Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1857, p. 3

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nari, a spiedal ti oiocwý arr, living At No. i * rtaliy iiounleL ~aulcy .-residirrg af-19 'Y striui'ty inijurcd. [erry stret, sispi 1hrou#b.4. ftise thlgi. 1 é Penteny, resiing at j% abo(it ;;2 years or age, v i wounui througlîthels. h llghinouuse 78 By Olicir e h lissu aid mti a a utter iii IvIlau'a 53 fng t ulboe. Wtthrrougli, the autsluight.. rlsrs disg the Sau ilale, ..nlngat53 MUl. NIii) sîhi lr)u;h Ut«W baiOf , - fîyasnîe, waw il-&Y ,,tr v i u ci, ve t t.a iirTSlb twlied. b 1 Il, ul -icirs, cf tuc 1 w tha he coiultu t- ot. i, t o ? u t ise nt th )T I tyi-ri ktn 128 Diii barber spoikesn nsle man le t hort "ue sul skss up o upo'so19e k lrs isr ihing e 194 ilto(oy, tiiing et- 11, iùs~~~~&c inioiyrsrin t19 (I tit îe heU t1ý s'at iet sucisonet tis 'Ces ie îsif,' cOf t est sio.six] n rvtn th$ irck, tîi;,sfidea-aIKy ere riùtmet. 1xlu o n ohidte or- lnmUde 'oine x - nuir toh tsssîîîlead luiIluk ~houlJ o ite ttiuoiliQied andi >itf 2,ivewre sub- ter prv nI t lise meeting Bonard or lireutors for the hi. nfj, rot tisprelâni.- un tir lrýer its Charter, 'dj wicih horis ck us ,ifuDr, E. J. 13ur. cJBteJ,. ceees ln Isv or.Jmp hniusitssud[JFlIns th j, hoeuse of or4s ,on onday, 1h. LodChancellor stated the opinion si u La ~cf c heOov at of he ARv ÈH u y$- takenlu retftende te the legality cf the .opiu~m trade ln Indu s ad China. The > faimt gentleman aise breusghlù iglit bina ln regard te Law Reforin the .e or h *hich would bu te ceneolidato in istattelalthese btatchet fthei,wi Iawreiating te icdictable offences lu the House of ConcmQnns,)4. Sm- t 9ST"ILisI#ED iq1845., tnoedtise following 5esolutions --That l inlseie esîc h ac ie . rthe opinion of tiieousse it is expetient T bht», pauie ner oelaf roksud tht Parliament shahl direct its immediate (olborne Streetw wliere he gtifiicontinues te ettélition te the bet mode uf nemovlug oh. manufactuire al àesoniptiont o? s tacles which inapede the application cf Chair., Table#, Redt.,adff,))ureeses, Sofa, British capital and skili te the improve. &o., on a Btili largersanie ilian evcr, andi hepeR i Runt f tse podutiv peer e' idia ii strict attention te business, te nienit a shane mentf te poducivepowr- o Inia.o? ptblie patronae Severai other members mnade remarks w'hen tii' debate adjourned for a week. The East hIndia Cth Consola vvere wlth.- out variat~iil11aY and unaltered officiai BIRI 1itisTo*n, on Tuestday lest, th lint., Mrs. in !la ite -of the 1huron loilse, ofae on. On tis Vh Juily, 1857, at Oshsawa, by the t e .B. rMIîX, lROBET SPV1IRLL O! tbe ,0 (W8of Whtby, tu Miss MsAesaTro vLyb ,o Oshawa. 4Ottr 6,eét andi warnest thanks for the re- SPECIAL NOTICE. PÂATuTso,"N' COMBIN1ED MOWERANDÀ oIIs. ýru-The cheapest and best machine neom Inusne, Ïe Pattcrson's cocubinesi Mer knd )ýeapcr, which wili anmer eltiser for mew- 'Ing Grass or cutting Wlîeàt. Those me- thines are manlufactured by &. & I. L. ýPattcrson, of Belille, and arc aliovred by ,ompetent jusiges to, be-tho most heneficial for Zarmers ever inventesi. Mr. N. Il. Davis, le Agent for this section of thse ,JaVeis*s Store, Victoria Buildings, Brock "Street, Whitby. Iele is aiso Agenýt for Patterson's Pinws, Cultivators, &c- Sec asivertisement. WIIITBY MARKETS. section of thceoiintry. IWA1 Ordera attended punctnaUly._M~ Wl!. TILL. WhItby, Judy @,- 185Y. 2 T TF Subecriber beg% to Inforra the'inhabi- tante of Wliitbv ,id urroinling country thut lie lihebm omenccd businces mit his Olà Stand, corner of JIROCK & COLBORNE' STREETS,' Wierc lie will 3rtnsuftettirc hid lmkep on liaud &Il diseriptions toltCoffins o? differeut cletc, fior- i4lied with Breaut Piates, or of whatevûr kind te" The aubscriber attends Fuherals -pcrmon Wl!. TILL. he aoE IAS AL.55 IN CSJNNEC'TIOÀN WITEI First Class Rearse!! insnnsfstuinîd li Il. Llvînsiutoun, WtVI5s, liilb is3m tui p Initlie beisit.ie SFtiilenmis attuuuhed uithsiote sît notice. Wl!. TILL. Vluable Property for Sale ini Beaverton. s CIMuuoseîçs. Ou-rt-, actre of [andsi ennulsg fi-ous B3tuveruuis te Wliîby, Jil 8,1857. luike siiuucou. aiiwhichi t lia.