Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1857, p. 4

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Îi(Possible, hudd ik J trench ihtèeou ,o --------- inches deep b3y threo fiet wide, atnd:&8-n Look anto hos 1tflctoi~.as reiluired, t1rowingt ee soiy qt in e< .îa abl!izk - parts on -eh aide, t>Os ie hobÃ"~ WIiy i»Oldd PVII~ ici flM ~ ith blîeni4t ad ay thu 'petàtôes hif the I i e i luoian teinan a brotlier letheiTn Strongtl a wq giveo te ile trong trench, lîcaPiug ei up in the. contre-un. NEjJW TI5 KOIP VOt tor pVrple-,4cf wrong, I tii about the form sdl' theOof a house. .When scsea>« jn~i: Baut, te help thp5 wriik ani.on have thom thus preparcd, talie straw (lu tbnai riss~1 tr n ii and lay it one the top in thse saineninr Wi houid cm-y îîîve the brenst imne wheon a nvig"hlbsr Hoceietli bîîî as if you wrerc gcing to uike a thatch of' JOHIN 'RA-apu~ (lifts that fr-ocs hhi1î l even r- slid, six inches wheis presscd close. Thcy should 1111E S1JBSCPUBE1» womUI&wKxJNcw 13 sidtiy al nt 11Ou anti h cveedveylighitly with earth on each«à- otcnhbýâtîfttTéWadCint Bedecit the groiiiid on n4iieli wî' tre-nd. oprscingti li~e hu e pelledthe aboya premiseR. *Ail siâ an lel oen ongtheridce nd kidscf Tin-warc,eaand rcpasred. Braziersi ,whîi slicîîdPr'aie cicrboîlt aîg-fîr 1li nt ep eut the' rain ;' we work of vyîlWeIp4 c dn o uepemaa bor-ai ntokeThe Prtepitor iîÀ%a werk-otebar.ie-A IlAil tlie wori, i bu i stge- liard frost sots in, eajrth -up ail Over cighteen tinker wlîo wdrk-q st lt rade and lis not llriofef finoiisb ejîplaudiî~liz .0; ilices tldick with sfraw, weeds orshort Manedof ît. All-iiirdcrè for work excnted n'sa taemn-iee arnd with de.sp4%oh. Anîd t ln ie bcgrcîîc mi -miieli litter of any kind, which wili ke.p tise' J¾ey , i~ticofl fwork role îand ropai.red IT>ropiu bbc etirtaiuî, Ilien if]uI. snow frotni hiwing off, andi eflectually keep adsirstntecul gond- saut cunXL. Ail kindis of job wor)s dpne ehiaper and bet- shl icuId lîcte cnirbreimuýts et& e, ut thu-hardent fot aonysyttr thac i i c be douée by ahy otlieTisI[cor in Doinig tccroir ie'er serve,; tlie ri cuf; lost any potatocs whien pitted in thistuan-e town. o opecuet iren, cotton ad linon heutrtsq thait b iio iiliî' féecl ner mnore than will ordirsariiy rot by keep- rtii aknBin xoAai«. Ope tlicir own pores and bld tii1nt l bccl- ing; thcy always turn out in the spritsg Wllônprf Ph 85. V4.ï Die b'y their own iuiitil.iendot{. inbauifIco4iin,.d s rsi scd Why msitilîi unual îîmcvo flic îoiigie good as mithen put in. poPm toeIAfef eâeif We STORE, FIilsebecu'B, u ît Triti isvoinog kecp liciter stored in this nanner than BltOCK- STR5ÉET, WIIITBY. Miiu.luef...wtcî cfderur îîie- toroul in a collai-. The iight andi air cause,- Trale hlofig ic i fltl i îîiul iit., flîcn te )lave a bitter tatate, and if thcy are P1T'ibIï'C, ]Butnngl Lve i; aI fqil)itie. ULDIzWXtJTFUTLIY BEG T<> A- writo grow., W 0noianeoto-tlîpe îau 'bUyami T111V licild IiBigoàdfu- If a sandy knUelcannot be get to cnat. a1,tlclnity. tliît they 1have oenedth ibote alietîb cup'iicgoftleiiiii~î ~yflishinentjin('CA.iwr.tu,'a BLeoI, ne-staucr tue 8. 