Nee WOOIL w IL will, Yeu W hy RaOway.-The Town BY-Iftw- ninth claiuse, " lbat the Port Whitby and subscribin- for the said several s'mounts -considored tl allow it Il No. Your vote of confidence ý74eetà B9 at the, Town Halle. Lake 1-luron Railway Co Tà Myýsha' of stock-." hiiÃi&f andl the Debentures te bc i foi«ard his. ln your Town etil and in the Railway ýhronicte." 'Ssue 1 b-'the M 10 orted for fille "t , y ý iW. Mr. Keller-juqt as 1 stated IL Nottee-J. 0. Sterling. cipality, in paynient of the stcék subscrib-, Mr. Hodgson expresseill, his astorrishl vievrm ne DÃŽrodors ait the moieting oi Thursday night, Il n'Billa-111 gil 0 Pulttant to a requisiýion te 4he Nzyor eirby the hfunicif 1 m enient made Auetîo i la IL Mayerhoffer Brio& ýality, at par. ent at the stat James 9pwe that hic 'Notice. olichette. prevm thilit ymi arc, net te bc hood-winked for thtt e %Vallace that it would be bA ent tgY ffnY purpôo% signed by sdino of the -3froWallace--ý*hatisth rUgonthattfiat, _ýr ifilir the S Auctlon Sales-goi. C. Sterling. arcNjotexL liavingbroughttlieproject.tu ratopaym, a iueeting wasi hcld at the Town wns net Prit in at first? That's the clause' Town ton have the directors éf - Ithe Com- stock itntil th gré 4. Albert Spring. its prosent ripened state, trot7rithstanding Ilall on jUt Thtirsillay ovening, for the pur- Whieh bas been addetl. panry altogotlier from the County. Ife give ý the. Ciap 14 té Jamom (jould. the storniing of a few eneiniei, and the Mr. Hodgson nid that it had been ofer- could not allow that staternent te go un- ing consisteril Il et Peter Carinichacel, baneful influence of pretended friend' pose of considering the ty-la'w for taking, looked -lit «Ilhe first meeting of the Couffriteil, contrafficterl that directors from the Colin- on ihat point £75,000 stock in the Port WIiitby and tintil alter the By-law liad pu.sséd, alid ty Ivould study ta proinote the interests of i titille so. vou are not likely, now to ]ose ail You Lake Huron Railway. The meeting wu a tiien, il %vas ftr,"tieil, that it could not be the Tolovii in a'better mariner than those 1 On nintion ave cornbated for, and gained, when the very large one, and most respectably, as brought up again until linother Meeting ofl residim, in the Town. l Mr. Norris, M croirnin- of yotir victory is alinost %vitilin Sanies ýVallare-Whitt f said, walli a indf. the Coiincil. lt viras inserteilbecanseiti INI r. i and Captain well P-% nunieronsly attended. . ..... ............ %vas coiiterided that file coulity vio-ould bc Lliat it tuight be equally sale, if not sarer, thereto, a vo your gr&qV. United and determined then At hIilf-p-a-ý;t'seven O'Clocl,. Mr. llodgsnn Iiii(ýly ta adopt a sinjilar tilat it j ta Lio sol. Vie County Directors wotiId the former Whilby, Thtir.-sdn, A11,91iliSt 13th, 1,S57. (In vinur tltitv,-te y-otirselves And to yeur Reeve of the Town, colietied the tineeting hy tras only right that tire Tolivri should Le 1 have a gre ter care to Io a cate the line in i tovhich he preý- Town, anti if the grurribling few have thP rendin- the requisition ta Lice Mayor, and in a position as thé, Colifitv, 41 the best arit] place, for the Sood of' was Ie;uýs, kaltv-ap or.-No rtailway. M 0 g: lie grantended that the regoititi harglihood ta presist in dctnandin- a poil on his reffly, and callecti ,,loi, tire r' ons of %fr. l the whole Coiiiity. alepayers Wallace wüuld il, 110 wise improve tlie By- i Nfr. Geo. %Vallace gave particulars which w Friday, prove to tliein hy an ovor-%%Iliell-n- present to eloèt a ehairman. law. oct-it)Tv(l -et tnectingts as to the representâý i ing ticinonstration what you are prepared Mr. George WallAce Mr. llodgsons own naine wallit proposer] t took lion of iiiiiiiicipul stock-one lie reineiii- Te Ilic Ral pluie, en, i anti the ques- 1 to (Io for a railroa(t. Tire County watches as chairinan, but lie derlined acting. a-s h place rit the lirst inegl of'the Couneil ici bered with niembers or the County Conticil tion fur the, ratI:oV:iývers te) decide will in reference to iiméfortin' the.ninth clat"SÇ", and the Railivay Directors-NIr. Draper Y - "le, vour moveiienLs,.tril the action 'of the rate- wisýe(l to have an oppurtuaity to make and &sý.,urt4,cl that il, wasîhe farce of public attended il, ivas rinvused how the muni- G payers of tire Colinty- Ni-hen the Cotinty somc rernarks. le stib.wrv,*ent bc calied WchavciioaVprcý 1 opillion alcune, which drove the Couticil to cipal stock cotild bc mai upç ýensiôn durit the result %vill prove ottierv,,,e enizyes Ilerol-t. thenj, -Ivill depend a than in fîtror or tire ivil, S'orne ta th( The narine of W. Il. l'ýemavtie, Esquire, insert it. - private stock-Nfr. Draper made»Iii'q prelýýg.