Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1857, p. 1

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:xaxsPI~ ilii~ aaaaît,~raîi- ~îat hure 0k iii aalli~lalal a- sira>a~tIh e~ tIi~a- i~ ;t~alia ai la a aisO, ahîîi tlu~s ~ ual', hi hîa-tiarrlîaeîîfeîI la uta. a~aaa 1l~i-r, Oîu' lîowel~, 1j a tî~ latuihi, ne. eti -ethot bout fi'.' Il oriel i ILS aira a' îîaaallV a'llIt'ao~ la iha ai as haaaiiaîu ra lIai>' i a n-a ai; a-I ilailîtes J g i)i'aisnulî-mai. uuilx~iaîaaaî t h il'>- liter, tiati - 'f î'îaha laix, ual t liai calulse a', iiîl I Ual a-',"' railles, a' c: lai' ta t, lu-lIa-g liai i rallia a aaaa-l t--alla' t I'a-~ a-e- Iii> lia' iaaad~, alliai iaaa!g'îr- lata a', -alihilaîl 1,11 lit lIai sautue ~. Nervuîî-a (~o»pliulmîtîa a, >' , r-a mafa,! ual i ~' ~ ~ lIa I ai> a-I îîaaaaaiaaaaaaf tIi' lnmaut,'s. a-' aa -, alla lalat la tii a-'iaiaa i aî a -, a. laail - a 'I a ' >~ lai, ilttj a I lî~t4a t miaiian~~ummoîata. ai 'a - ~liadie5J 'I - la' 'îiii~ 'a iaav4 la la a-la au lait, 111>1, a a nIai * a;i-sv N allîi~~ a a ,~ lara aflasa«u i aa 'i rit. olnd - a a~a»' l>rai.a~iîts a hi, fîiihod a a ,, a, Ma le, ai 2~ i a mai iiîuieu liat. a - a, lin Ituiesa a i la lia' l.ai~al~in5,~I a-linvlaefnfj - a a> jlala~l~~ ~ I. a.l "ail Ichria-etu ~î ulaieriii~ult-» a - -rtî air p-ar- aaaliaug fis 6<> 'iaî. lhluala-lXt.ltjtY laI a lMal - > a'ii~4 -M a" aa f - -> i'~aL/I/asid' ai1 ~, /a~' a a l;~ ,efaa'. * t I 'a >m- a'-. î\ Sit~, ai. . aalîtaas.-î.,) a - tN- IN TUB a t!,>. liait-el a-- -a'- lli>>l~iii~ - a aad ialghat, I - a >a a-a. a a l-~îîlî ,i! up. a - 'al~ams l~al -'a aa~ua~~a~ t - a >, iialoaes<~f ah a t -- a a -r le ex - a a - laileineui lî 1' I iii sortes. - - a 'a ~ aaîalaîiged le 4>, a, -a auli c uta vifli li>-l'~aa f îaa h ra-i'aînme4 'J~ 'a ~I- a- îaiainuualenfo >~4 1a4 cia - ~Ii~ ta' asenlea <I ami-I a al-haahilliz auilcettoiii >i~ ha' 1>11,, -<ai nieleus l'il' l'-ri,%'ril)-t mîîrc fat, imitai] Dcblhlt7 a iaaîîrma îlnaîaa.rlç kiiovil a'» a taI î~a.-raunently tas-, lai> <ail Il-m a m'aatajamîiîily vtth >lth~i'i0g l'h lias. ~îl-î-lîre iii ainnaiuiiiclng >~ I mi lIa 'i lala1alartilît lit~ îiî,a ai';-,,' 'la1, :i'es, Il lau' I l>'ilIa mmm,,'? eiiailîefl~ aiea-I-ar 'i a - lîe tua nîti>' laI' 1>. lai-rami for tîte l'a' aaîma aliamaaase o! Ou, M tii -e-Ici 'habits et ai la r t'- mai-af-a the utaia ai-a ah hI aIr ala-aimurneut, Il> allia la lamai',' vileri a> aiaa a ai flair il-luI, aaiîa-l Iîy ii'iîirniuag tit* r, lai Il a 'ai,! iia',trumeul I Il la a 'a I ail-kaaiiiuaaii>I. 'a--i a i aImai lainaI bye;' i'hî'aaia nl'iray. a iaaa-riiiî self-st>'- a' Ila a iaaîh arien suC.', r c 'a-aiea îafyonra la iaa.lal lu-a- n thui~ Il a, >i-e~a muai are'- lia 'aIl', îahîo uuiiw l'ai - h a-aî>a> caintuihi ~ î>îaa <ai-a aîaîaa' iiîaniîpuh lIa m Joni~ have ttr BRocK STRE]I71WfltnY, arNxit oor t10 1 i~ egitr oSe.. fILS TERMS OP 8UBlSCIMTON -TO TIUM WA1(iro»ok4, wifl bu$à par aumi Ja3al ently i lU avn six Itttaan ndtl - ......2. M. xvsry suhooquent insertlon, (per lino),. o., la. A liberu dimcount ullowed to Miihâban d others ad vurtdg by the year. Thint tper lm ain a l. y lt«iciratin .In the (,txuntty, box ces 1a4 bfy very bu- mine"suti n uWhlb a ta velnlty, à botter ,ad%-irtiiÃŽnin iiudtun ooûld net be soeured in this iocalty..Ail who sdvôrls. or tinkwell of o- ing 14, '1011 p1taa ]ose i* tii», in forwtrding Uier ott(SK. No ptper -will ha disobtnnueduntil ail rremr- ageâ are pold Up. Ietters onceosn1 cahIf lNI.4 vlb.a ~It~l~8 MÂY1UIjF~EU BROS, _________ hïtby, C. W.- ÈÃ"OK AND JOB PRINT1NG ESTABLISHMENT. nan 1Mila uth le haTepr ri oueofth ms tii theîr office, au n ar p0pared tO etecutê B0011-auW J»B FRINTING bil c% eiip tllon, and gnntoc thnt u-nrk M-111 ce donc in a superlor stylo ai the omlu6t» tt'lllulerstiig priceti. The Irpztr hav-e pîîrcwd ic e of R ~UGGLLE>S' CA RD PÉESN»S! vili e nuiôt a hiènteturn ont Vard and ('jr- eniars lu a very expoditions nianner. T, h have nu band a aiîrKe Stock of PliiîRiFanov,(!,4, r, iStîtiolierY, %4e., which hting but t aivry low rates, i>riîîlnitîiran be furiiîled at thîo inwest prnoes alili it tijhéilirtv-st laticer. tlh7ro 0. <fiiv.W h1it..