~\T \Y'S IPILLS. I tii-lui tiI t ti-ti 15- RIttOi~72 » -t h ,t,-nîV' Itîli~, îes'aiy~- - tnt~'îl l'ri 'liteeS l~~r -nil. - t - ut <atm ut' IRfe~ -,r-tî--,îi-oI -Fît-e. Ibm. I-rît, 't- Il, 1,,, r. i-lt,' hntwels, <kit, tî,în 'r titI, or amiy other o,î;hoati tic ' 1'sonld I t' LII I -t tir, - itittîk' t-t!lt-aoiotug ti,. i - -- îttîttt ,'iîttintesau4 wlng ItiMirder'. ît it-~l t i~ I t' - tnt ,îiniit'iaes, -r <tir <--S-', t,- I ni-tttig as a t ltî rît t- t- -I t t--- - ili'a- r.-' lit-ut t t I - saine LtPRi-5a'iCr]Otit (unmpîaiuts. unît t -, mil , tii - tb ,l ttttunIttS ut tt,~titi t t- îh'îuîi- j; ,'uistih'-. il,.' ittiihîmrscut'nis. Ii~ - t - t I -tînt "tietliem<.l t t I r' Ittettîl>' t î't't~it~ inêvg -i - 1~ I -t- - r,-tl~-j ullie i - Il- . - -i~ - lit', - -- i-i -tnt,! - - - t-nanti!5 - -t'I~ry t -t- -,-t--uis, 4 lji. - I. - .-. t-us. - ' Il -ut n tif atl t lnltitia~ - - - -t--I'r-tiomotîe t - i tic I tuiltîti - lsstt 2~ - l-~ ltîkimig - 't I iticuts 't- - - - 't i ttttltttti - i .~\ I-"ntt~,'t" - ti b0t tif - i -rîsti; t ttiu-,i - t t~îît.itî n - 'i--n l'en- - -, ~ i-lie r:îîîî i-j. îî~ -î'i";nu ~uY' it;, t i , t i 1,-o'; i-tt -i i '.~ - -, ' i - tt~ ' t t -- - - i '~lj'~O, t Mi t, i--i ' - 't-m.) - - I S î'îlJ- -' iii i,~li 't - il-t l~ttt,- - ~ i - -t' t,]' -- - - -, I ,~-, - - i - i t 't,- t-i-t" 'tt.' t , - t" - t - r '-tn'nur'i-:. ] lu i - t z î,~. mmith t t ('tnitît-ti - - i - i~ -tait-n tii t - t-t a-toit-a i ~î - - i tht îth i. ..'IeIloîiq I îtîiti il - t - t t- î-t-niiî'itnîis t - i - il t 1t1, iit-t~-t~ ittîtil -- "- - -tîlît t- t], lt-el 1-' h -tii-- n~î*t. t il lit-liiIlSy -i i-t. t î., t i t - n kitîtan lii n - i- - i i -- - t ni ttteiimly t iii -h -- , ii~u~~e ~,' i-i' î- 'î~ îî~ îtttiîttîneing - - I -' ~î- t itîtjîtîi'itttit ~ - n - - i ii~t~t, h -I tililieut il' 'îî. I .îri4 PI lîîiî-Iîttîia anti I-t lit- lite only t'--lîtii -t-t, '-r -ou-t ili0t'titie ofîha nui-l hi tlî~ i-t t-ni-t lichas ni- îi, îtt tir I - b -,-ti-i\- tRie m--at t liii' iî - i I I lit r ini'-tniin'iant, - Il t iii i~ iti' t-î-, wiîere liii ht-i t it~ t,]1, r t fuir triai, tîtti lii lclttrmtiiig lite i --t-ii,'t - - li'i-' iti ni-t tu lîîttruneui I- 1'iii - t- t Il t itt~-tttii~tiiny- o I riait i-y ta- tii' i tfl't't'- tilt ~i. littt-ti4 t t- 1h n loti iteser sue- 4-~îi tîth nio <ivare K i-li aitb J --t'ni-,Bitte r Po-lisn s.ît ~ io, I-t--tir t'citarei 'il - W t-I îîmiv ha for,- tii-o 11t1atas's tW- HITBY GERONIL la ruammmn av]MY Re8DAY MORNING9 io& Mayerhofbr Bro's,, nôTIIEET, WHIlty, ext Door toe iceegltry Office. TERMR 0F SUBSOIIIITION TO TITE ~it Chruntte, will* ie $2 par anun, a r et]>- luad iic. Ino an1 i mller0F ........n..... fl 1 mtbse1xmentiîisertili,tI-ler lhue)..s.Id. ibrai tileoýunt aiiowedto IMercliau'm tand atlvertlsing by tRie a e~nity, heslestiz, i~rasd In i t ns ini- mi i a anb d îîtlits sîaiîtty aÃi-t tier rtlIn11g riediîmetlll ! tII oit lie sertir.1in tinis a, ýll1iclselu-te oimtiiifora ardlig m are jial ti uI. itaera -nelningeI-aif neiatnel l! Rtclit crh-k of the i'ubiisherm witi itilAasi 11iGGINS & MAYEIIIOFFUiI BIBS, BOOK AND JOB LaINTINî- ESTAIB LISII MENT. lut 1ROPIllETtiRtS <iOF TITE WIT il le huit tti-v Rtîî 'tî-tî. o, -' ith - cnt hmitst e r-ti rî ttN i-t Yortk intttII 00K AND) JOB PRINTING t (t-s cri iiea tiit, i gu l mitîit hlai- ,- t itiff h .tý1[ittfia sutvior as ttIQIt hme, n euiitratlng pîn-r-a 1Tua Ppi'ntortt nthav~e i ontît , o f .P trai'YLÇ t' (L DR1 1?B SS wsiili