-iit lZiiii-ol good deal lipoil the exalliffle voir set -as next proposeil las chairiiian, and carri- Mr. Jallies charged Mr. Ilodi;_ cry altwut tire represLtritation of municipal tertain fleurs LI g(,ýntit!tiien who (Io not approve (if the Foy- 1 One thing nýiIl be gitined by a Poil, the re- eil tinaniniotisIv. i ýnii vrith 11-avin- eq";vo(-atei, wlien he st;t- stock a stepping stone to his present pn-si ficiently -cu law as lit iiov sLtiltl4, haye to i cord or t1w voteswill prove %vho file rirai cell nt a niectitil- of thélit Cotincil, that the lion of il ilirector. And now lits his efrons witIL-4t.Lii(lilig stir up opposition agaitiý.-t il, iiiiil are noW "or Mic go W- IL ffiggins wns ipl)()in4,vtl IOçvll lie Icallipellfrod to Pay feu lier würge to onileavour to swaiup it with the the Maý 1 oppotictits of the railrond arc. Let theni mtrr à elignific-1 pause, Mr. .1ohn -col loi, rite stt)e--k-atll lit, a sub- privatu stock. Tire of the riial- able in cash, .1 ýoiiIg .111 they (..lit to (1-fécat it lev c . coule olit ("-olil limier coirer that WC Mav gotigh, Ir., Jitire forticarri ta give Fils VivIv!; ilitýt-lili,, insiedugi tirait tea per cent 14-r %vas fin-ther prolongod aniidsl the or- org-anize sel soi afi advtrse votC-«,ý, %V:11,11 file ratelffiv - . 7ý not lit theil-Streili-th 1 et' kilow tireur. tipon file By-law. He said that lie hail on the £10,0011 mont i lit ail tire Town rhecrs, hoetings, and cries (or! vatii stook in )ei!yl Idwa * vs a Man, and watit (nie (-Ollll lie calleil lipoil ta Pry, Illitil the road question" train the iiieetîii,-r. gtf)cl(, and thal but, in rase a Poil be dent-ilideil, ta go aý The Crown 1dandor Departmeut...New 1 StOI -but he Ni-ailleil to Ipe sort. of -ty(ýttilig Ivill beeil V()Inl)letetl tg) tarejeadiate à 1r, lÇeller'm 1 and fi conce fo&ütlier ta the Poils, ariel securv tjIat -'kppointtncnts. flic road after haviiir, voted tire iiioiligý.".. Nlr. lie) llutii -.1 tho ýLAteI2lgcnt abolir, motives. lie (Mr. F.) hý d f riching thrips aw'W er in vieIlv than those remet or 9jýHl11 rit) cet for ivhich they have .,o loit- laborell Illle would Ilrer4,fý-,re iiiove il iý; arui hi,; ri-a ýi)nS [ý)I- i lu :-J ig', (lie ;1o oth t'il 01112 of tire iivti L-ftnds Deplirt- tl.'(-' opinion (or this that the or'z'i flpitgion lie -il firýýt ite charz- face of tire resoltition-the protection or! lrjé,. feý1.1 il, ililiteIl Vofeý Cri il (if tire l'art aliti Ltike -il il, as bcir- lI(etiiiii,ý tintistial ffor - irieiit or' the reevrit changes 1 Mr. the ratepayers -IL waq Iiiii,,en!lctiia, Iv or' heoillise i The oIýjecti)rs f4ay tlý:it lit(, by-law does have flikeil place in conguqiirnve o filiffron bofire the ýý*ý%ilai-e, tic iliake INIr. kil ', imptite motives ta Ibiiii, and i tvith i f the ('l.tllltv Coline-il have .1 te) ýIr. analyzeil Mr. Waliare's re- lie c:IýSt liack thij illll)tiL-tLioti tert, (Ilir inter toit SulliciLlitly Sertire rite I*d)ý%,;I-tliat il e ' lillipointinent of lttis,;et, E.,zq.ý, ta file taý,c Stock il saill (il' Mil tout thv riiiiiii iii Lire Bv- on 0le %vhich it c4titie. will Ilot lie olil ta tahc e n -iPaliti(»q 0 ii:iý-e moh.,vriboil law, rite ici %fr ace fi- Lit lî,valh 's opil, M r. NfrIrito,ýIi li.,t(i gi-ejit I)Iea.ýllre fiolienttires of thé, -lit par, in paYnient, stock to titeamonntof Onc Iluiitroil Thon- on living fhal thv the ri-solution-he (lie] so içith is to be pai4iii or sLocli, .1ilLI LIlat the collipari y ol"rltll- sand Pourids, woti'd lie luizard-is tn rite the "r4-,tilt" in 'Nfr. 11odý, Nças not an opporient to lit(. paliv miglit t ;ze and ga înto- operation art the 1ONVII , or enterprise, and 1 :,011 q h We 11.1il lotit littie re-1,;on ta tire iiiturg,ý-t , of opinion hein- that tire ninth clause ratirottil, for lie intended livitig in Ný'Iiitby ati(fiiisist iipoi tbo 7ilîfliý;trV for filoir acué, gtil, le« fil(" Towil, Nvas quité. -uffit-iclit. Mr. I;i"elov went on lie aille disgustüd with tire cou- thour-h lit(, ')tl stock, alil j'rivale stock, %vitholit the Colin lthci 1 c ' 1 1 rý,r ll'f- thev fiave (fr, Mr. IL IL ilio motion. lit- l-,Vtýlltv di r arc the olIlIctioti.i urpý(I hy fi rent - i-e.suiLs dul of the i-;iil%%-.ty