(- V ZACIIEITS flRNIIAN, }U1IW I iE COIYNTY & iSURROGATE C)ffice at the O(nnrt ilouse. NIELSON G. RPYkOLlbs, I1EIFF. -w4OFFICE AT TIIE COURIT due turne I1 arned that it wîs te be George sping up. w al poverloas. I eeuldift and Mary, anid Harry and Agneau move at liMinl- 1 tried te speak, but could But Goil *tlttd that the two-folà Marri- tînt utter à a Sun.i' -age was not te tako place. Agne vas " Oh, the night-ti:îre, Mary. You mnuet called te pausthe portais of fie Sihtnt 4nd net lie upoilyour back, cbld." This bereavement Soemed f0 draW stili aa t vas Mlt the night-mare. T1vas not closer, if possible, the bonds bhtvhhu the lying ou my, bock. Listen teome. I lay survivors; and when at length George andl upon nîy aime locking fuyard the grae,.' Mary marriail, there was ne th'utght tiaf whicb vau ptrtlY hîddon by the chair, up- Harry should beave them. onu whicb h" usî y éhithcs. As I lay, in- In due turne theo ynung men left nty capable of sjte or motion, a picture-no countiig-uiim andl establiahed theniselves not a pictur.-a reai scene slowly opcned lu businessi *ith fiaterîng pK)Ëp«tea- up far "-ithlin that gtafe. It vas far off- Thon ittmh tht Èftat crash of 1837, in how far T kiuov not-a thousanil miles per- whicb go many of our mercantile bouses! hapq; butt thora if *ýas. I saw it. My veut dovu. Auiong thoso wbicb vere busbaud vnslyin- in u narrov roui», light- svept away was tic bouse of Burton and cd by a single lanili, !u (ho extremiy of, Walfems. I vould gladiy have assiusted morfal agony. I saw ilarry bendiug over tbem, but it vas beonil my power. My hint., vaiuly endeaonvnnlîîte reliev, hi.- iivrî h iuse, wbich bad i tod unmoveCi for* At intervals 1I heard hlm eail My naine in for n quarter of a century, was soreiy sa- tflicaanme f0arful f01108,t ha avakened ken, aîîd bamely weatheied the sturi». me-oncs It1t nevd 4âlme frein huntan George and lHnrry clung together in adl- lips until (ho seai of dhintb was ipon flic». versiîy as closely as tbe3' md doue in pros- The littie roo.-u viere he lay vas only liaif- perity. Togetber tbey bail failed, and te- lightcafl. id the chair partly bld if, an that gether tliey would re-establish their for Icaîuld ouiy îaartiaiiy make if eut. It turnes. Tbey veut te New Orleans and rel a sceed more like fie cabin of a vessel fint comuîeuccd busintess tnder thin olilnuime. 'an apartnîentina bouse, Itinttherceelay Success crowned theiY Éfforts, andl belore li niortai agnny, cadliig upon Ile. 1 Suiv mauy i-cars the bôntse of Burton and WVai- ail; 1 heard ail. I knew that in iii',-body fers had gained a firni» position lu the t2res- 1I vas ly ing here iii ycur lieuse, yet in soul cent City. Frm»New Orleans up fia-ITvas tiiere epo.1Ikhew every tlîing (bat Mississippi andl Ohio, and across fhe inkes pa.saad tiere and here. 1 iteard every thiey wene kuovu, personaliy and by repu- footsqtep fiat rasfed atlug(p hoepavement JAMES GOVLD, - ATownltipof Pikering. PETER trÀRlMICHAIEL% au, 1KTO NTIPGreat .hepwe f th;btii zg~lE rr faT ALDEUr SPRING, The ýower or Error. Sumîtheir victorien up, A TITIONEER, &~c., &o., GREENBANK O0iltfl o'em theîreconquesta since tiie earth began l taaeh. To kMp a meord of ia eown inisideedos, A. PRINGLE, And balance them viii irtu" e %vohiall aêb 1ER0'HANT *fAILOR, BROCK R ETWbich of the. tva is migitier cainq norer whity. 1And û11. the greaiter 'oihne-Easv tnik! - - - When ot-ery history telh the esua aed tait, THOMAS IYEVERETt%è And for on& page of happinesandnt ,ighîî 173 1 JD E R, &e. &c., GiREEN ,¶5REET, Pmueseuiaathousand of' dospair anad wrom*. RO~CH' lIOTE, nuî's victoriem are slow. Th omp wvhô bgin 1uu R E R o F FROT AD , O Thie gloruioni tie !il lier dear behaif CI S.ee.., Toriao. Die off--dexpairing soin ; anîd iînaios, ali- IAndt lent-e the. inrai inheritanice of Atrifa. IIIN4~A OTEL, To thoe vin loi-e (hem, and ta timies remaite ~4AR11'SA, iATE ('a )ULTH AIID'M(COR-,'Tih. deariy-baught and iardv-1-aiced tsiîces. ..lciii~iiriii, lriarieur. Titov soir, but reup htt, ni-tiacir aci îi15egraltd- ONTARIO HOTEL, os sEAtivro, c. w.But amnehlii theni garner ilp tiarir fruits, TSN YTER. I>ROl'1UETO1R f'arriaagt-s tii1 Of it eroknowiiiag even the aaiilv nine, ~Je andî Frni athe Bout Free or Charge. (_f tiaise who struggical for a ihaankcis wîir'i. HURON flOULSE, uDiError'q vietaîries are mnrc. E(0aid 0 ~t'~uWI.EPROPRITOR -Wthigia$ztai foria,-r tglatai for atilca-'amat JE , od aitmn,-Iation. W ut milaug soliere, -aliant an tii. Cfiîae, ---And gains the bate, ot vithiaut a 4(,rai PILKIÈV't MOTEL, For Erriar craawuaalaer genenaIaiere ihey tdie-, tAceomrii(,diit in ad attentive haiers. Adlzas uîîîa ervîibatn alt 'litair blnnaixeat deedg, until tie foii auaaiont LIEON .1RD'S HOTEL, Exalis tiiem-fi-aîta> beérnes, tiien tai gaaaia, ING STIEET. OSHiAWA, C.a W IOIO1I) And aivoars for oemafler by terians litTORA SLOO , - -~ Bit bleqsi ngs aoithtir ttii, t prn.apers stili. fl Rll~ STIEET ~ViiTB, JESE 'NN And Errair, thiamgi it livès luaxiîrlaaîiîlv, 1>S IYEE. l'raairreiaar. n l.vesfast, anal graw,, alcrep-uajd. M id\ares JOHN IAM ERRI' RAIROAJ)HOTE, - o be auieectem b~ ia Jîaigiil -every point for vusînee,9!'u'liue. 1 a-auwia~îlitet-ile ertentug in RutTIataRee ale. uie cilIe cet ac Durng ail (hese yuars hflîci ndship My ceont. I sav tle cal» utoonligit shi- OFIC iN IIIC S, ~ ~~VNIi; i}ChliiThlt BtuiE1T Ir emained in i-boketi. Thêy lad butonue nittg celdi>'(hrougb the haif-dravu cur- -- -- - l.Na lallighit iaa ikllilt: ueiîiaer intaaîaa 'amie ciaiu, oboai. ai-iia tranger coulaI net-or bavet-c (ang i vas (hem, too, Iu couli 1 -as lu tuF 'Il RAi-ONLt. ilFh-T~I~E, - Na-an llitaiiiags, ntial]r aIl ofnitia <if eîenu, (nid waiýhi as tuhe hcad o!flic fanli>.-(liait dai-troui». I suiv flicdeafli-deva CiiRYu ()FnTllaaui. lI AliiîONÃŽ h\..t,-. "EL ('aii 'er lîpnaîmt il troua lie ii iiimrysu. Mary vas equall>' dea ebu.Scvsgathteriug ou lis !orciiead, 1 hcaihlim ---- -odStb z n P i- Erra-r lins laamtlier triuinph iii thme ialL.i: accuit onue as oftcu as witb fhe otiier, cauhutîg my name. 1 leanîl ton, as I me- à-..i V.I;c WruE HOAMY'hIT.AI __¶ul are--un vaine. lia1ui<e, arnî1îae and vith hoti ofteuem tian vith eltiier. i enibema, omething (lthae uuded iike fta, (if iat-the iîcStiagatet('aa>hi-. hai - ut RA N KLIN H1OlSE. lien liatasis ietale as Iagaet aemalaaafp lier frinîs used l jeatigl>' fi> cil bel- Mms.rîushio! vaters peppliug agaluat tho cule o! (ti.iegli i le, Xtroek Sticat. iILINDS~AiY, if.aW. jBaîttfell b biaîalleîhiqhî'its.aad tallant alerta, Buntou-and-W&Ifeërs," and vouli ask hlé a a ressel. Tien ail vas dark. 1coulul set j. ~ F. .JEWETT. i'ilhl'llIETh)R f'IFOR- uinlia'alhthIe asir"liaaiof tihe arise, hov ber'i bisban(ls*' vere. ntîn;btIbr u'luuadngon J. He b tiîi!bie laaiu>maiaforaim es. Tend~et bvavinoimuirhmtwittaaticie, luieifreaiu istooNvYok»'arf ag-otI>. 1I bard hlîmi age in sud a-a \R11i EN.1lýIDENCE.î-ANNINo;TuN, 21,ha Jsi. ti. au Mieanauirkcaiit:iaiaîv-rmaaausai-mult, gi _ -VONGCANAI)A SALOON, Rlse iglien, anad glt)AYd clleanen, Unatael ou- - bouse vaq iuvriabl>' their boute. The>' a ciiii»>'nane. The lock on fthc mande1 Y 0 lUihESlECT VuTtY i îuN 14li eeonuia, iiiIi-t-,srk ucsieyhetoradfe - W.PA XT N, j Blin iki a becouaaui îaaaaaaaîuaaUa aap, j al p-ïssed flic sumuter and carl>'autumu nicsuesîe>'(rlurudft; Y1îA RlI.OF.FIC'E .AT lîlT>IIF T iairiaaîi. Fiee t.aaîariî ut illea. au lis- 5ceta aif tue atiaiuas, Il lilumues uthe niai li of e!1852 antI us, andlvere read>' tereturu i se 1 ktiev tiat I lad latit)inluspeechless, 'la tan, t'r aSt, &c., inî Sieiarau. Theeia-iaiisl. b______-- ~ hranuaa,I* Nif lues, laiaanr-ana lziara, 10 ITrati vas a aiuow talie onîaapnecipiae aNeI (0 - - ad-erg-a imtonesgoy treous ayea 11. L ACPONEL, BIREI ~H' SALOO, a Wiiu'iîfeu; asidfalilaag, gathd en uncagiinud hns ea-natoiicmrr uch lloin-!>' ta .break haro andtee-here cal» Sliai1i'iolt, &CLERE <F TUE CO)tNTY UNilAhSTREET, WITI".aYS'EiiSa tuik utiglut defaui (herasoutewhat. Myaclf asua ttl lttigitt1 thceMguat>' sud ot-ercat. Thon Offic OIe.au theîCouiat 1tiiîc, 1- i Limbters, Sardines, &e., h 'a't-'iCears. -Tu failia_&aiîî thora ieavatv, andîllow ife vore ta- sfart for Nov Orleans b>' cea as tite gr-a>'davu ligldi> emo» JOhFN gSi#Y#I, IsAMlUEL BIIILEItI. Adwlla alj> a!Teuu. 'T ls nîalilýg nov, lu about a veok;anud, ait out earuest me- bofle reoms-ftlun vici 1 layinu bod>', )UhNTY ENGINEER. OFFIC'E A'È 1ttIP,_941__IlTige &-wl, agaaad ;a nitliut aire~, ~jqucuat, 'Mary vas indlured teretutun ta uic- anal (bat lun-bit-i tu>'husband'a life vas li-ua iATJONAIL IOE 1o TheiZ7 j cotîmuttndv usat-hile Burtodauthe Walten ebbîneaîaaay-I sale titre tien'faces. 