Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jun 1857, p. 2

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New: AkfiýWWlts thi Wek. i'tsblic ligot- te bIsa Ram Pýrr*, Oômnity Côtounil rrôfdiffle T' WeM * tog elther'b p me o Iieclrlio--. l.Esqutre. this officei. M1f u hw ofOshawa; rdi Sl etfF41ar'%K-sk-i-T. lt'n &CeMr. John G.ordon, et Broekulu; Mtr- John ýIlmclTtl l'ýj7.A large proportion et tic citizens re t lifè hecroik. enÇugii 1r. Philauder XCU* kand TwoUiu Los fr Sc-j Mî e.j. Whitht' îmet lut the Ontario Hotol on Mon- SECOND DAY, . M1r. elnry ilsunain, of thc Toua ot Whit, iOtla,,Ea~tluLoîi>~i S D. ay cvcening, ut a conîî>imentstry dinner WrqsÂ,Jm ,u~r . Gbs eoddb'1r moe i lehlowcy'i~ ~given by thenite J. H. Percy, Esquire, 'niie (ounty Trmaurer's repotw r-mvdteniee f. Mrti . '~w ci's 4llauks fr ~ ireviou te bi is departure on a tour te Eu. Çeived and read byr the Wsrden. 1r rdn 11, doG.It l)aleil. - r. r soconded b- f.tDual - - ~ roe Telarge ciining rooms were eow. fr. Hew#étaskod, uhether the. Treau- ue.eD y aMrden, i. nIneft M ink oîîfrterer had 'linhie rt take' n looaccount John Gardon.o lr LÂ,WYElg.BILANKS vltR SALE. folding doors having beeu re- the Non-reaident sund Fud, due by tic Tchmuen crid ujovedt nl - onfrtchegucts.- iUnited Counties Council te this Couuty. The aCommiettears sd. rpre h AI IN$Ob~LAWYEI'S IILANEKS ,The gîtest of the eveuiug made his appoar- And furtiier enquired if the application of report as amonded. >1Ior )rSale et1tt, (>1k0,r ve. Inant Ijacain hsj fr. t ein conpany wi ofon getemn~ tic Municipalityet Mars, and Ranis, in re- On tho motion fer roception, tie nie Evev ae~iiîîI î t'Jol Woii xceledui)îthie- colmnitttuc of lnazîa-gcnict4 after wliicli t-nfu w u f u ero the of H. ilanan d-MartnSiwwe.sv o 1iiiitu iih1i-, th '.l i onncil, andif net, what urtiier ptep erally uîoved iu ameudinent sd negativ- au inshotet niln. hoe pesnh oo scîste arake of an should ho taken by hum ta, have doebentures cd. .~a AXEbIiilFEh lUlit occcdcutiliner, ot u ir Mr.lJryn'sisftucd on the credit et that fond intuavor of- Tcrpr rs hnautd bttyle---Gî-eee haaiug been proviousl! usMui- pliyM1r. Gibbs moed tiat the. woigiits sud - . < y pronouncetl lîy 1r. îîodgson. Th Vre ugse that after tho measuros purc-hased by Allsu LockhVsrt TrourFs rpot hd ee lidbeforo the Inspecter ofweigbts and mmeesucrsgo Amongst the gentlemen present ive Oh. Finance Committe, revoeassu iprhadfrnuifrti s e i .--1--- servcd N. G. ReyuOlds, Esq, Sheriff ofthlie Ranms, by ttending before the. Coninittoe, bunîy.sd rmhm o h ueo h Wltlhv, Tlirsdîrv. .Iiip 18111, 1857. CountY of Onlarif', who oa-a-picd thc chair, could get theoInformation sougit. Aontuy dot .smiedta h 01n lîk riglît 1Mr. l>îai- r. u nsta-i. Gibbs suggested that il wanld bocounty enginer oistrued te pur-, Ti Wity nrlrad Tc ouîyuVIuil, <itlOUiia~bfl('u esrdmîot liccmotu orteRevàt assu aaChoutablo .in gh e tsumesureiE?- CQUICI-ýTh Cont. Coute 'nove tint it ho an instruction te tic after cousiderable discussionorid Coercil..Tii CeuI>-.outy ; 1).G. letti, 1sq, Reeve et Mara Finance Comînittco te bring in a By-law on nR carASr55 ed. A s meting ottffl Mffiir i- hetors, anl Ramna ;Neil NMafloigaîl, Esq., Reeveof eticsubject, Up thND rport t ii iThorai . P.white l, Reeve etfIiick. M 1r. Galboway atskcd that the. resolution Mr. Curnie brought o h eoto h hield laI wcck, a naaw Boarira- bisIeem orgnîcduitl'rtle îa-sîd Hule, . rtmng ;Gog riuinEalcuybc put in gencral ternise5 as te embraco Standing Uommitteo on Roadsansd Bridges flciaî-e of Brock; J W. anabbe, F otîtor Mfunicilties, 9s well as Mars and and te Council iront into Committeeofe (i. Ryrlodl, ,Fýs4ltire, Sficrill' rf hoieÇtn.-îî v a<f i ~ Raina. ><1> dtieivole thereon. ty ot Ontario, bimîig tahatti pretýidenî,Suot omty icetareMrogt 1r. Dryden in tiie chair. CUaincil, were aise lresent. 0f the citizcusi in a resolulion ncxt day-tliat it ho an in- Aller somoe tue tapent ,in cemumittee, in John B. Whrrean R. io oOhw-Vre i of ViîîîY rî t w nti dJaies 'tructionto tho Finance Committectoîning zed csin tIereport the Council PrsteIlleanti 1.gIl. Lan-alRer, EaatcuIre lun .tly.law le raise a Film utor adjourncdutil Icu o'cbock next day. iiv'roir>. îtumutleaaftheotîarl)j-o chlair, oudgaq, ecykit-ýi, an gcVice' I debontîreg on the non-reidentlandl tax et tors are îIaaseiotiaal u n thie cartier. -etiL, uIgehumltî,Fac Keller, tic Countîy, for tie use of thc Muninicipa. Ft)VRTII DAY. è l 1Cnl tti01 1V51.