-us s ?nitngo t if l iP%'Leal i9(4 (et 8 2. a tmue, sud uirossnlitiugtiti Port liope. Linsayu ~leur~ ~ lt-,asd WaB-uislissill%-is iv:;tsulsus isitl ,ti, inu«j po uus50.tîite inuslsiw s e si* f tise l-vas tiisu Vs urf". if îuut diml>ieaL-t fant lin. aiesli tf-ire tue lst TORONTO MARKETS. utnibciiuir,hill'il' e tcoud is Tissu i At.s, ut Publieclsale, ut hi luisdiuouîLue s> £11bu e nu. Tise. sua sgoil uîsly o? jirodueoun(lue Aj'1îlvtui ani-beC tti i snmirg, al ofusîsiluisoviti off 1).CA-sIEESSN, tnciy t tti ~i~'~- ,îîîîcs i-u, -I Bart-tn, liiu îh,ît3r.Besrer" u,,P. O. W "FAT ti the exteisiof laff0l bseswqil)evroJny7h 9,25-tf rates u on iiyct!c-ti-s1:s> "--tut ie to--l is> atu M . .R. Fi'IPP, GV igfnuus. tua . .ptbuslici1. tise gi-eler S Pi'iEls'slEi>Tu-) G N lai-t beinzg ligut etlis. Idi. tri1unuoîs tus su Gsi i l.Nin l vrlihiul È <f thé- Marktet. IMto-TIIRZE WATJER LOTS. For furtiior parttcu1aam and têrnisa ý1y te whitby, July 8, 185Ï. 25 'WILD LANDh. - ûAAcrs W1M1 fo r sle on lîberai i~~Vterme. Whitby fJtîly 8, 1857. 25 DAN RI-CE'S -- 7 i '3EG RýESPECTFULtL TO INTI- maste te theïr Cutome's and tihe Publie gerlly, thet they have JIJST ýRECEIYED, direct frei tlte BRITISH & AMERICÂN MARRMITS, TIRI SRING S-TOc-K of Slelf and lSesvy RARDWÀ RE, wisicis, on inspection wil be fouisultise mieut complote i Western Canada, andi et Prices that deti cesupetition. BU IL D ER S wiIl fiud ev(erytlisuin uthicinDcpatment' in greust 'arieti-. oe s I. 0 p. w r.' To, Blêcksmthe. Scotch, Swetlss, sud Beoit iros, Ciat, S9pring àsud 5ll4r Steel, lionsr uls lossgh Motilu4, 4iuvls, "c To Carniag Makers. Ailes, Tiinible Skeius,IloStsg, sadacsery descrption of Carniage Timusing, &o. TO PAINTERS ÂNB GLAZIEIRS. Paints, 01.,l Varnlsh, Glass, Pntty Brunhes. AGRSCULTUZAL IMPLE MENTS.1 Spade,. Foirus, Scytisss, Cradies Sietisa, BRe, &c., tram tish. ce SiPORTSXM Wiuu f s amsp lendisi asustuent eooune. G REA T S H OW. carpenter's Joifier's & Cooper'S Pistols, Flaiks, Hooke,, Lnes, andi ove- REAT isenusîse o? Its maugnituide; GREAT ry nequisite far Spontiug. on MCOit oit ofis supriritv over ail ctis- TO OL 8,9OUECepR ens the n nisehu o tttitsr Fthlu- ?very iîîmoi-iîtion, frein the iceet ele- W iet rthe t(ntia nliade,.r A splendid assornuent o? table au'-' Onui fr uenasn ..t dtati uvr e baeitikr.~poeket cuttuerv, BitantiaMts,ud or scout- iitroduiccd wiulsi, soê,sritely ii XTTéU'a ___ letr patd ars f henees CIRCUSSES OR IIEIAGERIER, j MIL LGRT.L. pititr aed aeso.h nw bceconsileesuausfeuture.r Greati ncotssîqtieneosaviun soTefleîseng, lui-tbber Beling ands Laee atis Triik itndulpenforiainq OIfE udML~ FInt,&Rotwland Cirenlansand Miii bawms Wholesale and Rotail. thi ai ssite dCIncueses un (he unIteds tatemCent- Gi-est asnsut t is siove-l in the Equtetian 2 Aeriobîtie anii G', utaetie Une is tu bu me-suoulN Wiluibv 1.-t .Sul, I57.2 in tiis. liithe_____ GREATEST OF SHOWS. Gi-oit f-r ahI l] Madmist tisat DA-N RîtI.s. tte ouv nite Attrca i~iiui e. iut URE ANLD.XVIIOLESOME ThA! gnc.iui ail is-reter ___________re._Bu EI~UC.