1 - - - T IIT;i. D A - tY Pý-ph -of it-a gruu.Itpragre.,, inaay b,.- eaaralafur aaa% u, ieBrton n- altr L. FAIRBANKS, IL uria-taan.ira-i ciams >arconiuii1 i i 'ie ii_______jaent ovrlanil. )Ve ail cçpected t e i l hcard eagor voic.ýs wisîpemiug; whalfe> (i .IlItIIsTiVSIN utiT.OFFICE ai'ala-atRlaitîrav travetîmrs wi-il ft it i s 1 Nev Orleanus if nbiut lte samfineme a aidI mid not distingulali. At at 1 C ieta te iaS fîuntiugmis camutanietît aît e-,nif(ata i -l-na-. 2 i - (» eeeina o coe t Im at - lcanu ut> Iu anl'arvoic callilgi»>' namne On te e enorOtbr4h(mstle - -B. BhiDlEN, nov be particular aboutdates,) George aud -iîn a toue et deeper agon>. Thon for a ~ ~"1i 'g"IV1i ['ÂtiîuNABLE ANI) ai'\ Tih -- - '-lat> oktcrdprue fi eaa- mtoment alai-as stilI. Soineonue salul, 'lt's lfî, î~ ~sîtI- it i ai Mm. f Ialiliis dstaillii M** Theou-v, and a Fcv Fiats aAgainstit. lu. - .tei eprue.Te ea a In-tltmpaitt.Wyrtn.laîîMltatraet atuon aias lt befor ce short aftme t(bat feai al ut-en. aIe-s ueaaî. CalBurtue.' 'Thcu iAiaIiv. _________-- - ~' a am not ~ai prtiaiu"My-bei is are regrets mînglel viti tic parting. AIl(huai i 'tiard ai u~,aplpareufly frit» nutitor W.i.i " 1 1 .C. ISNntenmn r i'fabatiord a'uniaren 'crcinganul fie next day Mary vas a gay i oum, cayi-itlgG od u! Burtofi l a a!' O>' iilu xiuFFI< FiN IîN '. A IAtN T E Il. LAZIER, ANI lAt- 1t. anda, eiv hth idus r n ap suuÉ-_%h hudsentlVihasrnrwee us h niil 1>Nami in- BikI~ec~ulFiir, i iluger. PallsOiîs, Glatis uia s, Ibucai ba i anelua"aue>au ipya uti hysoli leJ'a- CDtmn mec hmi (oiuaiil - - - _ l_1-e >,1iilîgsfar Sale, Wi'hmiaaishlutg auntd h umbugsandulimposters ; sud I bave nj be? %Whui(et-lil dsic te approlieu ? Ibotnds (bat bail bell me. The listant J.a~tSER( V.AM, hFa'-II)SK Vill Jn. Kre, it8ui. - more do-sire (n inquiro inte (ho va>' lun aWeiL lMmav," aid 1, as cie vas about scone fauloîlanay. I saw fie dawn st rea»- \ËitTl-R.i-.W o -vbchtu> gt lIfliraeInîOaîltî te retire fethe t C<eningP , "if uilitdo you ing lu at (ho viubow, anul houai-iltticock J.>l'lie, Wailîy C.W.- J W CADWEL ROW, han '1 haro te inreaatiurte sjite manner in suppose your husianîla are nov ?" on the mantde stnîko six. I ushel ow 9 . B. FAIRBANKS, - ijc 1. ýR Alldn iaw,n gnt nwhicb Signer Blitz or 'rofeàwor Anderson 'iin Buffualo, I prusue; 1 iope (lie>' ateyourdoor, vlicre you,, dovu.. C0.lTuNî)TARY l'UBLIC,- &c. '&c. &vc. (bl*m-e o iiumNaati of A. tW1). 'pr!r icrsigtofisdtiks i h(i appy as 1 nl. %Wat a lot-el>' nigîht if ellntbtli mrse (i Vihhtuarît,'. v '2 Fuug Stîna, t>bnjee, a, .___________ (o, I think tfeemuch the dot-crean di a"î i lel rvigaile the curains icaiestucs ith wvicitshe spoke. etili I N.i.tJAM ., TURROCk3d I1 seade, rwiga 11 AM 1 ESER NDinore respectable performers. _NOm hnyç 1îanul loeking out luto flu airltn mooîiight. laut (le test !ale on fie matter. sIItIITEII NI) .TThi NY-.(TLAW.i - i'ýE -miANIi) tmn ITT.Igi-,T-IsA., aantair, ni'irnra, Cointbs. hlnuiSia, n>'faithin lu somens, pectilîieuts, - 'Suret>'nothing vl oli appeon oua uwe irvsMy.Yrfay oaîsthtte lta.gistry O0111e., Brw ick~. 1 i~Ali~îigM;.. Baitis Boutut lan i titIsupeaûva aruluge. 1bl hm 111 ietus, " Andul j u ýo nud yourfeama vere uululy excifeal. Yem titure. tjauiaa,. iîct, Waiitbr. 24 _____b ctie pffducf of veak (ion-es oroer- nigh it i bber usual gial sutile. have hbdal nsouere attack o!fIe -bigbf- RUHEFODJ SUNERTxcte iagn&ios.AT'ocaio)lce itr. t' al AT nw.Beor ngh - RUILEFIRD& SUNDRSlxcitt magiatins. ATocLA*.oal I T as roused from sleep b>' au eagcr, yoîî vil bat- a adispatcb tclliug yen (bat I lu Ciaauîecr Nutam>a Public, (î.ATE J. ami-EL,) incideuce hot-cou tic omon and tihet-cnt-maeItsalecmuw Rfeanît îaiienue, c. hib,aW, t'r1 kIL 0 t) I4 S%& e 1cntnon aph idmycame ddr - -- AND 54 KING STREEt WESiTTO o1o li a e purel>' accidentaI. i tiueuds tappughat i»y oehaier wita1nl'svwelL" i2 ruaito - k1S048 King StraiutfW'oai, Sucb is my thom>. Iu genemal it la per- t ,~*Mm. WS"nter, said she, "1jeu have IllTEii& ATTORNEVS.AT LAW, ton. -fectl>' satisfacfery ft me. -But 10*-n tint mottau er,' as- ,,ee-g nrn. knwmefoacil Ddyuvr tote(bnvCuuiaicil -r.tHo - S. KLEISRR, I cati unet reetntlit wiih If certain imci- ltO ur xcamisrnigknevme toeanervousor faucitul? I vas lith.Cor ttl l> or% Or IER F ARGT~& EE T,1,' viwh1 *a ocelyconet the d iX'4t lisquieteal. 