'flue o lb rfi mlti l.troeli on, niix soe m ansd sawdust, or sommrlc'a Dry, Goods an i roSrv- More, nau Tic sdvclî î lîi Lut there h lio zl i Llisandl cawdust together, andisradnir3-QeoieL l Ditd o' ry (;tll athsitIl- Lû teto b lilit"--Gf ii 51'taillshnent, there thlevrintend krep; Tfie ilis dluth i ci cht1le 114,,1tî. among>t flie pofiutcs as tise>' are heifig put hie conzantîy cii lmend a edeiîe e electioun - î-l ~~~itote,:.riiiý.,will .hdorh the nîcisture Bos heedIda lhes iuîc Hkepig lciîdrChc i N >IAN ANI) INDIAN NMOC'ASI NS.v ~~ILItIUIt.io Iluir kc~uing n gnm con- cuir -iiileparticuiarh- inv-ite thecscc <UulTftiffl If 'orion. ~te ai parc of eOur 8ttiug n p WC Ill -a te I Mi i uN il y 'Jlic *tfl J lu î ýr- 'nUthuir preenre. fuis 1mli-l e plainifilovoiu.iy plîtîc(. ins griwing Itotafoes. lIf ilti t bc-~t fil givesths t . - , i o a.111- 19 - lfIrnýeecx îîrk'ieo, fln ni casiiring lbey. île -____-n gis 1-c o cvii cluru.uiw lat wc veLcrow ln o-%WIKISx, f i rinour l-c- LiS fÀ) ritiliru.n&îiv fiu sf are wertl coure foiii,Ituin %hule roliiiiis t i t Iiuhatijws încesn- -S$Ii mle muti fi vafrie %dor-ii cf~~~~~~~~~~~~ opnos rti~iiSf-i îiîs :~ai-i u lias laint hrcuî Ii t. iniing for fluer uîcît.. e r of opinilns orThecti,-, friint Finit, t 'filei \r-i.iý ffi h u ~ ililur n -I tutu riaiîî i ts ai-illi r in cîiiic f mgfin- An il grass fit-iIi l i h tniftl-r utciilt ls fui-idth is- its doptis il' I5rc la aWjcini iif"nei t Pubie ilut o1,n an-ir ' tsIgilad iit -uuiu- 1 . ie s rucclai -mnin oii rvsteup <n fl e îie j wef non or r--tgool l eecî t Irent: flir - 1meci imlthc -uhî--.w1-u i-- un i ýýt ýi îiîl ced e e l i vi,- Vyi74, - hic t1wq î cuif giv-ca tii-' i :dllu-u eîu-i~ l rew ir ilii lle pliciîui--if i i i Iii î l 1cth railî&0tâtteficuitýs cf NwiîuiŽr ilav i riminhiu- s le'.The' ullrentird tak c-c WT'IAKi EF.E,&c lu mtllssîn- aulcitkme fic iml ifc ~ i0i ff-î-f tethu tii cci lowser, ulOil fcct, 11-TCllESAND JEWELRY tise landtiliglît or satily ban, chic 4rîîiiikimgcmet on t.I1toes-ii c auit.lue ivili (ýelinzefln-ici fîr Buîdinq 'Plotligii i t(e licst . As ccc i-, cliu i-f-tucî,tocrri ae, M us -e t-n, grotnîîiis in cm-h r in i lie sj-niliithan on u--f--- w-îIiîi-h. Wreil, auni fhtii sow scithu oatsfor peuis idil THIOMAS PL fîTL. liarrcw aliuf. ercssa-hse Sturl imccileWr<t-acPIc., o-l Tîscre ic ilr orcf isc-iiîtl . if fic JVA.- ~*~ --- ltT('11 . 1> l) I.0('if lA KA L, grouliui iidry. A cti i sii fîhiî- f -l--ip- i itifilvrsou ; i iit. at-. civilivayis %l)g - i ý A f1 r 0i' T(iicu 'it.uu i c h ~ ii îl-i cIir,imuiiu t i - j f; l t'ie i w i.. oft a gt'lic - j J' il oi a gecil coi iicieecfor th--" - - : I' - ie e lit bie~dle aplil ivil-~froiii1- i.i o t :.ý i ii 0M-îiic ie atches, (ilcke cand Jeweilery. tue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l acr, iioui ocit vîof1h t-i--erw -rji i ii-r thi-le tucrraft' -i thuUre lIei e0ll; l ffhl iarri.i,l- .th te Prince m*-~ cituuir to otcuý'tucaliy -e u- liii- îitauuuiii a'-1fv- i - it iii Applicul. 'lii- utuîl c hi- -nu-vl.irî-- --Il- irîls i mIuri,- I--- ii~-lof ý1r;ý 1>, mI c -i- ,:ý1 l 'i l'lhîîî-r iî i 1.Il LiR YAR1, II L1% c sp ring « -.-r -j-- 1 - andr 'ifis ii ii s u il iiýe1-h l t lf i iii 0î'îc l Mr.uf lt jp gstl i -uî.rirlic3 ei a .To u~t îIiývs. hIL S tIi cr nu wl iîtîuî1 - vtc i i- -r(niuisurei-tc W - wlîer,- lie is 4i "-1h îîuîi-uitial-c-cuil i tutI, lwmtil .rid cTfi,v i --!I ri.nud-1 humpro -'îîtc-îî-1 1 ",5--'if~î, vrv- fimu- fincl' pis-cerizî-ii. 11 tri 1-- - 1 -Ito choii0 1lat't îîF -- -aP l mireui ,i'du - - i !i(>lditii ui-. 'e-Vti IutiO iii lu. o i pi utctii îrIci ij-,tl c htu l- efn-ci lthtt-- 1 I eib h lutiiui- tiint i muits Ic1 tt tituli -ulcil Ilui - tiguîi m im i1 iI uir ïýîi. l'lie cufat- filie fun-ccfm;eiuim ,t- t luIctiu iiuuii. - t 1, i c l uîîc ý l ii uii-t tic oS -rf i-1 p irsonat If flic (Liii it lc theîRoyaltsiiulvu--iil- hi lut ut-l madîue cfrSfull lui,; iisi ni-c uirthe tîiduiuit-s ùf ber îrt-(iiuiment Sec clii fhe idrils, Thiii hnt tc i% i. -Ilit - ilu in s iii tfjir%- Il uuiinIsut tumI iuliti: r petafioci a re cii ttcil or lu-i lI i Ii % i tilivsuo f lut-r pople. Vu ii i s-c iie ftue drililice it miii htttct tt - ru c' , andci-i-îut i î[ eîl rîlîil i ui ij i.s i bu thewedus Iu i plant,arle mitIuci-io-lut infhtnt ltulIuit.reitison'-eom ît-c' ilt. lu>- mifiu. 