Couneil1 Wepn ito cominittee of the Whole n th~e e rt of the Standing Cotnmitteo mi irinteandAssessihieht T4 bbreport à saope fter thç nutlamouni 6f dis- Cdsii, lthefoflowistg By4a*W founded Liereon t1t Dy-t« k raim, by t'hé #um 0f £798,fr t/te purpo.. qfpayaug thte Uiabiitià q f the Con,t,.for improving i<t. Rtad and J)ridgek, fur £ducation., a~nd otkr prp«me Po or4iou Schôopurposa, St4iorintondent%, &Q, ... £1048 O0 Pyiniehtof Deboutures aud Rosds Ustd Bridges, .........1100 0 0 Gon4lICouhîy purposest, ... 45o0 00 1"?,i8 O O The said sums tobç pad by the. several biuuicipasities of the Countty o Ontario as Met forth l in Io~this By.' lav, dai shsW iii, ýerUÊfed by tho.coliectoia la e Vouh ty' Iti eeparate columrtînand to ho 'ad qver by the several 'collectors imb he Ial8of thio poper OfGicta as provided by 8ýekI.4rthe amownt te lie collerted in enca JAhaisepalîty, isnder thte aerral hads aW5 in>tê iM /e aame. Brok,.................£8096 9 ...sRa a............ 6 Pliear'9,............. 177t, 13 8 Resch,.............. - A058 4 6 Seugog, .................. 12 7 5 Scet,..............262 1 9 Tliorah,. %%ý.... 246 ¶ 8 xbrde.ý t1 bb . . .. ' 33 8 1 Tewihp of lhitby, .....1886 14 O Towu cf Whitby, ........... 700 19 0 Oshawa,................... 804 2 7 Ou motion et Mr. Dty'den it waa raoir- ded thmt. Uic extra emount laid ont by )8% I!lc"M ind the commnissioners iu vua and Ramà a, ou the rond in that Muni- cilliy,znounting te £17 odd should be Oim motien of Mr. Farewell, aecouded by Mr. IXel&, ia uresolved that bhe se-' eouubs o! the. 4louuty ouneil should bo kept li dollars and cents, from and afier tbe first Jas1usry, next, On mnotion ef, Mr. Brabazon secouieti hy »r. Gibbs, il vau resoired thatbthe Cbunty Englacer bosauthorîmd etitlet out the works eutrusted te hlm 'kt once, and thet thae Trosaurer 4a1sii. rders for the samuo pro- ýfIdd thUeyr ar-ott utan y time uti thc oemplotioâ o ei *ork drawn for more U twe lv.liirula of the amount otthe work donc. )-ir. Parovel lntrodue tly'4amaauthor- Isiug thc Warden te issue Debentures on the. crodit etftthe non-resldent lad funti, f« amns not less thau £25 each. Tii. delenturffl- wot t6. Ictmd in amuount at auy ime bye thirds etfte fotnd, and not ho cx- coud s long«n date tien 8 years. Ibes. a tliird tiue anal passeti. Mr. Firewall tar-ied thruugit a second 1 y.1artioniig the proceeds et tlae auul, £2,400,amongst thc several Munai- Mr. MieDnugali- broughh up the report < the. Standing, Coamttee Pn Counhy Iproperty sud (itol managemient, vhicit passsod hrouigh commnittee ancudean sd wu a dopted as hbuova: »PORT OF TtUE STAtNDIGCOMMETt5ON ÇOVNTY PROl'EtlTYAND EAOL ýNà O5 To I Mit Isiipal Couaeii of M/e Co'ti, of Ontrario. The, Standing Commnttec on Ceunty property a t managetmcnt bcg bcar. te, reprt : 1. That they hae matiea minute ex- aseluation o e be l ansd eau atate thht 1h *inp couducted in an efilient thltuter. thc priionera s plIsigtheaiscives aatisficd vitia th~e treatinett Uey reeire, w'hite your eaMmlbtevaYbe te hospak thug with regard Io the (11anl tlaoy must expresi; ùuer dgsiatisfaction wtlti th te arrangeaient afithea yard, anti votila reconimcnd the. attention f et i.Siteribi' te ho drawu to th. proprieby'of clearing anti levrling theb saté anti tcr tefuture have Uic y..raIkept as citerand ordarly. as possible. 