nlC wuahold SPreS.ident, G, ibbg, llsq, OEbsawa; Alexiinder Mpo, i » oitwi;William M1c1n- vi~~lle.; John Main, Es-q., Darling- a MîO8 »î'yllen, Faq, Whitlýy. rt h n0w stated asu a eertanty, titat-th geisoy wlll bc establisaead inite Town cf W1itl>1, nt4 not Osljawa, Thse continued fille weather i. eonferring raai. bon e»ts ipon te farniors, and wilil su-lb, ihe frirr cf a good provdence, assist in a degrce o mako up for theiunfavora. blé woatlîer wc have lately experienced, anid wbleh eaused sueh injury te the wheal, And iNlarm amongsb the farming commin-tty. Ive request attention ta the 'adIvertisè. meIft of "Drain Tiles" of Messrq. Ilaultot, mnd Robertit. They ame uppoinbed agents rr this loetlity. Partics requiring land r cellar ifrantgo ahould see sanples;. Tu lte Eitar of blîi"Cteiriîiileta." - Marklaaxt, Augsxst 2C-, 1,957. Xra. EnrasR, S&n-l n yotr paper pletase ýo explain If thesitabrt hcz-nvd 1 fliratn cat- ie it; a -difierent'breeqi froînbbhel)urhain I., short hemt, ani wlitere te eralil book s to be îounil, as Ini nont aware cf surît a ook in prion for the entry of cattiel'Tie b)oye îs referriîîg to the importeti catîle cf Ufr. Thompitan. Irenîsin, yotu-v.. The rame.b)rend.S lich a book Ias lonîg *ten printed and ptllïiedl in Englan.- It is an annual. Soimctimem denominabedl " Heraid," more eonmonlv " Ilerd"ý booki. We shah recels-e a copy cf îlîiil vears puib- lication at titis office i Janiuary next, which wili embrace te iamctsimitnbers, &e, of thse-stock cludcd to l'y our corres- pondent. W. publili thLie fllowving lelter frarm mr. Ilillans, and in doietg se, we wish it under- stood that we take no hpart %vitatever in Itim tinarrels Witi te Poet. To te Edituror Itu (itrii-ie SIa,-Wiblî regard tae shat appeared in at-weck's 1IUe!ii PIostt-ttacernsng nie, i1 lesite ete Ray Ibat i o e mdit.lineîl te Ktjoop se law as mtaktiatty, reli-v to it. AMf- rinonda wliti kîîow Ilicte triit dite ii- mnd 1llîaî tiy enenties can do nagain8tbni vili net ser-otslv a tlict mnîy mmd. l'ours, &c., Wus. 1ILLAM. The Vheat Ituects. Thse deciso f te Judges oi t i Essaya t' nvlted hy te NMiniter of «%,ri(-ttiture ha-s keen nd tht ie Prizes cf £ tou, £21, andl £15 awarleti tofLite recspective ttidb, Mr, I Y. Ilitit, cf i'riiiv Collieg, the Rev. .Arthutr 1,Il otf Mtriiaitî, anîd iL tile Dlupoten,cf S't. ihui-theîi. Liiwcr '"anadtî.'lie Et-saV vf ilîe latbtr i- ni tittia s wribben in French, ttsiiviî, I v tsle 2d laoùm and 40 îinutes ; and ïdso on the ÀTTACJIMENTW. ViLlaof iAugust inst., 0 days, i heur and O"TU <NAIi YVRUEW 15 min utes; thse lutter bing 9hours and 10 Ta IV* : 1kD a vrlt uf At inuttes shorter thari the vanderbult's tacliment fasset ont et lier hMîýlestisia ('îatîîity C'ourt, clicîl te Ninetecenth (day of Àlaîgniîî, oii' quickcst passage. If a cruparison were titeuuiuîu4l riglit Imrdred and fftv-scvôn, t' bi dîetd tfitîthte state, rou kýusd1as e i w- inade between these bis-o steamers as te the sonaliiîfIlzlig Li% iii(tîina îlscnîiilii:. r î-'îii passages, a more deccrîed stluperirty would cmît lil îttr, nt lie sitil if Dat-Id 'f w;îî ii Lt. accorded te the Persin. li'i, Eiî il iir i Ii, iut c 1ii i ctat-. meiidg wi 11Aiciopi-reiîlal.'fli tllli: Trur Totut.