&TE APiM.A.L. rj> :i: ~îîuu-rhirswusll piire ti lii puuhii tisati np1iuit i-elijusce imavlicplaeed en Clîcir TEAS IM CTsEDlig ANRpe L Spl utbeiiug iPure and lfrue fnv uus as>kinsiofadluiterstioii- Thtuijistock, dsioh ti large, wsa LALLAROOKI Tic lPe-forii-tuuiuugtel,- V AN0OR DE N, ~ Anid shuic wtîdur f tise W orîs.i. su BILÂCK RINOCEROS! 't The lji-t cveiit-sec-d -ut of lis i entr nu dci jil s us în i-ui: tise tint cicr sulusije 1- lsi. astis i ssii tLssi-tyv itliLe:I- lle ti i slc lit - Iluis tliscy rn,.in Ets.îcr Aine-ire. sbusties, unslsu-si aud 1-fsniull l Dv %Ni lR -: Gi-set, Grüssin. Grsuutc-t -f iiarc lise COMIC MULES, IETE 1&-SBARN Et apuin lt aes îuc.fonriiuutsc. Tiir illus-i-ious FL0olLTe mluaket is vvcn diii maid sase i ,u i'. lsruoglg lsse-c. .Xîîuuli'ain respect- f e.thuusand id-iulars, ssii goie t - lsiop tise fected %vi-l i litility. Fouiil lmi utatiosisarc. leur fi, whieslsiîart, vari-inuaccoiidanuce 55isI sul<- Ioess u iivi iii.,- at1 ai lssuî sur îssii-Ç- - mupnfue tI sc. ~ * Si; Fane> * @ * 5u-; tise u.ii it o? in.eitilui rsîuired tube asi- aue îl ilst. listiiitslzits iis.elves Clat i Extra #7 75v. iuseit R~YAT lTS the%-aresi-t- itnisust tlsaud dollar-s. 'r MR.itWYAT17S 1-7. 2E. IThouuacCaahau,'s Keystue Orchestra. NEW ADVERTISENENTS. L ___-jTueet- - itssiois o? tise L N-li.Mi.Ume. - j titisi us clu irtri ti s le geitl-siies i c cuits ~-. A ce si i-i- liî- t re-ii ni- i tlîeiut h'tusnssuta' LA.TEST AND])NEWEST! MR,. H. R. 4 ?2- ] Mppl i(t ssutsii sr i-siosfsi 5i tsti- t Victoria Bu.ldmig-s1& hisÏotuuiunisg n ,titiie t-t al tie lIsîssesîre uoflisteiis LgTrui oladIsrmna BRANS AND STRING BANDS I Tf> 11E lmiteiiisedilies jusi openetigtuslarget, N C.-s.- ~tisai cuVr (st-ied. Stock, of DRY GOODS, IN15TIlE PERFO R 11 A LL 17 A D lElTI.5ES. vii- lirotgit iut1uthe Towsn o? Whitili5, con- Mcals' hielUst1 oii oiîesiiiss ists o? a'iutiigtuilî aud citoice acortuot o?, hcafcs tueIail, ,ssstb The C . DA RCE Etugýlisu. :Iàiierietiint aiFi-cadi Goosis, sttaul ls - MS As IE foi ii,te-. Ilieleuaea e, ttàtisieto itls es- L LVIA MOSJ.HWE, ttenive îruicMonday Evening 'exI îV i3, 1857,9M rL. ELIIIARF IOD , . Ji. SIlo WLE, A 1lieyDepmrtment, ins iui lle wi î aiitilSI-v m AsTG.RE, M.CA.NY licli wuilI tic uulr flitc iunnetîcsiperitn H . RIE BEL, IFR5ANK PIIELPS. J. F. Al.LAN ti iev nie fMise MEwen, of Ilsusiiltous, a yesulsg ts1-uss sCàhtt- j ssriseiiu i u 'iIB AIY uIsu lîshný nuselîted a eitifller 'trsuielio? etthse 1icI ir doh Telt A-IEWITB FML inviiiiiuîsslituseuîs t1 irst iousei on titis cou-- TIK ET<s tJ id <asci, lic btaiidaitMn. iMA ST %WILLY, MS.FRED, tlsitt ise eus-uuest .vi uampis arc u*, tili ulit Wviut* Ils -.1.rILLE ESTELLE. DAN RC uu(l ssiiicucof Egut nd esuIîian select- is lin t llfliR7;CocetEu.ui cul liolts, ouhriiu -ci-y %erarticle lusticBcitheu, a ~7 ~~~Wiii Exuibl utIPi us and-his tti tyle, *fusionnd ul i un-nuat pu.1 soir tes suptuiiuug ytintroduuced iltt Ibi10- F. Keler, Es.. hall kisîily allowsisithesu!Iccofn? Rinausilii, iisas, Juiyl5Itis, T 8Ity1TN LJIIDPRM. WhtbyJuI8hi7.2 Whitby, Saturday, Julyi18th, ei DEPA____________-_________ Maitun, Mousday. Jtiis.i 2otte lu ttsDpîîunliiSiisibisleetsns .Tii Grand Procesion, s-wui th lt Animais, t luott tte lc cceiled i>,uyTeon or <ty in Ca- Grand Trunk Railway. Cariasgcs, Vans Wuuguticlu-s-Poiy, andtin (le. l in . ci i ltve, fuellîili, quîuily sud ssorbîîîams- Pinf-înus rc lli ùukîiue p ai lIs'clseb. tc W (if uCku'.eîis-hIorou. lu ae ADMISSION, - - - - 25 Cents. l ste ta iiii, uî tiie , frontebeir pe- lIRjJ ~ ~ JSes-ei Scats Si<'sct,. <hiili-îui under 12 insuI. t ls bMuch îfic tiibusiness whiislhii ears o? agi to RuservedSis 125iSCents. ha.