affitirs ( Irellical c -licer,; that flic Coin] he -(ni iliii rit-it think it neceýs,:irv fricot hi> fi said . pliblie offioll ; but %Ve enfillot bv 7111V M e 1 . .1 Mr. Ilo(iz, Nfi _%fcIntgný Mar aboi't tjires i ifisaffected to the 1)'*,,Csellt l'lie inc.l coirriir il) the Stiverin, -ljI u,ýiorrf, l co iii:iIen1ýov reinlirk-e upoii a rvýolfjfiion Voire, -, Gitl-c lis the "resiilt" M vnur what lie was prepareff ta undergo, und fin- par; vet, iLs tzpecies of opposition is 01 fil(' illeI>t i i l' 1 ; %vllich bon. lipori ýhe face of il :se-) jli.,,t alitil 011't;il(llt %Ir. islied by deelitring the hy-law a ', perIi,ýut party*to file li -itv priiit a fi,%%, (Iay 'ifirc 1 - [Il lu % i %vas, widu hy a e t 0 rui-v -et propareil to do se). LI vay IL rative aild (lui nits killil, fotr limier lit(> a.,Z1111LA garb of ' i% Mr, 1;1;, Iiii., illifil 1 tilt[ foin (et loin The havilig I'c"il put, mils car- )IL. l' L-11, r his. iýu at Mr. NIr. BiiýIow fil euting tIiiýi is not. a li!0t 1 or iý,. rieil linntiigtlf)tlýSIV. W allar(l liiiii--iiig tilt hi, oltieotîw ls «it this , eýtion 'l'lie ljl-;rlfil)l(l -'l ilý4 irtIpatielli-V far fil(- qil irai) irgiiiii(,iit,, arc ijrt'tIýIII iý-Iu:II-I %%jt1i Nir. Jitines W allace giricipz that ;iH lie i Intg. :fTý. %vvro malle, and . . tý, )ýý- %Ir. %grirv rend tire 9th ,il il 'l-k. is il ver v #Iifl Ir(ý file výt%ç of tir,! tiiiii 1 w11 lit, i frat- il r, presunt ajepoared ub Ile of tire- liolv tlit- obiei-tions or Mir. Wallaogr, himzf.,.f- oýiI wliat, tire ineillit, in 1*,ie-t 0il, olIl1iiIlIý tir thiý; parier Il 1 . e of the %%-nrd.q 1 or lal.v of go Pri The retire Il;' Ilfo 'i',osXII l' 1-1-l ac!1- ' ave >dtllt' (11,iFliull ývilh hiIIIg4ý-If, t1jil Il'M r. W alla-Ce t) nitioli itit(,roýztefl ill ýilaII takelltv I)el)ei)titre', ofthe 'Illuilici- litc,-ý,ibil appoint t0o Ilu-111 fil!\ 'd iatu tim t t1irre is ý,ftiieLhîii- further ýzliitilil lit, m itli il obil lie nj, lit par '.," lientleilleil %vere oilly priff'-ipal is U .tl fil ,fil! te,) of gro>s vit,%%' (if proteriing the ToIvii, befire il o. failroads liaralleil -ali for wýil rl(>t flic beati;1g file air, afill tr.ting, to convurt -So littrg :Lý lit- k, tir ttit,1' or this Tno,ýt Railwav inatter Ivas further golle filla Ilv i tillio f, r hiril f-ý orifice forit, ar-1 -the., Coiiii- sf-n-ýe irito nonsense. Ife In)lalllfll gentIo- huit if ho Il tire vicv of prujudivitig rift, itiiiid, qCilitý i bulieveà that' il wa.,ý not the intention fi, l oil filet 1 1 vould. b% -or Ille gellorril Scr- or,,Itiiiz(ý, so far a.-ý'the Tovii %v.t, pr il ling il[) at that rneeting what rat of Iii ratopayers Ill the 1'tl lav. Blit ait ex- J'al-t 1 l'le, II -i*ýion ni the ratèpay- lent jassed ai Lire Couneil Board, in orfler rii)t i,)ittitl - tire ltiiiiIiIi(ioli ai tlitl.,(. concurneil, but wIjý,Il lie Ileard the exi thiç vi-viril- cevil too -r.," If tile, ri, I)v :1 barrIster 01 Ill-Lke 1-litical caf)iL-tl out of iL The tu ilà soine sp fil the selection qic)r-js., in.&,Ie hv inellillwi-Z or flic lýo-lvn li-hole pui-sued 1)(it hirn in iiiiiid of hcw tittci--,I.v fatile t:)(..%. are: 1 is IIlýjVeTlIent Ivas oril y dealing %vith hi of Il:(- i-, II-Ileiti is file, ci:, at rneefing*,4ý NI-hicli hLo (Nir, W Il hall to 1-f"ly fill, of the! lI%' ta hej bc- ctirito, FÃŽrýst pus to, t1il organizinL, col) attended. aud their havii.lz tlii-e,)xvn oui thi- i-il Tiic- rafüp.,iyt-ý , siib,ïld'voný,;flor thât (If tire de- Y %ci-cre inarriv(I. (Laiighter.) of the afrerlt's il stocli. -1greillIgers or rit(, ltlm.1 (or reý;0Iution', broi iglit forivard at tliý» 1;i,! it m-as LILeY who were seek-inz tll#î fliiii of 'I'V. had not been in ut the agent is iv-t for NvIlicil t!1!ý l"ilitivil Ilitail IS Ilicci in- of flic Couticil, I)V, Mr. 1", il the Iliiil not the dit, assist- tiv. t1ille lit 0 , re.,olv- ( ' le me tiri- comnienced, ancil a Corporation, c litliuilIt ta :av IN luit nieil rn:Iý Tiot d'), ariru or fil(,* il. ý.orl'truvt die u(i3iiicrstatid what the question riacity ; tieeý,lIliz( v'l tlieinsel%-es that thev lit) rial tijtt>rt tir) ing lit(.) a ttIý-)rttigli acqIvaîntance h iVas ne(7(*Sl;Itrv that the shýfiJ(I 'l'lie inattor itg(ýlf inte-gjust thiý, if wel, ber),re the Chair. ritv can fil(, iiioa, or re):iiiiiiiiiieur soýIj a ivitic tfii,ý of fille departinctit, Rud i balle this protection-anil if iio-the par ritvp.ivlr-ý li;t(I Tiot confidence in tileir The Cliait-il),111 expLailied. frirence t'n tlIe Stý ff fil If:ý; iýIrg.111lizilil" uni 11 t lw II.tý (. alli; ll-ý Lie, oovlin ilo not widi te) organize, o-jutit jr#-_ývnt %vh%,, let tliejnv Pitt Mr. Calchvell maille saine remitrkq în rit- front whieh he 1-leit ta oloitot fi) IIýriVing a 4-latj'e ri in dit-il. I)IMCi! Le) dificharge thcir ver -f adoptillig the, resoltition. Llie azurit in Cil tzientis providu 1 rit lýý,niplvi(, Ojv 1 ICI r.