-There are Il'ut few p repar- Lsiitît iiii îic-u tueile ii 1 t il Al 1J ations desig-neil for tbe toiet, liat ose-,"ilil iiii4 uWil itti thinjrisîllii i t' t iC oi. tit i iii bailto l(,itaciiim,. or cri-s ui ' t11wLl any mntit iaxîy ofblicîn tire lnjitriotsi,soi-tno beii- litucaargecd sil iiii t turce-t li itidc tltî14i. Tho ncw cosmet 011itaietecstate, rcid ais il ltas Iir.i~s,"ili po.sitlv-ely poisonous. Te O cencie llîglî Iiciîî.îriiiiitiii'-ni ana P£nsiA-î BAt-at, is an article partirtulariv ad- 'ccViia î ibliillt Ihille for ttitcmiiw i apted te fil a vac.ancy in balet prepatrations iili iit.tiitltin OfIle-dl i that lias long ben ifrît. It is designed es- eonr s u% i iiit-iit' tlikiif ti pecially for cleaninigte Tecbh, Cîîampoo- iiiîiî ~ctsîti -il- îîîî ît. ing, Bathing, andri iiproviwg the Compîlex. 1NgLS0N G. " "oîîS ion. Ib liast lîen mtîîbarcfîîlly prepareil itî-'n .' and blîorougîily htesil. If mitr readers re- Sitîf i quire a really fie 'oilet article, jiîchase tIdnAijil2' a7 thte Pt-rsiait BalIns. WIIEAT -NOne c(iiniitn lii rnamrket fimposible to give correct qitlntions, prices vary frota 5s. to ,8. (i.protsml TORIONTO M A IlK E'r. l'al Whcnt 'it, SPECIAL NOTICES. î1îîwa'sli' have ben Iplaced1.b 1t<(le conunon consent e-fi nankind, at Olie he'tt of, internai remiediez. 'TO say Iliat i warîu cliniatcs liei- tave iliii 1i,-ttpi thlîi- stipîation, li-tr eoînpl.aint, cenc-ril dcl'iiilv renijîterit ft-ver, etc., is i iit1ly lis rtlati- fairt a1ttesýted il liv hu tlit of wiîi-s Ni) suffrrcrsfcic-tîîc:tr-inlaett faiiild b cx jîrit-ni-crelief friiti tbeni, nd they aregîiîîriîîcl (o cure lîronjehir sait; es or the internaI orgaawliiîli liar-c pre- vion0y affliahîl thic sil if tht- xnosîisuc- cessfîil jractitioîîcrs. Once hnîvli, Neyer o-nîe, Fut ii-îii-t~' i [ii-, în il-.suilMa i ith a l i , itttîî -t jil il t-! -r- t - NEW ADVE RTISEMENTS. NOTICP.--t"'LO$INb1 BitSJNE.Nf4 RED UC ED PR!C ES, v - i - i S/o< 1i lk/o V I i I, lai Iî lel '?I, i tiit, W - ti i a li. ti-- tek v",- i il A pi'-' ii- nP to ai iie t iiî t, tî I l, ai 11 le i Yi il 1t- il i1l l i tIit(i~lt V ~RI), '(IZINEl Uit, d~e. I l \lli-P-.iî \ iii il-.i'l- il' I 'i trîîî-.îtîî- '-îtî-î- lii t--t! - i r -uit, h - i *.~.t,, -it,. t t iii hi, i , i - lt--tii-, -i - i -, t i A 2 iii I il i-~t- ltr~- i i ti titi iii - '-t7iiîîîlîiîîîi.t- Ntiîî-ri I t i - - -l - 'i i - t rît -.1 il- t i ~(f t îî x îîî~î;î~-s -tr a ti ilonrlte ifor iot nîti oî f i 1wr,-n(.- 1 - v 1 I'1t1 -ti n t ýf r et '- eUînis. 11 .1 x\MîÀLA1G. MWbazinf or..