productions added te our Railwa traffic. was inevitable that the elected should be Inspection or Prisons. y Prosperity, progress, and all the benefits compelleil to follow tlicir example. The of civilization attendant upon Rallway resuit was the formation df a nuiv govera- vie couritv Colancil at its late specîal ing party out of the frii,,IwtiL,; of the two session adoptell a meinorial to Ilis Excef. communication would follow the advance c encral praving thà t, old parties which hall belen broken tO lëncy the (;overitor G_ of ".steatn's triumphal car," and a thou- picces; moderato and sensible men unitin- Robert J. Guifin, F!stluire, e D., of this sand unimagined benefits ensüe to the for that ptirpose %vithout anv refèrence f. ratepayers of the County of Ontario, when their previous action on Subjects of le-is- town, ma.v be appointecl one of the new botind to-e lation which, being renioved' froin 'tlie Inspecteurs of Prîsons. Dr. Ctunn would . ther by the iron bandsI of Rail- orena, %vere no longer in question. The bricig, iiiost qùalifications to ail way communication And what W'ill it Clear Grits affiected to believe, that in the thé duties of the office. flis experience as cost us to obLain all this ?-once more a space of thiee years they built up anottitýr to bc petieiy iit Me pound! No-not leven so j party sufficiently poverful Il gaqal qurgeon and the valuable suggestions %viien occi).ý;iori otfered, to seize the rein.5 oïo malle by him frôni tinie to time for'the im- much, as bas been already shewn.> Look- the Governuient. The clection which proveinent of courity 1,-aols,-atid priîýonqtJUîi_ iner at the Railway project in its very presents itlzelf stiffices to prove te %vhat cipline, ils ample evidence of this; while £.,;Pect, whù do we find ? Il the Raitroad l' tri extent they liad deltitled themselves. bis in qu'ther respects is undeniable- docs net yield a re-turn in the shape of di- Men, on whoin they hall vainly cAtIctilated, ý1 rect profits of a single cent, the indirect 1 are futind in the ranks of' the Güyern- The course i)iirsue4l by the Countyý Coun.ý ment. A great deal of the surprise ex- cil is 'une calculated to, give general satis- profits are beyond calculation, and the presseil at this restilt, we take to lie mere faction througli this coutity. cotinty has a splendid property in thie work rttre(ýýtation. l'lie leaders of this Caction itseif -which if it (Il(] happen te yieltl un wliq) were itU-iiiptiii(r -to contrast a party, 1 1 Fail of Delhi. actijal profit tire first year or two. or f1v, 1 to bc tised in their servire, cx-)til(l iiot have yearg, (jecided tlierlls(!Ive.,; ; linil thvy -inii,ýt riov J)etiioti.;tratioiis have taken place far and that they have also fail-ýd to wille. throtielà ejut the piiricipal citieâ of l'lie ripponents of the iltlillviv 1fy.laiv -14-cvive the 'l'lie I)ellli (if CIear M 1 ( Jler Ni.tjesty's dominions, in celebration of will, '10 (li)ljljt, use every effort te) frustratu 1 Gritisin has virtufilly been eoirrenderel 1 ILS Pti.Ssage. lit tlio of tileil. op- without a l'hot been fireil. After thi', event- ý It iýs rio dotibt an important tire, rVýi9h:itl(jn of' Mr. Burton arid Mr. one towards the niaintenanle of British 114).'itioli we know tlit-tlt te t.-ik(ý bolet anil inake lise of every Magill, llve- are %výirr:trlteil iri looking triton rijk, il, Jnaia. Delhi was thù-ýreat strong- Lire ili lliiiiiiituii already (lu. 1joj(j of the IlltltilleeV a lid wîth its eapture (if are illents clvU; in their way- cillv(l. Of Lite the What arc- lit,- pro4purts of C-1quar firitistii 'tlie rubellion înay lie ë(insi(lered as crushed. inetits brouglit to light liefore,.l lit lailii)tg)n, it.q elleif The capture or Delhi -ili the face of tliQý i fr-011) elli elicolinti-l' ()VI-.rvlieltiiitig d;fri,-.Àities wîth which the utry Corninittre in tiiis Country, and the ; vvitli the ilidi-liarit gaze of, bis railron' d( reiià iiý.tnt of the British arilly in fndia was .ýf,. ('liristie',i Chance (if re-el(.-t-tiori is by il) the I*riit.,--l llw e l'tell tlie rio ineali-i te>(, iiieiitt-ed, speaks lotidly in favýr of the vaý' s in-14 ilp tel tb(_ý tire, moral mjjj tire v iiir of tlic B Ji soldier. U-h six tel ý,-jwratc- litint-If fr(,Yri tlie %viil, (lays of' tiglititig did a handful of ziz-, of tlio ratep.iý -rs by ttit-ili. file. haï been rc.,ortoll to wý; mi hicli lie Ilitel F)(!eri tllrown into brave nien pvisevere to victory . , a-linst an fi,;Liri5ýt titi- Coli ', f rijri; or] 0 ýir. Vidov and Mr. -tlnriiiin; viieiiiv of. stren-th and te) lin (il)( 1) rijl)ttlre on tliv Similar argilitw»rit.