'Affer rviniaiiîui c--î--uit-îlîr:i-"eVetfluris-afu dl-lu, mcs îlutho4ij rine tisodeil tiithlu i d Ieîuî 1 tuuuîlhuuril i-i-c r plhuugh.I. Lutoi lutiii - ris agaful ie-t'oIits fuaie for s inn x .tltaff n uhu-ixi uof ruîiîu, uîmmul lti --li---itheuc oi if tii t tilu fttti u ilc- i will net sucCIr on Su ctuuulîfisandry-si:tltr -riIcil luîuuan>-tîimg «uN tatnhy -oc ns trbmile>sijl îtun citer flO ie i uttli nd p i- L a the pritilie i ortticuruf the sent thîcestuaiucrat Sm wicli ifte sun %ctuilillnuli ii -tFaiuil.- cf Euga&l Iii otlflrnsiseo ruuce. I lu isv duîti--l it, e (>f hb- -to i arc gg lnigihglitil -auitle , gunft-haiitilfmy tt îucla irit-atu ho tîttake ouft ii>'rt miii ing m t-chds flt5t bcluî hjtiw :cualijntleI îcrîulilîut cii , ld Ilîatu May haieecepd flic ir-f luiing 'l'l mLs- i-tttiltj initii uuives--.aiuspec-t, Il u are thon tail to grets, atiuill oni iio uit- 1nr a!1v m-ien-utu-oz flint bbc et-enie-s cf, thue grouind se a-i tuaeffceiîtlly Siltil. th te l)U-iî-uof Currin-ull lhav-etbeeri ic i-Il tsny sre1d thiit scas- slluais lS lu-i h lie - - 1~ j ucaagel fisat flic> wiil -curstutute5fi grecintiis likuly te hoe very %scedil- ii luef- amdeprovision ton thse PrinceofWls ter to coethle seeui witli a plouIlifîrcv ilitiouctt etf --fir suiv tesif alia, ing ouly eue funnuc on etueli llI, and lflin tien fui Iarliaciomt.Those ch apofLa- harrowing doavu lengthwiuue sctii a lib u caster lias licou handîct ir1r tise came way, jnst as the potatoos boigif fte appctur ubotmŽ -andtei ic como uising troni ms source le, tise urtis - -it i aid, (lestinedtin uako provision fer Lusf syring i piaisteu ihoe otise sacres, the >-cnfgor Prineo&; asci affain a pro- tu ii Aatersmms r tatuei iterfO, fImtthie msachinaeuc-as se iauly cmade tîcat icias c hu- iigcti to stop anul tlant flue enfmiir 1, 'l hacaîlIlocceter 1 belee t fhafa geo oîiî-- tatoe pianfur rouilibe a giruat hucitit; the- pioce piautt'ilithihi leîîlictcr guit thet saofth le p:lce îlînicd 1)u'uvliul, uanduvoi- tincti about a 'svc it~u-hetul, amu il fl lantî- eti one day .beuforundî, tîîlthflemlgi turetiout te ho tise hest eiop. Te aisaeaumm I asqign for thse Pîantcr's cfuîucniurif y is niskiug t1W tdrill, urop1uinluthe soculanti corering 'W ncnetiatcly, hiuto le esutn bas. tiue te dry flic carthe, whiriii tas nof, tise qe owth fluose droîîîted lty lbandl, /luichusad nacessaril>- ft- reinain open -soute "heurs exposed - te a vcny lhit suin, - siicî dzcd fiscesîrtî s se ucis that it must lhave boon some ticîso iefoe a sufficiency cf moisture svonld ha geucratedu te art on the- sceti suffictoutîy te cause if te growi. SOavîuce *ND IP-AsINGcuTUSE Sres-Twe sorts cf secti, sceau pofuilees anti eut secet (noie large onos. Ttîc scnati petafees arie sortmud tronc thoso grosin fi-oui flicect socti (rom eue ishte oeeand a haîf incises iu titanierenit alr-thtse are plant- ed ehiole anti ne seoul ta uctel fronafien te eut seti la sorfeti froeilt est largo, petatees tise bosb sîsapot aatidtise haltis- îest le uppeurence eut infe goti lange siz- ..cdt se two or lrco sm teks bofone planting tisuoWn infe a iscap ou the floor ef an ont- house, trreti e-two or th-e finies, anti a littie plas ter fhronesset-cntii e açlî tîmâe tlaay ara turnati- Tissturning tix'its theni îqually andt lay force a skiu- on flue cul portion etftisa set wlicb is a protectloi te tisemen u plante By these moes tise seed laý kept pure frons 'mixturoesith, ofliar lintis. 