2. Yeur Commitice haviîîg befure theai acotmnaIscaticn tr¶na bte deparlaient ci publie IÃŽ&tqwtien for I.Jpr Canada, in antwit o a leIter fioui IL J. (hnn, isq, 'K D., viti rçft-rence te a Gieu Librn.ry for theÇCtity Gel,-your cotnmitte wm of. opnion tbut unfoxtunabe offanders s uould attbc deprireti cf tihe use cf sucb Books as voulti have a tendency teimi- pme their mndi anti marais, bhcrefoi-e 'veuld recemmenid the estabILtamont ut a LOmol IUbmry% and Itat a suai ef £ô ho plsced st thae dLpoaai et the Gaol Suîrgeon, wh il imult Sa ititable selection eof-beoks tai peltataed tic saine.. ý & Vr omiittee haiug careftill' es - ituinea tii. report ci the County Enguneer ths the repsirosud iitproroments recota- m~eded at the. lut Session ot this Counci. ha" leen m*de, together vii hsuai. other aisit repaim' (the repaira are stateti at le!Ixb.) he caaiittttee refuseti te receai- wSdte peuditure cf £e4O on hot air furnacos, but rocomînend the use cf stores in Uic differet offices. The commihtee u.o rofused te recoeasnd £120 fer apik. omt recomniiendsa s ootien leuce e routit tti-c ides etfbite Coun- qs sudx a temporry tance tu thc rder tiat bis laying onttetftthe n4y ho procectieti vib. The. of a permtanent tance la fr-ont te ci- unhil rexb Jmnuary Session.- t recocumenals the purchase utsa e Bearerlen Loek-up fi'eus Mr. the suai et £10. Dr. lim, D. 'kcep biii office in thieCourt a-roamnýdig tié Counnil te tar deced ettic Gi-amusai - Seoo STowu oftVyi-hby, agi-ced te pro- efft ef £215% wuvas ahiutilont, thc clug Uuwilllug te assume tic i- a. building.1 là uouutùinii the viiole to the 3ý 9&. 9dt. of thanks, witb a liant of £25,1 passedto t be Wrdeu. anidng "eiiboe on Education ip 1% second report, vhich vas, ih ýeôùnittee of bic wielo sud*tii. djourned ise di. sues Aage of Temperauco n'te w.îw- wiih ev a. cofae La& Division o! the iIltYOdtid Mr.R OmwelI, te whom h. 'Preented a valutà bbs gold vtch ith su stidreas. Tii. vateh bore the insc 1ption, "ITo Býothiir Uahvel4 ,frora thei.- haa Division bf the. sons of Tmiperaude.' To which Mir. Caraweli made ani appro- priate iîpIWz The rain, which bid been threatenlng during the day, now began to pour down, and the meeting adjourned to the-Song' Hall, The proceedinga vere conclu.ded l:y <6 'riait in th oecning to Xr. Carswell's Panorama If the liottlé, whlêh vas visîteal by crowda of adaIlring spectators, and the wholce ffair we are glad to atate, pess- cd offT with the graatest eclat. We should not omit te mention that amnongst our brethren of the pres vo am present, Mr.71?horrue of the Obno Sun, Mr. Orr of the Oslaa V i