em tibisttan in Ilrnt- ut Car,!titiluinr va itud a laný,e St.r-k i-f 1>iii iti,]Fanes'i-'its F'tatirtiery, &r., M-it itî Rig tîtuglitit i -en --t taito, l'niiitio. ittz (fitfletin%îýlted lit thelo îtstn pr1iýý-'ttaat'lit theet-, iViitliqtCt.e. ZACIIEttitBURNIIA, JDÙ OUEtF TuE îiM(1'NTY & StititilATE i NELSON Gi. REIYNOLDS, Q IEIiFl- ni tîtIttEAT TIIE i'oPl'T JOhIN lIAit PERnI, Rj 'r(IsTIZAUl e-lltEO.N lut-- -K ',-T. H. i. iIACI)ONCIT.i î1:IZIî til"t -î-uuî: i E- î î -T JOHN Y. IIAIV, r I.1rtIE Co IZ - IL. J. MhitNL~ tI .uIN m-tiEl IV 11 i. 'l 31.% Y N E,' AZIt I NTVE.tFV 'EI N Al Ntw Bri--ý I-k -q -e'tiFur J. V. IIAMI, St~revt.Wlih.- V N. IB. FIBN 0)sIaw~a. C. W. Z üIleý-v'r the- more ut J. BtLew,li.. Omte file Itegiry 4(tlieBtnwr-k st. W. R. fBILLI NG%. AIITl'I & A'TIIIIN E AT 1-NW, Sull Itr lu i ttticerv. Nttau l'uit-ie, VCIaiiWvr, tes', XNVitbyV, lC. W.i CAMPRON & MACDONELL, A1IRISTHEU$&Af'tiNV AT LAW. lie (Coutrt IouuSli Xiig. 01(:liot hrs 10 unti] 5. CAMERON & DARTNELL, AII1ISTEiIS. S<tIAItTttîS A.NI) CON- str"(ii- (-dt'. W. çIJtf2tn (AU lt, (T E0101,rP,1. i}AfTNiLL, ONVEVANO E11&,c, MANeiIE,ýTEl, II1ENJAMIN Y ARNOLI), <)WN CLERK A~ND IES Fil<- fe-Towu Hall. Oln R. W. CLARK, for eCeauir oÃœtra, t 1Wh{ltF.Tý, CiVyofIltl ENINE A] le l daa StryOfeet, Whitby.ertiirnten ina<le ail n, ufirturingwrl -rtùi aln AxesW. R i PIlILANDER M. CLARK, IGIt CONSTAIIlE, COUNTY ONTA-RIO, ad Iinspeço r of Leenucas lu flic Municipal- of the Tttwu ofX 'hitby. C. IIUTCHINSÃŽ XE MAKER AXES JIJMPEI) AN]) RE- paared euithe slîortemtt notice. hoeing undi bigneatiy"executed. Srtoi'-A few doors rt f Pollard's tnta, Brook Street, Whitby. 'WLIL'y Cill]um1, &c., BROCiC STREhT, SWh41by.i R IUGIS RUGS AND) CHEMICALS, vefm Dyve Etuffi%, Colora t&c., i 17'1) - undsStret, whitty. 1 .&hitIUCE. COMMIESIONa MFR tatngÀM&Jat»luthe QUOM'a iB&tt -, eu=1v. 1 Ubit VOL.1. - WHITBY, C. W., TIIURSDAY, JIUL-Y 3X,18O. JAMES douLlj, A U('TIONEEI &e, &c.,GIIEENWOOD, tI.Township of krit.26 PETER CARMICHAEL, AVcrI'lNEE.R, &c., WICK, TOWNSIlIP ALB3ERT SPRING, T &-NEEi tc., t., GREENBANX A. PRIN(., t L1) 1E iU, & e~ ., UREE-N siET C ROAC'I'VS II(TEL, t ii N E IR i0 F lUi-t'NT AN1) t;l:iiltE M- À'b, N 1.Itt 11 OTE il 1 i l ,tti-tIl.1-A'îr i elt ]]i r iiRi r i tii ni J-lit.ij arion i-jntin i BA V ta tO I,,'. W.m SNYI)EI1 h'PIti'lETtlIt Caniitgsi n-i Cie il Fn--uIitlie ijotaiFn-e ut'Charie- ntr T W I1Ts--et t . IIREY'S IIOTEL, LONÃŽRl)0S RiTEL, J~~~~~~~~~T Il; uN1;Iitl t-lIiW.t .:';îîlt],k VIi- CANADAOR '.SLOON . BVIAA 1.11 i IOlE 0t'ti' 1116)41011EL I"î a h. 1 'a l i SIlX7 'a 'aTION S L lit>TE!., 'J ) uit I Ssii 't IX' I lit-i t-tIlt lt/uV III t to- tii- i te' n u~t ni-e -i -i --îreîm-uîî n.itii.t - SI N 'rFl. GSZ 1 FîR.AN 1) PPI'-lg J1. W. tSLI,)DWE L L B1lit0%%N. Ci i i-AIlE ('4 uit Ft îtn S-N &' t trîl i t5ît-4 or thi-i l ti'A. Il).ai-t-ci-s' J. U-itiRROCK, t 1jt\illhfNALI.1 Ilil I -tsi-' ýEII iNI) "Ir'tnt 1- tîtti- r-t t, m, 'lIrÀIb.'24 RUTIIERFORD & 8 AJNDERS,I (tÂTE J.5O}t, T AI L OBtS , &t. - ra) A'.I) 54. FINi; STI'EEl'wl-:ST, Tii)-- Â4N 111-,m I r'h-et N'i-estlitîuit t S. KLEISER,t ir i-S t ttt - riE LA M; E -%V WTt'!," J La'i-ft,i eMitretd liath. Kiît J. C. STERLING.,i A -i-TliNEEIU A DtIPLItATE BOCK Lj, f Mrn Stvnlitr-. Aîîtiin Sales, bu k-tut at- tlunisoifeoî il tirteri leil at it, ie urtoie.70flîee will 4i-t-îiInîleîl Iot muitît tthe .tnehtn l tt tiai- treu.t, -a (iee 'thecntO lone, W'liby. WYATT'81MOTIEL, TATE shhI'tE, VITITBY. T HE j Sbagcs pusin Non-tIi, lct tanixX'west Ilîn W nthby, mta tm1 btluls Ilitl. 