-ý slj:tll th- roiititl,,o tire treuelierour, Sepuy bc %v;oitiTlg in tile.. illo'-titlis (if ille :11ri it iýý iiIý1oriI)ii:ý that Y r. Caritiv, mrift front tliv lie;i(l qij:irtcr.-ýý THE NEW 'V BROCK STREEn ?, Eau and lubaýreu»a 4w ery rt.#Pett, tile larj(ýt _ ttl)duced t(; the T, ýý,A ri,, ý eirerything isi 04e 1 ý ]ýno9. CxtrýUan French' Delà î né Plgidà , I)rf-.f,4 pirkre. Jin a wé'-, rare Itantv abundant )Ir. Davw meen Uý Ix_ý fuliv WM lem y a hupeb, Tî Ahtnent, i,,, il . it IIMV be, tlat f'Ir tvt Rltlel4s-a Relling 211 tes adwme fa À Urcait vit OUCÉ, -fil Once Kuovzt, N'el, bis (Mr. Gibbsj ipteriticti not to take up Storming and Capture of Delhi. commanding officier, Major Reid, of the Sir- NaMes of Kilted and Wonnded, the tinic Of the COUIII %vith ()tic, Word i M)OOr battilioii, is among the wonnded of New Advertisements this week. front him- tfpon the subject, but for the. Proui t!lc, 1'im -* C'l the day; but on the iiortherii side of the The fol]Oî%'inly telograin was received ILI, J. Maedonell. manner in wli*icli the question h1d been Borribiiv, (-)ctobei- 2lôrd. city ail went on iveft The troops entered thO FOrIrifyn' Ofliee Ithrough the affairs of Railwav Bv-law-If- brought up. lie (Iesiî-e(l no%,- 1 A t lengtli 1 ain :I to annotince to Voli nt the breaeh %vith no serious opposition Iriilia), on the 27th October, at Io go A.m: Noticein ùre(litoilsJaTne.,î Pringle. te recela hi$ Views alloI viuw.,i-bf those the fait -evoited caljiull. of satilted on the niornin*g of Ball Cards- elr & CO. of the 1 \ortli and spreading te the left and right oceupi- Delhi ý%'as> l'iggins, 11ayerholTe ChOF;e tp ï(ne with Win Illitoil the lire- 111(li:i, or if that appelation be ed the "%vhole Hille of defences fi-oin th, Seliteniber the 14tli, and the northern part Alteration of Trains-G. T. Railway. sent motion. It appetired te hiin that at lot stricth, corre(t, of -the ancivilit chier i Water bastion to the Cubul, gate and bas- of the ci(y tak-en. On the lew, the lùng- N'otice-rt J. Carin. overy meeting of the Cotincil flic sclicitie (*itý, of tilt, ýIoey failli- tien, the Englisli Church, Skintier's azine was stormed; and en the 020th the Notice-Robert ILiiii.4ale, got better and better. lie reinembered 1 eii' 0111 in whiell a house, Farni for sale--John Tennison. .4 soliliery 11-1 (Ili, re-errocet tite and the grounds abouL" The principal Whole city was occupied. 'l'lie King and when the first Rýtilj-oad meeting was held throite of the (le,,lceti(laiit of suýl;tltiied by the aseailants was ]ne to his sons escaperI (liý;gtliâed as ivornen. Special IL DII -itwils Rt Broolilin-%vlieil it ilillis then Briller. Delhi il, once more in the obstinate res'ist-aiice they met livith in if lie at tuel, un the l4th was made m-ith S. D(,,n.ililsori & Co. proposed to build the rItiIýoad whollv with (if file riliiti.ýil. Ont- 0. pre- elearing thoeir way along the raniparts to four coltituns, one or whioch, collipo.qe(j of Itunîtîpal Stoel(. and NI Ille Illore II tllý ired, the Cubul and afterwards in ai, nt- was rep LII emilli lie de, the Cilshineye Contingent, -ere sitc(ýessful. An ainount VI it M'Lis 01VII -tittell il %V0111d rjoI part 1 to tile dawk colyolIiiiiii ation tt-llll)t to perte!rate beyond titat point into the other ctýluon., lie tiocessary te vaise. 'illey hall Lit- flic denser parts of file rity in the direction elitrance %N'as first effuctedat the Cashmere lit ' m1tjcýil.V ilitel ël"d conte dowli to £100,0011j, alid in Ortler tI lioreL flod Mooltati, Biýf file main f.Li-tjz tir the Jtlltiri:t Mcsiid. In ail flic ]os..; t e. An advance ivas then malle along 1 millet the pla ment ofthe interest and tIitý 1 have reacilcd UI, frolli "Il ilialiy quarteril as Ã1111101.1là ted to about 5(m killedand wouzided. the raniparts to tlie ruain balition Debent ires upon this strin, the rlitep-iy t oloubt I.0la -emkr 19rq 1857, t * . - 1 tlieit the plale ki%'c officers ili-le reported to have been Gate. The -eqilil 1 il , , inate Whitbv, Thursday, No% oI of the Cotinty wili only bel i tnlted Nvith sti('('èss (In file l4th of slain ý-Tan(IV, of the Berigal itn(.f4otir Ins,; %vas roniputed at' Goo 'h- raise £11,000 por araititn, If illed , %vlivii a ltriiijtrItýiit 1,)Llgtij(.iit 'Wikiriioct, oi file laie 55th N-1tive lrifiiritl*ý.' and womided, incluIJiný fifly 0111cerm. Nir. Fareolot-ell stated il a Il zi c The lyhÃŽtbY