-îi ~î'tî- ,<c. I)el-y bleie of the Town, &c., &c., ilirs. lPm-,Ju12h18. lý- etters w.rc rer-,ielb lie Scct-L A communication was readi -tic War- FtD%,Jn 2h 87 riond ioftithe. aîîta-l lit- Itl Sac-(if- f "<i< the en, recceived tram tie Chafir lan outhlie Tic consiticration ufthle report et the Viii ii' t otterl tait aiti vr-oiittio it oîîîile i îimag-îeîtfo ieIlortril of Educatien. Standinig Couîîîîittcc ounltosds sud Uidges, th Rya sseit (u inta( ata-oî\ flar-ersi: a eret t ii i - Ititiens iere presontcd b1fr. Fane. ivas resuinciin IJommilteo of tieuiiole. th-]Ietlý- ort h(,ta il a îtaîa-ilj-hoit-taraa nd n-cil, et P. M. Clark, aud hy 1Mr. Smith, et Ncariy the wiole day n-as consufled lu rittimIt e:4.titheit, bav o - li aiîî s-1ori i blte ,t-candi I)apt)ts oft-Ilbanuani, praying te be appoinlcd ta lihe discussiîg tic clau.meset the report. --- Illeiaariil, (n tiim il, 0la-re.ia.ila--fane of Inspecteo eWights sud IMca. A ppropritiens were sought by the levo a-l na îo.ilaiîho-ea-k -ît --t t, i aaoutott tltftttto. 1'e Mr. tGibbs brougit in s By-law fer the Scigog, and Dleputy Reeve et Uxiritige ah iitl a<N i,}olj tic'5littier lt:îw ovît a-uîbamsaal in st aipointmcut etf Inspoctor et WeigliLçansd for thein severai Townuships. Aqumet lite ttmllly ais-a-aI t-I Jtittaî-Y itaatt tttîîtoran I lt- citîtreinavtita, thc Moâ;iîms;wiici was passcd tireugi Coin.-iav-iug Itecu moved by tien suddscso ft' tIa 'aimoittiattg aatitai Sa-k lira-jîuîn iia-o ai i lîti îtîe eofthle n-hole anti appointiedt tabc and lrc.discuised for the purpose. The fileaîselîaatîaaii lteiIlîsrendi ltaiaailî g-ia-- aie it hcaibt itlir iail(iarrtads hid uetomoro-.Sùndmî Cnmîitc, l ppardiid Icga-lizimmlg Ihîi piai-:ala- itta i lte la at,'SU aS aN lt aa-t,- Thc Couniillieu adjoirmed lat 20 nmin- ag-raad to' appropritte £650 mud ne more, îtased ly lte Taw-r lii tkiiig -att-I îaiîiî iatca i ites ta 4 a'c!ock, until ten e'cbock next licelreeul year. Titis son several et the a-.\uai-aStck, aiat-ii.haîtuelraisilliig.tRoca-es sud lieputys eudeavared te have £fte hter,î t t e tok tie f l--l aîitîefrath -lt rl a.rtîia-w it grcat tap- iucrcased by gttting appropriations on tic harerit 'eattta- iacosiaa tr tTIIIRID DAY, rosels ivitinu hiir cuit Municipalities. &n Jrgt Sm'sctr-itaîite ummýrit lia sori- anuN.tu a O.nimotion for tlhe reception et the repart, ami gI Ui5tîj1ajaîaafrlie- t--I a Sat a f lt r.ClaLeitalN.t l nTuaruao&r, June 11, î1857. 1r. (ib mored t e rer it hack t, the 81s -ti 4lth ie ijl l ivi. brtur a PALZTIYO tI.L. Cammiitîceofthlic n-Me for ameudmeutbyv l'y Il-e of' <hîîî oly\Iiîjtiay li t! o-i 1, ttiialia tti t/i-l'tiialI Mih" r. Gibbs preseuteti the report ot, the *iuscrtiîg a clause appropriating £125 on beture 11eyvo<ttIl halo atv a-ljIo sIa.. as.teiiex ramîk. Saong, î i~-r. lRailiison ('omînittce sppeinted teicgaliîe tie assetas- thc Cemimty bine hctweeu tiec euuties et mmînl roll, sud meved itecneudt by 1fr. iOntario mil Victoria, providcd the latter Tht- I)linaota ii aat-aaa.l a îjaz~ iaaiala-tt.Farewelli, liaI lic Ceincil <lo go luto Coin- apprapriatcd a lke sumn.-Carr-iat hle taaaîlîtlaftj rnitteilita tftthe lt-art teitilttit \a. casting voite of lhe Varten. Ileca lI_ rxt-i, .ttWha n-th.e-Couneîtrm îtletofte whoe theeen. tly reÎiapoito t bifgýhirNr. âmbazon unteCai.1itîc-e, incibers sowed a disposition tei tilîoy a-eim Ire l the lii ltl ia-tw iaîaaa Iaa t.Tic report n-us paKseil tlromigiin-midiscîiss lhc report over again. to th, ti Clo ieov', ýli*(l 1,011 t.t ropoe the to;j,ýtý ile iiitte,.ad adoted ir.ot aiedmis croMt Gibs edni ticed Cohmmotitte a n-du e ' m t a l a a î - n , r e l a - - l s a r r w l a thâ t l m i s i n - c i u i - r g f r o n i s i n t r a a u c - s h u i l t i o b y t e i n s t r u c t i o n s f t h e C o u i t ' 1 tinn to its ldttaois stfive minutes et cil witheuîî difflitambin. hat sal ' tala- mIej"týjTu litt aa al- Rea- po-aart 1rthe ja-~ilCoianmtt« eaploint. -çiclit nas thme roper course, sud liat ail1 kil-rmb ttli11 at Iilletaat, h .leînn ol*frdebale %vas preeludeti. talai al jlli i-îanlliti t- a aat-att- ala ta Ia-.a t aI aataataia-taa. b0fiti l'L t iey-Tiesiitcidment iras tien caitourro-d in1 pi'ict Is. hattl)V.Viav dopîclte tues- suý ad bicreport reported as ameuideti. i tht ctîtit, al lta a tl \a a la-ta atatlaîta -i l . rlarn ltanthir eiaefor ltme cornent yaa- report, 'failt. ttt lto al-ttaI--atatat tlit i- itaîaî a-i atIItîtt -il-a-gaîI.iit taitat nîl lTha! lic improvcd appcaraure anti -ir. Gibhs again maved iat il lie furtier taa-ailblia ota sirta 1 t at --- ta~ %atlatî -ltt tàita hi, -lia ',;i wt..