îpteflbr, Iv-h - 2 ; , 'M îl v e a- seldioturetand iatr-li-usrit lin At the___________ tnaWorse ta.Ce tItante aise ctthis ititIier-t I>JLiN 1,- i6 1 Y\N F iTî N'T> N %Tllclaislitlie i'ihe lic. sa-siti«ilp it, AUC(TION IIILLsv waL ite " rin extrinef Iarttti-.iol icîi- î .itt-lir '-~ ~Prtiîtdnt Iteduced It: n-e.. ira Pbifl t xtrtn."WHitie istt tSînart's Drain Tikes, All Order'. bvPost liipily-ttîtiidla guislied author ivito wrote ttiàs gratitus - llIititniitli- lii are p- rtîi.rvci t .i.r(,- [et - W ork rettlr--ed li &tuti or Mtiti "p:htpernttlis ta asl% reslîectftily it i t'- ttPiieîitîlilî y& Coecieso(U uaraxitt-î-d. -~otnplatiat i JtI>LA NI)JrliI;-1/bE ) TH E., J- whether if £80 divided antg three alie Fo it tm iil îîl lîtrIr niiir --i,iiil iîst- tiTiit~tS. .SNI. i .X - à ayi-qto, anti for wlich more thrta't îenty toit-i triis-îi- ('11iit î~ t-iiiît ~ IVTtlIINI itiai ipersons eempeted, itfil<, it-etiterlI-lLO lt BJT, titt, rttt ict--:f:tiAVN ilAi.- ttie axtul of £160 given bv te Province lfor Nos.î<- 1 ..i ~tii--i~iiIliitt i iilîrtAîtîiîttiii-t--i- i the ftrst Prize Ess ay on Canada, a lucre -c'cci- .î-..Vrl -rc îtî.-~î ~li - comtpilation, suas net tobe ,u(rhP - --- J iii'r-1 t-tF ti t ii' a - t. IILACKsMUrU IVANTEl>. - AGiICUL'rURA LD P.M NI Me look upan t eashopijulsîign anteng us Dollar-Worshipperm, tttmore titan JT luELUS il ilNELIS, tei îîîîl sl-isbvrk JJIIA\VE t1ii. t ct-r t-io l 1iî-î. i- Tirenty well-edueaîcd geutiemen coulil bc t- a n,tiiI is-ivrîtik iiît iitittus i ---ti. d. 't.Pa1t1 ru i-f -f 1,A fiund, who fer te lionour o e t h ing- lii ttîlibIiiiîi-.- iii tIi- itlt slc- cl-irtîv :-i'i'e. t1~ raLlier titan tise profit, were silling te de- iTOIR E N T, Ai-, NLINING*XS - vote înuch time and labour te an investiga' A T ilRiLUS -~xLt,î i4ni t' o mbened M & tlon of most vital importance to a cotnttr'u- fiii-iîî.witt tIl eti toi1w-Ba-siil.oîn e~igMcul whlh row n thigiut s-eat ad u-lt- eti iiiet lut t-i .ttfl l iiitruit-lts. Tbis ciirîl-l iîiiiit'iit . --ails ii a single year's fallure et titis cropuouid re- JOIS BELL, i'ilge ciiiliariswi i asta J-rut- < i iiittt el-J. G. Bowps --'tntsi-infiii'iititî-Ctî-icuti -peat acotnfrt toknew tisat w cias-e a ciass Wil>Stitîîl 1, iS2a1î ttit-u e M ùiii,(IN e--al it- 1'ù iii tue- tv of'writerm above tise standard of penny-a- LIIS A'EFUD t II)the ttii4ii'i arc ttiw rcady- fîr i ,,,,c- t iia tt Thse conditions and reward for tise Essaya s I euI Iîa-, Eiirl turisiâ"t td 'i nît-t- iii it.% etlte Vie F îîîîtîbrî - -Ite day lhitst il Laditic - - duqliigs, Brock S were wal knowfn totiie wuriteris nontbch- I aîck thtl-ct-cii iiît. The, iiuincr (I,Iveiî- oi- iai --.Wîti iror thuir labours comuencet]. -7'ùTiec ense Ofitalt- isîîr!siîeîîclŽî n- îsiuîtlg 24 1.I>V js iB C 'IPBELL IIîf tI Q ItI ill jadiau l'Niws. ;.3i GRtEAtî rt 5 ___unL T I ê&, LAST 1 tXSL Seventy-two sitips carrying about 24,000 ITLTIC Mm tbve pçon despatched te Itadia.- R W& ST T N Th Iudan mail arnîsedt Treste onthe T R Y T Il E, IN BOWMANVILLE. hwithb Bombay' Juiy l4th, and' PENIT-JENTIARY IZOOT AND SHOE cut.La July 15h.1.)elii ltad net fallonto STORE, th 7th Juiy. The rebes lited made B10CK7 STRLEET, W'IITBY. 