1,Esen-' int'ormtloru I -D. Pl WYATT, i'ropnictor. NORTE[ AMERICAN 1MOTEL. PRo1 ýHopi. OIIN IIEAD, PRQOP1tIET0R, TAKES TIS JT uitthod or infcrtinit lbis friands and the ptiblie gcneraliy, tbae lie bas comrreed busi- ness in the- iîove promiises; lit trusts tÉat his mode of' doinz busines-s, andi attention to bis guests, m-ilmenît a share ofpublic patronage. i1 PORT PE PRY ST1I'MBOA'15 IIOTEL _MfASON & PHILLi'S, PROPRiE'TORS, -lx bg to state titat ti.ey hrave fittet i p thne above well-kuioiwn irKt-ciana Ibtel, in a ut±w andi suztlable nituur-r. Visitors andtihîe travelling eontbnOy. will finti it in cvcry respect a mom- foumable boule. ood&Stabllngtroati ad n attenitive Ostler. 4-OCm NiORWOOfl MOTEL. GREENWOOD), PICKERItO. IlENRY COIJITO-N IESPECTFULLY IN- forms thte publie, thit lha bas taken the choya weli-kuttwu i- el whiech ho li aateroti anul improved tsn suit the le convenence.- M.s table and ,tiaLiquorsm ili nt be anurpsssed h v muîy other Ilotel in iflic Province. Gooti lta- Mnng. il TIFOMS OBNSN' F AsHiloNABrEHIEC TI1ÀN Shaving Rotua Broce Street, Whtby.- A first rate.nle abratiHi rseto long standing lu t ha businesa, wilI always b. fotint inreadineÈs tu attend on gentieumen.- BhavIng la a process to whleh gentlemen, fer food reasonso, ar~e mntlgh #verse, but midar Rob- inson's, band they willi ind tho operation bolli agreembiaand pleasat. - 1 2' KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. THEI cu aove Firat Ciasa Hotel,asated uoemin Je <fIpression pond>' untieniable. It was sa band ' andtrornbied exessI~I;y.1but as ithoectand l utontik. IgieyuoeB gU, r6.R~llU~AdvertUafng.- m uid, se aingular, yat sa beséeehing, ruiccia was uow passeti ah. kuew thon., hour to topant, andtfi i next lime 1 cee CATR1 -- ausecppaiing, tiai- no one coulti heau t un- wmis no retroating, anti with a violent et- yotî lu tiis lionso,,! wM idag yemu leforo ";Anyîîîing tivor, Ben R Thor'. oodiiievey Jcan. uoveti. fort h. composoti hersait. Sha gave or- i-Re han ofjugice,, whei'a Yeu may be com- "Ntot a dollar; Ijusi- laidthtRe Jouiual's - "la odi eey lar.i-lihe captain on board r'cite repeat- dors i-o the coaclmn inis ua ow itune of peiledta tmnako tiisagrceabie confassion;lifrdetîig heîhpet u as' uit . ..mÂsYNRS. et, andthRe Young captain anti bc >'oung voicea, suoswai-ti Chaules tiid not hcar su begoîte, at au an ti.lclceuoim u. ûI le l -t itti i 'îIacoti, officen passcd theîr eyes over le'sur- whii-ber shL a ieît i~at h> ostRu :i tih tt un -osu ', îbow mnulle 11ilatiltitai tirelias 11o g-i-J passing chartus, but with ver>' titfrent were agein abomut i-o atari irnrnbling into i-ho nearesi- chair. - apnt.tao olrsat wetfv Tiiotnttli ii i ItItis Iiti trtl, emntions. "yeti epodtet 'i rtoturu tte ni>'fiIndilagias- Doe>-oii iin b toa> i-ou, Eliu, iliaiets Antilt ,et:ttùttuititus uleIla esMadame"blnl , ode dCharles, as tht> eai-net thteislvos lu you arncnianri-itei-oi-lai- nari P' liecsked "oI dî' ik - el o ha->o Ti] il'lîilii i -rralmi- ,Joues, walkiDg toitanstisi-e fainri-ho coachi. ln o tl It elYuta e t 'aptle otininttronteoiîptuotisly. Site dit not deoiu a ne- -arei-Re bîgc-Dsi-fool on tis areet; but you N;iutstirtrtt-dlii ld uItlîiiidt t tnenist, pufflng. liicigtar, " tbey call me 'NO, sir, ave are going to yotîr iourie, lly, but dri-w coser to bier hushanti, w r. iý liinr nuis îtti'în-,teCaiijtfton tue svan-t of hlut-i-n d ttho wlinni' 3oun lrescuce nvii hae raquinoti." smas tsainiîg hinmiscif sti-omigi arount lier ~ .oanisc eure -i tir i'iiBîittimn -lt-wliuui' -ta - -i-m ut ai-ier sailli a lean, loose ait', Mn. Ikst looketi nteadiy ai- bis youug Young lhart i-o whunî suce mon'looket uitwj a confidenmt smîile.