î tt5gemerai acorncctnessofuthlie Assu tn e lis iamended byappropniating a sun et £50,1 t1ttli' ta i ia a- a attl; 1 .1ai la(i t nie--d reortiv ofnote, sud rfetcreelit umen t4lobe expeudetionlthe Centre Road tireug i nlitiî(r. i ,, i . the:iita fal ltttl ~ ~Coîînty and Townshieber, G-amble, Gable.d 3rl Frte rmoa.sa-ujust mtatede la. a-aeel eleGmlGlo hv il uta mît-taletI i aaaIlta-tietIrîteasali-a-atlije n antiA gente- lions et yaur Comunfîteta have been campa- na Gis, Currie sud Smith.-7.1 naalfia V3t ii t~ ia . '~î-ataa ~i aai-la Il ut i n I ai i a niaitdtai Iaîtralainît 1 nmivelv y ii pnaarsng te repent, Nv-c>ogiEwers, White, lDry- ta)lit rti~u'- tti toai il tIt taa Iv a 1,Vaata-l'adti 1,1oai tatIatlliilataîta îftahen contrastoti-miti te lime requiretu in dn ldsn ia-IRcadoir <~ltrtla filtI iit ha ia 't-l lI~., i. . er peaelite aineoabosîton, ýVideian.-DI. Iliu twtrts it iattaii aaaaiia ua- ~î -- at' a t aai1a -althe fRoua beimtg correctiy agrgted un- Motion bostL ss itt at ltet atti li -ilia ,aa îîaîî I a aa .aile, i't aii venl01ng-dernthie different lcadiu-gm, sdMnr.ayie Smithmoved liat tlimep onet tatjaiîîl t yand Il. ta ajI af I cf----------- sud non- rocieîe, bu5~~r~ ucîlmm-n lî ttta ii 'la- O t~.l"îtli eat îtta tiatinte l 'i li Mr. 1l>erre, lie htatiaverage value oftresideuýt an resien . bt t"-t Ithbcreferred backi aai~ a iia tol ttitit- ~- in' f lte['batees <f ~auaaa- ~ ~k I4th. Yeur Caaamîlttec hope that nesî by apprepristing a sun etf£5 on the rosaI liii15ttat iaiycar lte rells n-ill bh o su uly brougit up ftrmEtson te Ukbrialgc. 1i~iu0Ilcîtofal a\.tttt ii t lta- Ijît - lv ail uitîtretimaid elîîaci iua i ti hiiu, thaIliitle n-il romain for army Comuttc r. aFimtcl 'avuld ual vote against lhc pir~imsft! ata - t ltuilii tt! l i tltaat-tlîttî Ilu1fins i-anta-as-anie taf impuintcd fur a similar purptyase ta do, but asmcudiîenf iitg u îttiiIît -tion at.ut a nt(ti'aeaîl Oaaîtltîle [a(liî-- at i t- aipre-ceaitbh lhe duty devebved utpan Mn edouciciedtatcCucl t-itu:tria:-a.itIt hal li~~tltîI tilttî, ifa ttilitiatauVîtîtîtimaen then, riz., the equalizalion o et ti esslied aiieady appropriated suifficicut Iis jja t et avit k l . l. f nari ueentn e-ai praperty in the soveral Muni. ik er , -udntsyla lna e jîtriestiltttIt iItt. la~ IlldIaa., ia tfthe at lit îsiies. nocesqary le expend the amount ou that l it-tler ttttlt-tattit a oefia itî1 liha1 l aiaaitatrajaci anal reniliai our Comibîlcenote -mith hpleasure, thc rond, but tindr thec.cumstances ho did in ii taIitit It l aatuti 1lai. s rtima taiteliii bîli SItanad, aiing lte n-rea-seel value oethle real property oeth ticu censider ijsiibe lil.îl~. 'aie tîk Ittal tata iaatbtt.taiiittaaiitîa at rattlav ititthetl'îiilt-tlStltes.I4 it oYîi cn a vrageeof early-253 pr r.idai-'ci'ntescniol- ii-k ilaioail -aiot-att ai a.lii jane stn a cnttfor 1856>, aven ltha f 1855. support timo motion-lie did net consder1 tIt-unatmmii atît- tiea. lte t ao aaat îta-elaiamoc t-an d 'nlumialCatntaerdit A Umilet nhid is rspcttly submited. ta IeCot-nasi oiint n jîmai-l aaf ite ara-ta i ta -la tata aaOMASttîîlaa ai appropriattionsiratoa -imiaI ai o aaaatncrttheiti tia raitl ti a a - tap-aaotfai t iitîta igeiaarits ta-rîta ii l tle tta t1T1OA((lB aprpraist a e arHed no reter extea nti Ihia taaaaaift- lahi taaraFueelu titlîkvfr tn and-1IPortion of tti s so ef£S0wotild ho appro-. - <îaiîit illitla t liel itlitr nirla...m-,uRan,)efsarîit fr<smi, CitPreal irien peen y-.*.e idnokuir iaIan a ~3,taulîîraue erEu-uc.ludongse a-edc j~ --~aaOè bazoit, Wideman, McDoug&U and Hedg ~ubeniîea ilai-la £iaiiatta> sire tb express Our gîtait resiiýcl andl es- . Île os sI)a, a vamîtii tttotc---------.t.a.. a)t ecuit for yen peîsomîaîîy,anti aur apprecia -aMn2a!nc mi< t0ot1 bo ti ;Z MuM.tFMrtoit-i jatti s la ak the Mauiiaiîtaîimaa ~ i ia- ieart tf yîtrpubic uaiitnvut at- ý e report for thiepurpese of str$kiug outthea ..........------2u tm ortm, us a prortimîaaint citizen ofthettaTuaina 1ud charge eoftthe oxpeaditure Of the lue- Noth nli itCoai, bay 1a)t o f WIVitbey. wIveutimahyou s sale voyage . n ney apropria-ted on lhe N stun iYrr Boîtas. t......