dctvr, and Mr. fleMillan of the Bowmanvillo. Star. Arrivai of the 6"North Amttrien,"1 Quebcc, Jane 14, 1857 Tho ýNorth Aniericauliarrired . ut 9 She reachoal her wharf a littie botore 10 eccock. Sha anchorati lest night l eing rery dark. She brings 123 cabin, andl 301 steerage '%assengex-s. Iltey louve with Apecial train at 3 P. ln. She bas 650 tons for Ittntrual, anti 70 toua for Quebec. Site passati the li-diaW" off the Ile of Mati. The "Enropa," "Leopold" anti "Uer- manrn" lanalarrivoal. Consuls, 94k, (;RIA! ERtTAIN. Parliament wvas flot in session owing ho ttc \Vlajsuntide holitiays. The Livrpool Cteaber of commerce hed caicd a public meeting bo tako mca- sures for Suring a supply ut Cotton. The Grand Dlie Constantino had se'- rivotiet (Osberne on a riait 10 Queeu Vic- toria. The Quernandia Grand Duke visiteti the aquadron off Spithvçad. lTe West Indian mail steamer IlPana- me' arrivcd ah Southampton wtth orer $3,000,000. FRANýcE. 'Vgerumors u-cre current that another unsucecastul ntteaîpt on tih. life o!fte Emperor hat beeun made. Recent storuis liati done gi-cat damage te bbc vines andtici-cps in nmny parts of thc countri-. Marshtal hadtzk,eanal Uic Archauchess Sopitia are doa. The Etoperor hati issueti a deci-ce re- ateritîg cutaiscateti proparty ti hIlungary. Brî'ssacla anti othor Beigian towna vore muet agitated bly the proposis te gire lte cathoUc cierg.y more péver ah Anthvrp. Ail the windows cf the Jasîtit Collage tati beau smahatandthbecstreets Itadtotebe cleareti by flic 1-001:. Many cf theonotera were unaler si-i-st. At te labest dates the troubles tati appa-cntly subsitiedi A ticoreotati beau issuedt tat ne more than fire persans are o o cpermittedt t assem- bic hogethor li thc publie higbvay. New dtfficulties haro arisen fromthebb jMcxicisiquestion. ItUSSIA. Tii.aiares of the Russo-Aînericszi cor- pany continue bto tii rapidly-and 1h was titotglît Civcrnmcnl intendedti o put an cuti ta thae 6ipany's moaopoly. Grain ai-cps in a most proaiising coudi- tialt, but tho silk crup repor*ts ai-c contra- MTDA AND C(HENA. iThe mutinons spiit luthic native hidi a ti-opa bad lioeteeketi. Tic nova ut pouce vitii Per6iisbas giron dissatLefatcion ln Indu., Sur John Bcwring hati a conference viti tce Frechcianti Axerieami Minuotersaet macos. Tic French iister tati reeciveti in- structions ftbbcFrncht toi-es teco-op- crate vith te Britîgb; but bbe Ameriean Minister tati receireti ne snch ordeait Nothing serions hati occurroti, but pot. by engagements vithi ar juaki tati taken place. A duty o! twelre beels a choit on opium tati been imposeti ah Shanglii. At Honîg Kong business vaslquiet. Rav silk bat] atvancedi; black boas bat] advanc- cd ; gi-en bonasuchangeti. LIV2iItMOL ÂIE. Wcather beautiftL Kennetit Dowie L& Co, report: Whcab, 2d. anti four 6<. lover. Canada vhcat-mixcd te vhite, lOs. 2d. te 10&.;i-ad, 8s. 9dt. to 9&a.4ti. Floni-82s te 83s. ; fancy, 33s. U t].t 84s. ; extra 34s. 0<. te 35s. Odt. ; Western Camai, 318. te 830. Iudian- coru-aiixed, 8Os. 1white, 40&. te 40s. 6d. * Arrilat of the Vandorboltd New Itnk-June iStia. Arrivai et the stoauier Ysuderbolb, frein Southamptoin. Tic sboaanahip Vsuderbolt, arrivct yen- beiday aftemruon front Southampton oublie- evening oet BaIti ut The Uitedi States steamer fuibon capt. 