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e logBciieits itie-te' teto-SaIathIng amni Excursion Tickets.DN CE an uis that lefiels a*snsret i e-ti ios-e agsest Scie Pi-opiicor .CiManager. .d-sdemst4,m tte ise itiLtusita utthueTowa o Of is eoînoaisolcpbiednug Wiitby, Ju1y 8. 1857.2. Wlitby, snd tise snuidimsg acnfir>'. O h S Fndto fte uledr t~EscnyGsnucuî issuleE~ t orsr.4i r tue Sunitser Cessais, Ticets wililiec issuesi Tih, pritesofe ery articlemaeked inlul'Wsin TR NO T O T. FIg oresi.TO O T OPR L N lus voueliasion Uitheusciber wold beg(o XND B AC K, state i tsa ieLi)orable ilneaiuutenee entier ,wIleh bic bags pune-lisedth ie sluole o? hi% exten- A M if gise tsek, are suclu as utabie lsinu sel] al] Goisis lu hiceuMtshisunint, tLFTWENTY blidrun utîden 12 veilesof lge,lisai? pnieu; tîndun FIVE IERR CENT LSS..iO thutes-the pnieus 3 yearig, Frcu!e nAubliig familles ta vîsit tise usuali elturredelssu uir, 'WHITE MOU-NTAINS, PORTLAND, Ail hutiulsss ondecteti on tise Cash Principle. sud allich ftmoite Waternimg Plat-es su, lis vici- (lite lniee oly cha-gel. n utise NOT TIE ADRES -COAST 0F THE ATLAlVTIC! rq "Iutoria Bxdtidings, BrocS Street, Witili ]eave taes$top i aI Puoinuts o? in'ienutt, andi- ~ee lss I'rtc Pt/utRiari ffice. the tickets wiîîliibcgo-for Cisc neiurnjoumno>, N. IHu DAVIS. S.c ite ii NovnsbeL -Wiitisy, Jul> let, 1857. 24S..BDER j ____________________General JIu<sager. 11IE TWELFTII FALLIN mON CABBATII, AGR;IICILTURAIL IXPILEMENTS. Turoutui, Jul> 8, 1857. 25. i Oe Ano - ' Ùlehrtii il tekse place oui M iN ÂY ti 'ci,., ai ALENTYNsE COR- iT [SAVE tish se r Sa r te inouncu, tbaS aaa "vep a~fw NERTuwnebip k. TVue lrooessiosui I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cnd Type hinepsuineu mleAgstt or(h mIe e fi-mai12 o0Ml eoon. Asidresses 'euh o? Muensrt. e. & R.S.1<ttrto s-ofBell- Rm ht t hrs-s. nDsaaowi duln b'se i tGrandses s ens, ville- ceeihuites Agtictultllral Smplements, Rmvi eS.Teeeo. uBmaeagwtt ee tn i u tiunltr PI5OUGIIS, CULTI VATORS, &c. ratio Building, Montreal. olge R. Goati, -. . Al the ges lathSie t, .&îm, MASrScS -Couuityart eres ,innnid iii d in fui! SEProprietore o? tlii u stablielirmeut beg te r aulla. Tise Cu age a? Bru - euhmMeut Vomind owng SReaplg Mchne Tinlamnii tî'nIlinlers ulfCsuîssia, tluat tIhuis-eveut bctunie p uxt en a.un., oui Ciia-lle tisu. Toitieibrd usuingslsteba ee u sils Sm 00w uauuufis±tire s d a fer dejihiçary sAlsteubCe ty isotge 'euh nucet lisuediately sirs-a acl ai-i li sicua e"un r, asuilaSrge qiatilu or si Pics, Long rmer, afa gtîue zsi6nw-sn al Breilueru entitleti longe uonpitsnius te -prices, n-kwanoltiretBourgeoisieanti Brualer, oe?'Scotch Face, wilieîu ote a.lt e nn'wtil ae ih viur lit aie.Tu- clenabilits', cienience, land Iltilty. , tîtey ii lecarantee-c.sunt bho serpasseti by Au imi un ty Maistr ofli haie 'â,tiî lt, ofor ilisroobu Tuoewietiig ta avait! tbe expeuiso of(uaFonindns spoutts Cul 5otinent for diusnshiity ausilatndietn feieCpuso bsBok Tse -t uuoinssa.duan nwl8udusiaperuu'.Tises'baba alto on tiant a cisice viule, Kitgton and Quebsi Metisgi o? tse fi lest exîsactatitins retlinesin luIse' Cousbineil amuoitilsetit of s-ari-oua kinujs oaNGrandC.Louige. Muctishe-wliîusli ilu e-ocseuIb j warrausled O R WA ME NT A L T. I - Jee NSS U.GOANMs tu, du tlue vrk. The rpneus ali wliis tiese ansi otier typCoannulye3Master. --t EMSIOsusipe 5iu 1W rees>'for ,iust;;!mPcsuott tise oitiattlu eCanssiTypo Foundi->', yul be tosud 5. 