--------2) U ,o 0 l meud saagrecîble andiproflitabmlc jouruey Le <D and thehill. This n-satse ju1 oct Ofta* - -- 470,000 iitlte li ýd -~,,funther.discussion, Wlïli voul lait-a-efa> eaaeý a tsal expeii . i.rpe pay-i - 1r. Dryden'epposed tise motion. for ltesante aim aippy reur o 1fr. fXxFarewrel xpisinedi. ses a armlus oft20i,1ilt0. etuu uttourslC>--Mr. 1 oOnittit incf"lte nad as flmn as sud lady Suoigsl youmntnicds in Whithy. > 1f.'ut>i B;eaývuretmmfr lmetmhem, m - -oulitaujaa *L~ Mr. Farew-ell, f-m hc tpab ht ti irIp n-anîi tty eluit t un tN. G. REYNOLDS, 4ahurCe ofi<ilth £265,000n-hic-h atotîlul imclub25per centt (/'ltiîittsfifli/c Camunmj le Jauae.~e~. sappropriation on the Nonu oittsale o e>abtanitirais, &e.Tla> ttke ul)m eOmittu aalelaaif f fthe Uitimlepreseat. ii-ing'let out the contrc, w o li iîuu tjmr- aouilbeiamîitgîtt£Sm,-The chairnîsu tien gave thc icaluttce- - squeny bouoht thesain fts. th cn Pl)00 o ourmly Slumk, agTîtaîofl e t lby Da -.e.an..> e sh.<o tracter, inorder to:iocatethé ý,s*d a £it(,t'tO,1'ivate Stîcla £25,tîtfu, Bondsa glosl t oftic evéniug, John ilarrePerny, -0%%oum e .iety te bis =11L £l10O,000. Assuntitg tht-set- icnemmîs le Esquire, n-hich n-as drauk withh remend- e Co Sonsidraby mor h= t6 gr»& ýie dg-, 'l - 1 - Cefrthe ' bern w ,-auîîlIte ip tlolient ut ite al u cieig ti -ae pu eman- t- - - uia onrs ad ever the~ à roai t-il to ubletît a1eoitmai-a-t liam ing standing asi snglin Ile's a ri - t wlthittlaît mtimt itcan il ha iiaa:erîtI ll aI A.2.-- - - iit ii- - lic Couuty îail titr -r e utieapori tl ubî- -gooti teiIow-.' a~ ebt Oi1tts~wI-- uaIb-rlo magrcüe t innotii oStade titan tlie Mr. Perny malle su coquent anti fceing <> 0 0-s CRC> ooe-~uimo.,ro .C>0 unfavoi-.ble wstÈer- l- U10()0 ? -.134t, "()le, " il n-'ibibe sakl, nepiyanti 'as bondi ehece etisvoril-- ItosStieeklr "ltr nl Vmjttsma nul lte roîyof uthlie 0u e1 -~ on thege facs lthse Muiiaiia aili bc saluanalereal as il has j ---- ii~ trdmtid a-cbSRSfmS-in botu on athenr Iailways" Tu thitwe an- j"ii ai/amc i oetaf Ontario g--2 aOeuausboosh a wr.r, N o It canr i. T h e C h a-.rtr eh- -g enî e iu deportm eut s nd co ur-bous in a co p et d tuainc i>fr lIme building oai hue Wlitiy uni csna eîlatdta h bts ltiiali-s i, mne tnîy - li, telmîuy eueofchtair. g- ,CEZ 4 D- ,Thse motion wu the kinal c'aen grnhteti by the LeWi. lature Q an hOeot4pe ok li t 111e MnmicpaHik baye the enire 1Mr. Tmtpot t sdn aavcry E ZZor7 control, etrlte Muicipal, sud lînivate appropriale respouse. *I.~aa'eu~e' ~ sro Mlto a-, bth. Vte Municipal Stock wil I T/I," ut Cuei"nasrsodt ~ e~te bavea rercsclpation etfsscin Dtreclors aI ad li Ierî ilera tucPb ac tokn-ite hy Mr. iIewett, sud uther Councimen < t&ao ealy-have six. Wil l litese soven Mu.- present, sevea-ally. nicipai Djuectars - guard, their trust ? The JMitbNuand Zàl-ëHU-ro 1Mi<vn-y.i i e - )Vilu-not the Miuuiclýaliti*.t send mon &Tme Town o f JFhitS-it. ri~ rt. te (toard et Direclars n-houithey cain ' Ldot 7 a>.gief. wr '> trt P ?Are tha-y net, in tact, i rcparcd let trîust thernseves? Whist botter secuniyri tvral'tatd u lau epld or pusrantee, tiieu, can the C-untygeteor re-.te. The mpy broke up hrl te quiar, than tao have tic solc, cerîtrul anmd 12 6ouc, ibu lie greatest good iiumoui Maagemen t'lte Raiîuvsy luita ownn e ae orn tZ lmit12fôtC saCop band ? hisb i théelation in n-nich tic tepkiblto urSv h present chiarter places thue, rsiway ad hecbude top&sbiyoior bxu4 coat. I Janaryasýtln-esçoîations speeches tuis n-ek - CuntyCouncil - a .w hèonaP1ctio f lesa l7h h f2 etu~ opaqî s, letecoi-t>' Cloineil mooeodinzi a e=uuis jm-emsée'am' im,-*imd attet consulting Mr. :Siit ansÏd sonie memhont4of tie Reacii Counicil tey determincal te do >o--tioCounicil etfathe' Tow-nship et Reach iiaving agreed, te estali- bisi tiat rttad se soon as. lie nork n-as gatistactoril>' doue; but as, islanet yet doue, sud the obld road net répaired, a very gréat anlount et inconvieneuce, bas been felthby thi iiisitants et tic sectien uertii efthat iocslily, anti the cenunissienens are te ho censureti fon having pmiid ail ,tite moue>' untilthoen-ork-asu clmupueteai, but lier. is ne goed reacon te helieve liat the n-onkn-ill ho epeedily complete an sd lie cause et compiaint remaved. &rd. IVita