'Wolben,,leS BHarre andi contes the. samo, '1hé BeiglantRoyal steamer I.lgium saled for Now York from Southampton "?, onAh ti.nd ist with a large numtber -of<pas Thc Northt Star Loopolti aud tih e r' mafnu teanîstibeh Ieft New York tihe 1 6t4ofMayiWsduriycde Tie mail sbeamshitp Zurop fi-cm Bos- tonuarrivedtive1reapoo~l May sut. The. Ruslm 0Grn4 »uke Consatatne pali a strictly private visl4lto Q9WPVic- toria at Osborne~. He arred taeçýh aud on the firstinstj tran WIIfrBy MARKETa~ Whea, ~ d. < 'Witby, Jnab l, 1857. 06. 6d. TORIONTO MARKETS. ~ ifldiimdayJane17, 1857. ,ouir auperir,$0 b50 @ e$ ; Fancy, $7 < $7 26; Extra $7 i0 $8. NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. FOR SALE. r*POWN LOTS in Witb)v nenr the Bay.- Gpl . IH. DARTNELL Bri&c& Sr«4 p -h »j âmne 12157 CREDIT SALIE PARKI STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c., :BltAUCTION!' T lIE ttdrhdwill sei l'y Public Atîction te ftlou itg lroperty, viz:. i 'tntlid Spaîtutf ntîre los,,5 vs l 1 MntcledetSpan o f Iarritage Ilor4s, ;l irm. nid. 2SpauTn leut ligrse3, 7 i ars li. ISpan taem lcrt.ost, 8*years ul<., 1 Span ToTemanoses, 4h;'am Ura d 1 Lurt-re Brooti Mutre, 6 yesars nid, 4 httreaCts 2 yoam-s old. 1 Iturse Colt, 3i yearî a'1d. 1 Nuorse Colt, 4 veursnid, 6 er Stes ti'olti, 2 ililgs. wall Bd. 2 Yoke tarcie 'oritr Osstî. 8 Luttber 1'ugtrns, iron ul'.,nearly ucw. 1 do (1u Woodeu asics. 1 Truck do 6 Sets Teîam larrrsi%. (Ido shtarledu eI 'ngie ItaggY. 2 Iton IlloaulTs. supeîor aitchas. 3 W',odeti itînglts. 3 S'ets uf ilurrows. Alil utwlich proporty ivilI Ibc sold ai the Vil- luge of Port Perry, on Saturday 2Oth âmie, inst. SowLe te mes'mrîas-e t ten-oclock, A. M., preoiul?. TERMS.-AU ats iudr £3, Cash ; ovar thet tutt, Six tuonths credil, 1,1 gi inripproved endoi-sed Nottas. iitianat interet-if t j'id wion duec; if ut su Tttid, Interesi t roua date. TIIOMAS PAXTON & Co. PORT PERRII, Jui lotit, 1857. «22-Id. MUS[CAL MM TIJITION. "'iEStîbseriber îi:sîakta til iaieliheral sup- M 'xtoutdellu t irn itiirîi, i is residemace biltta tt îte T':,andt il,'surrotiîttiitg Gout- 1r n-,tt e is nom- pie1ared tWrecîve an odi- taci unber of pupii ut hi, resialcuce itn Sreet. Instruictpi ino lt Piano, Melodeon& ali Sting «Instruments Parties dtiAtirone ut remaivan±riestins ut tlitir i-e- -i wttiili bu attendot i teîulitseri-ibtr.- TIti-e or tutti-voung ladies train lte eomili-y tie- tii-titisof ei'-u ing lessonm, S eau ieootauasa- lad iviit huai-a if necessari'. Theîtoe îriber bas i-cived vbut inigriai ho ternitetia MusicaJl itîetioti ai the i-stsI ciols la Gai-tommy, and ifiel% titlho naaed prveplac-e lu ato Musieln lun the Pfi-cvine-inlhi-% kttw- iedge et OrganmiSsie, and oun alkiuso t rs Iing Instrumte. ts Ile dates not assuiethlie tille ut, bal isîîply eabtsciit" h'a laf, - H. FELIT'4 Whlitby,.Ilaur 16, 1857. 