1y tiese aeecting tise besf anti tarsoaécl ycar te.procure accu frocs tise potatoea do cet degenrate; nLiflcr dle tley required clarifing se oftee tisat is fetching frais a distccnce four" a claaceg'of oi and clissat,,, They are a shsimer -andi f'ilt potatoanadt crop excoodl-ngly weUl; Uc6 e 75ainexcellent potato in thofr pea- son but no101 ood for esîisgi ine n apri-Wianr .. pt-r age. ITo cannot but remeber that btofhi biorgi [V. anti Williacin IV. cocitnis-et t,)exc c ffîudth e ertunas of tliecatwobu Cis ilu adulitiouî tet their regiuhan Civil Liiî, ai-1 tiiuiiuterc stas nuit a lPrinîcea ot aloý exaali in flue dassfcfuither of theni.-- 4tutthîe Quecculbas luru-iaaccd Balmcoral - a iI feluuîuu-ile eats,; wluerc shé prnie lul1>' roi-des-ouf et lier estn pris-ste in- cocue, isitliout pntfing tise nation te cee farnu-lîcof cxlupisc. , Tiise points ougist te le cnsjdered silîc suds. a Message as flue une whiluicaus dmliîrcd ast nigist ln cithc-nlieuse cf Jîmrliameuf is undor con- 1 iterafien. If shoulti be reissemberedt ta fthe geca-by Royal au rcs;pcctability," w-e iunfunte cru iciits luiisemit sese, ih nef iicined te i.r tac thLIe people are suç pliicleecl romtint totint tosafisfy tise claceorous demands et ereditors; but thé ikey-note avîichis lut ruck (noce alove rings fhrosighet flice nation. Queen Victoria, lias put profligafo expenditure out et fa- sion stltc lShe ducs nef faite ativaufage of lier- fexalte-i station tfi.> traaple tle orduii,r' tans oet morality snd pnabity cinter foot.j- Whcu the Sovercig-n cf this vatat empire estutenîs if a sacs-c utidty nef feo oce amy fmcaci anythtugr, lit-ser people sasay mute up flueir minuls te fotiow le lier fraie. will be prepese tilwosulstbe-suuîuaicçtg sverc sie te disenss cf heuc. iu uuuli isowever, we.xnay vettumre ithout offaxce, tecay, that tish sle stand imosf ifoùidçd- nunions have prevaileti ns te thse ameina f e uc-at is oxpocteti, or uc-lat n~csat~,,If uce sun>'thsat iu pnuitabiiif'y flac suîù Xwhtcu lias boon meutioeed as revenue ha net mcise lcss tîan tise capital aiuu ,w-liqh w!lU ia prepeat,>we,%sisiU til e aleadinW thee pub- lic fur, aorayu - Pur 'over># masson; tus tisat thec plan of- payhag a good m bi ant doie once for'ahl may ha adoptetin h place itf throwieg a lifé-caau-gàï thJýexw, 'iswould ha but to keep- up-heartlcorns. in times dicity 1 -itwoud e ahumiatilo' othe Crow-m of Pu-ua athat it sal beha a hu.tre I s4baS .Tth tie ollowing Property situa din tise vIlý loge of Ltflc, Tovhualiip oet Eaaeh vi7,..&Stoe wllDtted np Ssnilg'ba lt 8 ,ind good cellier. -flsc-clHÃ"n-tin g 0EoIlfuis1', Kiteimen anqi Weod lieuse, A Pum c f fràt- ra ta e~r 'Oithie preteal66a. A-s.sj M00oc, -'slarge 5imcp' *en aute f lt iîoenscrs, ILnesMa-r, iia Trucacnisse, &c., fer'alil otwilo 'Tlrâda ts ia tirât-rate openufgs, noue boing nceS. Landi actacriati..TIi. bpva t& vr y dealtable, properby, andt te seyparties h - thce Ste, uqlnta, o; aty,et tI. boe à- sa OnI> 1,50 will lIma numerd down. Lie.isbainS in tIi-e equal annual 4usnasmmut"ý % u Âplï iy f l elaà e'taci ) 1lOUSE and LOTFOugI,-m FV li,a ieucend tLoteeed 13 ii - Ceaxi. Thesa uiîve plane i la uU7itu_ uleulnow few thuble rieiience c, t1h i t wc Ilction, $ec., witîu sàgo1d - .~Of w Stable, Slieti acd Woodie~~ i.- 1 1-tf. THE BEST INVE..TNEIqT r TNTITE FTiOIYPISHIING TOWN OFwîrn I BT, is to uic ituuua i lu ma.pu-lw~eOft tis Olifntule- îrcpcrty moe tishe Linawe i o fLu flue Esitaute thle latei"UCAPTja u <OUGt TIIEW. anti ceci uTt-etfor slaby laS, Exouù ors. Pe Ti~ciyAcres or, iLan4 Becuifulîv siumii--cu,lcmviuiaFocuen 'ccmetfu L Lina tof git Eue toZ lîc M'est andisti ut ades IUUI, aihOcu i anda Four lds on fisé Stutiuhinha onusiaud t >fis Wtirs c onf Whîtîîy,. This seater froiuig, uefm c-mbeccimeiiumonuieiy valitlabl as rou, lue grncutluinereasiettnula of theiNorthefu