reterence, - btho pchiliep for aid lu impreving lie Brock raa, fer wmmci puoupse ht pelitioners have tiiemselvea bargeýl>' cottriblbeal, youn comtittee weuid recemenl tt sciieffrtsbceencouragel, sud liati for thsI purpose, the sun et £250 ho Tppropnialei. «1 Iio pclitiuns froun tie sevonsl par. lies fraid te lie Centre Read ilu Beach andi Therai, sieuuld) In the opinion ot yomr Comuniltee, b. tsverabiy oulertaiuied, as tint rosai is et vory groat Importance te lie interesta efthe Cominly, anti s consid- oraible amount et CetunI>' noney lin-ing ab- roedy been cîpendeti onl, nhici in net available hocause inaufficient teamccompliie theo obeot b.d in vien-, your Comunittee ticrete, rocommenai liaI lie soin et £ ho apprepnisled in the onsip et Reaci, North oethe 4h concession, sud in Therai frômthe front efthe tiret Con- cession North, as iu lie pelilian, lthe surn et £ 5th. Wihreferenco hoeltte petilian et Wim SIen-art sud otcu-t, praving ton aid te open s portion ot tic Toawn lino ibetwoen Brack sud Timorali, yomur iuuinmihlcc, belior- ing lthaI ucm n-uks are n-titiu lime scope andl situlti h o riplisill'y lie Tan-n. muiips heIn-cen n-iicihie rae passes, can- naI rccommeit lat lie prayo e icpeli. lien ho eiterlsincd, OtI. Tic pelition et A. 'Wright sud ohherx, praying for aid on Simcoe Sîreet, is culitled to- con.sieticaion, as thc rosai is anc otfvcY greal importance, sud as itlhies beeInthle Countv ot Victoria andi On- tarie huas mare cspeciaiiy claims agiainsî or upon liiCoutîîlnluconjmnctiom ittiVic- boria. Tic cause et cemuplaint aI the Non- quon, yeon conumitîce have reasen la be- liove, mill bc removeti vcry soon by lthe compielion etolte nork for wiîci moue>' n-as approîîniated lasI June hy titis Coon- cil. Your Commitbee necammenal tthe et £25 be appropnialeai for lie construction atma Bridge ounlthe ls'e ine nean the Osh. an-s Station ufthei Grand Trunk Railroad, se soeu as lie Village et Oshawa shaillhave appropniaea a nimilan suin ton tic bike punpose Ail n-bnchin are.-pectully taubmillcd. GEORGE CURRIE, C)u<irmaa. Mn. Gibbs gave notice liaI i. ireulu un tamorron- mate for lthe sppointmcet s Relunning Officer for East Wiitiy. Mn. Hen-cîl entilthe pebituon oethe Comnaiisioners in1 charge ofet icNsrnon- Bridge, froun mhich il appeared liaIt tc Depanmmeul et Public Works, at-mre uuak- ing fast prognesa mitm tic marks lunlimaI localit>'. Mn. Sith precenleal lie repart efthe Staneiug eenumitce on Prnuting, sud on motion for liat purposo tic Cauncib wnt inta Comnilceoetliewn-hlet lieroo.l'Th. report n-as receiveu sud adopteal itiliut ameudmont Luko sud Orr fýeceive psy. meut et £2, sud lie Proprieton etflthe C'ý,mmossieea1tlA £18 fer prinling sud ad- venhising. Mn. Currie obtainoeaave to introduce s By.law_- leappoint comniissieners for es- pounding thc appropriation on lie public roasel. The.Billn-as passeel hhrough ils differeul stages anmd is as tellon-,m: A Bydtnm appointing Comminionera to asrpend certain msime itiuu in r 2u. - cieipality, of tt£ Cumty of Ontario. Be ilenactlealh>'lie Municipal Ceuncil et tce CeunI>' et Ontario, aud il in hereby enacteal b>'tic autinty etofthlie saune. 1. 'rhat Daniel S. *av, flomas Gn tan sud Timnothy Mîturoe, ho sud'aehore- ity appointeai cominuissioners ýfor expedisgý thte sum et £125, un thie romad beIn--eu lots number six sud seven frein PiaWe' Taveru, luntte Tonship'-etf esci, tei village et Epson, sud ascatte expend tlie suni et £125 ou tie rosai betuecu bols number six sud seven froni Epsomi in the Ten-nship et Brqck, te lic Ton--ine,,6et Brook. - ia«asfsi be tti»d'tht iit ftet he ii.pw I.Gibbs ar"eodi'ntthe affirimative. TieOlelk,-aIýo gvo us epidiob n a i-, ver eofrW. Gibbi'constructioà, sud the. By-lan- wu reprted, r.ad a'third timo and passed. The name et William Remît, -d Coluambus, iiavin-ben insorteal as Re- turniug- Office r. Mr. - Gibbs presented a petition pray. ing fer th. establishiment et a junior Grammar Schoou, allihe Village et Oshaa. Mr. Dryden presented lie report-et the Standing Cemmito.e on contingent ac- ceunIs, rocommendinç the psymcnt et variatis aniail îlemi-whmcin-as adoptcd. ORAXMAR 5C1100LSi Mr. ladgsoit presented lime report et tie Standing Commillc on educalion. Tie report singât other ruistors recomntend- cd lime closing efthle UxbYidge Grammar Scimool and lie establishment eft hree ad- diliommal junior