- T(-11 nieit' tn tà nio ~ -tRiai-- icmtuietl ('lrîs i-okiiock Iiijiii Jwite, anti foi'i-le firsi- lime heacaul>' dîl coiiititngh-,y. Mr. C. i-unit-il i-o Charles, as dtto lliars t'onrtvertisin-!I ~Âiii-.getîunnmi tro- tai--y ai ihimiki-bat tue wus otof trin iniihi r up- if &t'on t'uilen explallationbuIt tlie seli Teattlcmtfr"aîtîn 0oe, gv Tîtulitt ~ ~ B ut.. -will yen nliy evio.II h adpar sior>', antiline-salu tcovn"i Dni Tohiene i; alulistî neia p plicliii - eleilelnîi C"1111Ituiitîl te)Ii tu ti ilt'îîu. maitiout cbamiging lei-bce tat hoeRat placet imaicîlu inrathon an utllyoiir infernal villicuies, ant 1repeat, thai-t apola hsl udfn h eg L-Iî ttt- o-- treleniuiL' alitdiiand - in d-'-of ifi-bai- mI n avksvan l'n i ht ntagn atiierdprelîcaeouî; lin was intiend i the soemler yoit idsappear fronittis lionsuge ti nitpl o'ii s-oibun t unomuonianie ad wa hmvanli' iliebeitonut)vii iefr1o.'Titis tcotmverstionoccurre nethetRostone Ino-e' ttr-ti ii-,t <ne'-Maryenou? WhRît, us>' 1rte ucmtaladcai'.T i tthubteritil c o yu f Blenjeiuiin lVesi-on, a young-aud enter ibntî.îi frliiiilu.Rnlnn Idu--t. -have got a wsin luLondon «aw, but dou't - <evisiiig seute riecus otescape, wben i-Re ".Anti wlo tue yîîî, <sirY'tcuiantiotMr. îtising merciian-;wîbduicîmn NýiX iî-inareoit , hiiit'ndî'îî - ' J mnarrimg yott as long as 1 can saycoachi door saas haiuil te auend i-ho>'aere C. salutiîng tII)i-o Charles antI liane duiness ontis on aciiit TRienoter TdItu--tn--nlu]-liunhtt-t-tett ii or.'off, amd i-liacarrnage rati-led,,aven i-hopave. naduesa l>' lis conueL"i-.arey-ou. beani-inl hp ofi-ho bsel>' Àntbcnglace a. -"Wliu ae >'u.,peiso-n, wio, i-o use Ilus own citussie expres. 'J'lieiprtlienîieamui-l-n of thet st-il ment'Anotheruglameut.t eslovel Vhinih- 'air, i-lai - rtne ouse titis language trimite in i.- W ~t .t'iiud U bro ~I rtulia-et girl iurindieth sîtîprotî'densettru, ber hRingbî J îg bride, schled hîltîtanti lia daiermneiîtl y owîîn t-tR iîi tc bn p"at Çattiobn lhe &ly nane s Carle'Bet, u yor s r ow ifty dolIons to make mîpfihi amount of 'ilt îttirgt-f iis i ,,. i-elatt ieth-breilouleti briiliancy, as te se the eo ti, as ho liat hegmîn. xf im i CalsBnai uncn~ note diue i-lai- <a', n'as Josephi W"eton,a Wtt tî~i - t ri-'-tiinij -tRe gazet for une single umoment ai-i-le The cottach stopîtedti ai-alarge anti cie- vice--Re son of au hionestmn, antI whRo -< i enpe' t uni-' tu--t lieuldrit"if -bai- haglautot-, gent bouse ini une of i-licmont fashionahle avili lovelhonîore and pnotetti l ady, my cou.i; it a-oiin Te Aorc, sino omîîltoi-e-xilisiamîv--mai-es ini youtli anti staunob tnientin1 va' Nun unr i~ nattitit - ut siruiik - abasile(ai-tbis own inîpcni- i ctsantiChaules havîngaiîgîîîad, hbsi it îfe; sue na ivearimt tme. i-uit;.. TRionghli ure saas a giomt iivi'si- Tezitieiitîi.id-ii Irfi- -I - 1,nenso'; puflimng lus cigan aill an anulor et out bis avife, andti -Rey mutendedtih-le Mn. Chifl'env spra eugi-tbhe l] nope, anti oiinodin'tpcaarn Tiiittittii. titi ii-i it'tîtiigtuai- seireu.tio tii-an'bis cheeks togetiier, atately ci-eps. III ansven i-o i-bebell sotintir-t a peal thai- bromîglt tRe servant ttymjiatby existeti betveen i-lens. Tii .ti t-1111'.