-I. 1 Ille ;1ÃŽ71, tir" lil iý*iIV' IR«lii.l il Z-n t. 11o Captain Rolve thourlit it iiecû_s.-;aýy for naine of his pri (if' ilie fi 4 'oiiiioil. - ia ait\. (il' týjý, iliuil :Iit-il have ]le liait sonir NIr, W ;iI iaý-(ý rem intied M r. K iller that Il' la te) give saine explariation. Ile exý traet contrarv te, %vit') will havfý the tri 'Iftile >himid be lielil to rf),ýVc in 1 ile il lie %vrtzý the uf thu, IVhi) pi . to the drafting or the ty file J'rincipal on flic 1,(,%Vll 1101t' politio.-il considerations. W agent inay Fée. now starilIîz. lie covould prgrcq-lýd fi) rewi was in lavoir or Cite Company orgImizing. and Mir. Adam Wil4on's letter. rhe *hole thelli ail ti4l.g)tlili, as aile explainvii rite. Mr. Keller-No. i 1 ilot to cir, operite witil tioq cil(jiigýh fi) possess the I e queg;tion for the ineeting to consider was i agent of the Coi o*her, ariî afle.-Ivards fhmin seriatiiii. M r. titarge Wallace-- Yegt ; and I appelai lovliether file By-law ivere valid or not, principle to thé Pompanv în anv or-aniz.ition, fintil the for the There was a misuriderslanding as to the te, ýlr. Fraser, if the tact is not In his opinion lie thot-ight it was perfectly pectin- thpý By. Çciinty carne In, (Il !Itîl meang; Imirm pro. re.zt, the f tri filât Fi,! has bt-cii connecied ohject of callirrg the meeting. Sorne Pen- Nfr. FrîLzéýr corroborrcted Nfr, G 'iv .1 igl--the ýfý,inicipality bindîng the Coin- law rnIýzht be ME vidixi frorn,;onic other ;ource to ýhc extent in Iiii çith tire de- ple thon-lit it was meet- staterrient. y ascert.- M pany to tesk-o their debentures at par, coras can eail it could have been no such thing, as Mr. Keller cxl>laii)ei that lit, waq nrot what thf (file 1fanicipality) had a per- has power to Elo, of £200,09LI by the Co-nparrlý A pill>lii, partrijout silice 1,7 'et, tlit lit has work-eti i 'niý_ -arr. Il was fil h:ttIýQ1f in favor of rite Couipanv 1 s oriZani- fert riglit lien do-and if tlit - Company did the Corporation. .11tretin,- of !he i,; liel-1, rit which h i, col.; opwards, prep , Car nis lie (Mr. )f. ) w.i,ý aloi, i Ittred tl'e endeivor to qrocure ai) iin.,t!i;ni5tiq, vote on ?in- iritli-iiit rite ci.,tility roinitig in ; but ne, ake them witli. that condi- or's ruithority m bireutors an1 atterifi, ini] fin t choose te) t. Act ot' and tire variolis pg-gýçitig file By-lstiv, unir! bc loriýzidered th,, Flad stated in fli.0 C(,;Iýicil. thât rircumstain- tion tliey luiglit let them alone. lie (Cap- clauses of the By importipt inlendtii,ýiit.4 ilivretn, eord ostif- 1 0 joiii in pa"inz Ic. rosièlation. thrit rite orgrin- meeting a Most necessary one for thiit pur- r,2.ý iiii_-ht or tain Roiveil %%-as not for going- on with the ý;ecôrýd, tliirgl. ar ization of file Railroail Catripan.v the fiielit or t') fliýz,-Illl-e the posci. It wagz not for tire purpose or oppo- mii-,ht take stook-to rrotider ]-.t:ll%%-av-or organizing i . n any manner, cach enther. and C't)(Ilwil 1 a Iev te) take tet't 1 siri, the Railiroad, or lie should not Ctke ;tri l-Irýrarni!_iti,-II ncleecZsar.%,. Sennething iiiile,: the Coutity eaine in with them Vie fir-4t c illIziý-i 'Il- hiý; office m ith qkill and P ' in it 1 TI . , part 1 - [le dill tint itt,ýtc-lI bis naine to rniglit tce IL poliir, ('11 the part -for the County- look. stock, lie -sibscri'>c ý;to"k_0r t1illil stee,.ý fi) tho rtinolint of ia,ý;ÃŽxi(m tir no t1w rr(l!iiqitirn, iiiit %vaille] wit 01onv that he nt 1ho tel (Il) -4r), 1 lLtilv.«LV as all mooreiliiiie. Ilitelv, tend £2.5, \%ill liavi- sii!).scribeil 111 1:11,1 1%, f, 1 orgaiiiziii., pli -ý1IcII al, f., bv anv %v,1ý>; or- of t Fie partiegg instrunil.tir-il never Io i!o sa jîlifiself, beforce cul)--,_l u ý.,Iiofild Twver for file pai(1'ývhgcn the ri other %vil y tale:iliva ilialoi, flot- 1_(ý- inell*tl 9cettluir Ilp the rneeti1lýr. If ally aliti-rail- r:&tvjaf.