Gramniar Sciools,-ofenm caci of lie villages of Cannington, Be. relia sud Oshawra. Tic Council ireul inta commite eofthle n-halo thereen sud afler mucit discussion lte clause neceun- mcnmdiug titi cl9sing of tie, Uxbnidge Sehool n-as stnuick out, as wuasos, thc clause recommoudine the. establishment af ajunior Gramman Sehool aI Cauuingtn. Ou malien fer lie adoption efthe clause for the establishment et s junior Grammar School aI Oshawra Mr. Keller movedti laI lie naine et tic villa fgt(reen-ooI ho inserted inalestu et litaIt Oshawa, sud tuat lic persans nameai in lte petition frein the village et Grecuiroti for a% Gramunar School, ho lic Trustees. Mn. Keller argucd the stronger dlaim et Gnceumai-od fer a (irammar Sciool liait Oshawa.- Ticwnitmy Tow-nship et Pickering, iitici aunlte ehaning oethlie chaimman of 1he Standing Commilte au Educaîbitn, isd a grester seitool popula- tion sud îiaid s larger amount ton sehool purpeses than any other Township un lie County, yel they 1usd ne place et oduca- tien superiar te thc common sehool. The village et Oshawa pesscsgcd Muany selvan- lages ton imparting tic higlter branches ot c(iucstien, which wcr losI le etiter places. Tic close proximity et Oshawas ta Wiby n-as anolior argumeut in tavon et Green- woaut. Il n-as e nby a distance etftfmur miles sud tiey had lie facililies affordetu by lie Grand Trunk Railn-ay, toa s-ail tiemselves ot, he trusted gentlemen n-oubd comsiden the cdaims et Grcen-od. Mr. White superled Mr. Keiien's me. lion, sud cauteudeai liaIt thesatements matie by liechcira-nufethle committee on educatan, as to lie large attendance et pupilsatatending sciaoiun Pickering, sud lie large amount paiah fer educatien by limaI Tewnship, n-as an argument n-hic h spoke loudly lu favor efthtat Townnhip. hfr. Kcluer's motion n-aslest au a divi- sien, tiere boiug 6 tan sud 8 againstiil. Tic report n-as tien agrecai toansd adopt- cd afler same furîhen ameudmenta hoiug proposeai by Mr. En-crs ou lie motion5 for adoption, as ta lie site ofet iiBloelia Gi-amman Sciaol, sas1 tic Dames et Trme- tees. Vie following is tie repent as adopteel. REPORT o0?vs s-rSTÀIÇDao ;coNuM IE eN £DrtaATtaSq. Toeý it iiiPat COecil of Um»Couaty of Onairio:, Tie Standing Commlille. on thlucatien renpcctully report, Thal having carctully examined time me- menai sud peîtbietoite Board et Public Instruction Pmnig-for a- "eneaece- utuncralien' taoIthe membeof thLst- Bousrd ,for lie daYs Spent luna-tedischarge et thii dulies" thenoof, andin-hig fily salis- flei limaitich mileage allen-calfer traveling espenses, is hy ne means a just or suffi- dient remunerslion for lteir lim, sud ser- vices. Your COmIaitîco n-ould. ticrefone, recommend limaI the sum et 10s. per day ho psid ija tic CeunI>' Treasurer ta ail the, memubers et theo bard et Public Instrue. ion, -riz: Local Soperinlendents sud Gramn- umar S chool Trustes, n-lueattendl the mcct- iigs efthle said Bocral upon certificate theneoft h ie hmnasd liaI thcFin. suce Committeti do make provision frrlie psymcut titereot as n-cil as lie mussa mile- age. 2nd. Your Committee net haviug re- ceiveal trom lie Chier Su *endenttce apportionments trom tie Lgaltve grant te tie varions Tonshipsaoethle County, anai consequcntly net baving tcliais te- quireal by lie School Act for fixing lte amnunt necesss;ry lu11Ah rais ya sseseMU.O- êl'imn, and ofle mode ttr the w emm r ocu Of thé Ounty, and that all appropritiens te be made should boequalIyd ilvide. Mfr, Farewell ôltj.ct d te the resolution uselesg, and moycd in arnendment, second- cd by Mr. CurrIc, that this Coulicil would not. refut te, appropriate its fair. share te the, Western roSa Amendme~t carried on a division. WJi!TBY RIWY M4r. drtirrie seconded by Mfr. Ilewet, moved that the Cotincil shall authorize the Warden, and ho is bercby instructed, upon an application to him from the President of the Board of Dircots of the Mliitby and Lake Huron Railway, for the purpOý.o to cali a special meeting of the Council for the purpose of considering the propriOty ôftalc ing stock or advancing a£ ban in sid Rail- M.Gibbs did not wlsh to, sec the Ward- cri ef that (Jouncil placed at the disposition of mny man or set of mon, and opposed the motion. Mfr. FareWell argued that the proposition siiauld not bo censldored in such a light It wôuld bc the requcat of a majority of the