1 bailnoe etil forebodings. tr--hua 1 lit) . il&. S'ON0EOFMFLTEËEWT<, tl( tici i y eI~l Ws me-a--ary. For Ilonvans sake lot 1net-or vn era ________ - eutdo-ra aie of liSMonrea Bak, li~have propoundeilmy theor>'. Iil-l nov -Ihpervanfu CAMBRFON & DARTNBLL> J rsFsoft Mnr-lIak ilWwntartahpiewmnt= Street, tIuaaimanai1e. . tuai-ate the incidents,.mute an. Oh Gel 1" îast nîgit. I net-or sîepi; more caîmytn Xl11ISUTR' LICIIOitS ANI>) CON- I WtIï.,lë%iuJwypolty1openeil (ho door,ail (bei-e atonal, or a did until 1 was awakoeedb>' my bus. Veatmilcî-, 1WbiVt, . W. r o tepara1 - -Mac.>' years ago-five-anl.tvcuty or i,~ay- ____-tiritot-lt as am'Bruuai rafler coedMayVaers.IlIer snwyband,'s cm>'. T vas net-or more tul> avake iie-taa 'AGSus, Onaun11. D.-ET.YELL, J. C. STERLING, nigb draper>' vas nef vifer (han u esiu hnIvsbrn hs - Tonaaatuai itaby. At'TION"EER. A DUPLICATE BOUK George %WaIters, enterel ni>' cuntln-roounm vIeft.Topaedo tn.l onhusio! behan >'aony i gteye :Ageiay uof Colonial 1 LiÀsuiraiïa' coCutiauny,.uAf tain. Stcning's Arietiont Sales, is liept aI a on (ho saine day. The>' varo sons of old in iht WILIAMPOWONilf ai ail Ideronlofiat ntet puonietuai- <iensf min-e, thougi (bey bal net-m alrbte faint gas-light lu the hall tint i1boni-I my husbnnd's dyîuîg voice, WILLIAMPOW'-'ONi, wii fè aýtn&a o -ith he strellest unetuai- see liereadoof eshflile more hglimaetber loHem analore hasm11 noverd Ibeaal ifvagninr i a -ith*Ii» m INVEANCR, ld.aC.aMANIIE TER y. Dai %s aSiesai ed oua Rasi4nee-Centre -ce r en1!enbolndi le'founl uàrge oye 'as dilataI vitbhobireor; hon Stt, ieu h CutHosWil, tesle etde h sainie dskin living ears, I (cil yeu ho is deail-the>' lZer leCor usWbty toaei-ssctl t(e.ekin»'breath came andl veut lu quick, con,#ulsitoaeibt utgo(i -i> a fe ----- -WYATTIS MOTEL, iffice. Thora n'as a strange likenesa ho- ieâéed utg hseyaat BjENJAMIN 'YÀflIOLD ATE $CRI PTURE'S, WHITBY. TIIE tween te ld;no ls nugct hm.-1salnee e .m îig u )wN 01.110CAND . TREASTJ1tlt F- 'i atiaepafestng North, East anud Wst tr ir (ba ae it fidtclsteouInce- usîm.I hh eyr e.(binliineu HLue5t~i<a.F- s atptt tils Hotet. Rater>' information fity emk dfi atdtinguisî atf a', snaoMary, *'tI' ltha I must lok on their dead faces. 1-fr. .. .. . CL-R---- ah undýa... .ÇaeulsYos ()si hem ; -uut nouee legsoua xngon t(bta br Wat bu as peued 1' 1asked, 'Wiuter, 'u vilI help ma nový Ii ust Dr. R.EO ACOWH. R C ORORERail mt D. P. WYATT', Prpieor. account. Tic complexion, (ha celer o! ( s o htt h i a etoi dader go. b-pieuhoknoalm. frthe la li ouni> fnNie ( tORTU AMEWtCAN JIOTEL. hiai >evr atgte ifrnHarryl1 I heard hlm cal me, andi I could Yes, Mary, I sea (bat you are bout Dr. CHCKLÉ~ eORauHOPE. md thora vas ne ory strikiug similat'ky I FN, ,BROCK STREET, TOWN 0F JOHN IIEÀD, 1llorPRW1!ORI TARES THin t he goueral cast o!fie features. Tti )0- ob li hii' ehi imn> POni.Ifadoethaglov public geof aîliatiueIfiein otmuca an l- lukeness la>' afleinea lu uidrt ipe e1 t-n'yn algeb'tr veningtaiM .Wtitlty, Ceouufy e! Onario.puio el e! infsts is fmuomens sudfic h aslt iy The yl aofrs. mpasse4 ltVlta Tvn on .arp daac a - ,n~ JNS esîain tha. abova promises;*,ho trusts (bat his o!-expression. The glancese!fie oye and oadoe-a toîp5 satbws 9. BRO odCoK dut hointe4 ndatenioitmotife ur o ae ouh fieth sin Shee ecbecame ad omos&cut&irugthiome t>' glanceisy laée I OCAL l)ENxTit;l%,..OFFICE IN Bopositesté 5 il 5ef da tg unleof pulieattonatgise; iet(hlmni er (o ae n 11Clooksd Bt houf t m. a< i oo j ligho' sor, --- 5ti> i tm o.e elt Te e o iou',uuterhl easetllupn udburai gndnva.l ;e i hcgatyOfic. U pnaiei amitol. PORT PERRY STE'MEBOAT MOTEL tp f(oviovseati' e face, more fearful (hai theb. ildest 66Henm.'eil il litry Of fimcti. AASO & PHILIPO ROPRIEORS mlIte. Toe lo 1tIcotild nover, b>' (ho rtycid jgo es1l o lerüè, firtral ioN & PHIL-IPS, PRbave tfedup e ar, distian.