitVm'and thoBar- maud intoudii tecamyonithe bneainosain aU ltBbraucb£es, ce. siaproies. Frotanthe long exporiono. luntbi auu s a PR4CT1C.tL WOBKNÂN, sud ta É»N fe r theflutIi savo .ye ersm 187 PIGIMPORTATIO0-NS.' IHAMILTON -&ROBERTS 1857.1 nov cmplot.. To the folovlng tiay would cSi specia aetion i NEW RIBlIONSt NEW DRESES, ~RÂW BNNETSNoyelties in Mandle8s ad Capes, ORWBNESANU RATS NEW PARASOLS, lloylee' Printa in Greât Varlety, EbUSE FURNISHXNGS. CARPET, DRlTGGETS, DAMASKS, moRtEENS. GT'TEIMNSDEPARTXENT. IVili b. found complote lnu' SILK AND FELT RTATS, - WRITE AND FANCY SHIRTS, STRAW AND PANAMA RIATS, COLLARS, SOARFS, TIES & RANDKERCIEFS, NEW CAPS. West of EnogIAud Clôthsansd Doesking, Scotch Tweeds and lTostings foi,1 Dreuan sd 7 walking Suit&. The Beat and cbapet Stock of BEAU-KADE OLOTHING EVEUkRkOFFBEIN WMITBY." 'Conslating of New Sunmor Comta, Ve«6, Fauta c TEA AND COFPEE .WAREIOUSE. HAÂMILTON, & ROBERTSë- (STCCCSSORS TO GEORGi WXtLÀdÉ) TTAVE rented, in addition to their former Prônibme, the Store next door, Litely occupied by'E. n.BATES, which bas beau flttcd up as thoir GroceryDepartiueutand tbey arc uow prepmared lu offer a hfgeand welýlselected Stock of Grocories, Wines, Spirite, &c., TEAS, sP>icE, COFFEES, SOAPS, SUGARS, CANDLES, NviNES, BRANDIES, GINS, PORTER A4NI) ALES, &c. Rue, SCOTCH WIITSKEY. IRISH WIIISKEY, Nos. 1 and 2o Commercia Buildings, Brook-st, -Whitby. Whitby, April 30,1857. 15 STOYES ÂND- IIÂRDWÂRE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ltha recoînmendn-ble Cookiugr, Parlor, sud lcatirig Stoves uow iài Ause, (for 0W ior Wood) for sale by tli ubseriber.. - - Cutai rou Femp, IÀLaadZinc, Yipe,-Japauned Tinvare, t¶c1 A GENERAL STOCK 0F WINDOIY GLASN Whitbv.Aui 14, 1857. 13 NEW~~AN CDITUEIGS MIE rW OLE-SALE A ND RElTA The. Larg«ut ltock iu:te.OCountry of Purniture& CONSI$TINGe? DraingBooni, PadrlersudBedrom ýtiust, Cans sAi W< bis, Bedaeeda Baresea, Secreterias, Slbmcrds Contie, aide, MWlls FROM ONE TO FIVE D0ZJI2S0aopg06182'AJYLTL' The. Bebsenihars feel sigadvisin Jute"dinparmeîs.that for qusu tWar Ealislunoý acnnot bicomptAi hhy .my olier Resinuthe Cou whitby, April 14 lut52f PERRY'6 REAI ESFTATE -COL MN - DESIEABLE INVESTMENT. $600, 8500,840W, *300, »oû FOR SALE TOWN LOTS, VILLA L07XS 1>A1?K LOTS LOM FOR BUI1NESS FUEFOSES, AND) Lots for Privâte Beaideumts IN THE TOWVN 0Fr. WIIr'Y m Tu£-COU.SIT or OSTAMO, EAST OF I3EOCK STREET. T OTS NO. l1 AND) 837,E eST 0F DROC 'K £4Street and Sourt of 1'olInrd's flowtl, -, valwihle proporty extcuding from Iirock . l Pcerry Sres lots No. -177 sud 180, Fiast aideof- Bro& Street, North of 11ùllard's k9tel. ->artiea de&ar- in porty- ou theprincipal street la the, Towîî w lfinrthoge Lots well stuated. Lots Mansd -5»4 a conter b look on Maple aud Ferry Streets. Lots 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 -n a, s78. ThCesc Beight lots ame uin o Blodc, bouudodby Ferry aud Cheanut; sud Ash Striis. 1ot 87, West -o f erry Strêetr sd directly op- posite the Stem Flour, MUii Lots 64, 65, 66, 67 8; 88i 84 sud 85 Fit of Ferry Street, sud adjoinumg t Seai &iPr. perty on »he Nort.h. Lots No. 60, Eat of Ferry Street. This Lot la well fonced sud otherwlso luproved. West of Brock Street, Lots 104; 10 118, sud 119, bouudcd by Cen- treWalnàt suà Keut' Stree. These Lots are dellhtfalIy situated lud liaving as street fin three aides, ar well adalpted to-building pur- Pose$. Lots 124 sud 125, corner of Kent sud Jobhn Streets. Lot No. 185 Fut of Kent Streete sud but a few-rods NortÉ offlundea Sret The forcgoing choice Lots were aeeeted froui a large nuber, with the view of holding tlîci as u investmneut, but are nowoffcred forBale to finally wind' epsa large trauaactiou. -ÂLSO-_ Centre Street.................. os Kent Street..............4 Lot'. Eucid Street::::«...........3 Lot,'. Palace Street................5 os Hfigh Street.... .......... 4 Lotsý. VALIJABLE BUSINESS LOT FOR SALE. rlPîlE FIItST VACANTLOTNORTIIOF THE X egistry Ollic, FiAt aide of Brook- St reci being Lot No. 8, 1 Perry's" Bloek, Town ni Whut ,by. The purchasar vill be requirad ti, areet a Brick Building 'on the Lot the proshîzt year. For Frice sud terni of paymont apply tu C oUn i FORISALI. Trovu Lot XNo.1, Corner of Qi Streets. Decddly tli mcc the whoie Tunu. QUF£EN STRE Lot No.1? m8 eet front;Lot Que sud erry Stret No. 10, il, 12, 15 1a sud 17, 60 tung ono fourli e! auacre e crneot Quea sud LUIs aStU b alo u ce Ailofte for ouha adua oed 04and aluasalocations. SLMLA STRM Lou-l =Csu 56. corner ofLIua a Lots Ne. 70, Of ausease rolet bls IN STOCK. ,qaaiity sud Prie, 4,.Q Sa4~ SiJ. Brook49 UPIIOLSTERY'&UNDI, Wbi leu AI 15, 1857. tockëf Wlna

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