Couincil, and net of the Prosident of the- RailwÏy company. With regald tq tho Railway question not coming up the present session4 the Railroad Directors wro enot in a position to give the soa se- curity in reference to the construction and -ompletion of the road for 20 miles, beforo calling upon the County as proposod at the last sessionb -sad they preferrcdl waiting for a short timo until they wcre in a position ta satisfy the County. The Council nay be assurcd that the Railway Diroctors would not prcjudie themnselves by asking to have a meeting called until they werc fully preparcd Mfr. White spoke against the resoltution. Mfr. flewett stated that tilt Directors fe-It it uselesmi te, bring the matter before the. .Council until *they werc fully prepared to carry out the iresolatiens--or What would be a full equivalent to them-passed last January. 1 The matter resolved itseif into this, a majority of the. members eft tlis Council had an understanding witii the Itallway Directors. The Direetors werc ,ta do certain things, and unless they ivere prepared to do se, when they caine ,before the. Council, they wouldg et no countonanco freux that majirity. Ut ws mcrely, then, autborizing the Wvarden týb do a certain thing, uptp a certain centin- gency, and for his own Èart-he should say, that unless theo Railway Company witre flot in as good a position to secure the County thon, as they wore in January last, he should have no connection witii then. He did not consider the resolution dc;rtory to tho Council. Gf.(alloway diffcred with the Roovof Mars and Rama, and inveiZhed against the Railway Company f« D ot exnbodying thé. January reselutions iu the Charter. Mfr. Keller arose te a queostion of order, and submitted that the Reeve of Scott waa not confining himacit te t he resoution bi- fore tho Council. Mfr. Gamble could net vote for the, reoe lution in the shape it wau in, aitho hé nc- kno-ledged hiniscif committed t, th, Rsilway, and to eali the meetiflg if the Railway Company cou[d show that tiicy were in as good a position te seure the. ceuuty as tbey were in lust Jariuary. Mfr- Btbaziu explained bis position-- le iiad voted for the resolutions aud ecx- pected that they were going te bc carrled out by the. Rallway Company. He had donc s0 because he-considorcd making the. 20 miles of rosd a gOod guaranteo that the county should ijot bo called upon te sub- scribe mor.e than the £10>,000. From what ho W a o, howcver, h. dîd not think that the, Company were in a position te secure the. County te thnt citent, undor thc -prescrit Charter. 14r. Gibbs woved in amoudment scond. ed bY 1bfr. Richardson, that tho question Of calliug a SPecial meeting ef the. (Teuneil 'bc net at the. option oft tii. Ballway Dirc- tors but at -the discretion ef the Warde, -or a majorty oft" CuniL ainondmeuit. It was almin la ubnsnce te the. original MOtion.lie considered it perféctly justiflable on the part of the. Ceuncil te reques't the Wsrden te cail a- speial, meeting as soon, as certainthings iiad b..ii don. on'tii. part orthei, ompa- ny. IHo believed it waajPossible te satiaty M r. Brabz<>, thiat » good security could bc givent the<Conny no«# as the rosolu- tioun nJanuary, and ho belioved that wbený Unablo te build the. rossI for th iu uip.-ý pos.d, sud being ibnpçld to-mak oeisI di 4.Cbunii f 1de* .) think they migiiât ho re=zvod. As te the Reeveofet Oshawa the. Raiway air wa%&ead congenisit te us locality, and theretore bis opposition was obly Whamt wus teo bc ft HW e did dot so what scruples, thg evo of Scugog ceuld have in votiug tf« titis roRdlution. It «" têiot th resolid tions ie socur e ii. loty were net in th, Charter... But tiien,.te» pet' cent on £100. 000 sliould b. pid iute Bankl- aud the County-hVi'ng 5ovefnDrtors represont. ing Municipal Steck-iudtii.abselute central et t he road. As. ho (Mr. K.) bhm already stated, the £100,000 aubscrubed stock and the Countys 2100,0OOSk mAd two thirds eoftthe expeiand tis sm, h. cenc.ivod, wair thb u«rity the Coun ty could get. Mfr. Whiite rose te a peint d erder, would it bd peoper for the. Dcputy Reeve eor Whitby ta go into the catire Mlway ques- tion on thirdtolutioti, The.. Wardeti 0stelt f i*d eenidered Mfr. Keoler eut of order but that >ether mombers of -tbe Couneil adbeeIn albowed a simîlar laiitude. MVi Kellet bsd ne desirgtdaytuythiug about thc railrosd