W.Iia-fuace ci~ulaia us--e 'cli ver> ceeu ha quite le ade-iâte V)tuei tise ncîu i,-nes cfftic iimtms anil tîmis froncutgesuilivr>bue quite ÃŽmate-' li nae te flue reujimr.iiint cof tise businegs. and uic14nu-mutauge witi s onsciilube Wactcul fuinsanul ie-z, tip-hiuilding,nimnf.mcning andtits,, Reu o-scootrs huiizgdefercnsu uanaeIia ue whulutlpr-m-e nf c un'one lot, an-jdunpareii ou aicu ahtitai iai ttews. ui eufirmtte Form l~i\iiý:t furmther uic.cieu plhuroc ROBEpRT fa ILIANM TALLA, ErWnor i tu, '-u. 1.147. - - FOR SALE, 10,000 Acres of Wild Lauds. IIFT E FSITUATEI) IN TTE TOWN- . 41upu cfluit uî. icctltk, M is,CGrey- uunmuîti-uuMineNornanut-,Tti-nrali Raiia ara, &eic,-shc,.-. Fen parcileusunsa-mc AMSW.CRON, At-u-hitu-t, (Cltil D10117 and Fwl Btate Agzent, ilc11 Street, Wbitisy. ru:he Tt'iîlf Whjîbs, aunumisercf Town ]4h», .A. W. CRON. LAND IN SCUCGOG FOR SALE. fB~A(IESING LOT No. h, 7-mTCN IJIPtî-ciuil.Part etftisa Lot Is geetit urd% -i. Liud, thue recualiden is inLied wfh i OBRT I LOu -R T. C. 1, A C E,t. cui,,nVeld7i - - FOR SALE, IiO. CUGOG NAVIGATION. ~NLMiFRl '>F-' H01CE LOTIS1-N- I j u~~utmmc ÃŽ ta Ui hirket.Ternm i ubrai.- - -u t I>rcn SrcçtPjitluy "r I RE B-RAZND," SPLENDID LN1tES1IM.NT. W liu0, N T AR10 HO0-T E, tB. C. IIIITTMi K M,3.aster anti Os-r r IiOC*STIIELT,,WUiTRY.- Z TI twu- tuil ttiiIl it'lE SURSCRPUfIEli OFFERS FOR qALE i Oîuî ---- l ;:'t -_- tu I-i uuuulr IHOTU L noug acupictiby i i-n- r ti li, oitche zt ilI - uecîs i ai i u freetga0eBrnclStreet Tic jim----u iii utc t'c-- lit-itutuileuil&-ed f1).uu i Oj ri FOR SýALE IN TU _T I -t it -: Ii OTS NOS. 2, anti 22. TIIEY ARE SITU- iii.-ou uciti auti tuon Dutia m et, b bla r. S. Ctuirn' and t-ndeï Lc;reük. T PRlOVIIOiNAL IIIEC-'"rORY 0F Tle 7Wiiîft cmii Limie lurcia Ilailicta>Cocupsuit- tnaisau- t fheâiluuminessiilu e " lsou ,cic tue (erummclNecespzàpor Etabli:shrnunt. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARgy, WcIOLESALFeblca llu T AMFY ITIIIEGS Tu) IETURN luIS ul iti,- ru u hiiuks ttiitje jiliua)tijtiiocf Wiiitts- rîîîu fi .irrcuutiiîig mintrt. hunilihe libersf-1u-- truiuulie tuimu mviedul tiedmg flonuiglt-ru-id Llim ii, canried i ui msjuîastî iinget tiiemu. iii d.uiig su. lie cvuiiuld lxgtu- mate, ot ho lheic pro- pireînt-uo isutil> Bu lýke- su ad ttiufeetuunuuje, tif Il i a n d - t l -'i u r ~ a ~ u e a id Mari Set ~, - Port Whitby. SADDLERY - - 'cHARNESS DUNDAS STRIEET, WIIITIsY. JAMES hTlI53qJTIW49tins -tu"lis umecu fA s'o ci sat b0tPublic ui-cerlly. ftunIlion SonyIcrnl patronaedutini,, flue pimufset-i-uitakesthuis euspdutunity cf lu- tunuuuicig theco tIi-t lue Uhua on- dia)lanti a lange anud well selecteti asmorcmccaf etDoitss i.isc Ah ouf suhieli lac avliSI utidftahe sîest recneas rutîmg Priteuim. <4 N. IL-4'aîti'ulauattention puilte te Job-' 18. si57. -- - CIIANCIERIl'ii Ã"NIErACÃŽG bT'IIE ineas'igu dact i-ing rese e taOffice IL utf Depîtyleegluufrarv rob luxu f n- y qlbb4n ceju the,*'ffi îistca Cs- ýLt ff pIoe adoor Sout,îî MIlS. ANGELINE 'WEST, LuAi433, StIa cocceen Darlingfon. mChlrhia ftifng" pieuse ep,- cnitllforisit. VALUAJSLE PROPERTY FOR SALE T rfi i PRQPERtTy 15 ?LEAS4KTLY SITU- âtdlue î femnlchi gTowpof 'IVhitisy acre et Landi, ufh uUtvi hfrostags, a COMPORTABLE. BRICK C"hqAG- wst ui altellaut Bucidingsan usexiçènent hWeli tut Wrater, anti a Cis-ca, teget- isetwf -a-euac- benot vainutble Fruit Ti-e. Foc'utÏrpzi culeraappi> te outcrprt W.