2â TWO OOD OTSFOR SALEC. SaIci, wo exrellent Ltin uthe Town of ebove Lots are eed sd bautiftilly situa- ted. For furtber p&Mietilars apply tu Il "FARQ4UHARSON, or to Port Hope. J. IWOLFEN'%DEN. Whit&y. Jane 16, 1857. 22 F1118? CLASSff IAR8CT&LEVF. T O e Let for$Sjvea years, froni the 201h of TX-Ovember, *Lot 49 and pat of 20, in the ritl C'on. ofuthtii.Townsaldpof WKhtb", et whieh 175 ses are. leered, tha soil is la efly a leh a'ainv loaîm. There ire aeral nnfaaiing tlI)nnwà 0f 'Water on the Fori, and e SutI Orehard in its prîne. ýThc Buildings coasiat uf a NeIq-w -Frame House, wbih i b eiag ut, suad a Bari. Stables are to ho put "p in the Spring. The Farta la aituated six iles fron te Town of Whitby wbere s raady Cash Marktet la to e o fnd daroaglioat the ;ear. For ftrhar partieulas apply tote DAVI])S. 1DOW. Port Wh'Iitby, Jane 18, 1857. 22 NEW SCOTCH KIKiEr-WRITUY. TO JILDERS. NOTICE la hereby giron. iat Plans anad Sp.. cificatiens fe Builing a Brick Chlurch, in connetation wlth thae Kwxt or Scorx.sam, on Byron--Street, la 'ihe TOWN cf WH1TBY, mlay hé accu, anti fartior prlionlrs obloinol at amy Office, fi-unithe 22ni lait., until lie 2ud div et July nazI, ielffairo, betvemen biiu em otf 9and -à o'cloek AU paries desi-eas ofteentratlng for the ex- eeuliùa cfetihw-rks, are reqnes9te ten Scaleti Tesuder1edorilaa Tnoio el SeulcU ,Chai-ci,'ý di,'eted te Wa. Tsing, Eîaq. Cirin ofuthlie Building CommittSc, ou or bïe fore liel1FOUTIl DAY 0FJUIN zittat, t Ohe Mdloi ta. ttSdo net binlthon> salves teé" th Lovait Tender, usilos -othenýia-sahstQi- yj3,<)$.. , (ý1 : ' * Àreà it;ci aad <.B ~m4 Oi, 181', ' Broelett., Wbîitb»v n*$_ai4fflerimîdi4y th ,eJune.istani RFII Sabseribers wonld asaure the Pablic, that lmpllict roUiatce may bc pl1oed on thoir 2'tw WLeîg Pure and free froin auy kind of adalteration. Their eku , wbilhs large, vas 'Pnrchase previonîs to the commenuet- etlOf tllltles wlth Ch"5a and wifl ho îold at thé sau¶e pries as formerly, notwltlistanffing tl4e iotaadrane. hi the NEW YORK AND) BOSTON MARKEBTS!! MTGREENx TEA,-2s. Gd., s-., istPd., 4e. sud 48. Gd. I3LÂC T AS,-4a. 6tda, md 4...eI opposite Èuler & eller's Furituro Wareroom5, Whitby, May 18, 1857. &4.ç,,Whily. Paq*YTECHYETHSI. GuiiTLEXÉNS'p OUT FI T TINlqG (Sarments Made to Order. READY-MADE C LOTH ING sup.rftulS 1-lack Clotho. MDG STREET, EAST? TOR6"ÃŽ2. The Largeat louse -eomPrisng the Mo@t Extensive Stock lu lcà hnada, lu DIZY i;ooLLS REAbY-ýMA4DECLOTIHLVG, ST'.IPLE AN» FANCI DRy GOODS, New Damankri, New Table Clotho, New Counterpanels, New Wiudov Ourbainis Toronto, May 20, 1857. t Whltbi Lofal Orunie Lage T4o. 1306, Il F. Regular Motîr Meeting t:~ lcLOL T No. 130, tae. jplacý at te Meactxu t'Ms Bvlron Street, Whitby, un tho ecod sd ti ecdi nonth, et Itia list t7, pa.