- tt ut)rtic -oib aIin. ledwbich cRie wrting iolcntiy, aitenacnt liant- up iuan iiittt, i-or, oxpectiiig a sonne, Ti ltcmmntbunesi-ot el t-trt, il s'-tni'rr.lirit ebiailt! yiunît-t lu Aiarles, woli somel>' livericti, alîpeaneti, 'tlion suerpd hywr rprd o t n ugtete siravnnj e iandtne h aecru Stiit sil i11-il it g---J trinclose io te arties, avîile i-liabriet' 1>'askod, n;ît-viey s rineparet ton a enoieigi-a he satn -,btmne nl nutin-le;sam te irn n i-t i t- b--n - -inîoquyaat- licli.o-itlits bliht ini-ei- 1" yla y ncle yet at i- ho t, Iat i-et-;oh-edt io stand by i-hein Young mis- of-stancelo i- lte ortgalg thiReavtoc t Ii t ili-trt-- ii-tçr iît t gent cve f~iedupîtu liertai-e wRile suie aas "Nu, Minss Elli," resnumitietti i-beservant, Ires-s amirllienrlîtsitenî.otsmlcîncail,-oungge-bstk N- î ie i- -rntcti.()1(m01okstifi'ccdt io cunvjut'e reïzpectfuiil'. Ii Ttnîtlîis vagabond onut'fthe iiounse, inmsetesi orc e dters i '- t- t- - j it ----------li-n uaIluest-o n>;cro-tndl aptain Joînes, iMn. Bi.til nîsia foiraivcglatît-e arrtmtttd ho rorecu a listeyetercul lte noni. But- T! tsile'laltoeael mt -i rs i u ::. ri~-.IlQeir ; wtieonninnqes- olie -as no ;peadenct %iv 'lents ti-ednas, ti-luboh woul: Lcoie itui-- intlyi îIînt.3.lirlngnz-laîpn Ellemi lnsoflier aîn t oi-lîtî i-li iikniviswela.,;h. I st-ont But , - telmeilulinte sîaieblo-k. Tldir liomi- i -' it- hm r-j utst.lîul ltsiu1s nfuit pa--i tg ctanti. Ji-lai-1si,%- t-ve, ttan illinu niatenial tiffereuce ut' ,;Ilr mrI % i î-ait ifior -utu-e,ammi 1<. si--is Inï, lii es sir," a'iswere thi-(li t-n;l, anti lie priiniples o'rit'ngid tio -'- -- î -' -l t -,- ratre iuni-I -Elîr-m, mppoarliug hrllmrý.idtitiL't'. econuin>'. -b -l er nd hurlant irsped u-sti ttherei Aiiet if I han] tReienomny itu -pane,1 t" - '- 'z1atl'c liiiise} agrIili ttff e-ctio uately . B eli esi-e mita 1 I spea k- the . n u use n resisting, and 1 u:w icii veo i -bt al n u i t . e ou l Vrt.1k o n >'togltnecaeii e leieao th minti-od sI What bcnnt'ti-do youncaîtec- i-o ralize t-- i ' un-ii tand, jiilztt- nul A thintdi -itt-cause 1hdfui cnu;Btremnein- oI take si-r-1in<a mviii t'rum j- 't-"ev va frut'coîlie ltt*i -,tupvn uiu'ui0-tuigIl eieo 'Yoîî are beiRijiRi i-huies, Joa. lBane- t - ~-~~--"- ' î ît-nîîa.îî li iîghi-s n ti-ltltiriugl i ls iber i-lai- s-ou art niasit-er lin-ne, cmiidm lai-- FOU- out cane liti-le for fhtt ii-'aill i~-Ihttaqeto xai - nk lili t i;ely rl sa;-1%as befuoe liE- evon happons, du yonaser- your ri-Rit coM plyt - igeliei uuatS ~a ie han] tîmîooi-ouun -etuun. uîçustlufront i i>' vife. ,Antido not true> t' - - - -.t - :ttt-~tIîrr t-t'înut-rl he lti'Ryt- hat turnet J'"Trusi- me, i-r>'nie, hi-ies',me ; 1 wvili tiîkilai- 1 marrie,] Fllen ine o p'eImbg"atiSof-i. t i t ' ro,1 i- o heave i-t e 'e.nos-ti-cl >You alli-bat I bive tull tiei-i, gBigsout.N tr ag sle o-~ oi-b humbuga-." fn-ýp Ia-îaý stop, voun neqiiecti- iver, It'on 1 expaci- cvery montent i-bai-hoe wiii i1i-une is ni>' owîî is langer. ant I bave no 'u ii--r for itd; if luette felloari ll'n t'îI -'t t -tr, t h -ii t-- I. -- t,'- t~ .iîîîtt i et a-tk s-ou onu que- --conte.