Railivay--The County ily. ell 't'lie folloiving natiies,31iqve becil receiv- La wo, sinîlefl wlien 1!Iltt tl:ij-iii, ilio four I Ir five NIiiruiý, ofthe (iiiides; Bradshaw, of tiiii- ofity or ttýt, ratelomerq votell foi. file rIIb)whlý, aibancilis -moi ar. 52illi Èoot ; arai Fitzgorald, col the Ist Ftlsilierý,,, Calit, nt file pi-e>cýtit iiiiie t!ie%- de'erveti Iliiitililis (ri Ille i itN- illiol illai Rosse, of file 1. iirabiiieers, ýL-ijor Barrivti, .55th Native fnf,'Illtrv; Helitertalit At lerigtli the Cotinty Cotiticil have pas- t(;httve a [le %vI'Ill'i tilmilv oil ý!iu '-l ýtjj. file of tilf. -facol), (if the lçt len.":Il FtisiiL.ei-.g, am. Tanelv, EAigirivers, repent Mr. Fltrewv1t,'ý pýJcjI7 C . 1 11 sed file. the Warden to lit-111>ell mithill 111(, ovilll,, %va', il) beut(iriant ll0tiIfraý, het PIlIýi.tklh Vont ; Lieilterlant, again that if the: thil ville ii)r il, iiiu-, liq- tah-, Ilm, 1 hoI lire vettiriied lis Im% ing died of wourids re*- Voot li(-liteti.iiit Ferved to bc lot-ifli il li'alll.o;tIl.* lie lw. Il , u i de Corp, - in tlle I., c, ive1 il,ý \.et çýIIllt 1 ta, 1 w:t ,he dociltrient 1 y 11, 1. Brigadier Nielloisoli %vil> %votiliclocti Bri, Ueil- , kliew %vliv tile Railw.1v (il' the tt-,!tll il! file Iiiý Riflvý. ind fila- ScolotI rogiment olvill lie fl)tln(l publislied elîlewhere iri thil; brought (i(yývri t1if- iliit.-tIIiii ;il tIlîý (1111V (il' t1lit il! flou t*o-,.Ilttr n\ iii :lit illiolit :ift. (If file IIK.; J'f -:III, aise a report (or file proovedings the oif t1iv 14t1t, il;oi. -ti")e 1 tilt llgt olstrve vvvri Il 1) of the Coulicil Noi-hioll Nvill be foullil on the tlteir - 1 illojte. fi i, ('111V saiti that I'ndiq - Il I-»IIirIl-o.-r.ý ý II,,ý I.-Ililen he BI -Loi livill Ille. seen, bilen (Irained cil m m-m' Ilo iLI(i(" G, ililla: ialA :il :1;1 1 >";Itlk Il tilt. C,.tý in lit,. r is Il Rosi .1.4 t.) s7roure flic C/Otltlt%, l was the ttttIliv(ÃŽ. Mr fil- I-Iý a- N,>,4 011 1," IIrýI li", , Il 1 11111- 0 ýII,, :11i.1 al>i) w ith file m lloillit resolittiolis iii arovii ilit,,iit fi) tilt. :lit, iýt lit tiý 1!1,, !,1 (il ;tIl thal Illir m valroi- Ill'il Ili 1 -111 1 t T. t 4) lie S il be, cri 1, e 1, 11 è Ille ,en filI.2 01, h-Ivi ' V LI-m' 1 :iIi cx i*ltI>it,ý"1)t ;lIlli e Vel- ithout licrenfter J'r - li'lin Ilit. ru:01. li,.,v :tt in llýI flot, any fur oolillitiloil ill, tra Io ;tri 1 p j aid. Il lit. t il., vit, tiiI2 i'l, w 1% III \!,.ii. h oj 41 W :,jiý.Ijr,.ý ýt;I Joli, ,Ijtitv com ilitim it-il fo rail Coilitit v. Il' 1lI;ý, lit 1 I"t 1 lit Il 'l 1 laral i% - t 1 ':l'Il ir 4fatilliansil in file paoI on the %voifIll lk li, lit C ëoý1i1iIIIW e lit' Illu !Dý I'L' laite, jtiIýl fil,- w ail, %ilI )1:?.[ -i', ivairv ; li>,Iý-ilz.%,, toc." in thv I-I1ý,l% i,,,*i, IL ViloI -, lI (il f Il 1 lier i I ý e 4 1 Ji ef ' ;I LI i I t r Il, in 1'liri, 1 s t e o rZa i i i zI 1 Il Il of t 11 il E)l I I Ili Fi v, in en plit, IL wa> lv (À oa '!le J"P'J'It i:i, r, i% 111faut tilt Il, 1, loir 1- 1 IP 11;1 il, :-IllýýIIIj-i, r', P rI. r, t 1 t 'LI 11 lit (ýI( 1 W i W m II, ( rt. Ili oill- il 1aIjý I. l', "m iel I , loi Il lie fir't, Brubazou, t>,;,ýttlo\%-ý,iý- lit 1 lZi :ljý r tj pe: ;il Il r, -r, 1 lia . -ui I-f 1 1 ;JI ;Il vý *ýI , 1 : I ýj , ! 1 1 1 Il "' 1 y r'., c's, sh ilil lia II CI b el-il lo, , t 11 1 , V Il lit, aw l n jw l ll('41 lIril-iir( les r, t, lit, v % tlIjIIýý l-l' t1lio b Il- a lo! .'i i c ýt :i 'l-,t lie I:t I. l. o li il l. ;l 1 7u i %% !il Il L'.. :11;'l 1-:1 i sm i, C arrio, t; F. N I--i M , L) I:ý 'l lll ýII, l tc-i lit [tir X% ;!Il .I- illu IIiýI 11, 1 la rit 11 ..l 1 à 1 1 ilu of tw oIrit.N 1 iiiiet i t o. VI la 1 'u li %ol in lli"r(. thýlIj 11 A lin, lit fil(, 4 0 4 IL ý1I u!il ItIv ap G lit 1:1%Il t-, A S 0 11 lo ,il i,;It 1 ýI ý il :I Ili tir tiie f, I., liv ;lit - th lia4i C il le lili'l 1 ;1, 111 1, 1. t'lat t 1 If r' i V. a i i te i I l lit, [Ill II l; r 1 f',i- ea cli iiiil(. o it %% vil a lit'N iiozi %il' -i Ili lt, il.1-v l)(l,.ýl int'l alid track T h e iiiýitiIri flot, Ili l t q li:ý):I I):, t 'l'lie -ta il 1 t Il. I'à o i 1 t b"i Il I il :lw i lit tilt, lialo Ili V , :!I lit ,Iillit Ijý- 'Il liIý' lil:t.ýZU À Zl tilt- ta il iii, file :,.le I I.. t C.11cIi If tiw oilli, 1. ýl I t II, Illa 'i/ 1:.ý, It ttIl IIýl, IIC lin tile fail iý;Ii % iili ta 11,eilvri-trill, thII t c N ýA! PI I, rute e-,l Li.- i, l po-r il Iýt- ilr v Il Il mile i ýiII* 1 ;mil l\!;.. 'l ll, P'oI !..;ti . . .1 : Ilieli ilC -liii, 1 --il- il rI, ià 1 lcr! 11 r r I! .,À il 1 ill, rails. T he C-m ilially i.