î. I Ortier, SANIaWEL CALDW]ELL W. M.' Wilithy, May 61h 1I.,. i L1L poisons ire be-d'y cautitieIl agtdnsl JXegoalatig a îtromissorv note for Fir l',,tttada Car-ncr, nale by 'ltomsFatier&al Ce', ia 'fiavrrof Johnia tmpbell, pjalesx totttacher date, as ie saefaetboen Wi or bait. JOH-N CAMPBELL j Brouklil, 201h April, 18,57. 14-If. WUEAT AND WOOL6 TliE Subserihor la pi-epareal le paroisse auyi ,R ulantiti utWhist aütiWoul, tbediver- cd a ilUt atoure lately ecttiied by M. Lavder. THOMAS MOODY. WVlitlh, May20,1857. 18J P ET 1TlION TO VIE Reeve and Municipal Coftuetllorel TOêWNSRIP 07 REACHELI w XE wboge rames oae iadergignei, helag mViwttrds ot Iwe-thlrcls cf the residunti Freeoloes,'iand lcuaholdeis rtea ocutie as- 8sssaent roel, cf the Townshtip of Ucoci, for the. pi-ent ye*r, represeuting in value pvards ofl une-taltuof the 1Rareabie Prope-ty et the South-. Italrfot a No. 17, the whcle et Lots Eibt-j eau anti Ninoteen le tté Sixtit Conuaislo thae ' Towntahip of IRaaohi de herbyreqaetosat ai e By-La* tay bc Iltaset by yoîtr Çomaeil, anicri t. provision* et att Adpst im latte Sixteeth Yeur cf iBerMa1esa-oBeigand sudtituied Il su Act tto7=acIid=i.Mnical aetxof Upper Cana- as"for lerying iiy uaaà eiot on Il te Rate- ahi.101roôi-tv a1tusto, ying, antibeing in thej Soatbrhait ctLet Sèrtieen, sud in the viiole ofi léotiq Egilc u d-- 1ioteen, in tic 8Lxti Cou-1 cession cf th TovmSiip et Beach, uforosaid; l addition te mniOthae,-Taxeste hont ean sUch Prepertr, t the m efOne Hundreti Pend4, fera teppcetdefrayig ttce epenseofetcou- thsurpoig~s8e Wl xtndrai"me-S lue cr t ry, ence alo the Port Wiily, mamd iSa Sd e 1= andtheace long Wuimca.>ei.front of tho Sixti ,ecu- Cession cf tesitiTewniuhp et Resetsud tiiati thu ait] y-UwL Lb, aal the rt uteesi >mytlm the ie k f 'e collci ace b e repe99r pr Datread. tha Foui-tinyef'nu l ie ya O h--or LO. Thnati lgt ladrd u Ionfthcen.ýf9,nettepeet Josepha lcvo, ilachw lSlacloli *OUIver A. Gerov, John 8alder, W. 4em*, # Fi-ner GeorJ. PlchsrdJ. na J. A mssaon, Wm . C.Sue, H 1. T. lPiulipi, I.Lud A. exom 'Wlli'Crsln ,Bob Biav T. J Da, Bec lis It, IimtîDaebu(xuî.l Ci- hi-e .Jewot Vle Robert Wilson,ý 4t 1 T1hobýut1lsaon,  i117, JsnWa Oiadoy,- Gour atiBnyial, 'l~g Johan W. Bie- KYNDF.R &CIREWR MILLLNERY i MILLIMERY i 1 show Booms uit Mr. Beuais Oid Utaud, Opposite WTatt')s Rotel, Whitby. M RS. BIUDDEN reeently frômi AmF4Y.gland, viii op ot bier ýOn Friday, li ai a. Her mtovk la ail newiy imnportd, a< fhfirpt cdas". 1 ee r espeettllyinvited tu luapect lier stock befdre pur-ahig alaewhere. Whitbv, ApIlril 22ad, 1857. 14 SPRING IPORTATION& .YOEL flIGE 1 oxiy i AS juet recahved a large Stock of the meat l FaSttUzÇAlLE j> 'S'PJUeix DRy G OODIS CASII BLYERS 3give bita a C.LL. ie la nov Great Bargalua 1eor (uh Ouly, in Iknaet , b loweraJibbonaPriais, 0Or- lens., Dr"-.