87 subscnlsers, te whiui tic atteriti>net the Agi- t- jaltB e et os hute ol ep cetunltsettie iny '-, ,AtîtheVies- a beC80pe cru.le, ha ts>'col h pr ctrb etthBCurkylachasei çnevious lu-itaClisetqihasont.TORONTO U TO AT irlgriiiy* Itla c enreepjesithut the Piinters o a NHQ4l, nadasis ui show titoîr appreasatuon of(lue asivan- RN TET Ad.i aptiesit Ioltis ouut hybhetowtig upon iusa fun 24________________ o__ hmirofeboitciptro$inug e u riusfor wbh iu WANqTISI> MMIEIATLY, proprieoes pledge themeelves te k6ave Do emu T T ullaOffice, a goodîtùgdY BOY,.abont tise atintes-e anspheide stisiton i . gP 0ýO Ang uof o? ir 16, » Appronice te tise Pint- TymV mrk thise unredusiion Su Ie pi-hde ? ?ý 8,-ln es ts e eui>'intrrul uminci thut a gi-ater nedu<tloc depiens s pou S.On hm heconty reere& yousfiuoves. 0cr moite iý_s*U1 the tisiSe iTi o lti b> Aisetioun,uSalai-day, thse itti App t tise Chreniele OffiiOswitluTyp)es of? suds quantlies and, uit eue" imes day eo Jaly Pi-ex at 1il olck, A. M, b>' w1itbuJuly 6, 1837. 25 as willi pres-ent tihe necesslit>' o? patrouisinig for- Misi-s. WAKEFlELI!>, owAE i iCcé., au ST-RAT BD. Çborowulateffew o? tIse prncipual an.- t~~~;5p'vrfaeotdeimu i ÂMEloo iseprmies ? hoiclsequiresi'SyKIutere, i" aivellu iaftinr ade he Fotnulu day et August, AX eteth reieso tetheu groset vantagesof tise aaType FoWi- tIMentaut(M U <I.of th I siiip ol ux- setihier a titres e yos olti dry. bridge. Tliast vltiable Prepenty, in thc çiieand i withlur, of a roui- PRIC ES. VILL.AGE 0F UXBRIDGE,u- hh ô.Teown e aun have Fier b>' pnovlugNoupmlel ... ............ b OufI ~ll, deannsIos octsoi Propeit>' aud psying charges. 'MW!no............ .25 8a ' otin4 àMesrMntotFurho 13108. WHiPPS> reven........... a2 i - Acre, hotuasliemore or To eusg eehpose > 13i9ei.............. bd I e? the suits vest part of Lot No. 31 lu the Fas of tbe Msrket. LusJ>nMer1....... ..uSA" -7thihleelPii o e Twiisbip tof dxbutdge, w i±y ny,18,25-8in Imnu -Pie..............s 7la C teta'itis the buildings thereoi ncstqueo Ppa.............- a oe viicis lesa oonumgodîols CÂUTION. Ail ther BokFoite iusrrtoiîE. FRAM~EBUILDING, TI.nYcationl515y pgte ile r1Cousten. Pie5 la Sut, Ste Ples le G..RSwilbmae A. lng nusmcs>fneuIa~lu#~,oIm~- - TIIOS. J. GUP.RIN & iCo., TEM mlbeaneJawai istustf _ýtraM he oypaty i thi Prohiin, jII.B.-Puibishers of Newaes ,liui#ls M 7 aritesToronto. *-4ÏWtloselright o gIwiugthemglhlê srtion te thissdvertsieniest ý8stNTtU rok~ atqjupz 18th.. 57. ieZ, Vnrthase previouis to the commencement of Ilostiies witll china, andi wiIll e >-,Id at tIse saine pi-lies as forntrnlv, notevithstandiug the bite aIsance in the NEW YORK AND BOSTON MARKETS!! O-GIEEN TEtS-u-G., 3s-, -1. 9u1,4 . a sud- .6,1. BL ACK TEAS,-34 Cd.uu s 4e )pposite Fullet & Keler'is Furniture Warerooms,- 'Wiby, 5Lsy 11, ibu7.- .oii: -twie-, ;-iaa. ýhiby Loyal Orange Lodge No. 130@ NOTICE. ilE »eltccihi-Moutisiv Meetin' of tise bL1 CALI, #&T ONCE -AD .V 0S$- r N-s. 1.34). tubc-4 I, ihs th eeà thallcî*ICs , Si-on -Si--et - Wlthi-. -on the Second-Tuesuisy 11 l E A*%ignees of R. Il. Lawsde- itusi-su ict- nectueimnitu. ai hait pasit 7, p.in J.cd (the undenuikneti to pîs-e iin tue bauuds of By Ordîs - a i A'ttoneyi -fuuncîlieetiou. al iebts and secuusîzuts SA~MVEL CALDWELýL, WV. M. dlue tie seiadte, unIes.s ettlc tiiiedhsteiy, Wujt,-,.'sis~ uie i:,7 16THOMAS MOODY) WHEAT AND WOOL. ilAgent.y 7t,587.1 UIESuilserilteit î:ppeinu o te ;ussne saiî.s, - ___ osîtssuf Wiieutst sud 1w.il tsi li ueliver-1 ICED SODA IVATER, Id et tus: Store Intel~ -, vecupid bi>'Mn. l.uwder- . liMleFtitlssituvn -oeuaot Wluitc.Mai- TiIIMAS MUoIY'-. mtn ? yui i 15 Fainuly Chie isi, &si.. LUMBER YARD, SIIINGLES, &c. Whiiby, 3,ay 2r,, 1857ý. Boktet [îl VDESIN h ES'FCTUIYI TO MLL OWNVERS T iuseiiius t . hous its l is uspeusedt1Wlu susitlsir Yardsilssîsly k-st 1iy Mn. TIuississGalle- A" 0n evnets slir. G r--iien Mlit. W ' is, sit-i-slie a is-:ABOUT BUILDING SAW 3IILLS. sutu .