-ý 'I mtî f-liý L hall Ili, I'r y Iiv 1,*.ýIti Jý 0 u th e ýII!v Ii,ý il 1 1'l' Il 1, 1 1Y r, aw! lý:iI. fil,, l-ý in payllivlit of I>i1,IIII-1ýIt ,,It n P 1 1,:,: 1, t Il It ille r i(l til7i. la 't lit 1 t'ý,A Iie0 It-r- S lit tJýI,. le e7 Ilý t*ilrtI,, 1 I!:ivI!ý ýi, :1 11 r Cle af'il-r a Iý lor w I i IW i 1!w rt*i-ii:iii. tie,%v Il,) aw aY llvlttà fil(,- (If tlX-ý Mr: 1 in rcason %vail, rit É1IIIý;ý --ý t ýt 1 il 1 i 1 cail Iii, >Il --ililit dit, 1 'im ill'y ççotilti be 1, lit ýlY . ia t Y E ýi'lýýv -i:t-':i!--. lii iiiiý -'IiilttI, clf to 11 1 ill Ili, ý\( lit f)r fui la il 1 !1, U ý IL Ille 1\ 1ilu, lIýl!il - - :(- tIIIý :111li il'o. £ 11I's.tifI4l t lire, livli ; the J'il,- f Tijt la Ili Il lin I Not a polliiiv or if in çr 1;ýl! A l 'Il' Ille J(,.ý PIolu Iv Frailkliii all'i 11% fil.. to a:sist it ll,!*,IV to lt lý1I il il Lit,. llý,'111)lltà '%' Ili là tif (hl, ad l,ýý lit J!, tti>al le lu i If th-, niait shAl be biiiit i-i 1 '2 tilt S o. f 1 c0j , V 8 a VA Wi, Ui :1 1 1 f lit il a t %vitIl thu- aill ý)f-:ý,I p ta t * tlý,I it: t r ail 1 fi) file 1 1 ri ru! iai olerlof tîýe :ma to 's I.V. 1 71.1 ;Ili 1 -";1, v, Clo czin II obt. t,ýi lin Ci i 711i PIii ti.u Lal KiHlý, a mile for every inile graded an( awl Ilark-m-w V, 1 , lit Ili l' procpired for Lies, ýiril thiif doloI tiiir 1 t:iýIi I,'cýt d.t.% -Nt tiole jriext st(,ne olv a 11, L )0II «,r every mile of road on II the, lit ulivil Nligotiiigtiliei!Il ti', na fjIiýiýiýjI - fi-ive been Iwid and ti-IlI Ilcr, tri pr( Ili, 0 fi l\% Lallv Fr and 1) n il tron. the ass*5suient returns Jir-lillorv, di- f-lerfla afternoon, 17, il 1, ci vearos 1 il LY il. ,t.iil J- a, a Our ll,'tation (Kurril- 1b.5b iL Will be still leSS ; and in fiv ti:iv 4i7f Doouilliwi next 111(- clive) fival, iii fi Iii.-li staté of exciteiijetit, horrid words; how fi-oin tlle ûoninieneenient of the RaîlWay in M l%*.GiY ,ýs liJoveil iýl an z1fl ili to ;ts 11w: ing becollie f', k ii(;,.% il tlL*ý-t tlie it lha1 .-eý: t1je coLl ellitl-, run over a fellow. %vork-S ît would dwindle to an infinitelisi- 1 wý t 1 1. 10C> g fiai l')r til(l Eviýrv day Fonie one crics ont he has failed art of a penny. -3(,- tu a 1-1,1 mal p. But, when the ) a Ui lcolo bol-1 tri-d oi thv iiiutiiiefcrý of tlie 21ý,t Nativein- lamiler ;iian erv, se takg ri Lhu pro", acres - in kà ra,ý and the "f' tir(. faiiti v liad Iiiii-slild its [)roree(iirigi ; and fcriiie Liii Il -so ive 0. We have d1l been Of %vild lands pu -tri il tîw lJ1-igi:iýti iffýl c ii-J ii.] 9 :1 tellacit tlie pi-evioijflý, erLr14iýl ru:iiiing Je ,- %vild after nioney. Mûney lias other ilioti-anilý; of acrels of unsettléd lands th ;Il,(" of, was Vel-y rififi- 1,euir tliv ;.If;l %ve have worshipped, and it il, the as QIJ mini fil IIýe 1 ýý %ýý ed in County, togrether wîth the immense TI ;ýl 1'1!ii. 1'.'t> aiiýl 14it, !i,ý, ,I> tftiat himir the Jour couilfaiiies of the 2z,,[ wouid sc-eiii as if Providence had stepp urisettled te-rritor " north of this County, ffl tiw Reg t,) put an end to this %vorst than heathen y ýilIle:lt arrived on the frroiiiiil, of ý.extendin- along the shores of Lake Huron Ji the C01111-11-41 prisuners on thf-ir custoin. Perliaps' in the econ,,iiiv of (,'od*s lfî,f,- lu-.1 flaril, -harries, esilortefl lfy a providence it is wise that reversés ishould in -all of which a Railway rayst opeà up to th I)Vllizil to ý!f: 'il fro'n tiiiii. lit JAà -t:v:ý il iirider an oflicer. . l1reseiýtlv come inankind to eut thoin thinking i to settlement--+would have been brought th t'IlL. Callle the Natic Illientry, t1len the about soniething ilifivcti clai df) ýýo Ili, besides this %%-orlds 1 lit and madeý tributary to o ' ur trade, el' il, î lnd Iloi-se Artillcry -oods vi-ho knô-.vs ? It is well it is no a tu, iii!ff jj;jýl 14th Native lafantry, a 1 c %vhat Part of' pfenny, in the Pound, Ji,;) a P, 11W, pri-ý,)n4,rs vi-ère illeil talien of i ý lil'.. thkl %vas !; out Of %vorà ýe. Suppose mie vrerc affficted nitli tii(2 c ks-lit 1111-ilpon 'Pir ali(); 11 tllfý_g1I;lrrie.sý and their naines calleil over demily disease that tivas strayin-, over the can wo imagine' will Ille required froué the Ca -ýalIt palli IJY llitil loi ,Ucurin t!lfýý ý,ctl- by the bri-ade-inajor, and tire fiet geven, carth, talà ig away by hundredb and thou- ratepayers ? And this is arf-guing as if the th gý anil froni tho iviio were corjd-,tnn(ýd tu be hulig ivith thi. sands of our friends aiid relations. , We railrl we (et ti)(! Nlioree lire to yield no revenue the whole nt a -ri ýL'f tli'ý flil's îat') %viiicil 0:11 il- .1 ligiit gli:i orjtm"(> at ot!ier three condemneil to be blown nWa had better pray te avoid a visitafionof this - at th b, - Y, time. Who wpl uddertake, to say th e the Couricil haf] filicti lit the là ý4( roplied t,) l'If, lival;f, silfft lik;,L vvere marelieci to the . rear of the galýpiv.,q, Izind, for Nvlio k-nows how zoon such a when flic ý l, G)ýnïiiitteu. a rim'l' 1 i vc 1 g ý 0. 