-er,ý ?71 . - ck RTil lorivate stock alonc, and toit', anil to Lu to Ille eliterprizo, lifid roi o1I-ý ta linge iiitor- firafid iliat Pr road ment attache(] theïr sîfriatitr(-ý lit lie Nfr. asle,' 1 if rite ninth ciiiie tic bulieved that no onc guise had any idea the rooail fri-rii Il "L'i; or the fil thl. f:u, ý (il, :fil re luisition, Fi-- ilorlared operilv belon. file. Iilld not 4,uen in:ýerLgclI ovithotit Adani lit' d,,;tig sc. If there was any * doubt on Lake Huron 'hocilli I,,ý rilà I-4.1 by lerofeýï4nrir] s -av frate'riiiie(l Vi tri, .on thç iliveting. tirait lit, ici no m evo-r o'cen if ? j CheerS ail.1 alm)III, 1;3--Iitw lie suggester-1 the better acts that the ý%I ivi[I rvil, man, Iiirit>t-Il'a fricii-1 Of a tlIg.r0a:ýII tif t1il. lan. to t lier Il. :ýfjd if tll(.r(ý n-cre aav coure to le_ý to go ta Nfr. Wilson aiiil gvt -zich ýtof-k to tli the raîll'ond ýtaIid alifili', t1rit Ilu, with tir,> rilri', lie nri'l illeil preserit, who ta 1,11>11 the i',V- -M ;-. ing ;fi 'Il g-1fTilý te, elizit nir-ýf hi, opinion before file vote waà s taken lit)- i lier afore.said. %N ill org:illiz Yur thi, i-; la %% g) 1, vo iffording lhe l'e)IVII a a I-milil.'t - l' C l' tiý jiri-té,e*t hitrise1f, lie 0:1 it On Fridi ' v. One thing was chiar henttjres of tire jýIjne unit, fL. prolier piotectiiofli ; to i;tj(li parties was lit ('i'ely mitat flic 'r', tel thl. tif-it týlc Couticil hart not clone that. if Lire 9t.4 clause was not gong] for for the sa illâtoth.. Iliril for., Is M se and tIý a -') o[ilias(.tj. lie wa's as gootl a ll,-IilVlIY ýo, iii tire 1,ý -It%% %% :11,-là tijey Ilad resolution of Mr. Fra r . -i(le liptit, -)f Il stirvevor;s mari as anv other ninon-,.,t thein. Trile, (ýýI. What tllt,.I.e bu te) Cl)IIIl Ilot il,: good either. 1 Coinipanio- suall Y. fieý1-1 note, and lit tir, oi, digpose of tile 1 - tic> considered toi) If, iliali:111-r rcýpjirel %vill Flot lie t', Ukke the 'I>tlrl - '_ lart-re au aniotilit adolifitig -1 iri fl 'I'lle I't*,-)Itltioli .Y;L,ý theil plit froin tlie iss"Ired i'n parirTIC gIrcýIS of cases ariý;în- out of disputes , a gorille Tg)%vii at is olriu that will ii!il' l orst'irk for tlie Teil ta take, but J-)V tl,,, h Ivas Pieir I)i*-],ir. clfýèir and wa.ý loqt by an ovei-wlielfniti- Now what is the 0 L50,ouo only woulil be expeuded ta l-gcý urgieil lev parties Il% t'r anxious for an IL. illiI,ýiratc4 file se,,,Iii-ity sieriz-lit for thé, lie ïï rea t CI, eeri il g. 1 and in %-bat niant relative tin bounelary and concession Fini '5ý i verwn, und £25,00 v%-Ijtii flic ro.0 had and the refli-ial (or the ('ouncil 01fI)orttiriitv te? ravil, Thu iiiiith il IlVýitI - ri by Mr. , tion diti the Toi Nfe are far frolii Ibellevilig that Mr. Rii-- ' Ieen coiripleted tri that point. lie thouzlit fin il 1- tire I1Y-Iaýv roa4s . _A 1 - - . - r oF the Am Ly CONTM. are they ntee the 'rhebest donte,,;te(l m atch yét witnessej » ýie infini- 1 ,unt ivill il ÃŽf, W Iltby, ý1r" playe PW FridAy lut en and the i the grotind opposite the Sherifrs reýà denre lefore if mnongst the R)eMbtr$ of t1j'a lercof at,!Ontarié Club. The eleven pf the club wlin j won nt Cireenwood---ýfluqhedwith the pride or Sn of victory-ýcii-aJIengc-1 the "Town Eleven" t'Il",k he- of'the club, ind succeeded in 1)0'ating.tlieill ,ting- the,' by ciiie run, and havîng one vrif-ket leil to 1 (y , if th i c lown. The c6ntext wu a tierce one, te their and lasteel until 1'd;irkpe,ý, o'er.ýzpri-ad tfj(! 1) reïe D plain.- The challectig ' crýz-prIeud of their lniirI4s-rcýsvlved Lo and weir n little extra phile ind ý;u- -fin ,tr(% re,-arcl&i thertiselve.z , to the ).qp(ýritv 1-i't a.4, Ji stlt,)erif)r iiiatell for their 61ret-11-1m, fles G - _', ' '* l'4c gitise Nvaý: Wd throughotjt, but at the final sIru- le, whien e 9 e the'L' thc- - Extra" ù1iýven saw opl)î)týg-wýtsi onor, gain so nindi upork thern, ttà c,4,u7lle 1PMý;mO eiliL for quite The finestg1kiritandr friend. i,ýû, ami prerailed on hoth sides, -lýetit:,Vre >,ý)- fi preliend our friciid:ý, the wili not i)c pie, duit quite so rea(jy to plumu upou bein", thoir supericir plùy in fattire. -î- ýtioq TOWNN EIIEVIF-I-,ý. ici tileir Il ýplet Flit$T 1. NENG frIg G. T. Ilall, ...... 4 i.) 1ýwV1cr c Mnyerhofer 3qk for 'IL Perry ......... 13 Run out. mtend- J. (;. Brown, .... (j b Lawler. J. J. J)avidaon,. 4 b fÀwler c Burnett îe PI<g.ý;- C. Nourse '8 b Lawler c 1 Smith. .1 * Canieron, .... 0 b Iiilwlere Yarrr,)Id IL Snow ........ 0 b Lawler. "l'vies ...... 0 1)1,jtwdereYarnùld they » IN". - . ý . 6 Run out. 1 C. Nourse, ...... 4 Yot out. 1 grent law be 29 ether : ' Lý Byes LI 4 V Lik-es ý_ 1 lire (Io 3* irst (Dr at fll - - P. Clark, ....... 