-811AW, on tie pramises. -Whifbj, Feb.lé, 18.57.,-- 4 - FR AIE..31TOWN' LOTSI, T N TRE .TOW N'OF WU, IN' TIf I vcmntyof lime ?ulrk.s noefin course ef arection.' Als-TIIREE WATER LOTS. For father particl= u-nsdtorae 1 10,000 aes Wild Liad for sale. Wib-Tais. 17,15? - É~A MF<%usÂ,> ùrO CÀfLIÂSTS, AND 0E=r ý ,W1lnLeG ?f iltjE-001>lhVE5Tàm"rl. Susrbrofr o ae t- àub -ti c t e s- I A--- LARGETWOSTMROIISE Z&witb ls noeaasry eut l&s i4,agoomiG#rden ajnds Oreism an eîèanffloe51en f We~ t=re Cke latao-ftieft NWaieci, 'l a good Pumïp te ce ocf fisen. The lot owsasi e i' ntisor, 4rowwllpetWhitby, now ocupieti Wetla iyare. ce' i tise nme aSoommodlation and 81 W ut-builtngs astse foregoicg,be- the iaspreccise& COj n J. 1 1 4i -'l ÈsquLmra ' Q~.~TAIIIGETWQ STORY 4I~~ Xlfltc on ee aut Store, with IiasL ai nuceaeary Ouf-buildings, andi a _IIU odrdn, lnhe Vilancf Eca Aeaomrlarge two story Ilouxae uidjcinicug Ihiie.Kr fuirtir particulara apphy te J. IIAMER, Esquire, Propriotor, Whltehaail -Wuitby, ÂpuInd , I8 e L -,"-u ihl't - fOUSIE FOR SAILE. -A goodtwo sfcry Brick flousenat - ii<mt Windsor, withln lthe Meeicipulity cf thme Town cf Wisit- Ili -by. It coecmiih5 eàrfiuicnts suish a gced Ceihir andi Bmtrcry. Thora taiea Go~ arden and ani excellent purip.- n ie Lot coi ajsl ail aeare. Txiu-Oefiff h ccclidowuetha baleance te Ã"EORGE McGTLLI, 13 roiuietor on -UmePrrniges WHITDIV CARRLAGED)EPL»IITORtY f E LIVlNGfeTI)N IbETL-RX I\ls 11, il.. Cere t)isanke i-muOflic iciabitants of vuitbi sud vjtinîfv, fuir tilh lýrul suppo)rt int lipn ulie cerrvang (ltIsa busieumas iIflaMn. C. F . Hall. In annoueciug flic dissoluin ofc puntnefaiip"belsucu licfiReelanti Mn. Hall, lie 1wonld fakie hIcave te sfatc, thatclue business avi *bu cannieti ce as benctofore bv lir on hie ii-n ceeouut mt thec nId eetabl*Islunenf, Diintias- StI-eet, Vhitby,-,wiscrc nneutft he ficbuutic ds- crîpulen et wonk sihi ha ftnuml ôt f -, IL UVINGSTON.Z Apr'il lit. 1857. CARRIAGEN, C41IRIAGE80 Salng OffCheasp for Casi or on Short P.TRLAS 0ONIiAND AND READT e .for fale,a largeo eck oet plendid Bttffgie., anti Currisges iofulif enent tiescnlptin, svbh1slie silI sdi ait a trif e abot-c ces, as lie l6ircttriasg froni tise luisimîcas. Muarch 31sf, 1557. i Carpexuter .& Setiture, Carriagas O f nil kintds Lumber waggons, FARMING IMPLEME.M'rs, &~ 1 se shoc'cg ngcd sepaidnng at short ilutie. Agents for C. H. Mcbcnijc'i;c ceeuiicdUowcr antiecujmar. :13 îe:o'e'osn-z 7îtE ,;Ew MRETal, avnrn.,. RAIJ's LIVElRY IE SUBSCEIBER BECS TO _i TI LE x te iibitexcsof Whltby and tfiscpubli thuit llias epeucti a lit-ar>-Scelntfscm'eu pbmeîavbreb4s-uS cI deseven to accounusodae ail st-honiay ftver-4im avith tficr ordure. tg0' Splendid oi-en u*andticovoui.Oýed aics capableofut CrrUng igfecu «1persens, anti vcry *le. pedru carrying planaure" partiesi,, fr 'Wluttby, Jan. 15, 1857. - 11Rs Oiers, Bts- du.,oncue.by rvate Cosutrier - ah ALL'ANS LIVERY S9TMILE$, Dargauns for CM&h orapproved Gaudit5 .C,&ATA£ CAR*AGE 1T GrO~dI IM. t v C ij o ? h ue C o u ty tO ls - o, a ti e s cd i- r 1 - a i $ m s t h ~e 4 i 4 a l t n m c t o f R o b t . M in Fi i b ke lA nt if,1 b av a s a ei d tait- ena fl éeïltioil, AUltheeuAtata or intrnaI et e -midEobere4 Mosrpp, iandt t tiefduowng ande sd teccuats, vi., Village Lt'in 'Ocia- w a, b etng co npôoact of pat of L ot art cicer Te , i n t h o I [r at n ts s o n o f t i s e ¶ ô w s i s p f h t b - dsrbtsef>llowfi Commencug when-Ë posttbuis ben plutet, aî thea Noth Weigt Angle of aitipiee o f Landi one the soi s 'de of tisa ingtut Rod tee otanslt-1clc stes'iy (rom tise Nortlï>West tu an d i e i-c, E sat w o m hel in s A t lin k s ' t h ce Notasaventy-fot'r,'dg reei, Ia n iul Westtwoobstinaift uki; ýhieaSôcxtb soven- - ~4b~mudgrcè, W eIi nt eain. twenty-fiva > n e t e s e qls a f , h e I ùe r g , c q u c tA i i n g b > aameéadà eii fty mîli-e." inror ha e, t>wit tise te n e ts t isre os.