1 sortIes -but cit tise suere rcýulsed L BARI> & C<, 'll,ÀNTEIZ retîtru thankit thgatolughtr. Tise ity )as report- Hl lor lue 1'nge mliarc-<fîpatronage wit wIîicli ýs obe full of sick anduu-ounded,and chaio u- is- t 't-ord .it jonn t ie 1 1, 'taatrhpoperv ving tti'ii-iitd aboie- e tobu)islisnetît in ilta- Towniof Iitta.- j? Townuin od bcSain ufbe d Itioed prevaiied. Ileinforceenctts centinued Whiie tongs IlîY it-tuldiditbiîte tîitt tîev il ota, 0a1th le greund, on ng thse Britishs camp. Further mutin- iat tbrciiilahrge adlditionus te bite-ftr Fa fi in evealdisrits aveben rpoted ad Xiittstue ocf Lxdiestan iid Gcntietts Tuesday, September 8th, 1857 Romby ad ~adra reimets rmai- -Boots and Shoes,..kl Plana et whhhlave beetît pabisited and crin Il e Boaba an'MMu rgîmntsromin-as Weiu as a large ssppy manttfaebaired under aeen and proecradattae oZoio of te subenibe, loa.The. Pmà tsub continued quiet sg Iheir perscîtal snylbe ncce. _ T»SGl< WIZ1 bqtia Aea4 ai etTLE.'cloc-. Geit Va~ Cobiadt tad ttaked Boots, Shees, S'i ttibers, i&e., in TRS.-Ooveh fts pîoiseteî Ge, an orladthd ttcdvanlety snd styte. a 1 iltbitey 01:dowe, eragood endonad1obt ttre-e tiaotit «Me-oaapetly~ roubed the insurgents infllc- Wle a d Iiota'l. Ccttntry cumtomersare sith buteret. The remainder In lite eqci dearîen se!uy eae u)fo te-ove -ii aicly a,îr itae sale et'fte Tow-tî]-e ea. W oodiiouse,igu im oný ecy enceOf ladies. ithe résb f thab'vaiable uroîirtywll o of eiruhMthu rebelon at Aurongzebad. No SECONI) I'ICE i11 fer Sale consisthutr of a block eof iAnd,tir Int*ellgence husi been recoived of the mu- WliMAgttf ,15. ~ wtii ieCekbs, ftbu ~y@~bebrop l vrinssetins MNE T IVJST -TWENTY ACRES. uny thetrops i vaioussectons MONY T INVST, And of a inagnilice-nt FaMfred4ting tac lte utcà -The whaolo of Oudle iad risexu, but-Sir H. of laiîw1îy, and. exteudintiatlte "rute th, 0 geabePaper téfort dateitt' 0F ABOUT ONE IIUNI)RED AORE.S,ý tThornar a* atlag repotezttof te capture -G. C. COORE, -ua , ~ bu* l.7 w. wolly unilbe. Office Of S . lCsanplxai, Foiquier, larrîstýr at Tlepuroparties avi1lIb. aoldta crdii of;i orctane Ilbut thTarere wrolwy bec,, ,equirng any pM ct t Lsepà T- 7ý" correpondnt thiinks i ae latariHalTo bet. 11 eltase money1 outil bie und Of t-be.tiuue, reseutus ingeniy the antcrestt iaif-yeary; Or at acredi' ifo f tbe Insurrection hua passed. The-- tifls'cYcaru, feà r OneOalff tbe ptrclaacicneO kWotb r g-nnotso serious as t« - M ow, n xSICAL orte-tbrlil, l th DId ICLTTJfONdt atrs nafora'ftd. fothote it' lb hauqsIn l-irase biis property, or tli RIE Snlîecriber thaal 'îfor thseJIberl %, - Towa ~it t iBonlnt itt-à fone o th %for tiioua *B~OlS P8818*. t etede4 te uts ndarie bis residene es la wt founlauîs.h nd suj' fbsttiai tn À 1 dîspathdted on the. iSth Ubnta oýîi4 ýwzbad earoudngCu - gsasnd a rear ceuty--n 10dk yoâAx - ty, t hai, lanow p 5earedtrcianlf(I-ia nl -ns ooia" nb tioua number Of PPil nt bis reaidae i jVý" px» 1y ýt&Win te n a Stmi.Insruction given o te mdT <_Xa Y tw t»Ici gaw tar-Piao, Melodeon & allStriInS itrnnjet$ na- f îonthe1 I 4e . 11 douv p i lue etticien tit i. t-l'-ce1 Scun- 3Con, RA 1 IA M*ý:, ei,__ ee"'