1 ilr) it. At tire rit. 1IL-1. (,ýI(1 j)r I)et%ý«(-,(ýn tiroir late reréîinent and that croc- calautity niay foIlow. Railway carniffl may net be sufficient to in oi, tire jjjii,,ltl', 01v %v1)rýs tire Water bation liad sifflerred tion. 'l'lie court-martial and sentence were --------- pay the debentures and interfest on thit th tire Çýi0tJ1Y' lits extreLlIk! 111 unt then read in Etiglith by the brigade-major TuE INDI-STICYOFI,\DtÀ.-IVhatevermay £100,000? have the autborîýy'of gen cé this amo QJtý 4)f Iris OIlvil I)Oçiiet, rail zinu waý il;>. rinila litriit ;,fin fivilicil and ablY tt-.t4sl-,tt.,t-d in un audible voire. b PoS9ésýing an extensive ua,ý t- lils ccnsw-ing Iiiig fur [lis negleft D r, y bc the turbulence of - some classes of the tlemen acq in ofir battpril', hall belcni Major (;ol&4tiiL The seven prisaners fo an 1 Iill e Hindous, and the indolence of others, it is ance.-With R&ilýray mattem at home, and -re Cie iIk.,)iieiit ior t!le as.,,anit 1 the scafllold würe fleure thon marched up to' de iliv-iliber.; '01, the coulicil, exi)reýSscd tileil, 111-affvia', ncýifr, Gulieral prç),nitiplte(j 1, its steps, and ascended witlioutniucha,ýsig- certain that there tire sorne in India per- abroad that lit Time and again, the -Gi wisib tu i-eirn;»Iil..îct _thu Cou l»Y Sigilicer, in ali excellent oriler in vi iii (,»Il lie tance. One man only spoke when on tbe h 1) ' roposed loc#t of the Port Whîtby and (lu Cori:-' of tire I)CW ýi-lliçli tht- ilc ii(lud liztrliý- reaiinfi the tr0opý,; of drop. lie stated, -, it was his first of. twentf years t e in unt of the products ýnY1,ÉtL.r lia'i bcun the et illî lilliv'l'i-s theil. olli- of others countries lconsumed in 1 ndia bas Lake Huy il-way_ lias bean cotnpared ,Mr. Clirrie, CI, tirailla of the Staniling ccr.,; and coiiirkt(l,!.s, ris %veil as their %vive.ï fonce and it Was no UK, lianging him ; lie incrouseil froni $20,000,000 tu $85,000MOI with ot4r ioc"al«tý'es, in wbich similar lines wl 0 had done fourteen years' nokrie?' The Conitiqittec oii.ro411.s and bri(leý«i (Nviio and ciiiltlreii, to ni and her native proichiétions hafre. more than of IWilway exiZ Uý M love theui in the deadlii ropes beÃŽng adjuqted after soine little delay, , ând the result-taking pýeseiitcfl flic rejJ)1) wétý4 liversu to dis- Ni) quarter should bc givený the culprits being faced about to meet the kept parce with it Eyery nation wbich theextent ef the lino,-population within wi turbing it, and Oppia"d the motion. The the iiiiitîneurx; lit the fý;iine orne for the gnye of thoir late corps, the signal was trades With lier 1ec-emes hier debter. In n. giveii limit nt each, side--and the natural foi motion %val, lost on ýaý division. - Ycas iý silk-e of huinaility, and t1le honol of the giveil, and the seven unforunate rîs" 1857 the surplus produce of India was Nays 0. coantry the>, belong to, he calis upru were latincheil intru eternity. It was now W ,000,000; inl857itexoceded$125,000,- productions of the country, as a buis of Pr ii thein - 000. Last year the balance 'due India for calcul Sn' tic seronduol by' Mr. Carrîc, to sj)ar,! ail women and chilliro n* thaît inny fopud it, would not do tu - blow aivà y , the _,gtioii, is ýrgely in favori of a e of movtid, Tii-it thfî (,4-ouauý'I mullloi.ià lize Ilis coule in tlicir way." ycimitiing threc in the square where the the «cësR of the exports over the imPorts Railwaythrough this Co.untyý A IUUwav L'xc,_ýllvncy the tituneral pr.tý>ijir On the iiiorning of the l4th,ý seuil atter gallows hadbeen erected, *so the brigade wà 8 $41,WO,000. The ' sp-ecie impur- Pe C, throughthe length, of this long. narirow, fm- the appaintilliclit cit Rýbert Jilo. (;kà iln. (1-rryebreak-, Lie assault took place. The wus moved off about 200 yards towards the 4tioffl, whicli mav le regarded as a sute county wouldbeias astrongback'bone bind-' X, D', as fn.4Pý-1--ctor uf lfririons. attackiiig oin MaUarfè botween the Sapper'i lines, indication of the'balance 1Ofýtrade, hav 0 columils %vere, gat,ýer "Ir , when art firmly tog cost &c-, under the recclà t.,îýctof the Legislatiire, a lutter that 1 have Seuil writienioti t'ho threc iüns of tbe - Hà rsie Artillery- were incrcased from $14,000,OW in 1840, tu Vn 'ini " j ether RÉ à n and tý1jIt ffie W4IJrýen il tid tr.wswiý the fallowing, day by an offleur' of ,,ratik in -the unlimbèred, wheti the three sentenced to 000 OW in 1856. - such statistics show be-micullated; but the thiquffld ady'antages of sain -ý Lu t! le Pruvi il icial Secrptary. -tliýrt-ied. arniy, whicla, though sliorý ià , as far as I bc blown awny met with theïr, doom. thatthere' progressive ibduotry inIndia, an which'vrould ïFiring fiNom. itsconsÙucÃœon Mr. Cur 0, seefflleil Ilodsà ný know, the-.