-ish'thiei vas apeakiug, Tb-*ir buret of agen>'. t>e awo be o ot ta te a i u tew ud heovoeut an getetes etosiiiîau, fToi lu " TeUus vbat bas frgbteui-d yen, Mary, mu -it» ~fho coe ,8a AMO909Wb CRON* nuitabie tunntur. VIsitons anulthtravellitg Wus it acrae1" e3CllET e mu hirrsmlne prta Mt taz't for (JheteltutIn lunsuotu. Ail R('IITEaT, CIVIÇY~'L GNEIAND) oomiuuiify vil finditinluet-or>'r eect ao8 ' avn140i'rsmlac a siiul "Â~m t. It *a*ail l'ul!atIvch-.AW-vie aut o retal hm. so3 tabltng andc nuattentive raber than material. I a s(euleer lmoi e ( bsdîglret,-r _______________________ OstIer. - ona seul animafel (vo bodies. u otl e>hl l j. ptoW» BEAVEN, FENELON FAiLLS IHOTBt s It Wu nef a littia singulera osicebi-ii-od-ut tgo te on dran"ah eluTt - «'IIlITECT ÏAND) CIVIL -ENOTNEER, ILLIABI MAkI!It ' "OitUPETOR- m1ý yyThiiHee-a rangl li iacelee to lisfrein Massachusettas ad the ra oe*' aslevud oluý u twhiidis. I hastI hislait ct-y vitl v,1ail kindso aie!uaearlng werk oNo tItiala ta - ".- .sior ad ol II - ehrfoVti - utthy er dleav ual otai-as.919 --________te,_______tuatsd il n a te-u' rouis of!télUawfa te>heraIes- nt nqmigývt he uMts, -sa ee eraan u ylo miliofbmotle~ Zlanry. , a h slprose"a aik.Thsconfinued adie, ti pmi~ it leunet.s Ienaan u 'u PlMANDE19, M. CLARK, lgIn tbe Lke Zuiiutrpaued- F1211i4g (ha -casa aven aftarward. Jlio net ballet-e tuctui p<>their dead ftutoe< I ilMut,,W-ili IttoIICONSTABLE, ONYOTAITe i d atis pii-idl.' 2 fliatthon. vas an>'direct unlorats n -"lIws awa - 'bYhearipg hbi - oyn aidj me r'" nd uipéecter efLceusesla fie MuniclPttli- hn 5hA l u, May V fie Td of Whliyîi OEOO MTE0 lMa ffect, or fiat eltisar of them wuc higmxe. ~vi a a Tnat ~Bt i%~iibsu-o ~u~t C. JflJTVIIT<S, flnR-*ooIf4Ot tSECrL iN-iirl3" IIOncious efit, Aniotber celncideà i< ltluulh i-tO sfruîlarr-nyJg1'l li t rl"' hla 'in'the ngh a C. nuAX it.AE Jc PDMi E. mia paUc e iat bstaRe e lem irai they vers bore un (ho saie day, é! ai"h sd l1sdaoewl-pBts j - Ftetn ix.fias polb'.. las oneieda vsamrsdaslkàauug'bt~ud ~îq t~a iGeAi >àandÏnO.U toug: reahe busiesswlV48.~ RUftrP.hi'h At-l CHteCAISvfoutl a ,hinMrdfa _____ _ a1 ______ __ a avait. new.ints '4---"i.w&aY, h me P i. ithu _ Witla CRlm Printed words, great thçtgât isd untiria* IndustrY, we ftdro6ate peace, Progreggy Knowtîedue. flerho.v 'I 1 -&Sqif vaa; - littale indTtiïnetty Wl4an indeedi but it vas avide4ut sied, hot I an8t reconcile with toy thoory'. Foi- thoir Petfect accuracy I vouch. I. stili beld te ijr thoory. B qt 1 cmrinet recon - A~i Serent*n.lé IITBI C$Y . W., 'IIUTHE SI)lYý AUGUST 13, 1857. --7 --- " - a 1W b little Fox, which, if vas said, ceuld run in a hêay dew, was about te start. Thoy teek passage on he' and set off withouf dola>' Marston and bis cempenion learned tbir et (Jincinnafi, andl remaincil overnight fW fie " Yreat City'." Alfhough fie II Fox"i had eigllttn heuirs' start, it vas hopeil that the " PoP-est City" sbeuld overliauli bier at Cairo. Inufis tiey vere disap- pointed. Nu sooner had tiey reached thei wharf than Marsfon rticognized ait ae- quaintaiitlhi-. "lHallo i-Wilson," lho shnuted. I"Hov are you ? Ta the IlFox" lu r' aYes, and gene-an boum Ugo." 'D1id yoîî sec Burton andl Waiters ? Yen1 tbey vere ou board. 1 env (hemn off." I 11ev vere tltey? Mrs. Waitems is witi me, She gof frigitenoil and would feliev after. Wo hôped-toevetake thim 'Sie neoil have ne finir The>' vere net-or better. Thcy inteuil te stop at 1Mempbis. You'll ovemitaul them tlicme. jThe I Forest Cify" emaiued aft'Caire for tu-e days. Front bore Ntai-xtr-"l *toté me a full accotint of u,1 ttit 4d liappeneil. 1Mary, lho said, vas tttn ivedin luhem opin- ion. Shc vas nrit vild, nor demonstrative, but enl Ùhiid sad. "The bitterness of jdeatb la passcd," she said, lu repi>' te all attempts at encouragement I 1shall nea-er behnld them alive, but T shall look upontflîir dead faces. You are very'kind; I tiuauk you.for it. But the>' are dead. I Iîarý tbir dying words." "aWhat uer- t-os tbingg vt'en arco 1" maraiized Mar- ston. Il 1 vonder vîtat she viii say vien sue nieeus lier busliand Y' SThis letzÉV eacheil me by the evening tmail on the l2bh. 1 vilowun taI v as greati>' re-assurod by if ; for in spito of I uyaaif, T could ioitîn vîtel>' dit-est inyseif Iof A liutgering feeling (bat souetlaiug vas amiss. Sortiefrýienils dincd with mc e tt eu- ing. Amoug (hem vwas Watson, of the Trlegraph Company. I teld (tem of tic viole affair, and made ligit of Mamy's vision aund ber journey. 