îî-îlcd titi S.ususban su? cselvdescnîli)- an -.,sudssd treumis. l.iiuuluir ox ailleictiglus. TuE Snhseribers are sisn111ferisnng Circuleir 1ii.1 iii- . issUs, &-e.-A 1o, Sidia;imAIls and Lesg mille, aussi ey sue1sssrrom 8 to l0iite. dt e?1 liii sud to show thîcir equal fin StnetigLit j4 ltiiildii< Matorial furuizluesi on tbei Woi-kmssussip or DE-uigu. Tiuîy ane furnisd iiutIc. 1witii issuie. T. C. LACE, - euat Steel Mandrills. 7 Gmneen Street, lViitby. Riniiug in Suif Oîiulloeaus uin _______________________________ loncger sud iii, more wo t tss any otuen M.ulls. I THE SIDING WLS MUSICAL TUITION. rcneSelf Setting, and edoptesi tu the Cutting o? IIE ubýri4thakfil fo th riera stp-ýSiding, Flooriihg sud Ferictîsg. AIso, liEor Sue-Sîsc ) i- iifil for the bis esi mîîp- StmlEni gluses aseulMuley Stws, sitants o? tiie'lon ,n, andl tihe smrresunuiing Colitn-, ternis. ne., tiattlu-iue inel raresi to necve mun ssiiJOlIV;DOTY &Co. tisins nuutr of pssiiise at lis rnesideuce in! Oakville Joue 25no1, 1857. S-tri2ct. Stustnuieiion gives itmi the!~ Piafo, ~ lIodeon & ail string Instruments, TO UONTRACTORS. Parties desinîis cf nou-eina lissons ait tîeir ni.'I EN te Fifteu Acres StandinÈ Wood for .iduuîcos. wilibu attouesi iiyL the ,sub4enibcr. -:1 li, appiy itucediately ta I'luree or fouir young ladies' trous tii. conry de-1 F. W. HeIKENZlF, tirous of rec-isisi.clissuins, ian bec ouumnosiu-1 H FWhiu'by. ied wisiu buud if' ucoess.sry. -Wbitbs, June 10, 1857. 21-c?. Tie sssb*int>er lias neuýiveti wbat mlght bel ened MiMiecal Eulieatiou ttse firet sehoolsi PENITENTIAIIy, BOOT AND SHOE cn Geninxu asd feels tizat li eod es place STORtE, fis nu Muisîcius in the S'rovimiie-iui lskiuw- B ROCK STREET, WIIITBY. l4ge of ti-ga uiscie, sud on ail kieds o? String instrnonuts. -B. P. Hlu blard, & Co., t-@FTERMS LIBEBL., I XITOULD RE.SPBÇTFLTLLY BEG Tu A N- liedois tnot wasunie the tit1u o? pnsfiamr, but Wi nouince te thue citizof e Whittîy itu! uimcply subeci-ibes lsims(suf, nieinty, thsat tlsey have o du-itise abaté s etib lu1. FFITZ l6ishnent ln CÂLDu.L'.r.î.' , it iexut dea tii S. Xugiciuan. Sesrle'is Dry Gonds sud Greey Store,nuit WhitV, Jne 1, 187. lcaiioppute, ILSchlield & Ce.'t. l)n> Wluity. Jenu 16 1257 22 m Eajosbishte .U. they intenti ku'p ing constetîtly on lianssia oeh *selection et GRAND TEUNK RAILWAY. nosOIoimi ninRubre ~5 CANADIÂN AND INDIAN MOCCASI &S. ~ ~ t5sLiuW ,We would par#CUieusl invite the L.,ieta't - e~aU anti oxantice tise vanit> anti convuneuice o! ou- Feasale Deaomuent, having poidsi cii. i se- tentien tus that part e? our fittmng up we h4le' utt ALTERiATIOy OF IsAîsis. bu fo fie iwitlsi heir presesace., 0~ AND AFTER TIIURS>A Y, TUE 25,vi! ff 10N SECOND PRICE. I1-u'mes è -A I.Jiusetast, Trainis wil Issuve tise Station ini FAIR1 TRIAL. ïront Street, foot o? Bay Street, as follews: 1 Whitby, Jan. 19, i9Jtý. Tornto Tusse Law, Chaaeerr amu Conveyamacing. rhi-ougb Esipnisa Train forMon-ý triai, Qnebes, Pontti,... ait 710 A. M. lIE tandorsigned' laisvWglcslgued thse Office -çielst Nauit'rnnton Memtresl,&c., at 4 2s P. M.JLo etyBgtrrtp-uM.ecfr- L"ue Train to anti frein Cobourg will bc siscon- s o? Dehiîpîyrkgdueae fn spu e t e tinuscu. emosnin tiSe uicio th an mit ?nerya, A. traiswill easue Coaingon Mondsy sud cee- eopotsLu otonucte wtisas emincu it a i-v day at 7.5u0A. Mu., fur Toronto, eug ut fthe Lswor, 0 peusr the > Eu n.dr sil miii Stations,.?th îoitrO lir ete Epei$flo N.fl.