2n b Lawler. to the '14 b- kt - Irry, ....... ,Scott. _iLta i IL Pe Tt is C. Nourse 0 b Lawier c Yarnold (i. T. fiall 1 b Lnvtlpr. iii con- J. IL Davidson. «, 15 1) 1,.ýLvfler c Smith. ['e "' x K Sll()%v ........ 0 b Lawdur. ire we A. C-111leroil .... 2 b lAwder. W- BO.-vell - - - - - 7 1) 1,awler c- Burnett et the (1. Brown .... 0 lion out. ýylaw Pririgle 1 Notout. il and cowles. . . fi b Lawler. Y pags j, Byes 1, Wides 1, 2 mding Wish ot ask -64 Ist Innifigs. Total ....... 9î r sur- SECOND grent T. Lawler ....... 2 b Snovr c Snow. 0 the Vk C. Nfaverhoffe'r 11 b G. Nours,(-. ilarl;s & $nov. J. 'Killip ........ 2 Run ouL ý with J. Scott ........ 6 b Snow. t By- A.Purnett ...... o b sno* cý SnoýTr, in for J. Nourse ....... 2 b Sn'(>w > and L Burns ....... 0 b 0. No*ursp- & H. Iawder ... 2 b Snow.- P. Clark. , ...... 3'b Sno«, i E. T, Smith 4,Not ou.t. i the byes 12 1 noballs 1 la Par- 46 Z9FCOND soli- IL J. Yarnold .8 b C. Nourse c C.NOUTS@ hav ' e 1 v.(1. Njayerhofferý 3 b Snom. r the .1. Scott.-., ....... 9 Rtm'out. 1 the IL 1-%wder ...... 4 b Snow e jýa4,weIj., J. Killip.. ,, 5 Run out A. Burnett ...... _b 0. - Nonrse c Dà vid. J. Nour-se ....... Nýot Out, ....... b Cf. ý Nourse. 'ce it 1,-tvder. . Notout., T. SixiiiÉ ....... 0 b Ç. F. Clark ... ... 0 b C. Nourse. frolu as to Byes 14,L.byes 1 1& 4nk, t 1 1 1 st Inninge, 46 had Il - -- .- ---- ý 1 -- uruugià up ov min ýxr. r-.) i toociueimi ieiLyttihacleoiru me s ck bo k go 3 simply subscribe, peachal.,le inanner in which Mi there was nothing to shew thAt h-c had in the C4)tlllcil to 0 S, re to-subscribe in thai t1w Tem-11, i., onjy hat Rus&el -it wa-S 60, -but if another ditions of the Town of i chano-ed his mind in regard te the Railroad. meniber (Mr. Watson) vated with thern Whitbvs sto tioning whether it iglit lic extlu,,,te 1 f'-a il j, 1-t 1,, 11() , ()!jj(j ha5 diý,-hargod the duties heretofore en- The reason he had bis naine struck off th Mr. rose apin ta ýsPeak and ordebentures at Pa oý)jeQfioi, Iiko 0à ý f)rqgý1i1)g. Th, trusteli "-ell as that gentleinan*s list of Directors w.Lq, because lie could ri 0 the resolution %vould have been carriedL cries of. Il queS- gblîng the Compati et 1 lie vroilld put lt tn Mr. Ilodgqnn if his (Mr. vras asïailed by a storm of law was prcpnrol tý1'c, instruction ick-nowledged abilility and fitncs.3 mark work with saine parties in the Directory. 1 Fraser's) resolution wotild have been in- tiOM" After several efforts Mr. Bigelow znents, the case ii 0 Ife fratenizeri with no one herc opposed to 'jurinus to the by-law ? ' failed te obtain a hearingý 1 1 Town would be bi pf t1w Town by Mr. Adin hini as orie eminently qualified to be- en. the Railroadl, and did net wish air), one to Mr. Keller ' Captain Rowe requestedthe m what good would it have r. --t eetifig toi of the Mayor's au Fi le, 'iýtitleiiitii wh,ý.;iý etnirience in Ili, tru-,teJ with the discharge of the itupor- think lie did, but lie vrished te have the been ? hear M Bigelow hey camethere to dis-ý Cý,-mpany pload, t to'ft givirantoo. tirai il tarit diitie-; of As-istant Crown Lands Tovrn secure. It was necessarv perhapB Mr. Tlodg.çon undèrstood Mr. Keller to cuss the question on both sides, and what authority becausé 1 f!),It leal roill'i , (10, to seotire tl, G.)rnmissioner. Mr- Thomas Deine, the for him to say go Mucti in explanation, and give I)Ls views as stated 'bf Mr. Frager. every mari had to tsýaY ou-ht to be lie Thère e, lie should now moye his first reeolution, 01 1 ( 0 ard. what it là . coinpiler of the celebrated new niap of The only înjury'in his opininon which Mr. Ile hoped that Mr." Ëigýî W vé, ulïl not etice how the Ira) which was, Fraserg resnlution would occuion. would detain the meeting- too long as it ýwaà î, also the Çonipany's rharter Caliada, we are -LI te state takes Mr. Rus' ý &oý, provîded- ho isýAutb e1 . " That the first clause of the By-law be ho the difay. It would have been a go(xl ting late. thé rità e payable inil il icipal stock- a rnajority in the (Il rectoiv- sel's p1acýý iii thc surve or% branch. amended by inserting after the word reg lut nt y ,0 io 0 have adopted, but-it would -Mr. Bigelow entered ÃŽnto a ealculation The whole question and %vîth thý.