1 took some blame te myseif for permitfing ber to go on sucli a wild-gnose clisse. Perltaps I a s nef alto;eflier utuscîfisi, fer tuy vife aud myseif- had ant(ltipatud muci pleasure frein ber compauy on our voyage. IIBut you knov," 1 adulei, apologetically, " -ien a woman faItes a vii»jute bier head, tlîere's noe heating it eut. To do Mrs. walueer'ajiîce, (lis is ber first offence ei that kiud.*" Se we clîa(ted gayly, oecmota&wines and 1 cigars, of gbjàst.anu ionens ; o! dreauts, visions, sud apprritinns ç f spirituial rap-. pings and table-tunliM; distributiug ste blamo for fhékêti îgs prof(y imparfialiy bof veten drearns, nigb(mares, oguer>', and fo11>'; iumming up ti heîoe' malter lu fhe comprehensivo wordi îIltimbug."~ Liato in (ho evening, a felegraphic des- patch wasleft at mydoor. It was~address-, ed te a mercantile friend, vbo bard sent if up te me. -~Ha! iere's somethiug about Burton andl Nalters," said 1L as 1 ran my oye bastily oer it. ,, What lift Rend it." $'$ Memphis,, Octoberl12. Cotton-se-eud- se. Jones ail right. Smith and Parker failed. River lew. Burton and WV tai-s both dineil here te-day. Tell Win- fer."'Il eDined 1 Well, that dm oas t leek much lika dead mont l'il waget that at this ver>' moineult Itm. Waltersi& l enjo>'- îng a pleasaut supper vith ber tivo hus- bauds," said Watson. '1*After ail, ahe'. a wômitti bit of a thltusanda }leres' a bp <Mr fev mhites. We will eau yS, vhetuW .T OUP4-a <La iii ge hîm.,» to the door aof the *4- be1etuv t t joiuiug-ça1birî, a!î44ar4 biQ ý 4î ami Ml !.p tg bdivily n te a barth. lai a few minutas a- POfi ËwvUt tax'rble parexysi» oonvnhSbel, frai».et boat4,ývîa ~ooWaier.-~'~ - ago at aes wlu Tftîliglit animais se. --- getic, and s Serpents, va against oact ýN O .030. a nflt of of (ha comi Phis Maraten saw an a quaintancç ou* the their persevi wharf - e phically-des, Wilson hew are you t bld you see dlames hitîsè the 'Fex r"11 of tuthi wîl " Yes. Burton and Waiters__" nand strengtl "I1 knov tboy vote ou board. Tic>' vbich a ni are to Ctcp a day or two at Memphis. De arbeuîrs, ho you kuîot* here they are ? .Mrs Walters eue day sitt is vifla n16: We've coi». after (bei» (bis priViiti le's n singul?.f atory. l'il tell 'Qu sene engagod by( time."alsome pac( "Mm. Marston, ihe>'r are dead2' vwithout disi " Doad ! You are jeBting. We heard Clii»biidup11 o! (hem at Cairo (vo days. tige.- Tie>'thoen, te n vero iii perfect lîcalth." suakes of ceý Wýotîld teGodlI vemejesting i Butit suing (tho oti Ls taie (rue. The ' Fox' came lu late last a hemp stul oreniug. Burton sud Wnlters caine ait of fie blaclk .Onte te my store-boat, vbicb lies off the tive wàs &aIV wbamt My partner has heon absent for meusiens. a veek, during vhicb tinte I bave net Wui'>' tif (b siept at -homo. 'Cont e iys,5'aad J, you-tihiinstant do net want te go up te tue toitn to-ni-It;- vhilst their tîrn lu bore, and keep boat for me, andl l'Il (bey i»iti& go hîome., Juat as,- T wns abouit te -bid carat. eacl(- thit good-nlej-lit Waltei-s said (bat ho felf thoy preseti a littie eut of sorts, and asked fer n glass cd te a very of brandy. fire ; but a ' Theme! l'ni ail rigbf nov,' said ho, about fit-e vhen he bail drunk it. 'Go home te means te id your vife. Bgrtou and I wilI keep boat adhuse for yeu.' a,,dltis aJ ust as daY *es hreakin g I -as arous- ad haif ecx ed by a violent ringung af ini> door. Go- ljestie mien in- dovu. T fouud Burnton lu -a state of other agamn, higbh excitement, ameuîuiting almeat te mm attitude freux>'. -seene vnui 'Waltrsit terriu)]y sick, ' sail hé.il for, titus op vas nfr-aid bé Wou'lddie in tbc nigit. java, bitiniy rWherc shil I find à ph>sicianu? Comej rage; bqt r dowti tut thul boni.' of mutual ,aa Leav iug an urgentuizunmons for a pîhy- suake stilI sician wh-o lired close b>', vo lurrîed dovu. tovards th iOn (ho va>' Burton feultMe as eeil as ho Thijs vas ic coiild, vîtat lad lîappeued. Tic>' had i-e- black eue, ,tired sborti>' nitet 1 lad lbit. Waiters ai-cund am had complaineil of a slighfut usnas but adversar>' b said a nighf's rest voulil put lit ail right ifs java, bu agalu. Just at (vo O'ciôek le Vasai aaI-&round thi oued b>' heaiing lis cemîlanin uaing ki baek fret - Mary i Mary?' iiia feue o! anguish. Ilc féaf (ho latt vas sure of tie heur, fer le heard the fie hank, ai