-Tuu-Niglit Mail Train connecte at Pri; isCmo a nt ovyulgOfc att ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r sutsa xrs ruelaiî .glubrb wilî bu acrees Uic Rossi, opposite the W44b fur New York anud Bso r5eiugu t C -oitaca fffpë wisercaUi attes- rolating te tse assie eveuing. Iland Tltles eIr(!neu esIledsyattend-- TRAiN\S GOING WEST. ~ o '-asitisgenTrn f oi-Guslpl, Berlin, N. R-Waatod Sisertly'-Aa articol Clerk Stratford, &ce................ 8 10 A. M. who writés a very superror Coeaynceg sud 'suseesugen Train for do do,.. 3 40 P. M. agosn-sud Fretêit Trains will leave Don Station snd JOHN, V. HAN!, f4aeus Wlardus1y. eflearistanut Lawr S.1.BIDDER. - Ia.T er uordinyu nd MkaieSO tedr in -OAaeesny Tononto, Je-ne 24, 1857. U iîi~ 57 CUO-N VG TO .1@57. LmotdAgricultural *s URAMILTON & ROBERTS, Pnixe0 l'ipIeToppati, veeis'b, - Prime Green Tpei Welh - CA RROT, Improveti Altrnglisu, CLOVER, TARES, - uSooteh, RMLTON&ROB'EJTS DErspctlly te infornn tleir numeroîta Cuastomrena, and tise public gce4rl, tîttt ibeir 1> stck o Fsny andi Staple Dry Goos receivesi-froin tise Bnrti» uai d NCw okMsktl Inow complote. To the ilfowing they would cii specui attention: NEW RI1B0NSt Nevelties lu Mandies andi Capes, STRAW BONNET AND HATS, HoYIee Pits lu Great Variety, NEW DRESSES, NEW PARASOLS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS. CARPETS, DRUGGETS, DAM«ASKS, MOREENS. METTMNS$ DEPARTNT.2 WiU be fouinsicomsplcte ln SILK AeD FELT H 1TS, WHITE AND FANOY SHIRTS, STRAW AND ýPANAMA TIÂTS, COLLARS, SCIUFS, TIES & DA-KEROlItEFý-, - NEW CAPS. West of Englansi Clots ansi Doekins, Scotch Tweeds annd Vestinge for Drcss âuio walkig Suite. Tise Best ansi Cheapeet Stock o? aEEADY-1-[ADE »CLOTHING £VEIL OFFERED IN WHITBY. Çonci»tsug e? New Summaen Cont8 e c îals'Pants &c. TEA AND C FFEE WA1IEJOIJSE. 'airÀL-:0:- o - & 1Ji:11/jý - (SrCCCSSORS TO GEORGE WALLACEj ir reracttd, lu addition to their former Prneie sts tre isext (,I sinoltcly cmetl i y E. iL BATiES, w1bien hia biets fitti up aé thtsii- (ucenyI>epantinsut ansi tbcy arý nr preparcd te otn &S lange usxd suelil ecteui Stock of Groceries, Wines, Spirits, &c., TRAS, SPICES, COFFEES, -SOAPS, SUGARS, BOMBU E, CAND)LES, WITNES, %f BRANDIES, -SCOTCH WHTSKEY. UINS, IRlSLI WHISUJY, PORTER A-ND ALES, &c. Nos. 1 and 2, Commercial Buildings, Brock-st., Whitby. Wyhîtby, April 80,1857. -15 SIOVES AN» HARDWARE. W HO0L'ýsÂALE AND RETAIL.. AL'hreonmendab1e Cookinr Parlor, and U i tiug Stovoâ now lu .inôc, (foi Cval or Woodl> fur salu by tho tiubàcrubsrlm --Caâi Ironfumps, I.eW, Zinc, Pipe, Jagpuuued Tinwarc, &o. 4 QEXERA L STOCK 0F WZVD 0 W GLASS. Whitby April 14, 1857. EUât Side Brock~Ss.t hty 13 NEW ÇURNIrflJRE I*~1JSE I SOFAS. & RIAIRS. C-'WHOLESALE AN» !RETAIL.Je The Largeat Stookinthe Country of Farniture &Houselitting of SSIG ?Dwn Boum, Parler suad Bedroorn -sets. Cane and Wood Seated Chairs, Ta- Cr hies, BOdatead, erse, domrss, SideboaraCoutre, aide, ILU ansi Toiot Tables. FR011 OSE TO FIFE DOZEY SOFAS, CO.NSTÀ,,iTLY IY STOc.Iý The Subseribere fée! mate in edvising iut-nding piurchasers; that fur quantity, qaUqity &a Priçe, ther EstUahilwueiu asist lic eoup@týd with by aisy other Uruwe lue iCônury, FULLER & KELLXR, .Ný>a 3 andl 4, E4sat Suie Broik Street, Wdtby.ý Whitby, April 14, 1857. 1 UPIOSTERY NETKN UJILLER & KELLER have met purelmaed tse.Stock iu trade ant! business if Ungi Fulitz, acu- FJ2distitig of s large Stock oCof ins, ire and all other nearitSlsapperttluitig te the btimiestt wonId respectt'ully intiînate to the public that they are ý,w,pFlepmr«tofurÛlâhÎnidffbly supply lène. .15 ut the shortetst notice. A large supply ofOoflins kept eontantly ready for tinaming 0 etotheI cuvonlence of partes from the Country, roquiring theni at a isaif homrâ tcc. A steady pair of Herses with a careful Driver furniâlhes with the Iere WFUÀXERALS A TTEB-DED A T.4LL PRTS 0F THE COVXTlT.M Whitby, April 15, 1857. Brmk sStreet, Whi 7 beinur fat .5o. 3 Pea 's'BicTownu WIsitby. Tise pvnihacen srill bus requires i t ci-cet aBrick Building on tise Lait tise pr*een year. For Price sud tenues of peymect appîy Wiibv. Febuiusry, 1557. 