- bre- Ti iree e yan aigoetny iai-ia eret' of ir ma et, andit o. on> it'oligmubvhe-iaieionaopnayfrue i ieiii- iAre voitmitin r s?'"J icR, ltavuug lue, iîis oui>' cîilti, ini the it>'ti-o ur nanne anti ynars, i-bat 1 sfare 1 >' ativon-ti ng lutmhîîgs, boas' iii ie îra God i ! i-u-l10nul 'brise tutu crarot i!i)is- tcur-ue ut' bis brotiten, oy uncla;i-lau Cli]- >'ou &fru expostre' vl henh iel u naatilrai i- t v I ,t- - tr s s If vc )u uew bu : 1m Wf- but nuotne y , Hl s i m m ea nse a lh as a l m ft in M r; C hifrru e.t qt»a a lcok out' n gltsd 1 lie -s r G u t n n R - - Ii~i, ~- ; sernt ov ou are, so t v to bn llomvcd my omamw n îe to - renainet islient, liui, as lion face itliivti, "W e tii-t'en; ihua avilitellatbd is hi tRie A jj v e tiionoy plentv if--"taile.set'ing i-be ativeniages svRii t i-is "Antivomi, yoùtllizzs', yen huzzy, Sroisv e,-IUwl ûi ôml i-Oujtomîoilai-I watfno Dmono>' Igrr-alaccession of avualilu vounîtibring s-rmi'f. - Y"egniiî- le uivil] mnnr.rtyNos tttiiavhîau.Isi-t-un; iiticeti, intent 1mi in i, hasimut titi]>' mseti oen>'neffot'uite pro-.; "Dretll ti-laynins"sait Char.- Ifdouagoa on iii i-lesrinter. Fuin ty--s t\ ýw% lut sm-lut I seicn' vent nu>' mtrriage, by apneating-rpor-is les, aanWPeizing Mn. C., Iltdti't du if. Do Ihî pn utrtîenxqir I 1belinve it intitt otiIti; lut sure!>' tinjurions lu ms' nepula-iuu, but ft'ohile J1miotletuipt i tio fan, yen oIt scountimel.i-n" y(liii miotli lout u1 r ath oiita'n-lasi- i-ren muni-bs ie hba amcl>' kopt i-ne My stock uof patience la not Sony large, and ti ~Dni ufo. - ntut' a nesoltiorts furnît ied s-t i a close pnusoien aithin usy roous, anti in Iil is uow'aimnosi-exhs-. Ltou ci "um-iosl-bpnJoti-yoar -- - T'lknut ut' ute nnpeniigair, andti ~mine own bouse, troin whicb I cisancedtiateyon, you are wasîing precions finio; if you in i-le si-neet - larow'mg tr >'? îuiivt Tlie sacîo's W tc. tnet aaste an>' mure tlime, but ansiven c escapaei-bis murnimlgi Thie servants mli cen mova me trutu ni> puipuse. Dec"one, iisc brganeIcsmmecdl iu A kilT. sm-iI you mari'>'me? i1saioulti net dal7 Jknow us>' tgii-santi iaaeoui>'been doe-ido, 1 pra>'." - i-thug ithitan> otîter but i-hec." tliV t rouspnoi-eci-imîg i-mlasserting i-leus Mn, . C. ni-i-cnet la word, but gaznig How does hi- bappan, Beni-bhat y#I- lOy Ineatiemi, iavilli,excliedetCharies b>' fouirof m>' uncle; aWio avotiltistop et sieadil>, anti aa'ia-lu ook of damnouiae force- havu't got cml>' mucy to lenti"'aked Jets Ini i-le murui-î rot'June, 1Bt-,i-Re fille passornateiy. 'I Thene latbe-about >'ou uotising ite gain his enta. lYben I gained noesupon bbe pain, lie retint-t,'utiai-e lbiliml, I.bip Faite anivet it Nciv Yurk, iroui Li- - -laitoels nie i-lai- yeU are not wbai- I final ry libenr>' ihic mnorniug, 1 d-trtlned, If -tour *s eloscdEllcn,pl-ced ben haut vit- Ilecause1 spt ti iii edveriiaîg." verpool, anti watt tontre ta-one outh-Re teenîn yon ; andti -ai- 1, ai- leasi-,ailli possible, i-ofut souse perann ai ouit lu bep' lusbanti's, anti-looko into i-ols cyca "Boei-ienbad it tèieuti Èlènt for coptïra ai 'uni-bRiver Dh)tcs- Ilent'ommnander, neyer ruemîeou'part oft'h-le etisenture. protaci- anti datent me againsi- my n>'uulas eoufldmin anti imploningîys-,me sait, 0-40's." oven i- a fr-a Jonsk, wistîs unEitlipsi- Wit on munentl amîd I wili Rie wl-b Icontiuci-, anti-you kuow i-be rosi-, che ad"] . '« >1 Iprove vorihy ut ycur lus-e ; nie> e"W-ait, Joe, wait." ovr Ythafe 1enl-s retant amn-En-lic abin ant lu te in, luchiug, a lechaspet e fi frnyenu ns-ortolpant your hai-y uiurriaÉ wl-b ailaeni- nuthing fon ats-crtlsing, but mna, notgli, b 'îinimutzs in bt silh-li- i-o itote ai, n i èv bis-liosoin, andi vowad i-o proteci- une avloni yonn geeous, coufhhlrug b.art Win bet you tRia oyaters mnscales for i-he ah a i-bmrorîtnlI'reti sr-tntt, tattias fur tit momnts lie re-appeamut tiresset in lhis huer and dotent lir iRtasevoti ha rstteu blese."