ýonIy cuit, in uniclition of 80 late The brigade remained on the ground half. p ýeW' we.th6ý -fa' whichthe resentmutinymust affectdi& - - 1- 1 1 1 - - - > ' ed are, movel 'Plitt ju%%'t-,tt, Abriothanl a rlatoi thaft has yet iraclied Boinbay-three an-hour, during which time thebodies were iistrously. eirineill -ilimmte,ýof 01 J. Bruwa. anA Charluâ Black loft hanging, and then eut down a' d ha bu roquircol in nuaiber, ono beint, lield a.0 understand n tid- tri tq coule ber)ro tiiii Couneil at iL-j next it, in rv-4e-rvu,, Thuirostrength le not given eKI Over to the police in carts by a pnrt. the,,ymr. It *1ýUd-iùcreà o'tho value of # of A Bisnop IN: DANGM-Býhop -calodon, na inceting tu explaia their cjniluct în appro- Tho main point of assaûli waà the breach the 2nd E.L. I., who remained in t rge of Aix:, in Frà r)ce, hu, stam -#= ý;tb ý,pMpen d .-0 In se an ý bY Pený e tip tyld, Relttling priîting the âu;n ni £250 ilvhirch fîrus ap. nt the Cashmere bastion. One col Mn or-the gallows. pulpit that lie bas u thîýiîortbern towmhipsofthe,.oounltrwoultd nu ary however, colnsisting of Ghiriorkag and the We lio' e this may provo a eagm to ters threatenipz him. with the d, gm. He pýopriatvÙ by tisig council- in Ffalirii p t" ý4 those inthý0 fi=tý- !à 1ýU 1Uý;, fýr tho puri)(Jhe of boiteg expendud' t)evly arrived Jumiiioa 00 n 'tingent, was di- of their brothren who fil, a -that the' en the ";oa(IuQa brifIgu and iiîn, atndtvr rfecter-1 to make a diversi n by attacking 1 up>'ibelrrilitids which, Godeùýd qi4Ãi,5n, -6 - y rp share of *ïýýtmde of three- likeiý-- Of ,f-e1ý. ,eýr, Zm;. t4e çxiiendîturu uf whieh thov tîvAr64ýan-.l tha v à 1 1 1 1 :% 7 ul 1 ýi lai 1 [le 1 t- r, t 1 [lit i( 'i [,;Il ýt fli-1, . I \fil- 111% 1-1 ý- P ) 1Jvýrav tilv:r tj-.i-t, hope. t1o. On dito t ýI IV 1 V l l- là 1,ýl 1 11 .titýitiiq-r iiaiiif- Ive liave lieard iiientiolle'l w 1il (!rs :Iý; lik-elv to be (!:111- )Io ruttiril t1l"'e to tili- ilitiatu it)r the cf ý,otitti ()n- the ut 1hu IL-eves ;Lit 1 1),-puties S. 1,1. Faïrballi's, E.-;qý, of rutill-zied to *,Ilç,- coulitv Il tý been 1 ___ --.*. - a inatter oil the iliteliielit , What rhe CountY Council dîd ait the 7 Sperifil session. choic, ort1w gnay ( - - liiiiiientui. 'l'lie control of t1lu Laliuiý' threc týo,!I will in tlle haild, ý-I' t1il. AIqýi0,u)tIc(l 'Ivilliarn fleall 11etill-iling 4 4- of the Coulity throýIu!l thbeir ii.,,cr for Eist, Whitby. -a soi iicthing heretofore t1io lýtv Ili tite aillials (if 1%'ailliýiv vuil- again.,t Gvorge for (léstrriý-irig strurtion. The ILlanagers of tIiI-ý the bride a4-ro.ýs the Mack river. Ivilil be the ratpayers, and ilu--y an-- iiot Vot, Tý -4;7ti to fifiish the repairs 011 the 1)[11Y elitrusted tlielwNe1Veý, with tilt! ex Narro1% s peikdigure (4 the voulit.v liiit have the of :111 oflier ýLo,.kllriVfIte Approvufl ()f tile ýI(qio1I of the L ' (I.,Irltv Enzi;icer in relation to the I*albç, -e r wure tg) tIvý efflire vontroi and (,t!ttýr of the in thi, lvvol, if thý2 cclii!0Y, Exterided fige tiiiic for the corîipIctiýkii o,' -ull hy tI!,ý the c!ýtt!raý1, the S(,,,ig,)g bridge, f,,r(- thu ratepaYers. therc bu a of filivtliit.ý, %ý-ro:]" the PASSIAi TIIE Coý N-ry Bý- colinty )l% ill be at the :safý- side, or ît will 1 ()rilurud 1,oigte copies of tilt. saine ta bc have ic-ýeà 'f ta blanio. 'Ili NIr. sotýech figure i.s one which has oill' Thailked kseph Gotild, full it,,i-eviiient- tli,,jt ztlthi)ii,,Ii the earlier foi. of the b'v-lav iiii-lit have beun ýýdapteI1 .1 ik4etlei)l-ial Io the (jovernoe desirable, yet froili titc Which Gvueral for the illipointilient of R. J. Ciurin, can tiow be turned t j ace,:Iiiiit, iii c tri-viflý,' 1), a.i Iiigpector of Prisons. out our RailIvay project, the de- Ordered the - Nonquon bridge Cointriis- lay is not alto-cther ta be regetted sioners ta cotne h4ore the Cotincil, and 1 f give an accouut of tticinselves. Politicul (;Qssjp.