4 PORT PERR-Y.-- County of 0OintariG, Towns Loi No. 1, Corner o? Quen sua W"ti Stricts. Dciudly Chu e uo't -valuable Lot ia tise svIiole Townu. QIJEE-Nt-STIZEET. Luit No. 7,06 fuit front-, Lit No. 8, -corner oi Quiets sud Penny Stricts;-Lo-t No 9 do .,Lt No. 10, 11, 12, l168asd 17y, 013 fout iýUn Con- tuinitîg esis fouinilio? un acre each. Lot so. 15, coi-se? f Qitee'n ansi Lis Streets, noanly mee haituof an acre. Ail o? the foregoiug Lots frocs$ ons the Macaduinzesi Rond, andi ane aluble bu, -LILLA STREET. Lots 19 and 156, corner cf bille sud Nortis Siret. NORTH STREET. Lots 21, 23, 24. 27, 28, 0,81, 2anuod 34, soout si4uo oratis Strcet, eomtaliuiug eue-il, oeue fthi oftan acre. AIse, Pao. 51, 5:3,54, 55, eertkstl o? thse sauce treet. -- MARY STREET. Lots-No. 70, R-3, 85, de Man.y StrceeÇons fourth e? uacre ecd.- - WÀTEIr STREET. - Lýot Ne. 89, corner 4f Water sud Cinderella Sti CIDERELLA STRtET.- " Lots 90, 03, 94, 107 aud 20q, fieely sltmuate1i D Pnivato Residanees. F rorty Âcres, BcSu, part e? Lot Nuciber ieiulutee[1u > the 6t ocession o? Beach, adIjoinimsglte sitrvel o£tthe Town oflPont Penny eou thse Norts..i I>repenty Se§ well sî$ustealfoi-div-it - uj Ant i ll bc soldaut sieli Pricesud Terses ns te inuke t auobjocato Capitaists. Apply ter - ý &J. ILPERK 7Wbltby, Msn8çlt 11, 18ý57, _b LjAND IN WESTERN ÇA5N4D0I - FOR SALE.-- sale Cisap, andion eacytermsfetps>dtt-. COOtNTY QOF WF5UNGTOX. - TOWJtiBU' 8W MUR lcthat-thuey, bayvjut nuioived a. ceuni4ribepoî v I jK COL UMN.S UBSIRABLE 114INVETWIeNT FOR S.&LP TOWN LOTS,' -VILLA LOTS, PARK LO7e$ LOI1,3 ,FOB BUSINESS PURPOSEOr AiND Lots for Priveete ]ReideucCs, WN TLE- TOWN -OF WIHTBT EAST 0F BROCK STREET- O)TS Ne. 14 ANI) 88, EAST -0F1 BROCK L Street andsi outh cof PoSllar HOtJ, a vîsiiablepropenty extendhiig fnorn Broek toe Lots No. 177 sud 180, Fast aide ef iroolC Straet, Norths ef Pollerd'g Ibid. 1Parties dessir- inr pron uthe prineipial etreutitnl-the Towu il flîtd{ tîtose 'Lots well suti. Lote 203 ansi 294, n corner bil on 01 plu-uad ierr«y 8tneetc.' " Lotsi 71, 72, 73, 74, 751 76, 77, ansi 7S. Thise EeisrlIit lots are iu eue Bluuu, boundosi by Penny sud Clie8unt aud .&sh Strocîs. Loi ;37, West o? Penny Strict, andi dhrecUl op.. 1uoskte tite-Steaso Fleur MMi. Lots 64, Gý, Gi5.ý aCI s2, 83, 84 anti 85 Esuuît of Perry Street, sud adjoiMtsig'LSte= iui1~il pro- perty on thue Norths. Lots No. 0. Essst o? PernI Street. Thula Lo$ it weIl fctieîî ad otluenwisss hpi'oved. West of Brock Street. Lots; 104, If:,5, uS, n 1195, briiidtiv- Cenl- tre, Wtisfiuîand Kent Stricts- Tîrhese Lits arm delighifusly siisiatesi, aud hiuving a street on tbnc-e sides, ure wsll îsdssptod wi building 1-un poes. Lo is 124 andi 125, t*onner of Kfint and.i Jui stneuéts. i -:' "Z. 115, Es4 o? Hit Str-eet, -andi but p few i-s Northt of Dundus Str"-t. The foregoinchioieLots were sielecteil froua Il large nnuber;witlî the vsiad 'Pfholdiisît theus as1 su ins-estmeuf, huit arc nowofferesifor-uste fnssly wind up a large tnissaihn, Ceaire Street--------------2 Lots, Kent Street....... ...... os Eticîd Sreet: _3Loti, Palace Street............*os iihStreet .................... 4 Lo"s Whit by, i9th Jau. 1557. VALUABLE BUSINESS LOT IPQ19 SALE. HAMILTO.N>

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