dlock strikie af fie moment. The quffarer poinu f e grew moîneuti>' verso. Mis agonies wene his fierce ai intolci-able, and ut lutervals ha calleil d3- beutuId, (vi Fiairtingi>' tpon bis vife. Burttth 1mev mg te (ha uefit7s !d dc. 1k wouid haro gene fer gothor by1 a physician, but ho K-new nt vheme- te iashed thont seek oee; besides, Wakters imploreil hum ettheir full net te lent-o hlm. At leug(h lie could ul bn ed in t-aiff; it ne longer, and wns ou tho peint ctf b est exenfio in"' lu searci of n pbysieian, vien, b>' bie-h vas Isoute icciileots, thic laînp vas exfingUîiah- small, vhill cd, and t ho>' t-e left lu darknoss. Ho and nov ait liad fergottleh fie position of tic plank uuduiiafiott' vhicb formed fhe otul> conuection hetween Their eyes (ho boat aud the wharf, andi if as lu vain star( but ef jte cudeavour te fild it b>' groping in. the confiie Se blank darkuaang. fie boxa's andI bout itself haies vif h icbhahebout vas Pienbiaru fbat ail. Fit (o heure ho remaincd lun(ho commonl>'1 dark *ÃŽtih bis suffering fnlemtd, listening toet sttule bis grens, and fhe piercing cries witb, unexpecteul vhiela ho callail for bis absent, vife. As gront feuls1 seOon as tho earliest day» enahied iim Itouded the to fiud bis va>' h. set out in Search of portionu -, aid. These effr "The pIx>'sicia> reached theaboat sImost settt»oi dot as soonnas wadIl.tt *à$ S tijlcarfy mbl- udtltdb,soi iug, sud the daylight, mingled,-wjth (bat, lutt thestarl freux the Iamp, -ivbich vo ,bad,ý hedfîsteped àuÈ be exrpected tbs± sthe flcci.y oie exclusive carnivorous, su ecr go weIll fufxklhed h* nrpiic'oq oildsomeéttmeasdirUct theirarw- , other. Peihapg our rendons Bdispieased toe h report 'of dthis sort, in which ste prowe4-- batants, their equality d Ib ft,-,' veance, and their fury, nie, grut: crrib-d by a gentleman who de- mf te have been an eye-wiJtnc-,:i ica Aftcr describing »oi sizé iof some hexuppt* tfu&Ufld itural vine had fornied natural ethus procees: As 1T Wit4 ting soiitary, and pensir-. iis Hvo arbour, my -attention wu< ,a stranga soirt-QI rustling sioifaý es distant Iookêdîailiti'ûtîndl tinguishing any thing, until 1 ne Ofîny great hemp-stalka my aatonisbment, behoid Irif onsiderable length, theone piît ther with greatcelerity thrioug,,h able fieid. The aggresso- =fi kkir.d, six foct long ; the'rugi. %rater snake, nmaly tif qitâl - They soon met and, ini thd rit firat encounter, a pete flrmly twisted togethef; tw r hlited t hié:iI tegrôun. iiy tried. with open J'aws tiiho other. What a fell aspect - dt1 it Their bonds werc conpr.Qn- y amali size-; thçir cyes flxshc-rj after, this'confiict -fl d 1t.-d minutes, the second f*ound lisengago itscif fmoi the f1r.t i towards the tlitch. Tts ýj!4 stantly asstimed a ncir poqtàieý ecping, bair ct-oct, wlth a mna- ýovcrtook and attaêktl Vie iwhich placcd itself in a 4ri:îUj ,and proparcd tom.rest. Tlyd uncommon and beautiM ii îÇ ppoatod, they fought Wh tholii ý. eacli other witÉ the tiosi notl!thztanding the appefnttiÉo courage and furi7v,.thle vajÀer. scemed desirous of re&rcatinR. fie ditch its naturl eleinenti l'sonner perceivod by- th« kweii &talk of hemp, and geirWng ,itÈ, bo the throat, niot by meaisjo' ut by twisting, ità Mneck twicd t of the water àshako he pnlledi :m the ditch. -To pret-ent àA Cir ter took hold: aise or a li ir' and, by thé acquisition of tbaK esistance, becirnta a soýaih for nthigÃ"nist. Stran,,e 1o' this tF ground, mntnaily. fuistenrd ti-; means of the ýwrithings wIii. m to each other, and strchrr ilengt l, thtey pulcd but- pull- ;and, iu the moments of grùoatý on, that part. of their sentwined seemed 'e&àt'ielyN ào the rest appeared irillattd, nd then conivulsed wîth stroleag Mrapidly foilowingcah t4ier aappea-ed on lire, and ready id * thoir bonds. At oeaturne thl .med detided; the watersnakdi fintoê grat fo1dsý anfidby. ttat rendered the otCher more itaiH outatretched -. the next MiMIte,î [es of the black one gained ian dsuperiority; it aequlftohI frt, likewie4 which necessarily e~ bOdy of its adversa3y hai-orv-- rts were iterkm!ujtto-t tbltful, indllhiln& nometimes te ometimtiot ihe otht, à4ý dk fo whica lbatck- ide y 0 y dite. T Xwterdnd?± E îCeudne iîïÈ -titY 1-

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