- A l -" o h n d a saut tçe eunts6 or Ille ai 4ldef eu da*18s est a nmud ifim»ttsoref~~ju18 iefofr Salo a; mdy 0f- ilS üýibcQi; lîu*tOu b Swuc cf Whitby, - on Satuirdài ibtis weety-uevcnItbday e(o-.ue, Ope thouaed e blu drdrdffy-eeA th vtr f c ' citik, nceeu. -- NELSON .0.RU Y(LDS, 1 - 1 . - . o. S h a if i", O 1ffi ce, ,ýS , f . 0 SHERLFF'9 $MXE 0F LANDS- COUNTY 0F ONTA-Ri#J, VIEThIEOF T o W ,l - .. aW r i t o f F i - ri Fadas, aundis Wniit fVcdtjci Expoiune, le- 141(: OUd oncf lier Mjtf',Court cf Cemuccon lcesu, seul t i ietti, ae-ingt thme Lande andi Teneccoî ie fs fFretiericlc ifoareudfendant ai tise anit f Robert, llarvcy L1aWfmr, lainciff, t1 have Reized auid naken ini excclitifiiralPtise us -uâte and Ifitenmlut cf flue maul tredérlifoare, in -and te the f'tlle ai ýld d em-t u 1iz i oi toL. n m-ir Twentein th iseh coneession cf flue Townsihip if Whttty, whoeon is situate tIâe MilI and Il)weUllng lieusei cf fl ic uiidufenduet. - Aise, al thudéJendaut nigbt andti ficeileLot Nuaber Elgisi, ini lIe Town cf Whitby, -Eut f cfBrock St rect, béing emnosc ofpar ofLotýnyeiiber îwnty-i-t inic the 8ecï>bd oueiuccf the Towesliip cf Wimi- by. ,Ail whiela Laeda anti encî,fets, or tise cciii deoditt dtseat luterestflri,1 shiai olffùr fer cale ut ni> (Ilico, ile-oiscf'rt -h1ismeu, in ftic Ton o f Whitluy, on SRaturdau> thue Eigbtlu day'cf Auguuu, otiOthisenn eigiut Jhucedancd 8tty'-even tflcier-of Tweive o'cbcek, nuion. - NELSON G.IREYNOLDSI, - Sherùfl . o Per J. L. B. P. SlcritfAp'a Of 857.,ii I3rltisIu America Assurance Conmpany. 1 NiCORPOP.ATF1Y cîcter an Acft cf tise Tiairt j i-Iaolr cf tfic levccmthî Pruriuicil Pariacnent .uf ùpurmntica. - CAPITAL t5-:100,000. Insunice effi-i'ied on u lilltigu amui thutir ectimls. Every ieufuurmsafiumciupiiieti on ap- pli(raticua te thue neoeigictî. - MaiaBcafgs' tise flas<fafs surfuir Perte. Proecton icnnstLoss or Dainage sy Fire.. PAM CA PITAL goI0009u NSR CEeffecteti ce Buildings antle'ir, .cocntn. -Es-en> iatlntafe mi o application te thé Uîïuierskigctt.u lPedo f JOHN AG.NEWv, TmeaniBeaconiAssurance Coneply. JNSCRÀNCE effacteti on Building> and flair PROVIXCIAL ASRNECOMPANY TJL vry iutiad cemnplet stock of Sitelf lia And, eut isu tates. -Thiur prices su-e Lsno am cviii ledie.ttsoe wboiver bisae trial toe n- tend fth&irorderi4 sud thoir Sbck wifl lIwaYs h ---41 King S&reetý Toronto, T'7'eý'uuot cons igeeand» la¶551 sësoftint c il i aclein C % » w dc h y wotilà ln-' vite bueemu-a attention. &R..LEWIS à SON. Jseuuary 80,18. -- 2A00 foo.It tf0Inhsi Pat;et Weldd Iron Pipe d,oo0 6 m6a 46a i0,00 44 - m 64m di tîa m - c mi -tg >Stogck andefis, Ir=ciasd BruisPlPSg Main' AIS- LSSPITYLEWISE&L;£,. Ge taFittUgsjaFeQ- aciers,mb4cs, ot Water [fet and BôY Wiuri, - ortaie Shovrer, athale-Fetfatis, Tellt'8Stts--Bakîng Dihea Beau-t'a and otisor Patent vilteiflg Cofea -pots CiiocolmttePofn-Coffefions. - M lc, Su gr, an ti Tea cBûxes.- Bml anal--fiefwafer pintes. NurseryLcrps-Cheesc Toaters. Plat Waneis-ineMullers. îlt cwîterJug, Tr&veII'ng Iltnaus, &c. Prsa LE wIS & SON, 41 l(ing Street, Toronto. Deed'aandCaailt Boites. LARGE &'SSORT.MENT--:-varions sizu-- Arecuit-adimd oiifr sale bv R, LEWIS. & SON. Ceun Puirdonmans. - AN' ASSORTMENT 0F QUITE NEW AStyes Cai Purtoninsu,, Vmsese an iLIds. Juit reeceotindefor sale b~ BELTING 1 BELTIING 11 IRESUBSOPrISBAItVE NOW ti t isuit, andi for sale, vcry low, -Indiaa Rubber Bultisg, Fren 3 te 14 incee. - 20 oils Bombay ad Maculla Rp, frocs 3, (m 13 inch. li0 Cauisa (ut 1Natte, asiuortmg azines. 5Ã"I T on s Bar, loo , a fd hn'\ Iron, as re l, 2.5 Bumedies boat Spring Steel, nom 21,J o 23, incises., Iffl Feîcl'sPougis 1oncld. Plough canie, Avil, Vics & ýEMdescription of SIielfasui ienvy IIenidware. - - J. S. DC>NALDS<» O C' Whifby, JO.uary 18, lu-.. MM TSTONEYL YE,&C. 