% Gooda, SillZsl Shaniw , Manties, Sewed GoudaL,, losiery, Glavea, Sinallvare, &e. A large Stock of HÈ1AVT GOODB, inons, iCotions, Sheetinga, IlckingsDrillings, Tuweligs, Crpeting, &e.1 So as tu anke routa for bisi large atock of Dry Gods;. hbca'll *eIl bis Crockery, Glouswrs, Mens' fli, Kip sud Coarse Boots et Coist P*i ce- fo r Cash. Groceries and Sehod Booksaslm"iorsot- aient ala'avit ou band. 1111§sfr Doibi Tes la à & atal tle best la tho Market, Hceember tire Addse.4i JOÉL BtIOËLOW, Whltby, April 9, 185. y ,justlfte«îved'Dfrect,,from Lad Ornins &sre$OrutedPôtt Loadon Dock Vaulté, King Et., Toreuti. W IIREAI sieri bumehave weently beau baned oi, utheTewn or Whlt- byUndr emm#n ,whl4h ledto the inipi- cloutbat thm eentorerc, et sorerpai dufersut tiaies,, baye .,boni esued by the incendliry aceof etue $vu dlposed porion or porions: Th ir.eerwatzdtrefore,wvill>jd tlia ~ ~ o Crrai e, 'e elunformstion mi lid te tii. eonvitloU cf the ,s r porions By r~roth1en on orpe O Wh~tv, ~oy= Won 1 ffenbu. next er M n-d t HÀAMILTON&'«ROBERTS bEGrepeefulyto IufOrÈft tkir unaerous Cutomêft, un te~pulemealy, hth 1toc t PuysdSal r d 8ed frm ti. Bitih gn eYorkc Markrts,e lar nov complce. Toithle ff hgtey 8 d llIaeelal attentfon: NEW RIBBONS% NEW DRESSES, Novelties in MahsIitea zdCapes,, STRAW BO!<NM~ AND, BATS, NEW PARAISOL, Hoyles' Prints iu Great Variety, CARPETS, DRUGGETfý DAMASKS, MORÉÉEIzs. GETr3MEU S, DEPARTIUMN. W"111i b ~und SILK AND FELT HAT%, WHITIR AND PANCY SlIRtË STRAW AND PANAMA BATS, COLLAR.9, SCARFS, TIES & HANDKERCIIUEFS-, NEW CAPS. West of Édiaki Clotho a94 Doeskins, Scotch Tweedsansd Vest1n afor Dresq sud vulklng Suits. The Best snd Cheapest Stock ofII RUDY-NADOE OLOTEffG EVE OFFERE IN WHITBYR COmsilâug of Xcv Summor Coats, v6ats, Ponta dm TEA AND COFFEE WAIREIIOISE, &ROBERTS, (SUCOCSSORS TO GEORGý WAJLAO&E,) T$ VEI,îhta, u dton te their former Promises, lite store next door, lalcly a«atipicd l'y RE. B1AV2ESÈ, whd as been fitted ap as tiacir Grocery,DoparttIent ant hcy arc ttow prepura t l offtr a birgd sud Walli aoieebcd Stock of Groceries, Winies, opitè> &Ã",~ TEAS, COFFEES, S1JGARsi WwKrs, flIW4DI GINS, #X1OOMS, BRUSMES, &c, PORTER ANDe ALES, étc. E90APS, CANDLES, SCOTCH WHISKEY. IRtisff WIIISKEY, Nos. 1 and 2, Commercial BuIldings, Brock-st., Whitby. 'WhiLby, April 80,1851. ST"OYES ANDI)I!AI{DWARE. WHOLE5ÂLEý-ÂND RETA-L'. A LLtherecninendbleCooking, Parlor, sud TleatixigSoesnwa .ti tise, (frCea or W eood) fo)rmi by the 1sabscrilera.- Abu lu mItTon Panips, Lad, Zinc, Pipeo, Japmnned Tinware, &e. À G E-VE1LL8STO CK 0' WIKYDOW' LA i PLE & KELLR Whitby April 14, 1857. LEt Bide Broci, Street, JVIn/t7>. 13 oeW H OLX,&AtlEANDETÂUII. The Largestockiutle Couutry ofPnture & os7tig £OM oITIGrDfýwb<eoolud Bedroonisets, canealsld Woo& 8heeà à Ta FROJf OSE TO -FfVE DOZEIY 80FÀ4 00-YSTANTL YIN BSTOCK. Tii. sab inêsfe ,atdvLsl»g intfflub pu ebAser5 thst *br qguttry, qVslty nil P'iOO, frEtabiaim.itoehtobeounipetfd wlUi-by "y othor Uoeaithe Oouxtyj WMitbyApt* 4, 8? IJPIIOLSTÉR1'&1 ~ST~VU*tLLIM ave Dmpi c ie i ~srgu tocoffius1=' nsd a busna, tl *tU iTntintoto the publié, « ayu t the ho tuntice. ïXlsrgoupply of Coffins kept oouatsutlyKasdy fye from te PCcuay qhinthem a k ~f houri ii A stoady pair otHIorns with s ni hjDriver fez WhiIbyt April 15, 1847. Minmm LTJ m 'mM MPÃŽSÃŽMABIEINVESTXtIÇT. 