--Clear Grit defe-at in The late Fire in Brook Strect. -The liainiltcn eluction appears wholly VERDICT OF TUE JURY. La en,-ro,-;3 the political press of our city-:' ýoteinporaries. speculations on a prolia- The Coroners Jury concluded the juives- Ae di.ssolution and general élection give ti,ý1,ation in this case on Friday night. Th(- ý)Iace to comments upon the Ilaufflton clec- followin- is the verdict. Àon. Mr. MoGill and Mr. !ýurton both -That the Pire in Brock-street and Dun- lave resigned leaving Nlr. Isaac Buchanan 11-1.',-striuet in the evening of the 31st of -oaiplete niaster of the field. vie Leader October originated en the preinises occu- iutielie,,ý, out into tlie f-j1Ioviný tiii-)ti the pied by Nfessrs. McPhefson & Searle, and (;RiT.,, and the effect of their defuat alter ruattirel considering the evidence, weareof opinion thattlie prouiis,-»s %verc The elecdon nioveiiient--i in 1-lainilton af- set on -tire by sor-ne ovil flisposed person ord a strange -cominentary on the boeisLed 1 or persans ta the jurors -unk-noivn." ýtrcII-th cf le Clear Grits. Hamilton' bas 1 * r Il. Fraser, and IV. IV. cýIdvell, leen counted the I)ellii or the Sebas1topol 1 if that faction. lit was the stron 1 gest Ofi refuseil tojoin in this veýdicý and wanted If they faile(j every- 1-to find tliat tilt-- fire ori,,,inated Ilfrom causes vhere else, they werL sure to succeed there. ;tich were the bo.uts, vautit-.ngly made use )f ess than two short 1ýoek-.s a,,O. lit evi- A mitjority of the jury by this verdict itrwe of the correctness oi- thesi., stateinents décide that the fire was the work ofan in- t was usual, to point ta the recent meeting cendiary. They did sa upon t ' heir onths iettl in Hamilton on the subject or the asjurors on the evidonce produced before Itidson's BaY Cotupany and to the resolu- them. That any jury sh6ùld.efind. itserf ions adopted on that occasion. Of ail men n the tvorld, lfr. Buchanan %vas thé one -obliged to return sucli a verdict is a gre. vhom they considered it inoit irnportant viOus blot upon the ciiaracter'of our fair, defoat. Thou-il the reqtjitriti-on pre- Town. Ev red ery citizen-of Whiibyïiq inju ;ented ta him , was Isigned by men of ail in this 'ÇerdieL Tt îs a stirrma upon the )arties, the -Clear Grit organ-in-chief 0 ývhoIe town. BeLrix so, ûIl are interested hought it Nvotild be sufficient, to brand him in L a ministerialist ta ensure bis. defeat.- findin- out the guilty party. IftheTown- rhe grand Onoifflo paid a visît _'O the Uelhi Couneil do not Offer a roward for the &4- if bis fiaction, and there held a solemil covery of the ineèndiary, *we, reýômtüend-* ,Outlëil, the abject of which was te- devise the citizens to-take thé ru.ý-ttwr into, thle, be best ineans of èhsurýng the success of r ýhe Clear Grit candidaW atý the comint, own bands. ' Offýt a rewà rd by, subscrip- ýlection. A great rally:of the faithfut was tien. Every citizen *having the intgrest nade ý saine, having came frour the disitance d honor of Whitby at beart wijl join in If Lonýdon in the west, and Toronto-in the suberibin, for's" 'a ast. Dilwordand distinion, however, made 4c4 purpose. hoir appeanance, in thé camp. Attetùpts lt recouciliation were made and repeate4, The'Canada Direct" )gfit in vain. Two or thme candîdùtesýse- insisted upon the- hônor ci defkat- We are in regreiptof un advance copy of n- N r. Buchtullan. Besi des ý the divWong theOanidaDirectory for/1857, and 18à 8. ore ore otlier dieouragiiig cirçtitnstan-' Say, all wd-can in Prai ' of We publication; îs; not'the leaà t of whieb was the long we should find cume Acient in doing it îst of influential - naines appended ta the the justice lmhich FbedspIrIted publishe ýequWitién-:eo;Mr. Buchanan. It was eý-i- bas gefirned fur he lent tha4 in spite of their boasts, the Clear t, ýýO :getwee fZ Tt is an immense Xrit.9 had no heart in, the business. Gra- t0mû Of 1 / 1 ind sixteen hun- [ually tbey lost faitb, courage and hope. dred Pagm t is a complété, Dir--ctorycf Ir.. Burton, whom the Cleqr Grits-on ( remarked in the, preface, t4 rhat authority we do net venture ta Say tide of ttý book conyeysýb d' -liad taken great pains to clairu, -abandons ut an ina equate. lis candidature; and Mr. Ma 'Il unable ta impr of thë,,infdtmatian:,'whieh wà r -A rý_. or t 11 Il v kit 1, 1 1 o ver t il rit i il, , il Fi f 1% (Ir it: i r >cq-p Thu hIMI 1 Ilý 1 of ..or It ri ici ilr.; i a 1 1 , 1 ' ilici.t ill, t1Ii,ý 11:11!road ar- titi- il . v 1 r'ril al iy of ifl vver or (-It- il-re, lýtr a., t1ilc Fý , 1) v i a t il )il rit cý ?v t 11 ; ri ve: 1 1 t ho :1 rp s iit the thv 4 pro% ilk- that be ( 1v(.