'NOTICE TO- BDUI LDERS. DtU TERS GN ED IIVrIN G 6 EEN A T poiiiteti A ent, bu ie prepredt tti'riibh uuîY o1aui, Lime -Ictirue mivnîuticai thc Gorad rnk taton lun Wbfbj, t 2s 9d perbni. Applyfto TIUOMAS DBVERELL, Ortfo WILLIAMSPE.XUZ LLME -FOUl SALE.' C ONNSTANT]NYON IAN I) ]UltRNTG7E Jeeeuin efl v i an ti Snm iner F re sC 'Iurn t L m e, svhc hw4111 esoltifr Cash culy st s f4d per, lr. MATII EW CAL, lIT TON. - .~ tii CUTS'rm-,ýVIFiasuLIMÉ., di' -SAFARQ(UlIARd& Co., ARE NOW prepared te snpply Contsaètors sud buld- ' eîia witfua beaupt4il arttle ofeutBilding Stone on Rockdale Stone andti Lme Wot2s, san Esquesiegk, ant i ehhbe deliversd t theStatios y esn iâGGrand TriukERaflrosut beteveen srlig-. to t an sd Torento, -At. Toronto 1hices. WTlia ztna la of PieSiat qualily, a sula- caeable of bing higlly lntslMé, fesui, Old Ug w: DR. Amos&0 SON in eve.q yaste-and ayccptom ef-isuse. Tb ce utamt tIuisy ad opt 4lcfhe reuscltmof u'. warot8yei'cteuivanau seaetalpr» dec in 'The mst nvetràté ese aalightnafutfrabin2 or 3daym, et àmoderato ts4 ýpanse..Thi e Oe -siff dwitllput ofn , Y<IUWO mmi TAiEPrTIILA relm Tiserais ucterVll habit soefnatlnuos in4lgldis hsy_= 2 besbiisIue;atif ù, etre6rt fare In tisa insat. -- 'Ai stucnt for the curecaf genitai Dal4iity' or Nacturznl nsions, more proparly knosen as Setninal Weakno;,s, &-c. o'c b. permaseaiý cure nct iirom tileesn te twau±y <lays by thiast of fuis iestcient, whan uâco4oyca5Ã"itlywith meicine. Dr. Anmos &Sesi ïtaeplesacre !Ë , anung thaftbçhyieventnIaamost iinpactant'un- _tîscment.forfisce cure ofthie aises, diaesem IS blas lc ejec te s tCstiy thaleaot eucenezit psyiciusa in teý--ndon, Patms, PîiMieiphiai pid Neêw York; if hag bci dseAau-ad tn b« tisnly useful inalriment ave- yet diseoverôd- for th. cure of SominaI Weaîkuass, raay disess qofis.i genita 6fli as, ned by ti ee-t Ea1uitp OI yonfis. Dr.' Aines & Son, le, Ubrdon te safialy tse ains skeptcuil as V tisa cerlts of tsir ianranent pictige fiseismlves tist in any 'iu5iene where thisy >prove cnn4tti..fmaet(.ry ffer s fdi't-iai fise ceeue> wtllblu efinsed e ietanfngý tiï Instru ment iin goed- entier. - l'ornon wie ceg tse aboya neefail InstrurneM wüL observa tisifua pnica.avilish ts a o Pspez>u- ieg directWonsu, securuif pecke n sec U X Praule iboen dollaérs. - seI>1 BElWAat or IMP'OSITION. lWBwaraetofEmpinies sud iherunt seit- loti irofessors subo aitcxcpt ce but neyer suo- teeei. - - Pr. Aines & Son hâte for a long sertes of years bieea esugaugut iin uni -extaesis-a practce iua tie Irctusnt t tsee dlleca enplaitt and lare tise ouilugleelyualiled tisiciacs -Whmo nô*_ isirenisa e is(th Csdinn J>rauuate cre ewan eoieiplaiets, or frequ avîcoceGeascin2 uop tecees cee lbcobtiimtI. Pursoe n un mvPart of tise Worhd-may bé af4 coestely tanuuiby fcrwarcling a oe C 6ftf hem aace,'uitis a runittanca fr Maeis &,e,,wehi aili -bhoratursati siths'nt - teapateh, and serefreen ebervatiea. - , -PURIFY TIE BLOOI>.- MofaasLf Pilad oeu p Bit Frcfoéal Minrai Polsoluq- - t LA.7YwHCi -i ,- -ffA'a Lite PihImi anti Ficaclix Bite aae-at-i tainati on Voieie ie tha atraayrdi'naï7ourf effctti y isar se, rentierq la urneoessàv te fha~icop1ebr ti nter aato atseina p h el tu et OC1Ks A i>rls miiufdr in he~erte.n 5t amesins;mu in MiiWhîîv % alreeticou - u 1IGG1NS & M2 BOOK PRINTING ESII puble thuit fI eilia iunftfnvec.e( Bd a lare ieh aer, &r.., wlhic ameuJ t t fi c fii latuV.C-3£iST DGE O)F TIIE )Urtae. OffLouýat NELSON C ERffi. * 3.] ~P~iWsic:î Luanfly-An )eatclteulC w-n 'ssv Y aupanor -Couvyanciegea eugroJOHNg Iy.smul. ffuafas traerUdia-sq --J Il

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