îsiquarter aeaas 1a eas yours.l tulnif?tea;tinsavert, ptrfeei- I't- tttinpalt lest "stuihtmr eîotiies," a round jacket anti Mn.iti cs laspet bis lovol>' av ebi M i Ye u n iha et-q" i- o rmnianil an> 'iz-e! thiat uver floatet. bine Irouners. Sha clatet frous hi& embraca e-nd beeg. s. ati asabout 'eut hs-ta bis tr"I - ey- o etqa' The tiratfi- i-er, C-harles iest, si-tthile "Couie, lad>', sa-boas-onyou are, anti ging Rira ti-e Reseaht, rang i-Re bell, anti t'n h ove ati bs litniesi-ai'" - oit]' alfrbe oeadconfidence, wisoa i-be ro- "hymo -els- olysoli et'awcaithuy sonitru parluen, - aa:-vn y-ou are, Ism-l lta b > i-byte J wlen a Eserant imsaerodth -e atanmous, pont ofeaistol iras berdf-ithlpn fturnoet Àtetsn aamw (i-tir-tte ~ aei)amtiaintomi ulinisl;1adocn'hmi-setcl-i erasup btbnatia>eetk.pnt bocu ~~ i->-t-i Re et ile hne(reean uatta mistaatfntRaeo>. as test,) ha retunneti honte te recc eabis coitea le aoui foce me- 'lvIhatit layour blsesd bUte, every qna' -y enihmlpuoeiatt i a& s -jgt lun.i -t fatliers f5rgiveucsanet llessing, anti tako "no, n ttsa. I have otbange 0f 'olItiRet avomi" ?1hbcdemandemd ofi >1 SrOBsi respeoteel, but ise.wicked-heari- even r us~miium~ uthJaêxai possession of the es-ate, i-lus tisappoiut- non', ant iimtendt i-ai- ao oue haI see or n a arnemvGltE, lin t t iha cam. turne gtupi-ed bna- isearag coti-se. -In iet amtfyimng4îtn)om t, i t- - iug mani>' uugn>' expeci-ants es-an s-peck ut' es-il touants youSueoi r ihest otiamiiiat iai.Ira--Mo theat'hi u-iùwutro cn ~u-Br ia ie~l!l ~~ RUislplasion for i-le soc lio-es-en lung easy ouni-jiat score." -URS tmata , hoIwd nihilaely, ut r- IbY Mr.<Betand tis e utifu -Wle ômy utn sateêhs beu X& hi6tuIig' teo hlm, anti heving beau offenedti-ha boni-h Rilea thauket hlm w-la a look s ls urt let no iCife~iânh te aa) ,botni- *Tih ai.tobtke i-he i'rcd oniùg - nomuoh aeakat innleu d o'ud of cluief mate outhei-beFramiui-çhmy'pg ait'fgratitude antireardn, tisai - b. amuit nuie in eti etuueynn udtltdi iiyt , l$'e wnt i ntfin 'Ru fer rsuc ekn eii otie Charlc.si-wn, ha placet guantians os-er bis torÉbeua, tfeehita ti-ha mas nUedi]y.,' Mr., ndhiIleyithon <adee Fil'asily per-aadedth tedispsee ueproe ' propeni->'anti joineti ber, anti I nuir gniting lu love, ha stuatce oeekias, at auti bd îýptese.ê té aeg&ex- ýh-o i-l. Metis vlthhon nti- Boithe flnd tim hrban uNew Yonk li-btat ce- aiood& olffagain mute ant doeuteasi-. lain i% bat ti h tan 15<IoitIg r#I1hWnt am ,wiebýodean.on4 ~cii>'îthongii-suri'>'.fon tise treasa. a o 4 - i ;. ut-. - -a'l 'n~e Fame bat been ina threeo t tour Slie made mne mark upoit tRi,but tai; "1h1,eetx at_11 *--hte, plf-e)s5e to- i Shineniug à kfnia a rculangot ra6fi- e t -'à iîphl scauesait-to ailere, air, go anti provide ia'ht yâ ne-- qtune-ý cuit bat, oh baste, forn"M in l terrer es-en>' moment ustil I bavea1 .proteci-orY * abga aThanis you -Ellénei d C eiotgmiIy, eoiuglaof myeirn, Wait heirciîandili -reWinu sLa aeWtlmeahta l I uIii1s~... Pniîlulta'î-sgreait ihaughtmsuitd natiing indeatry, me Sdvotnaietueêét ,Progress, Knowhcdgee Brothenhoot. ventising thneugh peudeti large aun mu-h judgaremnt ma 'Thea nsult bat BIk I Oran tiscand wias uscuargtug cargo. twa a albi-y day, andti e tie orirwvio bat beau bardci av ork cl i-Re moning, avareeaiig - ihe dimiue's lin-be funecastle., Captial JJdne~ raiuavaiking backavarti anti foraan on euih quartait-teck, wl-h bis jaceteof andi his eyes fixtet upun i-be dock, anti - doty in a eep brownstud>'. <'1$ the aptaia on boatd ?" 