ý -1 1.. If P)r ilhe N.Y. Tity vw- Fur side in Street ; G. Aý il Duel, Urgj(:k ý-tl_ le rer'taili v!rtm4_.ý are gruwill'w rn Dr. Li, j, Ille putît1il jart of onr Vv In Canada. 0e 1'z- York. NEW ADVEr FANCY BAL T uliri other 'deýer p- 1 and Imitation r-ý i Lardi or atthe ofxe, hi tlitneute-,t -Uving rate,. . ------------ REMON TRE and- Sal Fast ikide tif Bruuk > r citn be had- A 11 te call and seule il' t bq y carl plill tcb-,,vý ber lit al L 11le viet4,ry is"à ý great one, -iitu(l loy s,.litie (bllier bond tilir desvrve, '.,) )etý- commemmeaud in every illar of i , -offlidunce and respert. - ; . Mr. Vrl--ýrvlrl finlb; At a ïli.;- to ýv il, villagre, a n, 1 -JI over the fi 1'ul 1U ( ýbj,(j w(wlil whcre l1rl1!ý;h iii,ýtit!iti(ip.s are che. Mr. Wil-ii ha, lol-i ;tir oiiiilýu of p, ri4le 1, a il! Btitibll %alor à ; p E-ciýted. trt v morc tbaii tir 1 - '1*;i.ýr t1èmv1býr, %vlýezi in battle hurl'd vn(ýl1z11 All 1 -t s pe bill ls tir il il S-lialî rijýv t'je of the sea, 4 Lf, :,Tý Liult the- r ;.rï"l [);,l c. ietttct-. to tý,- worie, ;i it, iiiorl- than a Yvar :io; 1 ------ Alid 01(il tilv v luivv been i'n 1 Nuv Ilaveo received the proq);-ctu, ida tiýýt-ckiv journal which it iS to ut Prince Albert, IYN, Mr. James llul lem. The first ritimiice Io apimar this iiiriitli. It is tu bt in the of Lie 6-Arzel.$9 FOIS 1).%Yî LATi.14 Stý Julins, S. F., Nov. 11 l'lie frein 'Southamptontz was b(pardeï r,ýff Cafne 1t'atmt list nicghi, by the vacht (_-4 the associaied pre-ýsý The loit,'îi')litlianil)ton on the 4th,* ýklId 1,rilig-s Lulidon and Liverpool advices, of iliat dav. -iver 1 sen She li:L-; -1 pi.,;. ers and t400îý The, 1-Nlagara" froin Boston 21 ît, arrived at Livt rimof on the 1 st instant. 'J'lie f.-om New Yorlc 24îl4 lizvi not reache(I Southampton when the The %vill bc due ut New York on 1 or aboiit Tiiesdav inorning. 'fi by this arrivai is not of an im - portant de.scrýption. l'lie AIeIý,inin %linistry had resigned. King- F',ti).inuvl of Surdinia, had ýu',--cr0)ed 10,000 francs to the-Indian' 'l'lie tulegr a pli between DonaandCape Spartalet, roieiei-ting Europe and Africa bten cornpleted; The heaIth of the King of Prussia Was 'rite ai ÃýMpt to launch the _'Great East- eril- wns tonde on the day, appoi nted, but vvas a lailure. trial had been postponedone inonth. Several personsweteinjured, twor .Xotliii)- nev ÃŽrom India. E,),,!ati(l inoiiev market was in a depres- scel state. Cünsols, for monev closed on the - 'rd at 89 5-8 a 891, and -for the aSount of î th Decetnber, 90* a 901.- Bank itock Ivas Ypoted nt 209 a 211, and Fui Indi& mOck 2110 a 2 1 IL On the.Prris Bourse the 3,per cent clos- ed ut 86 &ancs 9'Oc for fhoney, and 67 fi-ance 2ûc for ne%ç account-. Net iüuehchane ý The gonds niziAzet ut manchester was dull and glootny. Sales 'Ãœnimportant At Leeds there was little doin& - Washington, Nov. 16. The -Secretary of War received official despatches ti)-day from COL -Johnson, in conimand of the Utah expedition, but pri- vate inivices leave no doùbt oi; bis mind ale to the tputh of the statenients enntained irf Judge Echols' despatch about the destruc- ti,ýii of the Governinent train,.q. Ge.noml S7rott ÃŽs absent froin head quar- tem, and as Colt. Johnmon's despatches go there, they are no doubt now lying in New York. the VUh expeditîonwas supplied with full piovisions foir one ym,% Lamau- thorized*to gay that the expedition will net suffer the slightest iÛconvenience from the destroved trainq, and th ' nt the force under Col. Johnson, 2000 men ail told, are in no peril %iIhat-ýverl either from the Mormons or the searion. -The administration are und& cided'w1at, course they will pursue. BiLqýe.ia has establ ished a bloc"de off the Circassian waRt sous havinr ùjvf!nîýýA Lý- . 1 66 The Yoirnz Pl forefle, in the pýrp,-»e -ir hi the vable of 'above r t the nutbor of t'. 1. JAMES TV am reqtie:ýted to prt-,ý--nt Zli ed lk*r seulement , aint n!ý the estate of tý:e 1azý jja uestôd ta erà iLDej - lky order ,i the DAIRY FAIL N THE TOW'\Zln Filth Coii.. Sixi v A bigh 4uite of on the farni - Four Good Di ms a Tever-a, azid k-ru, TEn- The Tv.ý er-li Un, be iýuet,ýN ilh. niid ýýijv t vlljý.ser, if lept lip U-Ll' For purticulars CHRO-41CLX 0 whitby, ri PAU Whcnt, 4s 6d a 4 6d a 3S 9d ; potatocs. a 2s; Barlev 2-s Gd a 3s geýe( Pir CýWt. $5 $6; Hay per ton lb Od ais; Eg-gs per (k