if membera eppoaed to the dindertkngi id flot mi4tated tho fatta in rclation'te't, Bder ing bis scat ho would -again , lute - i con- victiai that thie resolution if Pasaed would ho the m t fthe. Counei. The Étote wýax tien talcon on -Mr. Cli>.s amcndment, which was earried -on the caut. ing vote of the Wardon. Yeas,-Gihb4, White, Richardson,' GIlboway, Gainbi, Brabazon Widenfan aud Smaitt,--8. Naya4 Currie, Ïelher, Farewell, Hodigwson, tewotti Dryden, McDougaltarid Ewes,-8. SThe original motion wao'tiien put as amonded and carriod. Lbong dalo Ithait S cd atiîrai lm sud -Faren-ll carnicai w~, appartioning lt a% £240,aimongst cga coininuna isa folloia: raE STAiuitI rxorzEnr AM ,riis co 6.TW ha ie CeunI>' Enginr -f Ibis] Ceounty 'b b. nbià eey appeinte ome- rnladoaner-teml ie sum of M 14 mtise - I - fa tJum elhnntuo committe. c ou thereport oethle Standing Oh Ihisuco sud Assessximeht -'«" &4oPted allîrn hç usuel a-c chsson, lic tollonug »y.ha therton '.'- » lýlw tru/ise, 7'assaaq £7,998, for thét p'îrpi 0i asd otherpurmpewe.. YP oebpn ed6l punposms liSentenderts,&ci, a ]PYamt et Debeutures ,aud Boads land Bridges. Gen" .ICount>' purposcaî,... Th Rbaaid is oins e pala b- Mtnmeipîiis eofthle Commrita net tshin ltt &îiiýpiule l. an ti sha h rtrkried b>' thc hsComin Èepanaîe clounli sleobte evetaaî caluer isdg et ii 0per OfIW&rsaýs the amiunt te Ze ,ofll .Itissiipality, unuJer thte ................... )IR s tb 1 î R. . . . . . . . . . townso hmpe itby . Oshawa, .............. On motion et luufn.ryden il ed tisat tc extra aineuuu by lht flien-elansd thc euOn Mita sud Bainsa, on the rosa i cit jsmounting lu £17 oý kt. Xe&*, R u~rerol-red eomnts oe-thle Leunt>' Ceame kept iu dollars 'and ccnLta i thesfirst Januar>' neit On uMotion, ef Mr. Bazor lin. Gibbs, ut n-as resolveal-tIs ingineer bcauhonized te lot1 --mse tohz ltonce,tm Tisurer psy hua eores fort >iddy are-net't anvsu> Sempletion oft li nork dra IU tvm Ibirds et thc aimour Ur. Farewell inlroduoed5à]- lisung the. Waeneate issue Ih tbecredit oettli. uon-reshie br mmetnt becs titan £2ý 1fr. Corneé pregented lie second rep&t, erth lestandintg commnite on rosais andl bridgeN mas ollovu; ý'- 1. Tour Coumite. ha-ring "naalu rn considenatien liaI pPrtion u et te Comfny Engifleers report nef 4 to ttiié scugog Bridge bu nieh it lusta ztisa-,in, ceeus. qucuce efthle unfiuuiahed utate of tse Criu tie Brdge, on the breakiug up ofliehlesc ,re-ay and moved -meusnits, positio hfror e ý"Ort ef the >ciginecr lid beoeti omniutee lut, January, tlii coinmiltee n-a led te tic conclusion tiiat net ouI>' lic bridge but aise tise adallîboui cribs vere cfflplteduM nd ethtlneleowcaar rccommcîtded the paynîenst ef t-hocon- tracter, sud your-comunittee are non- aur- pnsa e m ans tisIthe# crIii,. nr.net hiIiid adtiiat ne. obligation on security n-ws taken froni lic contracter for the Ici. filfmentoet ie contftmct tha- themnue ne>' se paid uit ma>become atotiith CeunI>'luconffquene-of tbOwanlof Emcis accunit>' - - report sud verbal' oxplanaliti o taine4 front hin b>' hie ceuitntcethàt aller lime bridge isald ifcd tree ils pptious'andi 1usd licou partbally secnrod aga-in by Mr. Reedesuaid li attention o 2 tasaperfomet-tEg eSm direclcal te it, noe measeres n-erc taken by ~ himte prevent areus-receof thelse me event, sudîlu oesquermce Us. bridge wu ai camniecl anay trous its poeition and ailal scesiderable distanuco amongt lic Istumpsand bog on Us.eUit.1, receowing comsiderable damage, and hxvorng an ez pense et £80 f9s. 4jd.,- te get itmsck te ils proer position.-a 8 . Tour Cemutte fter exunbiig t. ma-Uer a-bore retorred le are led te the conclusion luaI thiterects o et l.Coun- 1> u Ibis case have net been propofl yse fe ythe CoMzty Enginoer to vies, te>' are eOnflded, as your Ceesitïtae- con- aider inasucii casesîit ithedufyOfthe Engineer te taIse sucs nicasuresau asn-cv necosrimlte proet eiproperty -citise CeunI>' from leos.or mjur>'. 4. Jt appears freuthse r" of thle u. gineer hat tlic Ost fgctng thbridlge back teilsljestion aesounuts to, MO 0& 4gL sud yen- eomnittee bolieving 1t t. - oxpouse became necesary un eeneequouee. -etflteemegect ofthle Conty Emgloer t laoe Pnopoes esuru a- "mt h e es' tbridfk e cannot r.omenishd te pay" of, e( 5. Thse amont Igutimahoçi Eghee as nemsearvfor thé i-ait'roft-teffi,

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