4nqu-ired a seft. melotiotis voiee -ait the. gangiray, wht h usedCharles teotst#rt froua lib Witl4,A gnIecw pissels earpe à DE new furniture, Mmra.Westoles littie parler looked -exoedingly pleasant Mnd eooefot- able. Besides, ft llXked ust4sugh baO-, husband wai.plOmpering in buaineuu - It was severy nice thit the youn wlfé- could not bearthe idea of bavng theo par- lor shut up fo that- né one cold sS it till the. furniture bad gmown.usty,*"Cow Saq uently se made up han nilnd th9t tbey must have i Party;. -Their frlcnds had parties; Whyshouid.dt tbay? It iooked-atingy fot tehavecofe. Kira. Wegton wau -an éloquent debater, and sh. gained ther duin lathse eatter. Ititi true, thbopai4y *à £ f it e traVSâ5III -affiir but it cost Joe some fifty doUtaw Iu the meantinue, Ben had paid quite as- miuch for advertising as hjs friend WA, foi new furnituro and the piiy. -JoSepi Iaugbed . t hîm, and flutaly cà md hW be- - lieve that hc was insane, and would cer-' taini>' corne 4qFxiiiianother >'O&T, Mrs. Bori Weaston, tob, fait t1aldidly uui)leasant about th& _improvememîta wbicl haci boot going on in ber sibter's bousem ~Why can't. we bave a rosewou.t.abld and aset of stuffed chairs1 Berjoenin ?I skeri ahe poutilig ber preity lps it a ver>' unamiable position:, "Sinipli m ry dear, -because 1 canno afford it,"ý replied the philosophical mer: chant." - "1mw eau Joe afrord it ? j "I presunse le knows his own lbusineM, best." "11 lias put tver a hundred dùllâiitt:7 to his hduse:- . Beou whistled "Tothon aide of Jordanj anti matie no reply. "Do,i Ben, bu>' some chairs;" "Can't afford it." "Yes you u" 'No I can't." - "You eau affofid ii ~>Relas JUe. IlPerhtips 1 can]:" "Do buy sorne." I Iahould lia vcry glad to gitatify yoll; but 1 cannot take the mono>'frous my busi;_ ne.". A ye,# hence, if business prodpefii with nme, You chalihave thenu." "I m'ust spend a huiudred -dollars lu titi: vertisiug the rnext qua.rter;" "IJo-wvfoolish.!t "Very fooiish, my deanbut it muat bd donc." "That's i-ho way you throw your monê1: away-you dou't catch Joe to do sueh à thing as that." ,Truc, but thouglih hie the ada: tago of a corner store, I paid ihiee hui: dred dolars more on mny nortgà pe thaxi ho titi." VTien you sureiy can aff'ord the tabi andi chairs.'ý t-'NaYy> dear, ÃŽ_ wiil not cpend à dol- ian for eupçllflne5 twhile 1tam lu dobt lMîs. Bon IWoston foit-rer>' bati about ii, andi her husbaud Was finit and aliè W-j forceti to content" hersoif withthe.p lall j furniture. Mrs, Joc IWosten enjoyed he1f uic. pati. Ion unil iihénosreîty *dPèa44'dy, aid hteff she discovored that theno waRaagrt inatt# other ai-tintes #'aik d i muebr. hio1 unifonus.- The two windows must bafe drapery Iturtains, a-pir glass was needed;, and sorne picturès were sranted ta nelievr. the i sel-.' di busband , w h ô aI t dicd 1- ceUtld thelimits of his inoans, found tii groat difficulty lu doing se, agai, andi thj thinas wcre ogt But Joe Imat corne scruples abtUùt ii4.- ' lus notes began ý( rto b t l e afih evèry d ay be was lu the ctrec-iborroivîajj nuony. Iis bnsintess. tee, had not rneé his oxpëctatiitns. Instead of lnMoa&â~Ii lu the raio of bis last yaar'a éfebliitý it bardly helditsov, anid tihépoor feéljiu btmgan te - ave aoffiè serious -miagiýv-int