86009 $50,s 4S? 8800, *20 .FOR, SAL TOWN LOTS, V-ILLA LOTS, FÃŽRK LO1'>.ý L1.78FOR BUýSflrSt PJX1'Seo Lots fer Pri-vate Reaideuceaiî IN TUE TOWN 0F WIIITI3V ËE1S T OP 13100K STREEI'. OS-No. 14 AX71) , EAý9T OF BROC14 St~reet sud Sunlia ut J>uiiard's Hoti, it valuable propcrty cxttndiag froti rookt Porry Stro.bts. Los~oa 47janti 80, Éatgt ade ef Brock Street, Nurh fPollard's Ittol. J>artioa daiire. 'aig rorty on tti, lrlne.iVai sîreet hbath. Tovit Il eln thoseLt, wcl sîtated. Lots 20à asud 204, e corner bloek en Mapi abà Perry Streots. Lots 71, 72,438 74, 75 76, 77,sud 78.. *tý% Beiglat lots fara la alto ilock, ended 4y lçnry' and Chtesut sud Ash Str"ts, L4ot 87, West cf Perry Styatnaà dhà ti poaile the-Steain Floar Milh Lo3ts 64, 65, 66, t37, $0., 83 84 surd 9.5 East ol Perry Street, asud ajoiingte'Steam il *a- party on tue NoOrtir. L ots No. filo, Efttatfut Icrry Street. Tbis Lot is well tanceti andi otherivise iitproved,- Wcut of Drock Striffta Lotis 104, 105, 118, and 11q, bouindeti y ah triS, Wifflitit sud kent Stroats, These Liu'ta r deliglatfitlly isîtniated, andi batfiig'a str et i fibrea aides, araeivali adapledti tebuilih.gpalr- Lots 124 sud 11.17, corttar ut'Neiat sRli Joint few roda Northb ut iSadasStree. Tlie oregoing chuka Lots wcre solected ru as sn u veetuaet, butara uovî offered.Ibr Sae t d lltnally windl up a largo transaction. -t L 8 O- Centre Street.............."2- Lo.i. Kent Ntrect ........ ... ......4 "Loi Buclid Street.,................ 3 Loui Palace Street... ............ 5,Ldtiù Ulgh stïét.,.......... .......$4 Lots Whitby, 1t11 Jan. 1857. VÂLtuÀBà LE-BUSINESS LOT FOI% -SALE. T IFRTVACANLTOËr11OPTIIÀ X. o.3 1'rys"- Bioek, Tow t Wiaxîb)y. The purçhater viWin e reqaird tId cect a Brick llttildin4p on tliýte Lolierseni year. Fôr Prico antiatri tm4ofpaynent, apply td J. il PERRY.- Whiitlby, Ybruary, 1857. Co uuntyof .Ontario6' IÉoWn Lot No. 1, Cornaer-cf Qaiecu anat WaW4 SI-colsq. l)eiulodly the amuît rtahmabie Loti li lie viacli Town-. QVEEN STREETM Lot Xo.7 e6 ft front; Uçt Né. 8, moinOm-M Qacen anti Pari-y Stuti Lot Noa9, Vado,;-Lotg -Net 10, Ili , 1,15 10 id 17, 611, feetfiront coma taining amie tuith 'et su ac<acih. Lot i1ý. là ) corner uf Qacen ant iÀLilaSi-cota, nee,-ly oui taitp âîf es=acr, AUl oftheaforteaimg L't. fri-.h a-tb ite eoudanizati Iloan sd are raluablo bat lumIe octions. *t LILLA STREET' Loalan 0 orneraf ihlasudNbfth8treett' N~ORTHI STREE1T. - side of Nort Streht, contaiaimg-acioee ii et a acrc, Aiso o, 0,31,5~o oftbe saitto abreet, Iffy - STRItÉt. Lôts No, 70, 83, 85, on Mary Stree* ine 1biitt of a =O euh. * 'WATER STREET. Lot No. 89, corner of Water and Cls1etudg9,W CINDERBLX4,A TRMET Log90is>e, 0 n dc*Osi-Y it»t 3-o& Sai4at b.SideBro4î cd wlti' HAMILTON i. 1