> re.sielenfs of the Town who iare ne p,).,;t could not bu more worthily " Poundb," the words " payable in deben- add nothing to the powerelready pesessed to prove that the amount of stoçk and authoîitý of the Mi likely tu Ile civýýtel to ýseýiti at the briard, fi 1 turcs of the Town of Whitby Oubject tO ail by the Municipality te) protectîLýq stock. bonds -of the - Company's £400, 000 wpuld 1 think U is, thât whaL wc &tslï,%vill t1wTown of Whiti)y have -------- the conditions and restrictions contained in Mr. Keller stated that the effort of Mr. bring no more than that the )Iay or to subsci Harverîting-The Crope. this B3,-Iaw." Fm,;Ws resol ution wonld be that aiter pay- thL,; suru, would ho no more than ýsuRciéz* ënly- -in debonture tu fcar ? Is silo afr-tid to troýt herelf ? We Mr. James McIntosh seconded the mo. ing ten per cent ýn £50,000, no further -to-,buildtheýroadtozlka,ýërtoný, xg;rouÙd." Ni Wsufficient' ai v-innot believo IL The niceti of; A Canton coiTei4pondent writes us a very tiOn- debentures coulil issue ùntil a capital sto&- Uült with the, wording of the Oth clause -ment on that lien& Mr. Keller should like to hear what Mr. 'rhtirstLv evenin- ha.î '-ivea us prouf posi-' interesting letterutoharvestingoperations of £200,006 had been subscribed. and ton, ét the* su ? MoInto-sh, as seconder, bud ffPortea Mr. WaHace's But if it îs notých ti-ýo of tile intentinn or tlle i*ýttf,.Pý But ÃŽn his 10calÃŽtY, hg SaYr, that the crops are tO SaY ÃŽa SUP- per cent pa;îd. ùpon £j7Ëoooý_Mr.ý Pýýëi resolutlon, vo=-'ited the 'neýfflity authoriied to sdbgc if clic objectori; succceile1 ili tileil. objec- excellent, neverbetter. must have read the charteir, which author. eUt port of the resolution. urther delay In order te be secum in ihitiit=ner, thiei Ifr. Wallace said that Mr. Keller hall no izee the Company to orgpi7À with £10-0e The, Chairùmù put, the sedz*6d resolu--_ rerriedied - without tion-4, what would thc etre-t be ? They say, Along the Lakt- shore In this Townshilp e5 00 stock-whi 103JOn- The Couneil.miýht i right te call upon Mr. MeIntosh te speak 0 A if ti&eil up tion whicb,,Wfs.-d _1ared lost--th tO the resolutioiL Every one was net so mùnl*cipal*t go , d -Whitby-we ara glad to learn that the y, ý -or by' private *à oals, ty against it ing eq tw (Iciay t1w by-litie a few an inydivi ually great w'ith that, Iecl,'i- well qualified to, make speeches as Mr. 1 .., ring, at it sectire the ià top,.ty4,ýr,4. Wv. gay ' to pro- 'Djury dGnà -thc wimi crop by the weevil would authorize thein on with, the on Aie precoeffing resolution. Keller was. to ýgO hori'zethe mayoi crmtinate ît inilefinitely, until ail chance has been cra road; While underMr. _jfe i 00rin, eà tivelY triffing nature. Ir - -;,tho" ý -Vôôdyt '9eýnded 1y Mr. to subseribe'fôr the of securing a raîlmtl ha.i pas.4eil beyond The spring wheat bas scarc .74r. Itelntosh replied-1 intçnd tomake the Town of -Whitby wouldbe, ko»Wdliand -Bette,-à oxtmbved *'tW the thahks of the. ýwaýý and di" i g Ily ",Iffcred at seule reinalits, but'l have them'in raserve. andfoot. Buttaking'anothceview.ofýYn" Ratepa'yers cd the Town of- Whithy, à r« ible in debentum i the reach of the pmple of Whitby- If ail frotn iLs éavages. ý Mr. FrancIý Garfat 1 shall make gênerai rëmirkii «Uýoiiér,-af- FraiWsameudment, and wliat would7jhe -due, and are héreby rendýred to e she by-law wore anionded 80 as to dis- 8howed us a ail excellent field of thirty two ter the Other fflèlUtions ire- pà tý' as S' ýPosing th& a Town Co' ne 'Êà a - il ts _ý pect ýëf tbe case bel u beýs or th ti >t'hi - i1ngýà o, elac are place the -o;)jertityr),s now raised against acres in the Whole Mr.,Keller-Perhap.s,,,bfr. XcIntosh is County couricil to reserve ffl ,000 of, its way DireeWs, for -the, lively ïêti of which the appearance où2tikèn and dèfiUfDgý t-he",Iï it,'thers would still lia urýeJ apinst any of a v'-eevil ' could scarcel, not tware that It ýwOuid be -out, of, course ýstockfor:the completion of the.road from by thoso - bodioa;, in adivincing, üè; nerd ho detected. spëaking te a resolution. titter it had béen -],Uaye'i as wn ha-d'dolle, With to the iicw ljy-li-w, tube brou;ht forivard. , Vive Ilarve,.;tinop operati are *to# the same the -to, PToJectý«.t4e ePrt Whitby!,*qý&1,ùki HU' thëre Àsgi ons in full blast, and aIreade decideà i upon bith fig. are te wiÃŽt UtitÃŽt tire capriee Of ' very thê weather is tnô8t prbpitions. Ac Melntogh iinýY not have - e meëti M ýbY'1ts 'by-lïw, there would bc with the . ron Railway." thé Company, Iromi coutrLq J%-à cpportunÃŽtyýto Carried unani th unousi he.000 brawier, who chooses to ï4ke umbm«--e at on ail sides speaks favorabl " e Ilgeneral remarks -all over," by and; stock £155,000 The Chairnà n 1 ey eye ýQ y acoounts of only _9aIîî munléieà ll âtýW what hes, and what bas not, been dont-,» bc abundaht crop& bie. l&»»W414Smigh.t have allowed Mrt, ,FrafteWr"olution requrj",£175ý000 with great picasure td-,,aawrd cIntoifr k elf, ho tùè" 1 wait in vain for the posses- this Psirt of the C*Untryý Th spça or ims could do ten per cfflt Paid upoil, it ah& it thi s thanU of that ineeting iç the; »Wqeuý,op > d ëxpënd the who gatisS4 we shal e mildý.ho* à è equà l1ý wëll'with Mr. Wallaw-- , of thingsarise, how *érýe thé Cýà üjpîMY ýo 1- t4 of -the'Tô*h ýeO'à âci4 Olià ,iË4 Rail- D' s1cil of aratIro4,d. The objectors know full ers Of Yesterday worewanting and /Sèves Mr. want to let lér. 'Wal-, ýgét1hatimourLt? itwu ildtbatthere- rectom. ey, noigb i will restiltin-let them aided the fariner. lace go on, and if this'iudience will illow solution couM not hl, thq é&ilîý tiop, OM -t'hç byUW ; but he, _- The Sheriff returned t,.ýanks onÈiîhw., fîp4ý,ý-, .ýtWiîý of neêîdents, 8tave off the 8,ý 1 would prefer it. 219ht (Mr. 1iý)Raid ------- me afterward lm' could .,do ý the no of 4he Fadl*ay, &-met hYý the chapter Meetîug or the j30arà of ^Sehoel have the prIýiIege - of seconding Mr. W ai- gond. es, -by-law 'zintil J'anuary-thero will then bc th ge_1 - .1 - Ife could no't un'déýýtà nd Ãvligi the thQ, Second tir Lq, b4,4,w-, P148ù*.»f W. Trusteet. lace's other resolutions, and I dowt, w',ant ôbject of the o-r ind s'e;Sn-der of th à ; '- - 1- - 9 U, b te m er a celyjn& 0 thamkà Of two ho.9tile ineulbers tO the railroad added 1o lie Standing up and sitting downagain. reffllutiOn might have beéti-",butth-eyý t t _f, _ y, one of the, 4 ',wà .s" -vety, Mir. Bengough supported, iffr. WaHaWs - .11 ý _ý2 te the County cOUnCi1ý-ýd there will be Mr. GreenwSd, secretary of the Boaid,' have other motive-, besidj itiappmbd ý'MLtifYihg1ob W Der c" - has kindly favored us with the lui tÃŽGT on the lace of the ro miteh the leu chante of getting the PýeifgGugh nutes f Molution.- ", - , î té 41,801hmUp Mr. Lawder asked the Chairmari if tÉere ace , a . . YÃ1 Ci)unty'g ami9tance., Let thêmý Succeed in the meeting heid tth AUgUL The C hair. *eM any conditions or restrictions in the Mýýejf :'. procrastinating the matter Until the nodS fflut JOhÙ $bWýý I:oq.,, Owd MOS& Rodg. By-law,, except what were in th«ýeSolutioü1 and produced the,_réèý qp of application to Parliament to reduS, the -,»r4 Brown, and Bigdow, *er ýe Presmt ô se ow e-B ýU rqýWp ýt îý 4iïï 2 limits of the Town, be brôlithtWore the Orden werîeýgranted Mr., Trernaynp ireplied. thà t t4ere Pýq 6f 14n' for Payment of Sun- v1ded Miat. it,#W thd t"1Uý t h1 ý,bjj, - roAa tu 00 beý.,in 1jouge of Aimembly, and the'Tô"-'*rm- amounting to £3 21; 144 clins t r the, bi -was ýà ou chD cç inen 094 Vý«Y 44 none' land -atailwaytax. Letthemdothia, AýmO1utiOft wu Pakfed authori%1ÉKýhý thé TO* n' > ZT 18>10W »OKe_4*,ýW and in the inteiim have à large propor. Chairinawtoissue bisWarftnt. fer th0 en ter, a of the Town takou &IM, tion of the trbil r. 10cqonef the 'ýed, or Tas iay T&AU" 30x.-This beautiful steaua-bost, vRa 1 wag ns. tic- ýVednýs&y ýiiÈt la&L HOW ýh# lire Qri- ginated has not yet hem -aýý When discovered on-4re».p,ýy 90 ' ;", " , , 'he iq flamkes, and _,every exertion S ",ve -pmrt lès otheO costly furnituto' és- fýL She be1onged.ýet4p ità n- rop owtbpm, wair compimy, wli 1cauý"à ez- she costý£l -iffl. Her e1ý ý1âO* aqp., plied çn thelà ke by th4 ho Ãliü bdeneng to the N«thom __ ýRAû"y fr- Corapany. RLD'UCTION 07 Posu Lvm &a,-Thé-4 ha* succeeded ijý PoOPle Of' à wttlldIO4-ià , gtho-ýh ýw ma, ibý* tbAý. ûn;t-«,-Oc- t bér o the e4htllïh t9m id charged in 'jý îi > _S Dot Casilir riew of a M whether the inprepared týi h3,re reftt--e-d .1i wner flie Tw ý i. The Cc, lit a(1ý!i, The f-, >. lit A t Tiie Mr& 1) ý-jAg suppor, t', Lý difficulty- t-Very Baron vient for tle 'United qquehanna table. Yacht CiLa'r,ý 'Vork- on-the 214,'ýý W, Puraors that funds tÇ) Later accotm- tion sny sucIl 4)u LÀI . îca bf July, at 9 a- --i ton the morriin- front Calcutta '28th Jwie Ist July &mon& the trCxjpý The ex-Kin- 4, nnd wîth his tain ed at, Fort W i has obtziiieil pnx up to th had sc with heavý,- Li- fle was rititim, is 1bûcn Capturer], É, confirined front -Mature. - Ax aci lias lV,-ý tare placing the The Nsativtc tný bri'-alle at disarmed. An unellisy recl but the annv of A-, ,e7 0